annotated bibliographies

Rosa 1 Matthew Rosa Ms. Gardner Period 0 13 November 2014 Annotated Bibliographies Carroll, Clover. "Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon." Crozet Gazette. N.p., 2 Apr. 2011. Web. 13 Nov. 2014. Carroll’s review provides in depth analysis regarding the entire novel by Hammett, and is complete with its own strong resolutions webbed within. Carroll breaks down very important parts of the novel and picks out the details. With the use of complex and compound sentences, Carroll is able to entice the reader with her own thoughts. This article offers strong and creative analysis for those struggling with the main idea, but also offers insightful meaning behind some of the hardest topics. Carroll often makes references to contemporary facts and tries to bring this 1920 novel back to life. For example, Sam Spade is compared to “the wild west hero Wyatt Earp” in order to put his life in

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Annotated Bibliographies


Rosa Matthew RosaMs. GardnerPeriod 013 November 2014Annotated BibliographiesCarroll, Clover. "Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon." Crozet Gazette. N.p., 2 Apr. 2011. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.Carrolls review provides in depth analysis regarding the entire novel by Hammett, and is complete with its own strong resolutions webbed within. Carroll breaks down very important parts of the novel and picks out the details. With the use of complex and compound sentences, Carroll is able to entice the reader with her own thoughts. This article offers strong and creative analysis for those struggling with the main idea, but also offers insightful meaning behind some of the hardest topics. Carroll often makes references to contemporary facts and tries to bring this 1920 novel back to life. For example, Sam Spade is compared to the wild west hero Wyatt Earp in order to put his life in perspective. Through the use of various sentence patterns and precise diction, this article could entice any reader to open its pages.

"Dashiell Hammett." MysteryNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.Mystery Net provides clear and very descriptive background to Dashiell Hammett and greatly focuses on his career in writing and how it came to be. Mystery Net often uses complex sentences to convey the information in a precise manner. In the beginning of the biography, the early years of Hammett are regarded, as to the end of the biography where his novels and play in the movie industry are mentioned. This article about Dashiell Hammett provides strong and reliable information in a chronological fashion. Rather than going overboard on facts, Mystery Net only provides the readers with the highlights of his life.

"It's like Stealing History." FBI. FBI, 16 Apr. 2010. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.FBI offers a short, but to-the-point description of art theft. Even though the article is short, it provides very important information. Taking a serious approach, The FBI uses long simple sentences to display the realities of art theft. As the title mentions, Its like stealing history. Many important artifacts are stolen that represent crucial times in history but they will be taken away forever. This article offers strict and clear information so the reader does not have to read much. Although this article is shorter than most, the FBI uses broad diction to sum up the true effect of art theft.

Keishon. "REVIEW: The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett." Yet Another Crime Fiction Blog. N.p., 8 May 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.This article offers honest and strong analysis of The Maltese Falcon through the use of fair-minded diction and often references to the text itself. This article does not generalize the book much, but focuses on the entire book in a chronological order and depicts each section of it. Yes the review may not be short, but it manages to keep the reader enticed with the use of strong sentences and diction. Because of the somewhat generalized diction, readers can refer the clarity of the article more, and grasp more from it. Rather than summing up the book, Keishon offers a detailed and insightful review of the novel in a lengthy format.

Layman, Richard. "Hammett, Dashiell." In Anderson, George P., Judith S. Baughman, Matthew J. Bruccoli, and Carl Rollyson, eds. Encyclopedia of American Literature: Into the Modern: 18961945, Revised Edition, vol. 3. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2008. Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.Richards biography of Dashiell Hammett proceeds in a chronological order and offers precise descriptions throughout his life. Layman begins the biography looking at the young life of Dashiell and later on focuses on his writing. Layman focuses closely on the reason behind some of Hammetts detective novels. Layman uses parallel structure to support his strong article regarding Hammett. This article offers clear information that is organized in a very suitable arrangement that eases the reader. This article also sums up Hammetts life in war and explains why his novels are often related to mystery and detective work.

Sooke, Alastair. "Art Theft: The Stolen Pictures We May Never See Again."The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 17 Dec. 2103. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.This article offers very clear and extremely precise information regarding art theft through the use of rhetoric questions and sentence variety. Take a persuasive tone, Alastair provides an abundance of information about art theft. He uses examples from the past, and examples from the present to convey the seriousness about the topic. This article offers clear and in depth information regarding art theft. For example, Sooke uses many current examples of art theft to convey the serious topic. People that have been affected by art theft or work in the industry of prevention could benefit greatly from this article because it focuses on what really goes on before and after the theft.