design portfolio - anna rogers

ANNA ROGERS Graphic Designer | visual problem-solver

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Design Portfolio - Anna Rogers

ANNA ROGERSGraphic Designer | visual problem-solver

Page 2: Design Portfolio - Anna Rogers

About Me:

I believe that the best thing about being a designer is that I get to solve problems. I love that graphic design is what tells you to stop your car at an intersection, how to open a package, or when to cross the street. All good design is fed by curiosity and attention to detail. I value these two qualities highest when appraising any designer’s approach. Attention to detail keeps errors from occurring, but also enriches a design by adding another level of depth to a seemingly simple solution. I am only a junior in my field of study, but my goal is to solve as many problems as I can with the gifts I’ve been given. Whether that is campaigning for a non-profit by giving them a solid brand identity or redesigning a logo to jumpstart a company’s image. I value experience, as I feel that it is the only way to really learn in this field. My hope is to find an employer that helps my curiosity to flourish while giving me practical knowledge and insight into the corporate world of graphic design that will help me for years to come.

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.”

Mary Lou Cook

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Norah’s Novels Chocolate Packaging

Project Objective: Design a packaging system for a chocolate company. The design must attract a specific audience, in this case, book lovers.

This unique, book-shaped package allows buyers to flip through chocolate bars with flavors that correspond to a book from classical literature. This set is the perfect gift for book club friends or anyone with a love of reading.

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Page 5: Design Portfolio - Anna Rogers

Brim Narrow

Brim Narrow Website

Project Objective: Design a digital publication about a topic in typography. Select an article from; Summarize and organize the content into a 10 page digital document published online via

The article chosen is “Brim Narrow: the making of a chromatic typeface.” Jaimie Clark examines the history of chromatic type and chronicles the difficulties of creating an entirely digital, layerable typeface. Chromatic layering plays a large role in Brim Narrow’s functionality, so I played with that concept throughout my publication using effects in ReadyMag.

Brim NarrowBrim Narrow

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Project Objective: Use an animal as the reference to create a new logo for a new client of your choice. The design must be made entirely of circles.

BioBeacon is an online news outlet that aims to educate individuals about the positive impact they can make on their environments, as well as alert them to current and potential ecological issues. Frogs’ permeable skin allows toxins into their bodies more freely, causing reproductive issues and deformities. This makes them whistleblowers, or bioindicators, of a pollution issue that will eventually cause the entire ecosystem of the pond to fail. The goal of BioBeacon is to reach a wide variety of people, and ultimately promote environmental awareness and proactivity.

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Type Book

Project Objective: Design a book containing a short story of your choice. Elements used should be predominantly typographic and all text must remain black and white.

The Crane Wife, or “Tsuru no Ongaeshi” is a common Japanese folk tale that values privacy and sacrificial love over all else. Throughout the story, the loom and the crane’s feathers play an integral role. I chose to use Japanese characters to illustrate the figures, as well as provide needed texture in the piece.

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Get Out the Vote poster

Project Objective: Design a non-partisan poster for AIGA’s Get Out the Vote campaign encouraging your audience to vote in the upcoming election.

I want to appeal to female voters, specifically, who feel that their vote is not going to make a difference. I chose to focus my poster on women’s suffrage because I believe it is important for contemporary female voters to remember the struggle that suffragettes undertook for them to have this right today. To hearken back to this idea, I used suffragette memorabilia that would have been seen in the early 1900s, like the hunger strike pin, pennant flag, and newspaper article.The line I chose to reinforce my idea was “don’t waste what they fought for.” The line was incorporated in Univers, a typeface with a modern feel, because the intended audience is present day female voters. I included this to drive home the idea that within this pile of keepsakes is the underlying message of the fight these women took on for all future women voters.

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Biology Poster

Project Objective: Create photograms using household objects, then design a poster about a biological term of your choice.

I chose my term, osteonecrosis, based on the photograms I produced. It was so interesting to learn new photographic processes for this project. I enjoyed taking a fine art skill and turning it into a poster that looks very commercial. This project was the first I ever completed at Auburn University.

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Project Objective: Design a postcard with a topic of your choice that successfully uses the golden section to inform layout while incorporating at least one pixelated image. All text must be typeset as provided in the example.

Through this promotional postcard project, I learned how to balance type and image, how to integrate low quality imagery into a complex design, and how to carefully consider color relationships.

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Birmingham Zoo Posters

Project Objective: Design a promotional poster for the Birmingham Zoo using an assigned animal as the subject matter.

The grey fox has a clever and playful demeanor, I designed this poster to reflect those aspects. The textures and large type were created entirely by hand, then converted to bitmaps. I believe this handmade quality gives the poster an almost juvenile feel.

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Thank you so much for your time and consideration!

contact: [email protected]