micro organisms friend and foe pptx autosaved

Micro-organisms Friends & foe P.p.t. on

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Post on 03-Dec-2023




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Micro-organisms Friends


P.p.t. on

A microorganism or microbe is an

organism which is too small to be

seen by the unaided human eye. They are microscopic.

Microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, Archaea or

protists and viruses

Viruses A virus is a biological

agent that reproduces inside the cells of living hosts. Viruses can infect all

types of life forms from animals and plants to microorganism

s, including bacteria 

and Archaea

Bacteriabacteria are single celled

microbes. The cell

structure is simpler than

of other organisms as

there is no nucleus or membrane

bound organelles. 

Fungi Fungi can be single celled

or very complex

multicellular organisms.

They can be found in

any habitat

algaeAlgae can exist as

single cells, an example of which is 

joined together in

chains like Spirogyra or made up of many cells

protozoaprotozoa are single celled organisms

E.g. an Amoeba w

hich can change its

shape to Paramecium with its

fixed shape and complex


Friendly micro-organismsmicroorganisms are used for various

purposes they are used in the preparation of bread and cake they are also used in cleaning up of the

environment f or eg the organic wastes are broken down into harmless

&usable substances by bacteria .

Role in industrymicroorganisms are used for the large scale production of

alcohol wine & acetic acid the source of these medicines is micro-

organismns Bacteria can also be used in the place of pesticides in

the biological pest control

Advantagessome bacteria & blue green algae are able to fix nitrogen from the

atmosphere to enrich soil. these microbes are called biological fixers the microorganisms decompose dead organic waste of plants

microoganisms can be used to degrade harmful & smelly substances

Disadvantagedisease causing microorganisms in

humans plant &animalshumans –microbial disease can spread from an infected person to a healthy

person animals – anthrax is a dangerous human

& cattle caused by bacterium

food poising – microorganisms grows on our food &produce toxic substances





Aakarshit Singh Class – 8 b Roll no - 1