ancient history semester 1 study guide

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  • 7/30/2019 Ancient History Semester 1 Study Guide


    Ancient History Review Questions

    1. Where do scientists think mankind originated?


    2. What do archaeologists study?-artifacts and bones of early people

    3. Name 4 early civilizations located on rivers.

    -Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus Vally

    4. Where was the Fertile Crescent located?

    - Mesopotamia

    5. What was the Epic of Gilgamesh?

    -The Mesopotamian/Sumerian story of a king and his quest for immortality

    6. Name the worlds 1st empire.

    -Mesopotamia, Akkadian Empire with Sargon

    7. What is cuneiform, and who created it?

    -3000 BC the Sumerians (which means wedge-shaped) & the first system of writing

    8. What was the old name for the country we know as Turkey?


    9. Describe the Chinese concept of a Mandate from Heaven.-when ruler was sent from heaven. If you disobey the ruler than you disobey god. When

    tragedy occurs it is thought to be god telling the people that it was time for a new ruler'

    10. What Chinese emperor built most of the Great Wall?

    -Shi Huangdi

    11. Who was responsible for giving western civilization monotheism, Yahweh, and the Torah?


    12. What ancient country produced dye from the Murex and gave us the alphabet?


    13. Where did Buddhism begin?


    14. Where in the ancient past would you find hieroglyphics?

    -Egypt- meaning sacred carving

  • 7/30/2019 Ancient History Semester 1 Study Guide


    15. What country would you associate with Aryans, Vedas, Brahmins, and the caste system.

    -India- Aryans- indo Europeans, Vedas- sacred text, Brahmins- the priest, Caste system-

    set system where you stay where you are born into

    16. Where did many of the modern European languages originate?- Indo Europeans

    17. What was the capital of the ancient Minoan Civilization?

    - Knossos

    18. What empire carried the Jews off into captivity?


    19. What famous ruler allowed the Jews to return to their homeland?

    -Cyrus the Great who ruled the Persian empire

    20. Why did the rulers of the New Kingdom do to prevent grave robbing?

    - Buried in Vally of kings

    21. What civilization from Africa captured the Egyptians around 1000 BC?

    - Nubia/Kushites

    22. What did the following people have in common: Zoroaster, Mahavira, and Siddhartha


    - all founded religions Zoroaster- zorasterism, Mahavira- Jainism, Siddhartha Guatama-


    23. Who taught the Five Basic Relationships?


    24. What do these religions have in common with Zoroastrianism: Judaism, Christianity, and


    - heaven and hell, good and evil, final judgment, end conflict between good and evil

    25. What Chinese philosopher had his ideas turned into Daoism?

    -Laozi, tradition says that he did not want it to be turned into a religion

    26. What is Yin and Yang?

    - Yin- feminine, orange and tigers Yang- masculine- blue and dragons

  • 7/30/2019 Ancient History Semester 1 Study Guide


    27. Define the Chinese concept of Legalism.

    -A government that restricted the freedoms of the people they believed in punishment

    over rewards for instance if a person was caught outside of their village without a travel permit

    their ear or nose would be cut off

    28. How did Laozi feel about nature? About cities?-He felt that people should take walks through nature often- cities- did not like cities, too

    many thing to keep Laozi away from he should be doing

    29. What Chinese ruler assumed the title of First Emperor?

    - Shi Huangdi

    30. Ancient Persia is now called?


    31. Who built the famous Royal Road and what was its purpose?

    - Dauris- built it so that farthest reaches of empire could communicate, also a road for his

    military to use to get around when needed to fight

    32. What Babylonian king built the Hanging Gardens? Why did he build them?

    -Nebuchadnezzar/ His wife loved gardens and missed the mountains

    33. What Assyrian king could read several languages and collected more than 25,000 clay



    34. Why might the Assyrians have become so warlike?

    - they were always under attack

    35. What group conquered Egypt around 1640 BC using chariots?


    36. Who fought int he Battle of Kadesh circa 1285 BC? What were the results?

    -Hittites fought the Egyptians, made peace after, battle ended in a treaty because it

    came to a stand still where no one could win

    37. Where was Kush located?

    -Lower Nile

    38. Who was the father of the Hebrews as chosen by God?


  • 7/30/2019 Ancient History Semester 1 Study Guide


    39. What country today occupies where the Phoenicians once lived?


    40. What were origins of the following works: Upanishads, Torah, Analects, and Vedas?

    - Upanishads- India, Torah- Israel, analects- China, Confucians works, Vedas- India

    41. Where were SIdon, Tyre, and Byblos located and what was their importance?

    -first cities in Phoenicia and they were important trading centers

    42. From what objects do the earliest evidences of Chinese writing originate?

    -oracle bones

    43. Where were Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa and what was their importance?

    - India/ -this is where the Indians civilazation started on The Indus River

    Some more things to know for the exam!

    1. Who was Hammurabi?

    -he was a babylonian king who created laws and codes for his empire called Hammurabi

    Code. Everyone in his empire had to live by this

    2. Earliest people to develope a civilazation?

    - the Sumerians were the first civilazation to make a city named Ur

    3. What was the" book of the dead"?

    - Egyptian book full of scrolls and potions for the afterlife

    4. What was the Rosetta Stone?

    -it is a stone that has three different translations on it. French soldures found it.

    Hieroglyphics, a simpler form of Heiroglyphics, and lastly Greek

    5. What was "exacernation" ?

    - removal of flesh and organs for burial ritual and you only leave the bones behind

    6. What civilazation created the groundwork for modern astronomy?

    - Summer

    7. What was the name of the first dynasty of China according to legend?

    -Zhou Dynasty

  • 7/30/2019 Ancient History Semester 1 Study Guide


    8. What was the " Mahabharata"?

    - it is an epic of India. Shows the struggles that took place in India as the aryans moved

    south, story about a great war between two sets of cousins, 106,000 verses longest in the world

    9. What was the " Eightfold Path" ?

    - the journey taken by steps to enlightment

    10. What was the relationship of Carthage to Phoenicia?

    - where there colony is in North Africa

    11. Who was Piankhi?

    - Kushite king who lead an army down the Nile and overthrow the Libyan dynasty. He

    united the Nile Vally . Built a monument in his home land of kush that told a story of military

    tryumphs, he viewed it as the restoration of Egypt

    12. What was the minortaur ?

    - A half human half bull monster kept by king Minos

    13. Where and what was the Mohenjo- Daro?

    - It was the first city to have running water and plumbing, located in the Indus Vally, every

    house had a bathroom and a toilet

    14. Who was Hatshepsut?

    - she ruled Egypt from 1472-1458 B. C. She was Barried in the Vally of the Kings,declared herself pharow after taking over her step- sons throne

    15. Define the following-

    - silt- fertile soil left behind by rivers when it rains and floods (Nile)

    - cataract- rapids, divided Nile into upper and lower

    - delta- the triangle area where river meats ocean or sea

    - monsoons- large rains that flood the rivers, summer floods

    - loess- yellow silt carried from mongolian desert to China used as top soil, blown by the


    - steppes- grass landsnorth of the Caucas

    - topography- shows the lay of land in heights and elevation

    16. What were the "Four Noble Truths"?

  • 7/30/2019 Ancient History Semester 1 Study Guide


    - Buddha

    - everything in life is suffering

    - the caus of all suffering is people's selfish desire for the temporary pleasures of this


    - the way to end all suffering is to end all desires

    - the way to overcome such desires and attain enlightment is to follow the Eightfold Path,

    which is called the Middle Way between desire and self - denial


    1. Compare and contrast religions - Judaism, Hindi, Daoism, Buddhism, Egyptian

    2. Compare and contrast systems of writing - Hieroglyphics, cuneiform, Chinese, Phoenician

    (effect, where, what process)

    3. Describe what each of the following did to receive a spot in the textbook - Cyrus the Great,

    Hammurabi, Shi Huangi, Confucius, Nebudchadnezzar

    4. Pick one of the following and describe their cultural achievements - Egypt, Sumer,

    Minoan/Crete, India, China, Kush, Nubia

    5. Compare and contrast warfare and treatment of conquered people of Assyria and Persia

    6. Compare and contrast the theories/ideas about government by Confucius, Legalist, Panus,Assyrians

    7. Describe/discuss one of the achievements of early mankind - 100 gathering, Neolithic Age,

    New Stone Age, Agricultural Revolution, killing of animals, development of religion, cities, and

    arts, or migration

    8. Empires

    9. Freedom vs. disorder

    10. Platos cave

    11. Hidden teacher

    12. Treatment of the dead