breaks -

Planum Presenng Sponsor - $500 Sponsor of one of three porons of the conference (welcome, panel, or legislave proposals), including your organizaons name listed and acknowledged during that poron of the conference Recognion on our conference website, MLAWs website and Facebook. 5 ckets/registraons to aend the conference Your ad or logo displayed on-screen pre and post-conference and during breaks Gold Sponsor - $300 Recognion on our conference website, MLAWs website and Facebook. 3 ckets/registraons to aend the conference Your ad or logo displayed on-screen pre and post-conference and during breaks Silver Sponsor - $200 Recognion on our conference website, MLAWs website and Facebook. 2 ckets/registraons to aend the conference Your ad or logo displayed on-screen pre and post-conference and during breaks Bronze Sponsor - $100 Recognion on our conference website, MLAWs website and Facebook. 1 cket/registraon to aend conference Your ad or logo displayed on-screen pre and post-conference and during breaks *Ad copy and logo MUST be received by 10/28/2021 to be included in the program materials. We cannot guarantee that files submied aſter 10/28/2021 will be included. Name or Organizaon (as you would like it listed in program materials) Contact Person (for organizaons) Address City State Zip Day Phone Email SPONSORSHIP Descripons listed to the right Planum Sponsor………………………….…………..…$500 Gold Sponsor…………………………………….……….…$300 Silver Sponsor………………………………….………...…$200 Bronze Sponsor…………………………………………….$100 METHOD OF PAYMENT Check payable to MLAWenclosed. Mail to: 305 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 201, Towson, MD 21204 Credit card may be used by vising our registraon page at hps:// Select the TICKET opon and choose your level of sponsorship. Return this form, your logo, and your ad as a .pdf. .png or .jpg file by October 28/2021 to [email protected]. For more informaon, email or call 443-519-1005. The Maryland Legislave Agenda for Maryland Women (MLAW) is a 501(c)4 organizaon. Because we engage in legislave advocacy, contribuons to MLAW are not tax-deducble. 9/30/2021

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Platinum Presenting Sponsor - $500 Sponsor of one of three portions of the conference (welcome, panel, or

legislative proposals), including your organization’s name listed and acknowledged during that portion of the conference

Recognition on our conference website, MLAW’s website and Facebook. 5 tickets/registrations to attend the conference Your ad or logo displayed on-screen pre and post-conference and during

breaks Gold Sponsor - $300 Recognition on our conference website, MLAW’s website and Facebook. 3 tickets/registrations to attend the conference Your ad or logo displayed on-screen pre and post-conference and during

breaks Silver Sponsor - $200 Recognition on our conference website, MLAW’s website and Facebook. 2 tickets/registrations to attend the conference Your ad or logo displayed on-screen pre and post-conference and during

breaks Bronze Sponsor - $100 Recognition on our conference website, MLAW’s website and Facebook. 1 ticket/registration to attend conference Your ad or logo displayed on-screen pre and post-conference and during


*Ad copy and logo MUST be received by 10/28/2021 to be included in the program materials. We cannot guarantee that files submitted after 10/28/2021 will be included.

Name or Organization (as you would like it listed in program materials) Contact Person (for organizations) Address City State Zip Day Phone Email SPONSORSHIP Descriptions listed to the right Platinum Sponsor………………………….…………..…$500 Gold Sponsor…………………………………….……….…$300 Silver Sponsor………………………………….………...…$200 Bronze Sponsor…………………………………………….$100 METHOD OF PAYMENT Check payable to “MLAW” enclosed. Mail to: 305 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 201, Towson, MD 21204 Credit card may be used by visiting our registration page at Select the TICKET option and choose your level of sponsorship.

Return this form, your logo, and your ad as a .pdf. .png or .jpg file by October 28/2021 to [email protected]. For more information, email or call 443-519-1005.

The Maryland Legislative Agenda for Maryland Women (MLAW) is a 501(c)4 organization. Because we engage in legislative advocacy, contributions to MLAW are not tax-deductible.
