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Post on 09-Jan-2016




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steel property


Sheet1DESIGN PARAMETER :-GEO-PARAMETER :-Over span of the girder-24.77mc/c of bearings-24.15mSuper structure width-11.40mCarriage way width-10.50mc/c of longitudinal girders-2.80mNumber of longitudinal Girder-3Number of transverse girders-2c/c of transverse girders-24.15mc/c of transverse girders-3.45mNumber of transverse girders-9Thickness of deck slab-0.25mThickness of haunch-0.15 H0.15 VmThickness of wearing coat-0.075mMATERIAL PARAMETER :-Grade of concrete-35MpaGrade of Reinforcement-500MpaGrade of Structural Steel-250MpaDensity of reinforced concrete-24.00kN/m3Density of wearing coat-24.00kN/m3Density of steel-78.50kN/m3Modulus of Elasticity of concrete-30500MpaModulus of Elasticity of steel-205000MpaModular ratio for transient load-7.5Modular ratio for permenant load-15Skew angle-16.834Section properties calculations for girder (excluding deck)BfcTfcdwTftBftFLANGECompression Side :-Flange propertiesplate2Width of Compression Flange (Bfc2)0.30mThickness of Compression Flange (Tfc2)0.02mplate1Width of Compression Flange (Bfc1)0.25mThickness of Compression Flange (Tfc1)0.02mAngle propertiesHVtAngle Size7575575 x 75 x 5Tension Side :-Flange propertiesplate1Width of Tension Flange (Bft1)0.25mThickness of Tension Flange (Tft1)0.02mplate2Width of Tension Flange (Bft2)0.30mThickness of Tension Flange (Tft2)0.02mAngle propertiesHVtAngle Size7575575 x 75 x 5WEBDepth of Web (dw)2mThickness of Web (tw)0.012mTotal Girder depth2.10mMoment of Inertia @ X-X :DescriptionbdArea (A)y from topAyAy2Icgmmm2mm3m4m4Top fl. P20.3000.0240.0072000.0120000.0000860.0000010.0000003Top fl. P10.2500.0240.0060000.0360000.0002160.0000080.0000003angle0.0014540.0682000.0000990.0000070.0000008Web plate0.0122.0000.0240001.0480000.0251520.0263590.0080000Bot fl. P10.2500.0240.0060002.0600000.0123600.0254620.0000003Bot fl. P20.3000.0240.0072002.0840000.0150050.0312700.0000003angle0.0014542.0278000.0029480.0059790.0000008Total0.0530.060.090.01=1.048mYtop =1.048mYbot. =1.05m=0.038539709m4Ztop =0.0367745315mZbot. =0.04mMoment of Inertia @ Y-Y :DescriptionbdArea (A)x from cen.AxAx2Icgmmm2mm3m4m4Top fl. P20.0240.3000.00720000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000540Top fl. P10.0240.2500.00600000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000313mmangle0.00072700.02620000.00001900.00000050.00000040.0007270-0.0262000-0.00001900.00000050.0000004Web plate2.0000.0120.02400000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000003Bot fl. P10.0240.2500.00600000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000313Bot fl. P20.0240.3000.00720000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000540angle0.00072700.02620000.00001900.00000050.00000040.0007270-0.0262000-0.00001900.00000050.0000004Total0.05330800.00000000.00000200.0001723=0m=0.0001743322m4Section properties calculations for girder (including deck)Calculation of Effective Flange WidthFor Simply supported beam the slab is consider as a part of beam. Hence the effective width of deck slab is considered as per the following equation but not exceeding the max. flange width available.Eff. Flange Width (be)=bw + ( 1/5 ) * l0be=0.012+ (1/5) x 24.150.00=4.84 m>2.80m c/c of girderEff. flange considered=2.80m2.800.25BfcHaunch0.15 X 0.15Tfcdw(IRC:21-2000,Cl.305.15.2)TftBftMoment of Inertia @ X-X :DescriptionbdArea (A)y from topAyAy2Icgmmm2mm3m4m4Top fl. P20.3000.0240.0072000.0120000.0000860.0000010.0000003Top fl. P10.2500.0240.0060000.0360000.0002160.0000080.0000003angle0.0014540.0682000.0000990.0000070.0000008Web plate0.0122.0000.0240001.0480000.0251520.0263590.0080000Bot fl. P10.2500.0240.0060002.0600000.0123600.0254620.0000003Bot fl. P20.3000.0240.0072002.0840000.0150050.0312700.0000003angle0.0000000.0000000.0000000.0000000.0000000Total0.0000.000.000.00=0mYtop =0mYbot. =0.00m=0m4Ztop =0mZbot. =0.00mMoment of Inertia @ Y-Y :DescriptionbdArea (A)x from cen.AxAx2Icgmmm2mm3m4m4Top fl. P20.0240.3000.00720000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000540Top fl. P10.0240.2500.00600000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000313angle0.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000000Web plate2.0000.0120.02400000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000003Bot fl. P10.0240.2500.00600000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000313Bot fl. P20.0240.3000.00720000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000540angle0.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000000Total0.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000000=0m=0m4


123SECTION :Edge GirderSheet No.1Units : N & inchBfcBf comp16.0Holes in tension zoneCompact Section ?tfotfo comp0.5FlangeWeb: Cl. or Cl., Flange: Cl. Lh x Lv x tdw30.0hole fbR28tw(355/syw)0.5=313< 827 : non-compactCompression angle Lh x Lv x tbfotw0.50.93752.00634/m*tw(355/syw)0.5=973< 1625 : non-compactComp.angle-2 Lh x Lv x tdw .Bf tension16.000374/(13m-1)*tw(355/syw)0.5=157> 14 : compacttw .tfo tension0.5007tfo(355/syf)0.5=104< 166 : non-compactbfo0.0WebHence SectionNon-CompactTension angle Lh x Lv x tLh comp4.0hole fdhdht(h)0.50.937500tfoLv comp4.0000bRt(v)0.5000.0BtfLh tension4.00.0t(h)0.5Lv tension4.0t(v)0.5sy220Lh comp-10.0t(h)-10.0Lv comp-10.0t(v)-10.0Lh comp-23.5t(h)-20.5Lv comp-22.5t(v)-20.4D0B0Moment of Inertia @ X-X :DescriptionbdArea (A)y from topAyAy2Icgininin2inin3in4in4Top flange plates0.0000.0000.0000.0000.000.000.000Comp.Angle0.0000.0000.000.000.000Comp.Angle-10.0000.0000.000.000.000Comp.Angle-20.0000.0000.000.000.000Web plate0.0122.0000.0240.0000.000.000.0Tension Angle0.0000.0000.000.000.000Bot flange plate0.0000.0000.0000.0000.000.000.0000Total0.0000.000.000.00=0=0Aholes1 =2 * Flange Aanle holes * tht + 2 * Flange holes * tfot0Aholes2 =2 * Web Angle holes * tvt +Web holes * tw0Aholes =Aholes1 +Aholes20An =Ag - Aholes0AYholes1 =2 * Flange anlge holes * tht * (D-tft - tht / 2) + 2 * Flange holes * tfot * (D-tfot / 2)=0AYholes2 =2 * Web Angle holes * tvt * (D-dh) + Web holes * tw * (D-dh)=0AYholes =AYholes1 +AYholes2=0Ixn = Ixg - IYholes + Ag * (ygt - ynt) ^ 2Ync =(Ayg - AYholes) / An0Zxcn = Ixn / yncYnt =0Zxtn = Ixn / yntIYholes1 =2 * F.A.h * tht ^ 3 / 12 + 2 * F.A.h * tht * (D-tfot - tht / 2 ) ^ 2+2 * F.h.* tfot ^ 3 / 12 + 2 * F.h.* tfot * (D-tfot / 2) ^ 20.00000Ixholes2 =2 * W.A.h^ 3 / 12 * tvt + 2 * W.A.h.* tvt * (W.A.h - ynt) ^ 2+W.h.^ 3 / 12 * tw + W.h.* tw * (W.h. - ynt) ^ 20Ixholes =Ixholes1 +Ixholes20.00000Ixn =Ixg - Ixholes + Ag * (ygt - ynt) ^ 20Zxcn =Ixn / ync0Zxtn =Ixn / ynt0Moment of Inertia @ Y-Y :DescriptionbdArea (A)x from topAxAx2Icgininin2inin3in4in4Top flange plates0.0000.0000.0000.0000.000.000.000Comp.Angle Right0.0000.0000.000.000.000Comp.Angle Left0.0000.0000.000.000.000Comp.Angle-10.0000.0000.000.000.000Comp.Angle-20.0000.0000.000.000.000Web plate2.0000.0120.0240.0000.000.000.0Comp.AngleTension Angle Right0.0000.0000.000.000.000Tension Angle Left0.0000.0000.000.000.000Bot flange plate0.0000.0000.0000.0000.000.000.0000Total0.0000.000.000.00=0=0IYholes1 =F.h.^ 3 / 12 * tft/tfc + F.h.* tft/tfc * (Fh) ^ 2 + W.h.* tw ^ 3 / 120.00000IYholes2 =2 * FAh^ 3 / 12 * tht + 2 * FAh* tht * (FAh) ^ 2 + 2 * WAh* tvt ^ 3 / 12 + 2 * WAh* tvt * (tvt / 2 + tw / 2) ^ 20IYholes =IYholes1 +IYholes20.00000Iyn =Iyyg - IYholes0ryg =(Iyg / Ag) ^ 0.50ryn =(Iyn / An) ^ 0.50Plastic Neutral Axis :yptg =Ag * 0.5Depth of equal area axis from topAg * 0.5 =Top Flange Area + comp.Angle Area + Web thickness * Y - loss in flange - loss in comp.angle00.000ypg - tfc =0.000ypg =0.000DescriptionArea (A)y from topAyin2inin3Top flange plates0.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle0.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle-10.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle-20.0000.0000.00Web plate0.0000.0000.000.0000.0000.00Tension Angle0.0000.0000.00Bot flange plate0.0000.0000.00LossTop flange plates@ top0.0000.0000.00@ side 10.0000.0000.00@ side 20.0000.0000.00Comp.AngleLh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle-1Lh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Lv outer side0.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle-2Lh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Lv outer side0.0000.0000.00Web plateSide-10.0000.0000.00Side-20.0000.0000.00Tension Angle LeftLh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Tension Angle RightLh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Bottom flange Plate@ bottom0.0000.0000.00@ side 10.0000.0000.00@ side 20.0000.0000.00Total0.0000.00Zpeg =0.00Depth of equal area axis from topAn * 0.5 =Top Flange Area + comp.Angle Area + Web thickness * Y - loss in flange - loss in comp.angle00.000ypgn - tfc =0.000ypn =0.000DescriptionArea (A)y from topAyin2inin3Top flange plates0.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle0.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle-10.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle-20.0000.0000.00Web plate0.0000.0000.000.0000.0000.00Tension Angle0.0000.0000.00Bot flange plate0.0000.0000.00LossTop flange plates@ top0.0000.0000.00@ side 10.0000.0000.00@ side 20.0000.0000.00Comp.AngleLh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle-1Lh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Lv outer side0.0000.0000.00Comp.Angle-2Lh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Lv outer side0.0000.0000.00Web plateSide-10.0000.0000.00Side-20.0000.0000.00Tension Angle LeftLh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Tension Angle RightLh side0.0000.0000.00Lh edge0.0000.0000.00Lv side0.0000.0000.00Lv edge0.0000.0000.00Bottom flange Plate@ bottom0.0000.0000.00@ side 10.0000.0000.00@ side 20.0000.0000.00Total0.0000.00Zpen =0.00AreaA gross =0A net =0X-X AxisY-Y AxisZpeytgross =0.00000E+0Iyygross =0.00000E+0Zpe gross =0ycgross =0.00000E+0Iyynet =0.00000E+0Zpe net =0ytnet =0.00000E+0rygross =0.00000E+0ycnet =0.00000E+0rynet =0.00000E+0Ixxgross =0.00000E+0Ixxnet =0.00000E+0Zxcnet =0.00000E+0Zxtnet =0.00000E+0Cl. 9.7.2lLT =le k4 h ule11518.00ryh0.94k4 =0.608i =0.706lF =0.781fi =0.3294u =0.872lLT =84.55Cl. 9.8.1lLT(syc/355)0.5=68.06h =0.1153(see Appendix G.7)sli/syc =0.766sli =176.186552079N/mm2

Angle Dimensions:Lh = length of horizontal legLv = length of vertical legt = thickness of legD =Total Depth of GirderInstructionsHoles in flange assumed to be symmetrical about Y-Y axis.Input holes to one side of Y-Y axis only.Start with holes nearest tension flange and work towards compression flange.Section Properties about horizontal axis, i.e. parallel to flange plates.Section Properties about the vertical axis. Girder is assumed to be symmetrical about the vertical axis at the centre of the web.Plastic Modulus about X-X AxisDepth to neutral axis of gross section from outer face of tension flange.Second moment of area of gross section.Plastic modulus of gross section.Depth to neutral axis of gross section from outer face of compression flange.Second moment of area of net section.Plastic modulus of net section.Depth to neutral axis of net section from outer face of tension flange.Radius of gyration of gross section about Y-Y axisDistance to equal area line of net section from tension faceDepth to neutral axis of net section from outer face of compression flange.Radius of gyration of net section about Y-Y axisDistance to equal area line of net section from compression faceSecond moment of area of gross section.Second moment of area of net section.Elastic modulus with respect to extreme compression fibre of net section.Elastic modulus with respect to extreme tension fibre of net section.Effective length shall be determined in accordance with Clause 9.6 making appropriate adjustment (if necessary) for flexiibilty of restraining system if requirements of Clause cannot be met.A value less than 1.0 may be obtained from Fig. 9(a) or 9(b) if bending moment varies between points of lateral support.Slenderness ParameterBasic limiting compressive stress.

steel-tableABtawCxx=Cyyexx=eyyIxxIyyIuuIvvrxxryyruurvvZxxZyy2020320 x 20 x 31120.87365.914. x 20 x 41451.1316.313. x 25 x 31411.09987. x 25 x 41841.43527.517.5111.60.40.740.740.930.470.570.572525525 x 25 x 52251.7557.917. x 30 x 31731.34948.321. x 30 x 42261.76288.721. x 30 x 52772.16069. x 35 x 32031.58349.525. x 35 x 42662.074810252. x 35 x 53272.550610.424. x 35 x 63863.010810.824. x 40 x 32341.825210.829. x 40 x 43072.394611. x 40 x 53782.948411.628. x 40 x 64473.486612286.36.3102. x 45 x 32642.0592123355821.381.381.740.871.521.524545445 x 45 x 43472.706612.532.56.56.510.42.61.371.371.730.872.002.004545545 x 45 x 54283.338412.932.17.97.912.63.21.361.361.720.862.462.464545645 x 45 x 65073.954613.331. x 50 x 32952.30113. x 50 x 43883.026413.736. x 50 x 54793.736214.135.9111117.64.51.521.521.920.973.063.065050650 x 50 x 65684.430414.535.512.912.920.65.31.511.511.900.973.633.635555555 x 55 x 55274.110615.339.714.714.723.55.91.671.672.111.063.703.705555655 x 55 x 66264.882815.739.317.317.327.571.661.662.101.064.404.405555855 x 55 x 88186.380416.538.5222234.99.11.641.642.071.055.715.7155551055 x 55 x 1010027.815617.237.826.326.341.511.21.621.622.041.066.966.966060560 x 60 x 55754.48516.543.519. x 60 x 66845.335216.943.122.622.6369.11.821.822. x 60 x 88966.988817.742.329294611.91.801.802.271.156.866.8660601060 x 60 x 1011008.5818.541.534.834.854.914.61.781.782.231.158.398.396565565 x 65 x 56254.87517.747.324.724.739.49.91.991.992.511.265.225.226565665 x 65 x 67445.803218.146.929.129.146.511.71.981.982.501.256.206.206565865 x 65 x 89767.612818.946.137.437.459.515.31.961.962.471.258.118.1165651065 x 65 x 1012009.3619.745.3454571.318.81.941.942.441.259.939.937070570 x 70 x 56775.280618.951. x 70 x 68066.286819.450.636.836.858.814. x 70 x 810588.252420.249.847.447.475.519. x 70 x 10130210.1556214957.257.290.723. x 75 x 57275.670620.254.838.738.761.951.52.312.312.922.667.067.067575675 x 75 x 68666.754820.654.445.745.773.118.42.302.302.911.468.408.407575875 x 75 x 811388.876421.453.6595994.1242.282.282.881.4511.0111.0175751075 x 75 x 10140210.935622.252.871.471.4113.329. x 80 x 69297.246221.858.2565689.622.52.462.463.111.569.629.628080880 x 80 x 812219.523822.757.372.572.5115.629.42.442.443.081.5512.6512.6580801080 x 80 x 10150511.73923.456.687.787.7139.5362.412.413.041.5515.4915.4980801280 x 80 x 12178113.891824.255.8101.9101.9161.442.42.392.393.011.5418.2618.269090690 x 90 x 610478.166624.265.880.180.1128.1322.772.773.501.7512.1712.179090890 x 90 x 8137910.756225.164.9104.2104.2166.4422.752.753.471.7516.0616.0690901090 x 90 x 10170313.283425.964.1126.7126.7201.951.62.732.733.441.7419.7719.7790901290 x 90 x 12201915.748226.663.4147.9147.9234.960.92.712.713.411.7423.3323.331001006100 x 100 x 611679.102626.773.3111.3111.3178. x 100 x 8153912.004227.672.4145.1145.1231.858. x 100 x 10190314.843428.471.6177177282. x 100 x 12225917.620229.270.8207207329.384. x 110 x 8170213.27563080195195311.778.23.383.384.282.1424.3824.3811011010110 x 110 x 10210616.426830.879.2238.4238.4380.596.33.363.364.252.1430.1030.1011011012110 x 110 x 12250219.515631.678.4279.6279.6445.3113.83.343.344.222.1335.6635.6611011015110 x 110 x 15308124.031832.777.3337.4337.4535.4139.33.313.314.172.1343.6543.651301308130 x 130 x 8202215.77163595328.3328.3525.1131. x 130 x 10250619.546835.894.2402.7402.7643.4162. x 130 x 12298223.259636.693.4473.8473.8755.9191.83.993.995.032.5450.7350.7313013015130 x 130 x 15368128.711837.892.2574.6574.6914.22353.953.954.982.5362.3262.32







