sonification and managerial decision making

Sonification and Managerial Decision Making Katie Legere July 2014 Management 898: MSc Research Project Katie Legere

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Sonification and Managerial DecisionMaking

Katie Legere

July 2014

Management 898: MSc Research Project

Katie Legere

Queen’s School of Business

Supervisor: Dr. Brent Gallupe



I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor,

Dr. Brent Gallupe for agreeing to supervise me and allowing

me to pursue this stream of research.

I would also like to thank Dr. Yolande Chan who has provided

unceasing support and encouragement to me in my pursuit of

the MSc in Management Information Systems and who I think of

as a mentor.

Additionally, I would like to thank Dr. Ahmed Hassan of the

School of Computing at Queen’s University for suggesting to

me the initial concept of sonification.

Finally I would like to thank my husband for his complete

confidence in me, his love and respect, and his unwavering

support of all of my endeavors.

Table of Contents

Introduction..............................................5Literature Review.........................................9Theoretical development..................................13Human Information Processing.................................13Information Overload.........................................14Auditory perception..........................................15

Methodology..............................................17Sonification Process.....................................21Tentative Design Suggestion..................................21Process Model................................................24

Expected Results and Contribution........................27Prototype Development....................................28Overview.....................................................28Requirements.................................................30Development of the Visual Interface..........................31Room Booking Data..........................................31Library Reference Statistics...............................40

Development of the Audible Interface - Sonification..........47Background Rhythms – Differentiating the Two Data Sets.....49Sonification of Room Booking Statistics....................50Sonification of Reference Statistics.......................56

User Training, Testing and Feedback......................68Results..................................................69Conclusions..............................................74Possible Limitations and Future Possibilities............76Contribution to Research.................................76Appendix A – Training and Testing Script.................79Appendix B – Interview Results...........................88References...............................................97


Table of Figures

Figure 1: Effect on Decision Making of Audible Interface. 16

Figure 2: Vaishnavi’s Methodology........................19

Figure 3: Conceptual Framework...........................23

Figure 4: Process Model..................................25

Figure 5: Dials Example..................................34

Figure 6 Column Chart showing bookings...................35

Figure 7 Line Chart showing bookings.....................36

Figure 8 Line Chart Showing Trends.......................39

Figure 9: 3D Pie Charts..................................45

Figure 10: Horizontal Display............................46

Figure 11: Vertical Display..............................47

Figure 12 Dial Visualization to be Sonified..............51

Figure 13: Visual Dashboard..............................64



While access to information is important for planning

strategy in an organization, advances in information

technology (IT) have enabled an explosion in the sheer

amount of data generated (Badrakhan 2010). Creating new ways

of making this data available and understandable to users

has become an important field of research.

There has been much work done on visualization methods to

help managers sift through the ever-growing amount of

information available to them. The creation of visual

‘dashboards’ allows organizations to track key performance

indicators and may bring critical events to attention

allowing preventative action or signaling an investment

opportunity (Allio 2012). Non-profit groups are also

increasingly using dashboards, as funders attempt to impose

private sector methodologies to increase effectiveness,

calibrate impact and gauge return on investment (Allio


2012). When managers’ attention is quickly drawn to an area

of information being monitored, rapid decisions regarding

problem areas may be made. Thus, dashboards help to enforce

consistency, monitor performance, and assist in planning and


However, these tools often have drawbacks. They require the

focused attention of the individual using them and they

assume that the user is not visually impaired or otherwise

occupied. Common complaints are that the sheer number of

indicators tracked is often too numerous for managers to

comprehend visually and that poor design of dashboards often

compounds this problem (Allio 2012). Although the accurate

representation of data visually has been shown to improve

decision-maker’s efficiency and effectiveness allowing them

to separate important information from ‘noise’ (Tegarden

1999), as far as we know, little research seems to have been

done on the potential of using auditory signals to convey

information to aid in organizational decision making. Both

sound and vision are complimentary modes of communication,


and their simultaneous use may increase the bandwidth of

available information (Gaver 1989). Therefore, the addition

of an auditory element could augment the design of a

dashboard, allowing the user’s attention to be drawn more

quickly to areas of sudden change or interest.

Experiments have shown that the use of dual sensory modes

reduces cognitive processing load and that mixing auditory

and visual modes of presentation is more effective than

using a single visual mode (Mouvasi 1995). Results of

studies have shown that even short musical sounds outside of

a musical context are capable of conveying meaning and

information (Painter 2011) and much research exists showing

how the application of everyday sounds can augment visual

depictions of software artifacts and user actions (Conversy


Sonification is most commonly described as the “use of non-

speech audio to convey information” (Hermann and Ritter

1999). By transforming data and relations into sound,


sonification has been shown to aid in software program

comprehension (Hussein et al 2009). The concept of using

sonification to interpret large amounts of data in real time

is a relatively recent one, however the concept of gathering

information through sound is hardly new. Instruments such as

stethoscopes have been in use by medical practitioners for

hundreds of years and assist in the diagnoses of dangerous

illnesses that might otherwise go undetected to an untrained

ear (Barrass and Kramer 1999). Another example familiar to

many is that of the Geiger counter, a device measuring

radiation levels and transmitting information through a

visual interface as well as audibly through clicks (Hunt

2011). As the amount of information available to

organizations increases, new ways of analyzing and

understanding the data must also appear in order that

meaningful information can be drawn from it. While familiar

techniques such as visualization through graphs and charts

have existed for some time, sonification should now also be

explored. Sonification takes advantage of people’s innate

ability to detect subtle differences in sounds and perceive


cycles, rhythms, patterns and short events by listening,

even allowing data to be monitored while the listener is

doing something else. You have only to imagine stepping off

a curb and hearing the sudden honk of a horn to know the

almost unconscious alertness we have built into our daily

routine. Most data observation techniques require those

monitoring the system to have their attention focused on the

visual output. Sonification allows for the diversification

of interaction modalities between users and information

(Diaz-Merced et al. 2012) increasing accessibility by

employing our highly developed hearing as an option as well

as a complement to visualization techniques in understanding

data. Traditionally, the use of sound in interfaces has been

in the form of alert noises, which can be irritating or

annoying (Gaver 1989). As the goal of this project is to

convey information audibly and it would be counterproductive

to have users ‘turn it off’ to avoid annoyance, Keller’s

categorization of Musical Sonification (Keller 2003) in

which data elements are mapped to sound in such a way as to

be considered ‘musical’ and pleasant to the listener is


used. In their research applying the concept of sonification

to software engineering data, McIntosh et al (2014) showed

that it was possible to map parameters of data, such as

individual developers, commit times and modules to musical

elements in such a way as to create a pleasing musical

depiction of the development process of a piece of software

without loss of information. Unlike the sonification used by

screen-readers and GPS systems which translate information

into human speech and require a knowledge of the language

used for understanding, this mapping translates data into

musical notes and sounds and so does not require a knowledge

of language.

Although, to the best of our knowledge, no research as yet

exists applying the concept of sonification to augment the

visual information conveyed by a dashboard in order to

improve managerial decision making, this has significant

potential value as a future stream of research.


To this end the question asked is: How can sonification

improve managerial decision making in organizations?

The rest of the paper is as follows. First, some of the

literature surrounding the use of sound to enhance visual

displays and convey information is reviewed. Next, the

theoretical concepts underpinning this research, drawing

from the areas of human information processing, cognitive

overload and auditory perception are outlined. Then, the

design science approach is defined and described and its

advantages and desirability for guiding the system

development is outlined. This is followed by a discussion of

sonification and the use of a method that maps parameters to

sound. Three hypotheses surrounding the augmentation of a

graphical display with musical sound are introduced and the

creation of a prototype system dashboard as a proof of

concept is proposed. This prototype will present a system

dashboard in which the visual interface is augmented by an

auditory component to show the possibilities that

sonification may offer. User training and testing of the


prototype is conducted and the results in terms of the

stated hypotheses are presented. Finally some possible

limitations and the potential contribution of this research

to the field is outlined.

Literature Review

Several areas of research literature offer useful

information regarding the visual display of information and

the use of sound as enhancement. Here, some of the research

behind the use of visual dashboards is outlined, as well as

the use of sound as a monitoring device or to convey

information that is graphically difficult or awkward to


Senior management in organizations, facing an explosion of

market data increasing in complexity and diversity, mention

at least four factors driving the need for dashboards

(LaPointe 2005). These factors include: the increasing

demand for accountability in an era where companies are


trying to keep costs down while increasing their profits,

cross department integration in performance reporting and

the allocation of resources, the need for better

organization of the many pieces of data relevant to the

decision making process and the potential for managerial

biases in information processing for decision making

(Pauwels et al 2009).

Simply defined, a dashboard is a set of indicators displayed

together serving to monitor some set of key metrics which

communicate a firm’s performance much like the ways in which

a car’s dashboard conveys information regarding speed, fuel

levels, battery consumption etc. (Clark et al 2006). One of

the key benefits of a dashboard, though, is the reduction of

a number of metrics to a single visual display thus lowering

the complexity involved (Pauwels et al 2009). Ambler (2003)

suggests restricting the metrics displayed to the user to

those which show variation over time, without being too

volatile to be reliable, and to those which increase

explanatory power and serve as leading indicators of


financial results. Creating an interface that allows

individuals to see the ‘big picture’ of a company’s metrics

allows users to make more effective decisions by relying on

measureable data and metrics of key performance indicators

and is a benefit of dashboards to organizations (Dover

2004). Properly implemented, dashboards provide relevant

overviews of business performance data and allow proactive

responses for resource allocation and the adjustment of

operating activity displayed in one place. Without tools

such as dashboards, organizations must rely on multiple

people and information sources to understand business and

this disparity of information may lead to wasted time and

the delayed diagnosis of and response to problems (Dover


Despite the recognition of the need for dashboards to

monitor organizations’ performance, there are criticisms as

well. A common criticism is that dashboards are crowded with

a multitude of indicators that don’t measure the information

contributing to strategic success and that the sheer volume


of indicators tracked is overwhelming (Allio 2012).

To combat people’s limited attention span and working memory

for diagnostic activities, Bremser (2013) proposed

visualization techniques that tap into people’s knowledge

from other facets of life to lower cognitive overload. His

research uses traffic light icons to provide cues signaling

variations from performance measure target values with a red

light indicating a significant deviation and thus drawing

the greatest attention.

Another option not yet thoroughly explored in research as

far as can be told, is the addition of sound to augment a

visual dashboard and aid the decision making process in


Conversy (1998), in his study using sound to monitor

background activities, lists several advantages of sound

over visual displays. Unlike visual items such as graphs or

meters, sound does not take up any screen space. This is


important for not contributing further to the distraction

and visual confusion felt by managers when confronted by

visually dense dashboards. His work also points out that

humans can focus on one sound while hearing another

simultaneously and can forget a sound but become aware of it

again as it changes. His work employed auditory icons,

which associate objects such as files or windows from the

computer world and the actions associated with those objects

to everyday sonic representations of them and their

interactions. He created sounds, such as an object being

dragged into the trash, that are still with us today.

Likewise, Gaver (1998), in his auditory perception theory

states that humans analyze auditory events as cues to what

is going on around them and attribute meaning to those

events. Sanches and Valderrama (2013), created a

sonification of EEG signals based on musical composition

structures to create a musical representation of the signals

generated by the human brain for monitoring and analysis of

sleep and epileptic data.


The idea of using sound to augment visual displays is not an

entirely new one. Gaver (1989) claims that sound can be used

to convey information that is graphically difficult or

awkward to display and that, because we are familiar with

using sound in everyday life, listening can complement

looking, a conclusion also reflected in other studies. For

example, the possibilities of using tone, volume and rhythm

to assist in the visualization of errors was suggested by

Fisher (1994) while Francioni, Albright, & Jackson (1991)

found that sound can be used to enhance visual portrayal in

certain kinds of parallel programming behavior. By using

sound to augment visualization, Rabenhorst et al. (1990),

demonstrated that users were better able to concentrate on

visual input. Auditory representations of graphic interfaces

were also shown to aid sighted computer users performing

eye-busy tasks such as driving, performing maintenance on an

airplane, or inspecting a manufacturing plant (Mynatt,



Doshi et al (2009) couple auditory cues with a large

windshield display to provide context-sensitive alerts based

on the state of a vehicle driver and demonstrate significant

improvements in the communication of information to the

driver while minimizing distraction. In their work using 3-

dimensional auditory displays to convey information in

aviation, Bronkhorst et al. (1996) found that auditory

displays lowered search time as much as did those using

radar when compared with tactical displays in a flight

simulator. They also found that when audio was combined with

radar a further reduction occurred. Lancaster and Casali

(2000) found that the use of bimodal displays allowed

pilots to improve performance in measures of workload,

message acknowledgement, and head-down time over those using

only a visual display.

To summarize, the work on visual dashboards has explored the

use of visualization techniques designed to lower cognitive

load and attract the user’s attention to areas of immediate

concern. Work on adding auditory signals to visualization


has been shown to aid users and the resulting auditory icons

are with us today. Creating a sonified dashboard to aid

managerial decision-making for organizations could further

this work.

Theoretical development

Detailed in the following section, the theoretical

underpinnings for this research is outlined, drawing upon

human information processing theory and auditory theory in

particular and focusing on the challenges created by

information overload.

Human Information Processing

Human information processing issues have been studied in

several research fields, most notably that of cognitive

psychology (Huitt 2003). This field deals with how

information is stored in and retrieved from memory. Areas

such as human computer interaction draw heavily on the ideas

of human information processing (Proctor and Vu 2006).

Wilson (2000, p. 50) defines information use behaviour as


“the physical and mental acts involved in incorporating the

information found into the person’s existing information

base”. Information processing for business decision makers

conceptualizes those decision makers as actors who acquire

and interpret information cues. This suggests that the

recognition and use of those cues is the essence of

information processing for business decision makers

(Salvolainen 2007). In Huitt’s (2003) discussion of sensory

memory he cites two important ideas that act to ‘put’

information into short-term memory. Those are the level of

‘interestingness’ and the recognition of a familiar

‘pattern’. Basically, he states that if a stimulus is

interesting, it is more likely to elicit a response and, if

it activates a known pattern, individuals are more likely to

pay attention to it. This suggests that the use of musical

sounds may be used to trigger this stimulus and lessen

information overload.

Information Overload


The sheer increase in information and options available to

decision makers may lead to information overload and

seriously impair or inhibit user decision making abilities

(Herbig 1994). Decision makers may not, due to sheer volume,

be able to locate what they need most or may overlook what

might be critical (Farhoomed 2002). As far back as 1980,

studies into information overload suggested the need for a

more careful selection of information available within an

organization especially in regards to information-dependent

jobs (O’Reilly 1980) and propose that choice behaviour in

decision makers can be modeled using relatively few

informational cues (Daws & Corrigan 1974).

Auditory perception

Munkong (2008) defines perception as “the process by which

people sense, select, organize, and interpret information

(e.g., in sight, sound, and touch) to form a subjectively

meaningful picture of the world so as to identify, retrieve,

and respond to the information”. This relates it very much


to cognition and the idea of information processing. The

auditory perception system is a highly complex functional

neural system capable of perceiving and processing diverse

stimuli in changing environments (Munkong 2008). The

perception of music is processed as sound within the

auditory cortex and includes a complex analysis of spectro-

temporal structure rather than the passive relaying of

information (Harms et al. 1998). The brain processes several

important aspects of music, pitch, timbre and rhythm or

metre. The psychoacoustic perception of pitch, involves the

ordering of sounds on a frequency-related scale. The

frequencies themselves are mapped in the auditory cortex to

create the perception of pitch (Stewart 2006). A sequence of

pitches over time is used to construct melody. The

coincident presence of multiple melodies creates harmony and

the coincident presence of multiple pitches creates a chord.

The perceptual property that makes it possible for people to

distinguish between the sounds of different instruments is

referred to as timbre while less studied are the parts of

the brain which analyze the temporal organization of music,


rhythm or metre (Stewart 2006). The use of an auditory

interface to augment a purely visual one has been suggested

as a means of reducing clutter in the visual display (Gaver

1989) and that reduction in clutter might serve to reduce

the number of informational cues as suggested by Daws &

Corrigan (1974) and reduce information overload.

Supplying tools that allow the decisions to occur when they

are needed can improve the decision-making process. By

augmenting a visual dashboard with sound it is theorized

that the user’s attention will be drawn more quickly to

areas that need attention and that users can monitor trends

even when they are not actively looking at the interface

(see Figure 1 below).


Figure 1: Effect on Decision Making of Audible Interface

In order to explore and test this theory the use of design

science as a research tool is proposed.

In the following section of the paper design science is

defined and described as well as its use as a methodology to

outline the strategy for the creation of a prototype that

augments a visual display with a musical sonification of the




A design science methodology is followed in this project.

Using a design science approach allows the creation of an

artifact that is then used to explore and test the theory

that augmenting a visual interface with sound can improve

the decision-making process. The process of creating the

artifact, designing the functional requirements and then

being able to analyze the usability through user feedback

and reflection will allow conclusions that are meaningful

and based on a scientific approach to be drawn regarding the

research question. As there are few examples of dashboards

augmented by sound commonly used it would not make sense to

follow methodologies such as case study or survey. In the

future however, if this kind of dashboard becomes common,

those methodologies might prove useful in evaluating the use

of such a tool.

Merriam-Webster (2014) defines design as: “to plan and make

(something) for a specific use or purpose” and thus


inherently involves the creation of some new artifact.

Traditionally, professional schools such as architecture,

business, education and law were all primarily concerned

with the process of design (Simon 1996) and the fields of

computer science and engineering commonly use a variety of

different design methodologies. Design sciences, along with

natural sciences and human sciences, are considered one of

the major categories of the systematic study of knowledge

(Gregor 2009) and are concerned ‘‘not with how things are,

but with how they might be” (Simon 1996).

There has been increasing motivation in the field of

Information Systems since the early 2000s to return to a

methodology which allows the exploration of the IT behind IS

(Orlikowski and Iacono 2001). Hevner et al (2004) stated

that “the challenge for design-science researchers in IS is

to inform managers of the capabilities and impacts of the

new IT artifacts”.

Design science itself is knowledge, which takes the form of


constructs, techniques and methods for creating artifacts

satisfying a set of functional requirements. Therefore,

design science research is that which creates this knowledge

using the design of novel or innovative artifacts, analysis

of their use and performance and reflection and abstraction

in order to improve and understand information systems

behaviour (Vaishnavi 2012). Design science’s contribution to

research lies in its contribution to the understanding of a

phenomenon or set of behaviours that are interesting to the

research community (Gregor and Hevner 2013, Wilson 2002). It

is an important point to note that design science

researchers study not only the artifact and its impact, but

also the incremental process of its creation (Simon 1996).

The project follows the methodology set out by Vaishnavi

(2012) shown in figure 2 below which outlines a number of

process steps and their outputs and describes the flow of

knowledge related to these steps.


Figure 2: Vaishnavi’s Methodology

Step one involves the awareness of an interesting problem,

either directly from the field studies or from a reference

discipline. The description of this problem and suggested

criteria for its evaluation becomes part of the proposal for

new research that is considered the output of this process.

In this project it is suggested that information overload is

a barrier to decision making in organizations.

Step two, ‘suggestion’, follows from the proposal. This is


the fundamentally creative part in which an attempt is made

to solve the problem and in which new functionality is

envisioned based on a new configuration of existing or new

and existing elements to form a tentative design. In this

project it is suggested that the addition of a musical

sonification of the visual data displayed in a dashboard may

assist in decision making in organizations.

Step three is the development stage in which, depending on

the artifact to be produced, software development, languages

and tools may be used to further develop and implement the

tentative design arrived at in stage two. This project

creates a system dashboard that is enhanced by a musical

sonification of the data using elements such as a MySql

database, php as a programming language, javascript and the

Google Charts API for the visualization of the data and

tools such as Finale used to create the sonification of the


Step four involves the evaluation following the suggested


criteria laid out in the awareness of problem phase. This

section will contain a sub section looking at the proposed

hypotheses and tentatively explaining any deviations from

expectations in the behaviour of the artifact.

The output of steps three and four contribute to knowledge

by generating an understanding of what didn’t work according

to the theory that could only have come from the act of

constructing the artifact.

The final step is the conclusion in which the results are

written up as knowledge gained, which might become the basis

for future research.

In the ‘build and evaluate’ cycle of the artifact’s

construction, outlined in steps three and four above, the

guidelines outlined by Hevner et al (2004) shown in table 1

below are applied:


Sonification ProcessTentative Design Suggestion

The usual approach to the representation of data as sound is

through parameter mapping. Data elements are mapped to

particular elements of sound such as pitch, duration, and

timbre. Besides allowing for ease of production, this

mapping allows for a more holistic, multivariate view of


these data as one can listen to many different dimensions at

the same time (Hermann & Ritter 1999).

The main purpose of the augmented dashboard is to provide

users with a single point for monitoring data to facilitate

decision making in regards to staffing needs and facilities

management in an organization. It also allows them a mixed

mode of monitoring through the application of sonification

to the visual interface. From the literature reviewed

several main features necessary to make such a system

successful have been identified.

First, the system must show information meaningful for

decision-making in a timely manner. This information should

be driven by data gathered from the actual use of the system

and updated on a regular basis. This information must be

shown by the use of a few key metrics in a simple visual

interface so as not to contribute to information overload.


Second, the system must apply domain knowledge to make sense

of the information gathered as vast amounts of data,

collected through the use of the system to achieve a

suitable level of granularity.

Third, the system should provide an alternate mode of

monitoring data through the use of an auditory

representation of the data portrayed so that users are

offered another modality of interaction with the system.

The conceptual framework (Figure 3) outlines the major

components and relationships inherent in the system. The

conceptual model includes three modules in a web-server

client environment. MySql databases, which are central to

all these modules, allow storage and persistence of data.


Figure 3: Conceptual Framework

Web-server and client environment

The Web-server and client architecture enables information

to be delivered at any

place, pace, and time. It allows applications to be used

with minimal software by user interaction inserting

information into the system and those users of the dashboard

who will make decisions based on the information therein.

The Domain Knowledge Processor applies the rules inherent in

the two input systems. These are procedural rules regarding


the system use such as: who can use the systems, what types

of information may be tracked and when the systems are

available for use. The data resulting from the application

of domain knowledge processing is then stored in the mySql


The Visualization Generation module uses procedural rules

and tools to map the data collected by the system to

graphical output for the users visual interface.

The Sonification Generation module uses parameter mapping to

map data elements to musical parameters of timbre, pitch and

rhythm to produce a sonified representation of the visual


As all components of databases, user interface,

visualization, and sonification need to be incorporated into

an automated web-based environment the comprehensive

conceptual framework is needed to assist with the building

of the sonified dashboard.


Process Model

In this section the overall process, as shown in Figure 4,

for creating our prototype from data storage, extraction and

configuration for the visual display and parameter mapping

for the creation of the auditory portion of the prototype is


Figure 4: Process Model

1.Data Source

Data to be displayed in the new augmented dashboard

will be stored in a MySql database. MySql has the

advantage of being a commonly used enterprise grade

relational database application that is open source and


easily installed on a machine for testing and


2. Extraction

The second step is the extraction of the data into the

four sets chosen to create the visual display on the


3. Configuration of output visual display

4. Mapping of the data parameters to elements of sound.

5. Creation of auditory portion of display.

Through the above process it is hoped that each of the three

following hypotheses will be demonstrated.

First, in order for this use of sound to improve decision-

making, it is important that its presence not be irritating

or annoying to users. An interface that produces sounds that

users consider unpleasant would simply be turned off

immediately and would, therefore, not assist in decision-

making. Therefore, the first hypothesis addresses the issue


of mapping data elements to elements of sound to create an

interface that users will not find unpleasant.

H1 Data elements may be mapped to elements of sound in

order to convey information to users through an audible

interface in such a way that it is pleasing to the


Second, to aid in decision-making, the information contained

in the visual dashboard must be able to be represented

audibly so that users’ attention is immediately drawn to a

change in the data. Because this is audible, users will be

able to monitor it while not actively looking at the

interface and so be alerted to changes that require a

decision. Therefore, the second hypothesis involves the

mapping of data to sound to create a meaningful audible


H2 Information represented in a dashboard may be

represented audibly so that a user can monitor it while

he or she is occupied with another task.


Finally, users must be able to understand the information

that they are receiving through the audible interface in

order that they can use that information for decision-

making. Therefore, the third hypothesis involves the need

for the audible information to reflect the data displayed by

the visual interface.

H3 The graphical information may be represented audibly

without a loss of richness.

Expected Results and Contribution

Following from the design science methodology previously

discussed, the first expected contribution of this project

is the discovery, development, and discussion of an

interesting research question. While research has shown that

visual dashboards can aid organizations in the tracking of

key indicators and bring critical events to attention more

quickly they are often criticized for trying to convey an

amount of information too complex for managers to understand


visually (Allio 2012). Drawing on research in auditory

perception and human information processing, it is suggested

that augmenting a visual dashboard with an auditory

representation of this information could allow the user’s

attention to be drawn more quickly to areas of sudden change

or interest. Therefore, the research question is, “how can

sonification improve managerial decision making in

organizations?” To this end a visual dashboard will be

created and augmented with a musical sonification of the

information to be conveyed realized through the process of

parameter mapping. A set of testing data for the project

will be created and stored in a MySql database that is

polled at intervals for updates simulating a managerial

dashboard. This data is then divided into the sections that

form the various visual displays appearing on the dashboard.

Each of the sections is mapped to both a visual display and

to musical sounds. Coincident to the visual display, the

musical auditory representation is rendered, creating a

musical sonification of the data and allowing information to

be monitored without direct attention being paid to the


dashboard. This will realize the second and fundamentally

creative part of the design science methodology in which an

attempt is made to solve the problem and in which new

functionality is envisioned based on a new configuration of

existing or new and existing elements to form a tentative

design. This stage will involve the development of software,

using high-level languages and tools to further develop and

implement the tentative design arrived at in stage two.

During the process of design, the three proposed hypotheses

will be assessed through analysis of the prototype’s use and

performance as well as through reflection and abstraction

helping to improve and understand information systems

behaviour (Vaishnavi 2012).

The contribution to research involves the summation of the

generated knowledge regarding what did and didn’t work

according to theory. That this knowledge could only have

come from the act of constructing the artifact is an

important part of the design science methodology and


contributes to the further understanding of a phenomenon

interesting to the research community.

Prototype Development


The context of this research is a large library at a

Canadian university. Decision-making in libraries has many

parallels to that in any other business. Questions of

facility management and staffing are equally relevant in

both contexts. For facilities such as study and meeting

rooms, usage must be managed so that there are enough

available to those requiring them while at the same time not

leaving rooms empty, taking needed space away from common

areas and collection space. Timely access to information is

also necessary for decisions surrounding issues of personnel

management. While there need to be enough staff available to

assist library users with questions, fiscal restraint

mandates that this number be kept to an optimal minimum so

that budget monies may be spent wisely. These decisions must


be supported by usage data collected by the library through

applications designed to administrate such systems as room

booking and reference statistics tracking. Being able to

gauge the usage of study rooms booked by students, staff and

faculty in a timely manner would allow library

administration to make decisions regarding facility

management in a more agile way and utilize available

resources more efficiently. Understanding what the areas and

times are where rooms are either in short supply or sitting

empty could allow for a more flexible allocation of those

facilities. Having this information displayed clearly in a

single location would aid decision-makers, allowing them to

base decisions on concrete data and trends. Similarly, being

able to assess the relative busyness of the reference desks

in the individual library units will allow more flexible

decision making regarding staffing. By showing usage and

trends in a library dashboard administration can access and

monitor metrics through a single dynamic point to instead of

relying on static data collected through surveys and annual

reports. The application of sonification as an augmentation


to the visual dashboard developed may allow the monitoring

of information without the requirement of having users

attention focused on the visual display thus improving the

process of managerial decision making. The artifact being

developed is a visual dashboard showing room booking

statistics in the various library units as well as data

received from the library unit’s reference desks (decision

regarding choice of key indicators for dashboard made: April

27, 2014), augmented by the sonification of the data

elements involved.

The next section of this paper reflects the process of

developing the prototype dashboard. This process took place

during the period April 25, 2014 to June 25, 2014 using

library data gathered through two applications for the

period of September, 2013 to March, 2014. The requirements

are outlined and a detailed description of each stage of

development including each of the decisions made and their

rationale, as well as issues and challenges encountered

during the development cycle and the ways in which these


issues were resolved is elucidated. Finally there is

discussion of the process of obtaining user feedback

regarding the finished prototype and the results of the

testing are presented.


To avoid information overload, the data displayed must be

meaningful and useful to the dashboard’s users. The display

should show the booking status of the rooms in the various

library units as a percentage of the rooms in that unit that

are booked at the present time. It should also show the

historical data for the units so that this information may

help in future facility planning. This information must be

shown in a way that users can understand at a glance.

The dashboard was developed on a MacBookPro running Mac OSX

version 10.6.8. with a 2.4 GHZ InterCore i5 processor and 4

GB 1067MHz DDR3 memory. (decision regarding development

environment made April 27, 2014). While there are many

environments available for development of the dashboard this


was chosen for several reasons. First, the library

environment for which this is being developed is compatible

with this architecture so there will be little or no

adaptation required to change from a testing into a

production environment. Secondly, this is a familiar

environment for myself as developer to work in and so allows

a quicker set-up time for the development process.

Development of the Visual Interface

Room Booking Data

Room Booking Dials

To assist in decision making for facilities management, the

first of the key indicators chosen for display on the visual

dashboard is the usage of study and meeting rooms in the

various library units. Data for this section of the

application was harvested from the Queen’s University

Library’s webrmbk (roombooking application) database on

April 16, 2014. This is the only source of information

regarding the use of the study and meeting rooms and


comprises data dating back several years since the

application’s development and forward into the 2014-2015

academic year. On the same date, the decision was made not

to bring over data identifying users as this information is

not necessary for the dashboard’s interface and could create

an unnecessary security risk.

Because of the choice made that the development environment

be as similar to the actual production environment as

possible, harvested data was stored in a mySql database in

the webserver’s documents directory on the MacBookPro using

phpMyAdmin as the administration interface for database


The database webrmbk was created with three tables: sections,

rooms, and booked. Data for the sections table is identical to

that in the library database and contains records for the

individual library units storing the units’ names and IDs.

Data for the rooms table is also identical to that in the

library database housing the roomID, number, sectionID (library


location of the room), capacity, features, and a flag indicating

if the rooms had been blocked from use. The data in the

booked table was taken from the library’s booked_archive table

and contains booking data from January 6, 2014 to April

16th, 2014 (the data of harvesting). This date range was

chosen as it is large enough to show usage statistics over

half of the university year and sufficient for the purpose

of the prototype dashboard. This data represents just over

13,000 records containing the information regarding room

bookings that started and ended during that time period. It

contains the userID, roomID, start and end times of the actual

booking, description of room use and the time the booking

was made. This data was chosen because it allows the

information about room usage and trends to be drawn from the

contents of the tables in the development environment for a

large enough time period to show its usefulness for decision


An interface was developed using HTML as the display markup

language, php (version 4) as the dynamic programming


language for querying the database and bringing back

information and javascript to query the Google Chart Tools

API used to display the dials and graphs. HTML is the most

commonly used language to convey information over the web

and both it, php and Javascript are used in the library’s

production environment so the transition from development to

production implementation would be an easy one.

In keeping with the general design elements commonly found

in dashboards a combination of several visual displays were

considered. Dials provide an easy ‘at-a-glance’ view of data

and are the logical choice for the display of present room

usage. Graphic displays such as thermometer style

temperature gauges were considered but, as Google Chart

Tools offer an easy implementation of the dial gauges, dials

were chosen as the display mode used to indicate the

percentage of rooms that are presently being used in each

library. No dial will be shown for location that have no

rooms available for booking (as in the case of the Education


building) as it would be misleading to suggest that there

could be usage statistics.

As an illustrative example, the dials shown below represent

room-booking usage using information drawn dynamically from

the webrmbk database for the randomly chosen time of 4:31pm

on January 7, 2014 (2014-01-07 16:31:01). The dials show the

following readings:

Figure 5: Dials Example

These readings indicate that 30% of the rooms available in

the Stauffer library are in use, 44% of the rooms available

in the Bracken library are in use, and 50% of the rooms

available in the Law library are in use, and that all rooms

in the Douglas library are available at this time.


Timely access to information like this could allow

administrators to open up more rooms for booking or put

underused rooms to other uses. Without a dynamic system such

as a dashboard monitoring this information, it is more

difficult to make decisions regarding facilities usage in a

timely, responsive fashion.

Room Usage Trends Over Time

While it is important to see current usage data for

decision-making purposes, being able to see trends over time

is also helpful. A view of data that shows peak usage

periods as well as periods where there was relatively little

activity is useful in making decisions regarding facilities

management. In periods where it can be seen that there is

historically little usage, rooms may be opened up for use by

a broader population and in periods of traditionally high

usage a different allocation strategy might be chosen or

additional rooms made available. If trends show a steadily

declining or growing direction in room usage over time then


decisions regarding future facilities management may be made

with the assurance that they are based on current data.

Visually representing trends over time may be done by using

any of a variety of graphing tools. Column charts, bar

charts and line charts all allow the visualization of data

belonging to multiple groups. When relatively small changes

exist, line graphs are preferable to column and bar graphs

because they allow a more obvious comparison between

different groups. As one can see from the examples below

(using made up data), the line chart allows the user to see

trends for the individual groups more easily then does the

bar chart.


Figure 6 Column Chart showing bookings

Figure 7 Line Chart showing bookings

Therefore the decision was made on May 12, 2014 to portray

the library’s room usage over a period of several months

using a line graph. The development database contains data

from January 1, 2014 to April 5, 2014 so, for the purposes

of the dashboard development, showing room usage data in the

various libraries over time, the percentage of total hours

that the rooms were booked in each unit each month in

relation to the percentage of hours the library was open in

that period is shown. It is also possible to show this data

in more finely grained detail and create a graph showing the

usage on a bi-weekly basis instead of monthly, however the


change in code required to accommodate this implementation

is negligible so the prototype was developed using the

monthly model.

It was relatively straightforward to calculate the number of

hours that rooms were booked in the individual library units

using many of the same functions previously used to show the

percentage of rooms booked related to the total rooms

available. There was an unforeseen problem, however, when it

came time to calculate the number of hours that each library

was open in that same period. This data had not initially

been imported into the database and the library hours

traditionally had been represented as static html pages

manually updated on the library website. Fortunately, the

library, in the fall of 2013, had implemented a new system

for storing and displaying hours on its website and this new

system stored library hours information in a database on the

library server. Therefore the decision was made, on May 13,

2014, to import the additional hours information from the

library’s database into the development webrmbk database.


This decision also required several smaller decisions. The

tables in the qul_hours database which store the library

hours also store a great deal of additional information not

at all relevant to this project and the relations between

the tables are overly complicated. Additionally, some of the

areas for which hours are stored in the library’s database

are areas that will never have rooms available and so are

also unnecessary. Therefore the decision was also made (May

13, 2014) to only select information relevant for

development purposes and store that information in a new

database table: libraryhours. This table has columns for:

libraryname which uniquely identifies the name of each

library unit, start_time which is stored as a datetime field

made from a concatenation of the start_date and start_time fields

and end_time made from a concatenation of the end_date and

end_time fields from the original library hours details

table. As the library hours differ from day to day there is

also a day_of_week field, which stores the day’s name (e.g.



There are, of course, implications in creating a new table

rather than importing the entire qul_hours database. If the

library adopts the application, changes will have to be made

in order to work with the more complicated table structure

presently in place for the library hours. That said, there

is a move underway to simplify that structure and the

changes may have to be made in any case. To mitigate

concerns over implementation, the sql written to harvest the

data has been preserved so that it may create a view of the

library data that the rest of the dashboard application can

draw on.

Using the new libraryhours table and searching for the hours

that the law library is open between January 1, 2014 and

January 31, 2014 one finds that the library was open for a

total of 376 hours. Of this total number of hours, one

finds from the webrmbk database that the law library

reported 133 hours of booked time. This indicates that, of

the total hours that the Law library has rooms available in


the month of January, those rooms were booked 35% of that


When the available hours and room bookings for the 4 library

units with bookable rooms are tabulated for the months of

January to March, 2014 trends can be seen clearly on the

line chart generated by the dashboard.

Figure 8 Line Chart Showing Trends

While it is easy to calculate hours manually when looking at

the data for a particular library for a month, the way in

which library hours are stored in the library database makes


automatic calculation far more difficult. Library employees

from the individual units enter the data themselves and

there is both a wide variation in the way in which the hours

are entered and a high degree of error in the data that

exists within the database. This became apparent when

attempting to extract library hours programmatically for the

various units. The original plan was to find the regular

hours for a month and then subtract hours for days such as

holidays, which were exceptions and, had the data conformed

to the format intended by the application, this should have

worked perfectly. The high degree of error and variation

however existing in the database meant that a different plan

was required to extract the data.

Therefore the decision was made on May 20th, 2014 to rewrite

the existing extraction program. Instead of calculating

regular hours and subtracting exceptions the hours for each

day of the month for each unit were calculated, adding them

together to calculate a monthly total.


Library Reference Statistics


While access to trends and timely information regarding room

booking metrics is important for making decisions regarding

facilities management and allocation, access to information

representing reference inquiries is also vital for decisions

that pertain to issues of staffing. Staff time and

availability are important concerns when making up schedules

and, while it is important to have staff members available

to answer reference inquiries, care must be taken that staff

time is not wasted and that staff also have sufficient time

in their working day to complete the other work associated

with their positions.

The library tracks reference statistics using a customized

version of an open-source program, libstats, obtained from

the internet ( )

written in php using a MySQL database. This makes it a

perfect fit for the dashboard application. While the


existing refstats application only allows the manual

creation of reports on a monthly/yearly basis, the dashboard

will provide library administrators with the ability to see,

at a glance, the breakdown of user types, reference question

types and relative busyness of the various library units as

well as trends in the quantity and type of reference

questions across the library units over time.


As was done in the case of the roombooking statistics

portion of the dashboard, data for this section of the

application was harvested from the Queen’s University

Library’s database, using the tables from the refstats

(reference statistics tracking application) database. This

is the only source of information regarding reference

inquiries across the various units of the library and

comprises data dating back several years since the

application’s development to the present. On May 23, 2014,

the decision was made to bring over the entire reference

statistics database as it contains no information which


could be a security concern for the library and the

structure and data of the existing application which is

stable and robust and will, most likely, continue to be used

in its present state for the foreseeable future which means

that a live implementation of the developed dashboard with

the existing application would be an easy one. Because of

the choice that the development environment be as similar to

the actual production environment as possible, harvested

data was again stored in a mySql database in the webserver’s

documents directory on the MacBookPro using phpMyAdmin as

the administration interface for database development.

The refstats database contains 16 tables, each pertaining to

an aspect of reference statistics. The tables which will be

used to generate the data required for the visual dashboard

are stored in 7 of the existing 16 tables in the database

so, for interests of space and applicability the only tables

described are the ones actually pertinent to the dashboard

side of the application. The most basic table is libraries


which lists the various libraries and contains an id, a full

name for the library

Example: ‘Bracken Health Sciences Library’

and a short name for the library

Example: ‘Bracken’

The locations table represents sub-locations within the

various libraries

Example: Reference desk within Stauffer Library

and contains an id field, a location name and description.

The patron_types table contains information describing the

four types of patrons using the reference facilities and

contains an id field, the patron_type

i.e. Student, Fac/Staff, Community and ‘n/a’

and a textual description field. There are two tables

pertaining to the types of questions asked, a question_types

table which again has a field for the id as well as fields

for the question_type

example : ‘Basic’ or ‘Facilitative’

a textual description field

example: “A request for factual information or a request for substantive


information on a single subject which can be easily and quickly provided”)

and a textual field examples


(a) Giving assistance with the library catalogue (how to find a

book title, journal title).

(b) Giving factual information from the use of reference

(c) Giving simple instruction in using QCAT, journal indexes and

other electronic resources)

The question_format table contains fields for question_format_id,


Examples: In-person, Phone, Email and IM/Chat

And a textual field description

Examples: A person asks for help in person

There is also a table time_spent_options which contains a field

for the time_spent_id, and the field time_spent which is the

description for the different time options for reference


Examples: 0-9 minutes, 10+ minutes, ‘n/a’

The questions table contains the actual data gathered through

the application. It has a question_id field, a library_id field


which connects it to the libraries table, a location_id field

which connects it to the locations table, a question_type_id

field which connects it to the question_types table, a

timespent_id field which connects it to the time_spent table, a

patron_type_id field which connects it to the patron_types table,

a question_format_id field which connects it to the

question_format table, a question_date field which tracks the

date and time of the question, a client_ip field which tracks

the ip of the user, question and answer fields (sporadically

populated) for the optional tracking of questions asked and

their answers and a date_added field which tracks the date

and time an entry was made.

Reference Category Visualization

There are several visualization possibilities available to

show the breakdown of user types, reference question types

and relative busyness of the various library units. While

data can be displayed in a tabular format, this might

increase the cognitive load of the user by requiring him/her


to distinguish the different elements. Cognitive load may be

decreased through the use of a familiar visualization method

such as a pie chart. A pie chart is a circular graph showing

the relative contribution that different categories

contribute to an overall total amount. Each wedge of the

circle represents one category’s contribution, making the

graph resemble a pie that has been cut into different sized

slices. Every 1% contribution that a category contributes to

the total corresponds to a slice with an angle of 3.6

degrees. Pie charts are generally used to depict percentage

or proportional data and show the percentage represented by

each category next to the corresponding slice. They are

considered best for displaying data for a relatively small

number of categories as this makes it easier for the eye to

distinguish between the relative sizes of the different

sectors. With this in mind, the decision was made on May

24th, 2014 to show the breakdown of user types, reference

question types and relative busyness of the various library

units over a given period of time using pie charts.


By using the Google Charts API to generate 3D pie charts

from the data drawn from the refstats database for the month

of March 2014 regarding the question formats, question

types, and patron types one can easily see the breakdown of

categories within these three areas.

Figure 9: 3D Pie Charts

Visualizing Trends over Time

As well as being important to see the breakdown of questions

by such categories as question formats, types and patron

groups in order to understand the user population and their

needs better, it is also important to see the trends in the

number of questions asked over a period of time in order to

make decisions regarding the staffing of various reference

points in the library system and to understand the impact of


such affiliations as the Queen’s Learning Commons and the

Teacher Resource center on the relative busyness of library


Again, the choice of a line chart provides the most useful

way of representing the variation in numbers of questions

asked over a period of time so the decision was made, on May

27th, 2014, to use a line chart to represent trends in the

numbers of questions asked over the preceding six months.

Visual Screen Layout


The layout of the visual presentation of the information

gathered from the roombooking and reference statistics

applications is an important consideration. While all

information should be immedistely visible on the screen, the

two applications should be kept separate so that the user

can identify immediately the area represented. There are

several options available for this, two of which were

considered. Information could be represented in two rows

with the room booking data in the top row and the reference

statistics in the bottom as shown below:

Figure 10: Horizontal Display


Conversly, information could be represented in two columns

with the room booking data in the left column and the

reference statistics in the right thus:

Figure 11: Vertical Display

While there is little significant difference between the two

and future user feedback can be used to evaluate the layout,

initial reaction is that the column display showing the room

booking data in the left column and the reference statistics

in the right is more visually appealing and intuitive so the

decision was made, on May 28th, 2014, to arrange the visual

display of the dashboard in that manner.


Development of the Audible Interface - Sonification

The next stage in the development of the dashboard involves

the mapping of the data elements gathered for the visual

display described in the preceeding sections to elements of

sound in order to create a ‘sonified’ version of the visual

display. In order that the sound interface is as clear to

the user as the visual one, a equal amount of care must be

taken in the choice of sounds and their arrangement

musically as was done in the choice of graph types and their

physical arrangement on the screen.

Just as one cannot see every data element simultaneously and

differentiate between them, one also cannot hear every data

element simultaneously and gather meaningful information.

Therefore the decision was made, on May 29th, 2014, to

convey the sounds associated with the two applications in a

linear manner such that the sonification of the roombooking

data will occur first, followed by that of the reference

statistics. The two sections will then cycle, first one and


then the other. So that the user will be able to tell which

one he or she is hearing at the moment, they will be further

differentiated by each having a unique rhythmic background.

It is also important that the sounds heard by the listener

not be annoying or irritating as this would most likely

cause the listener to turn off the sonification portion of

the interface and, thus, render it useless. The challenge

posed by this is to create a sonification of the data and

augment the visual interface while using a rhythmic

background to differentiate the portions of the data

presented audibly to the listener while not creating an

atmosphere that is distractingly noisy. The Canadian

television weather network provides us with an example of

the use of repetitious background music behind a purely

visual depiction of the weather forecast. While their music

is not meant to convey any information, it does provide a

constantly repeating set of sounds, which seem not to be

found irritating or annoying.


Background Rhythms – Differentiating the Two Data Sets

Therefore on June 1, 2014 the decision was made to follow

their lead using two sets of mild background drumbeats which

would then repeat during the sonification of the data from

each section of the visual interface. Because Finale, a

music editing program, will be used to create the sample

auditory interface files and it allows the easy importing of

sound files stored as .mid (midi files), the midi format was

chosen on June 1, 2014 as that desired for the background

music themes. Finale was chosen as the music creation and

editing platform because of the familiarity in its use as a

music notation tool.

The midi loops used were downloaded from the Midi Drum Files

website ( on June 2,

2014 and consists of Latin34time1.mid and Jazz12.mid. The

background percussion loop chosen for the room booking

statistics is Latin34time1.mid and that for the reference

statistics is Jazz12.mid. The rationale behind the choices

is completely based on musical discretion and estimation of


them being rhythms that a listener could easily tell apart

but would not find annoying to hear repeated. To create

additional sonifications or augment the interface to allow

the user to personalize the style nature sounds or loops of

other musical styles could also be provided in future

development. For the purposes of this project the decision

was made to use the two loops as background for the two

applications providing statistics to the dashboard. These

two loops were clipped using MidiEditor (downloaded from on June 2, 2014) so that they would

each produce an 8 bar section that could then repeat as

desired. The edited midis were imported into two new

Finale .mus documents. The document room booking contains

the sonification for the portions of the display

representing room booking statistics and the document refstats

contains the sonification for the portions of the display

representing reference statistics.

Sonification of Room Booking Statistics

Sonification of the Dials


With the background music chosen and the Finale files set up

the next step was to create a sonification of the portion of

the visual display represented by the dials showing the

percentage of rooms booked in each library at a particular

date and time. Because the dials show a percentage it was

decided on June 3, 2014 that this information could be

conveyed audibly to a user by first playing a tone and then

a tone that was the same (to convey 100%) or a lower tone to

convey a lower percentage. The concept of an octave is a

common one in western music, indicating the interval between

one musical pitch and another with half or double its

frequency. This musical distance, again in western music,

may be divided into a series of tones or semi-tones with 12

semitones in an octave. While this does not divide perfectly

into one hundred, a portion of a semi-tone can be rounded to

the nearest semi-tone and thought of as roughly 10% of an

octave. If the amount of one hundred percent (all rooms

booked) is represented as the note C1 above ‘middle C’ and

the amount of zero percent (no rooms booked) as the note

‘middle C’ then a sonic representation of the percentage of


rooms booked can be created. Therefore the decision was made

on June 3, 2014 to represent the percentage of rooms booked

in this manner. Several additional considerations also

exist. The user should know what the ‘comparison note’ (100

percent or C1) is prior to hearing the note representing the

percentage actually booked. The easiest way to do this is to

play that ‘comparison note’ prior to playing the data value

note. The user must also know which is the ‘comparison note’

so that he/she can differentiate between the reference point

and the data value note. Finally, listeners must be able to

differentiate between the notes representing the reference

tone and libraries so that they can tell which data values

they are hearing. Therefore, the decision was made to map

the reference tone to a bell playing the note C1 and the

libraries to unique instrument timbres. As there are four

distinct libraries, the decision was made on June 3, 2014 to

map them to individual woodwind timbres: Stauffer to Flute,

Douglas to Clarinet, Bracken to Oboe and Law to Bassoon.


Thus, values from the room booking system at 2014-02-07

11:31:01 represented by the dials seen below, may be

gathered and mapped to their nearest semitones.

Figure 12 Dial Visualization to be Sonified

Then the sounds for the reference note (a bell playing the

note C1) and the library notes (Stauffer as a flute playing

a Bb, Douglas as a clarinet playing an A, Bracken as an

oboe playing a D#, and Law as a bassoon playing a F#) can be

notated into the Finale file roombooking.mus. When this is

exported as an audio file one can hear the audible result of

these values represented here: Roombooking1-Dials.mp3

When listening to the file keep in mind that the background

beat is telling the listener that he or she is listening to

the data coming from the room booking system and that the

presence of a bell tone that repeats and is followed by a


note played on an instrument is representing the percentage

of rooms in use at a particular unit.

Sonification of Room Usage Over Time

Using the same background music, which represents the

portion of data from the room booking application, for the

audible representation of the data showing the patterns of

room usage over time is a logical choice since the listener

will be expecting any patterns of sound which occur over one

of the two basic rhythms to emulate the data from that

application. Thus, on June 9th, 2014, it was decided that

the midi background ‘Latin34time1.mid’ would continue

playing in the sonified interface as the portrayal of the

library’s room usage over a period of several months. This

was visualized for the dashboard using a line graph and the

sonification uses the same input data now mapped to musical

sounds to show trends in the individual libraries. While it

would be possible to show these trends together, mapping the

library units to the same instruments used for the audible

representation of the dials, and having those instruments

play their parts coincidently, we felt that, while this


might sound pleasing to the listener, some information might

be lost by their juxtaposition. Thus on June 9th, 2014 it

was decided that, while the same data would be used as was

in the visual interface, and the same instruments (Stauffer

as a flute, Douglas as a clarinet, Bracken as an oboe, and

Law as a bassoon) would be used to represent the library

units as were used in the creation of the sonification of

the dials showing percentage of rooms booked in each unit,

the data would be conveyed audibly one instrument at a time

rather than all together. In this way a user who recognizes

the instrument playing will have no trouble understanding

that the data represents that individual library and by

recognizing the background rhythm that this data comes from

the room booking system.

Audibly representing trends over time can be done in a

straightforward manner by mapping the time period to a beat

or bar number with each consecutive time period representing

a new beat or a new bar. This required another musical

decision that was made by trying several different options


and then judging which best conveyed the information from

the system in a musically pleasing manner. Additionally, the

data values representing the actual percentage of rooms

booked were represented along this timeline by mapping them

to higher pitches representing higher values and lower

pitches representing lower values. Because pitch values for

values representing 100 percent and 0 percent were already

chosen, the decision was made on June 9, 2014, that those

values would be used in the audible representation of the

line chart showing percentage of rooms booked over several

months. Thus the development continued with the premise

that the percentage of rooms booked will be mapped to the

percentage of the 12 semitones of the octave between middle

C and C1, the C above middle C. While this does not divide

perfectly and in order to use musical notation to represent

these values, partial values were again rounded to the

nearest semi-tone. While the numbers are no longer exact

they still serve to show trends over time audibly to the



Therefore, using the values for percentage of bookings for

the Douglas library from January to the end of March 2014,

the following values and notes were derived: January showed

38% of rooms booked which maps to an F, February shows 49%

of rooms booked and maps to an F# and March shows 69% of

rooms booked and maps to a G#. The resulting rising tones

played by the clarinet (representing Douglas library) show

an increase in the percentage of rooms booked. After trying

options using longer note values to represent the time

period it was found that the longer values made it more

difficult to see the trend of the data values. Therefore,

the decision was made June 10, 2014 to show each note as a

quarter note value to represent the timeline so the first

quarter note would represent January, the second, February

and the third, March. Following this plan, the resulting

sounds representing the line chart showing the percentage of

rooms booked in each library can be heard here:



In order for the user to be cued that the audible data is

moving from one section of the interface to another, the

decision was made, on June 10, 2014, to separate the two

with two bars of the plain rhythmic pattern before beginning

the next section. Thus the entire sonified portion of the

room booking display can be represented to the user thus:


An Alternate Option – varying the instrument family

It is conceivable that a user, unfamiliar with the unique

sounds of the individual instruments in the woodwind family,

might have some difficulty knowing which is which and being

able to tell what instrument he or she should be listening

to for each library unit. Thus the decision was made on,

June 11th, 2014, to create another sonification similar to

the first two representing the room booking statistics that

uses the sounds of instruments from different families.

This should allow user tests to be conducted to see if users

can differentiate between instruments of different families

more easily than they can between members of the same


instrument family (in this case, the woodwind family). This

sonification continues to use the same rhythmic background

as the previous two and continues to use a bell as the

reference note and map the same values to pitches. The only

variable manipulated in this sonification was the instrument

sounds used. Previously, the instruments were: flute for

Stauffer, clarinet for Douglas, oboe for Bracken and bassoon

for Law. In the second sonification, flute for Stauffer,

French horn for Douglas, cello for Bracken, and piano for

Law were used. The new sonification representing the

percentage of rooms booked in each individual library at a

fixed time can be heard here: Roombooking1-Dials-son2.mp3

and the sonification representing the percentage of rooms

booked in each individual library over a period of several

months can be heard here: Roombooking2-lineChart-son2.mp3.

The combined file representing the second sonification

option for the room booking statistics can be heard here:

Roombooking-combined-son2.mp3 .


It was felt that it would be interesting, when obtaining

user feedback on the interface, to see if there is a

preference between the two sonification options or an

impression that one is more usable than the other. It would

also be interesting and valuable for future exploration and

development to see if there are differences in training time

between the two options and if there might be differences

between the impressions of sighted users and those visually

challenged. It is possible that the visually challenged user

will be more sensitive to differences in timbre and pitch

though practical experience and will take less time to

become attuned to the auditory portion of the interface.

Sonification of Reference Statistics

Creating the sonification for the reference statistics

portion of the visual display called for some new

considerations. First, the user/listener must be immediately

aware immediately that he/she is hearing something different

– that is the data from the reference statistics application

instead of that of the room booking application. This was


done, as described earlier, by changing the underlying

rhythm of the section. For the reference statistics section

the Jazz12.mid sound was used as the background rhythm. Thus

users should immediately know they are hearing data from a

new application.

Following the basic method used for the development of the

sonification of the line graph representing the percentage

of rooms booked over several months several of the

parameters in the previous sonification of the graph

representing the numbers of reference questions asked in the

various units over a six month period could be used. There

are differences between these two graphs however, so some

additional considerations needed to be kept in mind. First

and foremost, the data values in the reference statistics

graph do not represent a percentage, as did those from room

bookings. Rather they measure the number of questions asked.

These numbers vary from a low of 1 (December, Maps & GIS)

to a high of 519 (November, Education) . Obviously if these

were reduced to the 12 semitones representing a one octave


range there is likely to be such a small gradation between

two months that the trends would become audibly

unnoticeable. However, because the data points were not

being compared with any reference note signifying 100% there

was no real need to keep within the one octave range.

Therefore another method may be used. Most musical

instruments have at least a three octave usable range

yielding a total of 36 semitones to choose from. Thus, if

the data value is divided by 20 and rounded up to the

nearest semitone the values can remain within the range of

all instruments. This should yield an audible change between

the values allowing users to hear the rising or falling


Thus, when using the values for Stauffer LRS (Learning and

Research Services), the data yielded: Oct. 240, Nov. 222,

Dec. 45, Jan. 193, Feb. 175, and Mar. 236 which map to: 12 –

Bb2, 11 – A1, 2 – C1, 10 – G#1, 9 – G1, 12 – Bb2. Using the

instrumentation from the second sonification, Stauffer was

represented by the flute and the sound of the above note


mapping is: refstats-flute-stauffer.mp3 The falling and

rising of the pitches denoting the falling and rising trends

in numbers of reference questions asked are clearly audible.

When this was compared with the numbers from Education (now

represented by the violin) it yielded the following

sonification: refstats-violin-education.mp3 and again, not

only can one hear the rising and falling of levels but one

can also hear that the levels in the Education library are

higher than those in Stauffer LRS suggesting the need for

more staff to made be available there.

Thus it was decided to use this mathematical mapping of

values to pitches and create the sonification of the line

graph denoting the numbers of reference questions asked in

the various library units across a period of six months.

Because there are more library units tracking their

reference statistics than there are with rooms available for

booking, there were new instruments required. The

instrumentation for this sonification became: flute for

Stauffer LRS, clarinet for Maps & GIS, oboe for DGI, trumpet


for Engineering Science, French horn for Jordan, violin for

Education, cello for TRC, and piano for Law. When combined

with the underlying rhythm the sonification became:


Sonification of Reference Category Breakdowns

Creating the sonification for the pie charts representing

the breakdown of questions by format, type and user type

added new complexity to the sonified dashboard. While all

three are pie charts measuring variables by percentage, all

three represent a different aspect of the reference

questions and have different component variables. This

means that each must be audibly different or the user will

not be able to tell which he or she is hearing. There were

four options that seemed immediately available for the

creation of a sonification of the three pie charts.

Option 1: Use a different rhythmic motif for each of the

charts. Thus, question formats would be

sonified by using this motif: which, when


played on flute, sounds like this: questionFormats.mp3,

question types by using this motif: which, when played

on flute sounds like this: questionTypes.mp3, and user

types by using this motif: which, when played on flute,

sounds like this: userTypes.mp3

Option 2: Use a different melodic motif for each of the

charts. Thus, question formats would be

sonified by using this motif: which, when played on

flute, sounds like this: questionFormats-

melodic.mp3, question types by using this motif: which,

when played on flute, sounds like this: : questionTypes-

melodic.mp3, and user types by using this motif:

which, when played on flute, sounds like

this: userTypes-melodic.mp3

Option 3: Combine the above ideas and use instruments from

different families for each of the charts. Thus, question

formats would be sonified by using instruments of the string


section playing a unique rhythmic and melodic motif,

question types by using instruments from the woodwind family

playing a unique rhythmic and melodic motif, and user types

by using those from the brass family playing a unique

rhythmic and melodic motif.

To show the percentage amount represented the same method

used for the dials in the room booking could be followed

which was expected to increase the continuity and

familiarity across the application. While this would work

easily for the first option it would be slightly more

problematic to apply to a melodic motif option. Another

option would be to use dynamics (volume levels) to signify

the percentage, making larger percentages louder than

smaller ones. Because it was felt that that has the

potential to be more intrusive and annoying for the listener

this was discarded as an usable option.

Thus it was decided on June 14th, 2014 to develop the

sonification for the pie charts using the third option


because it would allow the most audible differentiation

between the three different data visualizations while still

using the familiar method of showing percentages and the

familiar rhythmic background that indicates to the user that

the information portrayed is from the reference statistics


Question Formats

To show the breakdown by question format, three instruments

from the string section were needed. As the highest

percentage would be shown by the highest note and following

the convention that pie charts always show the largest

percentage ‘first’ on the right side of the chart it was

decided that the instruments would be ordered by range with

the highest range first. To ensure that the numbers shown on

the pie charts were generally representative of the

percentage size data was averaged over the six months and it

was found that, in general, the same user groups/question

formats/question types were generally the highest valies.


Thus a violin represents In-Person questions, a viola represents

Email questions, and the cello represents phone questions. The

combination sounds like this: question-formats-opt3.mp3

Question Types

To show the breakdown by question type, four instruments

from the woodwind section were needed. As the highest

percentage should be shown by the highest note and the

convention that pie charts always show the largest

percentage ‘first’ on the right side of the chart it was

decided that the arrangement of the instruments by range

with the highest range first would be kept. Thus a flute

represents ‘Basic questions’, an oboe represents

facilitative questions, a clarinet represents complex

questions and the bassoon represents referral questions. The

combination sounds like this: question-types-opt3.mp3

User Types


To show the breakdown by user type, three instruments from

the brass section are needed. Still arranging the

instruments by range with the highest range first, trumpet

represents ‘Faculty/Staff’ users, a French horn represents

student users, and the trombone represents the ‘N/A’

category. The combination sounds like this: user-types-

opt3.mp3. While the user group numbers seemed to have the

most variance the range chosen to represent 100% is not out

of any of the chosen instruments playable range so it should

not matter if the percentages vary.

Combining the sonifications of each of the pie charts

representing percentages of question formats, question

types, and user types produced this sonification: pie-


An Alternate Option – using Rhythmic Variation instead of Melodic

It is possible that, by using a melodic interpretation in

the sonification, the data would seem to show a shape that


it is not meant to. This might prove more confusing to

users who have been accustomed to interpreting the rise and

fall in pitch with an increase and the increase in data

values. Therefore, on June 19th, 2014, it was decided to

create an alternative sonification for the pie charts that

used option 1, the rhythmic motif and instruments from

different families for each of the charts. This then avoids

the possibility of conveying to the user a variance in data

that is not meant. The sonifications produced by this method


1. Question Formats: question-formats-opt3-m2.mp3

2. Question Types: question-types-opt3-m2.mp3

3. User Types: user-types-opt3-m2.mp3

User feedback should give an indication if this

representation of data is more or less meaningful than the

previous method.

The combined sound files from this method yielded this

sonification of each of the pie charts representing


percentages of question formats, question types, and user

types: pie-charts-combined-opt3-m2.mp3.

Combined Reference Statistics Sonification

This leaves two possible sonifications of the portion of the

dashboard showing the reference statistics drawn from the

library’s application.

The first begins with the melodic sonification of the pie

charts representing percentages of question formats,

question types, and user types followed by the sonification

of the line graph representing the trends in numbers of

questions asked over a six month period in each of the

library units. It sounds like this: refstats-all-m1.mp3

The second representation begins with the rhythmic

sonification, using instruments from the different families

to set them apart aurally, of the pie charts representing

percentages of question formats, question types, and user


types followed by the sonification of the line graph

representing the trends in numbers of questions asked over a

six month period in each of the library units. It sounds

like this refstats-all-m2.mp3

Complete Sonification of the Dashboard

Users opening or refreshing the url showing the visual

representation of the dashboard will see this screen:

Figure 13: Visual Dashboard

and will hear one of the following four sonifications which

all represent the data shown visually in a slightly

different way musically:


1. Sonification1.mp3 – This sonification begins with the

background pattern the user will associate with the data

gathered from the room booking application. It opens with

the sonification representing the percentage of rooms

booked in each individual library at a fixed time using

the instruments: flute for Stauffer, clarinet for

Douglas, oboe for Bracken and bassoon for Law. Next

follows the sonification representing the percentage of

rooms booked in each individual library over a period of

several months, using the same background pattern as was

used in the dials. After this has completed the user

hears the background beat change to signal the move to

the reference statistics data and the melodic

sonification of the pie charts representing percentages

of question formats, question types, and user types

followed by the sonification of the line graph

representing the trends in numbers of questions asked

over a six month period in each of the library units.

2. Sonification2.mp3 – This sonification begins with the

background pattern the user will associate with the data


gathered from the room booking application. It opens with

the sonification representing the percentage of rooms

booked in each individual library at a fixed time with

the variable manipulated in this sonification being the

instrument sounds used. In this variation flute was used

for Stauffer, French horn for Douglas, cello for Bracken,

and piano for Law. Next follows the sonification

representing the percentage of rooms booked in each

individual library over a period of several months, using

the same background pattern as was used in the dials.

After this has completed the user hears the background

beat change to signal the move to the reference

statistics data and the rhythmic sonification of the pie

charts representing percentages of question formats,

question types, and user types, using instruments from

the different families to set them apart aurally,

followed by the sonification of the line graph

representing the trends in numbers of questions asked

over a six month period in each of the library units.


3. Sonification3.mp3 - This sonification begins with the

background pattern the user will associate with the data

gathered from the room booking application. It opens with

the sonification representing the percentage of rooms

booked in each individual library at a fixed time using

the instruments: flute for Stauffer, clarinet for

Douglas, oboe for Bracken and bassoon for Law. Next

follows the sonification representing the percentage of

rooms booked in each individual library over a period of

several months, using the same background pattern as was

used in the dials. After this has completed the user

hears the background beat change to signal the move to

the reference statistics data and the melodic

sonification of the pie charts representing percentages

of question formats, question types, and user types

followed by the sonification of the line graph

representing the trends in numbers of questions asked

over a six month period in each of the library units.

4. Sonification4.mp3 - This sonification begins with the

background pattern the user will associate with the data


gathered from the room booking application. It opens with

the sonification representing the percentage of rooms

booked in each individual library at a fixed time with

the variable manipulated in this sonification being the

instrument sounds used. In this variation flute was used

for Stauffer, French horn for Douglas, cello for Bracken,

and piano for Law. Next follows the sonification

representing the percentage of rooms booked in each

individual library over a period of several months, using

the same background pattern as was used in the dials.

After this has completed the user hears the background

beat change to signal the move to the reference

statistics data and the rhythmic sonification of the pie

charts representing percentages of question formats,

question types, and user types, using instruments from

the different families to set them apart aurally,

followed by the sonification of the line graph

representing the trends in numbers of questions asked

over a six month period in each of the library units.


User feedback gathered from the testing of the separate

components should indicate which of the four options is

considered the most useful.

As noted above, work on the prototype spanned the two-month

period of April 25th to June 25th 2014. It began with setting

out requirements and criteria for selecting the data to be

displayed in the visual interface in order to present data

to aid decision making in regards to facilities management

and staffing at the Queen’s University library. Drawing

actual data from the library database allowed the project to

display information that is relevant to library management

in such a way that they would be able to make decisions from

live information in a timely manner. During this process

issues of poor data quality were encountered, which required

the rethinking of original calculation plans. Re-writing a

section of the code used to calculate hours resolved this

issue but required extra time and a less streamlined

approach. Decisions were also made, in some cases, not to

duplicate the library’s database structure. Information such


as user data unnecessary to the project was omitted to

reduce any security risks and a simplified version of the

library’s hours database was created to deal with the large

amount of unnecessarily detailed information stored by the

library. Once the visual interface was complete data

elements were mapped to musical sounds to create the audible

portion of the interface. During this phase of development

several options were explored portraying the sounds in

different ways and alternatives created to be evaluated

during the user testing and feedback stage. As evaluation

is an important step in the design science methodology, the

final stage in the project involved user training, testing

and feedback.

User Training, Testing and Feedback

Four individuals were interviewed over a two-week period in

sessions 30 minutes long. The sessions took place in a group

study room booked in the Stauffer library as it was a

convenient location for all of those involved. The four


individuals represented users drawn from a variety of

different contexts. User A is a person interested in

computer music composition and would thus be familiar with

the concept of creating musical sounds on a computer and

interpreting those sounds. User B works in the library but

has little expertise in computers or music. User C works in

library systems and is also a musician and user D works in

the Accessibility Lab at Queen’s University and would be

expected to have some feedback on the applications usability

for visually impaired users.

The users were greeted and told that the interviewer would

be following an interview script so that each session would

cover all of the components to be tested. It was also

explained that the session would take about 20 minutes and

there would be time following that for comments and more

general feedback. The interviewer then followed the ‘User

testing script’ found in Appendix A. The answers given by

each of the individuals are included in Appendix B.



For this project, a prototype system dashboard for library

room booking and reference statistics was created. To

explore the research question, “How can sonification improve

managerial decision making in organizations?” this visual

dashboard was augmented with a musical sonification of the

information to be conveyed realized through the process of

parameter mapping. A set of testing data for the project was

drawn from the library database for these applications and

stored in a MySql database which, when live, would be polled

at intervals for updates managerial dashboard. This data was

then divided into the sections that form the various visual

displays appearing on the dashboard. Each of the sections

was mapped to both a visual display and to musical sounds.

Coincident to the visual display, the musical auditory

representation is rendered, creating a musical sonification

of the data and allowing information to be monitored without

direct attention being paid to the dashboard. This realized

the second and fundamentally creative part of the design


science methodology in which an attempt is made to solve the

problem and in which new functionality is envisioned based

on a new configuration of existing or new and existing

elements to form a tentative design. This stage involved the

development of software, using high-level languages and

tools to further develop and implement the tentative design

arrived at earlier. Through the process of obtaining user

feedback, analysis of their use and performance, as well as

through reflection and abstraction, the three proposed

hypotheses are assessed. These hypotheses are:

H1 Data elements may be mapped to elements of sound so

as to convey information to users through an audible

interface in such a way that it is pleasing to the


H2 Information represented in a dashboard may be

represented audibly so that a user can monitor it while

he or she is occupied with another task.


H3 The graphical information may be represented audibly

without a loss of richness.

While the number of users for this test of concepts was

small, users for the testing and feedback portion were

selected for their diversity in order to combat the

possibility of selecting only one type of user whose

characteristics made them naturally better than others at

understanding the interface. It was suggested that perhaps

musicians would find the interface easier than non-musicians

so there were both musician and non-musicians chosen. It was

also thought that library employees would have some

advantage due to their familiarity with the data conveyed.

Therefore the group included both library employees and non-

library employees. Finally there was a possibility that

those with a high degree of computer skills would have an

advantage so the group contained both those with high skill

levels and those with lower levels. Each of the users was

given the same scripted training and testing questions

designed to test aspects of the three proposed hypotheses.


Table of ResultsQuestions User A User B User C User D1 Identify the application depicted by the sounds played.

1.Room Booking2.Reference Statistics3.Reference Statistics4. Room Booking

1.Room Booking2.Reference Statistics3.Reference Statistics4. Room Booking

1.Room Booking2.Reference Statistics3.Reference Statistics4. Room Booking

1.Room Booking2.Reference Statistics3.Reference Statistics4. Room Booking

2. Pt1Rank units with their perceived levels from highest percentage of rooms booked (highest note) to lowest percentage of rooms booked.





2. Pt2Does the use of instruments from different families makeit easier to tell the library units apart?

Yes No difference Yes Yes

3 Is it easier to hear the percentage with the rhythmicor melodic variation?

Rhythmic No difference Rhythmic Rhythmic

4.1Can you easily tell that thedata sonified here is from the reference statistics application?

Yes Yes Yes Yes

4.2Can you hear that there is data represented from

Yes Yes Yes Yes


different library units?4.3How many library unit areas are represented?

7 7 7 5

4.4 aCan you hear the rising and falling of levels representing the numbers of questions asked?

Yes Yes Yes Yes

4.4 bAre the levels (and thus thenumbers of questions asked) in the Education library higher or lower than those in Stauffer LRS?

Higher Higher Higher Higher


As can be seen in the table of results, the type of user

made little or no difference in the degree to which they

could draw conclusions from the auditory interface. All

users clearly could tell without looking at the dashboard if

they were listening to data from the room booking or

reference statistics application. All could tell which

library had the highest and lowest percentage of rooms

booked and three of the four could rank all of the libraries

from lowest to highest perfectly. As suspected, most users

found it easier to tell the library units apart if the

instruments representing them came from different families

and that using the rhythmic option rather than the melodic

one made it easier to hear the percentages represented by

the pie charts. Other than one user, who miscounted the

number of units represented in the graph of reference

statistics, all users could hear the rising and falling of

levels visualized in the graphs and infer the correct

information from what they heard.


Users were also asked for their comments regarding the

usability of the sonified interface and encouraged to give

any feedback they could. Three of the four users, including

the user who commonly works with students with accessibility

issues, volunteered that they felt the sonification would be

an asset for those with visual disabilities.

User D said:

This would be useful and more usable for low vision users and the blind as

they have more highly developed senses of hearing. I don’t think they

would have as much difficulty as I did. This might be useful also for more

auditory learners as I found myself not wanting to look at the interface, as

it was distracting.

[User D]

User B also added:

I think it could be really useful as an aid to accessibility. We have to make

all the things we do visually more accessible.

[User B]

While User C also mentioned accessibility, his personal work

choice would most likely result in him turning it off. While

he did not find it annoying to listen to, his habit of


turning off sound would mean that the addition of sound to

the visual interface would not enhance his decision-making.

I think it would be useful as an aid to accessibility but I like to work in a

very quiet space so I would probably turn it off. I turn all my alerts off

when I’m working because it is distracting. [User C]

None of the users though found the sonification annoying to

listen to and one was even humming the line graph after the



The research supports the three proposed hypotheses.

Hypothesis 1 states that data elements may be mapped to

elements of sound in such a way as to convey information to

users through an audible interface in such a way that it is

pleasing to the listener. The development of the prototype

clearly shows that it is possible to map data elements to

musical sound in so that users can draw information from

what they hear. While ‘pleasing’ is clearly a subjective

term, none of the participants in the user feedback portion


of the development found what they were hearing annoying.

The creation of the auditory interface required design

decisions to be made specifically for this purpose though

and the selection of annoying or grating sounds could have

changed the results greatly. Although none of the users

found the interface unpleasant to listen to, one volunteered

that, because he likes to work in a completely quiet

environment, he always has the sound off on his computer.

For those like him, alerts that draw attention to areas of

interest would have to be more visual than audible.

Hypothesis two states: Information represented in a

dashboard may be represented audibly so that a user can

monitor it while he or she is occupied with another task.

The evidence indicates that the prototype demonstrates this

and the results of the user testing support that even users

with very little experience using the dashboard are able to

understand what they are listening to.


The prototype and results of the user testing also support

hypothesis 3, which proposes that the graphical information

may be represented audibly without a loss of richness. Even

after a very short training session lasting minutes, users

can identify levels, and hear trends in the sonified data.

The fact that the information these users received audibly

was meaningful to them even after very little experience

suggests that the augmentation of the visual interface would

improve decision-making by allowing users to receive

information aurally while not actually looking at the


In our research it was suggested that augmenting a visual

dashboard with an auditory representation of this

information could allow the user’s attention to be drawn

more quickly to areas of sudden change or interest. These

results show that this is indeed the case and we conclude

that sonification can improve managerial decision making in

organizations by representing data in such a way that it can

be monitored while the user is not looking at the screen,


providing timely data in a variety of different ways, and

can provide an accessible option for those with a visual


Possible Limitations and Future Possibilities

There are several possible limitations to this research.

The user testing involved only four people and, although

every effort was made to select users that had different

characteristics, four is a very small sample and there may

be other ways in which the sample biases the results.

Testing the interface with a much larger and more diverse

group could yield richer results.

The sonification itself involved many musical decisions

documented in the development portion of this paper. While

there were options suggested and explored there are

countless others that could have been chosen and may have

yielded different results. Further research could focus on

one portion of the interface and explore other possible


mappings of data to sounds to see the effects of making

different decisions.

Contribution to Research

This research project began by asking how musical

sonification could improve managerial decision-making. The

results indicated that data elements may be mapped to

elements of sound in a sound-enhanced, visual dashboard in

such a way as to convey information to users through an

audible interface in such a way that it is pleasing to the

listener. The results also indicated that information

represented in a dashboard may be represented audibly so

that a user can monitor it while he or she is occupied with

another task. Finally, the results showed that the graphical

information may be represented audibly without a loss of

richness, allowing users to understand the information that

they are receiving through the audible interface in order

that they can use that information for decision-making.


The contribution to research involves the summation of the

generated knowledge regarding what did and didn’t work

according to theory. That this knowledge could only have

come from the act of constructing the artifact is an

important part of the design science methodology and

contributes to the further understanding of a phenomenon

interesting to the research community. Following from the

design science methodology discussed earlier in the paper,

the first contribution of this project is the discovery and

discussion of an interesting research question. While

research has shown that visual dashboards can aid

organizations in the tracking of key indicators and bring

critical events to attention more quickly they are often

criticized for trying to convey an amount of information too

complex for managers to understand visually (Allio 2012).

Drawing on research in auditory perception and human

information processing, a prototype is suggested and

developed to show that augmenting a visual dashboard with an

auditory representation of this information is possible and


allows the user’s attention to be drawn more quickly to

areas of sudden change or interest.

During the creation of this prototype we ran into issues of

data quality, which effected our development and required

changed in the proposed method of handling the information.

Questions of mapping and usability also arose. It was

wondered if users would be able to hear the differences

between the data elements if the instruments were all from

the same family or should instruments from different

families be used? To help answer these questions options

were explored and user testing conducted to see what the

answer was. Through the construction of this dashboard

prototype is has been shown that musical sonification is an

interesting research area that could yield new ways of

conveying information.


Appendix A – Training and Testing Script

Thanks for agreeing to take part in the user-feedback

portion of my project.

The session will be broken down into two parts for each

component, a brief ’training session’ where I show you the

visual interface and explain how the sonification works

followed by a session where you listen to that portion of

the sonification and describe your impressions.

What I don’t expect is that you will become a expert on

interpreting the sounds you hear in this short session but I

do anticipate that, even in this short time, you will be

able to hear the differences between the sounds and that

your impression of the sounds will allow you to draw

conclusions about the data conveyed by the visual interface.


Component 1 – The visual interface shows data gathered by

two different applications, room booking and reference

statistics. Users should be able to tell which set of data

they are listening to.

Training session

The first set of data we show in the visual dashboard is

that from the room booking application. We show the

percentage of rooms booked in each library now and the

trends in booking over a three-month period.

The visual interface looks like this:


Room booking data uses the following rhythmic background forits sonification: When you

hear the rhythmic sounds of the bongo drums you will know

you are listening to the information about booking rooms in

the library. Think ‘bongos’ and ‘booking’ and you will

remember which is which.

Look at the interface and listen to the background sound –

think ‘bongos and booking’.


The second set of data we show in the visual dashboard is

that from the reference statistics application. We show the

breakdown of questions asked by type, format and user as

well as the trends over a six-month period.

The visual interface looks like this:

The Reference statistics data uses the following rhythmic

background for its sonification: There are

no bongos here – just the chick-chick-a-chick of the high-

hat symbol telling you that you are listening to the

reference statistics sonification.


Look at the interface and listen to the background sound –

that ‘chick-chick-a-chick’ is the reference questions data.

Now listen to the following 4 sounds and tell me which

application they come from, room booking or reference


1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

4. ____________________________

Sonification of percentage of rooms booked

Component 2 – The visual interface includes a set of dials

that show the percentage of rooms booked in each of the four

library units with bookable rooms. Users should be able to

tell that they are listening to data from different library

units, possibly remember which library is which, although

this many be something that would require more experience


with the application, and have an impression regarding which

unit has a higher percentage of rooms booked.

Part 1 – Each of the libraries are represented by

instruments from the woodwind family: flute

( for Stauffer,

clarinet ( for

Douglas, oboe ( for

Bracken and bassoon

( for Law.

The visual interface could like this:

You can see from this visualization that Law has the highest

percentage of rooms booked and Douglas the lowest at the

time this data was gathered.


In the sonification of the dials,

taken at a different point in time than the visualization

shown above, you can hear the ‘background bongos’ telling

you that it is from the room booking application. You can

also hear a bell playing a note that corresponds to 100% of

the rooms being booked. If, for instance, all the rooms were

booked in a library, that bell tone and the note played by

the next instrument would be the same. Because there is less

than 100% of the rooms booked in Stauffer you can hear that

the flute note following the bell is lower.

Now I will play the sonification of the room booking dials

three times to see what things you can hear. Listen the

first two times and then, the third time, label the units

with their perceived levels 1-4 from highest percentage of

rooms booked (highest note) to lowest percentage of rooms



Stauffer: ______ Douglas: ______ Bracken: _______ Law:


Part 2 – it was surmised that users without musical

knowledge might have greater trouble distinguishing between

members of the same instrument family (woodwinds in the

case) and that it might be easier for them if the

instruments came from different families. In the second

sonification each of the libraries are represented by

instruments from the different families: flute

( for Stauffer,

French horn ( for

Douglas, cello 9

for Bracken and piano

( for Law.

Listen to these two sonifications:


Does the use of instruments from different families make it

easier to tell the library units apart?

Yes ____________ No _______________

Component 3 – sonification of Pie Charts

The visual interface displays a set of pie charts each

representing the breakdown by percentage of question types,

question formats and user types.

These were sonified using different instrument families for

each chart and showing the percentage again in reference to

a bell tone. To further differentiate them from the dials

though they were each assigned a melodic motif. It was

theorized that the melodic movement might prove confusing to

the user so a second option was created only varying the

rhythm. Users should be able to tell that they are listening

to reference statistics data (by recognizing the background

beat) and that that data is from different library units

(because they produce different sounds), but it is unknown


if the use of a melodic variant will make it more difficult

to tell if the levels are higher or lower.

1. Listen to the two sonifications and tell me if you think

it is easier to hear the percentage with the rhythmic or

melodic variation.

Option 1 Melodic

Option 2 Rhythmic

Component 4 – sonification of line graphs (reference


The visual interface displays a line graph showing the

number of questions asked in each of the library units

tracking reference statistics. Users should be able to tell

that they are listening to reference statistics data (by

recognizing the background beat) and that that data is from

different library units (because they produce different

sounds), and have an impression regarding the trend over


The visual interface looks like this:


You can see from the lines on the graph that the number of

questions asked rises and falls over the six months with the

number of questions spiking in the Education library in

November before falling again as the enrolled teacher

candidates leave for their school placements.

In the sonification of the line graph, you will hear the

background rhythm telling you that it is from the reference

statistics application. You can also hear the falling and

rising of the pitches denoting the falling and rising trends

in numbers of reference questions asked in, for example,

Stauffer (represented by the flute) here: refstats-flute-



Listen to the sonification of the entire graph:

1. Can you easily tell that the data sonified here is from

the reference statistics application?

Yes ______________ No _________________

2. Can you hear that there is data represented from

different library units (because they produce different


Yes _____________ No ______________

3. Listen again and, without looking at the visualization,

try to guess how many library unit areas are represented.

________________ library units.

4. Listen again to the Stauffer example (represented by the

flute) here: refstats-flute-stauffer.mp3 . Now listen to the

section with the data from Education (now represented by the

violin): refstats-violin-education.mp3


a) Can you hear the rising and falling of levels

representing the numbers of questions asked?

Yes ____________ No _____________

b) Are the levels (and thus the numbers of questions asked)

in the Education library higher or lower than those in

Stauffer LRS?

Higher ____________ Lower _____________

Appendix B – Interview Results

User A

User A is a computer music specialist working at the School

of Music at Queen’s University. He had no previous

interaction with or knowledge of the project or any

interaction with Queen’s Library except as a user.

Component 1:


Listen to the following 4 sounds and tell me which

application they come from, room booking or reference


1. Room booking

2. Reference Statistics

3. Reference Statistics

4. Room booking

Component 2 – Part 1

Listen to the sonification of the room booking and label the

units with their perceived levels 1-4 from highest

percentage of rooms booked (highest note) to lowest

percentage of rooms booked.

Stauffer: 1 Douglas: 2 Bracken: 4 Law: 3

Part 2

Listen to the two sonifications. Does the use of instruments

from different families make it easier to tell the library

units apart? Yes

Component 3


1. Listen to the two sonifications and tell me if you think

it is easier to hear the percentage with the rhythmic or

melodic variation. Rhythmic

Component 4

1. Can you easily tell that the data sonified here is from

the reference statistics application? Yes

2. Can you hear that there is data represented from

different library units? Yes

3. Listen again and, without looking at the visualization,

try to guess how many library unit areas are represented.

7 library units.

4. Listen again to the Stauffer example (represented by the

flute) Now listen to the section with the data from

Education (now represented by the violin.


a) Can you hear the rising and falling of levels

representing the numbers of questions asked? Yes

b) Are the levels (and thus the numbers of questions asked)

in the Education library higher or lower than those in

Stauffer LRS? Higher

Comments following the interview:

I’m not sure a person who wasn’t a musician would be able to tell the different

levels apart in the line graphs. Perhaps adding more rhythmic complexity, as the

levels got higher would make that easier.

[User A]

User B

User B is an employee at the Queen’s library. She had no

previous interaction with or knowledge of the project. She

uses a computer but doesn’t consider herself to be highly

skilled and does not play any music.

Component 1:


Listen to the following 4 sounds and tell me which

application they come from, room booking or reference


1. Room booking

2. Reference Statistics

3. Reference Statistics

4. Room booking

Component 2 – Part 1

Listen to the sonification of the room booking and label the

units with their perceived levels 1-4 from highest

percentage of rooms booked (highest note) to lowest

percentage of rooms booked.

Stauffer: 1 Douglas: 3 Bracken: 4 Law: 2

Part 2

Listen to the two sonifications. Does the use of instruments

from different families make it easier to tell the library

units apart? No difference

Component 3


1. Listen to the two sonifications and tell me if you think

it is easier to hear the percentage with the rhythmic or

melodic variation. No difference

Component 4

1. Can you easily tell that the data sonified here is from

the reference statistics application? Yes

2. Can you hear that there is data represented from

different library units? Yes

3. Listen again and, without looking at the visualization,

try to guess how many library unit areas are represented.

7 library units.

4. Listen again to the Stauffer example (represented by the

flute) here. Now listen to the section with the data from

Education (now represented by the violin.


a) Can you hear the rising and falling of levels

representing the numbers of questions asked? Yes

b) Are the levels (and thus the numbers of questions asked)

in the Education library higher or lower than those in

Stauffer LRS? Higher

Comments following interview:

I think that the different families didn’t make a difference to me because I

had just heard the first example several times and was familiar with it. I

think that the more someone used it them more they would know.

I think it could be really useful as an aid to accessibility. We have to make

all the things we do visually more accessible.

[User B]

User C

User C is an employee at the Queen’s library. He had no

previous interaction with or knowledge of the project. He is

technically skilled, knowledgeable about the library systems

and a musician.


Component 1:

Listen to the following 4 sounds and tell me which

application they come from, room booking or reference


1. Roombooking

2. Reference Statistics

3. Reference Statistics

4. Roombooking

Component 2 – Part 1

Listen to the sonification of the room booking and label the

units with their perceived levels 1-4 from highest

percentage of rooms booked (highest note) to lowest

percentage of rooms booked.

Stauffer: 1 Douglas: 2 Bracken: 4 Law: 3

Part 2

Listen to the two sonifications. Does the use of instruments

from different families make it easier to tell the library

units apart? Yes


Component 3

1. Listen to the two sonifications and tell me if you think

it is easier to hear the percentage with the rhythmic or

melodic variation. Rhythmic

Component 4

1. Can you easily tell that the data sonified here is from

the reference statistics application? Yes

2. Can you hear that there is data represented from

different library units? Yes

3. Listen again and, without looking at the visualization,

try to guess how many library unit areas are represented.

7 library units.

4. Listen again to the Stauffer example (represented by the

flute) here. Now listen to the section with the data from

Education (now represented by the violin).


a) Can you hear the rising and falling of levels

representing the numbers of questions asked? Yes

b) Are the levels (and thus the numbers of questions asked)

in the Education library higher or lower than those in

Stauffer LRS? Higher

Comments following the interview:

I think it would be useful as an aid to accessibility but I like to work in a

very quiet space so I would probably turn it off. I turn all my alerts off

when I’m working because it is distracting. [User C]

User D

User D is an employee at Queen’s, working in the Adaptive

Technology center. She had no previous interaction with or

knowledge of the project. She has some familiarity with the

reference statistics application but is not a musician. She

had a great deal of experience with the use of adaptive



Component 1:

Listen to the following 4 sounds and tell me which

application they come from, room booking or reference


1. Roombooking

2. Reference Statistics

3. Reference Statistics

4. Roombooking

Component 2 – Part 1

Listen to the sonification of the room booking and label the

units with their perceived levels 1-4 from highest

percentage of rooms booked (highest note) to lowest

percentage of rooms booked.

Stauffer: 1 Douglas: 2 Bracken: 4 Law: 3

Part 2

Listen to the two sonifications. Does the use of instruments

from different families make it easier to tell the library

units apart? Yes - although not as much as she had

thought before hearing them.


Component 3

1. Listen to the two sonifications and tell me if you think

it is easier to hear the percentage with the rhythmic or

melodic variation. Rhythmic

Component 4

1. Can you easily tell that the data sonified here is from

the reference statistics application? Yes

2. Can you hear that there is data represented from

different library units? Yes

3. Listen again and, without looking at the visualization,

try to guess how many library unit areas are represented.

5 library units.

4. Listen again to the Stauffer example (represented by the

flute) here: refstats-flute-stauffer.mp3 . Now listen to the


section with the data from Education (now represented by the

violin): refstats-violin-education.mp3

a) Can you hear the rising and falling of levels

representing the numbers of questions asked? Yes

b) Are the levels (and thus the numbers of questions asked)

in the Education library higher or lower than those in

Stauffer LRS? Higher – User remarked that she could hear

the wider fluctuation more than if the total range was


Comments following the interview:

This would be useful and more usable for low vision users and the blind as

they have more highly developed senses of hearing. I don’t think they

would have as much difficulty as I did. This might be useful also for more

auditory learners as I found myself not wanting to look at the interface, as

it was distracting.

[User D]



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