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Brand Audit Brand Exploratory MARCH 22, 2018 RYAN ROBERTS AND KAITLIN EASTMAN BAM-A

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Brand Audit Brand Exploratory




Table of Contents

Secondary Research ................................................................... 2

Prior Research Studies Analysis ................................................ 2

Primary Research ........................................................................ 3

In-Depth Interviews.................................................................. 3

Interview Questions ................................................................. 3

General Industry Questions ................................................... 3

Nintendo Mental Map ........................................................... 5

The Consumer’s Mind Question ............................................ 6

Brand Performance Questions ............................................... 9

Brand Resonance Questions .................................................. 9

Conclusion ................................................................................ 10

Appendix ................................................................................... 11

Participants ............................................................................ 11

Questions/Responses ............................................................. 11


Brand Exploratory Secondary Research

Prior Research Studies Analysis Source: Harris Interactive

Title: Consumer Attitudes: The Nintendo Switch


In this analysis of a study conducted of the Nintendo Switch, pre-release, we see that most people are

aware of Nintendo as a brand in one way or another. With Nintendo’s newest console, the Switch, we

see that over 50% of the UK population is aware of the product. It appears to appeal to both mobile and

console gamers, as well as to consumers who would like to try out the newest technology. However,

there is a disconnect found between those who will buy the product, even with all the hype and

knowledge surrounding the Switch. In the study we see a whopping 62% of participants have stated that

they will not buy it; most of those participants say that the product is currently too expensive for them.

We do see that a lot of people still see the value and excitement of the newest console from this

massive brand.

From the graph above we see that most people see the Switch as fun and innovative. The lowest green

section states that people were expecting more from the product.


Primary Research

In-Depth Interviews

During the brand audit, we have conducted eight in-depth interviews with people who played video

games. We chose participants who had played games at varying levels. From those who play daily and to

those who only play socially or casually. We didn’t put any specifications on gender or age.

Interview Questions

General Industry Questions

1. What brands of video games and video game platforms are you aware of?

Our results show that the video game brands participants were most aware of include Sony

PlayStation, Nintendo, Microsoft Xbox, Sega, Atari, and various PC platforms and brands such as Steam

and Blizzard. Each participant was aware of Nintendo, Sony PlayStation, and Microsoft Xbox.

2. Which brands of video games and video game platforms would you consider purchasing from?

Nintendo was the first choice for most of our participants, followed by Sony. Several of the

participants stated that they would prefer “old school Nintendo” as they were more familiar with the

products for older Nintendo consoles such as the N64. This suggests that Nintendo has kept a strong,

favourable brand image since its earliest products.

3. Which brands of video games and video game platforms have you used the most?

Nintendo was the most used, with all 8 participants stating they used consoles from this brand such

as the Wii, WiiU, Switch, and DS. Sony was the second most used option, with the primary console being

the PS4. The variety of Nintendo consoles used by the participants shows that the company has allowed

for more


4. If you were looking for a specific genre of video game, which system would you purchase it


It was a close tie between the Sony PlayStation 4 and Nintendo consoles, with one participant

(Tonieshia) stating they would choose PC because “most of [my] games are for PC”. Aaron stated that

Sony was known for having a “lot of exclusives, though Sony doesn’t make as many consoles as

Nintendo does”. Nintendo has seven non-portable consoles and over 8 mobile consoles, while Sony has

4 non-portable consoles and 3 mobile consoles. However, the video games made for Sony PlayStation

often cannot be purchased for other consoles; this gives Nintendo an advantage as their products are

versatile and can be played across most of their consoles.

5. What is your favourite genre of video game?

The most popular response among participants was Role-Playing Games, with Multiplayer coming in

second. The participants stated that they enjoyed video games that gave them the ability to play with

their friends, rather than always on their own. Given that most of games released by both Nintendo are

multiplayer-based, it can be deducted that brand satisfaction is high.


Nintendo Mental Map Below is the mental map created by participants with the most common words that were said during

the interview process.

As we can see from the mental map many of the participants can recall specific games and characters

from the brands inventory. Many participants had used the words fun and colorful which is a good

representation of the brand itself. Others have stated that Nintendo reminds them of handheld consoles

instead of stationary ones. We also see that associate Nintendo with being young or with children. With

these associations we see that Nintendo placement in the mind of consumer is a fun and youthful brand.






Super Smash Bros





The Consumer’s Mind Question

1. Are you aware of the Nintendo brand? If so, what are your feelings towards it?

All participants were fully aware of Nintendo as a brand and most of the feelings towards the brand

were that of a positive nature. Many participants recalled growing up with Nintendo and having

nostalgic associations playing the games. Gina even recalled some of her earliest memories are with the

Nintendo brand. From the more hardcore gamers to the casual games and even to those who rarely play

video games, Nintendo is a known brand with positive connotations.

2. Who would you say is the leading console brand? Why?

When it comes to placement of the Nintendo brand many of the participants did not see it as the

leading console brand. Instead most people saw Sony as the lead, beating out both Microsoft and PC

gaming. When asked why most of the participants said that they hear more about the PlayStation than

any other or they know many more people who own a PlayStation. Those who thought Nintendo was

the leading brand seem to have a bias as Nintendo is the only console they really play. It is also worth to

note that one of the participants stated that Nintendo is leading handheld console brand while Sony is

the home console dominator. With this data we see that Sony has a more prominent placement in the

minds of the consumers as being a leader, while Nintendo is seen as a better mobile form of gaming.

3. What do you like about Nintendo’s consoles? What is important to you when buying a video

game console?

From the answers to this question, we see a consensus that Nintendo products are very durable and are

hard to break; people find this favorable. We see that people find the systems and games are user

friendly and are simple. A common trend we see with what people want from their console is a large

and varied game library. This idea makes it seem that Nintendo is lacking when it comes to its gaming

library, except for one outlier who said that Nintendo has some of their favorite series. Another aspect

people look for in a home console is longevity. Nintendo releases newer version of their handheld

consoles often which may have a damaging impact on the brand when it comes to looking for a new


4. Do you own any Nintendo products?

All participants have owned a Nintendo product at one point of their lives. A common system people

owned was the Nintendo 64, a console that was popular in the late 90s in the early 00s. The participants

that were more into gaming owned almost of the Nintendo consoles that have came out throughout the

years, save the Switch. With people saving the older consoles even after owning the new ones we see

that the Nintendo products hold a more symbolic or nostalgic meaning to the owners. This also shows

that Nintendo products are durable and can be maintained years after they have been discontinued.


5. How much would you pay for a Nintendo console? How much would you pay for another

brand of console?

The price people would pay for a Nintendo console ranged from $100 - $500 with most stating

somewhere in the $300 range. A few participants said they would pay more for other branded consoles.

This shows us that Nintendo is not as highly rated as something to spend money on in the consumers

mind. This could reflect on the fact that Nintendo is more childish looking compared to the sleek,

modern look of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One; the Nintendo consoles look cheaper, so they are

perceived as cheaper.

6. The Nintendo Brand has many characters that can be seen as mascots, can you name any of


When the participants were asked this question is was met with smiles and laughs as many of them

started listing off name after name. Mario is Nintendo’s oldest and most recognized character and icon

and we see this as every participant recalled him. We see that these brand elements have a special

placement in the minds of consumers. They recall the characters with both excitement and fondness.

More characters in the Super Mario Bros. franchise were mentioned as well: Luigi, Princess Peach and

Yoshi. Nintendo has also made an impact with their other characters as well. We see Link and Zelda from

the Legend of Zelda series, Kirby from the Kirby’s Dreamland series and Donkey Kong from the Donkey

Kong series.

7. Nintendo’s mission statement is the following:

“We are strongly committed to producing and marketing the best products and support services


Would you say that the mission statement reflects the brand?

Many of the participants saw this missions statement as a fair representation of the brand. Nicole who

had dealt with their support services and said this is an accurate representation. Brittany pointed out

that it doesn’t exactly explain what the brand is in its entirety.

8. What is the newest product that Nintendo has released? How did you find out about it?

The newest product released from Nintendo is the Switch, which all the participants had heard about.

Only Nicole had mentioned the Labo, which is the next product set to release from Nintendo in April

2018. Most people had heard of the switch from advertising and social media and a few people have

heard from word of mouth. This shows that Nintendo is being talked about by consumers and positive

word of mouth has been spreading about the brand and products. Even if Nintendo isn’t leading the

industry their products are still worth talking about and getting excited over.


9. Would you recommend Nintendo products? If yes, to who?

Every participant said they would recommend Nintendo. Most people said they would recommend it to

people who don’t normally play video games or to those who play them casually. Again, this places

Nintendo as a less serious gaming company. It was also suggested to families and kids with could also be

a positive association for the brand.

10. Below is a list of attributes, rate how you feel they represent Nintendo (5 being very

representative of the brand):

1 2 3 4 5

Exciting 1 3 4

Friendly 1 7

Honesty 1 2 5

Complicated 3 2 3

Innovative 1 5 1

Ruggedness 3 2 1 1 1

Intelligent 1 2 4 1

Fun 1 7

Powerful 1 1 3 3

Expensive 3 1 2 2

The numbers in this chart seem to be spread across the board. We do see some patterns with some

attributes though. When it comes to being fun and friendly Nintendo scored seven in both which is the

highest rating during the interviews Coming in second Nintendo has been known to innovative and

exciting in the customers mind. Most people didn’t seem Nintendo as rugged or complicated. All other

attributes are a mixed review, and this is due to the difference in participant. Some may not see

spending money on a console as waste which would reflect in the expensive attribute.


Brand Performance Questions 1. Please rate the following statements:

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Nintendo is easily affordable 3 1 3 1

Nintendo is entertaining 1 7

Nintendo has a variety of products 1 4 3

Nintendo is consistently creative 3 2 3

Nintendo is well defined 2 6

Nintendo has loyal customers 8

In these results we see a very favourable positioning of Nintendo. We see the brand is

performing well in the consumer’s mind. Many participants believed that Nintendo is creative and well

defined. Every participant believes that Nintendo has loyal fans. The only skew we see in the chart

above is whether it is affordable, but this is because of the perception of value and wealth the consumer

has (i.e. the amount of money the participant is willing to spend on any given item).

Brand Resonance Questions 1. Please rate the following statements:

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo 2 1 5

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can 2 1 3 2

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products

2 1 2 2 1

I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products

2 5 1

I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products

5 2 1

Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely

2 1 5

With these results we see that Nintendo is having issues with its brand resonance. Though many

people feel they are loyal to Nintendo and follow the company in the news, they don’t feel like they

have a sense of community with the brand or other fans of the brand. Most people do not feel proud to

be a consumer of Nintendo. There is clearly a disconnect with the brand and its fans when they are loyal

but are not proud. This means that Nintendo has work to do to obtain the pride they have in their

company from their consumers.



From the data collected, we have found that Nintendo has a greater advantage over several of

its competitors such as Sony PlayStation, in the following areas: customer retention, product versatility,

and positive brand image. Participants were more likely to recognize and remember consoles,

characters, and other products from Nintendo, and thus were also more likely to purchase Nintendo

products due to this familiarity. Sony PlayStation, though known for its “exclusives”, is less recognizable

and unique as its content spans several genres and each of its consoles are all very similar to each other.

One of the participants stated that Nintendo was more versatile within its home-to-mobile gaming due

to the amount of non-portable and portable consoles it has released, compared to that of Sony

PlayStation. The only factor that Nintendo must work on to maximize its brand equity and promote

brand resonance is a reason for people to be proud of their Nintendo purchases. This could maybe be

done with charitable work or more work placed on their community aspect. As seen in our data from the

Mental Map exercise, Nintendo has created and maintained a positive brand image of being fun,

entertaining, and nostalgic, creating products that people continue to enjoy throughout the many

different stages of their lives.




Nicole Lewis

Bria Mackinnon

Brittany Warren

Brent Poirier

Aaron Hallink

Gina Janes

Adam Vickory

Tonieshia White


General Industry Questions:

1. What brands of video games and video game platforms are you aware of?

Nicole: PS4, Xbox, Nintendo, Steambox, Vita, Ds, 3Ds, PC,

Aaron: Pretty much all of them and even the ones that aren’t the big three. I am pretty aware of them.

Brittany: Nintendo, Gamecube, Xbox, PlayStation, A Wii, Nintendo Gameboy, a Switch

Bria: Blizzard, Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, Atari, PC, Steam type stuff.

Gina: Nintendo and Sony and is Sega still a thing? What else is there… Microsoft.

Adam: Oh, basically just the main stream ones by Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft

Brent: I guess all of them.

Tonieshia: Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Atari, Xbox or Microsoft

2. Which brands of video games and video game platforms would you consider purchasing from?

Nicole: PlayStation is the main one, Nintendo more recently because the Switch seems more bomb, and

PC because I just got a new computer.

Aaron: I particularly like the Sony and Nintendo products.

Brittany: Probably Nintendo because I know most of the old stuff, and not a lot of shooter games.

Bria: I definitely purchase from Blizzard and PlayStation, I’m not a person for PC. I would purchase old

school Nintendo but nothing from Nintendo now.

Gina: Oh, probably just Nintendo.

Adam: Sony is typically is my first choice, then Nintendo.

Brent: Sony and Nintendo, I PC game often, so PC as well.

Tonieshia: Nintendo, Sony and Xbox


3. Which brands of video games and video game platforms have you used the most?

Nicole: WiiU, PlayStation 4 and PC

Aaron: PS4, The 3ds, and the Wii and Switch. I have done a little PC gaming. Never mobile, don’t really

mobile game.

Brittany: Nintendo, I have played Mario Kart, Mario Party.

Bria: PlayStation.

Gina: Nintendo, so casual.

Adam: Sony 100% and then Nintendo. I don’t own an Xbox

Brent: Sony I would say, I haven’t picked up the newest Nintendo console yet.

Tonieshia: Nintendo

4. If you were looking for a specific genre of video game, which system would you purchase it


Nicole: PlayStation 4, I like PC, but I always have to go home.

Aaron: Usually that happens for Nintendo. If I am going to buy a game that needs a console it usually

happens with Nintendo. But Sony also has a lot of exclusives, though Sony doesn’t make as many

consoles as Nintendo does

Brittany: N64 because it is the only one I own. But I would buy a Wii if I was spending money.

Bria: PlayStation.

Gina: Nintendo. This is fun.

Adam: Sony, mainly for the ps4

Brent: Sony, PS4

Tonieshia: Most of my games are for PC. So, I would say PC

5. What is your favourite genre of video game?

Nicole: Any kind of role-playing game. I also really like to watch survival horror but not play them.

Aaron: Action RPGs, First Person Shooters, Multiplayer – games I can play with friends. I like platforms

that have seamless multiplayer.

Brittany: Like the Mario world games.

Bria: I think at the moment it is first person shooter. I also like extreme sports.

Gina: What are they called? Casual gaming, I guess. The ones that are super easy to play and you don’t

have to dedicate a lot of time to.

Adam: Role Playing Games

Brent: Role Playing Game

Tonieshia: I actually really like horror video games.


Nintendo Mental Map:

Nicole: Kids, Nostalgia, Mario, Red, Party, Friends, Sturdy, Popular

Aaron: Fun, Expensive, Quality, Bright, colorful, efficient, silly, community, friendship

Brittany: Mario, Princess Peach, Party, Nineties, Youth, Fun, Colorful, Competition

Bria: Children, colorful, fun, easy, dull, Mario, The Wii, Luigi

Gina: Easy, fun, colorful, casual, inclusive, fast, pixels, plushies, 16bits

Adam: Pokémon, handheld, animal crossing, Zelda, smash Bros, controller, colourful, nostalgic,

Brent: Games, Mario, console, Pokémon, handheld, super Nintendo, GameCube, Zelda

Tonieshia: Donkey Kong, Link, Super Smash Bros, Red, Multiplayer, Handheld

Consumer’s Mind Questions:

1. Are you aware of the Nintendo brand? If so, what are your feelings towards it?

Nicole: Yes, I think that they got really stuck for a while and were doing the same stuff. Recently they

have been branching out more. Pay attention more and bring in more attention to older fans. More

adult themed games.

Aaron: Yes, it’s a quality brand and they make quality products. They can charge the prices they do

because you get what you pay for.

Brittany: Yes, Good, well I don’t play games often it is always the go to one because I grew up with it. I

have a stronger connection because of my youth and its status and the types of games. They are less

strategic and more about fun.

Bria: Yes, its fun, the games are childish that I feel. The games are kind of colorful. I don’t think badass

when I think of Nintendo.

Gina: Of course, I like it, I’ve always enjoyed. Some of my earliest memories involved playing Nintendo.

Just good all-around feelings.

Adam: Really enjoy it. They try to be innovative with their systems and sometimes it pays off and

sometimes it doesn’t.

Brent: Yes, my feelings are positive.

Tonieshia: Yes, it’s probably one of my favorite brands

2. Who would you say is the leading console brand? Why?

Nicole: I would have to say PlayStation; latest generation seems to have more ps4s than anything else.

The Switch is still new.

Aaron: Sony PlayStation has been the leader for awhile. Just by the numbers of units sold. They

dominated with ps2, ps3 was neck in neck. But they are dominating again with ps4.


Brittany: I would probably say PlayStation, because I know people who own PlayStations who don’t

even play games but use it for all the other applications. Most people of our demographic own one or


Bria: I would say PlayStation or PC. I hear more about PlayStation and PC games. PC games seem to have

more stuff attached them and they can be pretty cheap. PlayStation always has new stuff coming out,

don’t hear as much about Xbox.

Gina: For me, I am going to say Nintendo. They have been around for a very long time. A lot of

generations are more aware of it and can play it. It is more accessible.

Adam: I find it jumps around depending on the generation, but I find overall Sony seems to be leading

the console and Nintendo has the handheld market cornered

Brent: Lately I thought it was Sony, but I heard that the switch was doing well and might be catching up.

Tonieshia: My guess would be Nintendo

3. What do you like about Nintendo’s consoles? What is important to you when buying a video

game console?

Nicole: They are very sturdy, they do not break. I own past stuff that still works. More innovative with

new technology. It’s a mix between price and current games available.

Aaron: I like the Switch because its innovative and different and works really well. Longevity. Price.

What it is bundled with, if there are extra controllers or not. Also, titles that are too be released.

Brittany: That you have to blow on the game before you blow on the machines. I like the controllers

actually. I find the Xbox and the PlayStation have too many buttons. Idiot proof and that its not going to

go out of date.

Bria: They are easy to use. They have games you can just into and play. They have no backstory or

learning curve. They are light, so you can play and have a good time. The amount of games and the

types of games. PlayStation has darker games over Nintendo. The PlayStation looks cool, Nintendo not

so much.

Gina: Its easy. They have games for all skill levels. Someone like me who doesn’t play a lot of games, I

can catch on to it pretty fast. Its easy and fun and I like the characters. They are constant and are always

used. That I am going to actually use it. I want to get good value for my money.

Adam: I typically like that they have some of my fave series that are exclusive to them like Pokémon,

Zelda, smash Bros. And honestly story is most important to me as I typically play rpgs

Brent: Simple fun games usually. Game library is important.

Tonieshia: I find they are pretty indestructible, takes a lot to destroy one. I actually don’t know.


4. Do you own any Nintendo products?

Nicole: Yes, I have all generations of the Nintendo consoles and some plushies, but I don’t have the

switch yes.

Aaron: Yes, I have almost all of them.

Brittany: Yeah, an N64. I own the NES mini as well.

Bria: Yes, I own a Gameboy, a Gameboy color. A regular Nintendo, a super Nintendo and a Nintendo 64.

Gina: I have in the past. I still have my original Wii.

Adam: Yeah, basically every concept except an old Nintendo system.

Brent: I do. I have the WiiU, 3Ds XL, I have a 3Ds not XL, Wii, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES and I think

that’s everything.

Tonieshia: Yes, I have a N64, GameCube, Wii, WiiU

5. How much would you pay for a Nintendo console? How much would you pay for another

brand of console?

Nicole: 300 max. 400 for another.

Aaron: Not much more than $500 but if it was really cool, I would be inclined to pay more.

Brittany: Like a $100 bucks max. I wouldn’t pay for another branded console.

Bria: $100 max. Roughly 600-700 dollars if PlayStation comes out with a new thing.

Gina: I would say $350. I don’t know, I would say probably the same.

Adam: No more then $400 for any of them

Brent: Probably maximum 300, probably around the same for others.

Tonieshia: Whatever the price of one is. I don’t know.

6. The Nintendo Brand has many characters that can be seen as mascots, can you name any of


Nicole: Mario, Peach, Link, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Ness. There are many more, but I don’t want to be

here all day.

Aaron: Mario and company, Zelda and Link and company, Starfox, Donkey Kong, Kirby.

Brittany: Yeah, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Bowser, Daisy, Yoshi, Baby Bowser, Peach, Donkey Kong,

Toad, Koopa and Diddy Kong and Kirby

Bria: Mario, Luigi, The Princess, Toadstool, Bowser, Link, Zelda,

Gina: Toad, Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Bowser, Princess Peach, the star guy, Kirby, Link, Zelda, and I am sure

there are many more.

Adam: Pikachu, Mario, Zelda

Brent: Mario, Zelda, Link, Pikachu, Donkey Kong,

Tonieshia: Donkey Kong, Link, Pikmin, Mario obviously,


7. Nintendo’s mission statement is the following:

“We are strongly committed to producing and marketing the best products and support services


Would you say that the mission statement reflects the brand?

Nicole: Yeah, I mean I had to deal with their products and services. Their support services were very

friendly. They seem to listen to what people want and fix it. Which is good.

Aaron: Yep.

Brittany: I mean like yeah, but it doesn’t express what the brand is.

Bria: I would say that the services part is true. The first part is “they are the best at what they do” but I

don’t think they are the best for video games in general.

Gina: Yes. I agree that they try to do that.

Adam: Yeah, I guess

Brent: Sometimes

Tonieshia: Yes, I would actually.

8. What is the newest product that Nintendo has released? How did you find out about it?

Nicole: Labo I think is the newest thing out, but I am not sure if its out yet. YouTube and Reddit are my

main sources of video game news.

Aaron: They keep releasing new 3ds’s, but the Switch is the newest console. Advertising and online


Brittany: The Switch. From word of mouth.

Bria: I would say Nintendo Switch. Friends and word of mouth.

Gina: I guess that is the Switch. I am going to say social media.

Adam: The switch I guess, and it was massively hyped up. So, all kinds of media.

Brent: The Nintendo Switch. Keeping up with video game news.

Tonieshia: Wouldn’t that be the Switch, word of mouth and the internet.

9. Would you recommend Nintendo products? If yes, to who?

Nicole: Yes, I would recommend to children, elderly people who want to play with children. Some games

are very simple.

Aaron: Absolutely, to children and people of any age that like games but maybe not to the hardcore

gamers. Maybe people who spend less than 10 hours a week playing.

Brittany: Hell yeah, my peers and specifically who live under a rock and don’t know what Nintendo is.

Bria: Yes, anybody who has kids. Anybody who wants simple easy games.

Gina: Yes. Oh, I don’t know, people. Anyone who is looking to buy a game system that anyone can play,

anyone who is a casual gamer like myself.

Adam: Yes. And to anyone who enjoys gaming

Brent: Yes, friends.

Tonieshia: Yes, All of my friends and family.


10. Below is a list of attributes, rate how you feel they represent Nintendo (5 being very

representative of the brand):


1 2 3 4 5

Excitement X

Friendly X

Honesty X

Complicated X

Innovative X

Ruggedness X

Intelligent X

Fun X

Powerful X

Expensive X


1 2 3 4 5

Excitement X

Friendly X

Honesty X

Complicated X

Innovative X

Ruggedness X

Intelligent X

Fun X

Powerful X


Expensive X


1 2 3 4 5

Excitement X

Friendly X

Honesty X

Complicated X

Innovative X

Ruggedness X

Intelligent X

Fun X

Powerful X

Expensive X


1 2 3 4 5

Excitement X

Friendly X

Honesty X

Complicated X

Innovative X

Ruggedness X

Intelligent X

Fun X

Powerful X

Expensive X



1 2 3 4 5

Excitement X

Friendly X

Honesty X

Complicated X

Innovative X

Ruggedness X

Intelligent X

Fun X

Powerful X

Expensive X


1 2 3 4 5

Excitement X

Friendly X

Honesty X

Complicated X

Innovative X

Ruggedness X

Intelligent X

Fun X

Powerful X

Expensive X


1 2 3 4 5

Excitement X

Friendly X


Honesty X

Complicated X

Innovative X

Ruggedness X

Intelligent X

Fun X

Powerful X

Expensive X


1 2 3 4 5

Excitement X

Friendly X

Honesty X

Complicated X

Innovative X

Ruggedness X

Intelligent X

Fun X

Powerful X

Expensive X


Brand Performance Questions:

1. Please rate the following statements:


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Nintendo is easily affordable X

Nintendo is entertaining X

Nintendo has a variety of products X

Nintendo is consistently creative X

Nintendo is well defined X

Nintendo has loyal customers X


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Nintendo is easily affordable X

Nintendo is entertaining X

Nintendo has a variety of products X

Nintendo is consistently creative X

Nintendo is well defined X

Nintendo has loyal customers X


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Nintendo is easily affordable X

Nintendo is entertaining X

Nintendo has a variety of products X

Nintendo is consistently creative X

Nintendo is well defined X

Nintendo has loyal customers X



Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Nintendo is easily affordable X

Nintendo is entertaining X

Nintendo has a variety of products X

Nintendo is consistently creative X

Nintendo is well defined X

Nintendo has loyal customers X


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Nintendo is easily affordable X

Nintendo is entertaining X

Nintendo has a variety of products X

Nintendo is consistently creative X

Nintendo is well defined X

Nintendo has loyal customers X


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Nintendo is easily affordable X

Nintendo is entertaining X

Nintendo has a variety of products X

Nintendo is consistently creative X

Nintendo is well defined X

Nintendo has loyal customers X


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree


Nintendo is easily affordable X

Nintendo is entertaining X

Nintendo has a variety of products X

Nintendo is consistently creative X

Nintendo is well defined X

Nintendo has loyal customers X


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Nintendo is easily affordable X

Nintendo is entertaining X

Nintendo has a variety of products X

Nintendo is consistently creative X

Nintendo is well defined X

Nintendo has loyal customers X

Brand Resonance Questions:

1. Please rate the following statements:


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo X

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can X

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products


I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products


I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products


Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely




Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo X

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can X

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products


I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products


I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products


Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely



Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo X

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can X

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products


I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products


I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products


Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely



Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo X

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can X

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products


I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products


I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products


Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely




Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo X

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can X

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products


I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products


I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products


Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely



Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo X

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can X

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products


I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products


I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products


Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely



Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo X

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can X

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products


I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products


I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products


Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely




Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

I consider myself loyal to Nintendo X

I buy Nintendo products whenever I can X

I really identify with people who use Nintendo products


I feel a deep connection with others who use Nintendo products


I am proud to have others know I use Nintendo products


Compared to other people, I follow news about Nintendo closely