clarence the handsome mouse

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  • 8/9/2019 Clarence the Handsome Mouse


    Clarence the Handsome Mouse

    Not long ago, in a little village north of London there

    lived a very handsome mouse named Clarence. Of

    course, for you and me deciding if one mouse is more

    handsome than another is very difficult, but within

    the little village all the mice agreed that Clarence was

    indeed the most handsome mouse they had everseen. None was more convinced of how handsome

    he was than Clarence himself. Everyday he could be

    seen strutting around the little village with his tail in

    the air, his ears groomed back and his whiskers

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    pointing right and left in perfect form proclaiming

    just how handsome he was.

    One day as Clarence was parading around the town,allowing everyone to admire just how handsome he

    was, he came upon a rat; a stranger from the town of


    "Just who are you supposed to be mouse?"

    questioned the rat as he gazed at Clarence.

    "I am Clarence of course. And who are you that you

    have never heard of me?"

    "I'm Herbert just round from London. Why should I

    have heard of you Clarence?" the rat answered with a

    snarl that only rats can make.

    "Because, Herbert I am the most handsome mouse

    that has ever lived and all envy me that is why."

    Clarence raised his tail to its full height and pointed

    his nose to the sky taking his most handsome stance.

    Of course, even in this stance he was still less than

    half the height of the rat and perhaps one-tenth thesize.

    "Why of course you are" grinned the sly rat, "how

    could I not have recognized the handsome tail and the

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    smooth ears. Why you are the famous Clarence that

    all of London is talking about." Obviously the rat

    was mocking Clarence, but Clarence was so vain he

    could he did not bother to consider that the rat mightbe planning something.

    "Truly?" questioned Clarence. "They know of me as

    far away as London?"

    "Of course" replied the rat. "Why you are the talk of

    the town. All the male mice are jealous of you and

    hope you will never come to London, but all the

    female mice swoon at the mention of your name. If

    you were there they would all be rushing to see you,

    giving you gifts and appreciating you much more

    than these poor village mice could ever do."

    While Clarence considered these things, Herbert the

    rat slinked around Clarence, first this way and then

    that whipping his awful rat tail round about and

    smelling of rotted vegetables and sour milk. Still,

    Clarence was so enthralled with what the rat had said

    he did not seem to notice at all.

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    The more Herbert thought about Clarence the smaller

    his eyes seemed to become until they looked like tiny

    glowing red dots focused on Clarence.

    My dear fellow, Herbert began rising to his full

    height so that he towered over Clarence, I am at

    your service. With that, the rat folded over in a long

    drawn out bow until his oily black rat nose nearly

    touched Clarences toes. Perhaps I might suggest an

    opportunity for someone as handsome as you are

    The rats voice trailed off into kind of a breathy hiss

    and his mouth twisted up on one side and down onthe other. Clarence was, of course, oblivious to all of

    this as he soaked up the fake praises that Herbert


    Well Herbert, you seem to be well traveled and very

    wise, what would you suggest? Of course, Clarence

    knew what he wanted Herbert to suggest and Herbertclearly understood what Clarence wanted to hear.

    This was too easy.

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    A mouse as handsome as you should be appreciated

    by a larger audience than this small village. After all,

    you have a special gift that should be shared with the

    world. Yesthats it, you have been blessed with aspecial gift and it iswell it is your duty to share it.

    Clarence was very excited about the prospect of

    getting out of this tiny village. Of course, Herbert

    was right and Clarence had always known it.

    Certainly, the world needed to appreciate him. He

    was doing a great disservice to them by keeping all

    this handsomeness to himself. So what do you


    The rat sucked in a deep breath and rubbed his oily

    rat hands together at the thought of how well this was

    going. What about a journey to London? Herberttried to contain his excitement. I have many fine

    friends that would be quite anxious to meet you and

    show you about. However, under his breath Herbert

    whispered with all the evil that was in him and have

    you over for dinner too.

    Excellent, cried Clarence. Come to my homewhile I prepare for our journey.

    Of course Clarence, if you think this is a good idea.

    Perhaps you have a friend or two you might like to

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    take along? Herbert was expanding his wicked


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    Clarence turned and headed for his house, though it

    was not exactly a house as you and I would know

    one, for mice live in small spaces, under houses, in

    fields, in walls and sometimes in your furniture.

    Although Clarence lived in a very small village, he

    had a very fine house under the tailor shop near the

    center of the village.

    Clarence scurried down the edge of the dusty street,

    under the iron step near the bakery, across the fence

    that bordered the widow McCalls garden and across

    the fine brick walkway that lead to the Parish. Justbeyond the green and Paddys tavern was the tailor

    shop. It had a fine brass doorplate and steps made of

    stone. As the ground had settled from the many finely

    dressed men and women entering the shop, it had

    created a gap and it was through the gap where

    Clarence lived.

    While Clarence may have scurried, Herbert plodded

    along as best he could trying to keep up with the agile

    little mouse. Herbert could not easily squeeze into

    the same spaces as Clarence and had a terrible time

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    navigating the top of the fence along the widows

    garden. When he arrived at the tailor shop, it was all

    he could do to squeeze his oily dirty body through the

    gap and into Clarences tiny house.

    Clarence had several pieces of very nice fabric that

    he used for a bed, and a box used for matches that

    was full of breadcrumbs and bits of cheese. Mr.

    Frumpish, who owned the tailor shop, was a messy

    eater so there was always plenty for Clarence, though

    he seldom shared with any of his friends. In fact,

    Clarence really did not have any friends to speak of.

    Most of the mice in the village thought he was

    handsome, but not very friendly or helpful so they

    kept their distance admiring him from afar. That was

    just fine with Clarence. After all, all friends want is

    your help for this or that, or to borrow something orto eat your food. They were just too much trouble.

    Herbert eyed the food in the box. Clarence, as I

    have traveled a long way and have missed my

    morning meal, perhaps you could share some of you

    ample food store with me. Herbert was already near

    his box of food.

    Well, I suppose so, replied Clarence although he

    did not sound like he meant it, which he did not.

    You may have some if you like.

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    Before Clarence got the words out of his mouth,

    Herbert had gobbled down all the crumbs and bits of

    cheese in the box and was wiping the drool from hismouth with his dingy paws. Excellent meal

    Clarence, excellent Herbert said making a belching

    sound and sniffing about the room. Are you ready

    to go?

    Yes I believe I am, said Clarence, washing his feet

    and nose in a thimble of water that he filled each day

    from the downspout at the corner of the shop. Let

    us be on our way to London.

    So the two of them left the little village, Herbert was

    leading the way and Clarence followed close behind.

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    The trip to London was much longer than Clarence

    had expected. Of course, Clarence was only a

    country mouse from a small village and had no idea

    just how big the world was beyond the end of Mr.

    Staffords field. In fact, when they crossed the first

    brook, Clarence was convinced he had made it to the

    Atlantic Ocean and surely, they would see the new

    world next.

    Herbert, rat that he was, was very experienced in the

    ways of the world, and the means of travel best suitedfor his general class of travel. They had been moving

    along a dusty road, staying to the scrub grass on its

    side during the day, and in the wheel ruts left by

    wagons at night. Rats are by nature nocturnal

    animals, so travel by night suited Herbert. Clarence

    on the other hand, being a village mouse liked to be

    out during the day and asleep in his own bed at night.As a compromise, Herbert traveled in the early

    morning, slept during the middle of the day, then

    traveled again in the evening and early night,

    sleeping again after midnight.

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    They had been traveling for nearly four days when

    Herbert raised his great greasy body into the air and

    began to sniff wildly. Do you smell that Clarenceold boy, he asked?

    Clarence could not smell anything different. Being

    so close to a well-traveled road all he could smell

    was horse droppings, the stench of humans and an

    occasional patch of wild flowers that somehow made

    it all just tolerable. Sorry Herbert cant smell a

    thing down here. What do you think it could be?

    Ill tell you friend Clarence, it is the smell of

    opportunity. Yes sir, opportunity awaits us just

    around the bend. With that, Herbert dropped to all

    fours and was off on a trot. While Herbert was notexceptionally fast, he was much larger than Clarence

    and as such had a much greater stride as he galloped

    away. It was all Clarence could do to keep up.

    Herberts great black form would rise up out of the

    grass, and then disappear only to rise up again a

    distance further ahead.

    Slow down, called Clarence. You must give me

    time to catch up.

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    As Clarence ran, he caught himself on a thorn. The

    sudden pain brought him to a quick stop. The thorn

    was caught in the top of his left thigh, and it was very

    painful. But worse than that was the thought that hewould be left there alone unable to catch up to

    Herbert. Clarence took a deep breath, drew all the

    strength he had and pulled as hard as he could. Just

    when the thought he would die from the pain he was

    suddenly free, but not without a cost. On the top of

    his thigh was now a gash plus the flesh that was

    pulled also pulled out a sizeable chunk of fur as well.

    Oh no, cried Clarence, look at my beautiful fur.

    How can this be? Oh what will I do, I am ruined.

    As Clarence called, out Herbert rushed back to see

    what had happened. When he saw the scratch on the

    little mouse and the missing fur, he smiled to himself.

    Friend, what is the problem? We must make haste

    and I am sure we do not have much time. Herbert

    was whipping his awful hairless tail back and forth in

    the grass.

    Cant you see? cried Clarence. I am maimed, Iam ruined. I have damaged my beautiful fur coat. I

    am hideous.

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    Not to worry there Clarence, why it makes you look

    more viral, tough and strong. Why you can tell all

    those lovely mice in London how you were pursued

    by wild beasts and how you battled them and escapedby the smallest of margins and one of them snapped

    his jaws so close he took the very fur from your leg.

    Herbert grinned a toothy grin with yellow teeth that

    had something brown or black on them.

    How could I Herbert that would be a lie? Clarence


    Well now Clarence, we can talk about that later, but

    just think about all those lovely ladies waiting to see

    the most handsome mouse that escaped the jaws of

    death. Quite I sight I might think. Herbert turned

    and headed back from where he came. QuicklyClarence, there isnt much time.

    Clarence looked at his wound and missing fur,

    considered what Herbert had said and limped along

    following the path in the grass that Herbert was


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    When Clarence finally caught up, Herbert was pacing

    first this way then that sizing up the opportunity that

    was waiting down at the rivers edge. Looking

    beyond the agitated rat, Clarence saw a large flat boat

    tied up to a tree at the rivers edge. Sitting along the

    side of the boat were several dirty men with their feet

    in the water. The longer Clarence stood there the

    stronger the odor from the men and the boat became.

    It was awful, even worse than the smell from Herbert,

    which was at its very best unseemly and at its worst


    OHWhat is that horrible smell? Clarence

    covered his nose and drew back from his position to

    stick his head in a patch of daisy blossoms hoping to

    hold back the tide of yuk rushing up the hill.

    Clarence, Herbert turned to put his arm around themouses shoulder and drew him into his greasy fur.

    That is the smell of adventure and opportunity.

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    It smells more like rotted vegetables, spoiled meat

    and the stench of humans that have not bathed in

    years, replied Clarence.

    Exactly!! You are quite sharp my friend. We shall

    find plenty to eat and an easy passage to London on

    this vessel, replied Herbert. Tonight we dine like


    Clarence pondered the rats suggestion that they

    would be eating like kings and balanced it against the

    pungent odor that surrounded the boat that Herbert

    had pointed out was actually a barge. Clarence

    decided that if kings ate like this he would much

    prefer to be a mouse from a little village living under

    a tailor shop. Perhaps this trip was not nearly as

    good an idea as it had seemed only days before.Clarence stopped and rubbed the spot on his thigh

    torn by the thorn. I hope things are better in

    London, Clarence moaned to himself, because they

    dont look all that good just now.

    Herbert was now near the rivers edge but still in the

    tall grass. Not that anyone could see him as the menall appeared to be sleeping. Herbert moved to where

    the rope had been tied to the tree and waited for

    Clarence to make his way down the hill.

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    You must hurry Clarence, Herbert whispered in a

    very loud whisper. Of course, the men could not hear

    or understand the language of rats or mice. To them

    it would have been a long evil hiss, the kind ratsalways seem to make. We must get onto the barge

    before the men wake up.

    Clarence had heard some very scary stories from his

    parents and other mice in the village about places

    where they killed mice with poisons and traps. He

    had even heard a song that children sang about killing

    blind mice and cutting their tails off. It was just too

    horrible to think of. Clarence was missing his home

    even more now, where he was safe, warm and well


    Herbert had climbed onto the rope and was makinghis way to the boat. Hurry up Clarence, he called

    and he walked. Clarence was none to sure about all

    this, but he was also sure it was too far to go back

    now and Herbert had told him just how wonderful

    London would be.

    Clarence made his way down the rope toward thebarge, when suddenly the barge moved away from

    the shoreline and then back again. The rope went

    tight and almost threw Clarence into the air, and then

    it went slack and dipped into the water. Clarence did

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    not know what to do. Should he let go? Should he

    hold on? Clarence was so scared and all he could

    think of was being home.

    Then, just as quickly as it went into the water, it was

    out again. Poor Clarence was covered with the

    muddy slime from the river. It was in his ears and

    eyes and up his nose. He could barely hear Herbert

    telling him to hurry when he wiped his eyes and to

    his shock, he saw the men moving about. Worse yet,

    one of them was coming right for Clarence.

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    Quickly Clarence swung round and clung to the

    bottom side of the rope, pulling his slimy, wet body

    as close to the rope as possible. He stuck his tail

    straight out the length of the rope so it could not be

    seen and hoped for the best.

    The man from the boat took a long step forward and

    eyed the rope. He knew he had seen something there,

    or at least he thought he had seen something. He

    continued to gaze up and down the rope looking for

    any hint of activity, but there was none.

    Hurry up down there, cried one of the other men.

    We need to get moving if we expect to be in London

    in the morning.

    The man continued to look down the rope while he

    reached to his side to get something. Clarence couldsee the mans hand come forward with something

    long and shinny. Now normally a country village

    mouse like Clarence would not have much first hand

    knowledge of the shinny object in the mans hand,

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    but not so for Clarence. Clarence had seen the

    butcher using one of these, and the baker used one to

    cut the bread. But even worse, the woman in the

    song used one of these to cut off the tails of the blindmice and to Clarences horror, the man was swinging

    a giant knife right at him.

    Clarence pulled forward as fast as a mouse could

    even as he felt the rush of wind and the blinding light

    from the knife reflecting the sun. WOOSH it went,

    past his head, brushing the tips of his fur down his

    side and slicing through the rope in one motion. One

    end of the rope fell slack on the side of the river

    while the man grabbed the other end and threw it

    onto the smelly rotten heap of garbage on the surface

    of the barge. Clarence went flying off the rope,

    through the air and landed on some rotting tomatoesand cucumbers.

    Well little friend, called Herbert from beneath the

    pile of refuse, you were very lucky indeed.

    Clarence worked his way out of the tomato and

    looked at himself. He was still caked in the riverslime and now rotten tomatoes. As we was about to

    adjust to the stench, the slime, and the scar on his leg

    he realized that something else was wrong. Carefully

    he checked his hands, his feet, and his ears and

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    then.OH NO! Clarence was holding on to half

    of his tail. The other half had been cut off cleanly

    when the man cut the rope to free the boat. Although

    it did not hurt much, Clarence was crushed. Insteadof being happy, he was alive and not sliced into equal

    pieces, all Clarence could think about was the loss of

    half of his lovely tail.

    Clarence, I believe you are the luckiest mouse I

    have ever known. You escaped the blade of the

    knife, have a ride to London and plenty of food for

    the journey. You are a great companion to travel

    withyes indeed. Herbert put one of his hands on

    his hip and with the other pickup a piece of rotting

    apple, all brown and wrinkled. Tonight we dine as

    the royalty.

    Clarence never felt so alone in his life. What had he


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    Strangely, for Clarence, the stench of the garbage

    barge seemed to lessen during the night. He could

    not tell if it was because the air was colder or if he

    had simply gotten use to the smell. He hoped it was

    the first because if he had gotten use to the smell,

    perhaps he would never be able to smell wildflowers

    again. Herbert on the other hand was as happy as

    happy could be. He ate until he could eat no more

    making loud belching noises in between his grunts,

    teeth grinding and slapping his jaws and lips. As

    hungry as Clarence was, he just could not bear to eatthis stuff.

    Whats the matter there Clarence, Herbert called

    and then belched a long disgusting tone. Dont you

    have the stomach for this kind of food? Then he

    laughed so hard that he lost his balance and rolled

    down the mount of rot and nearly rolled of the barge.Clarence just sat holding his tail and wishing he were

    home. He would not even mind helping some of the

    other mice in the village with their tasks. Yes, he

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    decided. He would be very helpful if he ever got

    home again.

    The barge meandered down the river all night as themen took turns at the helm steering around river

    bends and rocky outcrops here and there. Neither

    mice nor rats see very well anyway and they see even

    less at night, but Clarence could feel the turns and the

    gentle rolling of the waves on the river as the barge

    moved through the darkness. With the morning came

    a heavy fog that did not seem to bother the men but it

    made Clarence feel cold down deep into his bones.

    He was afraid to move very far because he could not

    see, where the men were or even the edge of the boat

    until he nearly fell off.

    Something touched Clarences shoulder that madehim nearly jump out of his skin with surprise. Of

    course, as it turned out it was only Herbert stretching,

    yawning and coming to check on Clarence. So did

    you have a good rest? Herbert bent down low and

    kind of wiggled his body all the way from the front of

    his greasy nose to the end of that awful thick black

    tail. Ah well I rested just fine and by mycalculations we should be at our destination by lunch.

    Of course we should eat our lunch here since it may

    be a while before we get to eat again. With that,

    Herbert was off to forage in the mountain of

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    decomposing kitchen waste. It made Clarence shiver

    just thinking about it.

    Still for all the things Herbert was not, apparently hewas a good judge of time and distance for in a few

    hours the barge was pulling up to a stone structure

    that jutted out from the land and into the water. It

    appeared to Clarence that the boat they were on fit

    just right against this so it must have been made for

    this boat or one very much like it. While the men

    threw ropes over the side to tie to the stone structure,

    Herbert broke away from his eating to explain to

    Clarence what the next step in the adventure would


    Here we go Clarence. Do you see that crack in the

    wall? The one near the stairs over there, Herbertwas pointing toward a dark spot on the wall.

    Clarence could see it but not very well. He suspected

    that Herbert could not see it at all and was going from

    memory. As I said, mice and rats do not see very


    Yes I can see it, though it seems quite a long wayoff and nowhere for us to hide while we make our

    way there. Clarence was worried because all he saw

    was flat bare stone all the way to the stairs. Not a

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    box or log or anything to hide behind. Surely, this

    was a very bad idea.

    Not to worry friend. Just be ready to run when I sayrun. Got it? Herbert winked his evil eye and

    snarled up his nose as he said it which made Clarence

    most uncomfortable. Its almost time so get ready.

    From somewhere far away a great bell began to

    chime. Clarence had often heard the bell of the

    Parish in his village when it chimed but this one was

    much much louder and the very ground shook as it

    rang out. Run, called Herbert as he leaped to the

    stone walk and made for the crack.

    As if by magic, hundreds, no thousands of rats of all

    sizes and shapes began running out of a hundredcracks and crevices along the wall and in the stone

    walk. They came from everywhere and each one was

    screaming foodfoodfood all charging for the

    boat and seeming right at Clarence.

    Run Clarence, called Herbert, Run now!!

    And so Clarence ran just as hard as he could, down

    the thick rope and onto the stone walk. As soon as he

    was on the walk dozens of hungry rats buffeted him

    left and right so that he did not know where he was

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    going. He tried to move forward but they were

    pushing him back so quickly he was now on the edge

    of the water and would fall in.

    As Clarence was about to fall into the water, a hand

    reached through the streams of hungry rodents and

    pulled him back to safety. Come on Clarence, cant

    wait around here, Herbert said as he pulled him

    above the other rats. Now stick close.

    Sticking close was exactly what Clarence did. He

    was not going to wind up a casualty in a rat food

    mob. He grabbed onto the end of Herberts tail and

    held on for dear life until they entered the crack next

    to the stone steps. What a surprise was on the other


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    Even for a mouse, it took Clarence a few minutes to

    adjust to the darkness inside the crack so he stopped

    as soon as he was sure the remainder of his tail was

    well inside. When his eyes did adjust, he could not

    believe what he was seeing. At first, it looked like a

    large tube running on forever in both directions. But

    as his eyes adjusted, he could see that the tube was

    actually made of fine brick and there was a trench

    that ran down the center full of water. On either side

    of the trench was a wide walkway just perfect for a

    mouse, or even a rat to walk quite comfortablythrough the tunnel.

    Shapes were moving along the walkways casting

    long distorted shadows up the sides of the curved

    walls. At first, Clarence could not tell what they

    were but then it became very clear. There were

    hundreds, maybe thousands of very lean looking ratsmoving along both sides of the watery trench. Every

    now and then one would reach into the water and

    pick out something, probably to eat, and the others

    would go into a frenzy trying to take it from them.

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    Then they would all settle down and go back to

    looking into the trench again, first here and then


    Clarence followed Herbert along the walkway and

    could almost feel the glare from the rats as he walked

    by. He could hear them mumble about the mouse

    going there or Herbert has himself a fine one. He

    was not sure what they meant but he was sure it was

    not good. Just to think only a few days ago he was in

    his warm bed eating fine cheese and feeling quite

    safe (and handsome) in his little village. Now he was

    limping about in a dark tunnel, surrounded by hungry

    rats, missing half a tail and smelling like

    decomposing rot and river slime. What had he done?

    It seemed they had traveled quite a long time whenthey came to a place were several of the tunnels all

    came together to form a large room. The room

    seemed to be much brighter than the rest of the

    tunnels and as Clarence approached, he could see

    why. Far above his head, there was a small opening

    to the outside that allowed the sunlight to pass.

    Clarence missed the warm sunlight and the villagegreen where he often walked during the summer

    days. He was beginning to think he might never see

    his village again.

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    Look here Clarence, began Herbert, I have some

    friends Id like you to meet.

    Out of the shadows across the room came twofigures. One was tall and very lean while the other

    one pulled himself along on a small cart with wheels.

    Hello boys, called Herbert. I want you fellows to

    meet my friend Clarence. He has traveled along way

    to be with us.

    The tall lean rat leaned forward and Clarence noticed

    that he had one eye covered with a piece of cloth.

    This fellow here is Patch, Herbert pointed to the

    lean rat with the covered eye. And this one here,

    pointing at the other rat is Bowler; since he has to

    roll everywhere he goes. Both rats bowed as bestthey could but neither took their eyes, or in Patchs

    case, eye off Clarence.

    Bowler was the first to speak. Well Mr. Clarence,

    no need to be afraid of ol Bowler. Got caught

    under a wagon wheel when I was younger, running

    from some dogs. I do alright now.

    Patch chimed in yeah, nothing to worry about fella.

    We just had some incidents. You know like me. I

    lost this here eye jumping off a sinking boat. Seems

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    some hungry fish liked young rat, but I got away

    cleanalmost clean anyway. Patch rubbed the

    piece of cloth covering the missing eye.

    Yes, well boys, Herbert drew Clarence close to his

    side and patted him on the head. Clarence here is

    going to be with us for a while. Hell be with us for

    dinner later. All three rats grinned evil grins

    thinking about what Herbert really meant. So

    Clarence Ill bet youd like to clean up before dinner.

    You know so you will look your best. Herbert was

    pushing him toward a wooden box looking thing up

    next to one of the walls.

    Well yes I think I should like to clean up. I smell

    quite awful. Clarence was looking at the black on

    his paws and the slime on his legs. Yes I would liketo take a bath.

    Herbert gave him a little shove into the box and

    closed the door. There you go, some nice fresh

    water to clean up and even a little piece of carrot for

    you to nibble on till its time to eat.

    Clarence looked around at the little space, he

    supposed it would do. He turned and pushed on the

    door to step back out and tell Herbert that this would

    be fine, but the door would not open. Clarence

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    supposed the door was stuck, so he pushed again.

    And again, and again but it would not budge.

    Herbert, the door is stuck and will not open, calledClarence.

    Not to worry Clarence, its locked to keep you safe.

    The boys and I will be out for a while and we didnt

    want any of the unseemly rats to come by and bother

    you. Youll be safer this way. Herbert knocked on

    the door. See? You are safe and sound till we


    Clarence wasnt sure that was the only reason he had

    been locked in but there was nothing he could do so

    he sat down and began to clean the slime from his

    fur. As he was cleaning, he heard a beautiful sound.It was singing. The most beautiful singing he had

    ever heard. It was near, but not near enough to hear

    it clearly. He had to hear more and he had to get

    closer. But how?

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    Clarence supposed if the singing could be heard in

    the box, then there must be an opening somewhere.

    He felt all around the floor and then the walls, but no

    opening was to be found. Then he stood up on his

    tiptoes and touched all along the ceiling till sure

    enough, he found a small opening in the top corner

    there the two pieces of wood had been warped over

    time. With all his might, he pulled himself into the

    tiny opening. As it turned out, it was a drainpipe that

    was wedged to the top of the box. Clarence looked

    around to see if he could get out of the pipe, but itappeared to end at the box and go up forever.

    Once again, Clarence heard the beautiful singing, it

    was coming from above. He had to climb the inside

    of the pipe if he was to find out whom or what could

    make such a wonderful sound. Clarence wiggled into

    the drain and found that it was very rough and rustyon the inside, just right for a mouse to climb on. He

    made his was up and up and up as the beautiful

    singing became louder and louder.

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    Just when he thought he would reach the singing, it

    stopped and Clarence found himself coming to a spot

    where the pipe and been dented and was too small for

    him to pass. Now what? As Clarence was about toturn around and make his way back down the pipe he

    saw an opening on the other side of the pipe. He had

    not seen it before since it was hidden by the shadow

    of the dented area. Carefully, Clarence made his way

    to the tiny hole. It was too small for him to pass

    through but he could get his nose just inside the


    Hello, called Clarence. Is there anyone there?

    Hello, returned a definitely feminine voice. Im

    Miriam, who are you?

    Im Clarence; well at least my nose is since that is

    what you can see.

    It is a pleasure to meet you Clarence. If you would

    pull your nose back from the hole, I should like to

    touch your face so I can tell what you look like,

    replied Miriam.

    Clarence pulled back while Miriams tiny hand

    reached through the hole and gently stroked

    Clarences nose, chin and ears. It was so gentle and

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    comforting as Miriam touched the edges of his ears

    and then finally each one of his whiskers.

    I can tell you are both very handsome and very kindClarence. I have not had someone to talk to for a

    very long time.

    Were you the one who was singing so beautifully?

    inquired Clarence.

    Well, Miriam sat down across from the hole, I

    was singing, but I am not sure how beautiful it was.

    Oh, it was quite wonderful. I can see you through

    the hole, but not very well, could you back up just a

    little? Clarence was straining to see what Miriam

    looked like. As she moved back, Clarence could seeshe was a rather small mouse, very attractive but not

    brown like Clarence. No, she was almost all white

    except for some small patches of black here and

    there. Clarence also noticed she had her eyes closed.

    Open your eyes so I can see your whole face,

    Clarence asked.

    I am sorry Clarence, but I cannot. I have been blind

    since I was born and this is how my eyes have always

    looked. But thats alright, because I can see with my

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    ears and my hands and my heart. Miriam smiled

    knowing Clarence could see her now. You must

    hurry back to your place Clarence because Herbert

    and the others will be back soon and when theyreturn they will be bringing Goliath. I heard them

    talking as they were leaving.

    Who or what is Goliath?

    Trust me Clarence; he is someone you do not want

    to meet. But if you do, it is the last someone you will

    ever see.

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    Clarence hurried himself down the pipe and back into

    his little box. He could hear the voices of Herbert

    and Patch and someoneor something else. He

    supposed the other thing out there was Goliath.

    Just come this way sir, Clarence could hear Herbert

    saying; we have everything prepared just the way

    you like it.

    There was a kind of whooshing sound and a soft

    but definite thud that came from outside the box.Almost the same as when the tailor in the shop above

    Clarences little home walked around in his wool

    socks. Whooshthud, again and again. Then it

    stopped and there was a very strange noise that

    followed. It sounded a little like the grinding of the

    gears in widow McCalls great clock in her hall near

    the door. Except, there was no ticking; only the lowgrinding noise mixed with a deep breathing sound.

    Clarence was worried, but somehow not afraid. Very

    strange for a little mouse, even one who was

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    handsomeor at least used to be? Clarence knew he

    needed a plan, even though he did not know what to

    plan for. His father used to tell him Son, pray for

    the best, plan for the worst. Nothing is as bad as yourimagination. Clarences imagination had run quite

    wild up to this point so he was hoping his father was


    Clarence turned about several times and decided to

    press as hard as he could against the door, while still

    not making any noise. Once, twicethree times

    Clarence pushed the door until there was a small

    opening, just large enough for Clarence to get a peak

    of Goliath.

    It looked like Clarences father was wrong because

    what he saw was much worse than he had imagined.In fact, he had never seen anything like it anywhere.

    Sitting with Herbert and Patch was a huge furry thing

    with one ear that pointed up and one ear than hung

    down. It had long whiskers on one side of its giant

    face and none on the side where the ear hung. Its eye

    was yellow and cold looking. The other eye was

    closed, perhaps forever since it did not look veryhealthy.

    Goliaths body was two to three times that of Herbert

    and the tail was completely covered with hair

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    although it had kind of a kink in the end of it.

    Nevertheless, all that was not the half of it. Goliaths

    paws were massive with long sharp claws and teeth

    so big they showed even when his mouth was closed.

    Of course, had Clarence been a slightly worldlier

    mouse, he would have known that Goliath was a cat.

    A very large cat in mouse terms, but a cat just the


    Herbert, Goliath and Patch were all sitting around a

    table with a candle in the middle of it. Next to, it was

    a fork and a knife, much like the ones at the widows

    table, except these were exceeding dirty.

    Well, purred Goliath, lets see this country mouse

    you have bragged about. I have come a long way andI am anxious to get to this business. As you might

    expect I am very hungry.

    Suddenly Clarence realized what this trip was really

    about. Clarence was not joining Herbert, Patch and

    Goliath for dinnerhe was the dinner. Clarence was

    also sure Miriam was part of the dinner menu as well,he had to do something about it, and he needed to do

    it right now.

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    Gentlemen, Clarence called in his most theatrical

    voice he could muster, given his size. Before we

    have our dinner we should grace our ears with the

    sweet melodies of Miriam the singing mouse while Iperform a feat of such daring it could never be

    repeated again. Clarence leaned against the door

    trying to see the faces of the trio and what they might

    think of his proposal.

    It seems to me, said Patch, rising to his full height

    and trying to look like a fancy, that a gentleman and

    his companions should enjoy some entertainment

    before dinner. I think the suggestion from our guest

    is exactly what we should do.

    Fine, growled Goliath, anything that will get us

    closer to eating. Get on with it.

    Herbert slithered his way over to the door where

    Clarence was captive. So Clarence, what daring feat

    could a small country mouse perform that would so

    astound my guests?

    Surely Herbert, Clarence replied, you did notactually think my only talent was my handsome

    appearance did you? As Clarence said this he

    realized just how foolish had had been his whole life

    wasting his time thinking more of himself than

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    anyone else. He realized that he was the only one

    who could now make a difference for Miriam and

    himself. It was all or nothing.

    Very well, said Herbert with a distinctive sneer in

    his voice, show us. With that, Herbert unlatched

    the door and let Clarence out of his prison.

    Gentlemen, I must warn you that this display of skill

    has rarely been attempted and it is very dangerous,

    Clarence was standing on his hind feet waving his

    arms as he walked. He approached Goliath. I

    would not even attempt such a feat if not for this

    uhuhspecial person joining us this evening.

    Clarence bowed in front of Goliath and though that

    just for a moment he saw the beast smile.

    So mouse, what makes me so special that you would

    attempt thiswhatever it is? Goliath narrowed the

    one eye to a slit and stared at the mouse.

    Well sir, began Clarence, it is because of your

    obvious great skill and power as well as size and of

    courseyour courage. As he spoke, Clarencemoved the knife and fork so that the fork was now

    face up lying across the knife. Now good sir, if you

    would use your great strength to hold the fork for

    me. Clarence positioned Goliaths massive front

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    paw over the end of the fork, covering the tines with

    the center of his paw.

    So what is it you are going to do, questionedPatch?

    One moment gentlemen, for to make this special I

    will need music. Perhaps Miriam could come down

    here and sing will I perform. Clarence was still

    working out the details of his amazing feat though

    he was not quite sure yet what that feat was.

    Herbert, you did not tell me the mouse could sing,

    growled Goliath. Bring her here; lets have her sing

    while we enjoy this entertainment.

    Herbert brought Miriam down into the midst of thegroup.

    Well miss mouse; we hear from Clarence that you

    can sing. So if you would please, while Clarence

    entertains us with his feat of daring you shall sing for

    our supper, Herbert wiped his mouth with his dirty


    Yes Miriam, you must sing while I perform my

    amazing feat of daring, Clarence spoke to all the

    guests. Then, in a whisper so no one but Miriam

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    could hear, he said be ready to run to your right as

    fast as you can when I say go. It will be alright.

    I would love to sing for you all this evening. Itwould be an honor, Miriam bowed to the anxious


    Clarence took Miriams hand and positioned her

    where she would be out of the way and easily make

    her escape when it was time. Now it was time for

    him to call up all the courage a mouse could have and

    hope his plan would work.

    Very well gentlemen, began Clarence, it is time.

    Miriam if you would please begin.

    Miriam began to sing a beautiful song that at oncefilled the dingy sewer with notes and melodies that

    no one had ever heard the like of before. It was quite

    wonderful and the guests were captivated by her

    charm. Not that they would not eat her later, but

    perhaps they would do it slowly out of respect.

    Clarence began to climb up the drainpipe he had usedto reach Miriam. But he climbed higher and higher

    and even still higher till he was nearly at the ceiling.

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    Then, from the height of the room, Clarence called

    out to all Lady and gentlemen. I present to you the

    one and the only Clarence the Amazing. Clarence

    had heard something like this years before when hehad crawled into a circus tent near his little village.

    The hungry patrons turned to look up to where

    Clarence was perched. There was great anticipation

    on their faces as they wondered just what the country

    mouse would actually do.

    Be amazed, called Clarence and he jumped from

    the pipe into the air and began to fall toward the

    table. As he fell, he called out GO, but neither rat

    nor cat noticed as their attention was on the falling

    mouse. Miriam knew just what to do and began to

    run. As the three companions were looking up at

    Clarence, they never saw her go; but Clarence did.

    As he fell, he began to whip his tail about in the air,

    though not much of a tail anymore, it did help to slow

    him down some. Moreover, when he did land, it was

    a true surprise.

    Clarence fell firmly on the end of the fork as it restedon the knife. Though small, his weight plus the fall

    caused the fork to leap in the air. Well, not leap

    because Goliaths paw was on it. What did happen

    was the fork jumped and stuck in the cats paw.

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    Goliath let out a yell as his paw flew in the air, fork

    stuck in the pad. The force of the flinging paw hit

    Herbert firmly in the nose sending him sailing acrossthe floor and into the wall. Goliath quickly turned to

    remove the fork from his injured paw, but he turned

    so suddenly that the other end of the fork poked

    Patch in his good eye so he could not see.

    It was a mad house. Herbert was dazed against the

    wall, Patch was wandering around and bumping into

    things while he coved the only working eye he had

    and Goliath was growling and yowling trying to get

    the fork out of his paw.

    Clarence started to run after Miriam but found he had

    injured his leg on the landing and now was notrunning but limping away hoping to make it to


    Herbert was to his feet now and charging after the

    little country mouse. Youll not make a fool out of

    me mouse, Herbert called. Just wait, youll pay for


    Herbert was getting closer now, in fact, if Clarence

    had his full tail, he would have been caught already.

    Herbert made one more lunge to catch Clarence and

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    Clarence was running as fast as a limping mouse

    could go when he heard a thud.

    The sound of Herbert running after him had stopped.Clarence stole a quick glance behind to see Herberts

    tail sticking out from under a brick that had fallen

    from the ceiling. From above Clarence heard

    Miriams voice, I may not be able to see with my

    eyes, but I can see with my ears. The mortar around

    this brick has been dropping away for the past week.

    It just needed a little help.

    And with that, Miriam joined Clarence and they

    made their way back to the little country village that

    Clarence called home.

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    Of course, this is not the end of the story. Clarence

    and Miriam had several adventures on the way to the

    little country village and had a wonderful life in the

    village having lots of children and grandchildren

    Miriam still sang and the whole village loved it.

    Clarence, well he was no longer the handsome

    mouse. His ear was torn, his tail was short and we

    walked with a limp all the rest of his life.

    Nevertheless, there was not a day that one of his

    grandchildren did not beg him to tell the story of how

    he and Grandmother Miriam escaped from the

    monster Goliath.

    Oh, one more thing. Although he was no longer

    Clarence the handsome mouse, everyone in the

    village now called him the Amazing Clarence. Truly

    for Clarence, when he put someone else before

    himselfhe was amazing.

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    From Time Magazine, December 28th, 1936

    Inmates of the Chicago Industrial Home for Children at Woodstock were convinced last fortnight that acanary was loose somewhere in the building. Day after day, they heard it chirp and trill. Day after day theysearched for it high & low without success. Then one day the school manager heard the piping behind him,turned and beheld its astonishing sourcea small, grayish brown mouse.

    Captured, placed in a glass jar and named Mickey, the singing mouse became the wonder & delight ofschool and neighborhood. Even news hawks admitted after an audition that it actually sang. When AssistantDirector Robert Bean of the Chicago Zoological Park called, it failed to perform. Nonetheless, Director Bean,who had heard of singing mice before, offered $150 for it. Dr. Wilfred H. Osgood, zoology curator of theField Museum of Natural History, also said he had heard of singing mice, though he had never seen one.Declared University of Chicago's Dr. Maud Slye, famed cancer experimenter: "I have had 160,000 mice andI never had one that sang. If there is a singing mouse, I am open to conviction."

    To the mouse, renamed Minnie after examination by Zooman Bean, came a supreme test one evening lastweek. Up to a microphone in NBC's Chicago studios stepped the master of ceremonies of the NBCJamboree to announce "the phenomenon of the century . . . the only mouse in the world who actually sings."Into the studio marched the Industrial School's tall, gaunt Manager Oscar Alva Allred, carrying Minnie in awire-fronted box. Holding the cage before the microphone, Manager Allred poked a small piece of insulatedwire through a hole in the box top, tenderly prodded Minnie's belly. As the visible audience of 400 listenedraptly, out over a national network went faint, wavering chirps and trills. It sounded as much like a cricket aslike a canary, but that Minnie really sang there was no doubt. After the broadcast a cage was fashioned ofglass and cardboard, its bottom strewn with strips of cloth and paper for mousy nesting. Press and newsreelphotographers crowded around, snapped perky, self-assured Minnie until midnight.Read more:,9171,771931,00.html#ixzz0WecBKfTp,9171,771931,00.html#ixzz0WecBKfTp,9171,771931,00.html#ixzz0WecBKfTp
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