data days 2014 - benedikt köhler

Data-Driven Storytelling Dr. Benedikt Koehler, d.core datascience

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Data-Driven Storytelling

Dr. Benedikt Koehler, d.core datascience

The three narratives of Big Data (so far)

Three frequently heard definitions of Big Data:

• The four V‘s: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Variability

• The Rise of the Data Scientist: Developing Data Products in Organizations (Chief Data Officer)

• Algorithms & Machine Learning: Predictive Analytics, Large Scale Machine Learning (e.g. Deep Learning) as new Toolbox

What else?

Big Data = Storytelling

Jacques Bertin: Sémiologie graphique

John W. Tukey:EDA

Edward Tufte:Visual Display of Quantitative Information

What‘s the story?We believe in Gauss

What‘s the story?Colors of the rainbow

What‘s the story?Mobile Carpet

What‘s the story?Mysterious pointilist H

What‘s the story?Pixelsorter vs. Quiltbot

The tools for storytellingGoogle Correlate

The tools for storytellingGephi

The tools for storytellingIPython Notebooks

Thank you very much!

Benedikt Koehler / @furukama / [email protected]