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TITLE PAGE Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.)

in English Language Studies


Vinindita Citrayasa










TITLE PAGE Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.)

in English Language Studies


Vinindita Citrayasa












My Lord has been most gracious and kind to me through Jesus Christ.

There are no words good enough to thank Him for His goodness toward me

through many people who have helped me to finish this thesis.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my thesis advison, Dr. J.

Bismoko for his invaluable assistance, insights leading and support to the writing

of this thesis. Second, I would like to thank to F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., Dr. B.B.

Dwijatmoko, M.A., and Widya Kiswara, M.Hum for the insightful teaching and

guidance throughout my study in KBI Sanata Dharma University.

My sincere thanks also go to my mom Maria, my grandmother, my brother

Octavianus, and my sister in law Lea for their endless love and encouragement. I

would like to thank to my cousin Olivia who has been such a good companion for

over the time we studied and did thesis writing in the library.

I would also give my special thanks to my mentors kak Endah, Ellen, and

kak Lina for being such good friends who stick closer than sister. Thank you for

being patience with me and thank you for remembering me in your prayers. For

those who have become the reasons I have stomachache due to laughter: Astri, Ika

Fathin, Fajri, Ayu, Endah, and Bob, I want to say thank you a bunch. Distance is

never a barrier for us to keep encouraging each other.

Last, but by no means least, I thank my friends in KBI’13: bundo Wulan,

Aik, Levyn, ce Vivi, Desta, mbak Kurni, mbak Dian, mbak Siska, Anin, mbak

Tuti, mas Bayu, Joan, Siwi, mbak Luluk, Amy, Tia, Dewinta, Putri, Adria, mas



Ryan, Dhenok, mbak Dina, mbak Gaby, Nindi, mbak Asti, for the friendship,

their support, inspiration, motivation, and encouragement.

I consider that my thesis still far from being perfect. For any errors or

inadequacies that may remain in this work, the responsibility is entirely my own.


Vinindita Citrayasa




TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE ......................................................................................... ii DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................... iii STATEMENT OF WORK ORIGINALITY .................................................... iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI................................. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. viii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ................................................................ x LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xi ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... xiii ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... xv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1 A. Research Background .................................................................................. 1 B. Problem Identification ................................................................................. 4 C. Problem Limitation ...................................................................................... 5 D. Research Question ....................................................................................... 5 E. Research Objectives .................................................................................... 6 F. Research Benefits ........................................................................................ 6 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................... 7 A. Theoretical Review ...................................................................................... 7

1. Related Studies ...................................................................................... 7 2. Learning Theories for Technology Enhanced Language Learning ........ 10 3. The Nature of Mobile Learning (M-Learning) ....................................... 14 4. Mobile Assisted Language Learning ..................................................... 18 5. Busuu ...................................................................................................... 21 6. Students Grade VII ................................................................................. 23 7. Autonomy ............................................................................................... 26 8. Lived Experience .................................................................................... 30

B. Pre-Understanding ....................................................................................... 31 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................... 33

A. Research Method .................................................................................. 33 B. Research Design ................................................................................... 34 C. Research Setting ................................................................................... 34 D. Research Procedure .............................................................................. 34 E. Research Data....................................................................................... 35

1. Nature of Data ................................................................................ 35 2. Participants ..................................................................................... 35 3. Data Gathering Techniques and Instruments ................................. 35 4. Data Analysis Techniques .............................................................. 36

F. Trustworthiness ...................................................................................... 37



CHAPTER IV. DESCRIPTION AND INTERPRETATION .................... 39 A. The Description of the Participants’ Lived Experiences ......................... 39

1. Gilang’s Story ...................................................................................... 39 2. Dewa’s Story ........................................................................................ 47

B. The Interpretations of the Participants’ Lived Experiences ...................... 55 1. Pre-Figured Themes ............................................................................. 55 2. Emergent Theme .................................................................................. 74


A. Conclusions .......................................................................................... 75 B. Implementations ................................................................................... 77

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 78 APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 86




Tables: Table 2.1 Convergence between learning and technology…………. 13 Table 2.2 Overview of Busuu Application 1 ………………………. 24 Table 2.3 Overview of Busuu Application 2 ………………………. 24 Table 2.4 Overview of Busuu Application 3 ………………………. 25

Figures: Figure 2.1 the Concept of Mobile Learning in Three Areas ……..… 20 Figure 4.1 Screenshots of Busuu Features 1 ……… …………………. 59 Figure 4.2 Screenshots of Busuu Features 1 ……… …………………. 66




APPENDIX 1 In-Depth Interwiew 1 (Gilang) …………………………….. 81

APPENDIX 2 In-Depth Interview 2 (Dewa) ………………………………. 88

APPENDIX 3 Busuu Application Review …………………………………. 95




R : Researcher

Gil : Gilang

Dew : Dewa

LE : Lived Experience

Pre : Pre-figured

Em : Emergent

E : Empirical

T : Transcendent

H : Htory

EL : English Learning

EPL : English Personal Learning

LT : Learning with Technology

F : Feeling

I : Intention

B : Belief

A : Action

SD : Skill Development

D : Disappointment

R : Reflection

Au : Autonomy

MALL : Mobile Assisted Language Learning

CALL : Computer Assisted Language Learning




Vinindita Citrayasa. 2015. The Meaning of Learning English Using Busuu to Junior High School Students Grade VII. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies.

Mobile and ubiquitous learning technologies provide the opportunity for students to learn anything at anytime and anywhere. This happens in line with the fast growth of smart phone users in Indonesia. The smart phone users come from various backgrounds of people including junior high school students. There are many applications for learning English that can be downloaded in a smart phone such as dictionary, game learning, and language courses. This must be helpful for those students in a way that it offers reasonable prices which are affordable enough for them who come from various backgrounds of age and economy. Using smart phones for learning English becomes promising as many students have got more access to learn English through their own personal smart phones. This could be observed in SMP X in Yogyakarta where almost all of the students in grade 7 own their smart phones and for learning English. Bussu is one application for learning English that they used. Bussu is designed and developed to help learners mastering English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Mobile phone technology can be effectively engaged in EFL (English as a foreign language) students and it proves to be both reasonable in theory and feasible in practice. Researches on MALL mostly focus on how learning by using mobile phones gives significant effect on second/ foreign language skills. However, only few which focus on their lived-experiences of learning English using their smart phones anywhere outside their class and anytime outside their school time that can reveal meanings related to their awareness, beliefs, and actions. This research is then aimed at describing and interpreting the students’ lived experience of using Bussu for learning English. The research question for this study is what is the meaning of learning English with Busuu to students like?

The study is a hermeneutic phenomenology study. The study focuses on the description and interpretation of the students’ lived experiences of using Busuu (an android application) to learn English. There were two participants and they came from one private junior high school in Yogyakarta. Two participants have been using Busuu for 6 months. The instrument of this research is in-depth interviews. The data was in the form of texts.

The finding of this research is the description and the interpretation of two participants’ lived experiences of learning English with an android application Busuu. There are two types of meanings assigned under two major bracketed themes based on the interpretation of their lived experiences. The themes were pre-figured themes and emergent themes. Pre-figured themes were determined based on the discovery of conceptual or logical truth. Another theme was the emergent theme which was found during the research process. Under those major themes, there are two main types of assigned meaning; empirical and transcendent meaning. The result shows that in the pre-figured themes, there are some empirical meanings: ubiquitous learning, fun learning, and useful English learning assistant. This study reveals the finding of transcendent meaning that Busuu encouraged them to become more autonomous learners. There are some emergent



meanings in this study. One participant felt upset since he could not access some purchased materials in this application. Another emergent meaning shows that personal English learning that both participants experienced shaped their belief in the meaning and roles of teacher in their English learning process.

This research is beneficial for learners, teachers, researcher, and English learning application developer. This research can give significant information and description about the benefit of one learning application like Busuu to learn English through the participants’ lived experiences. Busuu could facilitate learners to turn their dead time and free time to a kind of fun circumstance for learning. The less tensed learning can encourage students to learn more.




Vinindita Citrayasa. 2015. The Meaning of Learning English Using Busuu to Junior High School Students Grade VII. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana, Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Teknologi semakin memberi kesempatan bagi siswa untuk belajar apa saja, kapan saja, dan dimana saja. Hal ini terjadi seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah pengguna ponsel pintar di Indonesia. Para pengguna ponsel pintar datang dari berbagai latar belakang orang termasuk siswa SMP. Banyak aplikasi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang dapat diunduh pada ponsel pintar seperti kamus, media belajar, dan materi pembelajaran bahasa. Penerapan bantuan teknologi ponsel dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pun semakin meningkat dimana banyak aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa berbasis Android yang bisa diunduh dan digunakan secara gratis. Hal ini dapat diamati pada SMP X di Yogyakarta di mana hampir semua siswa kelas 7 memiliki ponsel pintar mereka dan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Bussu adalah salah satu aplikasi untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris yang mereka gunakan. Bussu dirancang dan dikembangkan untuk membantu peserta didik menguasai keterampilan berbahasa yang meliputi keterampilan mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian tentang penggunaan ponsel sebagai alat bantu belajar sebagian besar fokus pada bagaimana kegunaannya dalam memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan berbahasa asing. Namun, hanya beberapa yang fokus pada pengalaman hidup mereka saat belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan ponsel pintar di mana saja, di luar kelas, dan kapan saja di luar waktu sekolah yang dapat mengungkapkan makna yang berkaitan dengan kesadaran, keyakinan, dan tindakan para partisipan. Penelitian ini kemudian bertujuan menggambarkan dan menafsirkan pengalaman hidup siswa menggunakan Bussu untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini ialah seperti apa makna dari belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Busuu bagi siswa? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian fenomenologi hermeneutik. Penelitian ini berfokus pada deskripsi dan interpretasi pengalaman hidup para partisipan menggunakan Busuu (aplikasi android) untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Ada dua partisipan dan mereka berasal dari salah satu SMP swasta di Yogyakarta. Mereka telah menggunakan Busuu selama 6 bulan. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah wawancara mendalam. Data yang disajikan dalam penelitian ini berbentuk teks. Temuan penelitian ini adalah deskripsi dan interpretasi pengalaman hidup dua partisipan yang menggunakan aplikasi Busuu untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Ada dua jenis makna yang didapat dan berada dalam dua tema utama berdasarkan interpretasi pengalaman hidup mereka. Tema yang diduga dan tema yang muncul. Tema yang diduga sebelumnya didapat dan ditentukan berdasarkan penemuan teori konseptual atau logis. Tema lain adalah tema yang muncul yang ditemukan selama proses penelitian. Pada kedua tema utama, terdapat makna empiris dan makna transenden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna empiris pengalaman mereka ialah belajar yang bisa dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja, belajar yang menyenangkan, dan belajar yang membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa. Sementara makna transenden yang didapat adalah bahwa kedua partisipan percaya bahwa Busuu mendorong mereka untuk menjadi siswa-siswa yang lebih otonom. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan beberapa makna yang



muncul. Salah satu partisipan merasakan kekecewaan disaat dia tidak bisa mengakses materi berbayar di aplikasi ini. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris secara personal yang mereka alami memberikan pengaruh kepada mereka dalam memaknai arti dan peran guru dalam proses belajar mereka. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi peserta didik , guru , peneliti , dan pengembang aplikasi belajar. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi yang signifikan dan deskripsi tentang manfaat dari satu aplikasi pembelajaran seperti Busuu untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris melalui pengalaman hidup partisipan . Busuu bisa memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk memanfaatkan waktu luang mereka untuk dan belajar dan mengalami pembelajaran bahasa yang menyenangkan. Pembelajaran yang tidak menekan siswa dapat mendorong siswa untuk belajar lebih banyak.





This chapter attempts to describe the purpose of conducting the research

and to ensure that this research is valid and feasible enough to do. It covers the

background, the problem identification and limitation, the main question, goals

and benefits of conducting this research.

A. Research Background

From times to times, technology has been developing and producing

many devices that are helpful in education, specifically English language

learning. There is an increasing interest of making use technology in learning, as

one of language learning fields (Garret, 2009). Previously, there are many

attempts and practices of using computer to assist language learning, therefore

there is a term coined as CALL (computer assisted language learning). Later,

another term, MALL (mobile assisted language learning) has shown its existence

as the attention and interest are increasingly drawn to the latest device, smart

phones. Making use smart phones to help the language learning process becomes

popular as there is a fast and massive production of this hand-held computer

around the world. Since the prices which are getting low and affordable there are

many people able to own this device, including students in junior high schools.

In the theory of conditions for language acquisition stated by Spolsky

(1989), technology is suggested as a critical variable for it creates more

opportunities for learners to explore and study. In many settings, the internet and



other electronic sources make large quantities of English available to learners,

and accordingly amplify the importance of English internationally (Chapelle,


MALL is a subset of CALL and they have so much in common between

(Stockwell & Hubbard, 2013; Shanmugapriya & Tamilari, 2013). The point that

makes them different is portability which gives effect to a new way of learning;

ubiquitous and personal learning. Smart phones are designed with new and smart

functions such as educational application that make them more powerful than

computer. The devices enable users to create knowledge and share it broadly

more effective than Web 2.0 computers (Brick, 2015). The users can download

and install many language learning applications (both free and purchased) such as

language courses, flash cards, and dictionaries which are designed by third part

apps companies: Android and Apple from Google Play Store. By the assistance

of features and applications provided in smart phones, learning process then may

happen not only inside classroom but also outside classroom; not only in school

hours, but also in their spare time (Cilesiz, 2011; Kukulska-Hulmes, 2012; Brick,


Research results of the studies present an overall positive picture of m-

learning in second/ foreign language learning and teaching at all levels. Mobile

phone technology can be effectively engaged in EFL (English as a foreign

language) classroom and it proves to be both reasonable in theory and feasible in

practice (Zhang, 2013). Researches on MALL mostly focus on how learning by

using mobile phones gives significant effect on second/ foreign language skills

such as vocabulary learning (Başoğlu, Akdemir, 2010; Agca & Özdemir, 2013;



Liu, 2014), extensive reading (Lin, 2014), reading development of young learners

(Lan, Sung, & Chang, 2013), grammar accuracy (Baleghizadeh & Oladrostam,

2010; Guerrero, Ochoa, & Collazos, 2010;Nah, 2010 (listening (Demouy &

Kukulska-Hulme, 2010; Azar & Nasiri, 2014), pronunciation (Segaran, Ali &

Hoe, 2014), and mobile dictionary integration (Rahimi & Miri, 2014).

Concerning the positive significances of learning English by using mobile phone,

there are many application for language learning that are designed and developed

(Godwin-Jones, 2011; Chang & Hsu, 2011; Chen & Chung , 2008;

Fallahkhair et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2012).

There are various English learning applications which can be downloaded

in Google Play Store. As learners can now get more access to use those

applications, they will experiene a new learning environment where they are

given more opportunity to learn outside the classroom (Anderson et al., 2008).

They can also have more time and spaces for learning out of school and out of

school time and schedule. This is more beneficial for EFL students especially for

the marginal; students who are not able to go abroad to learn language and

students who are not affordable to pay some money to an English course, English

private teacher, and for buying books.

Smart phone must be helpful for those students in a way that it offers

reasonable prices which are affordable enough for them who come from various

backgrounds of age and economy. Though their types of smart phones are

different in features, still they are able to enjoy the same benefits. Using smart

phones for learning are promising as many students have got their own personal

smart phones. This could be observed in SMP X in Yogyakarta where almost all



of the students in grade 7 own their smart phones. However, they are not allowed

to bring their phones to school since it is forbidden and whoever brings smart

phone will be punished.

Most students are observed using their smart phones for gaming and

social media. For the sake of learning, they only use dictionary and they access

Google Translator. None of them knew that there are English learning

applications such as Busuu, which is considered as the most downloaded

language learning application in Google Play Store. After being told about this

application, many students downloaded and started using this application. Among

the students, there were two students who continually used Busuu for learning

English for 5-6 months. A phenomenology research was then done to reveal their

perceived meanings from their lived experienced of using Busuu.

B. Problem Identification

The development of MALL gives impacts to the learning process.

However, it does not only give impacts on the students’ knowledge and skills, but

beyond that. There should be a variation of perceived meaning on their own

experiences in using android application such as Busuu.

Many researches or studies done to measure the students’ achievement in

using MALL for their improvement in learning, however only few which focus

on their lived-experiences which can reveal meanings related to their awareness,

beliefs, and actions.



C. Problem Limitation

This study delimits its focus on how the research participants who are the

junior high school students grade seven on perceiving their lived experience of

using Busuu that has assisted them to learn English. The results of qualitative

studies are not generalized (Bogdan & Biklen, 2007), and as such, the findings

presented here are not intended to serve as the predictors of behavior of those

students. The data presented and their interpretations are intended to increase the

depth and breadth of information on the students. This study is delimited to two

junior high school students of grade seven in one junior high school, Yogyakarta.

Several limitations were considered in conducting this research and

interpreting the results of study. First, the participants had limited capability to

articulate all of their insightful understanding. Therefore, the interpretation

cannot then be applied as a conclusion that works in another similar situation

existed in the same and differenct cities and country around the world. Second,

since the time and research fund were limited, the study only involved two

participants without considering some aspects such as age, gander, geographical

background, academic achievement, and family background. Last limitiation on

this research is some misinterpretation which happened in forming the texts into

English written texts since the interview happened in Bahasa Indonesia. There

were some expressions which stated in Javanesse and slang language existed

among youngsters.

D. Research Question

Through this hermeneutic phenomenology research, the junior high

school students’ experiences are going to be unveiled, described and interpreted



as well. Therefore, the research question proposed in this study is: what is the

meaning of learning English with Busuu to students like?

E. Research Objectives

The goal of this research is to describe and interpret the junior high school

students’ meaningful experiences in using Busuu to assist them learning English.

The description and the interpretation will lead to another goal which is to

improve higher efficiency and better understanding of the value got from the

participants lived experience. The ultimate goal of this research is to improve life

quality in the area of English Education Technology.

F. Research Benefits

This research considers some benefits to give. First, the finding of the

research can improve the students’ reflection that lead to their quality of their

own language learning. Second, this research will improve either higher

efficiency or better emphatic understanding towards the research participants’

human value improvement such characteristics of more autonomy, more self-

directed, and more self-confidence. It can be revealed whether what they have

reflected and learned will be immediately related or applied in their real life.

This research will enrich the participants, researchers as well as audience

in building assumptions and belief toward the benefits and possible problems of

learning English using android application such as Busuu for them. This will

make clear about some significant points related to the students’ motivation and

personal achievement.





This chapter aims to discover the logical truth and relations among the

concepts. This chapter consists of theoretical review and pre understanding.

A. Theoretical Review

1. Related Studies

The concept of experience in phenomenology and suggestion of

experience with technology as a construct for educational technology research is

proposed as important research to be done (Cilezis, 2011). The purpose of the

inquiry is to increase the understanding of technology’s influence on individuals,

societies, and education and to contribute to unlocking potentials for research at

the core of educational technology as well as to help create new lines of inquiry.

It attempts to highlight several potential research areas in educational technology

that would benefit from building on a phenomenological concept of experience

and utilizing phenomenology as the theoretical and methodological framework

since phenomenology is concerned with uncovering and describing the essence

of human experiences, it has potential to offer valuable insights about the use of

technology in teaching and learning. There was a phenomenology research which

investigated the first-time computer experience of adults. The study which was

done by Howard in 1994 reveals in-depth findings of some aspects of the

experience such as feelings, engagement, self-awareness, and attitudes. In 2009, a

similar research was done by Cilesiz on the adolescents’ experiences of

educational computer use in informal learning environments. The study describes



the essential elements of these experiences and highlight implications for

adolescent development and informal education policy.

Concerning specifically to smart phones usage in learning, there was a

phenomenology research which investigated the students’ lived experiences of

using smart phones for learning (Chan et al., 2013). According to the

participants, their use of smart phones are primarily for communication and

social networking using mobile applications such as Facebook, Twitter,

Whatsapp, Line and Viber. Entertainment is next, with a focus on playing games

and watching YouTube videos. Learning takes the last position and the

participants perceive their learning as searching for information in class and

outside of class, writing on blogs or websites and reading. They have very

limited awareness of their learning or the learning potential of their smart

phones as their perception was that these were daily activities associated

with their smart phones. The findings reveal that there were other aspects of

learning occurring: peer-based learning from communities of practice,

problem-based learning, collaborative learning, reflective learning, music

learning and language learning. In addition, they were sub-consciously learning

even while they were watching YouTube videos, playing games and social

networking. In their approaches to learning, they were utilizing both surface and

deep approaches and with the easy access to information on the Internet, their

preference was not for memorization of knowledge or facts. Their perceptions of

mobile learning was that it was ‘spontaneous’, ‘easy’, ‘convenient’, ‘simple’, and

‘learning anytime, anywhere’. They term it as ‘satisfaction learning’ or learning

by ‘trial and error’. Some participants believed that in searching for information



and reading for greater understanding, they began to see changes in themselves

and were able to perceive topics and the world in new ways.

A study by analyzing the mobile technology’s use in the different aspects

of language learning have supported the idea that mobile technology can enhance

learners’ second and foreign language acquisition. Learners’ attitudes towards

technologies, their intention to use it, and the various actual uses of

mobile technology integrated in their second and foreign language learning is a

dominating research focus (Chang & Hsu, 2011; Cheng et al., 2010). The impact

of mobile technology on language learning has often been measured by

individuals’ stated perceptions. This exemplifies what Orlikowski & Iacono

(2001) call the proxy view of technology. Effectiveness studies focus on how

this technology is viewed by individual users where the perceptive,

cognitive, and attitudinal responses to technology become the critical variable in

explaining mobile technology. This tool view of technology is criticized as it fails

to take into account the transformational nature of technology; technology brings

with it changes not only in procedures – how we do things – but also in our

perceptions of what is doable or not, e.g. in terms of accessing distant materials

and people. Hence technology itself plays a role in reshaping people’s

preferences, perceptions, and attitudes and the new teaching and learning

methods that evolve are co-constructed in a sociotechnical system rather than

engineered. This is called the ensemble view of technology (Orlikowski &

Iacono, 2001), and this idea of sociotechnical construction – as opposed to purely

social construction – is something often lacking in MALL studies.



2. Learning Theories for Technology Enhanced Language Learning.

Technology has changed the face of education as the products of

technology are embedded in conducting teaching and learning process and it has

been being considered as one variable to support language learning. Every

product of technology from the most earliest (considered as most traditional such

as printed books) to the most recent (most sophisticated such as computer,

internet, and mobile phone) offer aids and accompanies that benefit both teachers

and learners. The technology usage in teaching and learning gives influence on

the education culture, teaching and learning methods and approaches, and the

contemporary educational theories and practices (Sharples, et al., 2006).

Language teachers, practitioners, researchers, and learners have been facing the

changing or technology eras which have given impact on how they conduct

teaching and learning practices. There is significant difference of the way and the

process of how students learn. The era when mass printed text books become the

medium of teaching and learning process, learning theories deal more with

learning which happens inside classroom. Learning takes place as the

transmission of knowledge from teachers to students, placing teachers as the

centre and the source of assistance and information for students in classrooms.

While in the computer era, education has been re-conceptualized around the

construction of knowledge through information processing, modeling, and

interaction (Duffy & Cunningham, 1996, in Sharples, 2006). A change is

gradually happened when computer, a product of technology, is used as a facility

to ease them and to help them to learn. Teachers and students experience new



learning environment where they may learn in a computer laboratory. The

position of teacher changes gradually to be less centered.

Technology has a great role specifically in the context of language

learning as what Spolsky (1989) states in the theory of conditions for language

acquisition. There are five variables which support success of language learning.

They are knowledge in the present, abilities, motivation/ affection, opportunity,

and knowledge in the future. Among those variables, opportunity is highlighted

variable discussed in this research as it is considered as one critical component of

language acquisition that technology can directly influence. Technology has a

role in facilitating a new environment of learning, specifically in this context of

language learning. The deployment of technology in language learning is

considered able to support eight conditions for optimal language learning

environment where learners have opportunities to interact and negotiate meaning,

interact in the target language, are involved in authentic tasks, are exposed to and

encouraged to produce varied and creative language, have enough time and

feedback, are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process, work in

atmosphere with an ideal stress/ anxiety level, and are encouraged to be

autonomous learner ( Egbert & Hanson-Smith, 1999).

The interest of using technology is getting more increased as the

advanced features of technology for learning are offered by various modern

devices such as the latest product, smart phone. This hand held computer is

produced massively with more advanced features that enable people to do many

possible things, including learning languages, by staying connected to the

internet connection. People now experience global access to information and



mobility of knowledge. Mobile devices enable learners to learn on the move

which means the students can learn across the time, revisiting knowledge that

was gained earlier in a different context, and more broadly, through ideas and

strategies gained in early years providing for a lifetime of learning (Vavoula &

Sharples, 2002). Therefore, being facilitated by smart phones and the internet

students get more and more opportunities to learn. Tapscott (2009), in his book

Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation, argues that we are now in a

digital era of learning. According to Tapscott, a transformation in learning is

taking place from what he labels "broadcast" learning to "interactive" learning.

Tapscott (1998) states that there are eight shifts in learning today. Learning shifts

from linear to hypermedia, from instruction to construction and discovery, from

teacher-centered to learner-centered education, from absorbing material to

learning how to navigate and how to learn, from school to lifelong learning, from

one-size-fits-all to customized learning, from learning as torture as learning as

fun, and from the teacher as transmitter to the teacher as facilitator.

Sharples, et al. (2006) suggest that learning theory for mobile learning is

firstly determined by distinguishing what special things related to learning

activities that mobile learning can offer compared to other types of learning

activity. There is a convergence between learning and technology as he proposed

in the table below.



Table 2.1: Convergence between learning and technology (Sharples, et al, 2006)

New Learning New Technology

Personalised Personal

Learner centred User centred

Situated Mobile

Collaborative Networked

Ubiquitous Ubiquitous

Lifelong Durable

Based on the table above, new technology offers new learning which

covers six learning points; personalized, learner centered, situated learning,

collaborative, ubiquitous, and lifelong learning. Since mobile phone can be held

anywhere (inside and outside classroom) a new learning environment are

possible to be created outside classroom and it can be anywhere. This will create

more opportunities to revisit knowledge that was gained earlier in a different

context, and more broadly, through ideas and strategies in early years providing a

framework for a lifetime of learning. Learning will become more personalized

depending what the learners’ preference and decision, meaning that they are

possible to study the subjects which are not in the school curriculum context. The

learners become the centre where they build on the skills and knowledge students

and enable to reason based their own experiences. The theory is then more

focused on the mobility of learning where knowledge and skills can be

transferred across contexts (context of learning/ environment) such as home and

school, how learning can be managed across life transitions, and how new

technologies can be designed to support a society in which people on the move

increasingly try to cram learning into the gaps of daily life (Sharples, et al.,




3. The Nature of Mobile Learning (M-Learning)

The various products of technology have given positive contribution in

language teaching and learning process. The role of those products, started from

the earliest and most traditional one like whiteboard and the more sophisticated

ones such as internet and computer, are noted to ease, to help, and to facilitate for

both teachers and students. There are many ways of teaching and learning which

make use the benefit of technology development existing time by time in the

history of English education. Many computer language labs established in

schools indicating how they have embedded technology (computer and internet)

as an effort to support their teaching and learning process. The ongoing English

education technology does not stop when computers produced in many variants

have born. Mobile phones, more advanced technology, are getting involved as

well to give positive role in language learning. Lately a term mobile learning (m-

learning) is coined showing how mobile phones can be made use to assist

students in their learning process.

M-learning is viewed as a supplement for e-learning which brings a new

dimension to education technology and it gives the learners helpful, immediate,

reusable, persistent, personalized and situated learning experiences anchored in

their real surroundings (Huang et al. 2002, in Patorkopi et al., 2007). M-learning

uses voice, text and multimedia to support s discussion and discourse, real-time,

synchronous and asynchronous, using voice, text and multimedia,

(KukulskaHulme & Shield, 2008; Traxler, 2009). Based on the definition, it tries

to compare that m-learning shows no difference with a type of learning which

uses computer (e-learning). Ally (2009), in line with Yamaguchi (2005), states



the term “portability” to show the core point which differentiates e-learning and

m-learning. Mobile phone is better that computer in portability even though

computer handles more various types of information better compared to mobile

phone (Yamaguchi, 2005). Mobile learning allows learners to access learning

materials and information from anywhere and at anytime (Ally, 2009). The

learning process therefore does not depend anymore with space and time.

Students may have learning process both inside and outside classroom. They may

continue to learn out of school time which means every time and everywhere as

they carry their mobile phones. Learners then do not have to wait for a certain

time to learn or go to a certain place to learn what is prescribed to them (Ally,


There are 4 perspectives on m-learning proposed by Winters (2006). First,

m-learning can be viewed an extension of e-learning and placed on the e-learning

spectrum of portability. Second, m-learning is placed amongst different forms of

styles of learning other than traditional classroom-based learning which face-to-

face learning is in a stereotypical lecture. Third, techno-centric views mobile

learning as a learning using mobile devices such as personal digital assistants

(PDAs), mobile phones, tablet devices, and notebook devices. Fourth, it reveals

the student-centered perspective which focuses on the mobility of students rather

than technology aspects.

The portability issue is becoming a strong point of mobile learning as the

device is featured with the access of internet. As the development of mobile

phone has been taking place like adding more advanced features, there is

additional meaning in the definition of mobile learning. M-learning can then be



defined as a ubiquitous handheld technologies featuring with wireless and mobile

phone networks to facilitate, support, and enhance and extend the reach of

teaching and learning and it is a type of e-learning, enabled to deliver educational

contents and learning support materials (Hashemi et al, 2011; Hanafi &

Samsudin, 2012). Another product of technology such as wi-fi more emphasizes

the term portability in m-learning. Portability issue contains the meaning of

handheld. The point is not only to be carried away anywhere and anytime but

also to be suit enough in your pocket. Hockly (2014) states that mobile learning

is learning that takes via portable, often WiFi enabled, handheld devices which

are basically enough to put into pocket and to carry around such as smart phones,

e-reader, small laptop, netbooks and gaming consoles.

Besides portability, the cost efficiency is considered as a beneficial

feature or characteristic of m-learning. There are so many mobile companies

which produce and sell the products that are affordable enough for teachers and

especially students to buy. Not only mobile companies, many internet providers

also offer good price for the users. Churches et al. (2011) believe that mobile

devices provide a “cost-efficient alternative” to traditional e-learning tools

such as desktop laboratories and pods of laptops as they are becoming

“more powerful, portable, affordable and accessible. Knight et al. (2012)

herald a “mobile learning revolution”. For students, the wealth of mobile devices,

iTextbooks, cloud-based documents and education apps foster greater

personalization, collaboration, creativity and engagement in the learning process.

Nowadays, mobile phones are produced in more various new platforms

and operating systems. The newest one is claimed as smart phone which has



advanced operating system such as iOs and android that they are so advanced

enabling teachers and students to make use its fastest access to the content and

the materials of study using mobile phones. Teachers and learners are eased to

access more interesting and fascinating multimedia contents for instance audio,

videos, animations. By using their smart phones, they get more possibilities to

download the content effortlessly.

Holky (2014) classifies the mobile based on contents into four categories

and she puts them in the continuum range. The categories are based on the

content of mobile phones, the usage, types of learners’ activities, and how the

mobile contents reach learners. Based on the content of mobile phones, there are

rich content, discrete content, and both. Multi-media such as images, audio, and

video; the chance to interact with others via social networks, and access to web

resources are the examples showing rich content while discrete content covers

quizzes, polls, simple games, and applications (apps). The usage of mobile phone

covers two types; strategic and discrete. Strategic is class set and it is when

mobile phones are used as resource and to cover range of function. Discrete is

optional and it is for out-of-class and for learners’ self-study. There are three

types of learners’ activities with mobile devices: consumption (listening

podcasts, using flashcards, reviewing vocabulary), produce (recording sounds,

taking photos), and both consuming and producing. According to how the mobile

contents reach learners, they are three types of mobile contents: push content,

pull content, and mixtures (push outside and pull inside or push inside and pull

outside. When teachers are going to be responsible for sending mobile-friendly

content such as quizzes, sms-based content, audio and video to learner, this



means push contents are taking place. Pull contents is related to when the student

are going to search for and access mobile-friendly content on their own,

depending on their own interests and needs.

4. Mobile Assisted Language Learning

Mobile assisted language learning is defined as the use of mobile

technologies in language learning especially in situations where device

portability offers specific advantages (Kukulska-Hulme, 2013). Mobile assisted

language learning (MALL) is a subset of mobile learning which describes the

educational function of mobile phones to learn language. Mobile assisted

language learning (MALL) is a sub-discipline of CALL which makes use of

mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers for language learning

(Shanmugapriya & Tamilari, 2013). MALL has so much in common with

computer-assisted language learning (CALL) (Stockwell & Hubbard, 2013).

However, the point which differentiates CALL and MALL is its portability.

The development of MALL is increasing significantly as more advanced

technologies are being rapidly invented. Not only the portability feature which

eases students to carry around their devices everywhere and every time, but also

the feature that enables students to connect their phones to the internet. They are

enabled to have learning access outside classroom and computer laboratory.

Mobile phones especially smart phones have smaller size and it is described as

mini-computers that allow the learner to install application (mini-software) of

their choice from the various online app stores. In these stores is a great variety

of language learning apps that can be used offline or need an internet connection



(Andersen,2013). The portability feature of mobile devices has given birth to the

concept of mobility in student’s learning process.

There are three concepts of mobility in mobile learning namely mobility

of technology, mobility of learning, and mobility of learner (El-Husein and

Cronje, 2010, in Kim & Kwon, 2012). The first concept, mobility of technology,

means that mobile technologies such as smart phones are featured with wireless

application protocol (WAP) and Wi-Fi. Those applications will enable the

internet connection or satellites to deliver content and instruction therefore

learners will be able to study anywhere and anytime. It triggers the second

concept; the mobility of learning. Learning process is turned on not only inside

the classroom but anywhere outside the classroom. It generates modes of

educational delivery: personalized, learner-centered, situated, collaborative,

ubiquitous, and lifelong learning (Sharples, Taylor & Vavloula, 2005 in Kim &

Kwon, 2012). The third concept is the mobility of learner. Learning by using

mobile phone gives students benefits to be more flexible, to gain more access to

learning resources, and to personalize their learning activities and those will

enhance the students’ productivity and effectiveness based on the developed

senses of enjoyment, freedom, and independence (Kim & Kwon, 2012). The

concepts are drawn in the figure below.

Figure 2.1 The Concept of Mobile Learning in Three Areas (El-Husein & Cronje, 2010)



In line with the concepts of mobility in learning, here are some values

proposed specifically in mobile assisted language learning (MALL) by Ellias

(2011). First, MALL delivers content in the simplest possible format (equitable

use). Second, MALL can be used flexibly (package content in small chunks).

Third, MALL allows tolerance for error. It scaffolds and supports situated

learning methods. Last, MALL has instructional climate such as push regular

reminders, quizzes, and questions to students.

Learning English with the sophisticated and advanced mobile devices

gives students some benefits. Here are some benefits that MALL offers based on

researches. The first benefit is that MALL supports student-centered learning

(Wang et al, 2009, Cheon et al, 2012). Looi et al (2010) states that MALL’s main

characteristics, portability and versatility promotes a change in pedagogical

perspective where students become the centre to be more an active participant in

learning activities replacing a didactic teacher. Second benefit is that MALL

supports a ubiquitous learning which is learning anytime and anywhere on any

devices and it enables students to share their learning experiences with peers

(Wang et al, 2009). Students are given more access to get language learning

materials more easily and quickly wherever they are and whatever they do.

Besides, they are enabled to get additional information they need directly by

communicating with people anywhere and anytime (Kim & Kwon, 2012). Third

is that MALL heightens the learners’ autonomy and collaboration through

various resources and tools for language learning (Cho, 2009; Lee, 2010; Kim &

Kwon, 2012). A study reveals that learning with smart phones encourages

students to have more effort in their private learning, in terms of the length of



time they spent studying. It means that there is a tendency of being autonomous

in comparison to those who are prohibited from using smart phone in class (Leis

et al, 2015). The fourth benefit is that MALL encourages learners to be more

motivated (Looi et al, 2010). Other benefits are that MALL triggers an important

change in students’ value and character and that MALL allows rapid

development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills through the

individualized language learning activities synchronously (happening right now)

and/ asynchronously. The further benefit from the ubiquitous learning that

MALL promotes gives another effect on students’ value and character in learning

process. MALL can gauge students as lifelong learners and persons-to-be (Looi

et al, 2010). The last benefit purposed is that mobile learners perceived more and

preferred learning with mobile phones compared with paper and computer-based

lessons to learn vocabulary (Thornton & Houser, 2005 in Kim & Kwon, 2012).

However, there is limitation found as well. Not all applications provided

in Google play store and Apple play store are free. Based on study of exploring

smart phones application conducted by Kim and Kwon (2012), there are

applications which are three times more paid apps than the free ones. Students

will be charged in various price ranges and it depends on data capacity amount

and features offered.

5. Busuu Busuu is a language learning application that offers 12 language courses.

Previously, it was developed in the form of website and now it is being

developed and updated in mobile application. This language learning application

has been downloaded by 5 million people and it got 4.3 stars out of 5 stars



(observed in Google Play Store). Busuu is developed to bring a new mode of

learning which is not expensive, more motivating, and different from the

traditional way of learning (about Busuu.com). Learners are encouraged to enjoy

the language learning with the application and the materials that they design. The

learning materials are based on image and sound and they use native speakers to

help learners. However, not all the materials are offered free, only soma parts.

They lock some materials and in order to obtain them, learners should pay for a

Premium Membership (Anderson, 2013). As the premium members, they will be

charged Rp 71.500, 00 per month and Rp 32.500,00 per month when they register

directly for 12 months.

There are 3 stages of learning, started from beginner A1, elementary A2,

intermediate B1, upper intermediate B2 with 5-15 lessons of English learning

covering various topics such as greeting people, feelings, personal pronouns,

physical appearances, jobs, number and colors, etc. Every time a learner has

accomplished one lesson, she or he will be rewarded berries. The berries are

considered as the motivational tool in this application (Anderson, 2013). Busuu

offers some features such as learning the basics with vocabulary & grammar

units, audio dialogue, language games and interactive tests, submitting practice

exercises where native speakers’ help, setting learners’ personalized goal to

ensure them that they are reaching their learning objectives, personalizing to fit

the learners’ style of learning, ensuring they become proficient in the shortest

possible time, learning the most important 150 topics and 3000 words, specific

language training, testing their knowledge with fun quizzes and word games to

see how much they have learnt.



Busuu helps learners to work on their pronunciation, grammar, and

vocabulary right away. Busuu offers study material that covers different day-to-

day topics and it give learners various activities to comprehend the materials such

as multiple-choice questions, drag and drop ( building a sentence from a word

scramble, pairing, and word ordering), and fill in the blanks.

The content, materials, and the features encourage the learners to

experience incredible foreign language learning and to boost their confidence.

Besides the materials and tasks or activities, Busuu gives space for learners to

share their writing peace to be given feedback by native speakers or other

learners around the world.

The tables of Busuu overview based on Anderson’s (2013) which cover

review on methodology, level, motivation tools, feedback provided by the

application, learning content (covering vocabulary, listening, reading, speaking,

pronunciation, grammar, and writing), types of exercise, the software description

(size and price), and comments or feedback from the user are provided in

Appendix 1.

6. Students Grade VII

The junior high school student grade 7 are categorized as young

adolescents (10- to 15- years- olds). During that period of life time, they

experience significant intellectual development. They start to grow in their ability

to think about one’s own thinking (metacognition) and independent thought

(Kellough & Kellough, 2008). Young adolescents have started to anticipate their

needs, to be aware of their future, and to set their goals (Kellough & Kellough,

2008). Their curiosity to find and to learn new and interesting topics increases



significantly (Caskey & Anfara, 2007). Therefore, they have a great willing and

eagerness to experience active learning and more interactions with their friends in

doing the tasks.

Other intellectual developments are shown in their ability to create logical

operations, to solve problems, to develop and test hypotheses, to analyze and to

synthesize data, to grapple with complex concepts, and think reflectively

(Manning, 2002). The young adolescence gain a high achievement when they are

challenged and engaged. They also have capacity to build upon their individual

experiences and prior knowledge to make sense of the world around them

(Piaget, 1960). Bransford, Brown, & Cocking (1999) argue that the adolescent

learners are able to construct the meaning based on they understand and believe

through their experience. Therefore, the learners prefer to experience the real-life

and authentic learning.

Young adolescents nowadays are experiencing a rapid era of technology

development that they get more opportunities to interact with technology. Thus

adolescents are avid users of modern technologies that can facilitate them to have

the real-life and authentic learning. There are many advantages that young people

get from the new technology (Honet et al., 2005) such as increased motivation

and engagement in learning (O’Hara & Pritchard, 2010). According to the

findings, adolescents’ use of modern technologies has implications for

educational practice because it is now a prevalent environmental factor in

their lives (Sinforosa, 2007).

Prensky (2001) states those young adolescences represent the first

generations which grow up with new technology that they have spent their entire



lives surrounded by and using computers, videogames, digital music players,

video cams, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of the digital age and

these are integral parts of their lives. Strying (2015) specifically define the

generations born after 1997 who tend to to have a heavily digital life; they have

grown up with technology and social media and they embrace them fully as

generation Z. The characteristics of this generation are first, they are used to

receive information really fast. Second, they like to parallel process and multi-

task. Third, they like graphics that appear before texts rather than after texts.

Fourth, they prefer random access. Fifth, they function best when networked.

Sixth, they grow with instant gratification and frequent rewards. The last

character is that they prefer games to serious work.

Another term, Net Geners was coined by Topscott (2009). Net Geners

assume continual, constant access to computers, the Internet and each other, via

phone, text or some other still-emerging technology. Those factors have changed

how Net Geners act and even how their brains function in some areas. Net

Geners use computer technology naturally and easily, prefer to learn and work

collaboratively and they don’t make sharp distinctions between work and play, or

their public and private spheres (Topscott, 2009). Having been raised in an age of

media saturation and convenient access to digital technologies, Net Geners have

distinctive ways of thinking, communicating, and learning (Oblinger & Oblinger,

2005; Prensky, 2006; Tapscott, 1998) and they tend toward independence and

autonomy in their learning style (Barnes, Marateo, & Ferris, 2007).



7. Autonomy

Mobile technology enables learner to have learning situation and process

which take place not only inside classroom but also outside classroom. When the

learning happens outside the classroom, a learner may have more opportunities to

be the center of learning and she or he can learn anytime and anywhere. Benson

& Reinders (2011) states that mobile technology are potential to give learners

chances of having interaction, situated-learning, and support for learning outside

formal context. Learners are more afforded to get immediate support and more

access to resources in out-of-school context (Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler, 2005).

When learners are positioned in the situation where they do self study with the

help of their mobile phones, they take charge of their own learning

responsibilities, choices, and decisions. Therefore, the assistance or the help of

mobile learning triggers the learners’ autonomy in learning language which

means that the learners accepts responsibility for his/ her learning (Chang, 2007).

Learners have roles take control of their own learning, on their own time, and for

their own purposes (Collentine, 2011). When learners’ autonomy is developed

well, the language learning will be better since autonomy in language learning is

closely related and equivalent to each other (Benson, 2001). Research done

Reinders (2011) shows that mobile technology foster the learners’ autonomy and

there is a link between autonomy and language acquisition.

Learners’ autonomy is not only about accepting their own responsibilities

for self-learning. As defined by Paul & Elder (2008), autonomy is the freedom

and ability to manage one’s own affairs, which entails the right to make decisions

as well. There are learners’ actions to direct and control their thinking, author



their beliefs, values, and ways of thinking. The learners become the center of

learning shifting the teacher’s roles to present the information since they are able

to make use their devices to get the resources for learning (Macaskill & Taylor

2010). They will practice their language skills by using the authentic materials

which can be obtained through their mobile phones. This shows the independent

character in learners’ selves and this is line with what Nation & Macalister

(2010) states about the characteristic of an autonomous learner. They

characterize an autonomous learner as an independent and effective learner that

they show their capabilities to know how to learn language, to monitor, and to be

aware of their language learning process and progress. They are able to be

independent learning in the situation where teachers are not always able to be

around them to guide or to instruct (Nosratinia & Zaker, 2013).

There are other characters of the autonomous learners besides the point of

independence that some researchers to reveal. In 1981, Holec tried to derive two

concepts of which can be used to determine the learners’ autonomy. First is

ability which he states as a power or capacity to do something, and he argues that

it is different with behavior. Second is taking charge of one’s own learning,

indicating learners’ ability to hold responsibility for all the decision concerning

all aspects of learning such as setting, objective, decisions of content and

progression, method of learning, learning progress monitoring, and learning

product evaluation. Benson (2001) argues that the sufficient autonomy are

determined by three levels of controls; controls over learning management,

cognitive process, and learning content. Taking control over learning

management means they are able to plan, to organize, and to evaluate their



learning and he states that those are observable thorough their behavior.

However, another level of control (control over cognitive process) such as

attention, reflection, and meta-cognitive awareness can be observed since they

happen in human’s brain. The cognitive process is more related to psychological

aspects of learning. The last level is control over learning content which consider

the social aspects of learners’ situations and abilities to interact with others.

His contend is more in line with what Confossore’s (1992) statement of

personal characteristics of autonomous learners where both of them tries to

define about the personal characteristics of autonomous learners (Myartawan et

al., 2013) such as desire, resourcefulness, initiative, and persistence. Desire

reflects the learners’ freedom, power, and change over their life. Resourcefulness

is related to the intention to make decision and action in order to solve problems.

When the learners are resourceful, they are able to expect and prepare themselves

for their future rewards of learning. They are able to make learning as the main

priority over the other activities which are considered more fun. Though they find

the obstacles or problems during learning, they are found able to solve them. The

initiative character refers to behavior of planning the goals and objectives to

attain the goals through their learning activities. When they keep continuously

moving on despite the problems and challenges they face without waiting for

helps from others, they show the last character of autonomy; persistence.

Confessore and Park (2004) divide the characteristics of autonomous

learners to two main constructs; conative and preconative. Conative includes

beliefs (cognitive entity) and attitudes (affective entity) while pre-conative covers

the learners’ intentions such as resourcefulness, initiatives, and persistence.



Ponton (2010) confirms that self-efficacy is considered as one of the

characteristics of autonomous learners instead of desire.

Autonomy plays an important role in students’ language learning

especially in the context of learning English as a foreign language where in order

to develop their language competences they are supposed to learn not only inside

classroom but also outside classroom. There are three reasons proposed by

Myartawan et al. (2013) showing the importance of learning autonomy. First,

learner autonomy can be a solution to the problem of learner’s intrinsic

motivation. Second, learner autonomy is related to the success of learning since

the autonomy in learning triggers to learn efficiently and effectively. Third,

autonomy in learning can enhance language learners to learn optimally

developing their communicative skills since they can make use every opportunity

both inside and outside classroom to learn (Scharle & Szabo, 2000 in Myartawan

et al., 2013). According to importance of the learning autonomy, it reveals the

notion that learners who enjoy a high degree of autonomy (especially, social

autonomy) in their learning environment would have more opportunities to

develop their communicative ability as compared to those who do not (Scharle &

Szabo, 2000).

Technology such as mobile phone can assist the students in positive way

to develop their autonomy, however technology can be also found detrimental on

the learners’ autonomy. There are negative effects revealed by Reinders (2010).

First, when the learners are not prepared well, the authentic materials or native

speakers can be detrimental if learners are not prepared or supported for this.

Second, when learners depend much on the technology such as online dictionary,



they can be discouraged from memorizing new vocabularies. Third is related to

the negative impact related to learners’ learning development. Learners may learn

English from gaming application in mobile phone, however it limits them to learn

the language from other genres and it will not push them to engage in other types

of other language practices in reading and writing more texts (Gee, 2003 in

Reinders, 2010).

8. Lived Experience

The approach which is used to seek and understand the certain

phenomena is qualitative research approach which will concern more about the

verbal data of description and interpretation of those phenomena. One

phenomenon itself is a situation and condition manipulated by a researcher

(Patton, 2002). Its setting is a real world setting which is observed in order to

gather the participants’ view of their meaningful lived experiences. The

participants’ honest story is not the result of generalization; instead the findings

will be understood and interpreted deeply. Van Manen (1990) asserts that lived

experience is similar to phenomenology since the aim of the research is to study

the human experiences in relation with understanding and giving meanings to

world around them.

According to Creswell (1998), phenomenology research provides the

meaning of the lived experiences for several individuals about a concept or the

phenomenon which in this context is a context of senior high school students who

use Busuu. Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger in the last century, has been

considered both as a philosophical approach and methodology (Manen, 1990).



The aim in phenomenological research is to explore the consciousness and

essence of the lived experiences and therefore this research perspective try to

unveil the qualitative rather than the quantitative factors in human experiences

(Moustakas, 1994). According to Dowling (2007) researchers in

phenomenological perspective should conduct the study without any prejudice in

order to understand the phenomenon correctly and presented accurately.

B. Pre-Understanding

There is an increasing degree of interest of using mobile assisted language

learning to help the students learning English. Mobile devices are believed to

offer some unique benefits to learning. These benefits, often the foci of many m-

learning research, includes flexibility, accommodating special needs of some

learners, improving learners’ engagement and motivation, encouraging learners’

critical thinking and construction of knowledge, and facilitating the

communication and collaboration. M-learning results in more interaction and

collaboration than traditional learning. Students in m-learning are also engaged in

active and reflective learning.

Nowadays, many products or applications of smart phones that can be

used to learn English anywhere and anytime. One product is Busuu which has

been so far becoming popular for it has been downloaded by around five millions

people around the world. The materials provided in this application do not only

help the learners to improve their knowledge of English vocabulary, expressions,

and reading skill but also listening and speaking skills. This application creates

more opportunities for the users to learn practice their listening, writing, reading

and speaking skills with assistance from a rapidly growing community of native



speakers. Using Busuu in learning does not only deal with their improvement in

knowledge or skills. There must be struggles, efforts, and self-improvement that

can be reflected through the students’ lived experiences in using Busuu.

Considering the role of smart phone application in learning English,

Busuu will affect the users who are students in junior high school grade 7 in

perceiving its functions and meaning. The meanings which are formed are related

to both their efficiency and effectiveness in learning. The students have their own

perceived meanings which evolve around their awareness, belief, their life

history, learning strategy, and learning action. Using Busuu would give results on

less time to learn, more enjoyment, and more enthusiastic feeling. It also helps

the students to have better pronunciation and grammar ability that can improve

their effectiveness in learning. Those are bracketed under pre-figured themes

namely: Busuu facilitates more to learn English anytime and anywhere, learning

English is more fun with Busuu, the application assists the participants to

improve their English skills and to be more autonomous.





This chapter aims to ensure that the data verification is valid, telling that

the empirical truth verifies the logical truth validly. The detail information about

the method which was used to answer the research question is presented in this

chapeter. This chapter covers method, design, data description, research

procedure, research setting, participant, data gathering technique, research

instruments, data analysis and trustworthiness of the research.

A. Research Method

The research method was a hermeneutic phenomenology research which

focused on the description and the interpretation of the participants’ lived

experiences. This type of research is a part under one umbrella of

phenomenology research. Phenomonology itself as defined by Langdridge (2007)

as a discipline which has purpose in focusing on people’s lived experience. It

deals with the revealed meaning in their experience. It is in line with what Manen

(1997) states that phenomenology deals with a description of how one orients to

lived experiences. Hermeneutic describes how one interprets the texts of life

(Manen, 1997).

The aim of the study was to get the better understanding of the nature and

quality of phenomena as they present themselves (Willig, 2008). The

phenomenology research deals with lived experiences that seek to describe and

interpret the person’s point of view towards the meaningful experiences of a

certain phenomenon.



B. Research Design

The goal of this research is to help the students become more self-

actualized. The research was started with an observation in order to find out

participants who used Busuu regulary at that time. There were ten students who

had used Busuu. Out of ten, there were two students who had been using Busuu

for 6 months. They were the students who used the application longer than the

other students. Those students then became the participants to be interviewed in

this study.

The in-depth interviews were done and the obtained data which was in the

form of texts was transcribed and interpreted to seek the meaning of their

experiences towards the phenomenon.

C. Research Setting

The study was conducted in one private junior high school in the centre

area of Yogyakarta city. The study was focused on the grade 7 and the

observation was done to four classes. Based on the observation, there were 2

participants selected for this study. The study was conducted for one semester

ranging from the observation and interview process to the description and the

interpretation of the texts.

D. Research Procedure

The initial step done is an observation step in order to select the

participants who were willing and excited to share their lived experiences of

using Busuu for learning out of school. The selection was done through the

observation of berries (rewards) they got in their Busuu as an indicator of how

long time they had used the application. The amount of berries could show the



consistency of using this application, the more they got the longer period of time

of using Busuu.

After selecting two participants, the next step which was interview was

done to these participants. For each participant, the interview was held once and

it lasted for 30-40 minutes. The interview process was recorded and the results

were transcribed. After the transcription process, the texts were described and


E. Research Data

This section covers the description of the study’s data type, the

information of the selected participants, the technique and instruments used to

collect the data, and the technique for analyzing the data.

1. Nature of Data . The nature of data in this research is texts. The data obtained from this

study is presented in the form of text which was taken from the participants’

lived experiences of using Bussu for learning English. Based on the texts which

were obtained from the participants, the researcher sought the description and the

interpretation of the meaning.

2. Participants

Data sources cover participants and setting of the study. The participants

of this research were two junior high school students grade seven who were

interested in this research and had a great willingness to share their stories and

point of view towards the phenomenon. The students were from the same private

junior high school in Yogyakarta.



The two participants were male students and they were 13 years old. They

started to get their own smart phones since they were in grade 6 of elementary


3. Data Gathering Tecniques and Instruments The first step done was the observation. This helped me to determine the

participants who were excited to use Busuu. In-depth interview were done to get

the main data resources to describe and interpret the students’ lived experiences

of using Busuu in English learning. To each of two participants, an in-depth

interview was done for 30-40 minutes. The interviews were recorded and then the

texts were transcribed. The questions asked to the participants during the

interview were not wholly the planned questions. The follow up interview was

done that the following questions for the participant depended on the flow of the


The instrument used in this study was in-depth interview. The interview

was a snow-balling interview, which questions of the interview were developed

naturally following the directions of the interview. The questions were not totally

set but they came up as the results of the interviewees’ previous answers.

4. Data Analysis Techniques

The collected data which was taken from the in-depth interview with the

participants were analyzed to get the description and interpretation of their lived

experiences of learning English with using Busuu. The data was analyzed using

six steps proposed by Creswell (2012). There were six steps done in analyzing

the data of this study.The first step was preparing and organizing the data for

analysis. The data from the in-depth interviews were transcribed from the



recorded interview. The second step was exploring and coding the texts. The

purpose of coding was to seek and to build themes and the themes were


I described and interpreted the data which developed the understanding of

learning English using Busuu. The example of coding is 1-Gil35-LE- Pre-Au. It

means that the transcript can be found in Appendix 2. Gil35 means the

conversation which is done with Gilang can be found at line 35 in the appendix.

LE stands for lived experience. Pre means pre-figured themes. This showed that

the chunk of the texts was categorized under the pre-figured theme. Au

symbolized autonomy. The fourth step was representing and reporting qualitative

finindings. The fifth step was interpreting the findings.

F. Trustworthiness

The research need to be validated or trusted so that in order to see the

agreement between the purpose or the intention with what has been done or the

implementation. It will be shown the high degree of trustworthiness of this

research that this research report is truly lived experience description and

interpretation not beautification of behavior and imaginations.

This research is categorized as a qualitative research which data will be

validated using triangulation method. The triangulation was conducted to support

the trustworthiness of the study. In order to build the triangulation, the research

will be crosschecked and seen from three angles.

This research used comformability principle where the the results of the

participants’ experiences were confirmed to reduce the gap between the



participants and the researcher interpretation. This study used member check

strategy where the participants were asked to check my interpretation. After

finishing the description, analysis, and interpretation, I went to my participants to

ask for their confirmation. I asked them to check my interpretation and add any

comment or statement in order to preserve the validity.





This chapter discusses the findings of the research and there are two main

points are being discussed. First is the description of the participants’ lived

experiences and second is the discussion of meanings interpretation based on

their lived experiences.

A. The Description of the Participants’ Lived Experiences.

There were two participants who were being interviewed. Their names are

Gilang and Dewa. They are at the same age and they come from the same school.

Below are the descriptions of their lived experiences of learning English using


1. Gilang’s Story

Gilang is now 13 years old, and he has been using smart phone since he

was grade 5th in elementary school. It was in 2012, where some new smart

phones with brand Samsung were launched. His smart phone’s brand that time

was Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 and he still keeps it until now with another smart

phone he bought. He has got two smart phones now. When he was asked why he

bought the phone, his answer did not refer to the communication functionality,

yet he was so excited to say that the main reason he bought the phone is to play

games. Since he was in 5th grade, he had already downloaded various games

application in his smart phone such as Angry Bird and Tiny Thief. He mentioned

that there were twelve games in total which he downloaded and played that time.

He enjoyed playing the games very much.



Besides gaming applications, he often listens to music in his smart phone

and he enjoys English songs. For him, it is important to understand the lyric

besides enjoying the beat of the songs. In order to understand the lyrics, Gilang

makes use of Google translator application to help him translating the lyrics. He

uses the application to translate not only the English lyrics but also every English

word that he does not know.

“Whenever an English song caught my attention and I saw the

lyric written in TV’s screen, I right away searched the full lyric in

Google and got the translation from Google translator. Once in a

year ago, I saw a new word in a big billboard. It was the first time

I read a word ‘maybe’ and I did not know the meaning. Then, I

used Google translation in my mobile phone to get the Indonesian

of that word. Ohh..it’s meaning is ‘mungkin’.”

English is his favorite lesson since he was in the elementary school grade

2nd. He enriches his English vocabulary by collecting words which he get

anywhere such as from advertisements, games, and book. When he was asked

whether he had a dictionary or not, he tried to remember when the last time he

got his own dictionary. He had ever got a dictionary when he was at grade three

of elementary school.

“I had ever had a dictionary, when I was still in the 3rd grade

of elementary school. I asked my aunt who worked in one

publishing office that time to buy me the dictionary. But I found

that searching words’ meaning in the dictionary was annoying

and complicated. I prefer using Google translator since it is

easier to search the meaning with it than looking up in the

dictionary; therefore I do not use the dictionary anymore.”

When he entered junior high school, his parents bought him a new smart

phone. The brand was Samsung Galaxy Young. He felt so happy since he could

download more gaming applications. Every day he interacts with his two smart

phones; whenever he wakes up, before going to school, going home after school,



before and after taking nap he always opens his phones. Most of the time, Gilang

will check his phones for the sake of gaming; to check that his points are not

taken away by his online game competitors. The only time when he is away from

his phones is in school’s time since his school does not allow their students to

bring their phones to school. If any student is found bringing his or her phones,

the phones will be confiscated until the time when the student is graduated from

the school. This school’s rule made him feeling upset and sad.

“I will be sad when I got a notification ‘your village is being raid’. I am so sad when my ‘Elixir’ or ‘gold’ are stolen. I am very upset when I have already got 1 million but then 259.032 of it are stolen. It is hurting me when I am not allowed to bring my phone to school for I cannot check whether ‘my village is being raid’ or not. It is too bad when Miss saved 15 million already and then your 5 million is stolen. It’s hurting, isn’t it? Besides it was burdensome when my teacher asked me to search some words by looking up the dictionary. I am too lazy to do that. Why do we need to open the dictionary when we have a smart phone? It’s more comfortable to bring our phones and use them to translate the words.”

He always makes sure that “the shield” is active to protect all his “virtual

belongings” in his games and after he played all games in his phone, he started to

feel bored. He admitted that basically he was so easy to get bored. When the

games were felt boring, he moved to another application which he fully aware

stated as language learning application.

(GIL): “At nights, when my ‘shields’ had been already turned

‘active’ let’s say for 11 hours and there were no more games that

I can play since I had already finish them, I felt bored. That time, I

opened that application; Busuu. For me, Busuu is indeed for

learning and it is different with games.”

The first time he downloaded and used Busuu was when he was in the

first grade of junior high school. He did not know that there was such application



for learning English until his English teacher told him. Being led by a curiosity,

he decided to download it and he started to use this application when he got

bored with his gaming applications. There are some levels in this application. He

started from the “beginner” level and he was curious to continue to the next tasks

on the next levels.

(GIL): “In the beginning, I couldn’t download it for many times. I

didn’t know, ‘an error happened’. It was always ‘an error

happened’ until I tried Wi-Fi connection. Before, I felt fed up

since I kept failing to download it. After getting connected to Wi-

Fi, I was able to download it. I didn’t know about Busuu before. If

my English teacher didn’t tell me, I would never know. Nobody

told me about it. I felt curious after and then I started to try from

the level ‘beginner’. It is easy! I got 100 and then 100… and then

‘You have five berries’. Five, five, five,,,hmmm it’s easy for me. I

moved to intermediate level. Then in this level, I started to feel

quite difficult doing the tasks. There were more difficult words I

found in this level. Once, I found a word ‘solve’ and I didn’t know

its meaning. I was about to search it in Google translate but I

skipped it. That time, I almost run out my internet data package

and I am afraid to lose all the internet data.

In his learning process using Busuu, losing his internet data was one thing

that he was afraid of besides getting difficulties of understanding the strange

words he found in the next levels he took that time. Because of the limited

internet data that he could afford, he stopped playing games and Busuu for a

while. Something happened after he was off and it shocked him a bit since he lost

all his berries, none was left that time. This made him sad and he was about to

give up, however he decided to keep moving on though sometimes it was

difficult to do all the task over again. He was interested to try two other

languages such as Chinese and Spanish, but those were so difficult for him that

he finally decided to keep focusing to learn English first. Though many times he

got difficulties in understanding the English words, the pictures provided in the



application were so helpful. The most interesting topics for him in Busuu were

‘different personalities’, ‘hobbies’, and ‘dream jobs’ (what he wants to be in the

future). Besides he liked topics related to holiday, feelings and emotions, talents,

news, opinions, and transportation. He got many new English words especially in

describing personalities. He mentioned some words such as rude, boring,

aggressive, anti-social, ignored, loud, lazy, and annoying. The tasks were easy as

well so he dared himself to jump right away to the intermediate level. However,

it was always quite upsetting to deal with downloading the unit resources since it

would take a very long time.

(GIL): “…about different personalities, about my hobbies, and

about what I want to be in the future. The thing I dislike most is

‘downloading unit resource’. It takes a very long time. I jump to

the intermediate level for the materials in the beginner level are

easy for me. I just do words matchings.”

When we did reflection on his purpose of using Bussu and on both

positive things and negative things of using Busuu for learning, he tried to

mention everything he got in details. His main intention was to keep him away

from feeling bored and to enrich his knowledge. For him, the positive things from

learning with Busuu: first, Busuu was entertaining and second, Busuu was source

of knowledge that could help him to enrich his knowledge on English language

skills such as vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, writing, and reading. He could

experience improvement especially in listening, pronunciation, and word

spelling. Gilang stated that Busuu helped him to memorize words through the

repetition activities and the recording. Busuu also provided him an access to

learn directly from native speakers.



(R): “What’s your intention of using this application?”

(GIL): “…so that I will not get bored…and…to enrich my

knowledge; I will come to know the things I do not know before.

(GIL): …for example, there was a word ‘rude’. Previously,I still

pronounce that word as /rude/. Here, I was taught how to

pronounce the word ‘rude’ as /ru:d/. Then I learn ‘dialogue’. I

listened to the dialogues one by one and then some parts of the

dialogues will be left blank, then I will be asked to fill in the blank

boxes by dragging one correct words from the provided words

options to the boxes. Emm… I can directly learn from native

speakers, since native speakers usually speak fast and not so

clear, therefore here I am able to understand what they are

talking about little by little.”

(GIL): “’impossible’ … I am confused, which letter is doubled,

whether b or p, b or m?. None of them! The letter ‘s‘is in fact that

should be doubled.”

However, he disliked the locked materials. The requirement to unlock the

materials, activities, and quizzes was one of negative points he got from playing

with Busuu. Other negative points he felt were “boros kuota” and “boros baterai”.

(GIL): “ eman-eman. Huhhh!!...annoying…for I have to pay. I am

already so far to reach this level and the tasks are unlocked. I

really want to check my improvement…but..they are locked, and I

have to pay…(sigh)…I wish that I am given some money. I wish,

and then I would unlock these. Exciting!”

(R): “Have you ever asked your father some money to unlock

these?” (P): “ (laughing)… No, I don’t want. ‘eman-eman’.

There are so many which are locked. All quizzes, except materials

in the beginner level.”

(GIL): “negative…is ‘boros kuota’ and ‘boros baterai’”

Gilang considered Busuu as a facility to learn more about English. For

him, Busuu provided him space and time for him to improve his confidence to

learn speaking. He realized that he needed to master English since this language

ability would be useful in the future to seek job. He argued that the work vacancy

in Indonesia is limited therefore he had to prepare himself to work abroad.



Before, he could only depend to Google translate, his aunt, and his English

private teacher. However, since he knew Busuu, he could feel more assistance

that facilitated him to learn and practice more.

(GIL)“I really want to learn more about English, but

unfortunately there were no any facility to help me. I am not

confident enough when for example a foreigner is asking a

question to me. If I make mistakes in how I speak, it will be so

embarrassing. But here I found Busuu can become a facility for

me, so I feel of being assisted. Not only Google translator. Before,

I sometimes asked my aunt, but later no more when I have already

found them.”

(R):”Is English learning important for you?”

(GIL): “Important, for sure. If we are going to seek job in

Indonesia but there is none available, we then go abroad.”

(R): “I see”

(GIL): “Nowadays, job vacancy is limited in Indonesia.”

Outside classroom, Gilang would usually learn with his father. However,

his father was not able to help Gilang learning English. Therefore, Gilang had an

English private teacher whose house was just across his house. There were times

when Gilang did not know some words and he asked his English private teacher.

However, he did not get the answers so that he turned to Google translator for the

answers. As the time went by, Google translator became his priority to get the

answer than his teacher. Whenever he got question, he would first go to his smart

phone and search the word in Google translator. When the answer was not quite

satisfying, that time he would go to his teacher.

(GIL):“If it is about English, I do not study with my father. I study

with my English private teacher and Google translator.

(GIL):”for instance, when I do not know the meaning of some

words, my English private teacher asked me to search them in

Google translator. I can be more independent anyway. But when I

ask my teacher and she does not know, I will give up.



(R): “Do you still ask some help to your English teacher at your

school when you have problem in learning English?”

(GIL): “well ya..but sometimes I am quite scared of my teacher.”

Busuu then became an additional assistance that helped Gilang to learn

English outside school. For him there are no similar applications as Busuu. He

preferred to use Busuu because of the offered features such as animation,

interesting interface and appearance, interesting materials and types of activities,

and the reward “berries”. For around five months he used Busuu, he had already

got 10.000 berries. Even he stated that he preferred to learn from Busuu than to

learn from books. For him, books were more expensive and less interesting.

(R): “Have you ever tried to find other English learning

applications in Play Store?”

(GIL): “Never.”

(R): “Why?”

(GIL): “I do not know other applications and I am not interested

for that. I am interested in playing Busuu. I do not find any other

application which is similar with it. Its interface is interesting and

its animations are good. If the interface is not interesting enough,

I have no desire to learn and no excitement to play with it. The

materials are also good featured with animations, like doodles. I

can get berries!”

(R): “How do you feel when you have already got 10.000


(GIL): “I do not realize I’ve been this so far. It is so fast, isn’t it?

But somehow, I get bored since I found this is getting easier as the

time goes by. Moreover, I have got help from Google translator.”

(R): “Why don’t you read books?”

(GIL): “The problem is, I don’t have money to buy books…Long

time ago, I had ever got many books but no more now. It is

because my uncle who used to afford me buying books does not

stay in Jogja anymore. He is now in Surabaya.

(R): “So, books are the last option? How about free articles and

books that you can get from the internet?”

(GIL): “Never. Even, I had ever got an anatomy book written in

English…but everything looks so complicated and I do not

understand the meaning!



(GIL): “Busuu has pictures. It is clear and it provides ways to

pronounce the words.

Busuu helped Gilang to learn English outside classroom where he could

get more knowledge and spaces to practice English. The interesting pictures,

animation, interfaces, various types of learning activities that he got from this

application motivated him to learn English in his spare time and when he was

getting bored of doing nothing. He wished that he could unlock the materials in

every level. Not by money, he had an imagination which he considered as well as

a suggestion to the company, that every learner could unlock the materials by

exchanging or paying with the berries he or she has got. He also hoped that there

would be more virtual games embedded in this application.

2. Dewa’s Story Dewa is a junior high school student grade 7th and he is 13th years old.

The first time he used smart phone was when he was still at grade 5th of

elementary school. It was in around 2011. He got his personal smart phone that

he used mainly to communicate with his father and mother. It would ease him to

call and to text his father or mother anytime, especially whenever the school hour

had finished. He mentioned that its brand was Samsung but he forgot which type

or series that time. Besides to contact his parents, he used his smart phone for

Facebook and other social media, and also games.

When he started his study in junior high school, he asked for a new smart

phone. His parents then bought him a new smart phone. Its brand was Samsung

Grand Prime. He asked for a new phone since he needed to more things with his

phone, especially he wanted to download more gaming applications and social

media. Related to the question whether he downloaded some education or



learning application, he answered that he got Busuu. It was the only education or

learning application he had in his smart phone. He had ever downloaded a

dictionary application but it was error application, therefore he decided to

uninstall it.

“In my old smart phone, the games were so limited, they are only

????. In my new phone, we can play games which are

downloaded and purchased from Play Store or the other


(R) : “So the first thing you did when you got a new phone was

downloading gaming application?”

(DEW): “I downloaded social media applications first, and then I

downloaded games.”

(R): “Could you mention the example?”

(DEW): “Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Line, later I

downloaded games. Just some common games such as Game Pou

and Subway Surf.”

He learnt English since he was in kindergarten. Besides, his parents

brought him to some private courses, and one of them was English course. He

enjoyed learning English and English became his favorite lesson since then. He

had ever stopped joining English course for a while (when he was at 1st grade of

elementary school) but he joined the course again when he was at 2nd grade up to

he was at junior high school. Outside school time, he learnt English by using

some resources such as books and notes. He got his own English private teacher

that helped to learn English through quizzes, activities, and games. Besides,

Dewa made use products of technology around him to learn such as laptop and

smart phone.

(R): “What do you use to learn English?”

(DEW): “From books. I study from the materials in the books and

from the notes I got in school. My English private teacher gives me

quizzes and games which are related to the lesson. I am given



blank paper, and then I have to write the names he mentioned in

the back of the paper.”

(R): “Do you use other resources or not?”

(DEW): “I usually use laptop and smart phone. I search other

learning materials with my laptop, and for sure it is to translate.

Sometimes I do not know the meaning of some words, then I will

open Google translator.

(R): “I see. How about using your smart phone?”

(DEW): “I usually use it to translate as well.”

(R): “Which one you mostly use?”

(DEW): “Smart Phone.”

Dewa interacted with his smart phone daily to connect with others

through Facebook and Instagram. When he did not have things to do, he would

usually chat with his friends and uploaded some photos to his social media

accounts. It would take longer time when he had to reply chat and comments in

his time line. Until one day, he knew about Busuu. Same with Gilang, he got

information about that application from his English teacher at school. He did not

know about any application for learning besides dictionary before. After being

told about this, he downloaded, installed this application, and used it daily. For

him, Busuu was quite interesting. He could enrich his English vocabulary and he

could practice more how to pronounce the words.

(R): “Did you know any English learning application like Busuu


(DEW): “Not yet. I just know Busuu when I am in junior high


(R): “What did you do after being told about this application?”

(DEW): “I downloaded it, and I used it. I logged in with my email,

so then I could get access to play and it was quite exciting.”

(R): “How exciting is it?”

(DEW):”At the beginning, I was taught of the vocabulary. After

that I would do the quizzes. They are all provided there. I have

never experienced this before. I can enrich my knowledge and I

can enrich my vocabulary too. Moreover, when I am at school,

there are tasks and I have to use the dictionary. Then, I have to



search them one by one, word by word. If we use a translator, I

can directly get the meaning. Through Busuu, we can know how

to pronounce and to write words.

When Dewa used Busuu, he found out that there were many materials in

Busuu which were similar with what he was learning at his school. He liked the

topics in Busuu which were related to daily life such as family members, public

places and jobs. He considered that learning with Busuu could assist him to learn

deeper about the topics which were related to what were being taught at school.

He observed his improvement in his test score that he got better score after he

used Busuu.

(DEW): “In Busuu, I learn about things which are related to daily

life, like family tree, public places.”

(R): “Which topics do you like most?”

(DEW):”Family tree.”

(R): “Why?”

(DEW): “I got the similar material at school. I learnt about

relations in family that time but actually I did not too understand.

Then I get this in Busuu, so I get chance to learn about it again.

Later, I understand this quite better than before, my test score

result was satisfying.”

(R): “Is there any other interesting topic?”

(DEW): “About job. Usually people only mention doctor, police

when they are talking about profession. But here, I can get

something more than that, broader. I found a job like farmer or

other jobs which are commonly taken for granted. For us, those

jobs are also important.”

Besides in English vocabulary enrichment, listening and pronunciation

practices, Dewa found that Busuu helped him to memorize words. Things which

were unclear before became easier to be understood in Busuu. He was helped to

understand the materials through the dialogs which were provided in every topic

in Busuu.



(R): “Are there other things else that you get to learn besides

vocabulary, listening, and pronunciation?”

(DEW): “Memorizing. So I have to memorize properly.”

(DEW): “I only knew little before and some were not so clear for

me. And here in Busuu, it helps me to learn deeper and finally I

can really understand. Busuu has dialogues, and finally we can

understand of what it means or what is being talked about.”

Dewa had already reached intermediate level and he got 1,300 berries so

far. He used Busuu almost every day when he went home after school and when

he had already done his homework. He played his Busuu in his spare time as

well. Before he got to know Busuu, he usually played computer and played

games in his phone. Being asked of which one he preferred, he liked both

activities; playing games in phone and playing Busuu, yet he realized the

importance of learning as a priority for he could learn many things which were

related to what he was learning at his school. He felt that many materials in

Busuu were similar and were related to the school’s materials and Busuu assisted

him to get deeper understanding.

(DEW): “Every day,,,I open it when I am doing nothing. Usually

after school, after I have finished my homework and I have my

free time.

(R): “What did you usually do before you use Busuu?”

(DEW): “Play with my computer or I play games in my phone.”

(R): “Which one do you like more, playing games or playing with


(DEW): “Actually, I like both of them. But, if it is related to study,

learning with Busuu is more important. I enjoy learning with

Busuu than playing games.”

Most of the time, he would study by himself at home. His parents would

assist him learning sometimes only. He felt fine with that and he felt comfortable

and independent enough to study alone. So did the learning with Busuu. He



enjoyed being with his Busuu by himself at his room. There were also times

when he enjoyed playing Busuu with his friends at school. His friends and Dewa

played together after school hours in school yard since they were not allowed to

bring phone to school during school hours. He felt more excitement when he

played Busuu together with his friend for he could sense the excitement of

competing with his friends.

(DEW): “One day, after school, I played Busuu with my friends.

All of us opened the same topic and the same materials together.

Then we competed to finish the quizzes as fast as we could.

(R): “How did you feel that time?”

(DEW): “It was surely more exciting than playing alone.”

Reflecting on the positive things that Dewa got from learning English

with Busuu, he mentioned some points. He could enrich his knowledge and

English vocabulary by learning with Busuu. There were many new vocabulary

that he got and he could understand the materials more. Busuu helped Dewa to be

more focus on learning. For him focus was an important for as long as he was

focused on what he was learning, it would be easier for him to understand. He

felt that Busuu had motivated him much to learn through the various materials

provided there such as quizzes. There were times when he failed to complete the

tasks and he gave wrong answers. However, he did not give up that time. He kept

trying to pass the quizzes instead.

(DEW): “I can broader my knowledge and I can enrich my

vocabulary. Besides, Busuu helps me to be more focus on

learning. If we do not focus when we are learning something, we

are getting more difficult in understanding the materials.”

(R): “So Busuu has helped you to be more focus?”

(DEW): “Yes.”

(DEW): “I get more spirits to learn…Learning at school and

learning with your English teacher at school are sometimes



boring…the quizzes in Busuu challenges me to not easily give up.

Sometimes, I gave wrong answers so that I had to repeat from the

beginning. It encourages me to do better. Finally, I kept trying

until I pass the quizzes with the right answers.”

The other things that motivated Dewa to learn with Busuu were the

various activities or tasks which were provided in Busuu. What he could learn

was not only English vocabulary but also reading and listening. For him, this

application offered things which were different and this appealed him. Another

thing which was appealing and interesting was the “berries”. He considered that

learning with Busuu could be like playing games as he was rewarded many

berries after he could finish the tasks or quizzes. Based on berries he got, he felt

happy to see how far he had learnt using Busuu and he was excited to get more


(DEW): “In Busuu, I do not only read, but I can practice my

listening and pronunciation. This is different from others.”

(R): “Any other else which is interesting for you?”

(DEW): “The moment when I collect the berries. Sometimes, I feel

that learning is just like to read. But here, learning can be like

games. So here I have to get as many berries as I can. Later, when

I get many berries, this can be a sign showing that I have learnt

many materials.”

(R): “How many berries do you get so far?”

(DEW): “1,300.”

(R): “How do you feel?”

(DEW): “Surely happy. It makes me realize that I have learnt

many things and I want to get more berries, as many as I can.

Dewa did not find any negative effect or impact of learning English with

Busuu. During the time he learnt with Busuu, he did not find any significant

difficulty. There were some moments when he felt difficult to understand the

materials since he never learnt it before. That time, he went to his English private



teacher to ask some explanations. He felt that his teacher’s explanation and

guides helped him to understand the materials he got in Busuu.

Related to the unlocked materials and quizzes, Dewa still felt fine with

that. He knew that he had to subscribe by paying some money using credit cards.

He did not want to unlock the materials before he finished other free materials

and he knew that it would be impossible to ask his parents since his parents

would be angry.

(R): “What do you think about the locked materials?”

(DEW): “I think we have to become a member or we have to

subscribe so then we will be able to unlock the materials.

Perhaps, we have to pay every month or every year.”

(R): “Did you subscribe?”

(DEW): “No.”

(R): “Why?”

(DEW): “That time, there were still many materials that I have

not finished and understood yet. Better I finish them all first

before paying some money to unlock the materials.

(R): “What did you feel when you knew that you had to pay to

unlock the materials?”

(DEW): “I felt nothing. I knew already I couldn’t pay because I

did not have my own credit card. My parents have but I would be

scolded if I asked my parents for it.”

Dewa realized that there was a change in his daily life after he knew and

played Busuu. Before, he used his spare or free time to play. After he

downloaded and used Busuu, he used his spare time to use Busuu and he realized

that it was a learning time for him. He got more time and space to learn more

instead of playing games. He enjoyed the learning process with Busuu for it

could be like a game. By learning with Busuu, he came to realize that English

was getting easier to learn. He did not agree with what his friends’ opinions that

English is not enjoyable lesson to learn and English is difficult to learn. Busuu



helped him a lot to prove that their opinions were wrong. What he experienced

about learning English was the other way around.

(DEW): “For sure there is a change in my daily schedule. Before

I knew Busuu, I usually played game in my spare time. It was only

about playing. Learning with Busuu is like learning with games. I

can both learn and play games. It is neither learning only nor

playing games only.”

(R): “What else?”

(DEW):”A change of mindset. Many friends of mine told me that

English is not an enjoyable lesson, English is difficult. But, after I

tried it myself, their opinions were all wrong. In fact, English is

fun and easy. The lesson materials are easy to be understood. This

application is so helpful.”

He felt so grateful that there is an English learning application like Busuu

for it helped him a lot in learning English. It introduced him a new way of

learning and gaming at the same time. He had a hope that there would be not

many materials which were locked.

B. The Interpretations of the Participants’ Lived-Experiences

1. Pre-Figured Themes The interpretations below were bracketed under the pre-figured themes

which were determined based on the conceptual or logical truth in theoretical

framework at chapter two. There are two kinds of meaning assigned under the

themes; empirical meaning and transcendent meaning.

a. Empirical Meanings The following interpretation under empirical meanings consists of three

themes. They are: first is Busuu facilitates an ubiquitous English learning, second

is Busuu assits me to improve my English skills, and third is Learning is more

fun with Busuu.



1) Ubiqitous English Learning One main feature offered by learning with mobile phone and mobile

applications is ubiquitous learning or learning anytime and anywhere. The

emergence of the advanced and modern hand held smart phone is noticed to

enable a new learning environment for the users, where learning itself will not be

limited by space (room) and time (Vavoula & Sharples, 2002; Sharples, 2006;

Ally, 2009; Wang et al., 2009; Ellias, 2011; Kim & Kwon, 2012; Andersen,

2013). Learning English does not take place in classroom only, but technology

such as smart phone enables a learner like Gilang to experience the process of

learning outside of his classroom and out of his English class hours. Based on the

interview with Gilang, the notion “anytime” for him is not referred to only his

hours outside of school hours but also his spare time when he is free from his

gaming activity and when he feels bored as he has already finished his games.

Busuu then becomes his option to drive his boredom away.

At the same time, Busuu also becomes a facility to learn English beside

Google Translator. For him, Busuu provided him space and time for him to

improve his confidence to learn speaking. Gilang felt that it is really helpful in

his process of acquiring and enriching his English vocabulary. Before he knew

and used Busuu, he had already made use the feature of technology such as

Google Translator to assist him in understanding the words’ meaning. He stated

that he wanted to learn more about English, however that time he had not found

any facility to assist him learning English besides Google Translator. He stated

that it is not enough to assist him learning.



(GIL): “I really want to learn more about English, but

unfortunately there were no any facility to help me… “

But here I found Busuu can become a facility for me, so I feel of

being assisted. Not only Google translator.

It can be implied from his notion that he had a deep desire and enthusiasm

to learn English for he considered that learning English is important for his future

especially when later he is going to seek job. His awareness of the importance of

learning English and the needs of learning facility had led him to a believe that

Busuu, an application that he got to know from his teacher that time, could

become another assistance in learning English. The materials and activities in

Busuu assisted him to learn English at home and at his spare times. Before he

used Busuu, what he did was playing games in his smart phones. He played

games when he felt bored and he turned into Busuu when he felt bored of his


Through his process of learning English, it can be noticed that he enjoyed

the process. His enjoyment on learning English itself has been basically formed

before he got his own hand held device. English is his favorite lesson since he

was in the elementary school. The word favorite itself means best like or most

enjoyed and English has been being a lesson that he enjoyed most since he was at

grade two of elementary school. When he was at grade three, he also took an

initiative to ask a dictionary from his aunt. It happened before he got his smart

phone, therefore I can see that his interest and his enjoyment in learning English

have basically formed.

Asking a dictionary based on his own initiative could show how he

attempted to empower himself to learn English. His attempts got more even after



when he got his smart phone although his first and main intention was not about

learning. As stated before in Gilang’s story, he was excited to have his own smart

phones when he got games application there and when he could download more

games. What he knew that time was to play games that could help him to get out

from his boredom. However he realized as well that he knew some English

vocabulary from playing games. Besides gaming, Gilang stated that he enjoys

listening to English songs. He does not enjoy the music only yet he seeks to

understand the lyrics. He has curiosity to understand the meaning of the English

lyrics and he had already made use his smart phone as a facility to translate the

English lyrics. This works not only on lyrics, but also on every English word that

he captured from various sources such as advertisements in billboards along the

road. Mobile devices enable learners to learn on the move which means the

students can learn across the time, revisiting knowledge that was gained earlier in

a different context, and more broadly, through ideas and strategies gained in early

years providing for a lifetime of learning (Vavoula & Sharples, 2002).

Since Dewa was still at kindergarten up to this moment when he has been

already at junior high school grade 7, he experienced learning English which is

situated inside a classroom. Out of school and school hours, his moment of

learning English is placed in an English course and in the moment of being

together with his English private teacher. For him, learning English means

opening his books or notes and doing tasks and quizzes assisted by his teachers;

school teachers and English private teacher. Another English activity is when he

is doing his homework and sometime he uses laptop and smart phone to help him

translating words and other materials. Out of those things, Dewa calls it as his



free time when he usually use the time for being updated in some social media

accounts he had such as Facebook and Instagram and for playing games in his

computer and smart phone. That’s how he differentiate between time for learning

and time for being free from English learning before he downloaded Busuu.

Perspective of how learning English taking place changes when he used

Busuu. He experienced another type of learning which takes place in his free

time. The opportunity of learning English “anytime” which Busuu offers is

situated in Dewa’s anytime of free time. There is a change of learning action

when he uses Busuu. He interacts with his smart phone for playing games

anymore but he plays with Busuu for learning. That moment has developed a

new situation of learning English. The core attraction of MALL is the potential to

turn such dead time into using time. Dead time here is defined as time you have

when you have nothing to do. The possibility of learning in your free time may

happen at your free time when you can use that time to study with your smart-

phone. The point to emphasize is that learners have more opportunities to use

their time outside classroom to study (Brick & Cervi-Wilson, 2015).

(DEW): “Every day,,,I open it when I am doing nothing. Usually

after school, after I have finished my homework and I have my

free time.

(R): “What did you usually do before you use Busuu?”

(DEW): “Play with my computer or I play games in my phone.”

Another experience of “anytime” and “anywhere” learning English with

Busuu happened when he was waiting for his parents to pick him up after school

with some others friends of his.



(DEW): “One day, after school, I played Busuu with my friends.

All of us opened the same topic and the same materials together.

Then we competed to finish the quizzes as fast as we could.

It happened in the school yard and in a time when boys like them to play

games together. However that moment could be changed into a moment of

learning together with his friends.

2) Fun English Learning

“Busuu is fun!” That was the stament that both participants said when

they were asked to tell about their feelings when they intreract with the

application. They sound excited to tell their experiences oh how fun Busuu was.

The learning could be that fun since Busuu offers motivating features such as

game combined with social networking, garden or language courses and

materials, berries and study reminders. There are 150 various topics that learners

can choose to learn in this application. Besides the various types of materials,

there are various and fun quizzes to accomplish. Gilang and Dewa mentioned

other features such as pictures and various types of learning materials and tasks

or activities and berries (as the learning rewards) as the interesting parts that

made them happy to keep learning. The features trigger and engage his desire

and excitement to learn and play with it. Below are the screenshots of Busuu

features which both participants considered engaging as the fun learning.

The screenshots above show the features such as pictures, various tasks

and materials, and also the rewards in the form of berries. Pictures are always

provided in every vocabulary tasks sections. The pictures help both participants

to visualize words. Therefore, learning could be fun with the help of colorful and

interesting pictures.



Figure 4.1 Screenshots of Fun Learning Features of Busuu

Besides vocabulary task, there is listening task, matching task, and

completing dialogue tasks. Wherever they finished their tasks, they would get

berries. Both Gilang and Dewa mostly considered the rewards as motivating and

fun features. As Gilang stated, he experienced the feeling of an enjoyment in

learning English as this kind of learning method is different with other learning

methods that he has ever got. What can be found here in the interview with

Gilang was that learning with Bussu can keep him enjoying so that he did move

to another application to give it try.



R): “Have you ever tried to find other English learning

applications in Play Store?”

(P): “Never.”

(R): “Why?”

(P): “I do not know other applications and I am not interested

for that. I am interested in playing Busuu. I do not find any

other application which is similar with it. Its interface is

interesting and its animations are good. If the interface is not

interesting enough, I have no desire to learn and no

excitement to play with it. The materials are also good

featured with animations, like doodles. I can get berries!”

As mentioned before, Dewa had the same experience of fun learning with

Busuu. He added that this fun learning is a different type of learning that he had

ever got. He compared this learning experience with his learning experience at

school. It is revealed through this following statement.

(DEW): “I get more spirits to learn…Learning at school and

learning with your English teacher at school are sometimes


(DEW): Learning with Busuu is like learning with games. I can

both learn and play games. It is neither learning only nor playing

games only.”

He considered that learning with Busuu could be like playing games. It

triggered him to feel excited to leard since Dewa found himself sometimes

feeling bored to learn and when he used Busuu, he feels more fun in learning

English. Dewa felt happy as he was rewarded many berries after he could finish

the tasks or quizzes. Based on berries he got, he felt being more excited to see

how far he had learnt using Busuu and he was more motivated to get more


(DEW): “The moment when I collect the berries. Sometimes, I feel

that learning is just like to read. But here, learning can be like

games. So here I have to get as many berries as I can. Later, when



I get many berries, this can be a sign showing that I have learnt

many materials.”

(R): “How many berries do you get so far?”

(DEW): “1,300.”

(R): “How do you feel?”

(DEW): “Surely happy. It makes me realize that I have learnt

many things and I want to get more berries, as many as I can.

Various types of materials, types of learning activities, and the berries

reward, there are other features such as the app’s interface, pictures and

animation that create fun and entertaining learning shows a change type of

learning nowadays. This kind of situation of learning is a typical shift of learning

in the digital age of using technology where learning as torture becomes learning

as fun (Tapscott, 2009). Learning as fun encourages learners to be more

motivated (Looi et al., 2010). The feeling of enjoyment engages and fosters

Gilang to keep learning until he got 10,000 berries. He experienced the feeling of

satisfaction when he realized that he had learnt many with Busuu until he got

such many berries for around 5 months. His experience of fun learning with

Busuu created a personal preference over it. He stated that he preferred to learn

English with Busuu than to learn from books for he considered that learning with

books is less interesting and books are more expensive.

It can be interpreted as well that after he used Busuu, he found a sense of

feeling enjoyment not only in gaming applications but also in learning English.

He even realized that Busuu and Games are different. Busuu is indeed for

learning while games are games. (GIL): “For me, Busuu is indeed for learning

and it is different with games.”. I can note the change of belief in him after and

before he used Busuu that he can find the fun feeling as well in learning English.



He found a way of learning which is as fun as gaming and that fun learning is

able to get rid his boredom away.

Another thing noted in Dewa’s experience is that a change of belief. His

belief about learning English before he used Busuu was formed by his friends

around who stated that English is difficult to learn therefore learning English is

no fun. Dewa stated that there is a change of mindset after he used Busuu. His

experience of learning with Busuu forms a belief that learning English can be fun

and easy.

(DEW):”A change of mindset. Many friends of mine told me that

English is not an enjoyable lesson, English is difficult. But, after I

tried it myself, their opinions were all wrong. In fact, English is

fun and easy.”

Dewa experienced another fun learning with Busuu and he stated that this

is getting more fun. He felt more excitement when he played Busuu together with

his friend for he could sense the excitement of competing with his friends.

(DEW): “One day, after school, I played Busuu with my friends.

All of us opened the same topic and the same materials together.

Then we competed to finish the quizzes as fast as we could.

(R): “How did you feel that time?”

(DEW): “It was surely more exciting than playing alone.”

3) Useful English Learning Assistant After being told of this English learning application, Gilang, like others,

have an option, whether to download and to used it or not and he decided to

download it. Being asked of his intentions to download Busuu, his answers were

first, to get rid of his boredom and second, to enrich his knowledge so that he

expected that he would come to know things he did not know before. While for

Dewa, Busuu means a helpful assistance for learning. It helped him a lot to



improve his English skills especially when his teachers are not around. Both

Gilang and Dewa basically had the same intention of enriching their knowledge

and improving their English skills. Their intention and expectation meets with

the features of English skills learning that Busuu offers.

Figure 4.2 Screenshots of Busuu Tasks Features

In this application, Gilang felt of being assisted to learn the basics of

English vocabulary, listening, speaking, pronunciation and writing. After using

this application for 5 months, Gilang stated that he experienced an improvement

in his listening, pronunciation, and word spelling. He came to know how to

pronounce words that he did not know how to pronounce before. F One



experience he remembered is when he learnt topic of personality and he found

the word rude there.

(GIL): …for example, there was a word ‘rude’. Previously, I still

pronounce that word as /rude/. Here, I was taught how to

pronounce the word ‘rude’ as /ru:d/.

His statement above shows that his expectation before to know things he

did not before. The improvement itself is shown as a result which is in line with

his expectation. He experiences the assistance of Busuu to help him improving

his listening and pronunciation through the audio provided there. He realizes the

improvement and development as Busuu assists him through the learning

activities. Not only in his listening skills and pronunciation, Gilang realizes that

there is an improvement in his words spelling as Busuu facilitates him with the

activities and quizzes to memorize words and words spelling.

(GIL): “’impossible’ … I am confused, which letter is doubled,

whether b or p, b or m?. None of them! The letter ‘s‘ is in fact that

should be doubled.”

Gilang felt that Busuu is helpful in providing space for him to learn

directly from native speakers. Gilang is aware of his limitedness in understanding

native speakers’ words when they are talking. In Busuu, Gilang are exposed to

interact, to be exposed and to be involved in authentic tasks in learning speaking

with native speakers.

Emm… I can directly learn from native speakers, since native

speakers usually speak fast and not so clear, therefore here I am

able to understand what they are talking about little by little.

MALL allows rapid development of speaking, listening, reading, and

writing skills through the individualized language learning activities

synchronously (happening right now) and/ asynchronously. Mobile learners



perceived more and preferred learning with mobile phones compared with paper

and computer-based lessons to learn vocabulary (Thornton & Houser, 2005 in

Kim & Kwon, 2012). In the computer era, education has been re-conceptualized

around the construction of knowledge through information processing, modeling,

and interaction (Duffy & Cunningham, 1996, in Sharples, 2006).

Dewa found out that Busuu could assist him to improve his English skills

when he got many materials in Busuu which were similar with what he learnt at

school that application such as family members, public places, and jobs. He had

ever got difficulties in understanding one material taught at his school about

relations in families. The lesson became clearer and easy to be understood when

he got the same material at Busuu. That time, he got another chance to learn

again at his house and he learnt again with Busuu without any help from either

his English teacher or private teacher. The result that he got was that he

understood the materials better and he could observe his improvement on his

test’s score. He stated that the results were satisfying. Based on his story, it can

be noted that he did not only feel satisfied with the learning results and his

improved score, but those made Dewa like the topic more, than before. When he

was asked about his most favorite topic at Busuu, his answer was family tree or

relations in family. It can be interpreted that he experienced an improvement

which sticked to his memory.

(R): “Which topic do you like most?”

(P):”Family tree.”

(R): “Why?”

(P): “I got the similar material at school. I learnt about relations

in family that time but actually I did not too understand. Then I

get this in Busuu, so I get chance to learn about it again. Later, I



understand this quite better than before, my test score result was


Through more opportunities to learn which Busuu can create by various

topics provided there, Dewa gained more access and time again and again to

revisit his understanding in different contexts and ways of learning. Mobile

devices enable learners to learn on the move which means the students can learn

across the time, revisiting knowledge that was gained earlier in a different

context, and more broadly (Vavoula & Sharples, 2002). As Dewa got more time

and chances, he experienced learning repetition which empower him to learn

better and to understand better.

(R): “Are there other things else that you get to learn besides

vocabulary, listening, and pronunciation?”

(P): “Memorizing. So I have to memorize properly.”

(P): “I only knew little before and some were not so clear for me.

And here in Busuu, it helps me to learn deeper and finally I can

really understand. Busuu has dialogues, and finally we can

understand of what it means or what is being talked about.”

Dewa believed that Busuu was so helpful in helping him to memorize the

English vocabulary and Busuu helped Dewa to be more focus on learning. For

him focus was an important for as long as he was focused on what he was

learning, it would be easier for him to understand. Dewa could understand the

meaning of what is being talked about by the people there through dialogues

given. He got more chances to improve his reading, listening, and pronunciation.

He found out that Busuu helped better and more effective in time when it came to

pronouncing words. When he use translator, he got the meaning only. However

in Busuu, he got both meaning and how to pronounce it well.



DEW): “In Busuu, I do not only read, but I can practice my

listening and pronunciation. This is different from others.”

(DEW):”At the beginning, I was taught of the vocabulary. After

that I would do the quizzes. They are all provided there. I have

never experienced this before. I can enrich my knowledge and I

can enrich my vocabulary too. Moreover, when I am at school,

there are tasks and I have to use the dictionary. Then, I have to

search them one by one, word by word. If we use a translator, I

can directly get the meaning. Through Busuu, we can know how to

pronounce and to write words.

b. Transcendent Meaning

The meaning of learning English with Busuu for both Gilang and Dewa

was not merely perceived only emprirically in the themes of ubiquitous, fun, and

useful learning that could them to develop their English skills but also

transcendentally which related to their autonomous character. Since Gilang and

Dewa got more chances to learn individually, they got more opportunites to deal

with situations which requires them to make decision and to take charge of any

possible responsibility. One decision that both had made was related to their

actions to choose to study or to play games. They had freedom to choose

moreover they had a total freedom in the time and situation when they were not

required to study.

When learners are positioned in the situation where they do self study

with the help of their mobile phones, they take charge of their own learning

responsibilities, choices, and decisions. Therefore, the assistance or the help of

mobile learning triggers the learners’ autonomy in learning language which

means that the learners accepts responsibility for his/ her learning (Chang, 2007).

Being aware of the importance of Learning English, Gilang chose to make use

Busuu as a learning resource which he believed able to help him as a facility to



learn English. He realizes that Google Translator is not enough to improve his

English language skills. Gilang positioned himself as a centre of learning where

he took a decision by his own initiative to make use Busuu as a learning resource.

The learners become the center of learning, since they are able to make use their

devices to get the resources for learning (Macaskill & Taylor, 2010).

(GIL): “I really want to learn more about English, but

unfortunately there were no any facility to help me. I am not

confident enough when for example a foreigner is asking a

question to me. If I make mistakes in how I speak, it will be so

embarrassing. But here I found Busuu can become a facility for

me, so I feel of being assisted. Not only Google translator. Before,

I sometimes asked my aunt, but later no more when I have already

found them.”

(R):”Is English learning important for you?”

(P): “Important, for sure. If we are going to seek job in Indonesia

but there is none available, we then go abroad.”

After experiencing the learning with that app, Gilang has a belief that

Busuu is another resource of learning he can use besides Google Translator (the

only app which he considered as a mere facility to help him learning by

translating words). Gilang’s freedom and ability to manage his decisions and

awareness of making use Busuu shows a characteristic of an autonomous

learners. As stated by Paul & Elder (2008), autonomy is the freedom and ability

to manage one’s own affairs, which entails the right to make decisions as well.

There are learners’ actions to direct and control their thinking, author their

beliefs, values, and ways of thinking.

Another characteristic of autonomy which Gilang reflected on his

experience is that he is able to be more aware of their language learning process

and progress. Nation & Macalister (2010) states that independent and effective



learner that they show their capabilities to know how to learn language, to

monitor, and to be aware of their language learning process and progress. Being

asked of what improvements he experienced after using Bussu means that he is

aware of the process of enriching his knowledge. It can be interpreted that this

awareness leads him to continue his learning in Busuu. He has a desire as well to

check his improvement and he felt sad when the materials are locked.

(GIL)”I am already so far to reach this level and the tasks are

unlocked. I really want to check my improvement…”

His experience of using Busuu for 5 months by himself can be interpreted

as his independence in learning while his teachers are not around him and when

nobody instructs him to learn with Busuu continually. He keeps learning with

Busuu for that range of time and previously stated that he enjoys his learning as

he felt the fun learning. The feeling of enjoyment in learning itself triggers the

autonomous character in Gilang’s self. His independence in learning reflects one

character of autonomy which a learner shows an action of learning without any

instruction or guidance of anyone around him such as teacher who are not always

able to be around the learners (Nosratinia & Zaker, 2013).

Another characteristic of an autonomous learner which Gilang develops

during his learning process with Busuu is persistency. Myartawan et al., (2013)

characterizes persistency as an action of moving on continuously on despite the

problems and challenges that learners face without waiting for helps from others.

There was one occasion that happened during Gilang’s learning time with Busuu

which was upsetting and shocking for him. That time, he found himself losing all

his berries and none left. That might be something technically wrong with the

apps, an uncertain reason that Gilang did not find the answer why up to now.



Losing all berries meant to him that he had to restart all tasks and quizzes over

again, starting from the beginner level. Though it made him sad that moment and

there was also a feeling to give up, he decided to keep moving. In beginner level,

he felt no difficulties however leveling up to the next levels must be more

challenging. Starting over again put him in a situation where he had to experience

the same difficulties twice. He might either feel easier since he had ever done the

same tasks or feel bored of doing this. However, what I can note here, he did it

again anyway.

A study reveals that learning with smart phones encourages students to

have more effort in their private learning, in terms of the length of time they

spent studying (Leis et al., 2015). For Dewa, to his efforts and desire to learn

should be encouraged. Based on his statement, he felt of being challenged by

Busuu in a way that the application could encourage to keep trying and to not

easily give up.

(DEW): “I get more spirits to learn…Learning at school and

learning with your English teacher at school are sometimes

boring…the quizzes in Busuu challenges me to not easily give up.

Sometimes, I gave wrong answers so that I had to repeat from the

beginning. It encourages me to do better. Finally, I kept trying

until I pass the quizzes with the right answers.”

Continuously moving on despite the problems and challenges without

waiting for helps from others is a sign of one character of autonomy which is

persistency (Myartawan, 2013). Dewa experienced the various types of moments

of ups and downs in learning with Busuu, when he faced a type of learning which

was not easy. He dealt with difficult tasks and quizzes, especially when started to



level up to intermediate level. Based on his statement, it can be interpreted that

he felt of being challenged instead of being discouraged.

Dewa was aware of the importance of English learning. Before using

Busuu, he used his free time for being updated on his social media accounts and

playing games in his computer and smart phone. His daily schedule for his free

time changed after using Busuu. Since he considered that learning with Busuu

was more important than playing games, he chose to open the application and

used his free time to learn instead of dealing with something which could be

considered as more fun. His action reflects another character of autonomy which

is resourceful. Resourcefulness is related to the intention to make decision and

action in order to solve problems. Learners are able to make learning as the main

priority over the other activities which are considered more fun (Myartawan et

al., 2013).

(R): “Which one do you like more, playing games or playing with


(DEW): “Actually, I like both of them. But, if it is related to study,

learning with Busuu is more important. I enjoy learning with

Busuu than playing games.”

Dewa was aware of the changes which happen after using Busuu. The

changes did not only happen in his activity at his free time but also in his change

of his mind set. To keep using Busuu or to stop and then to choose other activities

was also a free was a free decision to choose. His story shows that Dewa

experienced an ability to reflect his freedom, power, and change over his life.

Taking control over learning management means they are able to plan, to

organize, and to evaluate their learning and he states that those are observable

through their behavior (Benson, 2001).



(DEW): “For sure there is a change in my daily schedule. Before

I knew Busuu, I usually played game in my spare time. It was only

about playing. Learning with Busuu is like learning with games. I

can both learn and play games. It is neither learning only nor

playing games only.”

(R): “What else?”

(DEW):”A change of mindset. Many friends of mine told me that

English is not an enjoyable lesson, English is difficult. But, after I

tried it myself, their opinions were all wrong. In fact, English is

fun and easy. The lesson materials are easy to be understood. This

application is so helpful.”

It can be noted that learning with Busuu heightens the learners’ autonomy

through various resources and tools for language learning (Cho, 2009; Lee, 2010;

Kim & Kwon, 2012). Using Busuu as a resource for learning causes a tendency

of being autonomous.

2. Emergent Meaning

One participant, Gilang, felt very disappointed as he could not open the

locked materials. He really wanted to check the improvement but money still

becomes a barrier. Dewa had a different perspective. He did not feel that upset

because there were many other materials that he had not finished yet. Both of

them decided to not unlock the materials by paying some money because they

considered that the process would be difficult.

As they experienced more personal learning, they have developed their

own beliefs about the meaning and roles of teacher. Both participants considered

that Busuu could be their teachers who gave them a less tensed situation so that

they felt of being assisted and taught in many ways. One participant considered

that he trusted the application more and he went to the application more to get

resource than his teacher.





There are two sections presented in this last chapter. First section is

conclusions which summarize the results of the study. Second section is

suggestions derived from the study which may make contribution for English

learning and teaching.

A. Conclusions

This study attempts to reveal the meanings of English learning using

Busuu to junior high school grade VII. Two participants shared their lived

experiences of using Busuu to learn English and assigned some meanings. There

are two types of meanings assigned under two major bracketed themes based on

the interpretation of their lived experiences. The themes were pre-figured themes

and emergent themes. Pre-figured themes were determined based on the

discovery of conceptual or logical truth. Another theme was emergent theme

which was found during the research process. Under those major themes, there

are two main types of assigned meaning; empirical and transcendent meaning.

The result shows that in the pre-figured themes, there are three empirical

meanings and one transcendent meaning while there is one emergent theme.

Three empirical meanings in the pre-figured themes for each of participants are

first is ubiquitous (anytime and anywhere) learning. Each of them was aware of

experiencing new learning environment or space and new learning time. Learning

English can take place not only at their school but also other places out of school

and it can be conducted any time out of school schedule such as their free time.



Gilang used to play games when he was in his free time and Dewa used to update

in his social media accounts before both of them used Busuu. The application

helped them to make use their free time for learning English. They came to

awareness that they could use their smart phone for learning English as well.

Previously, both of students used dictionary and Google Translator to assist them

learning English and both participants considered that those were still limited to

meet their desires of learning English. Second meaning is fun learning. Gilang

and Dewa enjoyed the English learning process more as Busuu provided

attractive tasks, quizzes, materials, and rewards so that they felt more fun in

learning. Gilang believed that learning English could drive his boredom away.

Before, he merely believed that gaming and music were the mere things that

entertained him. For Gilang, learning with Busuu and gaming are two different

things. However, what he believed after using Busuu was that he could

experience a fun English learning. Dewa had another perception. For him,

learning English with Busuu was like a game which could encourage his focus

and desire to learn English. Third is useful English learning assistant. Each of the

participants felt of being more helped by Busuu especially in improving their

English language skills such as listening, speaking, pronunciation, pronunciation,

and vocabulary.

The transcendent meaning under pre-figured theme is that both

participants believed that Busuu encouraged them to have more efforts in their

personal learning. This is the sign of an autonomy character. Though Dewa and

Gilang faced many problems such as locked materials and difficult tasks and

quizzes, they kept moving on. Dewa felt of being more challenged by the tasks



and this triggers the autonomous character which is persistency. Dewa and

Gilang prioritize learning English.

The study found out emergent meaning. As they experienced more

personal learning, they have developed their own beliefs about the meaning and

roles of teacher. Both participants considered that Busuu could be their teachers

who gave them a less tensed situation so that they felt of being assisted and

taught in many ways. One participant considered that he trusted the application

more and he went to the application more to get resource than his teacher.

B. Implications

Based on the participants’ lived experience, it can be noted that Busuu has

some benefits for learning English which can take place not only in classroom as

they experience so far, but also at their free time outside of their learning

schedule. Busuu could facilitate learners to turn their dead time and free time to a

kind of fun circumstance for learning. The less tensed learning can encourage

students to learn more.

Through their lived experiences, it can be noticed Busuu provides tasks

and quizzes which are able to facilitate students to improve their language skills

and one of the participant stated that he got better score. Further, an experimental

research can be done to reveal the further implication of learning English with

Busuu to improve their language skills.




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Appendix 1:

Overview of Busuu Application 1

Developer Methodology Level Motivation Feedback



- Game combined with

social networking.

- Image and sound-based

- Direct contact with native


A1-B2 Game combined with social networking

Language garden

Busuu berries

Study reminders






for written


Overview of Busuu Application 2

Overview of Busuu Application 3

Grammar rules




Type of exercises.

No Yes - Flashcards

- Multiple-choice questions

- Build a sentence from a word scramble

- Pairing - Free writing.

Vocabulary/ Phrases

Listening Comprehension

Reading comprehension

Writing Speaking






Yes, short and with


Yes, short and

with audio.

Yes, short


sent to the


for feedback.


with the help

of text to






Overview of Busuu Application 4

Price Downloads the last

30 days between.()



Comments Apps size Translation languages






Yes, short and with







Yes, short

sentences, sent

to the


for feedback.

16 M English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese

Screenshots of Busuu









Appendix 2 The transcript and coding of the interview with participant 1

Role Written Verbatim Coding R01 Umur Gilang berapa sekarang? Gil01 Tiga belas R02 Tiga belas tahun. Lahir tahun? Gil 02 2002 R03 Oke berarti sekarang udah kelas berapa? Gil 03 Udah kelas delapan. R04 Kapan pertama kali kamu punya smartphone? Gil 04 2012, kelas 5 SD. R05 Apa merk HPmu waktu itu? Gil 05 Samsung Galaxy Ace 2. R06 Oh.. Sekarang punya berapa smartphone? Gil 06 Dua. R07 Kenapa punya dua smartphone? Gil07 Lha yang Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 itu nggak bisa tak buat

download game yang banyak. Habis itu aku beli satu lagi biar game-nya banyak.

R08 Waktu kelas lima SD itu beli smartphone buat apa sih? Gil08 Main game. Gil08-I R09 Game apa toh? Gil09 Angry Bird, Tiny Thief. R10 Oh.. Ada berapa game waktu itu? Gil10 Dua belas R10 Selain buat main game? Gil11 Nge-Google buat nyari lirik lagu Adele, Lady Gaga, Katy

Perry, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, Bruno Mars, Fatin.Lha kalo misalnya aku dengerin lagunya tapi nggak tau maksudnya kan. He eh.. Kalo misalnya di TV itu ada lagu bagus itu mesti tak liatin liriknya di layar TV gitu, abis itu aku search.


R11 He em, oh.. Berarti dari kelas lima SD itu Gilang udah suka Bahasa Inggris belum?

Gil12 Udah, dari SD aku udah suka Bahasa Inggris. Awalnya dari kelas satu belum suka sama Bahasa Inggris, tapi kelas dua itu udah mulai suka sama Bahasa Inggris nggak tau kenapa.

R12 Waktu SD, belajar bahasa Inggrisnya bagaimana? Gil13 [menggumam] belajar Bahasa Inggrisnya, biasanya aku

kalo misalnya ada kata kayak baliho gitu di jalan. Waktu itu lihat ada tulisan “maybe”.. kan ada tulisannya iklan rokok itu lho. Lah tak terjemahin di Google Translate, “maybe”.trus tak translate ternyata artinya “mungkin”.

1-Gil13-EL 3-Gil13-EL-LT

R13 Google Translate lewat komputer atau lewat hp? R14 HP Gil14-EPL-

LT R14 Gilang punya kamus nggak sih? Gil14 Gilang : Dulu sempat punya. Kelas.. [berpikir] tiga. Aku

minta sama tanteku yang kerja di percetakan Kanisius buat ngasih kamus. Tapi karena nyarinya ribet, Itu udah nggak tak baca, pake Google Translate aja. Kalo Google Translate

3-Gil14-F 4-Gil14-LT-F



berarti maksud lebih gampang gitu. Nggak usah nyari. R15 Oke.. Apa yang kamu rasakan waktu punya smartphone? Gil15 Seneng karena bisa download game. R16 Berapa lama dalam sehari Gilang berinteraksi dengan


Gil16 Bangun tidur, berangkat sekolah, pulang sekolah Hp lagi, tidur siang, bangun, hp lagi.


R17 Buat apa sih? Bangun tidur, itu megang hp buat apa? Gil17 Nah itu nanti kalo “your village being raid” itu kan.. R18 Your village being raid? Oh.. He eh, kenapa itu? Gil18 Sedih..Kalo misalnya Elixir atau Gold-ku kecuri semua kan

sedih. Padahal kan udah satu juta, kalo misalnya kecuri 259.032 kan sedih juga.

R19 Kamu bawa HP ke sekolah juga? Gil19 Kan nggak boleh. R20 Tapi perasaannya gimana, nggak boleh bawa hp ke


Gil20 Yo sakit R21 Tapi kalo misalnya ya kamu boleh bawa hp ke sekolah nih

misalnya, buat apa sih?

Gil21 Lha itu, ya ngecek itu. “Your village being raid” nggak ya.. [berbisik]. Kan eman-eman kalo misalnya, misalnya kalo Miss nabung lima belas juta, terus dicuri lima juta, kan yo sakit Miss. Trus, misalnya Miss A nyuruh kita “search ke dictionary”, kan males banget. Ngapain harus dictionary kalo misalnya boleh bawa hp gitu. Susah. Lebih enak bawa hp untuk translate langsung?

R22 Pulang dari sekolah, apa yang kamu lakukan dengan Hp kamu? Ceritakan pengalamanmu dengan Busuu?

Gil22 Lha itu kalo misalnya malam, kalo misalnya “shields” aktif. Misalnya sebelas jam, trus nggak ada game yang dimainin, semuanya tamat baru buka Busuu. Karena aku bosen. Karena ya emang udah selesai semuanya game yang lain, nggak ada yang dimainin lagi.


R23 Oh.. menurut kamu, belajar Bahasa Inggris pakai Busuu itu sendiri gimana?

Gil23 Busuu memang buat belajar Bahasa Inggris beda dengan games.


R24 Bagaimana perasaan kamu waktu kamu belajar Bahasa Inggris pake Busuu?

Gil24 Awalnya aku download itu nggak bisa-bisa, nggak tau, “terjadi kesalahan”. Selalu “terjadi kesalahan”. Trus tak download pake WiFi bisa. Sempet kesel.. Ah nggak mau ah, akhirnya pake WiFi bisa download.

R25 Tapi waktu itu kenapa mau download Busuu? Gil25 Aku kan nggak tau sebelumnya tentang Busuu itu. Kalo

nggak dikasih tau Miss Y, kan nggak tau. Nggak pernah ada yang kasih tau aku. Setelah dikasih tau, yo penasaran juga. Trus aku nyoba dari beginner. Gampang eh.. Seratus seratus seratus.. “You have five berries”.Five five five.. Hhhh kalo ini gampang langsung tak naikin. Langsung tak naikin ke, ehhh.. Intermedi.. Interme..Apa tuh?




Intermediate? Trus lumayan sulit to..Trus ada satu kata “solve”.kan nggak tau aku. Tak lewatin waktu itu kan dataku hampir habis makanya nggak tak cari. Takut paket dataku habis.

R26 Berapa paket data? Yang dijatah buat kamu? Gil26 35.000 se bulan. R27 35.000 itu habis buat sebulan? Gil27 Iya R28 Nah coba ceritakan lagi pengalamanmu saat belajar pake


Gil28 Jadi waktu aku main Busuu, nilainya itu kan nilainya seratus seratus seratus semua toh. Tapi akhir-akhirnya tuh “You got nol berries”. Hah?!aku nggak tau.. Padahal udah bener semua. Hah! Yowes, dah tak oke. Kan diulangi nggak bisa. Sedih nggak dapet berries. Waktu itu putus asa juga. Kok udah berapa kali ya, tiga kali nggak dapet berries. Trus setelah Bahasa Inggrisnya itu kira-kira setengah selesai toh, trus aku pindah ke Cina, angel!. Pindah lagi ke Spanyol, Spanyol nggak taunya angel, pindah lagi ke Bahasa Inggris, soalnya yang dua itu angel. Pindah ke Bahasa Inggris aja yang bisa

Gil28-LE-EPL-LT- D

R29 Oh, yaa.. Trus dari waktu kamu belajar main Busuu itu, ehh.. Yang paling menarik waktu belajar apa?

Gil29 Kalau Busuu kan, eee enggak ada translate Bahasa indonesianya. Jadi kalau bad bawahnya ya tetep bad. Kalau glass bawahnya ya tetep glass. Kalau di Spanyol misalnya apa bawahnya ada translate Bahasa Inggrisnya. Tapi di Busuu itu ada gambarnya, kebantu lewat gambar.


R30 Topik mana yang paling menarik waktu itu untuk dipelajari?

Gil30 Different personalities, tentang hobi-hobiku aja, tentang aku inigin menjadi apa. Tapi aku paling sebel sama downloading unit resources.Lama banget downloadnya. Aku langsung lompat ke level intermediate, soalnya materi-materi beginner menurutku gampang. Tinggal nyocok-nyocokin aja.


R31 Apa tujuan kamu belajar pake Busuu? Gil31 Biar gak bosen. Trus, tujuanku itu buat memperbanyak ilmu

aja kalau misalnya ada yang gak aku tahu jadi tahu ntar. 1-Gil31-LE-F 2-Gil31-LE-I

R32 Di aplikasi Busuu, kamu sudah belajar apa saja? Sebutkan salah satu topik yang kamu ingat.

Gil32 kepribadian.. personalities. rude, boring, aggressive, anti-social, ignored, loud, malas…lazy, terus .. annoying


R33 Kira-kira menurutmu. hal positif apa saja yang kamu dapat saat bermain Busuu?

Gil33 Hal positifnya..menghibur, pertama menghibur, bisa memperbanyak ilmu Bahasa Inggris.


R34 Misalnya? Gil34 Yang listening sama cara ngucapinnya. misalnya waktu itu 1-Gil34-



ada tulisan kayak… ee… rude. kan aku dulu bacanya tuh masih “rud-e”. disini diajari cara baca “rude” tu /ruːd/. Trus aku belajar dialogue. dengerin satu dialog terus nanti dialognya ada beberapa kata yang dikosongin, habis itu kita suruh naruh kosakata yang ada di box. Aku bisa belajar langsung dari orang luar negeri. Kan biasanya kalau orang luar negeri kan ngomongnya cepet-cepet terus gak terlalu jelas. Disitu itu aku bisa tahu kalau mereka tuh baru ngomong apa gitu. Dikit-dikit tahu artinya apa, ngerti juga maksudnya apa.


R35 Tanpa bantuan kamus? Gil35 Iya. vocabulary nya gampang soalnya diulang-ulang terus

pakai suara rekaman. Tinggal nyocok-nyocokin. misalnya ee…”rude”. itu nanti kalau ada soalnya ngomong lagi jadi itu membuat aku lebih inget.


R36 Selain personalities?suka topik apa lagi? Gil36 Hobbies, holidays, feelings and emotions, talents, ...news,

opinions tuh lumayan, transportation. Gil36-LE-EPL-R-SD

R37 Bagaimana dengan material-material dan kuis-kuis yang dikunci atau digembok?

Gil37 Itu bayar. Mahal. Huhhh… kesel.. karena aku harus bayar. Aku dah sampai sini terus ada tes gitu, pengen ngecek kemampuanku eh... dikunci gini, harus bayar. Tapi kalau dikasih uang gitu, misalnya mau-mau aja coba, seneng!

2-Gil37-LE-D 3-Gil37-LE-I

R38 Seneng ya. Pernah gak minta ke bapak gitu? Gil38 Enggak (tertawa) yo gak mau aja, eman-eman, banyak yang

digembok di sini. semua kuis, kecuali yang beginner.

R39 Hal negatif ? Gil39 Negatif..borosin kuota, baterai. Gil39-LE-

D R40 Kamu belajar lebih banyak menghabiskan misalnya main

Busuu gitu kan lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu ini dong, sendiri gitu, lha berinteraksi sama orang lain?

Gil40 Kalau misalnya pakai facebook atau game gitu. baru main game terus ada misalnya dapet temen luar negeri, main craft itu kan biasanya dapat partner luar negeri

R41 O gitu di situ kamu berkomunikasi dengan mereka pakai Bahasa Inggris?

Gil41 Heem tapi aku sayangnya takut salah. pengejaannya kalau kita ngomong kan pengejaannya kalau misalnya salah gitu kan malu sendiri. Pake Bussu ada improvement dikit-dikit.


R42 Bisa kasi contoh gak tentang improvement itu? Gil42 Seperti kata “impossible”. Aku tuh bingung, yang double

tuh b atau p nya. Ternyata yang double huruf “s”. Gil42-LE-EPL-LT-R-SD

R43 Pernah gak dimarahin sama orangtua gara-gara kamu pegang HP terus?

Gil43 Ya dimarahin, kok.. setiap waktu tuh main game terus, gitu, lha gak ada hiburan kok misalnya di luar gak ada yang main toh, gak ada yang seru di luar. Kalau di HP kan seru semua.ada permainan kayak misalnya plants versus zombies, gak ada yang jadi zombi atau tanamannya. Kalau



waktu main Busuu terus dimarahin belom pernah. Waktu aku main Busuu gak ditegur tapi pas main COC itu misalnya baru ditegur gitu.

R44 Kamu les Bahasa Inggris juga? Gil44 Iya. R45 Les dimana? Gil45 Tuuh.sana, sana nyebrang toh ,terus belok sini. R46 Kamu masih minta tolong guru kalau ada yang kamu nggak

tahu waktu belajar Bahasa Inggris?

Gil46 Ya masih. aku kadang takut sama guruku. Aku lebih pengen belajar Bahasa Inggris, gitu tapi sayangnya tuh gak ada fasilitas buat Bahasa Inggris gitu aku juga kurang pede kalau misalnya ada bule tanya sama aku kalau misalnya cara ngomongku salah kan malu sendiri. Tapi Busuu bisa jadi fasilitas si..jadi merasa terbantu. Nggak Google Translate tok. Sebelume, aku tanya tanteku, kadang-kadang.tapi lama-lama enggak habisnya ada Google Translate trus Bussuu.

1-Gil46-EL-F 3-Gil46-LE-LT-R-Pre-E

R47 Biasanya kamu kalau belajar sama siapa? Gil47 Ayah, kalau mamah kan ngajari adek. R48 Belajar bahasa inggris juga sama Ayah? Gil48 Kalau Bahasa Inggris aku belajarnya gak sama

ayah.belajarnya sama guru lesku, sama google tanslate, Bussu, ayah gak bisa Bahasa Inggris.


R49 Kamu sudah pernah cari di google playstore gitu gak yang buat aplikas-aplikasi lain buat belajar Bahasa Inggris?

Gil49 Enggak, enggak pernah R50 Kenapa? Gil50 Yo gak tau aja nama aplikasinya apa, gitu dan ga ..gak

terlalu tertarik buat itu, baru habis kenal Busuu itu baru tertarik. Terus satunya aplikasi Bahasa Inggris yang aku tahu tuh ya Busuu itu, yang lain gak tahu. Udah pernah coba nyari tapi gak ketemu, ketemunya Busuu. Tampilan yang menarik, animasinya bagus. Kalau misalnya tampilan gan menarik, gak semangat belajarnya, maininnya gak, gak ada gairah.Bentuk-bentuk pelajarannya juga bagus gak, dilengkapi sama animasi gitu, kayak doodle itu. Bisa dapet berry-berryan.

1-Gil50-F 3-Gil50-LE-LT-F 4-Gil50-LT-R 5-Gil50-LE-Pre-E-F

R51 Tapi waktu kamu dapetin 10 ribu itu perasaanmu gimana? Gil51 Lho cepet banget ya, mungkin mulai bosen gitu, karena

gampang gitu ya, makin lama makin gampang. Ada bantuan Google Translate.


R52 Jadi kamu mencoba menyelesaikan itu semua dengan google, google translate.

Gil52 Heem soalnya kan, kalau misalnya tanya guru mesti guru lesku coba kamu nyari di google translate aja.terus atau hayoo coba apa artinya. Lebih bisa mandiri. Kadang aku tanya guruku juga gak tahu.

1-Gil52-LT-Em-B 3-Gil52-EPL-LT-Pre-T-Au

R53 heem.. hmm jadi waktu misalnya pas kamu tahu Busuu gitu



kan, nah biasanya sehari waktu itu selama kamu pakai Busuu belajar pakai Busuu, sehari berapa jam pakai Busuu?

Gil53 satu jam. heem kalau misalnya shieldku baru aktif, habis itu game-game yang lain itu baru progress, atau baru maintenance , tuh biasanya pakai Busuu soalnya gak ada yang dimainin.


R54 kenapa kamu gak baca buku? Gil54 ck masalahnya waktu mau beli buku tuh gak punya uang.

Dulu dulu tuh sempet aku, punya banyak banget buku tapi sekarang dah gak. Soalnya kan yang biayain dulu pakdhe, sekarang pakdhe kan sekarang di Surabaya gak di Jogja lagi.

R55 Apa belajar Bahasa Inggris penting buat kamu? Gil55 Penting lah, kalau misalnya mau nyari kerja gitu di

Indonesia dah gak ada lowongan kerja kan pergi ke luar negeri. sekarang kan di indonesia lapangan kerja kecil.


R56 Belajarnya selama ini belajarnya lewat apa aja? Gil56 Internet di HP, Busuu, Google Translator, game, buku.

Buku itu jarang banget yang kayak gitu Gil56-EPL-LT

R57 Pernah gak baca artikel di internet gitu? Gil57 Gak, gak pernah. Bahkan aku tuh pernah dibeliin buku

anatomi tubuh dalam Bahasa Inggris. Tapi semuanya tuh ruwet semua gak dong artinya

R58 Apakah kamu belajar juga gak di Busuu tentang bagian-bagian tubuh?

Gil58 Belajar juga. lebih menarik Busuu lah. Gil58-LT-Pre-Em-F-B

R59 Kenapa? Gil59 Busuu tuh ada gambarnya, jelas, ada pengucapannya. Kalau

di buku kan kita ngucapin sendiri. Busuu itu membantuku buat Bahasa Inggris, buat mengerti Bahasa-Bahasa yang belum aku tahu terus membantuku mendapat ee Bahasa-Bahasa yang belum aku tahu untuk aku cari di internet lagi gitu.

1-Gil59-LT-R 2-Gil59-LE-Pre-E-R

R60 Apa yang kamu harapkan dari Busuu? Gil60 Ada animasi yang lebih bagus, terus Busuu berry nya tuh

bisa dibuat beli-beli kuis yang dikunci.



Appendix 3

The transcript and the coding of the interview with participant 2.

R01 Umurnya berapa ya? Dew01 Tigabelas tahun R02 Sejak kapan Dewa memiliki smart phone? Dew02 Dari..kelas 5 SD. R03 Kelas 5 sd..itu tahun berapa ya? Dew03 Kira-kira..tahun 2010-2011. R04 Waktu itu smart phone memang khusus buat dewa atau

berdua sama adik, ato mungkin barengan sama mama papa?

Dew04 Waktu itu khusus buat sendiri. R05 Merknya apa waktu itu? Dew05 Waktu itu Samsung. Tapi gak inget Samsung tipe apa. R06 Waktu itu.. Kenapa beli smat phone? Dew06 Itu dipake cuma buat nelpon kalau nggak sms mama papaku

waktu pulang sekolah. Dew06-H-I

R07 Waktu itu udah boleh bawa HP ke sekolah? Dew07 Di sekolah SD boleh. R08 Selain buat komunikasi dengan mama papa? Dew08 Cuma paling bisa dipake buka facebook atau media sosial

yang lain. Dipake maen game juga, tapi gak semua game bisa dimainin.


R09 Nah habis itu pernah ganti HP? Dew09 Ganti jadi Grand Prime. R10 Sampai saat ini sudah berapa kali ganti HP? Dew10 Dua. R11 Kenapa ganti? Dew11 Ya soalnya..mulai masuk kelas 7 kan mungkin kan udah

perlu mungkin mau main atau mau ngapain yang lebih luas lagi gitu. Jadi minta HP yang baru dan dibeliin. Kalo di HP sebelumnya kan gamenya terbatas cuma game bawaan. Kalo disini kan kita kan bisa pake game yang bisa didownload atau dibeli dari playstore atau dari aplikasi yang lain.


R12 Setelah beli HP baru, Dewa langusng download banyak game?

Dew12 Iya, pertamanya belum. Download media sosial dulu baru download game.

R13 Bisa disebutin media sosialnya apa aja? Dew13 Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, sama Line, terus habis itu

langsung ke game. Gamenya cuma game-game biasa. Game Pou, Subway surf.

R14 Kamu pernah pakai HP kamu buat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Dew14 Iya, waktu itu download aplikasi Busuu. Sebelumnya

download kamus tapi waktu itu gak bisa, jadi dihapus lagi gitu.

R15 Belajar Bahasa inggris sejak kelas berapa? Dew15 Dari TK. Waktu itu di TK terus ikut les juga. Bahasa Inggris

itu kalau misalnya disuruh milih dari pelajaran-pelajaran di sekolah itu lebih milih Bahasa Inggris daripada pelajaran




yang lain. R16 Kenapa? Dew16 Ya..lebih enak dipelajari daripada yang lain. R17 Waktu itu Dewa belajar dengan les terus dari TK ya? Dew17 Enggak sih, sempat putus habis lulus TK lalu ikut les lagi.

Waktu kelas 1 SD itu Belum ada Bahasa Inggris, pas naik kelas 2 udah ada Bahasa Inggris jadi mulai les lagi sampai kelas 6. Terus les privat pas kelas 7.


R18 Waktu les Bahasa Inggris, belajarnya pakai apa? Dew18 Dari buku. Materinya kadang ikut buku kadang kalau nggak

ikut catetan yang dikasih dari sekolah. Guru les kasih kuis-kuis atau game yang bersangkutan sama materi, misalnya kayak kita dikasih kertas. Jadi nanti disebutin nama nanti kita harus tulis namanya dibelakangnya.


R19 Selain dengan buku, Dewa belajar menggunakan sumber atau alat lain tidak?

Dew19 Biasanya laptop sama HP. Laptop itu biasanya buat cari materi, yang pasti buka translate. Iya, kadang kalau misalnya gak tau kan yang dibuka translate. Kayak Google Translator. Kalo HP, buka Google Translator juga.


R20 Lebih sering mana, HP atau laptop? Dew20 HP R21 Dalam sehari, Dewa pakai HP itu berapa lama? Dew21 Emm gak pasti. Jadi kadang, kalo misalnya di Facebook

atau Instagram mungkin pas lagi apa, ada mungkin chat sama temen, atau habis upload foto gitu. Ya itu, jadi kalau kadang ada yang bales gitu atau ada yang komen gitu jadi bikin lama.


R22 Ceritakan pengalaman Dewa belajar Bahasa Inggris pake HP.

Dew22 Waktu itu belajarnya pakai Busuu. R23 Kapan tau Busuu dan mulai pakai Busuu? Dew23 Belum, baru di SMP. R24 Baru di SMP. Pertama tau kalau ada aplikasi tersebut, apa

yang dewa lakukan waktu itu.

Dew24 Coba download abis itu bisa dipake, log in pakai email kita nanti bisa main dan itu lumayan seru.

R25 Serunya seperti apa? Dew25 Ya nanti kita dikasi, waktu pertama-pertama itu, diajarin

vocabularynya gimana. Habis itu kita harus ngerjain kuis yang sudah dibuat disitu. Belum pernah dengan hal-hal yang seperti itu sebelumnya. Bisa nambah nambah ilmu juga. Bisa nambah kosakata ya, apalagi kan kalo misalnya di sekolah gitu kan, kalo misalnya ada soal kan, mungkin kan harus pakai kamus dan kalau misalnya pakai kamus gitu kan, nyarinya kan satu-satu gitu. Perkata. Kalau lewat Bussu juga kan kita ndengerin audio,jadi tahu cara pengucapannya gimana dan cara penulisannya juga.

4-Dew25-EPL-LT-Pre-E-SD 5- Dew25-EPL-LT-Pre-E-SD

R26 Memangnya sebelumnya gak pernah belajar pengucapan? Dew26 Pernah sih, kadang-kadang diajari sama oma juga. R27 Begitu..emm.. terus ceritakan hal lain tentang

pengalamanmu bersama Busuu waktu itu. Belajar apa aja



sih? Di Busuu? Dew27 Di Busuu, belajar ya dengan hal-hal yang berhubungan

dengan kehidupan. Relation and public places.

R28 Paling suka belajar apa waktu itu? Dew28 Relasi dalam keluarga. R29 Kenapa? Dew29 Ya, karna kan..waktu di sekolah kan ada materi yang

berhubungan sama topik relasi dalam keluarga.Waktu itu sebenarnya itu kurang paham gitu. Akhirnya pas di Busuu dapat yang itu, yang sama. Jadi dipelajari lagi. Habis itu akhirnya ya bisa lumayan, dan hasil ulangannya juga memuaskan.

4-Dew20-LE-EPL-LT-Pre-E-A 5Dew20-LE-Pre-E-SD

R30 Selain itu, apalagi? Dew30 Materi tentang pekerjaan ya. jadi tuh biasa kan orang kan

mungkin cuma taunya pekerjaan tuh yang umum tuh kan dokter polisi atau apa tapi disini tuh mungkin tuh kita bisa dapet yang lebih luas lagi, mungkin ada ya mungkin petani atau yang lain itu yang dianggap remeh tapi kan itu juga semuanya penting, buat kita.

R31 Selain belajar kosa kata belajar pengucapan dan listening ada hal lain gak yg kamu pelajari di Busuu?

Dew31 Emm penghapalan. Busuu membantu waktu menghapalkan. Dew31-LE-EPL-LT-R

R32 Gimana itu? Dew32 Jadi kan sebelumnya mungkin belum tahu,apa, baru tahunya

belum semua, dan di Busuu itu diperdalam lagi jadi akhirnya benar-benar paham. kalau misalnya ada satu materi yang mungkin kurang jelas. Udah jelas terus jadi hapal. Lewat dialog juga. Di Busuu ada percakapan-percakapannya. Aku bisa belajar memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan ini atau mungkin apa yang dibicarakan.

1-Dew32-LE-EPL-LT-R-SD 5-Dew32-LE-EPL-LT-Pre-E-B

R33 Sudah sampai level apa? Dew33 Intermediate. R34 Nah, itu sehari itu bisa main Busuu berapa lama itu? Dew34 Sehari mungkin, emm (jeda) cuma kalau lagi santai-santai

aja ya sambil buka-buka. Mungkin ya..(jeda), pulang...pulang sekolah itu, habis ada udah ngerjain tugas ngerjain PR ada waktu luang gitu.

R35 Sebelum main Busuu, biasanya kalau waktu luang Dewa ngapain?

Dew35 Main komputer ya, atau nggak ya main game di HP. R36 Tapi suka mana main game di HP atau belajar Busuu? Dew36 Sama sih sebenarnya, tapi kan..kalau menyangkut pelajaran

ya jelas lebih penting..lebih enak main Busuu ya daripada main game yang lain.




T-Au R37 Apa yang bisa dewa pelajari dari Busuu? Dew37 Ya...banyak, tentang hal-hal yang yang perlu di..pahami di

sekolah mungkin bisa dipahami di Busuu, berkaitan dgn materinya karena banyak yang berkaitan.


R38 Disaat kamu belajar pakai Busuu, heem, kamu belajar sama siapa? Ada yang nemenin gak?

Dew38 Jarang sih. Paling cuma belajar sendiri. Tapi waktu itu pernah, pas lagi pulang sekolah kan, nungguin orang tua jemput dan pas bawa HP. Terus aku pakai HPnya buat main Busuu bareng sama temen-temen. Jadi mereka juga bawa HP dan bukanya materi yang sama gitu, terus habis itu nanti kayak lomba gitu. Iya, jadi kayak yang kuisnya gitu. bisa cepet-cepetan.


R39 Heem..terus, waktu itu seneng perasaannya? Dew39 Seneng. 3-


R40 Hal positif gak yang bisa diambil waktu main Busuu? Dew40 Membantu aku harus fokus. Iya, karena kalau misalnya kita

belajar nggak fokus gitu kan jadinya yang dipelajari tuh kan malah bukannya tambah paham malah tambah nggak paham, gitu.


R41 Butuh bantuan nggak waktu belajar Busuu? Dew41 Kadang-kadang masih. Waktu itu misalnya masih ada yang

aku kurang paham. Terus dibantu guru untuk mengerti maksudnya ini tuh apa. Waktu itu dapet materi di Busuu yang belum pernah diajarkan di sekolah. Jadi itu coba main tapi tuh kayaknya tuh belum terlalu paham, jadi tanya ke guru les, akhirnya gurunya tuh jelasin ini ini ini dan akhirnya mulai paham.

R42 Selain membantu Dewa untuk lebih fokus belajar, ada hal positif lain? Coba dewa ceritain lagi.

Dew42 Yang pasti..nambah wawasan tentang materi-materi yang ada di Bahasa Inggris mungkin, ya seperti yang tadi itu harus fokus, jadi lebih semangat ya jadinya. Soalnya kalau misalnya kita cuma belajar di sekolah gitu kan atau cuma belajar sama guru kan kadang bosenin. Kalau misalnya belajar di Busuu kan lebih bisa bikin semangat.

1-Dew42-LT-EPL-LT-Pre-E-SD 3-Dew42-LE-EPL-LT-Pre-E-B

R43 Contohnya? Dew43 Kuis-kuis di Busuu. Menjawab kuis-kuis di Busuu bikin aku

nggak mudah menyerah kadang kan kan kalau jawab bisa salah-salah, harus ulangi dari awal lagi. Iya, dan akhirnya itu kan bikin aku terus semangat buat bisa ngerjain itu sampai bener.


R44 Selain itu? Dew44 Yang pasti isinya yang ada dalam situ kan membuat lebih 1-



semangat belajar. Karena kan kita gak hanya membaca, juga bisa mendengarkan. Jadi itu kan..beda dari yang lain gitu. Selain itu bisa kumpulin berry gitu. Kalau misalnya cuma belajar biasa kan kita kan cuma baca atau gak ngapain kalau disini kita tuh bisa belajar sekalian dibilang kayak game gitu. Jadi kita harus kumpulin bery sebanyak-banyaknya. Jadi nanti kalau misalnya udah banyak gitu kan jadi berarti tuh menandakan kalau kita tuh udah belajar banyak materi gitu.

Dew44-LE-LT-Pre-E-B 2-Dew44- LE-LT-Pre-E-B-SD 4-Dew44- LE-LT-Pre-E-B

R45 Waktu itu berry udah dapet berapa? Dew45 Waktu itu..terakhir kali... seribu...tiga ratus. R46 Apa yang dewa rasakan waktu ketika lihat berryku udah


Dew46 Waktu itu pastinya seneng. Ya jadi itu berati sadar kalau udah belajar banyak dan pengen nambah berry nya lagi, kalau bisa sebanyak-banyaknya semampunya.


R47 Ada gak hal yang kamu pikir negatif ? Dew47 Enggak ada. R48 Ada gak tujuan yang kamu ingin capai setelah memakai

Busuu buat belajar Bahasa Inggris?

Dew48 Supaya aku lebih paham tentang materi yang aku belum paham di sekolah. Di Busuu bisa ketemu materi itu jadi kita bisa belajar lebih dalam lagi.

1-Dew48-EPL-LT-I 2-Dew48-LE-EPL-LT-B

R49 oo gitu dan harapanmu tercapai enggak? Dew49 Lumayan. Masih ada beberapa materi juga yang mungkin

belum ketemu.

R50 Heem..terus ini kan ada yang digembok nih, bagaimana menurutmu?

Dew50 Jadi kalau digembok itu kita harus jadi member atau langganan gitu ya, jadi baru itu bisa kebuka baru jadi kita baru bisa mainin itu, mungkin langganan perbulan atau pertahun gitu

R51 Waktu itu dewa jadi langganan nggak? Dew51 Nggak, belum. R52 Kenapa? Dew52 Ya waktu itu, kan ngeliatnya juga materi yang belum

dimengerti juga kan masih banyak jadi mungkin, dimainin dulu, mungkin nanti kalau misalnya udah selesai gitu mungkin baru mau coba langganan gitu ya, jadi biar bisa semuanya kebuka gitu.

R53 Waktu tau harus bayar, bagaimana perasaan Dewa?



Dew53 Waktu itu sih.. ya..biasa aja sih. Iya, karena kan juga kan kalau misalnya harus bayar ya, kendalanya kan juga gak punya kartu kredit sendiri yang punya kan orangtua gitu. Jadi kan kadang juga kalau mau minta juga paling nanti ujung-ujungnya dimarahin.


R54 Emm okay (jeda) emm..kay, apakah kamu pernah membagikan pengalaman Busuu, main Busuu gitu atau nawarin Busuu ke temen-temen kamu gak?

Dew54 Pernah , ya mungkin di temen, sama temen-temen di sekolahan gitu. kebanyakan juga..mereka juga coba main gitu ya.

R55 Ada gak perubahan di dalam diri kamu, sebelum memakai busuu dan sesudah memakai busuu?

Dew55 Ada. R56 Ceritain dong. Dew56 Pastinya ya perubahannya kalau misalnya kalau waktu.

Kalau waktu luang mungkin, kita cuma bisa main apa, kalau misalnya kita main Busuu kan jadinya sambil belajar. Sambil belajar sambil main juga gitu, jadi gak hanya main juga gak hanya belajar gitu.


R57 Jadi belajar dan main jadi bisa sama-sama gitu ya. Dew57 Iya. R58 Selain itu? Dew58 Pemikiran tentang Bahasa Inggrisnya ya jadi..lebih kalau

sebelumnya kan mungkin banyak temen-temen yang bilang Bahasa Inggris itu gak enak mungkin atau gimana terus susah tapi kan mungkin setelah gitu kan coba sendiri ternyata tuh anggapannya mereka itu salah kalau Bahasa Inggris tuh juga sebenarnya enak dan mudah, apa jadi tuh materinya juga gampang dipahami gitu. Terbantu banget sama aplikasi ini.


R59 Heem..kalau misalnya nih ada, misalnya yang mewawancarai kamu sekarang itu yang founder designernya busuu gitu apa yang ingin kamu sampaikan ke orang itu?

Dew59 Makasih udah ciptaiin aplikasi gitu yang bisa membantu dalam pelajaran. Soalnya kan mungkin kalau gak ada itu kan kita kan mungkin hanya main gak bisa sambil belajar gak bisa sambil mengerti hal-hal yang lain. Jadi itu membuat terbantu banget ya.

R60 Terus da mungkin saran yang mau kamu sampaikan? Dew60 Sarannya mungkin ya yang tadi itu mungkin beberapa yang

dikunci mungkin ya dibuka lah apa gitu, gak semualah paling, beberapa aja misalnya ya mungkin ya yang materinya yang mudah-mudah gitu ya, jadi kan bisa lebih membantu gitu.