ccm may/june

MAY/JUN | 1 PISMO’S THE DISH ON THE FISH 12 Artist Marie-Klara 18 All Natural Ingredients 42 Chronic Cellars In Paso Robles A R T M U S I C F O O D F A S H I O N & P E O P L E May/June V1I1 + Summer Drink’s at Ducey’s, Bass lake - 38

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Art, Music, Food & Fashion


Page 1: CCM May/June

May/Jun | 1

Pismo’sThe Dish on

The Fish

12 Artist Marie-Klara

18 All Natural Ingredients

42 Chronic Cellars in Paso Robles
















may/June V1i1

+ Summer Drink’s at Ducey’s, Bass lake - 38

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2 | May/Jun

BE SEEn In ThIS MagazInE


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May/Jun | 3

Get Rid Of YOuR Junk

SeRvinG the CentRal valleYfOR a fRee eStimate Call tOdaY







Storage Units




Lawn Mowers


JuStJunkitfReSnO.COmSave the Planet!

We Remove & Recycle Your Junk

Page 4: CCM May/June

4 | May/Jun

haPPy ReCiPeWe visit Ducey’s at Bass Lake For sLippery summer cocktaiLs

may/June 1242Wine ohcHeck out tHis pLace it’s tHe cHronic!

51suMMeR’s eDgeFasHion Has a Dark siDe tHis season! asos $14.32

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May/Jun | 5

Table of contents

cLick to

Listen to


12i heaRT aRTmarie-kLara’s (miss capricHo) art is Fun, FLirty anD super girLy!



all naTuRal ingReDienTsrock at tHe FueL Dock!

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6 | May/Jun

Table of contents

29The Dish on FishPismo’s Coastal Grill in Fresno Californiais the premier spot for local catch, cool Drinks and fun!


in eveRy issue4 Table of Contents

8 Contributors

12 I Heart Art

18 Cen Cal Serenade

24 Date Night

29 Photo+Flavor

38 Happy Recipe

42 Wine Oh

50 CCM Style

56 Book Review

59 Miss You

50suMMeR sTyleice cream Hues are Hot! We’LL sHoW you WHere to get tHem!

H&M $4.95

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PUBLISHER Cen Cal Mag Inc.


WRITERS Ken Lewis, Kinsey Carlson

STyLE EDIToR Brianna Buttram


Book REvIEW Kinsey Carlson

conTacT UsEmAIL [email protected]

addiTional info

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event in our






a meDia kit


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May/Jun | 9

oUR conTRibUToRs

BRianna BuTTRaM styLe eDitor

B rianna has always had a love for fashion for as long she can remember. Maybe growing up in a school that made her wear uniforms drew her to fashion; or maybe it was just in her DNA. Either way, she finds she can express herself through the clothes she wears. “I love creating music and fashion and most of my inspirations are drawn from both. If I were to have an ideal fashion type, mine would be limitless because I feel that fashion is meant to have no bounds, so there is never an excuse to not try something in the name of Fashion. “

Kinsey CaRlson - Book revieW

K insey Carlson is a student based in Madera Ranchos, California. She has always loved the written word, despite her bountiful experience with borderline-psychotic English teach-ers. When she was ten, she decided she wanted to be a book editor so could read Harry Potter before everyone else. She enjoys playing tennis, long walks on the beach and correcting people on the difference between “your” and “you’re.”

Ken leWis - Writer

K en is a local entertainer, balancing a job in radio and nightly gigs as a stand-up comedian. He has lived in many places such as Alabama, Michigan, and Alaska and now resides in his hometown of Fresno, California. Ken offers a quirky “other side” opinion in sections like “Date Night” and “Cen Cal Serenade.” Find him on Facebook or Email him at [email protected].

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Food Fashion

Art Music

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Food Fashion

Art Music

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12 | May/Jun

i llustrator Marie-Klara’s (she also goes by Miss Capricho) watercolor’s are fun, vibrant and I could stare at them all day! Her light sketches followed by brilliant water colors are a pure delight!

Originally from Sweden, Marie now resides in Barcelona. She uses her talents to create patterns for fabrics, illustrates for publications and sells prints online.

Her designs are some of the best I’ve seen! doing Illustrations for Kate Spade, Redbook magazine and Daily Candy Marie has already reached a great deal of success as an artist. and we’re delighted to have her as our first featured artist! In this section we feature artists from all over the globe giving Cen Cal readers access to the worlds best art!

Her work definitely caught our eye here at CCM and we hope you enjoy it as well Make sure to click here to view her website!



arT Il






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i Heart aRT

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i Heart aRT

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“Let’s Grow”

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Cen Cal

Tucked together neatly on a small stage in a seedy coastal bar we experi-enced the sounds of a band called All Natural Ingredients.

From the first note wailed out by singer/songwriter Michael Morse, we could tell we were in for a fantastic night of music. If you took the sounds of The Police and Steely Dan, then mixed in a little Radio-head, you would have the sound of ANI.

Using vintage influence combined with modern sounds I compared the front man to the likes of Paul Banks (Interpol). Mike Sharpe, sat back on the drums banging away with perfect rhythm, of-ten looking like a toy monkey blasting out the beats. Keyboardist Pat Patterson brought out the space-like sounds in perfect time with the deep melodic bass playing of Reed Burnham.

ANI has played everywhere, from bars, dinner venues, cafes, to outdoor festivals.

All Natural Ingredients


By Ken lewis | Photo

s Cas

ey P


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cen cal seRanade

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We were able to catch them play on the Central Coast at a place called Fuel Dock just after their per-formance in “Band together” a benefit in San Luis Obispo, for the area’s Brighten A Corner Ministry. Band together helps fund the living conditions of people facing difficulties in life.

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cen cal seRanade

ANI’s goal in 2012 is to continue to broaden its fan base in the areas surrounding home town Santa Barbara, via live performances, multi-media and TV promotions. Please check these guys out if they are in your area. CCM

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Work For US!


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For our first Date Night we decided

on an upscale American restaurant

with family appeal. We agreed upon

The Vineyard, in Madera California. Our

loosely lit dark wood corner booth was the

perfect spot for a romantic evening.

For a place named The Vineyard the wine

selection was below our expectations. They

offered a very limited amount of wines by

the glass. I chose the Local Fasi Crest Syrah

which I found to have a delightful oak fla-

vor. She chose the Wente - Livermore Val-

ley, Chardonnay and described it as perfect!

Our server was quiet and knowledgeable

yet seemed robotic at times.

The weekly updated menu was modest

but offered a wide array of dishes.

After the wine the first thing to come to



• •

By Ken lewis | P


s Cas

ey P


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May/Jun | 25

the table was warm sourdough bread with an

amazing olive tepanade for both dipping or

spreading. Next we split an ice cold wedge

salad. It was big enough for two and had just

the right amount of dressing.

Midway through the salad the calamari arrived

and was served with three delicious dipping

sauces! Equal parts rings & tentacles this lightly

battered dish was fried to perfection.

Glancing around the restaurant, I soaked in

the family atmosphere we were looking for.

Patrons were chatting away, sometimes having

to raise their voice to overcome the slight hum

of the 99 freeway just 100 yds away.

With perfect timing our server appeared with

our entrees.

daTe nigHt

Their olive tepanade is the


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26 | May/Jun

What she ate

What he ate

Perfect Chardonnay!

On a bed of mashed potatoes surrounded by a red moat of gravy the lamb shank looked like something rising out of the prehistoric tarpits of deliciousness. The vegetable medley added to the great meshing of flavors in this tasty dish.

She ordered the Shrimp Scampi. 6 jumbo prawns and angel hair pasta, you can’t go wrong with this one! The light buttery angel hair pasta wading in a creamy shrimp sauce was the perfect accompaniment to the Wente Chardonnay.

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Overall The Vineyard offered up exactly what we were looking for that night. Next time you are in or around Madera CA make sure you check out The Vineyard Restaurant & Bar. 605 South I Street | Madera, CA | 559-674-0923 |

• •

After the entrees our server brought us their Créme Brûlée. Light and fluffy with a caramelized sugar top. This custard style dish was as delicious as it was photogenic.

So delicious!

daTe nigHt

She ordered the Shrimp Scampi. 6 jumbo prawns and angel hair pasta, you can’t go wrong with this one! The light buttery angel hair pasta wading in a creamy shrimp sauce was the perfect accompaniment to the Wente Chardonnay.

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28 | May/Jun

Sumner Peck Ranch


raw HoNey

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May/Jun | 29

pHotos By cHance James

The Dish On The Fish

vieWpismo’s menu


pHoto + flaVoR

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30 | May/Jun

(Previous page) Pismo’s Beach Burger (Left to Right) Ultimate Combo Louie, Cracked Crab Dinner Hawaiian Poke Tower of Ahi , Cracked Crab Appetizer - Chilled

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May/Jun | 31

pHoto + flaVoR

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32 | May/Jun

(Left to Right) Seafood Pasta, Fish & Chips, Grilled #1, Lobster, Ahi Tuna Steak

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May/Jun | 33

pHoto + flaVoR

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34 | May/Jun

Fried Oysters (this page) , Steamed Manila Clams or Pacific Mussels (opposite page) Cracked Dungeness Crab Dinner (following page)

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May/Jun | 35

pHoto + flaVoR

Fresh FishDaily

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36 | May/Jun

Personal/GrouP TraininG559 978 4251

TRXSuspension Training

PeRSonal 1on1TRaining wiThashley Duff

$10 off1sT session

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May/Jun | 37



• •

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38 | May/Jun



Ducey’s LoDge BartenDer roB ratcHForD

Summer Drink’s at Bass lake make usHappy

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May/Jun | 39

haPPy recipe

What you’ll needA hurricane glassFill with iceAdd 3oz. Midori2oz. Malibu Coconut Rum4oz. Pineapple juiceA splash of cranberry juice

garnish WithOrange & Lime

CONTACT US 559-642-3131

What you’ll needA 48oz. bowlFill with iceAdd 3oz. Vodka3oz. Gin3oz. Rum3oz. Tequilla10oz. Pineapple juiceA splash of sour mixFloat of Watermelon Pucker

garnish WithOrange, Lemon, Lime, Cherries

For 2 or More!

My Fav!

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40 | May/Jun

Sumner Peck Ranch


raw almoNds

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May/Jun | 41





LoGos, aDs

web & more


Page 42: CCM May/June

42 | May/Jun

o ff the beaten path in Paso Robles, lies a small winery named Chronic Cellars it’s harder to find, and nothing at all like some

of the larger wineries in the area.

Approaching the small cottage, we could tell right away that this tasting room was going to be much more laid back and fun, just like us!

My senses were flooded as we entered the tasting room. The walls were covered in vibrant “Day of the Dead “esque paintings and a large red pool table offered up a friendly pub like feel. The bottle labels were just as eclectic, with humourous and slightly ris-que names. We learned the artist on the bottles as well as the walls were created by Joe Kalionzes a good friend of owners, brothers Josh & Jake Beckett.

In 2004 the Beckett brothers decided to develop a wine catering to the younger, more hip wine con-noisseur. Learning the craft of wine making and all aspects involved, The Beckett Brothers broke free from their family owned Peachy Canyon Winery and


By Casey Peck | Photos Casey Peck

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Chronic Cellars was born.

A true reflection of what Paso has to offer each bottle of Chronic contains only the best local grapes! You can taste the brothers hard work and experience in each sip of Chronic wine.

We tasted 7 delicious wines during our visit. My favor-ite white was the 2011 Stone Fox - 29% Marsanne, 28% Roussanne, 26% Viognier, 17% Grenache Blanc. My favorite red was the 2010 Suite Petite - 67% Pe-tite Sirah, 33% Syrah.

We ended up taking home a bottle of 2010 Purple Paradise - 70% Zinfandel, 30% Petite Sirah. This wine has a deep purple color giving it it’s name and has a smokey / fruity taste. I typically drink whites but this day fell in love w/ a purple!

You can tell the goal at Chronic is to make drinking wine a fun and easygoing experience that people of all ages (over 21) can enjoy. No stuffiness and pinkies up here!

We’ve visited lots of wineries in California but will never again make the trip to the Central Coast with out first visiting our friends at Chronic and picking up a bottle of Paradise! CCM


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ccm isLooking For

saLes peopLecLick to


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san Luis obispo



ccm isLooking For

saLes peopLecLick to


Page 50: CCM May/June

50 | May/Jun

Summer StyletHis seasons Favorites come in ice cream toneD DeLigHts!+


TILLY’S $24.99

ASOS $71.62


REVER 21 $14

items selected by Brianna Buttram

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May/Jun | 51

sUmmeR styLe

ASOS $5.07










H&M $4.95

FOREVER 21 $22.80





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52 | May/Jun

Summer’s Edge

Topshop $16

Topshop $64

Papaya Clothing $9.99





Urban Outfitters $28, $35

items selected by Brianna Buttram

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May/Jun | 53

sUmmeR styLe

Papaya Clothing $4.99





Urban Outfitters $28


ver 2

1 $9

.80 $14

Nasty G

al $68

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54 | May/Jun

Food Fashion

Art Music

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May/Jun | 55

Food Fashion

Art Music

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56 | May/Jun


• •

••By kinsey carLson

here in Central California, the weeks are getting warmer and so are this month’s hot new books!

This in mind, I chose two novels that I thought were very different in genre, but also conveyed the same growing sense of adventure we all feel as the days get longer and our hemlines get shorter.

Paris In Love seemed to ooze with chic serenity, which was exactly what I needed with final exams knocking on my door. Witty and real this journey of one family and their dog to Paris was a joy to read!

In sharp contrast I read The Innocent, which jumped out at me from the shelves when I saw it was written by the fabulous David Baldacci. Full of horror and suspense this is one I couldn’t put down!

I had a blast bringing in the summer reading both of these books and I guarantee you will as well!








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[ ]

Paris in Love: A Memoir by Eloisa James

The InnocentBy David Baldacci

Paris in Love caught my eye mainly because I myself am taking a tour of Europe this July. However, upon opening I discovered that this book is much more than a travel guide. It follows one woman and her family (and occasionally an obese Chihuahua) as they pack up their life in the suburbs of New Jersey to spend a year on sabbatical in Paris. Unique to this novel is the format: it utilizes the author’s Facebook posts and tweets as well as short essays to narrate her journey while keep-ing the reader interested. The fantastic thing about this book is the author’s sense of reality. Her witty humor and relatable struggles made me feel as if I’d known her for years. She covers her bout with breast cancer, the curiosities of marriage, the struggles of motherhood and the fabulousness of French women with such grace that you cannot help but fall in love with her little world. My favorite blurb states

“tHey Don’t get DivorceD

over Here. it’s cause tHey

kiss so mucH.”

In short: If you enjoy an enriching, heartfelt and slightly slow-paced novel, I highly recommend this book. Plus, she includes a list of her favorite muse-ums, restaurants and boutiques in the back. Score!

book revieW

icould tell just by glancing at The Innocent that it was going to be an intense read. For one, it’s written by David Baldacci, author of the bestselling Camel Club series. Even with my insanely packed schedule, I finished it in just a few days.

it’s one oF tHose noveLs

tHat keeps you up Way

too Late at nigHt

The story centers on Will Robie, a government-assigned assassin given a mission that crosses his moral line. Quickly the hunter becomes the hunted, and Robie finds himself fleeing for his life.

Headed for New York, he finds himself face to face with a young girl possessing a secret, and on a personal quest.

The book is indeed violent, but if you can handle some blood and gore, definitely give it a shot. You won’t regret it.

[ ]

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+Miss You

NeonWe saw it everywhere! On nails, sweatshirts and in these adorable patent leather ballet flats

Midi’sIf you think you missed this trend not to worry! This length is timeless! Chiffon Full Midi


Animal HatsWe saw these EVERY-WHERE and I think they’ve had their Dog Day. Goldfish

Last seasons Favorite trenDs We aLreaDy miss

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60 | May/Jun


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nks f

or Reading

see you next issue