etruscan basic lexicon database

Abbreviation Author Editor BONFANTE FACCH-EN Facchetti, Giulio M. FACCH-MORF Facchetti, Giulio M. RIX Helmut Rix Woodard, Roger D. Bonfante, Giuliano; Bonfante, Larissa

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Abbreviation Author Editor


FACCH-EN Facchetti, Giulio M.

FACCH-MORF Facchetti, Giulio M.

RIX Helmut Rix Woodard, Roger D.

Bonfante, Giuliano; Bonfante, Larissa


The Etruscan Language. An Introduction. Second edtion

L'enigma svelato della lingua etrusca

Appunti di morfologia etruscaEtruscan (pages 141 to 164), in The Ancient Languages of Europe

Publisher Year ISBN

2002 0-7190-5540-7

Newton & Compton editori 2000 88-8289-458-4

Leo S. Olschki 2002 88-222-5138-5

Cambridge University Press 2008 978-0-521-68495-8

Manchester University Press



Word Source Page # Etruscan textac- BONFANTE 214 ac-ac- BONFANTE 214 acazrce / acasceac- BONFANTE 214 acilac- BONFANTE 101 acilune turune ścuneac- BONFANTE 150 ancn zich nethśrac acasce

ac- BONFANTE 108

ac- BONFANTE 172 sacniśa thui [ecl]th śuthith acazrac- FACCH-EN 289 ac- ac- FACCH-EN 63, 107 acasce ac- FACCH-EN 289ac- FACCH-EN 290ac- FACCH-EN 107ac- FACCH-EN 82, 195 acil ac- FACCH-EN 289ac- FACCH-EN 82 acil ame ac- FACCH-EN 82 acil hece ac- FACCH-EN 174 acilun- ac- FACCH-EN 195ac- FACCH-EN 190, 193ac- FACCH-EN 148ac- FACCH-EN 164 akske ac- FACCH-EN 246ac- FACCH-MORF 79 acas-riac- FACCH-MORF 70, 71, 105 acilac- FACCH-MORF 107 an cn ziχ neθšrac acasceac- FACCH-MORF 59 cn ziχ (...) acasceac- FACCH-MORF 90, 106 ikan ziχ akaraiac- FACCH-MORF 76 inpa [...] acasac- RIX 155

arnth larth velimnaś arzneal husiur suthi acil hece

acas-ri acas-ri acazrce


acil-un- acilune akarai

helucu acasa




Word Source Page # Etruscan textac- RIX 156ac- RIX 155 acasce > akśke ac- RIX 156ac- RIX 160ac- RIX 154 acilac- RIX 162 acilac- RIX 159 acil (ame)ac- RIX 161ac- RIX 155ac- RIX 159 ture acilacn- BONFANTE 103 clenar ci acnanasa elsśi zilacnhuacn- BONFANTE 102 huśur ci acnanasacn- BONFANTE 96 huśur mach acnanasacn- BONFANTE 100 papalser acnanasa VI manim arce

acn- BONFANTE 172

acn- FACCH-EN 116 acnaice acn- FACCH-EN 290acn- FACCH-EN 243acn- FACCH-EN 186acn- FACCH-EN 103 ci clenar acnanas acn- FACCH-EN 88 ci clenar acnanasa acn- FACCH-EN 88 clenar zal … acnanasa acn- FACCH-EN 101acn- FACCH-EN 103acn- FACCH-EN 103acn- FACCH-EN 88 papalser acnanasa VI acn- RIX 155 *acna-ane acn- RIX 158 husur … acn-an-as al- BONFANTE 214 al-


acasri acel

acilune acilune [Late Etruscan]

svalce avil LXIII ci clenar acnanas arce

acna-nas(a) acnaš- acnina

hušur acnanas hušur ci acnanas hušur mac acnanas



Word Source Page # Etruscan textal- BONFANTE 102 mi ... aliqual- BONFANTE 101 mini alice velthural- FACCH-EN 290 al al- FACCH-EN 68al- FACCH-EN 290al- FACCH-EN 148, 151, 165al- FACCH-EN 276al- FACCH-EN 152al- FACCH-EN 289al- FACCH-EN 142 ale al- FACCH-EN 182, 195al- FACCH-EN 144

al- FACCH-EN 13

al- FACCH-EN 43al- FACCH-EN 142, 146al- FACCH-EN 290al- FACCH-EN 154al- FACCH-EN 141al- FACCH-EN 148, 150al- FACCH-MORF 139 alaal- FACCH-MORF 89 alχun ameal- FACCH-MORF 71 ciz ale maleal- FACCH-MORF 105 trin alcal- RIX 156 alal- RIX 155 ale

-alχ BONFANTE 97

-alχ BONFANTE 96 -alc / -alch

al- al(i)-ce ala alc alce alce

ale alice

alice [Archaic Etruscan], alce [Late Etruscan]

aliqu aliqu al-iqu aliχe alχuname alχuvaisera < *alχuv-aiser-ra

[...] tute arnthals [...] zilchnu cezpz purtśvana thunz lupu avils esals cezpalchals



Word Source Page # Etruscan text-alχ BONFANTE 106 avils machs semphalchls lupu-alχ BONFANTE 96, 215 cezp-alch

-alχ BONFANTE 104

-alχ BONFANTE 96, 226 ci-alch / ce-alch-alχ BONFANTE 97 ciem cealch us-alχ BONFANTE 96 ci-em-ce-alch-alχ BONFANTE 96 esl-em-ce-alch-alχ BONFANTE 96, 226 muv-alch-alχ BONFANTE 96 se-alch-alχ BONFANTE 96 semph-alch-alχ BONFANTE 97 thunem cialchus-alχ BONFANTE 96 thun-em-ce-alch-alχ FACCH-EN 288, 289 -alχ-alχ FACCH-EN 7, 26-alχ FACCH-MORF 71 θunem cialχus-alχ RIX 150-alχ RIX 159-alχ RIX 159-alχ RIX 159-alχ RIX 159 semφalχ -alχ RIX 159 σealχ am- BONFANTE 214 am-am- BONFANTE 150 amceam- BONFANTE 181 ameam- BONFANTE 68 amuceam- BONFANTE 106 an zilath amce mechl rasnalam- BONFANTE 147 an zilath amce mechl rasnalam- BONFANTE 92 an zilath BONFANTE 109 ipa ama hen naper XII

ci clenar [...] anavence lupu-m avils machs śealchlsc


cealχ- cezpalχ cialχ / cealχ muvalχ



Word Source Page # Etruscan textam- BONFANTE 102, 172 puia amceam- BONFANTE 84 puiam amceam- BONFANTE 107 zilath tarchnalthi amceam- FACCH-EN 261 am am- FACCH-EN 32 am- am- FACCH-EN 290am- FACCH-EN 182am- FACCH-EN 194am- FACCH-EN 120, 163

am- FACCH-EN amce

am- FACCH-EN 154am- FACCH-EN 181am- FACCH-EN 206am- FACCH-EN 290am- FACCH-EN 63am- FACCH-EN 290am- FACCH-EN 32am- FACCH-EN 125 amke am- FACCH-EN 242am- FACCH-EN 208am- FACCH-MORF 89 alχun ameam- FACCH-MORF 108 am-am- FACCH-MORF 103 am . aram- FACCH-MORF 91 amaam- FACCH-MORF 37 amakeam- FACCH-MORF 70 avilχval amuceam- FACCH-MORF 108 mi ameam- FACCH-MORF 83 šuθiu . ameam- RIX 155

am(u)-ce ama ama amake

78, 89, 103, 104, 107, 108, 231

ame ame ame ame ame am-e (arcaico ama-i) ame < *amai

amuce šuθiu ame




Word Source Page # Etruscan textam- RIX 162am- RIX 162am- RIX 154am- RIX 155am- RIX 155 amuce / amake > amceaminθ BONFANTE 194 Aminthaminθ FACCH-EN 81an BONFANTE 91 anan BONFANTE 214 an (ana, ane, anc, ancn, ananc)an BONFANTE 92 an cn śuthi cerichuncean BONFANTE 106 an zilath amce mechl rasnalan BONFANTE 147 an zilath amce mechl rasnalan BONFANTE 92 an zilath BONFANTE 150 ancn zich nethśrac acascean FACCH-EN 63an FACCH-EN 71an FACCH-EN 100 an an FACCH-EN 288 an

an FACCH-EN an

an FACCH-EN 113 anc an FACCH-EN 94 Vel … an an FACCH-MORF 66 anan FACCH-MORF 107 an cn ziχ neθšrac acascean FACCH-MORF 67 ananc esian FACCH-MORF 19 anc farθnaχean RIX 154 anan RIX 161 anan RIX 162 anan RIX 151

ama amake ame ame


an an

102, 104, 107, 110, 113




Word Source Page # Etruscan text

apa BONFANTE apa

apa BONFANTE 104 apac aticapa BONFANTE 214 apana

apa BONFANTE 172

apa BONFANTE 103 spurethi apasi svalas

apa FACCH-EN 91


apa FACCH-EN 62 apa nacna apa FACCH-EN 161 apana apa FACCH-EN 102 apanes apa FACCH-EN 89 spureθi apasi svalas apa FACCH-MORF 24 apaapa FACCH-MORF 57 apac aticapa FACCH-MORF 22 apanaapa FACCH-MORF 15 apa-s-i spure-θiapa FACCH-MORF 19 zilaχn[ce] spureθi apasi svalasapa RIX 161 apa-apa RIX 162apa RIX 158apa RIX 151ar- BONFANTE 103 arar- BONFANTE 214 ar-, er-ar- BONFANTE 100 papalser acnanasa VI manim arce

ar- BONFANTE 172

ar- FACCH-EN 88

58, 111, 150, 214, 225

laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasi

apa 12, 62, 68, 75,

120, 207 apa

apa apasi apa-s-I

svalce avil LXIII ci clenar acnanas arce(manim) arce



Word Source Page # Etruscan textar- FACCH-EN 231 ar-ar- FACCH-EN 195 ar ar- FACCH-EN 261 ar ar- FACCH-EN 136ar- FACCH-EN 141ar- FACCH-EN 231ar- FACCH-EN 148 ara ar- FACCH-EN 150 ara mlaχ ar- FACCH-EN 182 aras ar- FACCH-EN 220ar- FACCH-EN 103, 231 arce ar- FACCH-EN 98, 101ar- FACCH-EN 103 arce maniim ar- FACCH-EN 98, 101 manim arce ar- FACCH-EN 289ar- FACCH-EN 136ar- FACCH-MORF 101 (a)rar- FACCH-MORF 103 am . arar- FACCH-MORF 62 arar- FACCH-MORF 102, 108 ar-ar- FACCH-MORF 97 ar- / er-ar- FACCH-MORF 88, 104 ar nunaar- FACCH-MORF 105 araar- FACCH-MORF 69 ara θuniar- FACCH-MORF 105 arasar- FACCH-MORF 102 aras peras-car- FACCH-MORF 102 arcear- FACCH-MORF 103 ipas ikam / ar nunaar- FACCH-MORF 100 mi (a)r nuna / mi nuna (a)rar- FACCH-MORF 100 mir nunan

ar ar nuna ar[u]since < ar-us-in-



mi nuna (a)r mir = mi ar



Word Source Page # Etruscan textar- RIX 156 ar ar- RIX 154ar- RIX 158ar- RIX 158ar- RIX 157ati BONFANTE 104 apac aticati BONFANTE 111, 214 ateriati BONFANTE 214 aterś, aturs, atrs, atrus

ati BONFANTE ati

ati BONFANTE 84 atial turce / malstria cverati BONFANTE 214 ativuati BONFANTE 171 ativu sacniśa aturś

ati BONFANTE 172

ati BONFANTE 166 mi celś atial celthi

ati BONFANTE 156 tite cale: atial: turce malstria: cver


ati FACCH-EN 62ati FACCH-EN 145ati FACCH-EN 153 atial ati FACCH-EN 146 atiial ati FACCH-EN 78ati FACCH-EN 148, 150ati FACCH-EN 112 ativu ati FACCH-EN 161 cels atial ati FACCH-MORF 57 apac aticati FACCH-MORF 24 ati

ara ar-aś arce ar-θ

58, 108, 111, 214, 225

laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasi

12, 62, 96, 109, 110, 150 ati

ati nacn(v)a atia

atim atiuθ



Word Source Page # Etruscan textati FACCH-MORF 60 ati θutaati FACCH-MORF 64, 118 ati(v)uati RIX 161 atic -c BONFANTE 104 apac atic-c BONFANTE 104, 215 -c



-c BONFANTE 180 pavac-c FACCH-EN -c, -χ, -ka, -ca -c FACCH-EN 106-c FACCH-MORF 57 apac atic-c FACCH-MORF 67 -c-c FACCH-MORF 86-c RIX 147-c RIX 152 -c-c RIX 158 -c-c RIX 161 -c-c RIX 161cap- BONFANTE 215 cape, capicap- BONFANTE 112, 176, 215 capra

cap- BONFANTE 14

cap- FACCH-EN 134cap- FACCH-EN 186 cap- cap- FACCH-EN 186cap- FACCH-EN 186cap- FACCH-EN 115, 186

ci clenar [...] anavence lupu-m avils machs śealchlsclaris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasi

95, 96 etc.

-ka (arcaico), -c (recente)

-c / -χ (arc. -ka)Archaic Etruscan –ca > Late Etruscan –c

-c; -c < -ca/ka

qupes fulusla ... mi ei minpi capi mi nunarcap-

cape cap-er (plur. caperχva) cap-ra



Word Source Page # Etruscan textcap- FACCH-EN 133 ei mini-pi cap-i cap- FACCH-EN 135 ei minpi capi cap- FACCH-EN 155 ei mipi capi cap- FACCH-EN 158 en minipi capi cap- FACCH-EN 157cap- FACCH-EN 115 mi capi cap- FACCH-MORF 112 cap(i)-cap- FACCH-MORF 96, 112 capercap- FACCH-MORF 96 caperχvacap- FACCH-MORF 108 capi-cap- FACCH-MORF 79 ei minipi capicap- FACCH-MORF 38 en mipi capicap- FACCH-MORF 99 mi . capicap- RIX 152cap- RIX 152cauθa BONFANTE 172 cathacauθa BONFANTE 196 Catha / Cavthacauθa FACCH-EN 67cauθa FACCH-EN 67cauθa FACCH-EN 50cauθa FACCH-EN 261cauθa FACCH-EN 253cauθa FACCH-EN 256cauθa FACCH-EN 66 caθa cauθa FACCH-EN 63cauθa FACCH-EN 63cauθa FACCH-EN 108 caθsc cauθa FACCH-EN 157cauθa FACCH-EN 157cauθa FACCH-EN 67


caper caper-χva

Catha Cautha / Cavatha cauθas cauθas Cavtha Caθ(as), Caθa(s)

caθas caθas

kavtas kavθa kavθas



Word Source Page # Etruscan textcauθa FACCH-MORF 86 cauθascauθa FACCH-MORF 14, 49 Caθas > Caθscel BONFANTE 196 ati Celcel BONFANTE 166 Celcel BONFANTE 172 celcel BONFANTE 215 cel

cel BONFANTE 183

cel BONFANTE 215 celti

cel BONFANTE 166 mi celś atial celthi

cel FACCH-EN 253cel FACCH-EN 182, 194cel FACCH-EN 94 celi


cel FACCH-EN 256 Cels cel FACCH-EN 161 cels atial cel FACCH-EN 210 celti cel FACCH-EN 161cel FACCH-MORF 31 celicel FACCH-MORF 88 celi šuθcel FACCH-MORF 69 celi turcel- RIX 158 celi cel- RIX 150cel- RIX 157cen- BONFANTE 215 cen-cen- FACCH-EN 220 cen- cen- FACCH-EN 183, 185, 200cen- FACCH-MORF 19, 39 cenu

celi huthiś zathrumiś flerchva nethunsl śucri thezeri-c

Cel cel

271-272, 273, 274, 277 celi šuθ


celi < -le-i celi σ́uθ




Word Source Page # Etruscan textcer- BONFANTE 92 an cn śuthi cerichuncecer- BONFANTE 215 car-, cer-cer- BONFANTE 215 cerichunce, cerchuncecer- BONFANTE 101 cn śuthi cerchunce

cer- BONFANTE 172

cer- BONFANTE 83 śa śuthi cerichuncecer- FACCH-EN 64, 283cer- FACCH-EN 123cer- FACCH-EN 91 carešri cer- FACCH-EN 181, 290 car-u cer- FACCH-EN 159 cerin- cer- FACCH-EN 63, 112cer- FACCH-EN 290cer- FACCH-EN 104cer- FACCH-EN 96cer- FACCH-EN 114cer- FACCH-EN 12, 60cer- FACCH-EN 94 ceru- cer- FACCH-MORF 32 [s]purane . carešicer- FACCH-MORF 32, 42, 94, 97 car- / cer-cer- FACCH-MORF 21 carešricer- FACCH-MORF 94, 95, 97 car-ucer- FACCH-MORF 69 cerencer- FACCH-MORF 97 cer-iχ-ucer- FACCH-MORF 94 cer-u-r-

cer- FACCH-MORF 20

cer- FACCH-MORF 60 šuθi ceriχunce

laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasi

car-, cer- careši

cerine cer-iχu ceriχu ceriχunce ceriχunce ceriχunce

laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuθi ceriχunce



Word Source Page # Etruscan textcer- FACCH-MORF 57 sval cn šuθi ceriχuncecer- FACCH-MORF 70 ušil cerinecer- RIX 157cer- RIX 150cer- RIX 159cer- RIX 162cer- RIX 155ces- BONFANTE 215 ces-ces- BONFANTE 102 cesuces- BONFANTE 172 cesuces- BONFANTE 102 ceśu thui

ces- BONFANTE 172

ces- FACCH-EN 94ces- FACCH-EN 12, 60ces- FACCH-EN 208, 210

ces- FACCH-EN cesu

ces- FACCH-EN 290ces- FACCH-EN 95ces- FACCH-EN 104 cisum ces- FACCH-MORF 32 θui . cesu .ces- FACCH-MORF 57 θui cesu

cezp BONFANTE 97

cezp BONFANTE 96, 215 cezpcezp BONFANTE 96, 215 cezp-alchcezp BONFANTE 215 cezpzcezp BONFANTE 96 chosfer

ceriχu < *cerie-χe + -u ceriχunce ceriχunce ceriχunce ceriχunce < *cer-ie-χ(e)-u-ana-ce

laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasicesasin cesu cesu

95, 99, 112, 116, 122

ces-u cešu

[...] tute arnthals [...] zilchnu cezpz purtśvana thunz lupu avils esals cezpalchals



Word Source Page # Etruscan textcezp BONFANTE 85 mach cezpalch avil svalcecezp BONFANTE 191 Xosfercezp FACCH-EN 266 *χesfercezp FACCH-EN 288 cezp- cezp FACCH-EN 288cezp FACCH-EN 113cezp FACCH-EN 113cezp RIX 159cezp RIX 159ceχa BONFANTE 215 cechaceχa BONFANTE 115 cecha zichucheceχa BONFANTE 165, 175 clen cechaceχa FACCH-EN 187, 194, 253ceχa FACCH-EN 278 ceχam … hinθiu ceχa FACCH-EN 165ceχa FACCH-EN 160, 166, 185ceχa FACCH-EN 253ceχa FACCH-MORF 72, 84 ceχaceχa FACCH-MORF 72 ceχa-n-ceχa FACCH-MORF 72 ceχaneceχa FACCH-MORF 84 clen ceχaceχa RIX 151, 160ceχa RIX 154ceχa RIX 162ci BONFANTE 94, 96, 215, 226 cici BONFANTE 67, 83 ci avilci BONFANTE 83 ci clenar [...] anavence


ci BONFANTE 96 ci zathrum

cezpalχ cezpalχals cezpz cezp cezpalχ


clen ceχa clen ceχa χeχanar

ceχa iχ ca ceχa ziχuχe iχ ca ceχa ziχuχe

ci clenar [...] anavence lupu-m avils machs śealchlsc



Word Source Page # Etruscan textci BONFANTE 96, 226 ci-alch / ce-alchci BONFANTE 215 cialch-, cealch-ci BONFANTE 97 ciem cealch usci BONFANTE 96 ci-em zathrumci BONFANTE 96 ci-em-ce-alchci BONFANTE 97 ciś śariści BONFANTE 215 cizci BONFANTE 102 cizi zilachnceci BONFANTE 97 cizi zilachnce methlumci BONFANTE 106 cizi zilachne methlumci BONFANTE 103 clenar ci acnanasa elsśi zilacnhuci BONFANTE 96 esl-em-ce-alchci BONFANTE 102 huśur ci acnanas



ci BONFANTE 97 thunem cialchusci BONFANTE 96 thun-em-ce-alchci FACCH-EN 100ci FACCH-EN 101ci FACCH-EN 109

ci FACCH-EN ci

ci FACCH-EN 242ci FACCH-EN 261ci FACCH-EN 289ci FACCH-EN 288ci FACCH-EN 269, 271, 276-277 ciar ci FACCH-EN 289

larth ceisinis velus clan ci zilachnce / methlum [...]svalce avil LXIII ci clenar acnanas arce

avils cis zaθrmisc avils huθ ce(a)lχls c(i)alχls

88, 103, 104, 108, 192, 288

ci avil χurvar cialaθ ci-al-aθ cialχ, cealχ




Word Source Page # Etruscan textci FACCH-EN 278ci FACCH-EN 109ci FACCH-EN 106ci FACCH-EN 275ci FACCH-EN 288ci FACCH-EN 269ci FACCH-EN 289ci FACCH-EN 275ci FACCH-EN 114 ciz ci FACCH-EN 104 cizi ci FACCH-EN 164ci FACCH-EN 219ci FACCH-EN 279ci FACCH-MORF 112 cici FACCH-MORF 10 ci avilci FACCH-MORF 10 ci clen-arci FACCH-MORF 10 ci huš-urci FACCH-MORF 10, 100 ci zusleci FACCH-MORF 106 cis sarisci FACCH-MORF 104 citzci FACCH-MORF 104 ciz [...] trinci FACCH-MORF 71 ciz ale maleci FACCH-MORF 71 ciz trinci FACCH-MORF 71 θunem cialχusci RIX 150ci RIXci RIX 159ci RIX 152 ci-ar ci RIX 159 cisci RIX 152

ciem cealχus ciem zaθrms cis cis saris cisar cišu ci-šu citz

ki kisne θunem cialχus

cealχ- 147, 152, 159,

160 ci cialχ / cealχ




Word Source Page # Etruscan textclan BONFANTE 169 anes arnth velthuru(s) clan lupu avils↑clan BONFANTE 83 ci clenar [...] anavence

clan BONFANTE 104

clan BONFANTE clan

clan BONFANTE 148 clan avils XXIIX lupuclan BONFANTE 215clan BONFANTE 83 clansclan BONFANTE 165, 175 clen cechaclan BONFANTE 83 clenarclan BONFANTE 103 clenar ci acnanasa elsśi zilacnhuclan BONFANTE 83 clenaraśi / cliniiarasclan BONFANTE 83 clenśiclan BONFANTE 106 clenśi [...] svalasi

clan BONFANTE 155

clan BONFANTE 94

clan BONFANTE 100

clan BONFANTE 143

clan BONFANTE 172

clan BONFANTE 84

clan BONFANTE 172

clan BONFANTE 86 Tinas clenar

ci clenar [...] anavence lupu-m avils machs śealchlsc

70, 83, 87, 89, 106, 108, 111,

127, 225

clan, clenar (plural)

eca: sren: tva: ichnac: hercle: unial: clan: thra: sceitun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiarasitun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiarasitun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiaraslaris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasilarth ceisinis velus clan ci zilachnce / methlum [...]svalce avil LXIII ci clenar acnanas arce



Word Source Page # Etruscan text

clan FACCH-EN clan

clan FACCH-EN 209clan FACCH-EN 108 clante clan FACCH-EN 115clan FACCH-EN 183, 185 clen clan FACCH-EN 165clan FACCH-EN 160, 166, 185


clan FACCH-EN 286 clen-a-r clan FACCH-EN 92clan FACCH-EN 206, 209clan FACCH-EN 95, 111clan FACCH-EN 112 clensi clan FACCH-EN 158clan FACCH-EN 183

clan FACCH-EN 89

clan FACCH-EN 232clan FACCH-EN 43clan FACCH-MORF 23 celeniarasiclan FACCH-MORF 10 ci clen-arclan FACCH-MORF 9, 39, 81, 97 clan / clenclan FACCH-MORF 84 clen ceχaclan FACCH-MORF 19 clen[s]i [...] svalasi

15, 16, 62, 63, 75, 77, 78, 88, 89, 91, 95, 97, 98, 100, 104,

105, 108, 109, 114, 118, 121, 124, 187, 206, 207, 225, 286



clen ceχa clen ceχa

12, 16, 60, 88, 103, 104 clenar

clenarasi cleniarc clens

clensi clensi

clensi muleθ svalasi

klan tinascliniiaras



Word Source Page # Etruscan textclan FACCH-MORF 9, 57 clen-arclan FACCH-MORF 21 clenarasiclan FACCH-MORF 31 clens scunaclan FACCH-MORF 19 clensi

clan FACCH-MORF 20

clan RIX

clan RIX 149clan RIX 151clan RIX 149, 152, 161 clen-arclan RIX 152clan RIX 149, 150 clen-sclan RIX 158clan RIX clinii-ar-asclan RIX 150e(i)tv- FACCH-EN 219, 220e(i)tv- FACCH-EN 88 eitva e(i)tv- FACCH-EN 93, 123e(i)tv- FACCH-EN 91e(i)tv- FACCH-MORF 32 e(i)tvae(i)tv- FACCH-MORF 32 etvae(i)tv- FACCH-MORF 21, 27 etveei(n) BONFANTE 215 ei

ei(n) BONFANTE 14

ei(n) FACCH-EN ei

ei(n) FACCH-EN 273, 277

laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuθi ceriχunce

146, 149, 151, 152, 162 clan

clan < *klaniaclen


clensi 146, 149, 151,

152cliniiar-as {h}eitva

etva etve

qupes fulusla ... mi ei minpi capi mi nunar

116-117, 133, 135, 152, 157,

215, 221eim



Word Source Page # Etruscan text

ei(n) FACCH-EN

ei(n) FACCH-EN 123, 158, 165 en ei(n) FACCH-MORF 65 ei [...] renanaei(n) FACCH-MORF 79 ei minipi capiei(n) FACCH-MORF 87 ein / ei / enei(n) FACCH-MORF 38 en mipi capiei(n) RIX 156 ei ei(n) RIX 156ei(n) RIX 156 ei trutaei(n) RIX 154ei(n) RIX 159ei(n) RIX 162 murzua … ein heczri ena- BONFANTE 215 enaśena- BONFANTE 215 enaśena- BONFANTE 215 enaś

ena- BONFANTE 103

ena- FACCH-EN 275 enas ena- FACCH-EN 287


ena- FACCH-EN 287ena- FACCH-EN 182, 193ena- FACCH-MORF 92 cilθl spural meθlumesc enasena- FACCH-MORF 54 enasena- FACCH-MORF 54 enes-c-

ena- FACCH-MORF 20, 42

ena- RIX 154 enanena- RIX 154 ena-ś

92, 95, 156, 186, 194, 195 ein

ei … ara

ein ein heczri

hathrthi repinthi-c śacnicleri cilthl śpureri methlumeri-c enaś śveleri-c

enas 269, 271, 272, 273, 276, 277,


enesc- zuci enesci

sacnicleri cilθl spureri meθlumeric enas sveleri



Word Source Page # Etruscan textes- FACCH-EN 79 es-ies- FACCH-MORF 67 ananc esies- FACCH-MORF 68 esies- FACCH-MORF 68, 87 esi-ces- FACCH-MORF 67 ininc esiest- FACCH-EN 193 estac est- FACCH-EN 195est- FACCH-MORF 68 esta


et BONFANTE 216 eth, etet BONFANTE 105, 216 etnamet FACCH-EN 200, 245et FACCH-EN 245 etaet FACCH-EN 92, 94, 261et FACCH-EN 147et FACCH-EN 88 eθl et FACCH-MORF 87, 147 et / eθet FACCH-MORF 87 etnam / -tnamet FACCH-MORF 31 eθ . fanu .et FACCH-MORF 68 eθ fanu lautn Precus ipa (...)et RIX 161 etnamet RIX 157et RIX 162far- FACCH-EN 106, 140far- FACCH-MORF 88 hecece . faricekafar- RIX 155 farice > farce far- RIX 161farθ(a)n- BONFANTE 216 farthan, farthn-farθ(a)n- FACCH-EN 103 farθan


cntnam thesan fler veiveś thezeri etnam aisna [...] ich huthiś zathrumiś


eθ eθe

eθ eθ fariceka




Word Source Page # Etruscan textfarθ(a)n- FACCH-EN 270, 271, 272 farθan farθ(a)n- FACCH-EN 113farθ(a)n- FACCH-EN 290farθ(a)n- FACCH-EN 122farθ(a)n- FACCH-MORF 19 anc farθnaχefarθ(a)n- FACCH-MORF 39 farθnaχefarθ(a)n- RIX 151farθ(a)n- RIX 156har- BONFANTE 216 hare har- FACCH-EN 73 har har- FACCH-EN 46 har- har- FACCH-EN 158har- FACCH-EN 174har- FACCH-EN 73 hara har- FACCH-EN 192har- FACCH-EN 46 har-u-

hec- BONFANTE 108

hec- BONFANTE 216 hec-, hech-hec- FACCH-EN 106, 140hec- FACCH-EN 246hec- FACCH-MORF 88 hecece . faricekahec- FACCH-MORF 108 heci-hec- RIX 154hec- RIX 154hec- RIX 161hec- RIX 155 hecece > hecce / hece hen BONFANTE 109 ipa ama hen naper XIIhen FACCH-EN 182, 192, 288 hen hen FACCH-MORF 28, 86 he-n

farθnaχe farθna-χe seχ farθana

farθnaχe farθnaχe

har- har-


arnth larth velimnaś arzneal husiur suthi acil hece

hecece hecia

hece hecece hecece



Word Source Page # Etruscan texthev- FACCH-EN 115, 123 heva hev- FACCH-EN 261 hevn hev- FACCH-MORF 85 hevahev- FACCH-MORF 86 heva / hevnhev- RIX 152

hev- RIX 154

hia FACCH-EN 118 hia hia FACCH-EN 120, 141hia FACCH-MORF 28, 85 hiahia FACCH-MORF 86 hia / iahinθ- BONFANTE 98 hinthhinθ- BONFANTE 216 hinth, hinthi, hinthiahinθ- BONFANTE 216 hinthialhinθ- BONFANTE 12 hinthial Teriasalshinθ- BONFANTE 105 hinththinhinθ- FACCH-EN 186, 187hinθ- FACCH-EN 91hinθ- FACCH-EN 278hinθ- FACCH-MORF 21 cehen šuθi hinθiuhinθ- FACCH-MORF 84 hinθa / hinθu

huš- BONFANTE 108

huš- BONFANTE 216huš- BONFANTE 105, 111, 126 husiur, huśurhuš- BONFANTE 102 huśur ci acnanashuš- BONFANTE 96 huśur mach acnanashuš- FACCH-EN 16, 286 hušhuš- FACCH-EN 82huš- FACCH-EN 276-277 hušlne vinum


heva [nom.], hevn [acc.], hevl, heul [gen.]


hinθ-a hinθiu hinθu

arnth larth velimnaś arzneal husiur suthi acil hecehus-, husiur, husur (plural)




Word Source Page # Etruscan texthuš- FACCH-EN 62 hušur huš- FACCH-EN 103huš- FACCH-EN 16, 286 huš-u-r huš- FACCH-MORF 10 ci huš-urhuš- FACCH-MORF 45 hušu-rhuš- RIX 158huš- RIX 154huš- RIX 145 huσ́iur / huσ́urhuš- RIX 158, 160 huσ́lna vinum

huθ BONFANTE 183

huθ BONFANTE 183

huθ BONFANTE 127 huthhuθ BONFANTE 94, 127 huthhuθ BONFANTE 96, 216, 226 huthhuθ BONFANTE 96 huthis zath-rumiśhuθ BONFANTE 97 huthiś zathrumiś

huθ BONFANTE 103

huθ BONFANTE 216 huthzhuθ BONFANTE 96 huth-zarhuθ FACCH-EN 101huθ FACCH-EN 186huθ FACCH-EN 245huθ FACCH-EN 110huθ FACCH-EN 288huθ FACCH-EN 220, 264-265huθ FACCH-EN 288huθ FACCH-MORF 129 hutʰ-


husur huσ́iur

celi huthiś zathrumiś flerchva nethunsl śucri thezeri-ccntnam thesan fler veiveś thezeri etnam aisna [...] ich huthiś zathrumiś

huthiś zathrumiś flerchva nethunsl [...] thezeri-c

avils huθ ce(a)lχls hut hutila tina huts huθ huθ huθzar



Word Source Page # Etruscan texthuθ FACCH-MORF 60 huts tetahuθ FACCH-MORF 30 huθ zuslehuθ FACCH-MORF 82 huθis zaθrumishuθ RIX 159huθ RIX 150huθ RIX 160huθ RIX 159ica BONFANTE 92 an cn śuthi cerichunceica BONFANTE 150 ancn zich nethśrac acasceica BONFANTE 92 ca / taica BONFANTE 92 ca śuthiica BONFANTE 215 ca, ta, cen, cn, eca, ek, tn; itunica BONFANTE 92 caitiica BONFANTE 215 calthi, celthi, clthiica BONFANTE 92 caltiica BONFANTE 93 calti śuthitiica BONFANTE 92 can / cen / cn / ecn / etan / tnica BONFANTE 215 cehenica BONFANTE 92 cei / teiica BONFANTE 92 ceithiica BONFANTE 92 ceithi / clth(i) / eclthiica BONFANTE 183 cen . flereś . teceica BONFANTE 85 cen flereś teceica BONFANTE 92 cen flereś teceica BONFANTE 181 cen zic zichucheica BONFANTE 92 cla / tla / calica BONFANTE 92 cla thesanica BONFANTE 92 clalica BONFANTE 101 cn śuthi cerchunceica BONFANTE 101 cn suthi cerichunce

huθ huθ- huθ, hut huθiś



Word Source Page # Etruscan textica BONFANTE 92, 108 cn turceica BONFANTE 92 cnlica BONFANTE 180 cśica BONFANTE 215 ecaica BONFANTE 93 eca mutanaica BONFANTE 109 eca mutanaica BONFANTE 93, 100 eca sren tvaica BONFANTE xii eca suthiica BONFANTE 146 eca: ersce:

ica BONFANTE 155

ica BONFANTE 93 eclthiica BONFANTE 94 eclthiica BONFANTE 109 eclthi suthithica BONFANTE 94 eclthi śuthithica BONFANTE 93, 167 ecn turceica BONFANTE 145 ecn: turce:ica BONFANTE 216 icaica BONFANTE 92 ica / eca / ca / ita / taica BONFANTE 67 icacica BONFANTE 93


ica BONFANTE 172

ica BONFANTE 166 mi celś atial celthi

ica BONFANTE 172 sacniśa thui [ecl]th śuthith acazrica BONFANTE 93 thui clthi

eca: sren: tva: ichnac: hercle: unial: clan: thra: sce

ika (arcaic) / ita / eca (later form)ikan (arcaic) / itan / itun / ecn (later form)laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasi



Word Source Page # Etruscan textica BONFANTE 115 zichri cnica FACCH-EN 109 ca ica FACCH-EN 165 ca ica FACCH-EN 194 ca ica FACCH-EN 94ica FACCH-EN 122ica FACCH-EN 122 canl ica FACCH-EN 91 cehen ica FACCH-EN 182ica FACCH-EN 194ica FACCH-EN 190ica FACCH-EN 159ica FACCH-EN 208ica FACCH-EN 194ica FACCH-EN 103ica FACCH-EN 189ica FACCH-EN 224ica FACCH-EN 110 clθ ica FACCH-EN 100, 112 clθi ica FACCH-EN 200ica FACCH-EN 63ica FACCH-EN 60, 114ica FACCH-EN 96, 152, 166ica FACCH-EN 189 cnl ica FACCH-EN 192ica FACCH-EN 209 cnl ica FACCH-EN 205 cs ica FACCH-EN 220ica FACCH-EN 186ica FACCH-EN 187

cal cal

cehen cehen cei cen cên cla clalum clel clel

clθn cn cn cn


cs czl czl



Word Source Page # Etruscan textica FACCH-EN 261

ica FACCH-EN eca

ica FACCH-EN 110 eclθi ica FACCH-EN 161, 166, 269-270 ecn ica FACCH-EN 261ica FACCH-EN 287

ica FACCH-EN 13

ica FACCH-EN 241ica FACCH-EN 141ica FACCH-EN 148 ikan ica FACCH-EN 72 ka ica FACCH-EN 219 ka ica FACCH-EN 195ica FACCH-MORF 107 an cn ziχ neθšrac acasceica FACCH-MORF 32 ca . suθi . ica FACCH-MORF 58 calti šuθitiica FACCH-MORF 21 cehen šuθi hinθiuica FACCH-MORF 29, 83 cên . zic . ziχuχe .ica FACCH-MORF 19, 40, 107 cên zic ziχuχeica FACCH-MORF 60 clθ šuθiθica FACCH-MORF 59 cn ziχ (...) acasceica FACCH-MORF 64 eca šuθiica FACCH-MORF 22 ecn turceica FACCH-MORF 27 icaica FACCH-MORF 90, 106 ikan ziχ akaraiica FACCH-MORF 88 ipas ikamica FACCH-MORF 103 ipas ikam / ar nuna

eca 98, 108, 110,

111, 112, 122, 187, 190, 194

ecs ica (arcaico), (e)ca (recente)

ica [Archaic Etruscan], eca [Late Etruscan]

icac ikam




Word Source Page # Etruscan text


ica FACCH-MORF 57 sval cn šuθi ceriχunceica RIX 160 -(i)ca ica RIX 150ica RIX 160ica RIX 160ica RIX 150, 159ica RIX 162ica RIX 160 ica ica RIX 147ica RIX 153in BONFANTE 91 inin BONFANTE 216 in, inc, inincin FACCH-ENin FACCH-EN 148 in in FACCH-EN 163 in in FACCH-EN 208 in in FACCH-EN 210 in in FACCH-EN 261in FACCH-EN 288in FACCH-EN 148-149in FACCH-EN 200in FACCH-EN 189in FACCH-EN 94in FACCH-MORF 66 inin FACCH-MORF 67 ininc esiin FACCH-MORF 66 inni > *inn > inin FACCH-MORF 30 intein FACCH-MORF 67 inte

laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuθi ceriχunce

ca clθi cn cn eca

ica > eca ica, ika- [archaic], eca, ca [late]

268, 271, 272, 281 flere in crapsti

in in (acc. inni)ina < *in-na inni in-te šuθiθi in



Word Source Page # Etruscan textin FACCH-MORF 41 sin flere inin RIX 154 inin RIX 161 inin RIX 162 inipa BONFANTE 94 ipaipa BONFANTE 105 ipaipa BONFANTE 216 ipaipa BONFANTE 109 ipa ama hen naper XIIipa FACCH-EN 92, 94ipa FACCH-EN 165ipa FACCH-EN 142 inpein ipa FACCH-EN 120ipa FACCH-EN 182, 193, 215 ipa

ipa FACCH-EN 288

ipa FACCH-EN 141ipa FACCH-EN 246ipa FACCH-EN 63, 68ipa FACCH-MORF 68 eθ fanu lautn Precus ipa (...)ipa FACCH-MORF 67 inpaipa FACCH-MORF 76 inpa [...] acasipa FACCH-MORF 126 inpein / inpaipa FACCH-MORF 67 ipaipa FACCH-MORF 126 ipaipa FACCH-MORF 31, 87 ipaipa FACCH-MORF 88 ipas ikamipa FACCH-MORF 103 ipas ikam / ar nunaipa RIX 156ipa RIX 161 ipaipa RIX 153

fanu … ipa inpa


ipa, accus. inpa, inpein, gen. ipas, ipal, loc. ipe, ipeiipas ipas lucairce ipa





Word Source Page # Etruscan textipa RIX 162ipa RIX 156, 162ipa RIX 157, 159ipa RIX 161 ipeiita BONFANTE 92 ca / taita BONFANTE 215 ca, ta, cen, cn, eca, ek, tn; itunita BONFANTE 92 can / cen / cn / ecn / etan / tnita BONFANTE 92 cei / teiita BONFANTE 92 cla / tla / calita BONFANTE 92 ica / eca / ca / ita / taita BONFANTE 93


ita BONFANTE 67, 216 itaita BONFANTE 93 itan mulvanice


ita BONFANTE 100

ita BONFANTE 143

ita BONFANTE 109

ita BONFANTE 92, 107 ta śuthiita BONFANTE 219 ta, tal, tl, teiita BONFANTE 93, 165 tn turceita FACCH-EN 67 eta ita FACCH-EN 33ita FACCH-EN 142 ita ita FACCH-EN 241ita FACCH-EN 287

ipa ipa ipa

ika (arcaic) / ita / eca (later form)ikan (arcaic) / itan / itun / ecn (later form)

itun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiarasitun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiarasitun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiarasrachth tura nunthenth cletram śrenchve tei faśei


ita ita (arcaico), (e)ta (recente)



Word Source Page # Etruscan textita FACCH-EN 157ita FACCH-EN 120ita FACCH-EN 43ita FACCH-EN 142 mlaχta ita FACCH-EN 142ita FACCH-EN 154 puterestas ita FACCH-EN 154ita FACCH-EN 110, 115, 116ita FACCH-EN 134-135 ta ita FACCH-EN 135, 147, 164ita FACCH-EN 157 tei ita FACCH-EN 154, 163ita FACCH-MORF 26 itaita FACCH-MORF 42 tešns teis rasnesita RIX 160ita RIX 159ita RIX 153ita RIX 160ita RIX 150 itun lein BONFANTE 204 leinlein BONFANTE 217 lein-

lupu BONFANTE 97

lupu BONFANTE 169 anes arnth velthuru(s) clan lupu avils↑lupu BONFANTE 106 avils machs semphalchls lupu

lupu BONFANTE 104

lupu BONFANTE 148 clan avils XXIIX lupulupu BONFANTE 217 lup-, lupu

itane itun itun turuce


sanχuneta < *sanχuna ita ta



etula ita ita [archaic], eta, ta [late] -ita, -itul- etc.

[...] tute arnthals [...] zilchnu cezpz purtśvana thunz lupu avils esals cezpalchals

ci clenar [...] anavence lupu-m avils machs śealchlsc



Word Source Page # Etruscan textlupu BONFANTE 85 lupulupu BONFANTE 85, 102 lupulupu BONFANTE 149 lupu avils XXVlupu BONFANTE 102 lupucelupu FACCH-EN 89lupu FACCH-EN 104 lupu lupu FACCH-EN 101, 103 lupu


lupu FACCH-EN 290lupu FACCH-EN 89 lupuce lupu FACCH-EN 78, 98, 231lupu FACCH-EN 231lupu FACCH-EN 104lupu FACCH-EN 115lupu FACCH-MORF 35 lupulupu FACCH-MORF 99 lupuvelupu RIX 148lupu RIX 154lupu RIX 157, 158lupu RIX 148lupu RIX 157luθ BONFANTE 217 luthluθ FACCH-EN 165luθ FACCH-EN 16, 63, 67, 87luθ FACCH-EN 278 luθt luθ RIX 152luθ RIX 152, 160 luθ-cva -m BONFANTE 104, 217 -m, -um-m FACCH-EN 75


97, 101, 105, 108, 109, 113,



lupuce lupum lupum lupuve

lupu lup-u lup-u lupuce lupu-ce

lusθs luθ (plur. luθcva)





Word Source Page # Etruscan text-m FACCH-EN 94 -m-m FACCH-EN 95 -um-m FACCH-EN 78-m FACCH-MORF 67, 87 -(u)m-m RIX 161 -m-m RIX 161 -m-m RIX 152, 153 -m-m RIX 158 -ummal- BONFANTE 84 atial turce / malstria cvermal- BONFANTE 217 mal-mal- BONFANTE 112, 217 malena, malana, malstriamal- BONFANTE 156 tite cale: atial: turce malstria: cvermal- FACCH-EN 64mal- FACCH-EN 156 mal- mal- FACCH-EN 206mal- FACCH-EN 209mal- FACCH-EN 210mal- FACCH-EN 163mal- FACCH-EN 166 malna mal- FACCH-EN 156 maluve mal- FACCH-MORF 71 ciz ale malemal- FACCH-MORF 112 mal-mal- FACCH-MORF 71 malemaχ BONFANTE 62 avils machs śealchlsmaχ BONFANTE 106 avils machs semphalchls lupu

maχ BONFANTE 104

maχ BONFANTE 96 huśur mach acnanasmaχ BONFANTE 94, 96, 217, 226 machmaχ BONFANTE 85 mach cezpalch avil svalce

-um, -m


mal- malec male-c malena

ci clenar [...] anavence lupu-m avils machs śealchlsc



Word Source Page # Etruscan textmaχ BONFANTE 226 muvalchmaχ BONFANTE 96 muv-alchmaχ FACCH-EN 103 mac maχ FACCH-EN 186, 187 mašu maχ FACCH-EN 289maχ FACCH-EN 288 maχ maχ FACCH-EN 101maχ FACCH-EN 104, 109, 114maχ FACCH-EN 288maχ FACCH-EN 106maχ FACCH-EN 105maχ FACCH-MORF 129 makʰ-maχ RIX 152maχ RIX maχmaχ RIX 159men- BONFANTE 217 men-men- BONFANTE 128 Menacemen- BONFANTE 108 menecemen- BONFANTE 110 menecemen- BONFANTE 79 mi menachemen- BONFANTE 84 mi titasi cver menachemen- BONFANTE 101 mi titasi cver menachemen- BONFANTE 107 mi titasi cver menachemen- FACCH-EN 192men- FACCH-EN 157men- FACCH-EN 220men- FACCH-EN 153men- FACCH-EN 160men- FACCH-EN 261men- FACCH-EN 290


maχ cezpalχ maχs muvalχ muvalχls θunem muvalχls

mac 144, 158, 159,


mena menace menaθa menaχe menaχe mene men-e



Word Source Page # Etruscan textmen- FACCH-MORF 147 menmen- RIX 155men- RIX 158men- RIX 156men- RIX 156


mi BONFANTE 91 mi-mi BONFANTE 102 mi ... aliqumi BONFANTE 84 mi ... mulumi BONFANTE 102 mi ... mulumi BONFANTE 102 mi ... zinakumi BONFANTE 101 mi arathiale zichuchemi BONFANTE 107 mi arathiale zichuchemi BONFANTE 31 mi araziia laraniiami BONFANTE 176 mi capra

mi BONFANTE 166 mi celś atial celthi

mi BONFANTE 165 mi flereśmi BONFANTE 79 mi menachemi BONFANTE 14 mi squrias thina mlach mlakasmi BONFANTE 84 mi titasi cver menachemi BONFANTE 101 mi titasi cver menachemi BONFANTE 107 mi titasi cver menachemi BONFANTE 25 mi unial curtunmi BONFANTE 85 mi zenakumi BONFANTE 106 mi(ni) ... muluvanicemi BONFANTE 217 mi, minimi BONFANTE 91 mini-mi BONFANTE 101 mini alice velthur

men menaś menaχe menaχe

85, 109, 137, 138, 168



Word Source Page # Etruscan textmi BONFANTE 140 mini muluv[an]ecemi BONFANTE 91, 108 mini muluvanecemi BONFANTE 141 mini muluvanekemi BONFANTE 101, 140 mini mulvanicemi BONFANTE 91 mini turucemi BONFANTE 101 mini urthanike aranthur


mi FACCH-EN 155 ei mipi capi mi FACCH-EN 158 en minipi capi mi FACCH-EN 142 mene

mi FACCH-EN mi

mi FACCH-EN 289 mi capi mi FACCH-EN 142, 143, 236 minemi FACCH-EN 163


mi FACCH-EN 133mi FACCH-EN 135mi FACCH-EN 136mi FACCH-MORF 79 ei minipi capi

qupes fulusla ... mi ei minpi capi mi nunar

15, 17, 42, 56, 72, 94, 111, 115,

116, 120, 124, 125, 133, 134, 135, 136, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 151, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 235,


mini 59, 71, 125, 133,

144, 146, 147, 151, 154, 163,


mini-pi min-pi mir = mi ar



Word Source Page # Etruscan textmi FACCH-MORF 38 en mipi capimi FACCH-MORF 35, 53, 62 mimi FACCH-MORF 100 mi (a)r nuna / mi nuna (a)rmi FACCH-MORF 99 mi . capimi FACCH-MORF 25 mi [...] mulumi FACCH-MORF 19, 25 mi [...] ziχuχemi FACCH-MORF 108 mi amemi FACCH-MORF 15, 18, 23 mi mulumi FACCH-MORF 48 mi zinakumi FACCH-MORF 53 minimi FACCH-MORF 100 mir nunan

mi RIX mi

mi RIX mi-ni

mlaχ BONFANTE 14 mi squrias thina mlach mlakasmlaχ BONFANTE 217 mlach, mlacmlaχ BONFANTE 137 mlakasmlaχ FACCH-EN 150 ara mlaχ mlaχ FACCH-EN 157 malak mlaχ FACCH-EN 164 mlac mlaχ FACCH-EN 147mlaχ FACCH-EN 75, 89, 103, 224mlaχ FACCH-EN 144mlaχ FACCH-ENmlaχ FACCH-EN 165mlaχ FACCH-EN 144


mlaχ FACCH-EN 189mlaχ FACCH-EN 146 mlaχas

151, 153, 154, 156, 157

150, 151, 152, 153, 160

mlacasi mlace mlakas

140, 145, 146, 246 mlakas

mlakasi mlaχ

9, 136, 145, 146, 271 mlaχ




Word Source Page # Etruscan textmlaχ FACCH-EN 262 mlaχi mlaχ FACCH-EN 142 mlaχta mlaχ FACCH-EN 147 mlaχu mlaχ FACCH-EN 142mlaχ FACCH-EN 189 ml-er mlaχ FACCH-EN 231mlaχ FACCH-EN 142mlaχ FACCH-MORF mlac/χmlaχ FACCH-MORF 61 une mlaχmlaχ RIX 155mlaχ RIX 156mlesie- BONFANTE 217 mlesiemlesie- FACCH-EN 200mlesie- FACCH-MORF 13 španθi mlesiêθicmlesie- FACCH-MORF 29 θui . španθi . ml/esiêθicmuc- FACCH-EN 152muc- FACCH-EN 152muc- FACCH-EN 249-250 muca muc- FACCH-EN 152, 249-250 muχ mul- BONFANTE 93 itan mulvanicemul- BONFANTE 84 mi ... mulumul- BONFANTE 102 mi ... mulumul- BONFANTE 106 mi(ni) ... muluvanicemul- BONFANTE 140 mini muluv[an]ecemul- BONFANTE 91 mini muluvanecemul- BONFANTE 108 mini muluvanecemul- BONFANTE 141 mini muluvanekemul- BONFANTE 101 mini muluvanicemul- BONFANTE 140 mini mulvanicemul- BONFANTE 104 mul


mler-us- mlerusi

14, 25, 73, 89, 120

mlaχ mlaχuta


muc- muca



Word Source Page # Etruscan textmul- BONFANTE 217 mul-mul- BONFANTE 142 mulenikemul- BONFANTE 102 mulumul- BONFANTE 128 Muluvanicemul- BONFANTE 142 muluvenekemul- FACCH-EN 63mul- FACCH-EN 64mul- FACCH-EN 165 mulu mul- FACCH-EN 146, 153, 164mul- FACCH-EN 290mul- FACCH-EN 116 mulune mul- FACCH-EN 153mul- FACCH-EN 71mul- FACCH-EN 143, 146, 147mul- FACCH-EN 290mul- FACCH-EN 115 muluveneke mul- FACCH-EN 236mul- FACCH-EN 59mul- FACCH-EN 142, 146mul- FACCH-EN 155mul- FACCH-EN 246mul- FACCH-EN 261mul- FACCH-EN 143, 146, 147mul- FACCH-EN 158mul- FACCH-EN 154mul- FACCH-MORF 25 mi [...] mulumul- FACCH-MORF 15, 18, 23 mi mulumul- FACCH-MORF 87 mulumul- FACCH-MORF 37 muluvanicemul- RIX 155 *mul

mlusna mul-

mulu mul-u

muluvana muluvaneke muluvanice muluven-e

mulv[an]ece mulvanice mulvanice mulvenece mulveni mulveni mulvenice mulvenike mulvunuke



Word Source Page # Etruscan textmul- RIX 155mul- RIX 156mul- RIX 158mul- RIX 151mul- RIX 155mul- RIX 157mul- RIX 155 muluvanice mul- RIX 156

mul- RIX 155

mul- RIX 148mul- RIX 151 mulvanice mul- RIX 160mul- RIX 146mur- BONFANTE 217 mur-mur- BONFANTE 176 svalce: avil: CVI: murce: capue:mur- FACCH-MORF 17 mur-cenacna BONFANTE 111 ati nacn(u)vanacna BONFANTE 108, 109 ati nacnanacna BONFANTE 147 ati nacnuvanacna BONFANTE 214 ati nancnanacna FACCH-EN 62 apa nacna nacna FACCH-EN 99 ati nacnva nacna FACCH-EN 62 ati nancn(v)a nacna FACCH-MORF 32 nacn(u)va / nacna

nacna FACCH-MORF 24 nacn(v)a

nacna FACCH-MORF 24 nacnva-ia-neri BONFANTE 217 nerinetš- BONFANTE 150 ancn zich nethśrac acasce

*mulu-ane mula mula mulu mul-u mul-u

muluvaniχe muluvene [Archaic Etruscan], mulune [Late Etruscan] muluvene > mulune

mulvanice mulvanice / mulvenece / mulvunuke



Word Source Page # Etruscan textnetš- BONFANTE 217 nethśracnetš- BONFANTE 217 netśvis netš- FACCH-EN 45, 46 netš- netš- FACCH-EN 17netš- FACCH-EN 46, 257 netš-vis netš- FACCH-EN 201 neθš- netš- FACCH-EN 201 neθš-ra-c netš- FACCH-EN 63netš- FACCH-MORF 107 an cn ziχ neθšrac acascenetš- FACCH-MORF 52 neθš-netš- RIX 160 ziχ neθσrac nurφ BONFANTE 96 nurphnurφ BONFANTE 217 nurph-nurφ BONFANTE 217 nurphzinurφ FACCH-EN 288 nurφ- nurφ FACCH-EN 104 nurφzi nurφ RIX 159papa BONFANTE 99, 108, 111, 218 papapapa BONFANTE 86 papalspapa BONFANTE 111 papalspapa BONFANTE 218 papals, papacspapa BONFANTE 100 papalser acnanasa VI manim arcepapa FACCH-EN 62, 80 papapapa FACCH-EN 62, 63, 80papa FACCH-ENpapa FACCH-MORF 10 papals-e-rpapa RIX 152papa RIX 152 papals-erpava BONFANTE 218 pavapava BONFANTE 180 pavac


ziχ neθšrac


papacs 16, 62, 88, 80,

109 papals (plur. papalser)




Word Source Page # Etruscan textpava FACCH-EN 172, 203 pava pava FACCH-EN 45, 167, 172pava FACCH-EN 172, 200, 203pi BONFANTE 215, 218 epl, pi, pulpi FACCH-EN 286 -pipi RIX 150, 160 -pipuia BONFANTE 111, 218, 225 puiapuia BONFANTE 58, 90, 172, 181 puiapuia BONFANTE 102, 172 puia amcepuia BONFANTE 84 puiam amce


puia FACCH-EN 96puia FACCH-EN 104 puiam puia FACCH-EN 116 puil puia RIX 150pul- BONFANTE 218 pulpul- BONFANTE 67, 68, 218 pulumchvapul- FACCH-EN 63, 68pul- FACCH-EN 224 pulum pul- FACCH-EN 68pul- FACCH-EN 75pul- FACCH-EN 242, 244pul- FACCH-EN 246pul- FACCH-MORF 70 pulumχvaput- BONFANTE 218 put-, puth-put- FACCH-EN 63 puts put- FACCH-EN 87 puts put- FACCH-EN 165, 269 ff- puts

pava rasna pavac

17, 60, 62, 89, 101, 103, 105, 108, 206, 215,



pui-l < *puia-l


pul-um pul-um pulumχva pulunza



Word Source Page # Etruscan textput- FACCH-EN 87 puts / puθs put- FACCH-EN 231put- FACCH-MORF 61 puts / puθs < *put-as ?put- FACCH-MORF 62 puθceput- RIX 159 puθ- put- RIX 159 puθs raχ BONFANTE 104 rachraχ BONFANTE 218 rach-

raχ BONFANTE 109

raχ BONFANTE 103

raχ BONFANTE 103 tur rachtiraχ FACCH-EN 275, 278raχ FACCH-EN 275raχ FACCH-EN 269 raχti

raχ FACCH-EN raχθ

raχ FACCH-MORF 41 raχraχ RIX 156, 157, 158 raχ, rac- ren- FACCH-EN 157ren- FACCH-EN 157ren- FACCH-EN 193 ren-, rin- ren- FACCH-EN 193ren- FACCH-EN 68, 75ren- FACCH-EN 246ren- FACCH-EN 275ren- FACCH-EN 215 θunis rens ren- FACCH-MORF 65 ei [...] renanaren- FACCH-MORF 65 ren- / rin-


rachth tura nunthenth cletram śrenchve tei faśeirachth tura(,) nunthenth cletram śrenchve faśei

raχ raχs

270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 277,


ei … ren-an-a ren-

reneθi rin- rinu[va.] rinuθ



Word Source Page # Etruscan textren- FACCH-MORF 76 rene-θiren- FACCH-MORF 65 ren-in / ren-an-

rep- BONFANTE 103

rep- BONFANTE 218 repinthirep- FACCH-EN 269restm BONFANTE 218 restmrestm FACCH-EN 200 reštmc ru(t)z FACCH-EN 99 rutzs ru(t)z FACCH-EN 215ru(t)z FACCH-EN 215

ruva BONFANTE ruva


ša BONFANTE 62 avils machs śealchls


ša BONFANTE 181 saša BONFANTE 94, 96, 127 śaša BONFANTE 96, 218, 226 śaša BONFANTE 180 sa [...] śarcša BONFANTE 83 śa śuthi cerichunceša BONFANTE 96 se-alchša BONFANTE 218 śealchša BONFANTE 220 zarša FACCH-EN 8, 200, 288ša FACCH-EN 289ša FACCH-EN 88 šarvenas ša FACCH-EN 108, 109ša FACCH-EN 288

hathrthi repinthi-c śacnicleri cilthl śpureri methlumeri-c enaś śveleri-c


rutzss ruz

58, 104, 111, 218, 225

62, 75, 77, 215, 225 ruva

ci clenar [...] anavence lupu-m avils machs śealchlsc

ša ša-(a)r-

šas šealχ, šialχ



Word Source Page # Etruscan textša FACCH-EN 7, 104ša FACCH-EN 245ša FACCH-MORF 14 šeas tinasša RIX 152ša RIX 153ša RIX 159ša RIX 160 -σa ša RIX 159 σealχ ša RIX 162 σealχls sa- FACCH-EN 102sar BONFANTE 97 ciś śariśsar BONFANTE 96 huth-zarsar BONFANTE 180 sa [...] śarcsar BONFANTE 96, 181 sarsar BONFANTE 96, 180, 218, 226 śarsar BONFANTE 218 sarsnachsar BONFANTE 98, 100, 218 sarsnausar FACCH-EN 275sar FACCH-EN 288sar FACCH-EN 288sar FACCH-EN 8, 200, 288sar FACCH-MORF 106 cis sarissar FACCH-MORF 29 sarcsar RIX 144sar RIX 159 śar sar RIX 159scun- BONFANTE 101 acilune turune ścunescun- BONFANTE 218 sc-, scu-, scunescun- FACCH-EN 174scun- FACCH-EN 183, 192, 290

šealχls šeas tinas

σa σa σa


cis saris cisar huθzar sar



scun- scuna



Word Source Page # Etruscan textscun- FACCH-EN 190, 193scun- FACCH-MORF 31 clens scunascun- FACCH-MORF 95 scun-scun- FACCH-MORF 73 scunascun- RIX 156 scunascun- RIX 161 scunesemφ BONFANTE 106 avils machs semphalchls lupusemφ BONFANTE 96, 218 semphsemφ BONFANTE 96, 218 semph-alchsemφ FACCH-EN 78semφ FACCH-EN 288semφ FACCH-EN 288semφ FACCH-EN 109semφ RIX 159semφ RIX 159 semφalχ

seχ BONFANTE sec, sech

seχ FACCH-EN 62, 101, 178 sec


seχ FACCH-EN 286seχ FACCH-MORF 35, 39 seχseχ FACCH-MORF 45 seχi-sseχ FACCH-MORF 10 seχ-isseχ RIX 150si(n)- FACCH-EN 280-281si(n)- FACCH-EN 280-281si(n)- FACCH-EN 280-281si(n)- FACCH-EN 280-281


avils semφs semφ- semφalχ semφalχls semφ

84, 111, 171, 218, 225

15, 62, 90, 99,101, 103, 105,

106, 109, 122, 215, 231, 231,




seχ-is si- si-ce si-n Sin-u



Word Source Page # Etruscan textsi(n)- FACCH-MORF 41 nunθenθ (...) sin eisersi(n)- FACCH-MORF 41 sin aissi(n)- FACCH-MORF 41 sin aisersi(n)- FACCH-MORF 41 sin flere insi(n)- RIX 151 śin slica- BONFANTE 218 slica-slica- BONFANTE 218 slicachesslica- FACCH-EN 68slica- FACCH-EN 63spel FACCH-EN 166 spel spel FACCH-EN 192spel FACCH-EN 193 spelaneθi spel FACCH-EN 195 spelθ spel FACCH-EN 193 spelθi spel FACCH-EN 165-166spel FACCH-MORF 76 spel-θišuθ- BONFANTE 219 śuth-, sut-šuθ- BONFANTE 219 suthiušuθ- FACCH-EN 275šuθ- FACCH-EN 272, 274, 278


šuθ- FACCH-EN 93šuθ- FACCH-EN 208šuθ- FACCH-MORF 88 celi šuθšuθ- FACCH-MORF 41 šuθšuθ- FACCH-MORF 83 šuθiu . amešuθ- RIX 158šuθ- RIX 156šuθ- RIX 158

slica-χe slicaχem


spulare < *spul-ar-ra-i

epc šuθce šutanas

269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 277,


šuθ- šuθiu ame

σ́ut-an-as σ́uθ σ́uθ



Word Source Page # Etruscan textsval- BONFANTE 149 avil svalthassval- BONFANTE 106 clenśi [...] svalasi

sval- BONFANTE 103

sval- BONFANTE 172

sval- BONFANTE 85 mach cezpalch avil svalce

sval- BONFANTE 103 spurethi apasi svalas

sval- BONFANTE 204 svalsval- BONFANTE 104 sval-sval- BONFANTE 219 sval-sval- BONFANTE 102 svalcesval- BONFANTE 106 svalcesval- BONFANTE 85 svalce / svalthas

sval- BONFANTE 172

sval- BONFANTE 176 svalce: avil: CVI: murce: capue:sval- BONFANTE 102 svalthassval- FACCH-EN 12, 60 sval sval- FACCH-EN 32sval- FACCH-EN 89 svalas

sval- FACCH-EN

sval- FACCH-EN 97, 290sval- FACCH-EN 271sval- FACCH-MORF 19 clen[s]i [...] svalasi

sval- FACCH-MORF 20

sval- FACCH-MORF 18 s(a)val-

hathrthi repinthi-c śacnicleri cilthl śpureri methlumeri-c enaś śveleri-claris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasi

svalce avil LXIII ci clenar acnanas arce


70, 99, 101, 102, 109, 203 svalce

sval-θas sveleric

laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuθi ceriχunce



Word Source Page # Etruscan text

sval- FACCH-MORF 20, 42

sval- FACCH-MORF 20, 97 sval / svel-sval- FACCH-MORF 57 sval cn šuθi ceriχuncesval- FACCH-MORF 19 zilaχn[ce] spureθi apasi svalassval- RIX 155 *sval-θsval- RIX 161sval- RIX 158sval- RIX 158 sval-as-isval- RIX 158sval- RIX 158taliθa BONFANTE 219 talithatece BONFANTE 183 cen . flereś . tecetece BONFANTE 85 cen flereś tecetece BONFANTE 92 cen flereś tecetece BONFANTE 219 te- (tece)tece FACCH-EN 159, 160teta BONFANTE 111, 219 tetateta BONFANTE 86 tetalsteta FACCH-EN 62, 110 tetateta FACCH-EN 62teta FACCH-EN 116 tetalz teta FACCH-MORF 60 huts tetatezan FACCH-EN 182 tezantezan FACCH-EN 194 tezantezan FACCH-EN 195 tezan

tin- BONFANTE 94

tin- BONFANTE 100

sacnicleri cilθl spureri meθlumeric enas sveleri

sval sval-as

sval-ce sval-θas



itun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiarasitun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiaras



Word Source Page # Etruscan text

tin- BONFANTE 143

tin- BONFANTE 172 tintin- BONFANTE 112, 224 tintin- BONFANTE 219 tin-tin- BONFANTE 85 Tin (Tinia, Tina)tin- BONFANTE 219 Tina, Tin, Tiniatin- BONFANTE 225 Tina, Tiniatin- BONFANTE 84 tina, tinia, tins, tintin- BONFANTE 86 Tinas clenartin- BONFANTE 24 Tiniatin- BONFANTE 162 Tiniatin- BONFANTE 25 tinścviltin- BONFANTE 147 tinścviltin- BONFANTE 183 tinśitin- FACCH-EN 245tin- FACCH-EN 245tin- FACCH-EN 256


tin- FACCH-EN 157tin- FACCH-EN 43tin- FACCH-EN 94tin- FACCH-EN 50tin- FACCH-EN 38, 275tin- FACCH-EN 50


tin- FACCH-EN 245 χias tin[as] tin- FACCH-MORF 14 šeas tinastin- FACCH-MORF 140 tin-

itun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiaras

hutila tina šeas tinas Tin(s), Tins

39, 95, 155, 164, 167 Tina, Tinia

tinas tinascliniiaras tinerim tins tins tinsi

269, 270, 273, 275, 276, 277 tinsi tiurim avils χis



Word Source Page # Etruscan texttin- FACCH-MORF 14 Tin(i)atin- FACCH-MORF 140 Tin(i)atin- FACCH-MORF 14 tinatin- FACCH-MORF 14 Tinastin- FACCH-MORF 14 tinastin- FACCH-MORF 49tin- FACCH-MORF 31 tineri/mtin- FACCH-MORF 14 Tinstin- FACCH-MORF 38 tin-s-θtin- FACCH-MORF 75 Tin-θtin- FACCH-MORF 14 χias tin[as]tin- RIX 146tin- RIX 146tin- RIX 150 Tina-stin- RIX 151tin- RIX 162 Tinstiu BONFANTE 224 tiu, tiv-, tiur-tiu BONFANTE 219 tiu, tivr, tiurtiu BONFANTE 112, 180 tiurtiu BONFANTE 183 tiurimtiu BONFANTE 172 tivrtiu FACCH-EN 158


tiu FACCH-EN 261tiu FACCH-EN 50tiu FACCH-EN 200tiu FACCH-EN 50 tiurim tiu FACCH-EN 255tiu FACCH-EN 108

Tinas > Tins (gen)

*tin tina, tinia [tinʸa]


tiiurs 269, 270, 273, 275, 276, 277 tinsi tiurim avils χis

tiu tiur tiur

Tiv(r)s tivrs



Word Source Page # Etruscan texttiu RIX 152tiu RIX 152tiu RIX 152trin- BONFANTE 219 trin-

trin- FACCH-EN

trin- FACCH-EN 275trin- FACCH-EN 271trin- FACCH-MORF 104 ciz [...] trintrin- FACCH-MORF 71 ciz trintrin- FACCH-MORF 41 trintrin- FACCH-MORF 104 trin-trin- FACCH-MORF 105 trin alctrin- FACCH-MORF 61 trin fleretrin- FACCH-MORF 106 trinumtrin- RIX 156trin- RIX 155, 157trin- RIX 158 trin-θasa tur- BONFANTE 101 acilune turune ścunetur- BONFANTE 84 atial turce / malstria cvertur- BONFANTE 92, 108 cn turcetur- BONFANTE 108 cver turcetur- BONFANTE 93, 167 ecn turcetur- BONFANTE 145 ecn: turce:tur- BONFANTE 84 flereś [...] turcetur- BONFANTE 106 flereś [...] turce

tur- BONFANTE 94

tur- BONFANTE 100

tiu tiv-r-s, tiu-r-as tiv-s

272, 275, 276, 277, 290 trin

trinum trinθ

trin trin-θ

itun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiarasitun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiaras



Word Source Page # Etruscan text

tur- BONFANTE 143

tur- BONFANTE 91 mini turuce

tur- BONFANTE 109

tur- BONFANTE 103

tur- BONFANTE 156 tite cale: atial: turce malstria: cvertur- BONFANTE 93, 165 tn turcetur- BONFANTE 104, 219 tur-tur- BONFANTE 103 tur rachtitur- BONFANTE 79 turce

tur- BONFANTE turce

tur- BONFANTE 102 turutur- BONFANTE 67 turucetur- BONFANTE 108 turucetur- BONFANTE 128 turucetur- FACCH-EN 277tur- FACCH-EN 290tur- FACCH-EN 270


tur- FACCH-EN 144 turice tur- FACCH-EN 67tur- FACCH-EN 242tur- FACCH-EN 43, 85

tur- FACCH-EN 13

tur- FACCH-EN 163tur- FACCH-EN 174

itun turuce venel atelinas tinas cliniiaras

rachth tura nunthenth cletram śrenchve tei faśeirachth tura(,) nunthenth cletram śrenchve faśei

105, 108, 144, 166, 168

tur tur-a tura

152, 153, 156, 161, 163, 165,


turke turuce turuce

turuce [Archaic Etruscan], turce [Late Etruscan]

turuke turun-



Word Source Page # Etruscan texttur- FACCH-EN 190, 193 turune tur- FACCH-MORF 69 celi turtur- FACCH-MORF 22 ecn turcetur- FACCH-MORF 41 turatur- FACCH-MORF 143 turce aiserastur- RIX 156 tur tur- RIX 156 turatur- RIX 159tur- RIX 159 ture acil tur- RIX 150tur- RIX 155 turuce / turice > turce tur- RIX 148tur- RIX 161un BONFANTE 91 unun BONFANTE 220un BONFANTE 129 un, une, unuun BONFANTE 91 uneun BONFANTE 91 unuun FACCH-EN 9, 136, 287 un un FACCH-EN 154un FACCH-EN 271, 272, 277un FACCH-EN 287 une un FACCH-EN 154un FACCH-EN 246un FACCH-EN 287un FACCH-EN 274, 275un FACCH-EN 287un FACCH-EN 278un FACCH-EN 287un FACCH-MORF 53



turuce > turce turune

un, une (dative), unu (plural)

un un mlaχ nunθen

une unu unuχ unuχ mlaχ nunθen unχ- unχva unχ-va un (acc.)



Word Source Page # Etruscan textun FACCH-MORF 53un FACCH-MORF 61 une mlaχun FACCH-MORF 54 unuχun FACCH-MORF 54 un-χ-un FACCH-MORF 82 unχvaun FACCH-MORF 54 un-χ-vaun RIX 153 *una un RIX 155un RIX 153un RIX 154un RIX 158un RIX 153urθ- BONFANTE 101 mini urthanike aranthururθ- BONFANTE 220 urthan, urthanikeušil BONFANTE 85 Usilušil BONFANTE 209 Usilušil BONFANTE 172, 220 usilušil BONFANTE 220 uslaneušil FACCH-EN 253ušil FACCH-EN 258 Ušil ušil FACCH-EN 67, 146ušil FACCH-EN 255ušil FACCH-EN 275ušil FACCH-MORF 70 ušil cerineušil FACCH-MORF 70 ušliušil RIX 150vatie- FACCH-EN 241vatie- FACCH-EN 290vatie- FACCH-MORF 40 vatieχevatie- RIX 155

une (loc.)

un un < *una-nune une une < *una-i


ušil Usils θesane ušlanec

uσ́l-i < uσ́ilvatieχe vatie-χe




Word Source Page # Etruscan textvatie- RIX 156, 159 vatieχe vers- BONFANTE 220 vers-vers- FACCH-EN 17 vers-vers- FACCH-EN 243


zal BONFANTE 103 clenar ci acnanasa elsśi zilacnhuzal BONFANTE 96 esl-em zathrumzal BONFANTE 96 esl-em-ce-alchzal BONFANTE 96 esl-em-zathrumiśzal BONFANTE 216 eslzzal BONFANTE 102 eslz zilachnthaszal BONFANTE 96 za- / sa-zal BONFANTE 94, 96, 181, 226 zalzal BONFANTE 96 zal (esal)zal BONFANTE 220 zal, zel-, esal-zal BONFANTE 97, 220 zelurzal FACCH-EN 88 elsši zal FACCH-EN 113zal FACCH-EN 288 eslem zaθrum zal FACCH-EN 110 eslem zaθrums zal FACCH-EN 89, 105, 108zal FACCH-EN 289zal FACCH-EN 88zal FACCH-EN 200zal FACCH-EN 288 zal, es(a)l- zal FACCH-EN 283zal FACCH-EN 9zal FACCH-EN 289

vers [...] tute arnthals [...] zilchnu cezpz purtśvana thunz lupu avils esals cezpalchals


eslz šl-el-eθ zal zal

zal, zel- zel- zel-ar-, zel-ur



Word Source Page # Etruscan textzal FACCH-EN 9, 150 zel-ar-ve- zal FACCH-EN 89, 108 zelarvenas zal FACCH-EN 92 zelur zal FACCH-MORF 42, 71, 97 zal / zel-zal FACCH-MORF 89 zal, esl-zal FACCH-MORF 33 zelar-venaszal FACCH-MORF 71, 96 zel-urzal RIX 149 eslem zal RIX 149, 158

zal RIX zal

zal RIX 158zal RIX 158zal RIX 152

zaθrum BONFANTE 183

zaθrum BONFANTE 96 ci zathrumzaθrum BONFANTE 96 ci-em zathrum

zaθrum BONFANTE 183

zaθrum BONFANTE 96 esl-em zathrumzaθrum BONFANTE 96 esl-em-zathrumiśzaθrum BONFANTE 96 huthis zath-rumiśzaθrum BONFANTE 97 huthiś zathrumiś

zaθrum BONFANTE 103

zaθrum BONFANTE 96 thun-em zathrumzaθrum BONFANTE 96, 220, 226 zathrumzaθrum FACCH-EN 100zaθrum FACCH-EN 108zaθrum FACCH-EN 110 eslem zaθrums

esl-z 149, 152, 159,

160, 162zelarven-as < *zal-ur-u-ane-aszelur zel-ur celi huthiś zathrumiś flerchva nethunsl śucri thezeri-c

cntnam thesan fler veiveś thezeri etnam aisna [...] ich huthiś zathrumiś

huthiś zathrumiś flerchva nethunsl [...] thezeri-c

avils cis zaθrmisc avils θunem zaθrums



Word Source Page # Etruscan textzaθrum FACCH-EN 288zaθrum FACCH-EN 114zaθrum FACCH-MORF 82 huθis zaθrumiszaθrum RIX 144, 159 zaθrumzaθrum RIX 150 zaθrum-zaθrum RIX 159 zaθrumiś / zaθrumsna zin- BONFANTE 102 mi ... zinakuzin- BONFANTE 85 mi zenakuzin- BONFANTE 128 zinacezin- BONFANTE 137, 220 zinacezin- BONFANTE 220 zinakuzin- FACCH-EN 42


zin- FACCH-EN 162zin- FACCH-MORF 48 mi zinakuzin- FACCH-MORF 38 zinaχezin- RIX 150zin- RIX 162zin- RIX 155zin- RIX 157zin- RIX 156ziv- BONFANTE 220 zivaziv- FACCH-EN 32 ziv- ziv- FACCH-EN 102, 104, 108ziv- FACCH-EN 290 ziv-as ziv- FACCH-EN 275 zivas fler ziv- FACCH-MORF 17, 18 ziv-ziv- FACCH-MORF 58, 97 zivasziv- FACCH-MORF 61 zivas fler

zaθrum zaθrums

zina 142, 144, 147,

157, 163 zinace


zinace zinace zinace / zineke > zince zinaku < *zina-ce + -u zinaχe




Word Source Page # Etruscan textziv- RIX 152, 159 zivasziv- RIX 152, 159 zivaśθar BONFANTE 105 tharθar BONFANTE 220 tharθesan BONFANTE 92 cla thesan

θesan BONFANTE 183

θesan BONFANTE 206 Thesanθesan BONFANTE 220 thesanθesan FACCH-EN 259θesan FACCH-EN 275 cla θesan(s) θesan FACCH-EN 253 Thesan θesan FACCH-EN 258θesan FACCH-EN 203 θesan θesan FACCH-EN 245 θesan θesan FACCH-EN 275θesan FACCH-EN 275θesan FACCH-EN 275θesan FACCH-MORF 70, 82 θesanθesan FACCH-MORF 106 θesninθesan RIX 152θesan RIX 152θi BONFANTE 14 mi squrias thina mlach mlakasθi BONFANTE 220 thi

θi FACCH-EN θi

θi FACCH-EN 194θi FACCH-EN 286 -θi, -θ, -ti, -tθi FACCH-EN 183θi FACCH-EN 186

cntnam thesan fler veiveś thezeri etnam aisna [...] ich huthiś zathrumiś

ca θesan


θesan tins θesane ušlanec θesnin

θesan θesn-χva

9, 144, 148, 164, 184, 269


θii θii



Word Source Page # Etruscan textθi FACCH-EN 174θi FACCH-EN 144, 146, 164θi FACCH-EN 151θi FACCH-MORF 106, 112, 132 θiθi FACCH-MORF 69 θicθi FACCH-MORF 13 θiiθi FACCH-MORF 15 θi-iθi FACCH-MORF 62 θisθi RIX 160 θi, -θ, -te, ti

θra(s)- BONFANTE 155

θra(s)- BONFANTE 220 thraθra(s)- BONFANTE 220 thrasθra(s)- FACCH-EN 187 θrasce θra(s)- RIX 162 θrasce

θu(n) BONFANTE 97

θu(n) BONFANTE 94, 96, 220, 226 thuθu(n) BONFANTE 97 thunem cialchusθu(n) BONFANTE 96 thun-em zathrumθu(n) BONFANTE 96 thun-em-ce-alchθu(n) BONFANTE 105, 220 thuniθu(n) BONFANTE 97, 220 thuninaθu(n) BONFANTE 99 thunśθu(n) BONFANTE 99, 220 thunśnaθu(n) BONFANTE 97, 220 thunurθu(n) BONFANTE 220 thunzθu(n) BONFANTE 219 tunurθu(n) FACCH-EN 110

θil θi-na θis

eca: sren: tva: ichnac: hercle: unial: clan: thra: sce

[...] tute arnthals [...] zilchnu cezpz purtśvana thunz lupu avils esals cezpalchals

ati θuta



Word Source Page # Etruscan textθu(n) FACCH-EN 92θu(n) FACCH-EN 289 tun-ur θu(n) FACCH-EN 288θu(n) FACCH-EN 288θu(n) FACCH-EN 279 θunem cialχusθu(n) FACCH-EN 105 θunem muvalχlsθu(n) FACCH-EN 108 θunem zaθrums θu(n) FACCH-EN 215θu(n) FACCH-EN 215 θunis rens θu(n) FACCH-EN 113θu(n) FACCH-EN 95 θunχum θu(n) FACCH-EN 68θu(n) FACCH-EN 192θu(n) FACCH-EN 242θu(n) FACCH-EN 63θu(n) FACCH-EN 68θu(n) FACCH-MORF 69 ara θuniθu(n) FACCH-MORF 60 ati θutaθu(n) FACCH-MORF 112 θu(n)θu(n) FACCH-MORF 71 θunem cialχusθu(n) RIX 152θu(n) RIX 159, 160θu(n) RIX 152θu(n) RIX 144θu(n) RIX 158 θunem θu(n) RIX 159θui BONFANTE 102 ceśu thui

θui BONFANTE 172


θu(n) θun zaθrum



θuta θuta θuta θutuiθi θutu-i-θi

tun-ur θu θu, θun-, tun- θun-


laris avle larisal clenar sval cn šuthi cerichunce apac atic sanišva thui cesu clavtiethurasi



Word Source Page # Etruscan textθui BONFANTE 172 sacniśa thui [ecl]th śuthith acazrθui BONFANTE 105 thuiθui BONFANTE 220 thuiθui BONFANTE 105, 181 thuiθui BONFANTE 93 thui clthiθui BONFANTE 180 thui spanthiθui FACCH-MORF 18, 21, 86 θu-iθui FACCH-MORF 32 θui . cesu .θui FACCH-MORF 29 θui . španθi . ml/esiêθicθui FACCH-MORF 57 θui cesuθui RIX 154, 158

θui FACCH-EN θui

θui FACCH-EN 30 θu-i θul- FACCH-EN 289θul- FACCH-EN 215 θul-θul- FACCH-EN 215 θuls θul- FACCH-EN 215θul- FACCH-EN 253χi- BONFANTE 215 chim, chiaχi- FACCH-EN 50


χi- FACCH-EN 245 χias tin[as] χi- FACCH-EN 186χi- FACCH-EN 63χi- FACCH-EN 95χi- FACCH-EN 282χi- FACCH-EN 192

θui 12, 60, 99, 100, 107, 108, 110, 116, 122, 123, 148, 200, 208,



θulut-er θulut-er

avils χis 269, 270, 273, 275, 276, 277 tinsi tiurim avils χis

χiem χim χim χi-m χimθ



Word Source Page # Etruscan textχi- FACCH-EN 261 χimθm χi- FACCH-EN 282χi- FACCH-MORF 14 χias tin[as]χi- FACCH-MORF 31 χimχi- FACCH-MORF 81 χim, χisχi- FACCH-MORF 86 χimθmχur FACCH-EN 242-243 χur χur FACCH-EN 242-243χur FACCH-MORF 124 χurv(ar)





Translationmake, offermadework, thing madewill do, give, yieldhe this book of haruspicina made

Arnth (and) Larth Velimnas, children (sons) of Arzni, the grave (?) placed

having made offerings here in this tomb, madefarecompose faciendum (est) = bisogna fare(è) da farecompìoperaopera opus est, c’è bisognoprovvidero (lett. posero opera)facere [Latin]fare, operare opera [verb]compose fece(che tu) ti faccia proprio

bisogna (che)che quel libro aruspicino composequel libro (...) composecompose questo scrittola qual cosa compiato manage, get done

si deve effettuare [lett. (è) da effettuare]



Translationhe / you should sacrifice [denominative, subjunctive]sacrificed [preterite active] is to be sacrificed [denominative, necessitative]productionfurnishingsis necessaryone oughtgets donegets doneone ought to sacrificeHaving procreated three sons, he was praetor for the second timehaving had three children

Having acquired six grandchildren he elevated the monument

she lived for sixty-four years; having had three sons, she made [the grave]

ebbeavendo avutoaverepossiedaavendo avuto tre figliavendo avuto tre figliavendo avuto due figliavendo avuto figliavendo avuto tre figliavendo avuto cinque figliavendo avuto 6 nipotito make into a possession, gethaving had … childrengive, offer

he had mach children



TranslationI was givenVelthur gave medà! (imper.)dare, donarediedediae da’ (imper.)diedegavediede(egli) donadiede


donato(fui) datodatofu dataè dato

diaè datotre volte, dà e osservapronuncia e offrigive [imperative]gives as a present, places

multiples of ten

dono divino, dono degli dei < alχuv- cosa data, dono + aiser dèi

Tute, (the son) of Arnth, having been praetor eight times, dictator once, (was) died in the year eighty-two (of his life)



TranslationDied at the age of 75 (?) years

three sons she bore and (was) dead in the forty-fifth year (of her life)

30on the twenty-seventh27285040

on the twenty-ninth29suffisso per le decinequaranta (gen.)del (giorno) ventinove308030507040to behe actedthey arehas beenHe was praetor of the Etruscan territory

he was pretor

80 (?)

70 (?)

who was zilath (praetor) of the people of Etruria

12 naper (measure) which are here



Translationwas the wifewas wifewas praetor at Tarquiniasiaesserefuci sianosiafu


(io) sono

furonoè, fu (a seconda dei contesti)(egli) fuè, fufufuci fuè situatoè datoesseresia (e) (av)vengasiafudegli anni ci fuio sono / fui / saròè situatobe




Translationthere arewasI am, he isI am, he iswas [preterite active]Amoramorehe, shehe, she, this, that, rel. Pronounhe this tomb builtHe was pretor of the Etruscan territory

he was pretorhe this book of haruspicina madeche (relative pronoun, subj.)il quale (subj.)colui chepronome relative riferito a “umani”

il quale, che [with animate referent]

cheVel … il qualepronome relativo riferito agli 'umani'che quel libro aruspicino composechiunque vogliache fu generatohuman relative pronoun [nom., acc.]relative pronounwho [relative pronoun, subject]which [rel.]

who was zilath (praetor) of the people of Etruria





both father and motherrelate to the father, paternal



nonnopaternosecondo il paternonella città del padre vivente (= mentre questi viveva)padreil padre e la madrepaternonella città del padrerivestì lo zilacato nella città del padre mentre questi vivevafatherfatherin that of his fatherin [that] of the father [pertinentive]make, doto make, moveHaving acquired six grandchildren he elevated the monument

she lived for sixty-four years; having had three sons, she made [the grave]


Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii

While living in the city of his brother (?) / in the city (with) his father living



Translationportar(si)(egli) porti(av)vengaportareporgi preghierese ne andò, morì [forma intensiva di ar- portar(si)]porti / vadaporti benemuovendosi (?)spostandosimorìraggiunseraggiunse il monumento = morìraggiunse il monumento = morìio pregoio portoio porgosia (e) (av)vengaeseguifare, muover(si), portar(si)muovereporgi preghiera/eeseguaesegua assiemementre eseguemuovendo(si) e attraversando= obiitdi chi (è) questo (vaso)? Porgi preghieraio porgo preghiera (= io prego, per favore)variante di mi nunar



Translationmake [imperative]do/puthaving madehe mademakingboth father and motherparents, ancestorsdescendant, ancestor


gave to his mother the mirror (as a) giftdead motherThe mother dedicating to her descendants

I (belong to, have been given) to Cel the mother, here (in this sanctuary)

Tite Cale gave (this) mirror to his mother as a gift


nonnadella madrealla Madre (?)della madree (sua) madre

madredella Terra Madreil padre e la madremadre

Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii

materno (?)



Translationmadre <unica>madreand motherboth father and motherand [After l it is often written ch]

three sons she bore and (was) dead in the forty-fifth year (of her life)

and the boyeeil padre e la madree (congiunzione enclitica)eandandcoordinating conjunctionenclitic copulative conjunctionsemantically unmarked coordinating conjunctionvase, cointainerurn, container

I [belong] to Cupe, the one of Fulu. Do not take me. I am sacred

afferrare, contenereprendere, afferrare > contenerecontienerecipienterecipiente

Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii



Translationnon mi portar via, non afferrarminon mi portar vianon mi portare vianon portarmi viacontenitoreio contengoafferrare, contenerevasovasiprenderenon afferrarmi!non mi portar viaio contengoa vesselvesselsa solar divinityCeleritas solis filiaedio Sole bruciante (?) / splendente (?)del (dio) Cauthadel (Sole) Cautha Sole, Febodel (Sole) Cathadio Soledel dio Soleper il dio Sole e del sole al dio Kavtail dio Kavtha del Sole



Translationdel (dio) Cauthadel dio CathaMother Earth ?a mother goddessa mother goddessearth, land

on the land, locative

I (belong to, have been given) to Cel the mother, here (in this sanctuary)

Terra, Geaterrenoin terra

poni a terra

della Terradella Terra Madrenel terrritorionella terrain terrametti a terra!in terra donion the earthto the earthlay on the groundmake, placeacquisireacquisito, ricevuto (?)acquisito

In the month of Cel, on the twenty-sixth [day] the offerings to Nethuns must be made and immolated



Translationhe this tomb builtmake, build

built this tomb

(he) built four tombsfarefacendo da erigerefacentecostruitocostruìfatto costruirecostruirecostruìfece costruire costruironocostruttore

fare, costruire(fu) da erigerefacente, che ha fattofaccianoche è stato fattocoloro che hanno fatto / costruito

Laris (e) Aule figli di Laris da vivi fecero costruire questa tomba

la tomba fece costruire

made [see car-, cer-]

Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii

in pubblico facendo (lett. nel fare)



Translationda vivi questa tomba costruironoesegue di giornohaving erectedhe erectedthey set up[he] set upbuilt [Late Etruscan, preterite active]to place, be placed, lielyinglieslying here

cada (?)giaccionostante


giacentegiacente (?) [oppure un cognomen?]e giace (?)qui giacentequi giacciono


eight times?October

Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii

Tute, (the son) of Arnth, having been praetor eight times, dictator once, (was) died in the year eighty-two (of his life)

80 (?)



Translationlived eighty-five yearsOctoberottobreottoottantaottanta [gen.]otto volte8 (?)80ceremony (right, law) / older, aboveas this sentence has been written down, prescribedon behalf of his/her sonsopratanto sopra quanto sottoper conto del figlioa favore del figlio superiori (?)sopra, a causa disopraintenderesopraintende

because of [postposition]as this is written aboveas this was written above3three yearsshe bore three sons

three sons she bore and (was) dead in the forty-fifth year (of her life)


= lat pro filio



Translation30thirtyon the twenty-seventh1727on the thirteenththree timesThree times he was praetorthree times as praetor governed the districtthree times governed the territory as praetorHaving procreated three sons, he was praetor for the second time28having had three children

Larth Ceisinis, son of Vel, three times governed the district as praetor

she lived for sixty-four years; having had three sons, she made [the grave]

on the twenty-ninth29di anni ventirédi anni trentaseitrenta [gen.]


tre anni completitre assiemeassieme in tretrentatriplicetriplo



Translation(il giorno) del ventisetteventisette [gen.]tre [gen.]del tredicitredicitre assiemetriplicetre voltetre volte

treterzodel giorno ventinovetretre annitre figlitre ragazzitre animali (forse bovini)del (giorno) tredicitre voltedi' tre voltetre volte, dà e osservatre volte dicadel (giorno) ventinove30330three each (distributive)3rdthree [Archaic Etruscan]

tre volte



TranslationAnes Arnth, son of Velthur, (was) dead at the age of fiftyshe bore three sons

three sons she bore and (was) dead in the forty-fifth year (of her life)

the son, of years (was) dead (at) 28son

on behalf of his/her son

Having procreated three sons, he was praetor for the second time

While the son was alive (living)

This image shows how Hercle, the son of Uni, suckled [milk]

Venel Atelinas gave this to the sons of Jupiter

This gave Venel Atelinas to Tina's sons

Larth Ceisinis, son of Vel, three times governed the district as praetor

she lived for sixty-four years; having had three sons, she made [the grave]

sons of Zeus

son [nom.acc.sing.]

of the son [gen.sing.]

sons []

to the sons []to the son [dat.sing.]

Venel Atelina dedicated this to the sons of Tinia (the Dioskouroi)

Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii





e il figliofiglio adottivofiglio adottivofiglio (abl.?)per conto del figlioa favore del figlio


figliper i figlie i figlidel figlio (gen.)per il figlioal figliofiglio

figlioai figli di Giovedai figlitre figlifiglio

del figlio vivente

del figlio nel “mula” vivente = durante l’incarico “mula” del figlio, mentre questi viveva

= lat pro filio



Translationfigliper i figlifiglio concedafiglio

Laris (e) Aule figli di Laris da vivi fecero costruire questa tomba

son (nom. + acc. sing.)

sonson [abl.]sons (plural)son [pertinentive plural]son (genitive sing.)in the sons [locative plural]of the sons (genitive plur.)to the sonsgrande (?) grande (?)grande (?)nel grande (?)grande<grande>nel <grande>not

I [belong] to Cupe, the one of Fulu. Do not take me. I am sacred

non (prohib.)

e non




non (prohib.)

non (prohib.)non afferrinon afferrarmi!nonnon mi portar viaprohibitivehe should not makehe should not injure[archaic] notare not to be sprinkledthe urns … are not to be sprinkled

nostrodi noi (?)

nostro (?)

nostro (?)secondo la nostra dichiarazione (?)del <tempio>, della città e del popolo <nostro>di noinostro

a favore dell'area sacra del <tempio>, della città e del popolo <nostri> e del vivente

anything (acc.)of anything

genitive of an/ingenitive of an/ingenitive of an/inBe benevolent and bow to the temples of the people, to the cities and districts and hearths



Translationvolerechiunque vogliavolereoppurequalunque cosa vogliae quele quellaquello

thus, in this way (adverb)and, also, again, thuscosì

cosìcosì (?)così (?)cosìparimenti, ugualmentecosì (fu) decretantecosì (fu) decretante la famiglia di Precu, che (...)justthus (?)thuse entròpose e (vi) entròprepared [preterite active]and preparedgenerategenio, spirito, animo (?)

And the same morning the offering to Veive must be immolated and furthermore [...] the divine service as on the twenty-sixth (day)

così (forma arcaica)



Translationgeniofu generato/afu generatofiglia naturale (?) / neonata (?)che fu generatofu generatowas -?-ed

?penetra!dentro, entraredentropassaggioche penetri!entrainteriore

Arnth (and) Larth Velimnas, children (sons) of Arzni, the grave (?) placed

put, place, addposepongapose e (vi) entròporre

he set upset up [Archaic Etruscan]erected [preterite active]

quiecco, qui

was prayed for (?) [preterite passive]

they set up

12 naper (measure) which are here



Translationquiqui (?)<qui><ecco>, <qui>

indefinite pronoun (Lat. aliquantus)

quiquiquiecco, quibelowbelowsoul, ghost, of the Underworldthe soul of Teiresiasfrom belowsotto, dietroinferasottoquesta sede inferasotto, dietro

Arnth (and) Larth Velimnas, children (sons) of Arzni, the grave (?) placed

childrenchildrenhaving had three children

ragazzofiglicon giovane vino (?)


he had mach children



Translationragazzi, giovani (usato per ‘figli [maschi e femmine]’)figliragazzi tre ragazziragazzichildrenchildren[spelling variants]young wine


on the twenty-sixth [day]on the twenty-sixth

and on the twenty-sixth the sacrificies for Neptune are to be made

six times (four?)16di anni trentaseisei

di sei [gen.]seiseiquattordici sei

In the month of Cel, on the twenty-sixth [day] the offerings to Nethuns must be made and immolatedAnd the same morning the offering to Veive must be immolated and furthermore [...] the divine service as on the twenty-sixth (day)

6 (4?)

il sesto (?) giorno



Translationdi sei nonna

del (giorno) ventisei66six6thhe this tomb builthe this book of haruspicina madethisthis (is) the gravethis

here, in this place (locative)

in this grave

this one here

this staute det up[He] set up this statuethis statue (he) placedThis writing was written

of (during) this morning

built this tombbuilt this tomb

sei zusle

these []

this [loc.sing.]

this [acc.sing]

these []these []this [loc.sing.]

this [gen.sing]

these []



Translationgave this

of this

this (is) the sarcophagusThis sarcophagusthis image showsthis is the tombShe went

This image shows how Hercle, the son of Uni, suckled [milk]

in thisin this gravein this gravegave thisdedicated thisthis

and this

I (belong to, have been given) to Cel the mother, here (in this sanctuary)

having made offerings here in this tomb, madehere in this

these []

see ca

this [loc.]

this [nom.acc.sing]

this [nom.]

this [acc.]

Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii



Translationlet this be written downquestaquesto [nom.]ciòdi quellanella suaquelliquestaquesto (acc.)questo (nom.)secondo questa costui (nom.)questo (nom.)suoossia di loro circa queste (cose)circa questi fattiin questain questo/aa quelleil (noto) questa (acc.)questo (acc.)queste (cose) [acc.]in questequeste cose (acc.)di ciòdi questodi esseloro




questo, questa

in questoquesto [acc.]per questaquesto, il


e questequesto [nominative] questo [acc.]la questosuache quel libro aruspicino composequesta sedein questa tombaquesta sede inferaquesto documento qui fu scrittoquesto documento qui è stato scrittoin questa tombaquel libro (...) composequesta (è) la tombaquesto donòquesto / quellocompose questo scrittodi chi (è) questo?di chi (è) questo (vaso)? Porgi preghiera




Laris (e) Aule figli di Laris da vivi fecero costruire questa tomba

da vivi questa tomba costruironoenclitic articlethisin this [Late Etruscan]this [Late Etruscan]this [acc.]this

thisdemonstrative and “article”ititnume che è / sei sulla lettiga (?)il quale [with inanimate referent]la quale [acc., with inanimate referent]che (relative, inanimate)che (nom.)ciò chepronome relativo riferito a “non umani”e riguardo a ciò (?) al fine del qualepresso (?) la quale cosanella tomba, che …pronome relativo riferito ai 'non umani'qualunque cosa voglia

sul quale

this [Archaic Etruscan];

accusativo del pronome relativo in

locativo di in



TranslationAccetta, o nume chenon-human relative pronoun [nom., acc.]relative pronounwhich

relative pronoun, which, where

decretò checiò che [acc.]il quale (?)colui cheche (conj.)

pronome relativo-interrogativo

di chi [interr.] del qualeordinò checosì (fu) decretante la famiglia di Precu, che (...)

la qual cosa compia

pronome interrogativo / congiunzione dichiarativapronome interrogativo-relativochedi chi (è) questo?di chi (è) questo (vaso)? Porgi preghierawhichrelative pronouninterrogative and relative pronoun

who, which []where [rel.]

12 naper (measure) which are here

accusativo recente di ipa

accusativi di ipa



Translationwho [relative pronoun, subject]that [subordinating conjunction]that [conj.]wherethisthis

thisoffered this

Venel Atelinas gave this to the sons of Jupiter

This gave Venel Atelinas to Tina's sons

Prepare the incense; offer with the decorated cup these loaves

this (is) the gravethisgave thisquesto (nominative)questo, il (pronome-articolo)questoilquesto, il

this [acc.sing]these []this [gen.sing]this [nom.acc.sing]this [nom.]

this [acc.]

Venel Atelina dedicated this to the sons of Tinia (the Dioskouroi)



Translationquesto (acc.)questa [acc.]questo dedicòil buonquesto buondi quello di Puteres (gen.)quello Sanchunaquestail (articolo determinativo)quellosu questoquesto (acc.)questo / quello [sostantivo, aggettivo e 'articolo' enclitico]secondo la Legge etruscaof this [Archaic Etruscan]this [nominative]demonstrative and “article”enclitic articlethis [acc.]dieto die?

Anes Arnth, son of Velthur, (was) dead at the age of fiftyDied at the age of 75 (?) years

three sons she bore and (was) dead in the forty-fifth year (of her life)

the son, of years (was) dead (at) 28to die

Tute, (the son) of Arnth, having been praetor eight times, dictator once, (was) died in the year eighty-two (of his life)



Translationdieddeaddied at [the age of] twenty-five yearsdiedmortoandatomorta

(è) morto

morto, andato andòmorìe morìed (è) mortase n’è andatodipartìè mortohas died (perfect)dieddeadhas died (preterite)he died [preterite]stone? temple?del campo camponel campoaltaraltars [plur.]and (written -um after a consonant)e, congiunzione enclitica



Translationossiaeeossia, ancheenclitic copulative conjunctionweakly adversative coordinating conjunction butcoordinating conjunctiongave to his mother the mirror (as a) giftto look, watch, guard, overseemirrorTite Cale gave (this) mirror to his mother as a giftguardareosservareguardare, controllaree controllaronoe verificaronospecchiospecchioosservòtre volte, dà e osservaosservareosservafive-and-forty yearsDied at the age of 75 (?) years

three sons she bore and (was) dead in the forty-fifth year (of her life)

5lived eighty-five years

he had mach children



Translationfifty50cinquecinquecinque assiemecinqueottantacinquecinque [genitive]cinquantacinquanta [gen.]quarantanove [gen.]cinquefive550make, offerpossibily related to pottery activitiesoffered

I was givenI was offered as a gift to or by Tita

I have been offered as a gift by Tita[egli] facciafecefaccia riservaresono stato fattofu fattofannofa, fece

signature, translation of the greek epoiesen

I was offered as a gift toTita / I was offered as a gift by Tita



Translationfare, costruiremakehaving preparedwas prepared [preterite passive]I was created [preterite passive]

I was givenI have been givenI (was) offeredI (was) made

I was written by ArathI belong to Araz LaraniI (am) the urn

I (belong to, have been given) to Cel the mother, here (in this sanctuary)

I am the statueI was given

I was offered as a gift to or by Tita

I have been offered as a gift by TitaI am of [belong to; or for] Uni [of] CortonaI (have been) madededicated meI, me

Velthur gave me

I (nominative)

I (nominative)

I was written for Arath / I was written by Arath

I [belong] to Squria, the beautiful thina (vase) of a beautiful (woman)

I was offered as a gift toTita / I was offered as a gift by Tita

me (accusative)



Translationdedicated meoffered mededicated mededicated meme gaveAranthur made me

I [belong] to Cupe, the one of Fulu. Do not take me. I am sacred

non mi portare vianon portarmi viami (acc.)


io contengomi (acc.)mi [dative!]

me (acc.)

me (acc.) [–pi is a postposition of uncertain meaning]mi (acc.)io portonon afferrarmi!



Translationnon mi portar viaio

io contengoio (sono) donatoio fui dipintoio sono / fui / saròio (sono) donatoio (fui) prodottome

I (first person pronoun, nom.)

me (first person pronoun, acc.)

beautifulof the beautifulporti benebuonabuonaper un buono / da un buonocon buon(o)per un buonodi un buono, del buon, della buonadal buon buono, bello, nobile


buonodel buon

io porgo preghiera (= io prego, per favore)

variante di mi nunar

I [belong] to Squria, the beautiful thina (vase) of a beautiful (woman)



Translationla buonail buoncosa buona, cosa fatta benequesto buonbene (?)andare a benea fin di bene (?)buono<a te>, buonogoodgood [articulated nominative]?e sulla collina (?)tra il piano e il colle (?)qui, nel piano e sulla collina (?)interno (?)all’interno (?)interno (?)contenuto (?)offered thisI have been givenI (was) offereddedicated mededicated meoffered meoffered mededicated meMe dedicateddedicated mededicate



Translationto offer, dedicatededicatedofferedused in both sacred and profane contextsdedicatedcome omaggio (?)omaggiareil dono(fui) donatodonatodedicòomaggio (?)dedicòdonòdona, donòha dedicatodonòdedicòdonòdonaronopresentinooffradonòdonòdonòio (sono) donatoio (sono) donatodonatoregalògive as a gift



Translationto make a present ofhe / you should give as a present [subjunctive]you / he ought to givea present [nominative]giftgiven as a gift; gift; presentgave as a present [Archaic Etruscan, preterite active]was given as a present [preterite passive]

makes a present of

gives as a giftgave as a presentgave (as a present)gave as a presentstay, residelived 106 years. (He) lived (?) at Capuadimorò

grandmotherthe grandmothergrandmothernonnononnanonnagrande

atavicowaterhe this book of haruspicina made

grandmother (dear or venerable mother)

grande / maggiore; posposto a apa e ati indica rispettivamente nonno e nonna



Translationharuspicina haruspexbudellaviscerearuspiceinterioraaruspicino

che quel libro aruspicino composevisceretext concerning the inspection of the liver

nine?nine times?novenove volte9 (?)grandfatherthe one of the grandfather

of the grandfather: grandsonHaving acquired six grandchildren he elevated the monumentnonnonipote (di nonno)nipote (di nonno)nipote di nonnograndchildgrandchildrenboy, youthand the boy

libro aruspicino

9 (?)

grandson, the son of the son (literally, he of the grandfather)



Translationdisciplina (?); insegnamento (?)Etrusca disciplina (?) conforme alla disciplina (?), disciplinato (?)in, to, up to, untilverso, nei confronti di? (postposition)wifewifewas the wifewas wife


e la mogliee mogliedella mogliewife [gen.]

stars?splendidoe (fu) brillantestella e (fu) splendido, brillantestellela stellinastellevase, pot, vessel, well?(fu) posta porreposto

see pi



Translationposto (?), ponente (?)poseponenteposeto placeplaced (participle)prepareprepare

Prepare the incense; offer with the decorated cup these loaves

Prepare the incense, offer with the decorated cup these breads

Prepare the incenseil vassoio (?) (acc.) del vassoio (?) sul vassoio (?)

sul vassoio (?)

fuoco, fiammafirenon afferrare (?) mano manoin manomanole maninella manocon una sola mano (?) (genitivo strumentale)non afferrimano



Translationin manoafferrare

bend, incline?e nel ‘repin-‘land (cultivated?)e prativo (?)morto (?)del defunto (??)la morte (?)



five-and-forty years

three sons she bore and (was) dead in the forty-fifth year (of her life)

fourfour4 (6?)four and ten(he) built four tombs40forty


avendo quadruplicatoquattro [gen.]quaranta

Be benevolent and bow to the temples of the people, to the cities and districts and hearths

four (see śa)




Translationquaranta [gen.]di quattro giornidi quattro giornisixenclitic demonstrative4enclitic article4040 [gen.]e questo (?)on the thirteenth16four and ten1010tentha group of ten, decuriadel tredicitrediciquattordicidiecidel (giorno) tredicie dieci101010thwill do, give, yieldgive, place, offer; or leave, dismisspraestareconceda



Translationconcedefiglio concedaconcedereconcedahe should / will put at (somebody's) disposalputs at (someone's) disposalDied at the age of 75 (?) years

di anni settesettesettantasettanta [gen.]7(?)70




della figliafigliadella figliadella figliadaughter [gen.]sentire (?) sentì (?) consenti, accetta, approva (imper.)

7 (?)70 (?)

Sentius (nome di famiglia)



Translationpregando: «(...) Accettate, o dèi»Accetta, o dioAccettate, o dèiAccetta, o nume chetake??fu tolto (?), fu separato (?)ossia fossero tolti (?)grotta, cavitàuna cavitànello spazio della cavitànella cavitànella cavitànella grotta (?)nella cavitàto stay, place?is placedfinché è stato deposto (?)ciò che avevi posto


stare, porreè situatometti a terra!poniè situatohaving placedlay [imperative]place [imper.]



Translationyears he livedWhile the son was alive (living)

lived eighty-five years

livelivealive; to livehe livedlivedto live

she lived for sixty-four years; having had three sons, she made [the grave]

lived 106 years. (He) lived (?) at Capuahaving livedda viviviverevivente


avendo vissutoe a favore del viventedel figlio vivente

Laris (e) Aule figli di Laris da vivi fecero costruire questa tomba

Be benevolent and bow to the temples of the people, to the cities and districts and hearths

Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii

While living in the city of his brother (?) / in the city (with) his father living

vivere (più frequente di ziv-)




a favore dell'area sacra del <tempio>, della città e del popolo <nostri> e del vivente

vivoda vivi questa tomba costruironorivestì lo zilacato nella città del padre mentre questi vivevawho has livedlivinglivingliving (locative)livedhaving livedgirlthis statue set up[He] set up this statuethis statue (he) placedto place, putsantuario? grandmotherthe one of the grandmothernonnanipote (di nonna)nipote (di nonna)di sei nonnaaccettino (?); riceva (?)riceva (?)accetti (?)

Venel Atelinas gave this to the sons of Jupiter

This gave Venel Atelinas to Tina's sons




JupiterdaydayIuppiterJupiter, Zeus, god of daylightZeus, Jupiter

sons of ZeusJupiterZeusgift for TinOffering belonging to Tiniadayil sesto (?) giornodi quattro giornidi Giove


per il dio Tina (=Giove)ai figli di Gioveossia a favore di Giovegiornodi Giovenel giorno

nel giorno e nel mese di ogni anno

di ogni giornodi quattro giornigiorno, luce

Venel Atelina dedicated this to the sons of Tinia (the Dioskouroi)

day, Jupiter [nom.acc.sing.]



TranslationGioveZeusgiornodi Giove [genitivo arcaico]del giornodi Gioveossia a favore di Giovedi Giove [genitivo sincopato (recente)]nella (casa) di Tinanella (casa) di Giovedi ogni giornodayJupiterof ZeusZeus’of Jupitermoon, monthmoon, monthmonthmonththe moondella Luna

nel giorno e nel mese di ogni anno

per un mesemesein un mesee nel mesedella Lunadi mesi



Translationmoon, monthmoon, month [gen. plur.]moon, month [gen. sing.]to plead, supplicate

di’! (imper.)

e di’! (imper.)dicendodi' tre voltetre volte dicadi'direpronuncia e offridi': «nume»e di'speak [imperative]speaking, speakerhaving spokenwill do, give, yieldgave to his mother the mirror (as a) giftgave this(He) gave as a giftgave thisdedicated thisgave the statuethe statue gave

Venel Atelinas gave this to the sons of Jupiter

This gave Venel Atelinas to Tina's sons




me gave

Prepare the incense; offer with the decorated cup these loaves

Prepare the incense, offer with the decorated cup these breads

Tite Cale gave (this) mirror to his mother as a giftgave thisto givePrepare the incensehe gave


givenhe gavegave

offri (imper.)egli donitu offra





Venel Atelina dedicated this to the sons of Tinia (the Dioskouroi)

used only in sacred contexts to esxpress the concept of sacred dedication



Translationdàin terra doniquesto donò(tu) offradonò agli dèisacrifice [imperative]you should sacrificeshe dedicatedone ought to sacrifice[they] dedicatedsacrificed [preterite active]sacrificedmakes over (to someone)

youte, tibi, vos

te tu (?), te (?)te, buono, invocoin te, per tea te (?)tu (?)voivoi, buoni, invocotuo (?)le tue (?)tue cose (?) te

you [acc.sing.]

for, to you [dat.sing.]you []




<a te>, buonovoituotue cosetue cosesecond person pronoun, [acc. sing.]second person pronoun, youfor yousecond person pronoun, loc.Aranthur made meto make, cause to bethe SunGod of the sunsunat noonSole, Feboil dio Solesoledel Soleall’alba e alla luceesegue di giornodi giorno

furono richiesti (?)fu chiestofurono richiestiwish [noun]

locativo di un

during the day



Translationwas wished for [preterite passive]fire (or ladle?)[glossa] fuocofuoco

Having procreated three sons, he was praetor for the second time1828on the twentieth minus two > on the eighteenth [day]twicehaving been praetor twicetwotwo2twotwo by two, two at a time (Latin: bini)due voltedue [gen.]diciottodiciotto [gen.]due volteassieme in dueduein dueduedueduedoppio

Tute, (the son) of Arnth, having been praetor eight times, dictator once, (was) died in the year eighty-two (of his life)



Translationraddoppiareavendo raddoppiatodoppioduedueavendo raddoppiatodoppio-2 (minus two)twice


having doubledevery twotwo each (distributive)


18on the twentieth minus two > on the eighteenth [day]on the twenty-sixth [day]on the twenty-sixth

and on the twenty-sixth the sacrificies for Neptune are to be made

1920di anni ventiré

diciotto [gen.]

In the month of Cel, on the twenty-sixth [day] the offerings to Nethuns must be made and immolated

And the same morning the offering to Veive must be immolated and furthermore [...] the divine service as on the twenty-sixth (day)

di anni diciannove [gen.]



Translationventiventi [gen.]del (giorno) ventisei202020th I (was) madeI (have been) madepossibily related to pottery activitiesmadewas madefare


fui prodottoio (fui) prodottofu realizzato[he] producedhe madeproduced [preterite active]produced, productwas produced [Archaic Etruscan, preterite passive]the dead, deceasedvivereda vivoviventela vittima vivavivereda vivola vittima viva




thereof (during) this morning

Morning, Dawn, Auroramorning, dawnquesta è l’albadi questa mattinaaurora, EosAuroramattinal’auroraAurora di Gioveall’alba e alla lucemattutinamattinamattutinamorning, daymorning, day [plur.]



il diritto di attingereinsull’acquanell’acqua

there, thither (motion towoards)

And the same morning the offering to Veive must be immolated and furthermore [...] the divine service as on the twenty-sixth (day)

I [belong] to Squria, the beautiful thina (vase) of a beautiful (woman)



Translationattingere l’acquavaso per l’acquadell’acquaacquae acquatra l'acquasull'acquadell'acquain [postposition]

This image shows how Hercle, the son of Uni, suckled [milk]

milk?drank?divenne (?)he became

1on the twenty-ninth1929at firstthe firstonefirstone at a timeonceone at a timemadra unica (= madra comune)

Tute, (the son) of Arnth, having been praetor eight times, dictator once, (was) died in the year eighty-two (of his life)



Translationle singolesingolounoventunodel giorno ventinovequarantanove [gen.]diciannove [gen.]assieme (?)con una sola mano (?) (genitivo strumentale)una voltae insiemeunico

unicaunanimemente (?)in unità? unanimemente?esegua assiememadre <unica>unodel (giorno) ventinove

1one1minus one1stlying here

unica (?)

one, one each [distributive]

Laris (and) Avle, sons of Laris, (while) living made this tomb. Both father and mother, deceased (?), lie here. For the family (?) of the Claudii



Translationhaving made offerings here in this tomb, madenowhere, nowherehere in thishere, in the plainquiqui giacentequi, nel piano e sulla collina (?)qui giaccionohere


qui gemello (?) < ‘uno assieme’ (?)fratello (??), gemello (?), couterino (?)del fratello (??)gemelli (?)gemelli (?), Dioscuripronoundi ogni anno

nel giorno e nel mese di ogni anno

di ogni giornoogniogni (acc.)tuttotuttoin tutto



Translatione interamentedi tuttodi ogni giornotuttotutto, ogniossia interamentepienopieno, completocompleto