effect of hrm practices on employee retention

1 An Effectiveness of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention Ata ul Mustafa 11014220-028 Sara Masood 11014220-129 Abeera Athar 11014220-139 Abstract An effective human resource practice namely empowerment, compensation, appraisal system, training are the main factors for the retention of a firm employees. In this research paper our object is how employees regard importance of their empowerment; compensation and job design throw training and expectancy toward high performance management toward on their retention. Quantitative data was collected using non- probability self-administered questionnaire that consist on questions with 5- point likert scales distributed to our sample of 90 individual in university of Gujrat. By using multiple regression analysis it is found that training, compensation, and appraisal system is not significant for employee retention; while empowerment is more fundamental to lecturers’ the research showed that overall and organization cultural aspects have more effectiveness for employee retention as compare to these variables. Keywords: Employee Empowerment, Training and Development, Appraisal System, Compensation, Employee Retention

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An Effectiveness of Human Resource Management Practices on

Employee Retention

Ata ul Mustafa 11014220-028

Sara Masood 11014220-129

Abeera Athar 11014220-139


An effective human resource practice namely empowerment,

compensation, appraisal system, training are the main factors

for the retention of a firm employees. In this research paper

our object is how employees regard importance of their

empowerment; compensation and job design throw training and

expectancy toward high performance management toward on their

retention. Quantitative data was collected using non-

probability self-administered questionnaire that consist on

questions with 5- point likert scales distributed to our sample

of 90 individual in university of Gujrat. By using multiple

regression analysis it is found that training, compensation,

and appraisal system is not significant for employee retention;

while empowerment is more fundamental to lecturers’ the

research showed that overall and organization cultural aspects

have more effectiveness for employee retention as compare to

these variables.

Keywords: Employee Empowerment, Training and Development,Appraisal System, Compensation, Employee Retention


1. Introduction:

Employees are considered as backbone for organization. Employee

retention refers to the various policies and practices which

let the employees stick to an organization for a longer period

of time. An effective human resource management practices

namely employee empowerment, training and development,

appraisal system compensation are the main factor for the

success of a firm on employee retention. HRM practices have

their most immediate impact on employees since employee

outcomes are in a closer line of sight to the practices. HRM

practices have the strongest effect on employee outcomes as

these outcomes are to some extent the initial goal for

designing the HR practices.

In explaining factors contributing to employee retention, it is

essential to consider motivational theories as motivated

employees tend to stay with an organization longer. Employee

will be motivated to carry out his job if given sufficient

guidance through training and development, appraised through

effective performance standard and compensated equally

according performance standard. Through the understanding of

various well-known motivational theories such as Maslow’s Need

Hierarchy and McClelland’s Need Theory.

Regarding the theory about how HRM and Performance are linked,

it is acknowledged that there is a little understanding of the

mechanisms though which HRM practices influence performance

(Delery, 1998). As regards to performance outcomes, Dyer and

Reeves (1995) proposes an essential causal chain that HRM


practices must impact human resources related outcomes before

the organization could expect to see an impact on

organizational, financial and market based outcomes (Wright,

Gardner and Moynikan 2003). As supported by (Lee and Lee 2007) HRM

practices on business performance, namely training and

development, teamwork, compensation, HR planning, performance

appraisal, and employee security help improve firm’s business

performance including employee’s productivity, product quality

and firm’s flexibility.

2. Problem Statement :

There are many HRM practices implement around the globe

operated regularly for the retention of employees in

organization, even in private education sector. A strong

competition environment specially makes employee retention a

significant move in keeping competitive edge. Because some

researcher proved that an organization has less turnover of

employee it more enjoyed cost saving & talent preserve as

compare to others. Organizations used multiple tools for the

retention of employees. The problem remains on whether how

great is the effect of HRM practices having toward overall

employee’s retention. In order to solve this problem, the study

will investigate influence of empowerment, training,

performance appraisal and compensation on employees’ retention

with an institution through surveying the University of Gujrat


3. Research objective:


The main purpose aims at reflecting how employee empowerment,

training, job appraisal and compensation affect lecturers in

their retention with its organization to be more specific, it

studies on effectiveness of existing training programs,

employee empowerment, job appraisal and compensation in

retaining employee from the academicians’ perception. By

collecting academicians’ opinions, it would reflect how they

perceive as satisfactory development which may enhance their

future career planning and job promotion.

4. Hypothesis:

Employee Training:

H0:There is no significant relationship between employee

training and employee retention.

H1:There is significant relationship between employee training

and employee retention.

Appraisal System:

H0:There is no significant relationship between appraisal

system and employee retention.

H1:There is significant relationship between appraisal system

and employee retention.

Employee Compensation:

H0:There is no significant relationship between employee

compensation and employee retention.

H1:There is significant relationship between employee

compensation and employee retention.


Employee Empowerment:

H0:There is no significant relationship between employee

empowerment and employee retention.

H1:There is significant relationship between employee

empowerment and employee retention.

5. Literature Review:

5.1: Employee retention:

Retention as the “….effort by an employer to keep desirable

workers in order to meet business objectives” Frank et al.

(2004, p. 13)

Employee retention almost has a direct correlation to the

culture of the company. So focusing on employee retention

really starts at the core of the leadership of the company or

department and the culture they are trying to create. The cost

of turnover is extremely high and the residual effects on

morale are even higher as damage control as employees search

for rationale and reasons as to why employees are leaving. The

overall productivity and quality of work generally increases

with a satisfaction. The desire to make the department or

company a better place to work also gains traction and

organizational lift and inevitably a buzz from the outside the

organization where it becomes “The Place to be.” Finally, the

signs of strong employee retention correlate with the

employees’ engagement and being treated fairly. Retention is a

strong measurement that gives the other side of organizational

health along with profitability. The literature defines


retention as continuing relation between employees and their

organization and turnover as any permanent departure beyond

organizational boundaries (Cascio wf 1995) The accurate

assessment of the relationship between HRM practices and

performance requires reliable and valid assessment of practices

(Gardner, Moynihan, Park and Wright, 2001) however there is no

consensus on HRM practices yet (Katou and Budhwar, 2010). Job

satisfaction is an attitude that individuals maintain about

their jobs (Pool, 1997). . Hiring knowledgeable person for the

job is necessary for an employer. But retention is even more

important than hiring. “Retention is a voluntary move by an

organization to create an environment which engages employees

for a long term” Chaminade (2007 cited in Chibowa et al. 2010).

According to Samuel and Chipunza (2009), the most important

purpose of retention is to look for ways to prevent the capable

workers from quitting the organization as this could have

negative effect on productivity and profitability. The view

that the main purpose of retention is primarily for

organizational gains is similarly viewed by (Humphreys et al.

(2009), who in describing the concept, place the focus of

retention in terms of “some notion of adequacy or sufficiency

of length of service…”, which can be measured in terms of a

return on the costs of investment associated with training and

recruitment or the effects on patient care that are considered

to be optimal.

Many companies devise creative employee retention plans and

strategies to encourage employees to stay with their

organization. Effective employee orientations, generally


employees, regardless of which company they work for, have

similar complaints. Many of these issues are easy to rectify

and if addressed will save the loss of valuable employees.

Gberevbie (2008) referred to frequent labor turnover as “a

state of affairs in an organization…” where it is seen that

employees tend to leave or resign from their jobs because of

best known reasons based on their point of view concerning

personnel policies and practice of a firm. Frequent labor

turnover at work has been found to be causing harm to

performance, especially when employees are going to the direct

competitors of the organization (Chartered Institute of

Personnel Development (CIPD 2006).

5.2: Compensation:

Compensation is a reward which an employee receives from an

organization (mainly refer to enterprises) for his or her

service. It not simply contains direct currencies and other

forms which can convert to currencies, but also a comfortable

office, favorable interpersonal relationship inside the

organization, having access to decision-making involvement, the

challenge and sense of achievement, preferable growth

opportunities and so forth these kinds of forms which is

difficult to measure in various currencies.

Reward has compensatory function; it is an exchange of the

service one employee has offered or the retribution for the

done work. In addition, motivation is another function of

reward, for working quality, the degree of focusing on

customers and enthusiasm of learning new skills will be


influenced by the decision-making of reward and the ways in

which employees get their rewards. Regulatory function of

reward is embodied in several aspects which include reasonably

allocating labor force and modulating the configuration of

quality of labor force. And it is obvious that reasonable

reward system can help bring effectual income far beyond the


Fernandes (1998) describes total reward as “The sum of the

values of each element of an employee’s reward package.” Total

Reward begins with total remuneration, the subset of Total

Rewards, which compromises all the elements of rewards that can

be valued in dollar terms According to DiPietro and Condly

Commitment and Necessary Effort model of motivation to find how

hospitality employees are motivated. They discovered that

nonfinancial compensation or the quality of the work

environment played an important part on employee turnover

intentions. Companies are in danger of creating an

unsatisfactory working environment if there is no any

compensation planning. According to the *Armstrong and brown

Total reward is the term that has been adopted to describe a

reward strategy that brings additional components such as

learning and development, together with aspects of the working

environment, into the benefits package And it is a plan for

allocating rewards resources in a manner that directs the

business to the successful execution of its objectives (Manas &

Graham, 2002).

In most recent years total reward has been becoming a more and

more popular facet which has caught many scholars attention. As


a part of human resources management practice, total reward has

also been introduced into varieties of enterprises to improve

their competitiveness so that they will have the abilities to

survive in the global marketing warfare.

Among all kinds of budgets in an organization, remuneration

cost remains a part of great importance. With the speedy update

of the modern world, however, the traditional remuneration

management has been facing great challenges both in public and

private sectors under the current economic and business

circumstance, and then come a lot of problems which can affect

the performance of an organization and even cause existential


5.3: Training and development.

Training refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate

employees learning of job related competencies. These

competencies include knowledge, skills, or behavior that are

critical for successful job performance. The goal of training

is for employee to master the knowledge, skills or behavior

emphasized in training programs and to apply them to their day

to day activities. For a company to gain competitive advantage

its training has to involve more than just basics skills

development. That is to use gain a competitive advantage.

Training is an important activity for enhancing skills and

improving staff performance and that training can address some

of the factors contributing to staff retention, such as

perceived support from the supervisor, the agency, and

community. Effective training programs are systematic and


continuous. In other words, training must be viewed as a long

term process, not just an infrequent and/or haphazard event

(Tannenbaum & Yukl, 1992)

Today more and more companies are interested in tangible

assets and human capital as a way to gain an advantage over

competitors. Training and development can help a company’s

competitiveness by directing increasing the company’s value

through contributing to intangible assets. Firms can develop

and enhance the quality of the current employees by providing

comprehensive training and development. Research indicates that

investments in training employees in problem-solving, decision-

making, teamwork, and interpersonal relations result in

beneficial firm level outcomes (Russell, Terberg, and Powers,

1985) when the results of training reflected in improvements in

relevant knowledge and the acquisition of relevant skills,

employee job performance should improve provided that the

skills learned in training transfer to the job. However,

training alone cannot address all of the factors contributing

to staff retention, however, such as excessive caseloads and

promotional opportunities within the agency. It is, therefore,

reasonable to say that training can play a role in improving

retention, but it may not be sufficient to improve retention if

other systematic barriers are not addressed. According to Gomez

et al, (1995), training provides specialized technique and

skills to employee and also helps to rectify deficiencies in

employee performance, while development provide the skills and

abilities to employee which will need the organization in


future. Development of skill consists of improving


5.4: Performance appraisal.Performance appraisal is a process of inspecting and evaluating

an individual’s performance

in his duty to facilitate the decision of career

development of the individual. It evaluates the individual

overall contribution to the organization through

assessment of his internal

characteristics, working performance and his capability

to pursue higher position in organization (Gruman &

Saks,2011). In order to enhance organizations’ ability

to survive through turbulent environment, mostly top

corporations take great concern on managing the performance

measures of their employees. It is common understanding

that top talents are keys to business success today, but how

a company manages its talents or human resources would be the

fundamental to all the success where effective structure

of performance measurement would ensure company fully utilize

its competitive resources to maximum.

Overall, our findings lend support to the notion that retention

profiles differ between high and low performers (Griffeth &

Hom, 2001; Steel et al., 2002). High performers were more

likely than low performers to report staying because of

advancement opportunities, constituent attachments, job

satisfaction, organizational justice, and organizational

prestige, all of which are believed to reflect low desirability

of movement (March & Simon, 1958). On the other hand, we did


not find support for the prediction that low performers would

cite low ease of movement factors (i.e., lack of alternatives,

investments) at a greater rate than high performers. It is

possible that high and low performers may have cited lack of

alternatives at the same rate but for different reasons. Low

performers may stay because they cannot find external

alternatives of any kind, whereas high performers stay because

they cannot find alternatives that offer rewards that exceed

those associated with their current position. Overall, and in

the context of this study,

low performers appear to be somewhat marginalized; more often

they report staying because of pay and benefits rather than

opportunities to advance, fair treatment, or positive attitudes

toward the job, the company, or its constituents. On the other

hand, high performers, perhaps owing to clear linkages between

their inputs and outcomes, stay because they feel fairly

treated, believe they have a future with the organization, and

enjoy their work and the connections they have with others.

According to Eric Ng C H & Lam Zheng Hao (2012), fair appraisal

system is essential in any organization to retain valuable

employees. It enables employees to understand their job

responsibilities and show them the path towards individual


5.5: Employee Empowerment.

Generally, empowerment is delegating the power of

decision and action to the employees and giving more

responsibility and authority to complete their task (Dr.

Yasar F. Jarrar & Professor Mohamed Zairi, 2010). It means


that employees have sufficient authority to determine how

they perform their tasks. In a broader view,

empowerment includes involvement of employee in goal-

setting, decision-making and motivational techniques and

enabling employees to work in a participative

environment (Osborne, 2002).Undeniably, empowered employees

are identified as powerful drive in organization’s

success (Kaye & Jordan-Evans, 2001). It is because they are

more motivated and committed to organizational operation.

According to Hummayoun Naeem and Muhammad Iqbal Saif in

2010, employee empowerment can create sense of

belongingness and ownership towards the current

organization. They tend to be more confident and perform well.

Indirectly, it will increase service quality and customer


To engage and involve employees in the decision making process

related with their organizational role and jobs and allowing

them use innovative and creative ideas to perform well and

bring value addition in the business. Encourage employee

empowerment and self-initiative would make employee work in

accordance with department goals to sustain quality. Employees

feel importance and motivated to attain organizational

objectives (Loke, 2001).High performance employees are formed

in an empowered organization, and eventually they will improve

the organization’s efficiency and productivity (Hammuda &

Dulaimi, 1997).

In summary, the literature defines retention as continuing

relation between employees and their organization and turnover


as “any permanent departure beyond organizational boundaries”

(Cascio, 1995, p. 581). The benefits of retention are saving

cost for further recruitment, fewer training to be conduct for

new candidates, improve productivity, increase employee’s

performance and thus increase profits and meet their

organizational goals and objectives. Eric Ng CH & Lam Zheng Hao

(IJBRM) 2012 discussed the relationship between each of the

human resource management practices with employee’s retention

and employees turnover, which are the impacts from employee

empowerment, employee training & development, performance

appraisal and employee compensation.

5.6: Proposed Theoretical Framework:

Employee Empowerment




Employee retentions



6: Research Methodology:

Quantitative data was collected using the non-probability

self-administered questionnaire that consist of questions with

5-points Liker scales distributed to our samples of

individuals. In analyzing the data collected, Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) technique has been

employed. This section also introduced the sampling techniques

used in order to collect information from target population

using questionnaire in scale rating manner to be implemented

into the SPSS program to process the reliability test and

subsequent empirical analysis.

7. Research Design:

Research design is an overall framework of a research that

explains the direction and method to be used in the study to

gather the information needed, either from primary or secondary

sources (Malhotra, 2007).According to Neuman (2006),

quantitative approach has the characteristic of measuring

objective facts using variables where data is separated from

theory, statistically analyzed and emphasized with its

reliability. Quantitative approach been used to develop

hypotheses that consist of all the variables to empirically

investigate the above statement via statistical technique.

7.1 Data Collection Methods:


In this section, there would be illustration on what methodswill be used in collecting the data in order to empirically

test the formulated hypotheses, and hence solving the research


7.2 Sampling Design:

Target Population According to Hair and Bush (2006), target

population is said to be a specified group of people or object

for which questions can be asked or observed made to develop

required data structures and information. Therefore, the target

population in the research is focus on the lecturers and tutors

in University of gujrat regardless of campuses.

7.3 Research Instrument:

The research instrument that used by our group is

questionnaire. The purpose of using questionnaires survey is

because of the direct response and feedback from the

respondents that can be collected in short period of time and

in an easier manner.

7.4 Questionnaire Design:

For this research, the questions in the questionnaire are

closed-ended or structured in order to ease the process of

analyzing the data from respondents. Thus, the results gathered

from respondents will increase the speed and accuracy of

recording, as well as more comparable. The questions are

adopted and modified from previous research papers conducted by

other researchers. The questions are designed by simple English

to reduce misunderstanding and uncertainties on the questions


by the respondents. This questionnaire consisted of two parts,

section A is general information which consisted of nominal

scale, ordinal scale, interval scale and lastly ratio scale. In

section B, it consists of questions of four factors which have

the impact on the employee retention, where the four variables

are empowerment, compensation, training and development, and

appraisal system. The questions will be formed in a five point

Likert scale which allows respondents to indicate how strongly

agree or disagree with the statement provided. It will lead to

a better understanding towards the factors that have the impact

on retention of University of gujrat lecturers.

8. Results:

8.1 Multiple Linear Regressions:

The concepts and principles developed in dealing with simple

linear regression (i.e. one explanatory variable) may be

extended to deal with several explanatory variables.

For reliability measurement

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.706 5

Source: developed by research

This table shows the reliability value (.706) by the help of

Cronbach's alpha test.


Table 1 model summary:

Model Summary

Model R R SquareAdjusted R

SquareStd. Error ofthe Estimate

1 .405a .164 .125 2.38950

a. Predictors: (Constant), appraisal, compensation, empowerment, training

b. Dependent variable is employees retentionSource: developed by research

According to the model summary above, the R square value hadgain 0.405, which is 40.5 percent. These mean that 40.5% ofdependent variable of retention can be explained by it 4independent variable. The independent variable refer toinclude employee empowerment, compensation, training andappraisal system in this research, it will conclude that59.5% (100% - 40.5%) of dependent variable of retention isexplained by other potential factors. The value of adjusted Rsquare with value of 0.164 which 16.4% represented thesignificant contribution of the 4 independent variable towarddependent variable.

8.2 ANOVA :

Table 2. ANOVA Model Summary:


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 95.165 4 23.791 4.167 .004a

Residual 485.324 85 5.710

Total 580.489 89

a. Predictors: (Constant), appraisal, compensation, empowerment, training

b. Dependent Variable: retention


Source: Developed from the research

Above table determine satisfactory result as the significance

level of the model is not over 0.05. Thus, model that used in

this research is good and the model significant value is .004.

8.3 Multiple Regression Analysis:

Table 4. Multiple Regression Coefficient Analysis:





t Sig.B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 9.158 2.246 4.077 .000

empowerment .229 .104 .248 2.198 .031

compensation .070 .110 .069 .637 .526

training .024 .077 .037 .312 .756

appraisal .172 .125 .170 1.380 .171

a. Dependent Variable: retention

Source: Developed from the research

Multiple Regression equation:

Y= C + βX1 + βX2 + βX3 +…..+ βXn

Y= Prediction relationship of types of variables toward


C= Constant value.

β= Unstandardized coefficient.


X= Dimension of independent variable (employee empowerment,

compensation, training and appraisal system).

Based on the above table, we able to derive the following


Y= 9.158 +0.229 X1 + 0.070X2 + 0.024X3 + 0.172X4

This can be interpreted that the increase of 1 unit of employee

empowerment (X1) may incur the raise of 0.229 units in

retention (Y). However, for the independent variable of

compensation, every 1 unit of increase will incur the raise of

0.070 units in dependent variable, retention. On the others

hand, 1 unit increase in training may cause 0.024 units of

retention to increase. Finally, appraisal variable also have a

constant relation with retention, it is every 1 unit increase

in appraisal with incur the raise of 0.172 units in retention.

The highest beta indicates the independent variable is the most

significant variable toward it dependent variable. From the

table above, the independent variable of empowerment has the

highest positive beta of 0.248, this mean that the independent

variable of empowerment has contribute the most and has

stronger effect toward the retention if compare to others

independent variable.

9. Discussions on major findings:

H1: There is significant relationship between employee

empowerment and employee retention.

From the hypotheses testing, it shows that there is

significantly positive relationship between independent


variable empowerment and dependent variable retention. The

value of 0.351indicate empowerment is positively correlated to

retention. However, p=0.031 (p<0.05). Hence, H1 is supported.

Generally, the raise of empowerment of an employee will likely

to generate higher retention to the organization. According to

Carol Yeh in 2002, an empowering culture nourishes empowering

leaders, accelerates the implementation of empowering

practices, and encourages employees to be self-managing. High

performance employees are formed in an empowered organization,

and eventually they will improve the organization’s efficiency

and productivity (Hammuda & Dulaimi, 1997). From the results

above, these results indicate that the relationship is

correlated and result significant.

H2: There is Significant Relationship between Employee

Compensation and Employee Retention.

From the hypotheses testing, it shows that there is no

significantly relationship between independent variable

compensation and dependent variable retention. The values of

0.206 indicate compensation is positively correlated to

retention and its p-value is 0.526 (p> 0.05). Hence, H2 is not


This is true a well-compensate employees perform his role

bitterly so for that purpose an effective compensation plane

must be required by organization. Compensation is not only the

return and benefits for the work that done, but it also

reflects their accomplishments (Ali, 2009). Therefore, an

effective compensation system should be designed to compensate


employees. The compensation system is particularly important

for intelligence-intensive industries like educational

institutions because competent employees are the core

capabilities or resources to the enterprises (Lai, 2011).

H3: There is no significant Relationship between Employee

Training and Employee Retention.

From the hypotheses testing, it shows that there is positive

but no significant relationship between independent variable

training and dependent variable retention. The value of 0.240

indicate training is positively correlated to retention and its

p-value is 0.756 (p>0.05). Hence, H3 is not supported.

According to Thomas Acton and Wilie Golden in 2002, job-related

training can enhance the ability of problem solving of

employees. Once they are confident and motivated to perform a

task, they are more likely to be committed to their job and

reduced the turnover rate. But hear show some others factor

also effect like employees KSAs.

H4: There is Significant Relationship between Appraisal System

and Employee Retention.

From the hypotheses testing, it shows that there is no

significantly relationship between independent variable

appraisal and dependent variable retention. The values of 0.317

indicate appraisal is positively correlated to retention and

its p-value is 0.171 (p > 0.05). Hence, H4 is not supported.

A fair appraisal system is essential in any organization to

retain valuable employees. An unfair appraisal system can


result in unrest and dissatisfaction amongst employees.

Scholars usually argue that performance appraisals that are

conducted properly can produce positive organizational results

(Pettijohn, 2001). Managers should conduct the process without

holding any bias against any team member. So overall some

baseness and favoritism exist that’s why some time appraisal

had negative impact.

10. Implication of study:

The findings found from this study will be particularly useful

for top organization to understand how they can do better to

improve their employee retention strategy. The research

explores how employees perceive the importance of empowerment,

training, compensation and appraisal aspects when they make

decision to stay loyalty with an organization. These aspects

are all essential human resource tools that often been utilized

by most of the corporation now a days to facilitate their

strategic management.

Based on the findings generated, employees are generally

concerned with all these aspects as result shows close

relationship between these independent variables and employee

retention. But the most effective thing is empowerment of

employees toward his job task as compared to other variable.

Hence, manager must be sensitive to needs of employees in

learning new skills & knowledge, delegation of power on action

and decision, desire for competitive compensation package and

recognition on existing appraisal system. The study assumes

that if an organization fulfills employee satisfaction in all


these aspects and also facilitate according to culture, there

will be higher possibility that the retention rate would be

boosting in that organization.

Moreover, this study reveals an opportunity for organization

to manipulate these four aspects to attract potential talents.

By establishing a reputable image as an organization, the

organization will directly become favorites among the workers.

When an organization is able to motivate its employees in a

more specific manner, it will directly increase productivity

and efficiency of its operation.

11. Limitation:

In this research, researchers encountered a few limitations.

We solved the problems faced to make sure the research can be

done in time.

Single Source of Respondent In this research, 90 respondents

from the same university were chosen to conduct a research. It

was hard to make sure the result of the research can be

estimated accurately. The single source of respondent was

difficult to determine the research objective well and

effectively. Moreover, the respondents were chosen from a

government university in Pakistan. So this thing also effective

the views and needs of lecturers from other universities might

be different due to the different working environment in

different universities.

Short Time Frame: Time constraint was one of the problems that

we faced. To complete the research, we have to gather

information, collect supporting document, conduct survey and


run the entire test to show the reliability of the results

within limited time.

Respondents’ Biasness Respondents tend to be biased in

answering the questionnaire provided by the researchers because

the respondents were chosen from a single government

university. The views of lecturers may be different in

different universities. They have the tendency to agree or

disagree with certain questions since they were working in a

similar working environment. This may lead to inaccuracy and

unreliability of the answer.

There are many other factors influencing the employee’s

retention except the empowerment, compensation system, training

program and appraisal system. Researchers should carry out the

research about employees’ retention continuously due to it is a

very important factor in an organization. In the dynamic

working environment and changes of human force, retaining

competent employee should be a vital issue in many


12. Conclusion:

As what the study has shown, there are no significant

relationship between the factors of training, compensation and

appraisal on University of gujrat lecturer’s retention. This

reflects the major finding of this study on how different

culture might have different expectation on determining their

employment satisfaction and retention.


Prior to the result, the study provide empirical evidence that

supports all the above independent variables to be

significantly affecting the employee retention. Most of the

researchers agree with these statements as shown in literature

review by providing all the empirical evidence from each

study’s result. After establishing firm and reasonable design

instrument, primary data is gathered from the targeted

respondent, i.e. lecturers in University of Gujrat to implement

these data into SPSS software to process meaningful

information. Eventually, empowerment and all others as the o

independent variable to not been supported by this study. To

illustrate this situation, the study carried out further

investigation and countered the opposing result with supporting


As conclusion, the whole study identify that training,

compensation, appraisal and empowerment not perform the all

in all role for employees retention. Some cultural aspect or

other HRM function may more important as compare these fours

for employee’s retention and its motivation. These factors are

may safety standard, job security, work life balance etc.

13. References:

Ali P (2009). Job satisfaction characteristics of higher

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14. Appendix:


Section A: Background Information1. Sex: Male Female2. Your Current Age:


3. Your Current Income: 25 – 30

20,000 – 25,000 31 – 35

26,000 – 35,000 36 – 40

36,000 – 45,000 Over 41

Above 46,000 4. Your Level of Education:

Bachelor Master M. Phil PHD

5. Your position in organization:

Top Level Upper Middle Level Middle Lower Level

Section B:Below is a list of statements that describing one’s perceptionsabout his\her organization. Please indicate the extent to whichyou agree or disagree with each of the following statements using the scale as follows:

1- Strongly Disagree (SD)

2- Disagree (D)

3- Neutral(N)

4- Agree(A)

5- Strongly Agree (SA)


Statement SD1





1. I have the opportunity to determine how I do thejob.

2. I take appropriate action without waiting forapproval.

3. My work makes good use of my skill and ability.

4. I make decision about implementation of new programin the university.

5. I believe that I am empowering student.



Statement SD1





6. I am satisfied with the pay that I receive.7. I earn more than others who do similar work at other universities/colleges.8. My pay encourages me to improve the quality of mywork.9. I will receive a reward if I do something to improve my work.10. The non-monetary benefits, such as vacation time and medical insurance that receive here are better than those I could get at similar universities/colleges.

Training and Development:

Statement SD1





11. I am sent to extend higher qualification program.

12. I have received sufficient training at firm to do my job effectively.13. I am trained in quality improvement skills.

14. I am arranged with a mentor to facilitate career planning.15. I am given training at a regular basis.

Appraisal System

Statement SD D N A SA


1 2 3 4 516. The quality of my work is an important factor in evaluating my job performance.17. I am regularly given feedback on my job performance.18. I am satisfied with existing performance appraisal system.19. The performance ratings were done periodically.20. The performance rating is helpful to identify my strength and weakness.

Employee Retention:

Statement SD1





21. I am prepared to put in a great deal of effort beyond what is normally expected in order to help thisuniversity to be successful.22. I plan to make this university my own career.

23. I feel a lot of loyalty to this university.24. This is the best university for me to work for.

25. I would recommend this university to a friend if he/she is looking for a job.


retention empowerment compensation training appraisal

retention Pearson Correlation

1 .351** .206 .240* .317**

Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .051 .022 .002

N 90 90 90 90 90


empowerment Pearson Correlation

.351** 1 .246* .403** .415**

Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .019 .000 .000

N 90 90 90 90 90

compensation Pearson Correlation

.206 .246* 1 .287** .384**

Sig. (2-tailed) .051 .019 .006 .000

N 90 90 90 90 90

training Pearson Correlation

.240* .403** .287** 1 .494**

Sig. (2-tailed) .022 .000 .006 .000

N 90 90 90 90 90

appraisal Pearson Correlation

.317** .415** .384** .494** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .002 .000 .000 .000

N 90 90 90 90 90

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).