chapter i the problem and its scope

CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Introduction The human asset is the most important asset in any organization because its effective use determines performance of other assets and as such human resource managers need to provide a safe and healthy workplace environment. The emphasis of maintenance activities in somewhat different than the others. Maintenance activities emphasize consistency, stability, continuity, and mental health and safety of employees are key parts of this interface. Robert M. Mathis and John J. Jackson Health and Safety of the human resources in the organization is the vital to the performance, morale and security of the company. Today a big number of companies conduct extensive Health and Safety programs. Still there is more to done among the majority of firms both large and small to improve work environment, to improve the health of their employees and above all to insure their lives. The incentive for employees in the Philippines to reduce work injuries and advance the health of their people is two-fold.

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The human asset is the most important asset in any

organization because its effective use determines

performance of other assets and as such human resource

managers need to provide a safe and healthy workplace


The emphasis of maintenance activities in somewhat

different than the others. Maintenance activities emphasize

consistency, stability, continuity, and mental health and

safety of employees are key parts of this interface.

Robert M. Mathis and John J. Jackson

Health and Safety of the human resources in the

organization is the vital to the performance, morale and

security of the company. Today a big number of companies

conduct extensive Health and Safety programs. Still there is

more to done among the majority of firms both large and

small to improve work environment, to improve the health of

their employees and above all to insure their lives.

The incentive for employees in the Philippines to

reduce work injuries and advance the health of their people

is two-fold.

First is the humanitarian concern for the well-being

of their human resources. This means that they seek to

prevent human suffering and maintain a safe and healthy


Second is the concern of the Philippine government to

protect the employees which is contained in the labor code

of the Philippines.

Health and safety and social welfare benefits provided

by the Code of the Philippines. Book for health and social

welfare benefits provisions in the LCP are found starting in

Article 256 to Article 210. Title 1 Medical Dental and

Occupational Safety. Chapter I Medical and dental services

are provided for Article 156 to Article 161. Chapter II

Occupational health and safety provisions are in Article 162

to Article 165. Tile II employees Compensation and state

insurance fund provisions are from Article 166 to Article

208-A. Title III formerly (MEDICARE) Philippine health

insurance Act of 1995. Tile IV adult education provided for

in article 210.

According to Mr. Kofi Annan, former Secretary General

of the United Nations

"All too often lives are shattered unnecessarily of

poor working conditions and inadequate safety systems. Let

me encourage everyone to join the international labor

organization (ILO) in promoting safety and health at work.

It is not only sound economic policy; it is basic human


Teamwork involves delegation of day-to-day

responsibilities and decision making to employees (Alder,

Tipping, Meldrum, Brazabon, and Wright, 2000; Bell and

Phelps 2001), and it is from here that employee health and

safety becomes apparent. Organizations have to use teams to

enhance employee health and safety so that the eventual

outcome is organizational commitment.

According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs the

places employees' needs into five progressive categories,

beginning with basic physical needs and progressing up to

needs for personal growth and career development. Maslow

claims that employers must meet each level of employees'

needs for employees to truly commit themselves to workplace


Employee turnover is an important metric that is often

central to organizations’ workforce planning and strategy.

The reasons why employees leave their current positions not

just the fact that they leave have crucial implications for

future retention rates among current staff, job satisfaction

and employee engagement, and an organization’s ability to

attract talented people for job vacancies.

Employee job satisfaction is often linked to turnover

rates. Employees who are satisfied with their jobs tend to

stay, while those who are dissatisfied often look for new

positions. Thus, job satisfaction and turnover move in

opposite directions; when job satisfaction is reported to be

high, turnover is often low, and vice versa.

Theoretical Background

Teamwork involves delegation of day-to-day

responsibilities and decision making to employees (Alder,

Tipping, Meldrum, Brazabon, and Wright, 2000; Bell and

Phelps 2001), and it is from here that employee health and

safety becomes apparent.

Organizations have to use teams to enhance employee

health and safety so that the eventual outcome is

organizational commitment.

Health and safety is important in a workplace for

legal, moral and psychological reasons (Trisha Jackson,

1999). Employees have a legal right to work in a safe and

healthy environment. A healthy and safe workplace can have a

strong positive effect on the psychological contract (Shein,

1980). Having employees with a safe psychological mind is

very important for the performance of organizations. This

affects the productivity, quality of work and efficiency of

the employees (Rousseau, 1995).

A safe workplace, reduces accidents, improves employee

relations and facilitates employee commitment to quality


This study also makes use of the Environmental Justice

(EJ) theoretical framework as the central theme it is

informed by the view that the participants in the workplace

environment must be centrally involved in ensuring a safe

working environment.

It further endorses one’s right to refuse to work if

the working conditions are conducive to carrying out one’s

duties without endangering oneself. Environmental justice

upholds the right of all workers to a safe and healthy work

environment, without being forced to choose between unsafe

work and unemployment. EJ holds that one life lost is one

too many (Dryzek and Schlosberg 2005).

According to Victor Vroom in expectancy theory puts

forth the premise that employees will put forth an amount of

work and commitment equal to what they expect to receive in

return. Commission compensation structures leverage this

theory by allowing employees to earn as much money as they

desire, completely based on their job performance.

Making sure that employees always expect future pay

raises and potential job promotions can keep them working

hard to achieve personal goals. If employees expect little

compensation and no growth opportunities in return for their

work, they may put forth only minimal effort until they

eventually look to a new employer for new opportunities.

Employee turnover remains a critical phenomenon for

management that has captured the attention of many scholars

for a few decades. Most studies undertaken on have yielded

similar results, allowing for a general statement to be

issued on the subject. According to Forbes (1971), labor

turnover was regarded as separation from an organization and

included promotion, transfer or any other internal movement

within the institution. Mobley (1982) defined turnover as

“voluntary cessation of membership in an organization by an

individual who receives monetary compensation for

participating in that organization”. The focus here was on

the behavior that was exhibited upon separation from an



Denvir and McMahon (1992) defined labor turnover as

“the movement of people into and out of employment within an

organization” while Eade (1993) categorized turnover into

two types: controllable and unavoidable. This was based on

the reasoning behind people moving from a company, which

could not always be down to management.


According to Hom and Griffeth (1995), labor turnover

was defined as “voluntary cessation of membership in an

organization by an individual who receives monetary

compensations for participating in that organization”. This

seems to reflect the scope of this paper as the topic under

discussion covers the unforeseen nature that voluntary and

controllable turnover make by being a disruptive effect on

an organization.

Conceptual Framework

This study had cover two important variables the

independent variables which is health and safety and the

dependent variable which is employee turnover among

employees of local government unit in the municipality of

Buug Zamboanga Sibugay.

Figure 1. Paradigm showing the relationship between the

health and safety and employee turnover.

Health and Safety

Employee Turnover

Statement of the Problem

The paradigm shows that the Health and Safety as

indicated by traditional and modern types affects that

Employee Turnover of the employees indicated as Low,







Average, and High. When Health and Safety is high, the

Employee turnover is Low and when it is average then the

Employee Turnover is also average, when it is Low the Health

and Safety the Employee Turnover is high. The relationship

between Health and Safety is establish through statistical

inference represented by the arrow.

This study was to determine the effect of Health and

Safety to employee’s turnover of LGU- Buug Zamboanga


Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions

1. What is the level of Health and Safety of the employees

of LGU- Buug Zamboanga Sibugay?

2. What is the level of employee’s turnover of the LGU-

Buug Zamobanga Sibugay?

3. Does Health and Safety significantly affect the

employee’s turnover?


Ho- health and safety has no significant effect in the

employee’s turnover

Ha- Health and Safety has significant effect in the

employee’s turnover.

Significance of the Study

Researchers (Kelegama and Epparachchi, 2001, Irving and

Meger, 1994, Sheridan, 1992, Campion, 1991, Heneman, Schwab,

Fossum and Dyer, 1999) find that the employee Absenteeism

and turnover affect the development of Organization

productivity. In a broader sense, it relates to the

Development of a country. A country’s ultimate goal is to

get the higher standard of living of the people in that

country (Opatha, 1996). These two indicators are heavily

depending on productivity.

Several studies have found organizational factors to be

the most significant predictor of safe work behaviors.

Studies of hospital-based healthcare workers found that

those who perceived that their institution had a strong

commitment to safety were much more likely to be compliant

with standard precautions than those who did not. Other

studies have demonstrated that interventions targeted at

improving organizational support for employee health and

safety resulted in enhanced compliance with standard

precautions. One study found that nurses were significantly

more likely to report that they adhered to the recommended

use of facial protection (e.g respirators, surgical masks,

and eye/face protection) when they felt that management made

health and safety a high priority, took all reasonable steps

to minimize hazards, encouraged employees" involvement in

health and safety issues, and actively worked to protect

employees. Other studies in industrial settings have shown

that safety culture has an important influence on

implementation of training skills and knowledge. The lack of

a safety culture as a contributing factor to healthcare

worker noncompliance with recommended infection control

guidance is not a newly recognized problem. The centers for

disease control and prevention’s healthcare infection

control practices advisory committee has noted that "several

hospital-based studies have linked measures of safety

culture with both employee adherence to safe practices and

reduced exposures to blood and body fluids. They noted that

organizational characteristics, including safety culture,

influence healthcare personnel adherence to recommended

infection control practices and, therefore, are important

actors in preventing transmission of infectious agents.


Health and safety programs are an important part of

preventing injury and illness in the workplace. Health

programs help employers and employees understand the

potential hazards they are exposed to on a daily basis.

Effective health and safety programs educate workers on the

benefits of practicing proper workplace behaviors. For

example, the “Safety Pays” program helps employers determine

the cost workplace injuries and illness have on a company’s

profit margin. When companies understand the impact injuries

have on their bottom line, they are more inclined to

implement programs to keep their workers healthy and safe.



Workplace health and safety practices are important

because they help prevent inter-office violence and raise

employee awareness of the potential dangers they face.

Violent acts and behaviors of employees and other

individuals within the workplace are cause for concern

because they threaten a company’s overall well-being.

Companies must take an active approach in educating workers

on the importance of practicing safe habits in order to

maintain a healthy and safe working environment.

Scope and limitation of the study

This study focuses on the health and safety to the

employee turnover of the employees in the local government

unit in the municipality of bug Zamboanga sibugay. The

subjects are limited to the selected offices of the local

government unit: municipal treasurer’s office, municipal

accounting office, municipal budget office, municipal

planning and development office, municipal assessor’s office

municipal agriculturist office, municipal social welfare

development office. Sangguniang Bayan office and municipal

registrar’s office

Operational Definition

Health and Safety in occupation is a cross-disciplinary

area dealing with protection mainly in safety, health and

indeed the welfare of people engaged in employment or work.

The aim of health and safety programs is to foster a safe

working environment.

Employee Turnover is the ratio of the number of workers

that had to be replaced in a given time period to the

average number of workers.

Health Maintenance Organization provides comprehensive

health services for a flat free.

MEDICARE a government program that provides medical

care especially for old people. (Article 209. Medical Care.

(Repealed by Section 57 of Republic Act No. 7875 or the

"National Health Insurance Act of 1995.)

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and

social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or


Safety the condition of being protected against

physical, social, spiritual, financial, political,

emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other

types or consequences of failure,

damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which

could be considered non-desirable.

Turnover or Staff Turnover or Labor Turnover is the

rate at which an employer loses employees. Simple ways to

describe it are how long employees tend to stay or "the rate

of traffic through the revolving door. Turnover is measured

for individual companies and for their industry as a whole.

If an employer is said to have a high turnover relative to

its competitors, it means that employees of that company

have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies

in the same industry.

Chapter II


This chapter presents various readings and studies

which are related and useful in the organization of this


Related Literature

Occupational Health and Safety can be view as those

policies that are put in place to protect the lives of the

employees and ensure that they enjoy good working

conditions. Health is one of the rights of all people. The

development of services to promote health is part of the

battle against the three major scourges of poverty,

ignorance and disease, which is still predominant in

developing countries (DE Glanville, Schilling, and Wood,

1992). A health and safety policy IS a written statement by

an employer stating the company's commitment for the

protection of the health and safety of employees and to the

public. It is an endorsed commitment by management to its

employees regarding their health and safety.

A Health and Safety program contains the health and

safety elements of an organization, objectives which make

it' possible for the company to achieve its goal in the

protection of its workers at the workplace. The Occupational

Health and Safety Act 2000 specifies the minimum

requirements for OHS employers are expected to; minimize

occupational accidents, diseases and disabilities, promote

good health at the work place, promote a good work

environment for workers and those in proximity. Employers

should carry out their own health and safety risk

assessment, in consultation with the occupational health and

safety committee, to determine what hazards are present at

the workplace.

Once the hazards have been identified, controls for

exposure to these hazards should be detailed in the health

and safety program in order to; to clearly demonstrate

management's full commitment to their employee's wellbeing,

to show employees that safety performance and business

performance are compatible, to clearly state the company's

safety beliefs, principles, objectives, strategies and

processes through all levels of the company, to clearly

outline employer and employee accountability and

responsibility for workplace health and safety, to comply

with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and to set out

safe work practices and procedures to be followed to prevent

workplace injuries and illnesses (Glanville, Schilling, and

Wood, 1992). (

Related Studies

Health and Safety Policy

A written Health and Safety policy is public

declaration of the employer’s commitment to health and

safety in the workplace. The health and safety policy

states, employer commitment to health and safety overall

goals and objectives for health and safety responsibilities

of management, workers, visitors and contractors

requirements to comply with relevant government legislation

and the company’s own health and safety standards

Health Maintenance Organization strive to provide

quality health care at a fixed expense for their members.

People needs have changed and with these changing needs has

come the expectation that they can obtained health care at a

reasonable cost.

This policy is shared with staff, posted prominently in

the workplace, and is often the first page of the company’s

health and safety manual. The policy is only the starting

point. The company needs to follow it.

Reason (1997) defines health and Safety culture as a

collective expression of values, beliefs, attitudes and

practices such as system or practice.Health and safety

culture according to Reason and Weick (Hopkins 2002) are two

influential commentators who develop the concept of health

and Safety culture. A health and Safety culture

distinguishes a workplace that excels and workplace health

and safety.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, locale of

the study, sampling procedure, the respondents and data

gathering procedure, research instruments and statistical


Research Design

This study is descriptive survey in nature in the sense

that it attempted to determine the Health and Safety of the

organization and its effect on the Employees Turnover of the


Locale of the Study

This study was conducted among the employees of the

offices in the Local Government Unit of the municipality of

Buug which is located in the Province of Zamboanga Sibugay.

Sampling Procedure

This study did not consider all the employees of the

Local Government Unit of Buug due to limited time and

resources. Out of 15 offices 9 offices were randomly

selected comprising the 60 % of the total population. All

employees in these offices were the respondents of this


The Respondents

The subjects of this study were the employees of the

selected offices of the Local Government in the Municipality

of Buug Zamboanga Sibugay.

Data Gathering Procedure

The questionnaire was the major tool employed in

gathering the necessary data for the study. After proper

permission from the mayor’s office the questionnaire were

administered personally by the researchers and were

collected at once. These were basically utilized to ask some

information about the Health and Safety programs they had

been used to or implemented by the organization. Data on the

employees’ turnover of the employees were obtained through a

questionnaire administered by the researchers to the

employee’s base on the 180 degree’s appraisal system where

two rater were involved head of department and self.

Research Instruments

The instruments used in determining the Health and

Safety programs by the organization on the employees was in

a form of questionnaire .the questionnaire included

questions designed to determine whether the respondents

enjoyed the key characteristics of health and safety from

their office designed to determine if they are highly

motivated on their jobs, basically to improve their


Statistical Tool

In describing the health and safety programs employed

by the office to their employees as well as the performance,

of the respondents the data collected were analyzed using

the descriptive statistical measures such as frequency

counts: mean weighted and percentage.

In determining the effect of health and safety programs

employed the local government of bug on the employees

turnover of the respondents the hypothesis of this study was

subjected to statistical test using the chi- square (x2)

test sing the formula below.




x2❑=chi square computed value

∑❑= summation notation

θ= observed frequency

ẹ= expected frequency




Department of Public Administration


Datu Panas Buug Zamboanga Sibugay

Bachelor of Science in Public Administration

Major in Organization and Management

Submitted to:

Prof. Carmelita H Balbosa


Submitted by:

Malvin M Lodia

