positive psychological effects of using facebook

1 Positive psychological effects of Facebook Abstract The premise of this research paper is to look at people’s activities on Facebook and whether these particular activities impact upon their perceived sense of wellbeing. The results from the study appear to indicate that in comparison to other activities, good feedback on Facebook profile pictures, statuses, chatting with friends, looking back upon Facebook photos and wall posts in particular, could have a positive impact on wellbeing. For finding this, the paper will work with data collected from standard source and will develop a standard questionnaire form. Finally after analyzing the acquired data, this paper will make some suggestions and recommendations. This research paper will show that the use of Facebook can provide positive psychological effects on people.

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1 Positive psychological effects of Facebook


The premise of this research paper is to look at people’s activities on Facebook and whether

these particular activities impact upon their perceived sense of wellbeing. The results from the

study appear to indicate that in comparison to other activities, good feedback on Facebook

profile pictures, statuses, chatting with friends, looking back upon Facebook photos and wall

posts in particular, could have a positive impact on wellbeing. For finding this, the paper will

work with data collected from standard source and will develop a standard questionnaire form.

Finally after analyzing the acquired data, this paper will make some suggestions and

recommendations. This research paper will show that the use of Facebook can provide positive

psychological effects on people.

2 Positive psychological effects of Facebook


In today’s society social media dominates the lives of millions of computer users around the

world. Social media allows users instant communication with family and friends, sharing of

information and photos, and reuniting with family and friends not seen for years. Facebook is the

most popular social networking media in the world. It has taken the world by storm with more

than 500 million users, approximately 1 in every 13 people on Earth. This is a social networking

website originally designed to allow people to connect with friends from both past and present,

communicate, share photos and basically stay in touch. It has somewhat transformed into a

platform on which we can post photos of ordinary things like what we're eating, tell people we

haven't seen for years exactly how we're feeling, inform anyone about where we are and reveal

who we do and don't like. It is widely used by students, employees, housewives, social workers,

public figures & business peoples for multiple purposes. Facebook makes it easy for people to be

able to express ideas and feelings with one another easily and more efficiently. The use of

Facebook has many implications on self-esteem and personal relationships which can be divided

into both positive and negative aspects. Many people think that Facebook added lots of value to

our lifestyle and personality. However, the positive effects of Facebook are still questioned by

masses because they never thought about the positive outcomes of Facebook deeply. Similarly

media was not also that much aware of this issue. But now-a-days many researchers and some

online media are trying to focus & literate people about the various positive outcomes of

Facebook. This literature review reflects that the use of Facebook can provide positive

psychological effects on people.

3 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

Objectives of the Study

The focus of this paper is to look specifically at users’ interactions on Facebook and evaluate

whether these interactions has any impact upon positive wellbeing. The research paper want to

show what changes in people’s psychological health will happen after they use Facebook. The

results of the research may help people to be more aware and be more enlightened about the

positive effects of Facebook. Helping people by sharing information about the results of the

study and becoming fully aware of the effects of Facebook in their psychology is the researcher’s

top priority.

Participant Profile

The participants I surveyed are students of North South University. I tried to focus on basically

people who are already Facebook user. I targeted only the students because they use Facebook

more randomly than others and can answer my survey questions more effectively. Equal

importance was given to both male and female regarding this topic to come up with accurate


Areas of research

The area of my research is the students of North South University to investigate their perception

about using Facebook, updating status and photos, friend’s activity, socialization and many

more. The areas that my research focused on are:

1. What are the uses of Facebook?

2. What is the general view of people toward using Facebook?

3. How does Facebook influence our behavior?

4. How does it affect our social life?

4 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

Research Methodology

The study is conducted among the students of North South University. The respondents were

from different academic years and from different departments. The sampling method was

random sampling. I just roamed in the campus and went to places where I could found large

gatherings of students like gallery, canteen, study hall, library and boys lounge. For the

fulfillment of the Questionnaire I talked to them. I revealed my identity and the purpose of my

coming to them. I shared with them the research title and topic and asked them if they have any

problem to cooperate with me in the study. Most of the students willingly helped to complete the

questionnaire survey. The methodology I have used in this research can be basically divided into

two parts, primary data collection and secondary data collection. The two methodologies will be

shortly discussed below.

For my Primary research, as mentioned before, I conducted a survey in North South

University. Interview some students who are Facebook user to know about their perception on

Facebook and also their point of views towards Facebook activities. My questions were general,

since many people would not like to discuss about their personal activities on Facebook. The

feedback that I get from the surveys will help me to answer my research questions.

For my Secondary research, I plan to use the resources of the library, surf websites in the

internet like Google, Wikipedia, etc, use articles regarding positive psychological effects of

Facebook and also journals.

Data Presentation & Analysis

The total number of respondents for my questionnaire was 25. All of these individuals were

students of North South University from various departments. These individuals were selected

randomly. The pie charts show the graphical presentations. The research questions, graphical

presentation and the explanation of the graphical presentations are presented below:-

1. How long have you been using Facebook?

a) below 6 months

b) 1 – 2 years

5 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

c) 3 – 4 years

d) 5 years above

The pie chart represents the timeline of 25 respondents who are using Facebook. The answer

options were “Below 6 months”,”1-2 years”,”3-4 years” & “5 years above”. Only one respondent

answers that the duration of his/her using Facebook is below 6 months which holds the minimum

percentage of 4% in the pie chart. 6 respondent answers that they are using Facebook for 1-2

years which holds 24% of total pie chat. Other 8 people answers that they are using Facebook for

3-4 years and represents 32% of the pie chart. 10 people answers that they are using Facebook

for 5 years above which reached the peak of 40% in the pie chart.

According to the pie chart, the majority respondent are using Facebook for more than 3 years. A

moderate percentage of respondents answers that they are using Facebook for 1-2 years. But the

percentage significantly fell when it comes to the Facebook users who are using Facebook for 6

months or less.

2. In a day, how many hours do you spend on Facebook?

a) Less than 1 hour

b) 2 – 3 hours

c) 4 –5 hours

d) more than 6 hours





1. How long have you been using Facebook?

a) Below 6 months (1)

b) 1 – 2 years (6)

c) 3 – 4 years (8)

d) 5 years above (10)

6 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

This pie chart shows the percentage of spending time in the quantity of hour on Facebook by the

respondents in a day. 9 respondent answers that they spend less than 1 hour on Facebook in a

day. It holds a large percentage of 36% in the pie chart. 11 people answers that they spend 2-3

hours on Facebook in a day & reached the peak with 44% in the pie chart. Only 2 people answers

that they spend 4-5 hours on Facebook which represents only 8% & 3 people answers that they

spend more than 6 hours in a day on Facebook which holds 12% in the pie chart.

According to pie chart,we can see that maximum number of respondents are moderate user

acquiring very large share in the pie chart. However, the percentage sharply fell when it comes to

the heavy user.

3. Do you think the content on Facebook can influence people’s behavior?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) May be

d) Never

This pie chart shows the percentage of people’s thinking whether their behavior are influenced

by the Facebook content or not. 9 respondents completely agree that people’s behavior can be

influenced by Facebook content & it holds 36% of the pie chart. 12 people think that people’s

behavior sometimes influenced by Facebook content & it holds the largest percentage in the pie



8% 12%

2. In a day, how many hours do you spend on Facebook?

a) Less than 1 hour (9)

b) 2 – 3 hours (11)

c) 4 –5 hours (2)

d) More than 6 hours (3)

7 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

chart which is 48%. 12% of the total respondents think that it may be influence people’s

behavior. Only 1 respondent thinks that Facebook contents never influence people’s behavior.

According to the pie chart, highest percentage of people thinks that Facebook contents can

influence people’s behavior. A small percentage of people think that it may be influence their

behavior. Significantly lower percentage of people thinks that it never influences their behavior.

4. When you brows Facebook? When I am-

a) Happy

b) Frustrated

c) Lonely

d) Bored

This pie chart shows the percentage of respondents answer for the question number four. Same

number of people thinks that they use Facebook when they are happy or frustrated & it holds

individually 8% in the pie chart for both mental conditions. It significantly increases when they

are bored & holds 52% of the pie chart which is the highest. Another 32% respondent (8

respondents) thinks that they use Facebook when they feel lonely.





3. Do you think the content on Facebook can influence people’s behavior?

a) Yes (9)

b) Sometimes (12)

c) May be (3)

d) Never (1)

8 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

The percentage of Facebook usage increases significantly when people feel bored & decreases

sharply when they are happy or frustrated. Moderate percentage of people use Facebook when

they are lonely.

5. Do you think using Facebook rather than anything can refresh your mind after day-

long work?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) May be

d) Never




4. When you brows Facebook? When I am-

a) Happy (2)

b) Frustrated (2)

c) Lonely (8)

d) Bored (13)





5.Do you think using Facebook rather than anything can refresh your mind after day-long work?

a) Yes (7)

b) Sometimes (9)

c) May be (5)

d) Never (4)

9 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

This pie chart shows the percentage of respondents answer for the question number five. 28%

respondent in the pie chart believes that using Facebook rather than anything can refresh their

mind after day-long work. Other 36% respondent believes that using Facebook sometimes

refresh their mind after day-long work which holds the highest percentage in the pie chart.

Another 20% respondents answers that they are not sure but may be it can refresh their mind.

The lowest percentage in this pie chart is 16% which represents the people who believes that

Facebook never refreshes their mind after day-long work.

According to the pie chart we can see that a large number of people found Facebook helpful after

day-long work. Another major percentage of people think that it sometimes helps them positively

after day-long work. A moderate percentage of people think that they are not sure about its

positive effects. Significantly lower percentage of people never found it helpful.

6. Why do you use Facebook?

a) To get updated news

b) To be connected with friends all the time

c) To pass your time

d) To see friends Status, comments & photos

Question number six was about why respondents use Facebook. Only 3 respondents answers that

they use Facebook to get updated news which is 12% of the total pie chart. Other 7 respondents





6. Why do you use Facebook?

a) To get updated news (3)

b) To be connected with friends all the time (7)

c) To pass your time (5)

d) To see friends Status, comments & photos (10)

10 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

answers that they use only to be connected with friends all the time which holds the second

largest share in the pie chart. The percentage fall when it comes to use Facebook as time pass.

Only 5 respondents think that they use Facebook to pass their free time which is 20% of the

chart. But the percentage significantly increases with the forth answer option which was “To see

friends status,comments & photos”. 40% respondent agrees that they use Facebook to see friends

status,comments & photos.

Very few people uses Facebook to get updated news. A moderate number of people use

Facebook to be connected with their friends & pass their free time. Significantly large number of

people believes that they use Facebook to see friends status,comments & photos only.

7. Do you think Facebook makes you more social than before?

a) Yes

b) I don’t know

c) Neutral

d) No

This pie chart shows the percentage of peoples thinking whether Facebook made them more

social than before or not. 9 respondents agree that they become more social after using Facebook

than before which holds the largest share of 36% in the pie chart.12% respondent don’t know

about the social behavior outcome of using Facebook which is the lowest in the pie chart.




7.Do you think Facebook makes you more social than before?

a) Yes (9)

b) I don’t know (3)

c) Neutral (6)

d) No (7)

11 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

Another 24% respondent is neutral on this topic. They don’t agree or disagree directly with this

topic. Other 28% respondent believes that Facebook didn’t make them more social than before &

it holds the second largest percentage of 28% in the pie chart.

A large number of people agrees that Facebook make them more social than before. A very few

people don’t know the social consequences of using Facebook. The neutral & negative opinion

holders are in fluctuating percentage.

8. Do you think looking at Facebook friends’ activity on news feed can make you feel


a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) Neutral

d) Never

This pie chart shows the percentage of respondents feelings while seeing their Facebook friends

activity.7 respondent answers that they feel happy when they see Facebook friends activity on

their news feed which is 28% of the total respondent. Almost half of the total respondent answers

that they sometimes feel happy when they see Facebook friends activity which holds the highest

share of 48% in the pie chart. Other 20% respondent answers neutral on this topic. Only 4%





8.Do you think looking at Facebook friends activity on news feed can make you feel happy ?

a) Yes (7)

b) Sometimes (12)

c) Neutral (5)

d) Never (1)

12 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

respondents think that they never feel happy when they see their Facebook friend’s activity

which holds the lowest percentage in the pie chart.

A very large percentage of people feel positive about seeing their Facebook friends activity. A

moderate percentage of respondent feel neutral & very few people feel negative on this topic.

9. Do you think positive feedback on your posts and pictures increases your self-


a) Yes

b) May be

c) I don’t know

d) Never

This pie chart shows how positive feedback on respondents post & pictures affects their self-

confidence. 40% respondent agrees that positive feedback on their post & pictures increases their

self-confidence. It holds the highest percentage in the pie chart.28% respondent thinks that it

may be increase their self-confidence which is the second largest percentage in the pie chart.

Only 8% respondent thinks that they don’t know about the influence of positive feedback on

their self-confidence which is the lowest in the pie chart. The percentage increases to 24% when

6 respondents answers that positive feedback on their posts & pictures never increases their self-






9. Do you think positive feedback on your posts and pictures increases your self-confidence?

a) Yes (10)

b) May be (7)

c) I don’t know (2)

d) Never (6)

13 Positive psychological effects of Facebook

According to the pie chart, a huge number of respondents feel that positive feedback on their

posts and photos increases their self-confidence. A moderate percentage of people think that it

may be increase their self-confidence. The other two answer option holds fluctuating percentage

in the pie chart.

10. Do you think your Facebook profile picture, posts, comments reflects your personality?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) Not sure

d) No

This pie chart shows the answer of respondents whether their Facebook profile reflects their

personality or not. 32% respondent answers that their Facebook profile picture, posts, comments

reflects their personality which is the second largest percentage in the pie chart. Other 36%

respondent thinks that Facebook profile sometimes reflects their personality which holds the

largest share in the pie chart. Only 8% respondent are not sure about it reflects their personality

or not.24% respondent thinks that Facebook profile does not reflect their personality which is the

third largest percentage in the pie chart.

According to this pie chart, almost two-third respondent feels that their Facebook profile reflects

their personality. Very little percentage of respondents is not sure about this. A moderate

percentage of people think that Facebook profile does not reflect their personality.





10. Do you think your Facebook profile picture, posts, comments reflects your personality ?

a) Yes (8)

b) Sometimes (9)

c) Not sure (2)

d) No (6)

14 Positive psychological effects of Facebook


In considering the research questions, the results of the study do indicate that activities involving

Facebook have a positive impact upon wellbeing. Most of the people find it helpful when they

are low in mood or even after day-long work stress. “Facebook usage in particular, is reported to

increase a sense of wellbeing amongst its users. The aspects of wellbeing relate to the fact that

users were more easily able to form relationships, provide companionship and emotional support,

and feel more positive after reading status updates” (Hampton et al, 2012; Mauri et al., 2011;

Burke et al, 2010; Toma, 2010).Moreover, it can help them to increase their self-confidence and

enhance their personality. Though lots of people still believes that Facebook has no positive

effects on our life, but a moderate usage of Facebook can improve our psychological condition

and can help us to make our life better. But if anyone wants to bring out the best from Facebook

related activities, then he should also consider the cons of excessive social media dependency. It

is always wise to maintain a balance connection between real life and virtual life so that there

won’t be any abrupt change in our psychology.


After this in-depth analysis, it can be said that though the impact of Facebook related activities

upon positive well-being is not that huge, but still it’s quite important in an age like this where

people are more depressed, self-confidence less than ever. Regardless of whether we realize it,

Facebook use does influence our psychological well-being. Maybe now that we are aware of its

hold, we can become more conscious in how we let it shape our view of ourselves. It can also be

said that there is a positive relationship between Facebook use and self-esteem for Facebook

users. When they are online, they can selectively present themselves. More and more researches

should be conducted on this topic so that the millions of Facebook users around the world can be

benefited from all the Facebook related activities those have positive effect on psychology.

15 Positive psychological effects of Facebook


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