managing time - knowledge sharing

Managing Time: Knowledge Sharing Session 4 Motivation Successful comes with hard work, determination and discipline. Successful people do things differently than unsuccessful people. Learn and practice what you have learned until it become a habit. Measure the time in minutes. What are your transactions for that day in minutes? calculate how you have spent and what you have gained from every minutes passed by. Motivation What common with successful people is they are good time manager; life management and personal management; well organized; efficient and value their time well. Winners uses their time well losers do not. The key to time management is self discipline. Self discipline is the key to success. They cannot manage their time unless they have self discipline. So, how you can do?

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Managing Time: Knowledge Sharing

Session 4


• Successful comes with hard work, determination and discipline.

• Successful people do things differently than unsuccessful people. Learn and practice what you have learned until it become a habit.

• Measure the time in minutes. What are your transactions for that day in minutes? calculate how you have spent and what you have gained from every minutes passed by.


• What common with successful people is they are good time manager; life management and personal management; well organized; efficient and value their time well. Winners uses their time well losers do not.

• The key to time management is self discipline. Self discipline is the key to success.

• They cannot manage their time unless they have self discipline. So, how you can do?

My PhD Problem

• "I have no time to write"

• "I have no idea what to write"

• "I cannot focus, with so many things to do"

• "I want to quit my PhD"

• "I am lost"

• "I have been reading but not writing"

• "I have done many important things except writing"

• "I am suffering from writers' block"

• "Procrastination!"

Time Management: Self Reminder

Manage yourself / your life in using the time you have rightfully, and meaningfully as time is not replaceable once it’s gone or wasted

•all achievement, all results, all success requires time

•assess the true VALUE of everything you do (some activities have less and no value at all especially those that are fun, easy and enjoyable they have no value mostly)

Time Management: Self Reminder


• only your ACTIONS tell what you actually

VALUE, saying something else, doing

something else

• spend time WISELY, allocate your time from

area of low value to area of high value

(remember about self-discipline)

Time Management: Self Reminder


1. What to do first?

2. What to do next?

3. What not to do at all?

•THINK before you act

•stop for a while and think about the best way to use your time

• do not postpone your important task and do not replace with trivial tasks or hobby or entertainment

Time Management: Self Reminder


• Procrastination is also a habit. Do not develop a bad habit.

• Procrastination is the thief of your dreams

• To embark on A NEW task, STOP the old tasks because you only have 24 hours to spend

• What is the CONSEQUENCE of completing or not completing a task? Then choose to do task that give bad IMPACT if you do not do it correctly, properly, and timely.

Time Management: Self Reminder


• (some of time waster - chatting, drinking,

reading newspaper, surfing the internet,

watching tv /videos, checking emails / spams /


• Practise single-handling - choose ONE MOST

IMPORTANT tasks and do it until 100% finish

• keep focus

• start today

12 Ideas of time management

12 Ideas of time management• Principle 1. Goal

• Principle 2: Plan of Action

• Principle 3: Set Priorities

• Principle 4: Concentration

• Principle 5: Set a dead line

• Principle 6: Time Log

• Principle 7: Procrastination

• Principle 8: Delegate

• Principle 9: Meetings

• Principle 10:Interruptions

• Principle 11:Key result areas

• Principle 12: Batching up

12 ideas of time management

Increase personal productivity 2 - 3 hours per


•How badly you want to learn how

to manage your time well?

•How much effort you are going to put into it?

Principle 1. Goal

Set your goal - what and how to accomplish?

•What am I?

•What I want to accomplish?

3 major areas of goal are:

1. personal and family goals - the reason why you are alive. What you want to accomplish for you and your family?

2. Your business, career and financial goals - materials goal; what is it; What you want to accomplish in the external world; where do you want to make your contribution?

3. your self development goal - Your ability of developing yourself is the key to accomplish your goal

Principle 1. Goal (continue)

Q1. If you just won I million amount of money,

what is it that you want to do differently?

Q2. What you are going to do today if you learn

that you have six month to live?

Q3: What one great thing if you knew you could

not fail, what goal you want to set?

Ask yourself

Q1. If you just won I million amount of

money, what is it that you want to do

differently? Think about it.

• buying houses; properties (land, building)

• Car; investment; donation / charity; traveling

• Teaching; knowledge sharing;

• conduct training / workshops on how to be

successful; clothing; jewellery;

Q2. What you are going to do today if

you learn that you have six month to

live?•what you want to start doing?

•who you want to spend time with?

The answer tell you

1. what you really value

2. What's important to you

(Self esteem, satisfaction, happiness in life comes from getting your goals and activities congruent with your values, your prodigies, what you consider to be very important)

Q3: What one great thing if you knew

you could not fail, what goal you want

to set?

•The answer tell you the one thing that you put

yourself to accomplish.

• Goal must be in writing, rewrite them, redefine

the goal

•(be very clear; specific; carry the notes every

where you go)

Principle 2: Plan of Action

• Organized plan of action are the key to


• Action without planning is the cause of every

failure, underachievement,

frustration, time wastage, anxiety, stress

1. organized plan of action

• When you take your goal, objective, write down every single step that you are going to follow to achieve that objective

• Write all out, list plan of action, all different activities, organized together into a plan that you can implement on a daily basis

• Decide which have to be done first, which has to be done lady, which is more important, which is less important

• The ability to set goal, ability to make plan for the accomplishment is the master skill of success

1. organized plan of action (continue)

• All you leant in life and in school is the ability to be a goal setter and continuous plan, day and night planning - organizing, planning, writing, thinking about what you are trying to accomplish;

• As a result, you will accomplish more in a year than other people. There is nothing to do with their intelligent, education;

• If you do not have clear goal for your life, you are condemn forever to work for those who do;

• In life, either you are working to the accomplishment of your goal or the accomplishment of other people's goal.

How to make a list?

1. make a list for the week, at the weekend say on Saturday, if the week begin on Sunday

2. Make a list for each day, the evening before - and you always work from the list.


• the subconscious will go to your list while you are asleep, during the night the subconscious will solve problems and bring insight to you. When you wake up in the morning, with the insights, ideas, intuitions, answers that will make your day more productive

• with a list it's like driving a car without a steering wheel, drifting away to different directions, a list will give you a track to follow for the entire day

With the list you can analyse where

you are, you can tell:

1. what is more important and what is less important

2. What is relevance

3. What can be delegate

4. What can be delayed,

5. what can be put off - each time you check off the list

it give you a sense of accomplishment. The happiness is

the progressive realization, a step by step

accomplishment of the task necessary to accomplish,

series of successful day is working on the list one step

at a time

Principle 3: Set Priorities - What is

relevance, what is irrelevance

• Biggest single problem is setting priorities.

• According to Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule said that 80% of value what you do, will be contained in 20% of the thing that you do. Means we spent 20% of quality time. If you make a list of 10 things to do, the most important thing that relevance only 2 of them.

• - effective people work on the 2

• - ineffective people work on the 8 of the list that are easy, fun, irrelevance, keep putting off, delaying the major tasks

The key to success ask this question:

• What is the most valuable use of my time RIGHT NOW?

• Is this the MOST IMPORTANT THING that I could be doing?

• Is this my TOP PRIORITY tasks?

• Is this give me the highest pay off?

• Is this the most VALUABLE USE of my time?

• What IMPACT of the accomplishment of this task have on my future?


If you organize your life and spend more on the MOST VALUABLE TASKS, that alone will be enough to make you a better person, can increase your productivity, your performance, your profitability, your reward by 10, 20, 30, 40 or even 50%

•1. Most people spend 80% of their time on the problems and difficulties of the past, only 20% dealing with the opportunities of the future.

The impact

But, successful people always say:

•what IMPACT of the accomplishment of this task have on my future?

•The important task will always have an impact on the future, unimportant tasks will only have an impact on the present and even the past.

•So, what this the most VALUABLE USE of my time right now and what is the possible IMPACT tomorrow, the next day, in the future. Keep on track with regards with priority.

Principle 4: Concentration - learn how!

• Leaning how to concentrate is essential to

success, as a matter of fact, it is impossible for

you to accomplish anything in life without the

ability to concentrate single-mindedly on one

thing at a time and STAY WITH IT until it


Principle 4: Concentration (continue)

Once you have made a list of what you want to do:

•organize your goal; determine the highest, the most valuable priority; then pick the most important thing and begin working on it and stay with it until it's finish.

•You think that if you stay with it you will not get many things done, it does not matter because you are working on the most important thing.

Principle 4: Concentration (continue)

• When you complete an important task your self esteem goes up, you will feel great about yourself. But if you complete a trivial task, you do not get any excitement. In fact most stress in the world come from working very hard on less valuable tasks.

• "if it's not worth doing, it's not worth doing right"

• " the worst thing in the world is to do it very well on what need not be done at all"

• "concentrate single-mindedly on one task at a time, do first thing first”

Principle 5: Set a dead line

• with lots of room to spare

• always try to finish before the dead line

• tell other people that you are going to finish

at this dead line (a forcing system that

motivate you to stay at it)

Principle 5: Set a dead line (Continue)

• If you have 8 hours of time to do things for 2

hours, you will spend all the hours; work

contract to fit the time allowed. In case of

emergency you can get it done in 2 hours.

Effective people tight to the schedule that

they can get many work done in a shorter

period of time.

Principle 6: Time Log - where is all

your time going?

All effective people know where their time goes.

1. the more important you are, the more successful you are, the more you tend to measure time in MINUTES.

•hours, days and weeks (less successful)

•morning vs afternoon: average person

•hours by hours: above average

•half hours: successful

•MINUTES: very successful

Principle 6: Time Log (continue)

• 2. 80% of people do not know how to spend

their time, socializing,

telephone, wasting time. So keep the time log,

whoever you have the chance of looking at

your watch, write down what you are doing

with your time, ask people to give feedback

on how you spend your time. This is you

spend is it consistent with your goal and top


Principle 6: Time Log (continue)

• Analyse how you spend your time. (am I

spending time on things that are important to

me? Things that give me big pay off? If not,

keep adjusting and modifying your schedule.

• 3. Shelf discipline is important to measure

every day.

Principle 7: Procrastination - positive

or negative

1. Positive procrastination - when you procrastinated of doing something not important

2. Negative procrastination - your most important task. The task is either urgent, or important. It does not have to be done now but it has very high impact on your future. We tend to do what is urgent, but important tasks seldom urgent. And urgent task are seldom important.

Principle 7: Procrastination (continue)

3. Every morning when you wake up say it over

and over



•Program your subconscious mind with this

automatic condition command.



Principle 7: Procrastination (continue)

• 4. The key to avoid procrastination is to

develop a sense of urgency. Be a kind of

person who get things done quickly.

• 5. One way is to break the task - slice into

small tasks at a time

• There's no successful people every where who

does not have a sense of urgency. Top rank

people have things done at a very fast time.

Principle 8: Delegate

• "Delegate everything you possibly can"

• Outsource, have other people do it, do not waste your productive time, getting your car wash, cleaning your house, hire people with less rate than you get paid, use your productive time on tasks that are more expensive of higher value

• If you cannot delegate, you cannot grow, you cannot be successful.

Principle 8: Delegate (continue)

Delegation require clarity:

•1. Write down what you want to be done, when it be done,

•2. Pick the person to do it, don't give major task to incapable person

•3. Review, inspect, make sure it will be done on time

Never assume that anybody, anything will be done on time unless you check on your self

Principle 9: Meetings - an essential

part of human life.

50% of time is wasted on meetings

•1. If possible avoid the meeting

•2. Make sure the meeting has agenda

•3. Make sure it starts and ends on time. Do not wait

for the late comers, assume that they will not come

•4. Deal with the most important first

•5. If you finish your contribution, ask if you can be


•6. The meeting become off track, irrelevant topic.

Principle 10: Interruptions

Telephone and walk in visitors

•1. Don't be a slave to telephone. If it's important they will call back. Do not answer the call when you are focusing on your more important tasks.

•2. Most effectively, stand up when people visit you, they will not sit down.

•3. Say "they is one more thing before you go"

•4. Stand up and say "I was just leaving"

Principle 11: Key result areas

• Why am I in this position / post / doing this


• What result are expected of me?

Principle 12: batching up

• In term of efficiency, you will be more

efficient if you process your work in batches

Seven Steps to the Top

(Brian Tracy)

Seven (7) Steps to the Top

1. Arise two hours before your first appointment

2. Rewrite your goals everyday

3. Plan everyday in advance

4. Discipline yourself to concentrate single minded on one thing

5. Listen to educational program while driving

6. Self-reflection to review your performance

7. Treat every person you meet like a million dollar customer

1. Arise two hours before your first


•spend one hour to read a book (means one

book per week, 50 books per year)


•you set yourself up for an excellent day

•you will be positive, alert, creative and

productive all day long

2. Rewrite your goals everyday

•use present tense

• write 10 goals each morning


•you will be thinking about achieving that goals all day, try to find ways / opportunities

•you will become more focused, channelled and directed

•more purposeful and determined

•you will achieve your goals much faster than not writing them down

3. Plan everyday in advance

• make a list of things to do

• set priorities which one should be done first

(usually do the most difficult tasks first when

you are full of your energy)

• Usually the easiest is the most interesting, but

not urgent and not important (do this last in

the list)

• remember about self-discipline (forcing you)

4. Discipline yourself to concentrate

single minded on one thing

• Choose the most important thing that you can

do each day;

• Start on it until 100 per cent complete;

• Make a habit to start and to finish what you

want to achieve;

• A habit can increase your ability to focus and

concentrate, then you can increase your

productivity, performance and output.

5. Listen to educational program while


•Many people succeed by this way

6. Self-reflection to review your


•Always ask

1. What did I do right in this meeting/ event?

2. What would I do differently?

7. Treat every person you meet like a

million dollar customer

•Both at work, at home, everywhere as if he/she is the most important person in the world

•When you treat like that, chances are they will return the same treatment to you as if you are valuable and important as well

•Tell your family members that you love them


•They will want to be associated with you, work for you, buy from you and introduce you to their friends

•You will be more positive and happier the rest of the day

Suggestions of managing time

(Brian Tracy)

1. Divide and Rule Strategy

•Must do: tasks with serious consequence of non completion (Label as A)

•Should do: tasks with mild consequences (Label as B)

•Nice to do: tasks with no consequences whether you do or not (Label as C)

•Delegate: every possible things to free time for what only you can do (Label as D)

•Eliminate: stop activities that are not related to your goals (Label as E)

2. Detail Steps

1. Prepare list of activities for the next day or a

one week planning

2. Mark and group them according to A B C D E


3. Break down bigger tasks into a few smaller

tasks mark as A-1, A-2, A-3 or B-1, B-2, B-3, and

so on

3. Rule

1. Begin your day with A tasks when you have

your full energy

2. Go to B tasks when ALL A tasks are done, you

will notice that life gets better each day

3. Go to C D E tasks one by one when ALL

previous tasks in the top list are done

4. Tips

1. Never do the bottom up approach i.e. you should never start with the lower-value tasks first. You are the time manager, you know what best for you to do, begin with higher-value tasks (the most important)

2. Apply the power of self discipline. The payoff is huge, the chance to double your productivity, performance, and output everyday.

3. Practice single-handling: concentrate and focus 100% of your time, mind, energy and attention to one important task single-mindedly until complete.

4. Tips (continue)

4. Use every will power possible to start your live

changing tasks until it takes shape that you will be

motivated to go on, more relax, and more enjoyable

once you gain your confidence (just like learning how

to drive a car, it would be difficult in the beginning but

when you gain the feel, the ride is smooth and fun)

5. Cry! if it helps to clear your mind, forget and forgive

the past

•as you cannot change them; then move forward

Concluding Remark

• As Anthony Robbins said, the different between successful and unsuccessful people is ‘the ability to take action’. We can search for all the key terms related to time management, we can read all the tips, but nothing will change if we do not take any action.

• “There are a thousand excuses for failure but never a good reason” (Mark Twain)

• Thank you and all the best to everyone!


•These slides are intended to researchers who registered their email address in Doctorate Support Group and Research Proposal(s) and Theses Group; please ignore and delete if you are not the intended recipient.

•These slides are for personal use only not for publication and/or open sourcing.

•I do not claim to be the expert. Not all the tips fit to everyone, you are free to treat them as a template for self reminder and enhance it with further readings.

•(Kak Zie Azizah – Research Proposals and theses facebook group)

Further readings

Brian Tracy, 2010. The Power of Self Discipline.