the use of non-standard indonesian expressions by men and

Petra Christian University 26 CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, the writer presents the findings of the non-standard expressions used in the readers’ letters of FHM and Cosmopolitan and the frequency of occurrence of the use of non-standard expressions. 4.1 Types of non-standard Indonesian expressions The writer discusses the findings of non-standard Indonesian expressions used by men deeply in each linguistic form. He presents the whole findings in the following tables, table 1 and table 2, which presents the types of non-standard expressions based on their non-standard features and the linguistic forms that they belong to. Besides presenting the types of non-standard Indonesian expressions, table 1 and table 2 also give an example of the expressions of each type represented by number, while the non existence of each type is represented by dash (-).

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In this chapter, the writer presents the findings of the non-standard

expressions used in the readers’ letters of FHM and Cosmopolitan and the

frequency of occurrence of the use of non-standard expressions.

4.1 Types of non-standard Indonesian expressions

The writer discusses the findings of non-standard Indonesian expressions

used by men deeply in each linguistic form. He presents the whole findings in the

following tables, table 1 and table 2, which presents the types of non-standard

expressions based on their non-standard features and the linguistic forms that they

belong to.

Besides presenting the types of non-standard Indonesian expressions, table

1 and table 2 also give an example of the expressions of each type represented by

number, while the non existence of each type is represented by dash (-).

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Table 1 Kinds of non-standard Indonesian expressions in FHM

Features of non -

standard exps.

Linguistic forms B


+ -i


di- +


e +








d te






ct tr



















e of

































































































Clause - - - - - - - - -

Sentence - - - - - - (23) (24) -


(1) Malu-maluin (embarashing)

(2) Dibandingin (compared)

(3) Dateng (come)

(4) Revealing

(5) Dirolling (rolled)

(6) Gantian (in turn)

(7) Kerjaan (job)

(8) Temen (friend)

(9) Cover

(10) Asik (fun)

(11) Ngelantur (confused)

(12) Sexy

(13) Aja (only)

(14) Nggak (no)

(15) Anyway

(16) Koq (claimer)

(17) Dunk (claimer)

(18) Gosh

(19) Beauty guide

(20) Thanks banget (thanks a lot)

(21) Gak norak (not vulgar)

(22) Sexy and funny

(23) Holly Valance is trully sexy.

(24) Brand loyalty bukan taken for…

(Brand loyalty is not taken for…)

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Table 2 Kinds of non-standard Indonesian expressions in Cosmopolitan

Features of non -

standard exps.

Linguistic forms B


+ -i


di- +


e +








d te






ct tr



















e of

































































































Clause - - - - - - - - -

Sentence - - - - - - (9) - -


(1) Jender (gender)

(2) Foreplay

(3) Yummy

(4) Sabaran (patient)

(5) Malahan (even)

(6) Swimsuit special

(7) Beauty guide-mu (your beauty guide)

(8) Fun and fearless

(9) Never let fear rule your live

The findings based on the linguistic forms and non-standard features are

followed by the discussion in each type of non-standard expressions based on

linguistic forms.

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4.1.1 Word

The discussion on word will be clearer if it is done specifically based on

its parts of speech. That is why, the writer divides the discussion on the non-

standard Indonesian expressions, which is in forms of words, into four kinds of

parts of speech – verb, noun, adjective, adverb – and function words. Verb

The writer found some non-standard Indonesian verb forms in FHM. The

verbs are as follow:

1. … malu-maluin aja (…, that’s embarrassing)

2. …, plus foto yang revealing rahasia

(…, plus photo that is revealing the

secret …)

3. …, tapi saya percaya (wish) FHM … (…, but I believe (wish) FHM …)

4. … karena surfing di internet, … (… because I was surfing in the

internet, …)

5. …, ada temen yang dateng, … (…, there’s a friend coming, …)

6. …, beberapa warung dibandingin (…, some stalls are compared.)

7. …, FHM memberikan ide untuk

gantian balas …

(…, FHM gives an idea to ‘take a

revenge’ …)

8. … dia turn on waktu tidur, … (… he turned on when he slept, …)

9. Apa memang FHM itu covernya

dirolling di setiap negara?

(Is it true that FHM’s cover is rolled

in every country?)

10. Mohon dikirimin dong foto-foto seksi


(Please send me sexy photos ….)

The word malu-maluin in number (1) is not standard in Indonesian. It is

one form of a dialect language that is usually used in Jakarta. In Indonesian, the

word malu-maluin should be memalukan (embarrissing). The word memalukan

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(embarrissing) is a verb because of the affixes that complete the base malu (shy).

The affix “me-kan” shows that the word is a verb. The use of non-standard

Jakarta dialect can also be found in other sentences. In number (6), there is the

word dibandingin (compared) while in number (10), the writer found the word

dikirimin (be sent). The form of these two sentences is similar. Instead of using

the standard variety of Indonesian, which are dibandingkan and dikirimkan, the

readers used suffix “-in” to replace the standard suffix “-kan”.

Besides the use of non-standard affixes, the writer also found another type

of non-standard Indonesian verb. The words in number (2), (3), (4), and (8) are

not standard in Indonesian because they use English. Instead of using the word

mengungkap, the writer of the letter used “revealing”, which is an English word.

In number (3), the words that are considered as the verbs of the sentence are

percaya and “wish”. However, the one which is not standard in Indonesian is

“wish” because it uses English. “Wish”, in Indonesian, means berharap.

“Surfing” can be translated into menjelajah and the word “turn on” is terangsang

in Indonesian.

In number (5), the writer found the word dateng. It comes from the word

datang in Indonesian. The word dateng becomes non-standard because of the

substitution of one letter, which is “a” becomes “e”. The writer also found

another form of non-standard Indonesian verb that can be seen in sentence number

(7). In the sentence, there is a word gantian. Standard Indonesian does not

recognize the forming of a verb by using suffix “-an” only. It is one of the

influences of Javanese language. The word gantian should be ganti or bergantian

in standard Indonesian.

In number (9), the writer found one more non-standard form of Indonesian

verb, “dirolling”. “Di-“ is one of standard Indonesian prefix, which is usually used

to form passive verb. However, the word becomes non-standard because the base is

an English word, not the Indonesian one. So, it is not standard because it mixes the

use of English and Indonesian.

From the discussion above, the writer can conclude some features of non-

standard verb that is found from the data. The features are:

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1. The use of suffix –in.

Non-standard Standard English

- malu-maluin memalukan shameful

- dibandingin dibandingkan compared

- dikirimin dikirimkan sent

2. The use of English

Non-standard Standard

- revealing mengungkap

- wish berharap

- surfing menjelajah

- turn on terangsang

3. The substitution of one or more letters

Non-standard Standard English

- dateng datang come

4. The mixing of English and Indonesian

Non-standard Standard English

- dirolling digilir rolled

The writer did not find any non-standard verb form in the women

magazine, Cosmopolitan. There is no non-standard Indonesian verb in

Cosmopolitan. Noun

There are some nouns that are not included as standard Indonesian nouns.

The nouns that have been found in FHM that are listed below:

1. saya ambil satu copy, … (I took one copy, …)

2. Saya adalah subscriber FHM … (I am a FHM subscriber …)

3. Mendirikan FHM club untuk ajang

events, …

(Building FHM club for some events,


4. Menjual collectibles items di FHM


(Selling collectibles items in FHM


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5. FHM radio dan TV programs. (FHM radio and TV programs).

6. … koleksi foto-foto FHM girls dari


(photo collections of FHM girls from


7. Saya beli eceran FHM Singapore … (I bought FHM Singapore).

8. … aku mewakili kantor untuk

meeting di Bandung dengan clients

(… I represent my office to have a

meeting in Bandung with clients).

9. Sampai lupa dengan stress … (It makes me forget my stress …)

10. … baru mulai membaca sejak issue

ketiga, …

(… started reading from the third

issue, …).

11. …, kebetulan ada temen dateng, … (…, incidentally there’s a friend

coming, …).

12. Apalagi saat itu banyak kerjaan. (Moreover, there is much work to


13. Gara-gara surpise itu, … (because of that surprise, …).

14. Saya mau menanyakan jokes FHM. (I’d like to ask about FJM jokes).

15. … mendapatkan voucher adidas dan

tambahan merchandise FHM …

(… get adidas voucher plus FHM

merchandise …).

16. … tidak semua kota ada counter


(…not all cities have the Adidas


17. Ada apa sih dengan FHM edisi

January ini?

(What’s new with FHM January


18. Dengan penambahan cover plastik

(By adding plastic cover …).

19. … seperti rubrik student … (… like student issue…).

The writer found many nouns that are not standard in Indonesian

because of the use of foreign language, which is English. The words “copy” (1),

“subscriber” (2), “club” (3), “events” (3), “corners” and “stores” (4), “programs”

(5), “girls” (6), “Singapore” (7), “meeting” and “clients” in number (8), “stress”

(9), “issue” (10), “surprise” (13), “jokes” (14), “voucher” and “merchandise” (15),

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“counter” (16), “January” (17), “cover” (18), and “student” in number (19) are

non-standard nouns in Indonesian because of the use of English.

Furthermore, the presence of suffix “-an” in “terbitan” and “kejutan”

shows that the words are nouns. The word “kerjaan” in number (17) is also a noun

because of the presence of the suffix “-an”, although the form “kerjaan” is not

standard in Indonesian. It should be “pekerjaan”. The rest underlined words in

number (21) to (27) are nouns because of their function in sentence. Mostly, they

act as the objects of the sentences.

Those words or nouns are included in some non-standard Indonesian

features as follow:

1. The use of English, rather than Indonesian.

Non-standard Standard

- copy cetakan

- subscriber pelanggan

- club klub

- events acara-acara

- corners sudut-sudut

- stores toko-toko

- programs program-program

- girls gadis-gadis

- Singapore Singapura

- meeting pertemuan

- clients klien

- stress stres or tekanan

- issue terbitan

- surprise kejutan

- jokes humor

- voucher kupon

- merchandise barang produk

- counter gerai

- January Januari

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- cover sampul

- student murid

2. The substitution of one letter.

Non-standard Standard English

- temen teman friend

3. The deletion of one or more letters (the prefix).

Non-standard Standard English

- kerjaan pekerjaan job

In Cosmopolitan, the writer found several data concerning the noun

forms in the expressions that were used by the readers (writer of the letters). Some

nouns are considered as non-standard. The nouns are:

1. … daftar permainan foreplay kami (… list of our foreplay)

2. … ikut forum di website Cosmo. (... join the forum at Cosmo website)

3. Thanks buat bonus Beauty Guide-


(Thanks for you Beauty Guide…)

4. … mengangkat masalah tentang

jender, …

(… talking about gender,…)

5. … seperti masalah trafficking (… like the problem of trafficking.)

6. … gara-gara membaca judulnya di


(… because of reading the title on the


The underlined words in number (1) up to (6) above are nouns. The nouns

are non-standard in Indonesian. “Thanks” (3) is an exclamation in English. It is a

noun. However, it is not standard in Indonesian as Indonesian has its own term in

expressing exclamation, which is “terima kasih”. It is a noun, because if the

sentence can be made clearer, then it will be Saya mengucapkan terima kasih buat

Beauty Guide-mu (I say thanks for your Beauty Guide). In the sentence, It is clear

that “terima kasih” or “thanks” acts as the object of the sentence. As a matter of

object, the word “jender” in (4) is also one of it. Based on the sentence …

mengangkat masalah tentang jender, the word “jender’ here functions as the

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object of the sentence. “Jender” is something that is talked about. Actually, the

word “jender” comes from “gender”, which means “jenis kelamin” in Indonesian.

The word “foreplay” should be “pemanasan” in Indonesian. It is a noun

because of the affix “pe-an” that complete the base. In sentence (5), the word

“trafficking” is also a noun. The word “trafficking” itself is not the standard

variety in Indonesian. It can be translated as “peredaran”. It becomes more certain

that “trafficking” or “peredaran” is a noun. Based on the form, “peredaran” comes

from the base “edar” and affix “per-an”, which has a general meaning as a

condition of doing something. Furthermore, “cover” in number (6) is also a noun

because of the presence of determiner “the” before the word.

The nouns that have been discussed above are included in non-standard


1. The use of English instead of Indonesian.

Non-standard Standard

- foreplay pemanasan

- website situs

- thanks terima kasih

- trafficking peredaran

- cover sampul

2. The use of direct translation.

Non-standard Standard English

- jender jenis kelamin gender

The writer of the letter used the word “jender” instead of gender (English)

or “jenis kelamin” (Indonesian). The word “jender” doesn’t exist in either

English or Indonesian. She translated the word gender into “jender”, just

like how it is usually spelled. Adjective

Based on its understanding, an adjective is a word that shows the character

of the noun, whether it is a person or a thing. From the data, the writer found some

non-standard adjectives in FHM. He also found many more adjectives that are

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considered as non-standard in Cosmopolitan. In FHM, he found some adjectives

that are not standard shown in the following:

1. … tanpa beresiko jadi nyinyir dan


(... without any risk to be talkative

and confused?)

2. … dengan gambar cewek sexy. (… with the picture of a sexy girl)

3. Surprise!! Itulah hal pertama yang

(Surprised!! That’s the first thing I…)

4. … dan sekarang jadi full variasi (… and now becomes full variation).

5. … bahwa FHM benar-benar funny,

sexy, dan useful.

(… that FHM is really funny, sexy,

and useful).

6. … menyumbang ide bagi FHM


(… give idea to FHM International).

7. … sebagai ajang gaul dan relaxing (… as a relaxing and hang out place).

8. … FHM.COM = hot. … FHM.COM = hot

9. … jangan lupa monthly poster yang


(… don’t forget the good monthly


10. …, walaupun saya telat baru mulai

(…, even I was late to start …).

11. Redaksi FHM yang cool, … (FHM cool editors, …).

12. … membuat resah gelisah, alias


(… make me sad alias stress).

13. Sweety, saya punya … (Sweety, I have …)

14. Ketika lagi asik membayangkan … (When I was enjoying myslef

imagining …)

15. … menganggapnya bahan

refreshing, …

(… consider it as refreshing…).

In number (1), the word ngelantur does not exist in standard Indonesian. It

is a vernacular dialect, exactly from Javanese language. In number (2), the writer

found the English word “sexy”. It is an adjective because it gives information

about the noun, a girl.

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From the data, the writer found that the readers mostly used English

adjectives like “full”, “funny”, “useful’, “cool”, “ok”, sweety”, and “refreshing”.

However, the writer also found a wrong use of some adjectives. They are

“surprise” and “stress”. Based on the form, the two words are nouns. However, if

it is checked based on the sentence meaning, the two words should be adjectives.

That’s why, the writer concluded that the letter’s writer might be wrong in using

the adjectives. The word “surprise” should be “surprised” and the word “stress”

should be “stressed”.

In number (10), the writer found the word, ”telat”. Based on the

understanding of the sentence in which the word is found, it is clear that this word

is an adjective. The word “telat’ is not standard. It uses one of regional dialects in

Indonesia. It is a Javanese form of language. “Telat” in Indonesian should be

“terlambat”. It comes form the base “lambat” plus prefix “ter-“.

Besides, the writer also found a non-standard adjective that is actually

similar to the standard one. The word “asik” (14) is almost the same with the

standard form, “asyik”. However, there’s no “y” after letter “s” and before the “i”.

It is a deletion. The deletion of letter “y” makes the word becomes non-standard.

From the data that have been gathered concerning the use of non-standard

Indonesian adjectives, the writer can classify some features of the non-standard

Indonesian adjectives that were used in the readers’ letters.

1. The use of English

Non-standard Standard

- sexy seksi

- surprise terkejut

- full penuh

- funny lucu

- useful berguna

- international internasional

- relaxing santai

- hot panas

- cool keren

- stress stres or tertekan

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- sweety sayang

- refreshing menyegarkan

2. The use of vernacular dialect

Non-standard Standard English

- ngelantur ngawur or menyimpang confused

- telat terlambat late

3. Deletion of one or more letters

Non-standard Standard English

- asik asyik fun

As stated before, the writer found two adjectives in Cosmopolitan. Those

adjectives are:

1. Dia tak sabaran menunggu, … (He’s not patient waiting …)

2. …, benar-benar yummy! (…, really yummy!)

The first adjective, “sabaran” is considered non-standard because standard

Indonesian adjective doesn’t recognize suffix “-an” to form an adjective. To say

that someone is patient or not, Indonesian has the word “sabar”. In number (2), the

word “yummy” is used to show that something is really ‘delicious’. However, it is

not standard because it uses English. That is why, the writer found that there are

two features that are used in forming non-standard Indonesian adjective. They are:

1. The addition of unnecessary affix.

Non-standard Standard English

- sabaran sabar patient

2. The use of English

Non-standard Standard

- yummy lezat

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39 Adverb

An adverb gives some information about the verb, adjective, or the

sentence itself. From the data of FHM, the writer found some non-standard


1. …, malu-maluin aja. (…, that’s shameful).

2. Anyway, … Anyway, …

3. Percaya nggak percaya, … (Believe it or not, …)

4. Pasti heboh banget … (It must be very crowded …)

5. Kalau saya gak salah. (If I’m not mistaken.)

There are some characteristics that can be classified based on the data

above concerning the non-standard Indonesian adverb. The characteristics are:

1. The use vernacular dialect.

Non-standard Standard English

- Malahan bahkan even

- nggak tidak no

- gak tidak not

2. The use of English

Non-standard Standard

- Anyway lagipula

3. The deletion of one or more letters

Non-standard Standard English

- aja saja only

The writer could only find one non-standard adverb in Cosmopolitan. The

adverb is:

1. Malahan, ia meninggalkan … (Even, he left ….).

The characteristic of the non-standard adverb is the use of non-standard

term or vernacular dialect. The word malahan should be bahkan (even).

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40 Function Words

Function words in Indonesian can be in the forms of conjunction,

preposition, interjection, article, and also particle. After collecting the data, the

writer found some function words that are not standard in Indonesian. These non-

standard function words were only found in FHM, the men magazine from the

seven editions. The writer could not find any non-standard function words from

Cosmopolitan. The function words that were found in FHM are:

1. nah lo! That’s it!

2. … jumlah halamannya koq terlalu


(… the number of the page is too


3. … dan GOSH! (and GOSH!)

4. …, pin FHM, etc. (…, FHM pin, etc)

5. Tolong buat situs dunk. (Please make website)

6. Waaa, … No meaning

7. Wuih, keren bo! (wow, it’s cool)

8. … gambar-gambar bidadarinya

yang mmm, …

(… the angels pictures which is


9. Student of the month page-nya boleh

juga tuh.

(the page of student of the month is


10. Hi FHM Indonesia!! Hi FHM Indonesia!!

11. Btw, disitu disebut bahwa … (Btw, it is written that …)

12. Ada apa sih dengan … (What’s wrong with …)

13. …, seolah saya lupa kalo saya … (..., as if I forgot that I ...)

From the data above, there are some variations in using the function

words. Some of them use English fillers like “gosh”, English exclamation “hi”,

English abbreviation like “etc” and “btw”. Other variation is using some

vernacular dialect, especially that which comes from Jakarta. Furthermore, the

writer also found that the readers also tend to use some particles that are usually

found and used in spoken language in the data. The use of the spoken form makes

the sentence, in the context of written language, non-standard.

Some of the data show that the readers used Jakarta particles like “dong”.

Actually, the word “dong” is already considered as standard one, as it is often

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used by the readers. However, the word which is found is “dunk”. It means that

the reader change or substitute two letters in the word. The writer also found a

substitution of some letters from a standard Indonesian conjunction, “kalau”. The

diphthong “au” is changed into “o”.

From those findings, the writer tried to conclude some characteristics of

non-standard Indonesian function words:

1. The use of English

Non-standard Standard

- gosh (claimer)

- etc dll

- hi hai

- btw omong-omong

2. The use of vernacular dialect

Non-standard Standard

- nah lo (claimer)

- wuih wah

- bo (claimer)

- tuh (claimer)

- sih (claimer)

- waaa wah

- mmm (claimer)

3. The substitution of one or more letters

Non-standard Standard English

- koq kok (claimer)

- dunk dong (claimer)

- kalo kalau if

4.1.2 Phrase

The data showed that there are some phrases that are included in non-

standard expressions. From the data, the writer only found noun phrase and

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adjective phrase, while the non-standard expressions in forms of verb phrase and

adverbial phrase are not appeared. Noun Phrase

From the data that have been gathered, the writer found some noun

phrases. The data of noun phrases were found in both magazines. The noun

phrases that were found in FHM are:

1. … sex guide di edisi Australia … (…sex guide in Australian edition …)

2. … kalau bisa water-proof dan

terutama child –proof juga

(… if possible water-proof and also


3. … rubrik girls on the sofa … (… girls on the sofa rubric …).

4. Thanks banget, … (Thanks a lot, …).

5. … membaca artikel climax control

(… read climax control article).

6. … menjadi market leader, … (… be the market leader, …).

7. …membangun brand relationship

(… build brand relationship …).

8. readers & members (readers & members)

9. menjual collectible items (sell collectible items …).

10. … tentang profil young attractive

professionals females, …

(… about young attractive

professionals females profile, …)

11. … termasuk sexual desires, life,

and fantasy.

(… including sexual desires, life, and


12. café or site café or site

13. … jadi mail of da month (… be mail of the month).

14. thanx a lot (thanks a lot).

15. happy birthday!! happy birthday!!

16. Biarkan your edition … (keep your edition …)

17. … jangan lupa monthly poster … (… don’t forget monthly poster …).

18. Dalam long weekend … (In long weekend …).

19. … disana ber-jam session … (… jam session there …).

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20. sudah in-action .. (already in-action …).

21. … mulai dengan Baywatch babes

(… start with Baywatch babes …).

22. … karena local contentnya … (… because of the local content …).

23. … tentang warung pojok of the


(… about food stall of the month …).

24. Truly a big surprise. Truly a big surprise.

25. … tentang kabar surprise-nya. (… about her surprise news).

26. … tiga hometown honeys ... (… three hometown honeys…).

27. …, jokenya pun selalu segar. (…, its jokes are also always


28. Student of the month page-nya

boleh juga tuh.

(The student of the month page is cool).

29. Good luck, FHM! Semoga beruntung, FHM!

30. Ulasan Hang Outs Godskitchen … (Hang Outs Godskitchen review …).

31. … acara sexy party-nya? (… sexy party program?)

32. student of the month student of the month

33. girlfriend of the month girlfriend of the month

34. … ditambah sexy dancer. (… plus sexy dancer).

35. … untuk jokes of the months. (… for jokes of the month).

36. … jadi letter of the month (… be the letter of the month).

37. … sudah sold out, … (… have been sold out, …).

38. … melihat Lingerie queen … (… see lingerie queen …).

39. … covernya … (… its cover…).

From the lists of data above, the writer found so many noun phrases which

are not standard because of the use of English instead of Indonesian. Almost

all of the data are included in non-standard Indonesian noun phrase because of

the use of that certain foreign language. However, there are also some of the

noun phrases which become non-standard because of the mixing of Indonesian

and English. This can be seen in the words “thanks banget”, “ber-jam

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session”, etc. Generally, the kinds of non-standard Indonesian noun phrase


1. The use of English

Non-standard Standard

- Sex guide panduan seksual

- water-proof tahan air

- and many more

2. The mixing of Indonesian and English

Non-standard Standard English

- thanks banget terima kasih banyak thanks a lot

- local contentnya isi lokalnya its local content

Besides, the writer also found some noun phrases from the women magazine,

Cosmopolitan. The noun phrases are:

1. Thank you, Cosmo! Thank you, Cosmo!

2. … untuk ‘Swimsuit Special’ di edisi


(… for ‘Swimsuit Special’ in August


3. Thanks a lot, Cosmo Thanks a lot, Cosmo

4. …, saya mendapat tote bag cantik … (I got beautiful tote bag …).

5. … bonus beauty guide-mu. (… your beauty guide bonus).

6. … dalam bonus beauty guide: … (… in beauty guide bonus:…).

7. …buat fun fearless female, … (…for fun fearless female, …).

8. … artikel man manual, the naked

bartenders …

(man manual, the naked bartenders in

January edition …).

In the first sentence, there is a phrase “thank you”. It is not standard

because it uses English. In the next sentence, there is a phrase “swimsuit special”.

This is a noun phrase as the head of this phrase is a noun, which is “swimsuit”.

“Special” here modifies “swimsuit”. In number (3), “thanks a lot” is also a noun

phrase as “a lot” modifies the noun “thanks”. In number (4), there are two nouns,

“tote” and “bag”. Although both are nouns, they can form a phrase as when they

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are used together, “tote” modifies “bag”. It is also the same with number (6).

“Beauty” and “guide” are nouns. However, in the form of “beauty guide”,

“beauty” modifies “guide”.

The writer also found some noun phrases which consist of more than two

words. It can be seen in sentence number (5), (7), and (8). In number (5), there are

three words that construct the noun phrase. “Your beauty guide”, with “guide” as

the head. In number (7), “female” is the head of the phrase “fun fearless female”.

In number (8), there are two noun phrases. The first one is “man manual” and the

second one is “the naked bartenders”.

Most of the noun phrases mentioned above are included in non-standard

Indonesian expressions as all of them use English rather than Indonesian. It makes

those phrases are non-standard. The non-standard Indonesian noun phrases can be

classified as:

1. The use of English

Non-standard Standard

- thank you terima kasih

- swimsuit special spesial baju renang

- thanks a lot terima kasih banyak

- tote bag tas tangan

- beauty guide panduan kecantikan

- man manual manual pria

- the naked bartenders pramusaji bar tanpa busana

2. The mixing of Indonesian and English

Non-standard Standard English

- beauty guide-mu panduan kecantikanmu Adjectival Phrase

There are also some of the data that are included in adjectival phrase. This

kind of phrase is found not only in Cosmopolitan, but also in FHM, the men

magazine. The phrase found in FHM is:

1. …, misalnya smart and sexy … (…, for instance smart and sexy …).

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This kind of phrase is included in coordinative adjectival phrase. “Smart”

is an adjective and so is “sexy”. They are combined by the word “and”, which also

makes the two adjectives become a phrase.

The writer also found a similar form in Cosmopolitan. The phrase is:

1. … makin fun and fearless … (… more fun and fearless …).

This kind of adjectival phrase is exactly the same with the one that was

found in FHM. It is also a coordinative adjectival phrase. Both adjectival phrases

are non-standard because they are using English instead of Indonesian.

4.1.3 Sentence

In forms of sentences, there are some data that are considered as non-

standard Indonesian expressions. The non-standard sentences that are found in

FHM are:

1. It’s so exciting can join the world of FHM.

2. One word for you, absolutely surprising.

3. Welcome FHM Indonesia, be the first and the last forever.

4. Once again, welcome the hottest magazine in the hot country.

5. Brand loyalty bukan taken for granted especially in this era of unlimited


(Brand loyalty is not taken for granted especially in this era of unlimited


6. Don’t forget the annual calendar.

7. Last but not least, plz pay more attention to details.

8. Hey guys what were you thinking

9. Did u expect us to butchered the babes?

10. Well, who says being a leader suppose to be easy

11. FHM Indonesia will live up to the challenge, won’t you guys?

12. Thank you for the perfect Fifie Buntaran.

13. I hope FHM Indonesia won’t be a catalogue magazine.

14. That’s mean very useful to me.

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15. Holly Valance is truly sexy.

Almost all of the data above belong to non-standard Indonesian sentences

because they use English. The writer found two different types of non-standard

sentence. First, the sentences are not standard because they totally use English.

The second type is non-standard sentences because of the use of English and

Indonesian in one sentence. It can be seen in number (5).

Furthermore, the writer also found some data on non-standard sentences in

Cosmopolitan. The sentences are:

1. Girl, you are really worthy.

2. Reach higher and higher.

3. You helped me a lot.

4. Never let fear rule your life.

5. You’ve helped me a lot.

6. Your next target: get a pay-rise.

All those sentences are non-standard because they use English instead of


From the analysis and discussion above, the writer found some features of

non-standard Indonesian expressions that appear in every linguistic form. To

make it clearer, he presents the types of the non-standard Indonesian expressions

in the following table:

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Table 3 Features of Non-standard Indonesian Expressions


Features of

non-standard expressions



Base + -in √ -

di- + base + -in √ -

Deletion √ -

Non-standard term √ √

Substitution √ -

Adaptation of foreign language - √

Use of foreign language √ √

Combination of Indonesian and


√ √

Use of unnecessary affixes √ √

From the table, it can be seen that the features of non-standard Indonesian

expressions found in FHM are the use of suffix –in, affix di- -in, deletion, the use

of non-standard or vernacular term (dialect), substitution one or more letters, the

use of foreign language (English), the combination of English and Indonesian, and

the use of unnecessary affixes. Most of the forms that appear in FHM are also

found in Cosmopolitan. The features of non-standard Indonesian expressions that

are found in Cosmopolitan are the use of non-standard or vernacular term,

adaptation of foreign language, the use of English, the combination of English and

Indonesian, the use of unnecessary affixes.

From the data, the writer also revealed that the features of non-standard

Indonesian expressions that are found in FHM are more various than the ones

found in Cosmopolitan. Furthermore, the writer also noticed that there is also one

feature of non-standard expression that is found in Cosmopolitan, but not in FHM.

The feature is the adaptation of foreign language.

From table 1 and 2, it can be seen that the features of non-standard

expressions in FHM appear in more various linguistic forms than the ones in

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Cosmopolitan. The writer could find the non-standard expressions in the forms of

verb and function words in FHM, but not in Cosmopolitan. Furthermore, the data

also revealed that the features of non-standard expressions showed up in every

linguistic form more often in FHM than Cosmopolitan. However, the writer also

found out that there were not non-standard features in verb phrase, adverbial

phrase, and clause.

4.2 The use of non-standard expressions in FHM and Cosmopolitan

The next question to answer is whether men really use more non-standard

Indonesian expressions than women. As stated in chapter 3, the writer tried to find

out whether men use more non-standard expressions based on the total number of

non-standard expressions that both men and women use, compared to the total

number of sentences in each of the seven editions of both magazines. The writer

used sentence to represent the expressions with a basic understanding that a

sentence would be non-standard if one or more of its components are non-

standard. That’s why, the writer used sentences to see and find the answer of the

third research questions.

In the first table, the writer has counted the number of the non-standard

Indonesian sentences and also the total number of the sentences that the writers of

the letters used. The writer summed up the numbers of the non-standard

Indonesian sentences and the total numbers of the sentences in each edition in

table 4 below:

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Table 4 The frequency of the use of non-standard expressions by male

and female readers




Number of Number of non-standard sentences sentences


Number of Number of non-standard sentences sentences

September 2003 ed. 8 21 1 34

October 2003 ed. 14 39 5 26

November 2003 ed. 36 60 4 26

December 2003 ed. 14 44 3 26

January 2004 ed. 22 52 6 17

February 2004 ed. 20 39 - 7

March 2004 ed. 8 30 4 17

TOTAL 117 252 20 160

(%) 46.43% 12.5%

Based on the numbers, the writer tried to find the percentage of each

magazine. It is done by this calculation:


n 20

x 100% = x 100% = 12.5%

∑ N 160


n 117

x 100% = x 100% = 46.43%

∑ N 252


n = numbers of non-standard Indonesian sentences

∑N = total numbers of sentences

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From the percentage, the writer concluded that men used more non-

standard Indonesian sentences, which also means that men used more non-

standard Indonesian expressions than women. Women used only 12.5% non-

standard sentences from the total sentences that they produced, while men used

46.43% non-standard sentence from the total sentence that they produced in

composing their letters. This fact showed that indeed men used more non-standard

expressions than women. From table 4, it can be seen that men readers

consistently used more non-standard expressions than women ones.

Based on the whole findings, the writer found out that the use of non-

standard Indonesian was really various. There were nine kinds of non-standard

Indonesian features that were found in both magazines. The readers, men and

women, did not only use one or two kinds of language varieties other than the

standard one in expressing their idea. Men and women sometimes mixed their

standard Indonesian expressions with other non-standard feature like English or

other dialect, vernacular expressions. Almost all of the data of non-standard

features were found in forms of the use of English expressions.

The kinds of non-standard Indonesian expression that were used were

almost the same between men and women. However, it did not mean that men

used non-standard Indonesian expressions as many as women, or the other way

around. After the writer counted the percentage of the non-standard Indonesian

sentences compared to the total number of sentences that were produced, he found

out that men readers use more non-standard sentences that women readers. This

finding can justify the writer’s third research question that men readers use more

non-standard Indonesian expressions than women readers.

Moreover, the writer also found out that men readers did not only use non-

standard expressions more often, but they also used more various features and

linguistic forms. The data showed that there are some non-standard features and

linguistic forms that can be found in FHM, but not in Cosmopolitan.