the logan hunter group hrm plan for financial services agency development

BUCHER- LOGAN HUNTER GROUP HRM PLAN 1. The Logan Hunter Group HRM Plan for Financial Services Agency Development By Scott Bucher American Military University

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The Logan Hunter Group HRM Plan for Financial Services Agency


By Scott Bucher

American Military University


If you have been unemployed in the last 5 to 10 years, and

have been through the gauntlet of Monster and Careerbuilder

advertisements glorifying job positions that either do not exist

or that do not exist yet (placement agencies); you have probably

come to the conclusion that you are going to have to go into

business for yourself at some point in time- and it better be

sooner as opposed to later. The ever annoying culture index

survey strategically evaluating your perceptions of yourself and

cross-referencing them with your perceptions of what is necessary

to be successful on the job (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007) - how

exciting. Every time you find yourself starting over again,

contemplating what to do or what is out there, you will keep

circling back to the original inclination- go into business for yourself!

The problem is… your window of opportunity is getting smaller and

smaller every year you wait!


If you are in that boat (frustrated and sick and tired of

being sick and tired), consider the financial services industry.

Ask yourself ‘how long has there been a need for money’ (always)?

‘How long will there be a need for money? Out of every hundred

people, how many want to be financially independent? If you are

guessing one hundred or close to it, then with or without you

rest assured the financial services business will continue to

prosper- and offers an awesome vehicle with plenty of room and

fully capable of delivering you to your destination. How many

vehicles are there in front of you right now have that


You are either making enough to save enough to be where you

need to be in 20 years or you are not. That may seem harsh, but

it is a reality. If you are making $35,000 a year today and plan

to retire in 20 years without a decrease in income you will need

roughly $63,000 a year then to buy what $35,000 a year buys today

(3% inflation factored in). You will need $1,274,528 in your nest

egg twenty years from now to spin off $63,000 per year in income

at 5% (more if you want to allow for cost of living increases),

at 0% it will last 20 years (worst case). What is your 20 year strategy?


Are you counting on Social Security taking care of you? Most

people are employing the cross-finger strategy which is probably

why most people are dead or dead broke at age 70!

The Logan Hunter Group is a small U.S. based independent

life, impaired risk, and annuity brokerage currently offering the

insurance products of 20-30 (Moody’s and AM Best) A, and A+ rated

life carriers. The organization’s primary lines of business

include Term Life Insurance, Fixed and Indexed Retirement

Annuities, Disability Insurance, and Long Term Care Insurance.

Because of rapid advancements in technology (DeCenzo &

Robbins, 2007), complex nature of the business, lengthy learning

curve, and straight commission compensation plans- the insurance

business (especially the life insurance business) has morphed

into an entrepreneurial dream come true. As insurance

conglomerates strive to cut costs and reduce expenditures in

order to compete with the much leaner mutual fund companies as

asset managers, we are beginning to see the end traditional

bureaucratic systems as the predominant model (Sullivan, 1995).

Computers and high tech software programs are rapidly replacing


human resources as insurance company’s right size and become

learn, and more efficient money managers. Over the next twenty

five years the life insurance industry specifically, will become

a business dominated by creative, independent entrepreneurs

(Sullivan, 1995).

The big companies have already begun their automation;

computers are doing the vast majority of the underwriting,

processing, analytics- software programs are connecting and

communicating with thousands of independent and captive agents’

and doing the work in seconds, minutes, or hours that used to

take weeks, or even months by thousands and thousands of human

resource personnel. The value going forward is in creativity and

client relationships, not allegiance to big companies- no job is safe

in big insurance companies (Sullivan, 1995). The fact is the

bureaucracies cannot compete with the power, speed and efficiency

of the microchip. The convergence of these very dynamic trends

today is fueling the growth and productivity of Logan Hunter

Group. - one of the best business opportunities available.


Insurance carriers can no longer afford to hire and train

full-time agents seeking entry into the business. With the speed

of the business (technology enhanced), and historically high

attrition rates, there are far fewer companies today that are

recruiting and building than ever before. Life insurance

companies are becoming asset managers and leaving the sales and

distribution largely up to the creative and largely independent

entrepreneurial agent field force rapidly replacing the

traditional captive general agency systems of the past. This is

creating a vacuum recruiting opportunity for part-time business

owners unlike any other in America!

The Logan Hunter Group is unique because it offers

entrepreneurial people a legitimate opportunity (on a level

playing field) to go into business for themselves (with full home

office training and support) for the cost of an insurance

license, about $300. All you need is a desk, a phone, a computer

with internet, and a time commitment of 10 to 15 hours per week

to start- part time. Technology has provided the tools and

enhanced every aspect of the business, making it possible for a

one man operation to function more efficiently and more


productively than a small company of 20 people just 15 years ago

(Sullivan, 1995).

The Logan Hunter Group operates as a (modified) General

Agency System. Similar to the Real Estate Brokerage, or Mortgage

Brokerage, the Broker enjoys a 100-105%% contract on specific

products and has sub-agents at lower level contracts he/she

overrides. The Modified General Agency System incentivizes the

building of agencies. Agency builders may earn up to 30%

overrides on each Agency they have built and promoted,

permanently- that is a 130% contract for a builder (Wilson,


The organization today consists of 250 independent agents

covering 16 states with plans for aggressive expansion, adding 24

additional states by the end of 2014. Logan Hunter Group projects

they will be operating in all 50 states by the end of 2016 with

over 500 independent agents nationwide and from there the sky is

the limit.



Recruitment and Selection

(There are the text book methods, and there is all the other ways

including guerilla techniques and methods, we showcase a text

book method, but reserve the right to implement ethical guerilla

tactics wherever and whenever necessary)

Job Description: Independent Life, Impaired Risk, and Annuity

Broker – U.S.A.


Sell Life, Long Term Care, Disability, and Annuities business

to business or business to consumer using consultative selling

techniques and recruit/train agents to do the same.

Identify prospective customers/agents using proven lead

generation methods.

Counsel and advise prospects/agents and policyholders on

matters of protection and coverage.

Develop and maintain business relationships with policyholders

and within community.


Make group presentations to decision-makers small to medium

sized companies.

Service and maintain renewal policies.

Participate in various incentive programs and contests designed

to support achievement of production goals.

Meet goals for volume of quality new business quoted and

written within company guidelines.


Bachelor's degree or equivalent.

Experience in sales or client service environment preferred.

Highly effective communication skills - oral, written and


Demonstrated persuasion and negotiation skills.

Strong interpersonal skills to build rapport with prospective

and existing clients.

Organizational skills and effective time management to succeed

in a semi-autonomous, fast-paced environment.

Analytical skills to understand complex coverage details and

underwriting guidelines.


This position requires that incumbents attain and maintain

current state insurance license in life and health.

Please note that as part of our application process for this

position, a background check will be performed.


We believe strongly that commercial success can be achieved in a

manner consistent with principles and ideals that bind us

together as one company, that set us apart from our competitors,

and that in the end this will allow us to say we have succeeded

by doing the right thing the right way.

We believe that the Company's success is inextricably linked to

our Brokers satisfaction and success- satisfaction in working

with industry leaders committed to improving safety, financial

security, and doing the right thing for all we serve. Brokers are

appreciated and rewarded for their contributions and provided

excellent opportunities for personal growth, success, and

business ownership.

Responsibility- what is your philosophy?

Interview Questions:


1. If we were to be talking 3 years from now, what has to

have happened over the last three years in order for

you to be happy with where you’re at?

2. How could going into business for yourself help you

accomplish those things?

3. What are your expectations from me?

4. Do you have credibility?

5. Are you able to commit to an hour Thursdays from 7 to

8, and Saturdays 9 to 11 for training webcasts?

6. Are you looking to be a Broker, or an Agent?

7. As a Broker, we need to hire you a team. What three

people do you hold in high enough esteem to approach

about our business? (Write them down, ask about them-

their family? Their occupations? What they do for

recreation? Are they making money? Get their phone

numbers now.

8. Set three field training appointments/interviews. Have

the interviewee call the three referrals up and

schedule the appointments for tonight, or tomorrow



Best Practices:

Logan Hunter Group will primarily be engaged in recruitment

practices largely dominated by Agent referrals and individual

recruitment efforts. Headhunters and placement agencies rarely

attract the right types of people; and by nature most people

avoid the topic of insurance and don’t normally seek out

insurance sales opportunities. Advertising for agents is a

complete waste of money leaving for the most part referrals, and

those attracted to the business by a life changing event or other

personal interest are the best people to work with. Everybody

deserves a shot at being successful in business if that is what

they want to do. Logan Hunter Group meets everyone halfway and

supports them all the way.

Compensation Plan and Benefits

Every new hire is a 100% non-captive, independent contractor

and will receive 1099’s at the end of the year. They are self-

employed; therefore they are responsible for their own health

insurance, life insurance, dental, etc. There are tax advantages


to receiving 1099’s that can be an attractive benefit to going

into business or starting a part-time venture. We recommend that

new hires not quit their jobs but rather to start part time and

make a legitimate effort to remain part time until their income

is sufficient to leave their full time job without taking an

income hit. This is unique and takes the stress and pressure to

produce out of the equation, allowing the new agent to focus on

learning and getting better at his or her own pace.

The Logan Hunter Group promotion schedule can be achieved through

recruiting, sales, or a combination of both (encouraged).

1. Every agent/new hire must complete three training sales

(hence the three initial appointments set in the interview)

to earn his/her initial contact at 70% (that is 70% of the

1st year premium on 20, 30yr. term life).

2. Three sales on a 70% split demonstrates competency,

persistence and earns the 80% contract (where they may

recruit and field train new agents, and override them).


3. Three additional life sales earns the 90% contract

(Provisional Broker) where the agent remains until he/she

has recruited a minimum of six agents.

4. Upon achieving six recruits (retroactive whether agents stay

or quit) in the system, Provisional Brokers are

automatically promoted to the Broker Contract at 100%.

For example: a Broker doing 6 sales a month (average policy

100/mo) makes 1200 x 6 ($7200). If he/she has 6 agents making 1

part-time sale a month at 70% (avg. policy 100/mo), he/she is

also earning 30% of another $7200, or $2160 in overrides.

Best practices:

The Logan Hunter Group has no quotas, no mandatory meetings,

and no rollbacks- promotions are permanent and you cannot roll

back to previous contract levels due to non-production. The

compensation plan is fair and rewards those that place business,

recruit, and build their organizations. On the other hand, within

the base shop, the organizational expectation is that every

agent, every Broker will be in attendance for every Thursday

night seminar, every Saturday morning Technical Training Session,


and every quarterly Fast Start School. This sets the precedence

for all who stay in the business, “that they are a part of a

team- and that before you can build a team you have to be a team

player.” Once Brokers are promoted, they can re-invent the wheel

with creativity and innovation, and do things their way, until

then we learn as much as we can and grow to our fullest capacity

within the system we have.

The Plan rewards production first and foremost- because

those that don’t produce will quit. Secondly, the compensation

plan rewards people who recruit and train (key elements of agency

building) with higher contracts, and better override opportunity.

Lastly, the system rewards those that build and develop leaders.

This is where residual income or self-perpetuating income is


Performance Appraisal and Management System

Logan Hunter Group is an organization of positive

reinforcement, leadership development, and a winning attitude.

There is a competitive culture here that fosters a genuine sense

of accomplishment every week. Performance is observed daily by


all who attend, by all who do what they have to do. The behaviors

that produce positive results get instant recognition: Making the

necessary calls, scheduling the appointments, observing a manager

presentation and mastering the life presentation and scripts- all

productive behavior is valued and therefore we remain aware and

try never to miss an opportunity to recognize productive


The company is teaching success principles to all who join

and all they serve (Wellbourne, 2007), leadership first, then the

team. The values and beliefs are simply translated in the way

they encourage each other to push through the difficulties and

keep trying. Much of what they say and do is just sound business

and personal philosophy: work when you’re supposed to work, do

your best, do the right thing, don’t give up, help people, and

change lives! Financial Security101, Inc. attracts

entrepreneurial types, and is relentless about self improvement,

and supporting each other.

Logan Hunter Group makes it a point to talk about the

process, the steps, and the presentation at every opportunity.


The organization is very transparent, and managed with simple

principles and a code of ethics. They believe in doing the right

thing- that if you always do the right thing, you don’t have to

worry about backlash.

Critical Behaviors (Critical Incident Appraisal) early on:

making a list of prospects to call, pre-setting 3 training

appointments, observing three sales presentations and training

sales (might take four), recruiting their first agent. The

behaviors we want to reinforce we recognize and we teach managers

to recognize.

Critical Behaviors (Critical Incident Appraisal) breaking

down the call or contact to even more structured parts: the

rolling into (elevator pitch), the value proposition, the

question, the answer, the second question, rapport building,

paying a sincere complement, needs analysis and assessment,

solution recommendation, handling objections or resistance,

gaining a commitment, the 6 minute application, the process

review, reinforcing the sale, asking for referrals. A couple of

examples of sincere praise are: “Hey, awesome job on that call-


you really identified with that client, made them feel good about

what they were doing.” Or, “That was awesome! Excellent job of

listening to the client, and then re-phrasing what they told you-

it really shows you’re listening and you care. Nice job (Beam,


Tee shirts are awarded to fast starters, those who get in

the field within the first 48 hours.

Small plaques are awarded and presented to those who

complete their first three training sales at the end of

Technical Training every Saturday.

Larger Plaques are presented with each contract promotion

Small Trophies are awarded and presented at Fast Start

Schools for the most appointments in the month.

Large Trophies are awarded and presented at Fast Start

Schools for Achieving Broker, regardless of time frame in

getting there.

Training Program:


Logan Hunter Group employs an event “type” training strategy

with two elements. The first element is company specific processes and

systems implementation and execution- these are repetitive in nature and

consistently delivered every week. Thursday night from 7 to 8 is

Life 101- the concept of “Split-Funding” presentation training.

This is comprehensive and focused training designed to help

agents and managers develop their conceptual understanding and

skills in presentation- with or without the use of complementary

tools. Saturday Technical Trainings are from 9am to 11:30,

covering complementary products in the inventory by carrier,

features, benefits and how to effectively cross-sell.

The last 30 minutes of Technical Training every Saturday is

where the second element of the training program is employed, the

non-company specific professional and leadership development training.

Ongoing leadership and professional development training is

delivered to “serve” and expand the agents and managers

knowledge, skills, attitudes and cognitive abilities as business

owners, leaders, and human beings- not just salespeople.


The content of the meetings are outlined in the following

pages and are progressive in nature, building from week to week.

Since every month is a “New” month, and every quarter a “New”

quarter, this strategy provides us the opportunity to continue

building momentum week to week, but keeps us grounded in where

we’re at that day, so that we can close with commitment and “Knowing

what we have to do.”

The ability to create and build momentum (long term) is a

LEADERSHIP SKILL, and much more possible utilizing the talent and

skill of one very capable leader building from “Event to event”

as one unit, than it is expecting middle managers (at different

skill levels) to carry and deliver the message to the

organization. This should be the responsibility of the RVP, or

Senior Director. The Leader must have the ability to move large

numbers of people over an extended period of time positively,

consistently, and with endless energy and enthusiasm (and without

a diluted message) to build momentum. As “master trainer” Tom

Hopkins put it, “Repetition is the mother of learning” and in

time, and after several repetitions through the cycles, new

leaders are groomed having developed the skills necessary to


step up and deliver, without running short on content or sounding

like a broken record.

Why once a week in 6 month cycles?

Meeting once a week in 6 month cycles accomplishes several key


Meeting with the Brokers, and Managers first in a relaxed

setting to “Teach them what we’re going to teach them”, and what the

coaching points are PRIOR TO DELIVERING TO THE TEAM will

create loyalty and unity in leadership (they were in the

loop first) as well as provide them the opportunity to “See

It Done” twice.

A good, ongoing agent development program for production

oriented organizations has to have long enough pauses

between workshops for team leaders and managers to further

build and reinforce the fundamental principles.

Weekly workshops are strategic in what they provide the

organization as a whole, a commitment to constant,

continuous, never ending improvement FOR EVERYONE.


A six month cycle is just long enough for the message to

appear “New.” Even though there will be some duplication,

the message will reinforce, and the content will have

“deeper meaning” (Each cycle is delivered with an increased

Intensity fitting the gravity of the message each successive

time through three to four cycles).

Gradual progression of content delivered over time,

repetitiously, stimulates the conscious and subconscious mind,

our people will be “Thinking about it” all the time! With

the right balance of recognition, humor, competition and

entertainment, we’ll create a unique and fascinating dynamic

of cyclic progressions reaching new levels of proficiency-

new heights every week!

The use of 30, 60, and 90 day “push points” (Progressive

goals agreed and committed to) forces actions, provides

accountability, and ways to measure our success and

celebrate our accomplishments on an individual, team, and

organizational level.

The TRIPLE Bonus


1. The time commitment involved is minimal, only 30 minutes

a week! In the time it takes to conduct a morning

huddle, we can unify weekly, get focused and “Juiced” with

awesome ongoing professional development that other work

environments only wish they had!

2. The results are immediate, progressive, and measurable.

We’ll see the changes in attitude and morale immediately,

and we’ll grow from there.

3. This will NOT require massive planning, preparation, or

INVESTMENT… it’s ready to go now! It can be broken down,

and restructured to incorporate the existing training

program quickly- and implemented in “masterpiece form”

the first time through, and will improve with every


Program Overview:

Week One: “IT’S TIME TO GET SERIOUS!” (30 minutes)

Intrinsic / Extrinsic Values, Behavioral Changes


This workshop will deliver increased focus on preparation, goal

setting, personal success and self improvement. We will see

increased camaraderie, team spirit, and confidence emerge as we

commit collectively to becoming the best person we can become

(personally), and committing ourselves to reaching our full

potential in life for ours and our family’s sake.

Key Performance Indicators:

We will see an increase in time “Available Status,” as

competition for recognition grows. Recognition for talk time and

calls over three minutes drive relationship building skills and

better QC’s. Better QC’s develop better agents and better PDR

opportunities. Competing for more quality activity, with best

efforts, and increased focus on larger ( Organizational ) goals

along with personal goals will drive performance with renewed

enthusiasm, creating a more fun and exciting place to work.

Week Two: “THE WINNING EDGE” (30 minutes)

-Developing and maintaining a winning attitude!

Intrinsic / Extrinsic Values, Behavioral Changes


This workshop is designed to create unity in purpose and desire

to be at our best, at all times. The objective is to create a

ripple effect of positive energy and visible changes in attitude

and belief levels throughout the immediate areas surrounding the

attendees and to create overflows and residual energy and

excitement with and for WHAT WE DO. We build people, we make a

difference, we build winners!

Key Performance Indicators:

We will see an Increase in calls over 3 minutes, have more

agent’s engaged in longer more engaging conversations building

better, more solid relationships with a heightened awareness of

quality, sincerity, genuine enthusiasm. Attitude is contagious;

our focus is on creating positive environment/experience for each

other as well as for our clients and maintaining the awareness,

building from there throughout the team.

Week Three: “THE WINNING EDGE” (30 minutes)

-The Difference Between Winning and Losing- this much!

Intrinsic / Extrinsic Values, Behavioral Changes


People will begin to loosen up more, be more visibly excited

knowing they are appreciated, valued, and integral assets to the

organization. Work ethic, time in status, increased DESIRE to

achieve. They will begin to compete with each other for the

recognition, driving production and persistence to new highs. A

heightened awareness of the bigger picture becomes more evident.

Key Performance Indicators:

Time in status, available status will increase. There will be

less down time, less time in unavailable status resulting in

greater talk time per agent, more outreach attempts, better

follow up, and more crossover team building throughout. The

building of stronger Teams begin at the original point of

contact, the agent sets the stage, solidifies the perception and

orchestrates and initiates.

Week Four: “THE WINNING EDGE” (30 minutes)

-Recruiting Mentality, Builders Mindset

Intrinsic / Extrinsic Values, Behavioral Changes


Create an increased usage of positive word choices, efficient and

effective communication skills. We will learn to be more

attractive in our language, more refined in our ability to get

clients involved. We will see an increase in un-submitted

applications due to an increased ability to build momentum and

excitement in the decision to commit. Teams will demonstrate

higher skill level in motivating clients, elevating client’s

self- esteem and self- worth, belief in themselves by focusing on

developing that skill.

Key Performance Indicators:

Better call performance will increase the production of un-

submitted applications, submitted applications, as well as

“after the call” applications due to better agent ability to

develop and build excitement, momentum, and reinforcement in the

life changing positive decisions being made. Attention to

details, ASKING FOR REFERALS, and consistent follow up will be

key in creating and reinforcing a recruiting mentality &

builders mindset ( Resulting in add on clients… selling in

bunches through Personally Developed Referrals).


Week Five: “The Winning Edge” (30 minutes)

-Building Winning Teams and Clients

Intrinsic / Extrinsic Values, Behavioral Changes

Organizations begin to recognize each other as teammates

collectively, in a much larger effort (Though inward competition

is fostered and encouraged, collectively we unite), an increased

desire to out-think, out-produce, and out-perform our competition

in every aspect of our business. We’ll fully commit to strategic

teams, engagement perfection, client persistence, and the

commitment to constant and never ending improvement (All to

follow in our “6 month turnaround strategy,” which will repeat

itself every six months with increased intensity and simplicity

each time… The two year leadership development, agency builder


Key Performance Indicators:

We will see a collective effort towards excellence and constant

improvement. Teams will function with more cohesion, better

cooperation, and greater commitment to enhancing client


experience. In cultivating a positive, uplifting, winning

attitude at all times; negativity will cease to be visible. The

environment will become one of positive energy and excitement.

Week Six, Seven, and Eight: “CONSULTATIVE ENGAGEMENT” (30


Intrinsic / Extrinsic Values, Behavioral Changes

Getting better is hard work and requires discipline, but it is

our purpose in life to do so. Increased focus on fundamental

soundness, creating an awareness of the need to go back to

basics, often.

The team will have as a result of mastering this process, a

heightened awareness of where they are at all times in every

conversation. The agents will have a clearer picture of each

individual client’s unique motivations, interests, goals and

objectives; and have a more competent and precise strategy when

recommending the vehicle that best suits that client’s needs.

The teams will demonstrate more confidence in their

recommendations, and more expertise in justifying their


recommendation. This will result in more policy acceptances due

to more accurate program recommendations that fulfill the clients

more specific goals and needs.

Key Performance Indicators:

We will begin to see maximum efficiency from our top performers,

they will work each contact longer and convert at higher levels

the calls they do get. Middle performers will improve as well as

lower performers, in longer talk times, better attitudes, more

agents recruited, and clients sold. This is where the greatest

opportunity for recognition lies and where we will get the best

mileage. New agents will have an organized, working, continuous

model for support, and will progress in competency faster than

ever, and reach productive levels sooner.

We will see increases throughout not only in better quality

conversations, but more conversations resulting in applications

started, paid and fee waived applications, applied clients, and

clients accepting policies. By focusing on the basics and

fundamentals and doing them well (“Being successful is not doing

extraordinary things, being successful is simply doing ordinary


things extraordinarily well”) every time, every opportunity, we

will become the organization we are capable of becoming. By

building with sound principles, sticking to the basics, and

returning to study and improve our fundamental skill sets

continuously as a TEAM, we cannot help but get better and better

as an organization.

Clients will feel more empowered by their decision and therefore

higher persistency rates will result. Consequently, more clients

will then follow through with a higher commitment level to

additional products and services.

Week Nine: CONSULTATIVE ENGAGEMENT, handling concerns,

objections, and having confidence in closing with your

recommendation! (30 minutes)

We are working on gaining confidence in better recognizing the

“Golden Moment,” when the opportunity is perfect to ask for a

commitment- we need to recognize it, and help the client make the

right decision. Timing is everything. By doing a better job of

uncovering the client’s needs, and making the right

recommendation, with the right enthusiasm and belief, with


confidence when the opportunity to ask for a commitment presents


Key Performance Indicators:

The key performance indicators here are higher policy placement

and persistency rates. A greater number of applications will be

the natural result of better timing the commitment proposition,

and at the same time, higher persistency rates due to higher

client satisfaction in the decision he/she made. Agent

competence measurably higher due to situational role plays and

training specific to the challenges they see in the field or on

the phone (Fiedler, 2001).

WEEKS 10, 11, 12 “The Three Keys To Long Term Success!”

WEEKS 13, 14, 15 “The Seven Strategies for Creating Happiness

and Building Wealth!

WEEKS 16, 17, 18 “The Challenge to Succeed in the New


WEEKS 19, 20, 21 2- Day Fast Start School (16 hours of






With each cycle succession (as well as on a weekly basis);

we will see the level of competency increase for most everyone

involved. The overall attitude will be positive, reverberating

with excitement. The increased level of intensity and added

depth of content in each cycle will enable us to keep it fresh

while moving people to a higher level of productivity and

competency. Every cycle, for four repetitions (18 months to 2

years) the intensity increases, the goals get bigger, the

outcomes improve. At the end of two years we can start over

again. As Earl Nightingale used to say, “Repetition is the

mother of learning.”

Are people going to come and go? Yes.

This system will increase the productive shelf life of

producers substantially, maximizing return on investment per


productive producer. More competent agents that stay productive

longer translates to growth and opportunity, meanwhile we can

efficiently and cost effectively continue to develop replacements

and grow the organization at our own pace.

I’m excited! The timing is perfect right now to make strides

in market position while other Organizations struggle to maintain

what they have or go backwards. See you at the top.


Beam, H. H. (1995). Innovative reward systems for the changing

workplace. The Academy of Management Executive, 9(3), 89-89.

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DeCenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2007). Fundamentals of human

resources management (9th Ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons.

Fiedler, F. E. (2001). When IQ + experience = performance.

Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22(3), 132-139.


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Sullivan, Dan (1995). The 21st century agent: thriving as an entrepreneurial life

insurance agent at the onset of the 21st century. The Strategic Coach

Inc., 33 Fraser Ave #201, Toronto, Ontario.

Welbourne, Theresa M. "Employee Engagement: Beyond the Fad and

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Wilson, Larry (1987). Changing the game: the new way to sell. A Fireside

Book Simon & Shuster Building, Rockefeller Center 1230

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