cisv international annual review 2009

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CISV International Annual Review 2009


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Annual Review2009

building global friendship


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This has been yet another busy year for CISV International,our National and Promotional Associations and Chapters. Weheld 205 international programmes and 36 local activities forover 10,000 participants worldwide. It is exciting to considerthe actions we have inspired those participants to take andthe difference that, together, we can make.

We came to the end of our most recent Strategic Plan in2009. Its success is evident on every page of this AnnualReview. The development of our education and trainingcontent, delivery and resources has exceeded our hopes andexpectations. We have increased our level of cooperation withother Non Governmental Organizations; partnerships thathave bought great benefit, including joint educationalresearch opportunities.

A comprehensive review of our programme hospitality and feesstructure, combined with long-range programme planning,allows us to look forward to enhanced financial security in adifficult economic climate. Our Chapters are stronger andmaking a real impact in their local communities. AnInternational Taskforce of Inclusive Practices hasspearheaded inclusion awareness-raising initiatives. We aremindful that appreciating and valuing diversity is one of our

four educational principles and demands our constantattention, both in our programmes and within theorganization.

We now look ahead with our new three year Strategic Plan.The result of an organization-wide consultation process, thisStrategic Plan was approved at the Annual InternationalMeeting (AIM) 2009. CISV is committed to working for a morejust and peaceful world through educating children, youngpeople and adults to inspire them to be active global citizens.To help us realise this ambition, the focus of our StrategicPlan is on increasing the quantity and enhancing the qualityof our educational programmes, projects and activities.

Over the next three years, we will be concentrating our effortson the continuous improvement of our education and training.Central to this will be two important research projectsevaluating the impact of our new educational resources andour Train The Trainer structure. We will also be introducingmeasures to make sure we take a consistent approach in ourinternational and national trainings.

Our Chapters and their volunteers are our life-blood. Theyactively contribute, educate and inspire by organizing our


Review of the year

CISV Archive

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local activities and international programmes. To help themcontinue to strengthen and grow, we have committed over thecoming three years to providing them with effective supportstructures, resources and networking opportunities.

We have an important purpose and message that we want toshare with as many individuals, communities andorganizations as possible. Our third area of focus is onraising our profile in a way that is consistent, effective andengaging. To help guide our activities, in 2010 we will becarrying out a wide-ranging review of all of ourcommunications. Our 2010 AIM will provide the venue for thelaunch of our year-long 60th Anniversary celebrations, whichwill give us a wonderful opportunity to publicise who we, whatwe believe and how we put our beliefs into action to as widean audience as possible.

An event of some note for CISV International in 2009 was thesetting up of our own insurance company. CISV Internationalhas long been concerned to find a stable and cost-effectivesolution to our global public liability insurance needs.Following investigation, the CISV International InsuranceCompany (CISV IIC) was officially set up in the US state ofKentucky in late 2009. The first Board of CISV IIC was


approved at our AIM. Our particular thanks for hisconsiderable contribution to this process must go to BrettVottero of CISV USA, who was duly appointed the firstPresident of the Company.

As I near the end of my term as President of CISVInternational, I see so much to be proud of and celebrate. Ithas been an enormous privilege to serve as President of ourwonderful organization and to work and meet with so many ofour volunteers and staff. I want to thank my colleagues on theInternational Executive Committee, our Secretary General andour staff at the International Office and in various NationalAssociation offices. Most of all, I want to thank our dedicatedvolunteers at every level around the world without whom wesimply could not organize and operate. We have a vision ofcreating a more just and peaceful world through educatingand inspiring action. It is only through our shared commitmentand hard work that we can achieve so much and dream sohigh.

Arne-Christian Haukeland, President of CISV International,on behalf of the International Executive and theSecretary General.

For a copy of our Annual Report and financial statements, or for more detailedinformation on our current and previous Strategic Plans, please visit

Arne-Christian Haukeland,President,Norway

Junko Imanishi,Vice-President,Japan

Jeff Parliament,Executive Trustee,Canada

Lene Eltvik,Executive Trustee,Norway

Adam Axelsson,Executive Trustee,Sweden

Gabrielle Mandell,Secretary General,Canada/Great Britain

A new publication made an incredible impacton CISV and beyond in 2009. ‘Passport’quickly become essential reading and is amarvellous introduction to CISV, PeaceEducation and Active Global Citizenship.

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EducateAs an international Peace Education organization CISV inspiresaction through a network of local Chapters, educationalprogrammes and projects. CISV’s Peace Education focuseson four key content areas:� Diversity � Human Rights� Conflict and Resolution � Sustainable Development

InspireThese content areas are directly linked to our four educationalprinciples, which unite and inspire us as an organization.

� We appreciate the similarities between people and valuetheir differences

� We encourage the resolution of conflict through peaceful means

� We support social justice and equality of opportunity for all

� We support the creation of sustainable solutions toproblems relating to our impact upon each other and thenatural world.

They reflect the issues that are important to us and the idealswe uphold.

ActCISV inspires action based on upholding, celebrating andprotecting our universal human rights, diversity withincommunities and the natural environment. We believe thatthrough these actions and learning about peaceful ways toresolve conflicts, each of us can contribute to achieving ourvision.

All of our programmes and activities are designed toencourage volunteers and participants to think about how theycan make a positive difference in the world. In other words,how they can become become Active Global Citizens.

Naturally this means different things for different peopledepending on their age and circumstances. For example, thismay mean an eleven year old planning to give a presentationto her school on the need for them to take on anenvironmental project, or a fifteen year old raising awarenessof racism within a group of friends, or an adult planning to getactively involved in a community based project for refugees.


CISV educates and inspires action

CISV Passport brought thephilosophy of Peace Education back tolife. It reminds me why I'm doing this.Teemu Alanen, CISV Finland

CISV Archive

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CISV has a dynamic and distinctive approach to Peace Education,which is described clearly in the Passport. This handy,passport-sized booklet is an easy-to-read introduction to CISV’sPeace Education, our principles, content areas and methods.But more than that, it is a clear declaration of who we are, whatwe believe and what we aspire to achieve. Launched in April2009, the Passport has now been distributed worldwide and isat the core of all our programmes, training and profile raising.

Passport has quickly become an essential item in the CISVer’stoolkit; as a reminder of experience gained, a motivator toaction and a great way to spread the word about CISV andactive global citizenship. Thanks to our National Associations,the Passport is now available in Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese,Danish, with versions in Italian, French, Hebrew and Japaneseunderway. This helps make the Passport even moreaccessible and reinforces our commitment to educating andinspiring even more people to become Active Global Citizens.

For more information about Passport and Peace Education inCISV, contact us at: [email protected]

Passport for PeaceEducation

Bertil Hron, CISV Sweden

CISV has a vision of a more just andpeaceful world. We believe that wecan all take responsibility for makingthis possible.

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Village 11 year-olds/28 days

Early life experiences shape the way we see the worldEarly life experiences shape the way we see the world. CISVVillages are international camps that inspire children to imagine amore just and peaceful world. The children come together frommany different countries to take part in a variety of educational,cultural and fun activities. A Village creates a safe setting in whichchildren from around the world learn about each other’s lives andhow to communicate, cooperate and live together. The Villagelearning experiences, and the friendships made, last a lifetime.

Summer Camp 14 – 15 year-olds/21 daysYoung people learn when given the chance to lead Young people learn when given the chance to lead. InternationalSummer Camps encourage the young people to take a leading rolein planning and organising activities. The participants and adultleaders plan activities around a theme drawn from CISV’s PeaceEducation content, for example identity, democracy, environmentalprotection. Summer Camps provide great opportunities for youngpeople to learn about how these issues are thought about anddealt with in different countries and cultures. Just as importantly,they make friends and gain a wider appreciation of how life is forpeople in different countries.

Interchange 12 – 15 year-olds/14 – 28 daysOur cultures begin in our homesThis exchange programme promotes intercultural learning byplacing participants from one Chapter with families from anotherChapter in a different country. The exchange has two phases, onein each country, allowing each participant to be both a visitor and ahost. Not only is this a profound cultural experience for the youngparticipants, but it also engages the whole family, and potentiallythe broader community, in the learning experience.

Seminar Camp 17 – 18 year-olds/21 days

Exchanging ideas; a powerful tool for global learning This personally challenging, intensive programme is coordinated bythe young people who are participating in it. They develop their ownagenda and explore global issues based on their own backgroundsand interests, through activities and in-depth discussions. SeminarCamp’s group-living environment encourages them to collaborate,and to take a creative approach to problem-solving and resolvingdifferences that can arise from healthy discussion.


Educating and Inspiring Active Global Citizens

The programme was useful for us as parents

as well as for our children. CISV’s purpose is to

prepare individuals to become active and

contributing members of a peaceful society and I

felt that the programme really helped achieve this


Interchange family, CISV Egypt

CISV uses an

informal approach

called experiential

learning in all of our

programmes, which

can be described as

‘learning by doing’. It

is an active, effective

and fun way to learn

and develop the

attitudes, skills and

knowledge needed to

become an Active

Global Citizen.

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We want all of our participants to havewonderful and exciting educationalexperiences. We are committed todelivering programmes that are fun,exciting and importantly, have PeaceEducation at their very core.

CISV’s Peace Education is developeddirectly from our educational principles, ourStatement of Purpose and our vision of amore just and peaceful world.

We have an evaluation framework that helpsus to ensure that all of our programmesmeet our standards. We also collectevidence that helps us to share best practiceand improve what we do, year on year.


Walter Ring, CISV Austria

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Youth Meeting 12 – 19+ year-olds/8 or 15 days

Small gatherings inspire big ideasYouth meetings bring groups of participants together from differentcountries within the region. They explore aspects of PeaceEducation related to a specific theme and share their differentperspectives. They also think about how they can apply what theyhave gained from their experience, such as knowledge of thetheme along with planning and communication skills, within theirown community.

International People’s Project (IPP)19+ years/14 – 23 days

Go out, find out, help outInternational People’s Projects are innovative learning programmesthat actively contribute toward identified needs within a community.In partnership with a local organization, a group of participantsfrom different countries work together on community projectsrelated to a specific theme, like environmental degradation orimmigration. When they are not working on the project, participantsbring knowledge of the chosen theme from their own culturalcontexts and take turns leading educational activities.

Mosaic All ages/Any length

Local communities reflect the wider worldMosaic offers our Chapters a model for community-based PeaceEducation. Each project responds to local needs and interests inmeaningful ways. Most of the projects are planned and delivered incooperation with partner organizations and come in many shapesand sizes. Mosaic projects create an authentic learning experiencefor local participants of all ages and deliver a benefit to the widercommunity.

Junior Branch 11 – 25 year-olds/ongoing

Peace Education is a global movementJunior Branch is an international network of young people takinglocal action, while inspiring and enabling others to do the same.Based in our Chapters, Junior Branches are self-governing groupsthat organize activities throughout the year. While each JuniorBranch group is different, they all work towards common goals andstrive to build inclusive communities through Peace Education.


The international interaction was intenseand captivating, the opportunity was an eyeopener for me . . . I am certain that myexperience at the Youth Meeting has immenselyimproved my personal development inleadership and organizational skillsSteve Tene, CISV Kenya

Learning by doing

In 2009, 16 countrieshosted 36 Mosaicprojects for 2,400participants.

There was a recordnumber of YouthMeetings; first timehosts were CISVAlgeria, Kenya andSlovenia.

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For more information on our Chapters,Junior Branch and programmes, please

Strong communities are built by activecitizens

All of these programmes and so muchmore happen within CISV’s Chapters. CISVhas Chapters in over 200 towns and citiesworldwide. While each is very different,they are all communities of active globalcitizens. Chapters are locally organized andopen to anyone who would like to join. Theyare made up of individuals and familiesand they hold events, run projects and hostprogrammes, all of which contributetowards a more just and peaceful world.

CISV Egypt

IPP volunteers working on a regeneration projectalongside townspeople of Farafra, Egypt

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CISV invests a great deal of time, effort and money in training.This is because we believe that high quality training for ourvolunteers means a high quality experience for those who takepart in our programmes and chapter based activities.

In 2009 we provided training for hundreds of volunteersaround the world. We match their enthusiasm andcommitment with the skills and knowledge they need to beable to plan and deliver effective and exciting educationalexperiences.

As a demonstration of how highly we value all our volunteertrainers, we have established a certified Train The Trainer (TTT)programme. This contributes to the continuing development ofour trainers and also acts as an effective communicationpathway for introducing new initiatives into the organization.

TTTs are delivered by our International Pool of Trainers, aspecialist group of volunteer training professionals. In 2009,89 of our volunteer trainers completed TTT successfully.Our TTTs take place at our Regional Training Forums, whichwere held in each of our regions for the first time in 2009.

The impact of training – a personal viewFor me training and learning are the two key elements inCISV. The creative way in which we teach participants tofully understand the world and each other is amazing andinspiring. I love to be right in the middle of that.

The TTT brought me a lot of insights into training methods,but also into the 'things you don't think of', like groupdevelopment and a positive learning environment.

Now, as a trainer of TTTs I hope to bring the sameinspiration to future trainers, but I also really like to beinspired myself. My best moments are when I am trainingand learning at the same time; it makes every experiencenew and challenging.

Florentine Versteeg

CISV Brazil, formerly CISV NetherlandsFlorentine is a new member of our International Pool ofTrainers


Training for excellence

CISV Guatemala

Our last programme training wasdelivered using some of the toolsintroduced by Train The Trainer andit made a great impact on the peopleinvolved.CISV El Salvador

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Monica Figueroa, CISV Guatemala

Experiential learning or ‘learning by doing’ is anactive, effective and fun way to learn – for ourprogramme participants and for our volunteertrainers.

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CISV International is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO)in operational relations with UNESCO and holds ParticipatoryStatus with the Council of Europe.

Along with cooperation, conducting and contributing toresearch in the field of inter-cultural peace education is one ofCISV’s founding goals. As part of our commitment to this workwe have developed strong links with Birkbeck College,University of London, Newcastle University and the Universityof Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Twelve CISV camps have provided the research material for‘Dialogue in Intercultural Communities’, a book oncommunication and active participation in education systemsin intercultural settings. The book, due to be published in early2010, is a collection of essays, edited by Claudio Baraldi ofUniversity of Modena e Reggio Emilia.

At the local level, our CISV members in our Chapters workclosely with other organizations to develop community basedprojects. Our Mosaic programme and Junior Branches aroundthe world have been particularly effective in finding partnerorganizations, with which they can share ideas and resourcesto make a positive difference in their communities.

Mosquito Tactics – making an impact!Launched on the world at AIM 2009, the thought-provokingMosquito Tactics: A book about Peace Education, was animmediate success! An ambitious project of CISV Sweden,Mosquito Tactics was supported with funding from theSwedish National Commission for UNESCO and the FolkeBernadotte Academy.

Mosquito Tactics examines what we mean by peace andthe obstacles to achieving it. It explores the theory ofstructural violence, where issues and injustices such asracism, gender discrimination and poverty must beaddressed in order to achieve peace. The book not onlyeducates; it is also an inspiring call to action, showing thereader how they can make an impact!

For enquiries about Mosquito Tactics, please contactCISV Sweden.


Acting with others

Each of our chapters has organized campswhere we invite like-minded-organizations and thedisadvantaged children they work with to participate.These camps are run by our Junior Branch...weshare philosophies with these other organizationsand our Juniors learn about the issues they areworking to address.CISV Indonesia

“If you think youare too small tohave an impact,try going to bedwith a mosquitoin the room”

Mosquito Tacticsa coffee table bookabout peace education

CISV Sweden

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We will launch our 60th Anniversary

Our 2010 Annual International Meeting willbe hosted by CISV Germany, in Berlin

2010 will be the CISV Year of Diversity

We will undertake research projects inpartnership with Birkbeck College andOhio University

CISV Algeria and CISV Romania will hosttheir first Seminar Camps

CISV Vietnam will host our Asia-Pacificregional meeting and Regional TrainingForum for the first time


CISV Slovenia will host its first YouthMeeting

Our National Associations are planning arecord number of IPPs and Summer Camps

The Board of CISV International will elect anew International Executive Committee

We will undertake a comprehensive reviewof our internal and externalcommunications

The CISV International Office will host a‘Writeshop’, for CISV international trainersfrom all areas in order to develop commontraining goals

CISV Guatemala

Key plans for 2010

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To celebrate the United Nations International Year of HumanRights Learning, in 2009 we focussed upon Human Rights inall of our programmes. Some themed their entire programmeor projects around human rights and social justice, whereothers ran a human rights awareness activity. The followingprojects are some great examples.

“Fashion hacktivism for human rights!”Many of the clothes we wear are related to war, without oureven knowing. The idea of the Killer Fashion Revolution was toexamine war-related fashion and transform it to create newgarments that promote human rights. By exploring HumanRights through fashion, we raise our awareness throughsomething that is part of our daily lives.

So, how does this work? The first Killer Fashion Revolutionworkshop was a Mosaic project. Fourteen participants, aged14 to 30, and four partner organizers spent a weekendtogether discovering how our every-day fashion relates to war,understanding the complexities of Human Rights and creatingethical clothing designs.

I believe the Killer Fashion Revolution workshop was aninteractive way to approach Human Rights issues throughsome of the hidden ethical issues of fashion. The participantsbecame more aware of the neglect of Human Rights in thefashion industry and were given the knowledge, skills andattitudes to become more ethical consumers. Participantswere also inspired to re-cycle and adapt clothing to expand thelife-span of their own wardrobes.

The Killer Fashion Revolution was also a part of my MastersThesis for Aalto University, School of Art and Design. It willalso be part of the Amnesty International Human Rights ArtsFestival in Maryland USA in 2010.

Linda Kronman, CISV Finland

Visit www.killerfashionrevolution.comto read more about this exciting project.


In 2010 we will concentrate onDiversity and explore what that reallymeans for us as an organization,in our communities and amongdifferent nations.

Focussing on Human Rights

Linda Kronman, CISV Finland

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The Junior Branch (JB) in CISV Germany traditionally hosts aneducational weekend called NaJuWo. For their 2009 NaJuWo,they chose the theme of ‘Human Rights Education’ to supportthe CISV focus on Human Rights for the year.

The group got exposed to the concept of Human Rights andexplored how the idea of human rights came about. Theydived into the history of human rights and questioned whetherthere would be a new draft of the Human Rights Declaration inthe future. Through discussions and activities, everyonegained new attitudes, skills and knowledge.

We truly believe that this was a great example of how we canuse themes to further our educational goals. JB Germany isone example among the many JBs that use themes to exploreCISV Peace Education and our four content areas. It is a greatopportunity for JBs, Chapters, National Associations,programmes, regions and CISV International to work togetherin unity under the same educational challenge!

Maru Ayam and Rou El Shimi,CISV International Junior Representatives


Linda Kronman, CISV Finland

Participants at the Killer FashionRevolution workshop

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CISV has very much shaped my life, together with my familyand Colombian values. It has strengthened my leadershipskills and has given me an important scenario to developthem. But overall, it has given me the clear idea that a betterworld can be built, and that one can always work hard toachieve this; starting from your immediate surroundings, butalso in national or global arenas. And – saving the best forlast – it gave me the chance to meet my wife; the fascinatingItalian, Alice Beccaro (former Youth Meeting Chair)!

I am one of many CISVers who has studied InternationalRelations, and am now finishing my MSc. in DevelopmentStudies. As CISV gave me the opportunity to become an activecitizen, my career really started at the age of 15, when I gotacquainted with project management, development, humanrights and citizen's participation. I led the International Cooperation Programme for the UK government in Colombiaand served as Executive Director of a Human Rights NGO.

I currently continue to work in the field of democracy anddevelopment, with a new project: the foundation of an NGO thatone day will be international. Starting from this year it will beworking to strengthen civil society organizations in Colombia:helping them become stronger and organizationally mature,

helping society understand why they are important, and buildingbridges between them, the Government, and the private sector.

I always thought that with the change that came withglobalization and the so called ‘information era’, ourorganization would need to adapt to that new setting. Indeed,we now have more cultural diversity in our cities than in ourinternational camps. I believe that Mosaic will be the strategicprogramme that will bring all our other programmes together,and that will help CISV be out there in permanent contact withreality, with the problems of our new world, and actively findingnew solutions.

My vision is for CISV to become one of the top 10 globalvolunteer organisations, but grown stronger professionally, withlarger geographical coverage, and present with deployed teamshelping communities struck by violence, poverty or naturaldisasters. CISV will always be relevant, as we are one of thefew organizations that actually has solutions for the majorproblems that societies will be facing in the future.

Juan Carlos Lozano Herrera, Trustee CISV Colombia, former Chair of the InternationalMosaic Committee


Active CISVers

CISV. . . has given me the

clear idea that a better world can

be built . . . starting from your

immediate surroundings

CISV Archive

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At a Seminar Camp you have participants from all over theworld and even though each of us wanted to be representedas an individual, our nation and culture is an important part ofour identity. In discussions it could sometimes be hard to beunderstood or understand each other, because we have suchdifferent views due to our different backgrounds. For some,one opinion could be looked upon as just wrong and not anopinion that you disagree with. From this I've learned to putmyself in other peoples’ positions and try to understand theirreasons for their opinion.

I also learned to jump at opportunities and not be scared tomake a fool out of myself. If I want to help out in society Ishouldn't be scared to do so. I was inspired by everyone atmy Seminar Camp. They all mean a lot to me still, and evenone year after, many thoughts go to all those good friends Imade. They inspired me to do what I'm best at and not to beafraid of being criticised and laughed at it for it. You can makea difference even if it's a small difference or if it means that itwill take some time and effort.

Kristine Moshuus, CISV Norway


I first became involved with CISV when my friend HestiaUtomo, the founder of CISV Indonesia, asked me to help buildup our National Association. I was very active with other youthorganizations but Hestia convinced me and another friend,Rose Marie Kartodirjo, that CISV was where we shouldconcentrate our time.

I am proud of so much that we have achieved with CISVIndonesia. Helping to build friendship among people andfamilies with different religions, cultures, education andlanguages - especially because Indonesia is so diverseculturally and religiously. Seeing our Juniors develop theirleadership skills and also our parents growing with theirorganizational skills. And most of all, the togetherness wehave among friends with the CISV Spirit.

CISV Indonesia feels like a child I have helped to take care ofsince it was a baby and now I am helping it to grow to be anadult. CISV Indonesia will be 20 years old in 2011 and I amstill inspired by CISV to keep it developing and working for ourfuture.

Mira Wisendha, CISV Indonesia, President ofCendrawasih Chapter

Johan Sundell, CISV Sweden

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Want to help us to make a difference? Youcan help today by getting in touch with yourlocal CISV Chapter or National Association.

You can help deliver one of ourinternational programmes or local projects

You can get involved in the running of yourlocal Chapter (if you don’t have a localChapter, perhaps you could help us to getone started!)

You can give money or gifts-in-kind tosupport our activities and programmes

You can work with us to develop communityinitiatives on local issues

CISV InternationalCISV International is extremely grateful to oursupporters. With their assistance, we are able toinvest in the development of our educationalprogrammes, support emerging NationalAssociations, widen access to our activities, and todevelop and deliver training for our volunteers.

Our thanks to:Alkacon OCCE, Germany Aon LimitedBusiness Link, Great Britain Deltec International CourierPatti DeMar Hauver on European Commissionbehalf of the Andrew R Microsoft DeMar Charitable Trust, USA Ito Foundation U.S.A. DnB NOR, Norway John Shors, USA Four Acre Trust, GB Potts Printers, GB

Published with the support of the European Community budget line “Support for bodiesactive at the European level in the field of youth.” This publication is the responsibility ofCISV International Ltd. The European Commission is not responsible in any way for thepublication, the information it contains or any use that may be made of that information.


The vast majority of

CISV fundraising is

undertaken at a local

and national level, with

our National

Associations and

Chapters receiving vital

support from

individuals, businesses,

trusts, foundations and

government grants.

To all of our

supporters around the

world and our

fundraisers, thank you!

Support us to make a difference

For details of your nearest Chapter, please get in touch with the CISV National Associationin your country – you will find their email address on the back cover.

The Ito funding helped free the

staff from funding concerns and left

them more time for planning and

organizing better activities.

Diana Pimentel, CISV Portugal.

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Member First CISV Total 2009 Int Int Activities Number ofAssociations Delegation Participants Hosted 2009 Chapters

Member First CISV Total 2009 Int Int Activities Number ofAssociations Delegation Participants Hosted 2009 Chapters

AIM and IJBC data are included in 2009 Associationstatistics.*For the purposes of national hosting statistics, eachInterchange phase is deemed to be one internationalactivity.

2009 statisticsCISV International is a federation of volunteer-led NationalAssociations and Promotional Associations. Each Associationcomprises one or more local CISV Chapters and youth-run JuniorBranches. Since our first Village in 1951, our volunteers haveorganized 5,851 CISV international programmes for 222,298participants.

CISV International OfficialsExecutive CommitteePRESIDENT Arne-Christian Haukeland, NorwayVICE PRESIDENT Junko Imanishi, JapanEXECUTIVE TRUSTEE Lene Eltvik, NorwayEXECUTIVE TRUSTEE Adam Axelsson, SwedenEXECUTIVE TRUSTEE Jeff Parliament, CanadaSECRETARY GENERAL Gabrielle Mandell, Canada/Great Britain

Committee ChairpersonsProgrammesINTERCHANGE Cynthia Canas Escoto, Costa RicaINTERNATIONAL PEOPLE’S PROJECT Soren Vindfeld, Denmark/NorwayMOSAIC Per Olsson, SwedenSEMINAR CAMP Bernardo Santana, BrazilSUMMER CAMP Basma Hosny, EgyptVILLAGE Noam Wakrat, IsraelYOUTH MEETING Ana Maria Buritica, Colombia

OperationsFINANCE Mona El Shibiny, EgyptRISK MANAGEMENT Brett Vottero, USAINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Lars Lorentz Ludvigsen, Norway


Regional CoordinatorsASIA PACIFIC Tom Adarme, PhilippinesEUROPE SOUTH Iris Dagan, IsraelEUROPE CENTRAL Ronit Sharir, IsraelEUROPE NORTH Ida Ragnarsson, SwedenAMERICAS Andrea Garzon, Colombia

Education Department

EDUCATION OFFICER Kiran Hingorani, Great BritainEVALUATION AND RESEARCH Jennifer Watson, Great BritainLEADER TRAINING Monica Berrocal, Costa RicaINTERNATIONAL POOL OF TRAINERS Bjorn Samming, DenmarkEDUCATION CONTENT Rodolfo Zuniga, Costa Rica/Sweden

Profile Raising DepartmentCOMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Denise Farrar, Great BritainEXTERNAL RELATIONS Graeme Munro, AustraliaORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONS Bastian Kuentzel, Germany



Jim Beaumont, Great Britain Hinrich Fock, SwedenArne Lankoff, Germany David Lister, Great BritainRuth Lund, Denmark Peter McKay, Great BritainConcha de Monroy, Guatemala Gunvor Herne Nordlund, SwedenRaymond Shrader, USA Nati Toribio, PhilippinesCathy Knoop, USA

FOUNDERDoris Allen, USA (1901-2002)


AlgeriaBelarusBosnia &HerzegovinaChileChinaCote d’IvoireEstoniaGeorgiaGreenlandHong KongKenyaLithuaniaPeruRomaniaRussiaSloveniaUkraineVietnam

Sub Total


First CISVDelegation



Total 2009 IntParticipants





Int ActivitiesHosted 2009










National Associations

Promotional Associations










ArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBelgiumBrazilBulgariaCanadaColombiaCosta RicaCzech RepublicDenmarkEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorFaroe IslesFinlandFranceGermanyGreat BritainGreeceGuatemalaHondurasHungaryIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIsraelItalyJapanJordanKoreaLatviaLebanonLuxembourgMexicoNetherlandsNew ZealandNorwayPhilippinesPoland

PortugalSpainSwedenSwitzerlandThailandTurkeyUnited States

Sub Total

In addition, 16 CISV Associations organized 36 Mosaic projects in local communitiesinvolving approximately 2400 participants


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CISV International, MEA House, Ellison Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8XS, England


Tel: +[44 - 191] 232 4998 Fax: +[44 - 191] 261 4710Email: [email protected]

A Publication of CISV International

Programme descriptions: Alex Neuman, CISV CanadaDesign & Production Coordination: George Brown.Front cover photo: Johan Sundell, CISV Sweden. Back: CISV Guatemala

CISV Algeria – [email protected] CISV Argentina – [email protected] CISV Australia – [email protected] CISV Austria – [email protected] CISV Belgium – [email protected] CISV Brazil – [email protected] CISV Bulgaria – [email protected] CISV Canada – [email protected] CISV China – [email protected] CISV Colombia – [email protected] CISV Costa Rica – [email protected] Czech Republic – [email protected] CISV Denmark – [email protected] CISV Ecuador – [email protected] CISV Egypt – [email protected] CISV El Salvador – [email protected] CISV Estonia – [email protected] CISV Faroe Islands – [email protected] CISV Finland – [email protected] CISV France – [email protected] CISV Georgia – [email protected] CISV Germany – [email protected] CISV Great Britain – [email protected] Greece – [email protected] CISV Greenland – [email protected] CISV Guatemala – [email protected] CISV Honduras – [email protected] CISV Hong Kong – [email protected] CISV Hungary – [email protected] CISV Iceland – [email protected] CISV India – [email protected]

CISV Indonesia – [email protected] CISV Israel – [email protected] CISV Italy – [email protected] CISV Cote d’Ivoire – [email protected] CISV Japan – [email protected] Jordan – [email protected] CISV Kenya – [email protected] Korea – [email protected] CISV Latvia – [email protected] CISV Lebanon – [email protected] Lithuania – [email protected] CISV Luxembourg – [email protected] CISV Mexico – [email protected] CISV Netherlands – [email protected] CISV New Zealand – [email protected] CISV Norway – [email protected] CISV Peru – [email protected] Philippines – [email protected] CISV Poland – [email protected] CISV Portugal – [email protected] CISV Romania – [email protected] CISV Russia – [email protected] CISV Slovenia – [email protected] CISV Spain – [email protected] CISV Sweden – [email protected] CISV Switzerland – [email protected] CISV Thailand – [email protected] CISV Turkey – [email protected] CISV USA – [email protected] CISV Vietnam – [email protected]

Contact us

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