cultural heritage unit 5 db

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  • 8/10/2019 Cultural Heritage Unit 5 DB


    Cultural Heritage Unit 5 DB





  • 8/10/2019 Cultural Heritage Unit 5 DB


    Cultural Heritage

    By understanding collective cultural heritage and shared humanity across time and geographic

    place citizens understand their obligation to be better stewards of a global future. When citizens

    understand their cultural legacy they can preserve the culture and traditions associated with the

    legacy. For example Americans have a shared heritage that involves protecting the citizens

    fundamental right to life, liberty, and justice. Through the strides made in guaranteeing the

    citizen freedom through the American culture, citizens across the globe now recognize their right

    to freedom. This aspect of American culture will be preserved for future generations because it is

    an essential part of the American legacy.

    Being better stewards of a global future involves understanding and recognizing the aspects of

    the collective culture that benefit humanity and the aspects that can disappear. Preserving aspects

    of a culture is important to understanding humanities past as well as guising humanities future.

    When there is a better understanding of humanities cultural heritage, citizens from across the

    globe will have greater awareness of the different and unique cultures available in the world and

    be more accepting (Cole, 2011). When citizens are more accepting of other cultures lessons are

    learned from past behaviors good or bad. For example the world learned that the German Nazi

    culture did not work and was inhumane. This culture aspect was then rejected by the global


    Understanding cultural differences across time and throughout the world promotes diversity

    and a multicultural society which in turn promotes a world that has less discrimination and

    ignorance (Aworeni, 2012). When there is aspects of a society that work they can be embraced

  • 8/10/2019 Cultural Heritage Unit 5 DB


    by future societies, such as democracy, but when their aspects of a culture that result in the

    inhumane conditions for citizens this behavior can be rejected by the global society. It is

    essential to safeguard our cultural heritage but it is also important to learn from the mistakes of

    past societies. Each culture should be preserved to ensure that unique societies exit in the world

    and to understand who we are and where we are going.

  • 8/10/2019 Cultural Heritage Unit 5 DB



    Aworeni, J. (2012). Why We Must Preserve Our Cultural Heritage. Retrieved April 20, 2013


    Cole, S. (2011). The Importance of Preserving Heritage, Tradition, and Race. Retrieved April 20,

    2013 from