sachin-perception towards levis

Post on 18-Oct-2015






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levis consumer perception


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    Apparel are not just the domain of women any longer and Indian men too are increasingly taking

    to the use of more and more quality apparel and accessories. With consumers coming out of

    festive or occasional need based buying habits there is a rising demand in the Indian market. The

    market size is evolving and is getting enlarged and many players are coming out with their entire

    range of offering. Globalization will certainly increase international labels and products

    penetration and all professionals shall equip themselves to exploit opportunities offered by this


    The consumers are the largest economic group in any country and the present day business

    activities are because of consumers only. Thus, consumers are the pillars of the economy. The

    consumers are not only the heart of marketing system, but also the controller of marketing

    functions. But it the modern marketing system consumers sovereignty has become a myth on

    account of the variety of problems in the process of merchandising. The study of consumer

    behavior enables marketers to understand and predict consumer behavior in the market place; it

    also promotes understanding of the role that consumption plays in the lives of individual.

    This gives me an opportunity to work on with this endeavor focusing on the Consumer behavior

    and perception of consumers towards apparel and accessories with special reference to LEVIS

    product line. The primary objective of the study is to understand the consumer behavior and

    perception of consumer by studying the awareness of the financial products within the

    consumers and the number of consumers who buys merchandize from LEVIS and its sub-brands

    under the Inditex flagship.


    This study aims in understanding consumer perception of LEVIS brand in the Indian consumers.

    The behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and

    disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.

    It is essential to understand how people interact with the marketing system. Whatever else we

    may be in our lives Child, Student, Jogger, Lover, worker, Parent we are all consumers, all of

    our days. We buy and use goods and services constantly; to eat , to wear, to read, to watch, to

    play, to travel; to keep us healthy, to makes us wealthy and if not wise, at least better educated.

    Consumer behavior has changed dramatically in the past decade. Today, consumers can order

    online many customized products ranging from sneakers to computers. Today, the digital

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    revolution of the market place allows much greater customization of products, services and

    promotional messages than older marketing tools.

    Consumer have Today

    A substantial increase in buying power. A Greater variety of available goods & services. A great amount of information about practically anything. A great ease in interacting and placing and receiving orders. An ability to compare notes on products & services.

    Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy a


    Perception is defined as 'the process by which an individual receives, selects, organizes, and

    interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world'.


    Stage Description

    Selective exposure consumers select which promotional messages they will expose

    themselves to.

    Selective attention consumers select which promotional messages they will pay attention


    Selective comprehension consumer interpret messages in line with their beliefs, attitudes,

    motives and experiences

    Selective retention consumers remember messages that are more meaningful or important

    to them

    The implications of this process help develop an effective promotional strategy, and

    select which sources of information are more effective for the brand.CV

    1. Information evaluation

    At this time the consumer compares the brands and products that are in their evoked set. How

    can the marketing organization increase the likelihood that their brand is part of the consumer's

    evoked (consideration) set? Consumers evaluate alternatives in terms of the functional and

    psychological benefits that they offer. The marketing organization needs to understand what

    benefits consumers are seeking and therefore which attributes are most important in terms of

    making a decision

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    2. Purchase decision

    Once the alternatives have been evaluated, the consumer is ready to make a purchase decision.

    Sometimes purchase intention does not result in an actual purchase. The marketing organization

    must facilitate the consumer to act on their purchase intention. The organization can use variety

    of techniques to achieve this. The provision of credit or payment terms may encourage purchase,

    or a sales promotion such as the opportunity to receive a premium or enter a competition may

    provide an incentive to buy now. The relevant internal psychological process that is associated

    with purchase decision is integration. Once the integration is achieved, the organization can

    influence the purchase decisions much more easily.

    3. Post purchase evaluation

    It is common for customers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision. This arises

    from a concept that is known as cognitive dissonance. The customer, having bought a product,

    may feel that an alternative would have been preferable. In these circumstances that customer

    will not repurchase immediately, but is likely to switch brands next time.

    To manage the post-purchase stage, it is the job of the marketing team to persuade the potential

    customer that the product will satisfy his or her needs. Then after having made a purchase, the

    customer should be encouraged that he or she has made the right decision. It is not effected by



    Internal influences

    Consumer behavior is influenced by: demographics, psychographics (lifestyle), personality,

    motivation, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Consumer behavior concern with

    consumer need consumer actions in the direction of satisfying needs leads to his behavior of

    every individual depend on thinking.

    External influences

    Consumer behavior is influenced by: culture, sub-culture, locality, royalty, ethnicity, family,

    social class, reference groups, lifestyle, and market mix factors

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    Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by or there are four factors.

    1. Cultural Factor

    Cultural factor divided into three sub factors (i) Culture (ii) Sub Culture (iii) Social Class


    The set of basic values perceptions, wants, and behaviors learned by a member of society from

    family and other important institutions. Culture is the most basic cause of a persons wants and

    behavior. Every group or society has a culture, and cultural influences on buying behavior may

    vary greatly from country to country.

    Sub Culture

    A group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations.

    Each culture contains smaller sub cultures a group of people with shared value system based on

    common life experiences and situations. Sub culture includes nationalities, religions, racial group

    and geographic regions. Many sub culture make up important market segments and marketers

    often design products.

    Social Class

    Almost every society has some form of social structure. Social classes are societys relatively

    permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values, interests and behaviour.

    2. Social Factors

    A consumers behavior also is influenced by social factors, such as the (i) Groups (ii) Family (iii)

    Roles and status


    Two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals. A persons behavior

    is influenced by many small groups. Groups that have a direct influence and to which a person

    belongs are called membership groups. Some are primary groups includes family, friends,

    neighbors and coworkers. Some are secondary groups, which are more formal and have less

    regular interaction. These include organizations like religious groups, professional association

    and trade unions.


    Family members can strongly influence buyer behavior. The family is the most important

    consumer buying organization society and it has been researched extensively. Marketers are

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    interested in the roles, and influence of the husband, wife and children on the purchase of

    different products and services.

    Roles and Status

    A person belongs to many groups, family, clubs, and organizations. The persons position in

    each group can be defined in terms of both role and status.

    3. Personal Factors

    It includes: Age and life cycle stage (ii) Occupation (iii) Economic situation (iv) Life Style (v)

    Personality and self concept.

    Age and Life cycle Stage

    People change the goods and services they buy over their lifetimes. Tastes in food, clothes,

    furniture, and recreation are often age related. Buying is also shaped by the stage of the family

    life cycle.


    A persons occupation affects the goods and services bought. Blue collar workers tend to buy

    more rugged work clothes, whereas white-collar workers buy more business suits. A Co. can

    even specialize in making products needed by a given occupational group. Thus, computer

    software companies will design different products for brand managers, accountants, engineers,

    lawyers, and doctors.

    Economic situation

    A persons economic situation will affect product choice

    Life Style

    Life Style is a persons Pattern of living, understanding these forces involves measuring

    consumers major AIO dimensions. i.e. activities (Work, hobbies, shopping, support etc) interest

    (Food, fashion, family recreation) and opinions (about themselves, Business, Products)

    Personality and Self concept

    Each persons distinct personality influences his or her buying behavior. Personality refers to the

    unique psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to

    ones own environment.

    4. Psychological Factors

    It includes these Factors.

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    i) Motivation (ii) Perception (iii) Learning (iv) Attitudes


    Attitude can be defined as simply and overall evaluation and it usually play a major role in

    shaping consumer behavior.

    As represented in Figure, in a contemporary view, attitude is formed in two fundamental ways:

    the cognitive component beliefs, and the affective component feelings. And these two

    determinants contribute in different manner towards different attitude object. And then, a

    persons behavioral intention will depend on her or his attitudes.

    Consequently, consumers intentions to perform some behavior should increase as their attitudes

    become more favorable. (Engel, Blackwell & Miniard 1995, p. 364-366).

    (Figure: The Relationship among Beliefs, Feeling, Attitude, Behavioral Intention, and Behavior)

    Beliefs Feelings





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    History of Levis

    Levi Strauss started the business at the 90 Sacramento Street address in San Francisco. He next

    moved the location to 62 Sacramento Street then 63 & 65 Sacramento Street.

    Jacob Davis, a Latvian Jewish immigrant, was a Reno, Nevada tailor who frequently purchased

    bolts of cloth made from denim from Levi Strauss & Co.'s wholesale house. After one of Davis'

    customers kept purchasing cloth to reinforce torn pants, he had an idea to use copper rivets to

    reinforce the points of strain, such as on the pocket corners and at the base of the button fly.

    Davis did not have the required money to purchase a patent, so he wrote to Strauss suggesting

    that they go into business together. After Levi accepted Jacob's offer, on May 20, 1873, the two

    men received U.S. Patent 139,121 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The

    patented rivet was later incorporated into the company's jean design and advertisements.

    Contrary to an advertising campaign suggesting that Levi Strauss sold his first jeans to gold

    miners during the California Gold Rush (which peaked in 1849), the manufacturing of denim

    overalls only began in the 1870s. The company then created their first pair of Levis 501 Jeans in

    the 1890s, a style that went on to become the world's best selling item of clothing. photo of an

    advertising sign for Levi Strauss & Co. painted on a brick wall in Woodland, California


    Modern jeans began to appear in the 1920s, but sales were largely confined to the working

    people of the western United States, such as cowboys, lumberjacks, and railroad workers. Levis

    jeans apparently were first introduced to the East during the dude ranch craze of the 1930s, when

    vacationing Easterners returned home with tales (and usually examples) of the hard-wearing

    pants with rivets. Another boost came in World War II, when blue jeans were declared an

    essential commodity and were sold only to people engaged in defense work.

    Between the 1950s and 1980s, Levi's jeans became popular among a wide range of youth

    subcultures, including greasers, mods, rockers, hippies and skinheads. Levi's popular shrink-to-

    fit 501s were sold in a unique sizing arrangement; the indicated size referred to the size of the

    jeans prior to shrinking, and the shrinkage was substantial. The company still produces these

    unshrunk, uniquely sized jeans, and they are still Levi's number one selling product. Although

    popular lore (abetted by company marketing) holds that the original design remains unaltered,

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    this is not the case: the crotch rivet and waist cinch were removed during World War II to

    conform to War Production Board requirements to conserve metal, and was not replaced after the

    war. Additionally, the back pocket rivets, which had been covered in denim in 1937 due to

    complaints they scratched furniture, were removed completely in the 1950s.[8] From a company

    with fifteen salespeople, two plants, and almost no business east of the Mississippi in 1946, the

    organization grew in thirty years to include a sales force of more than 22,000, with 50 plants and

    offices in 35 countries

    Levi Strauss & Co. also known as LS&CO or simply Levi's, is a privately held American

    clothing company known worldwide for its Levi's brand of denim jeans. It was founded in 1853

    when Levi Strauss came from Buttenheim, Bavaria, to San Francisco, California to open a west

    coast branch of his brothers' New York dry goods business. In 1871, a Reno Nevada tailor

    named Jacob Davis invented the work pants, combining the tough denim from Levi Strauss with

    the idea to add copper rivets to key stress points. On May 20, 2006, a historic marker sponsored

    by the Reno Historic Resources Commission was dedicated at 211 N. Virginia Street at the

    historic location of Jacob Davis' tailor shop.

    In 1873, Levi Strauss and tailor Jacob Davis received a U.S. patent to make the first riveted

    men's work pants out of denim: the first blue jeans. The company briefly experimented (in the

    1970s) with a public stock listing, but remains owned and controlled by descendants and

    relatives of Levi Strauss' four nephews. The company's corporate headquarters is located at

    Levi's Plaza in San Francisco.


    Invented in 1873, Levi's jeans are the original, authentic jeans. Available in 110 countries

    across the world, they are the most successful, widely recognized, and often imitated clothing

    products in the history of apparel. Levi's jeans have captured the attention, imagination, and

    loyalty of generations of diverse individuals. As the inventor of the category, the Levi's brand

    continues to define jeanswear with the widest range of products available, from quintessential

    classics, such as the iconic Levi's 501 Jeans, to favorite fits and styles in the Red Tab line,

    to truly cutting-edge denim fashion epitomized by Levi's Red.

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    Levi's entered the Indian market in 1994-95, with the opening of their first store in Bangalore

    in Jun 1995. Over the last 15 years, Levi's has become the largest and most iconic jeanswear

    brand in the country, available in approximately 270 exclusive stores, and 500 other points of

    sale, across more than 200 towns across India. Closely associated with the evolution of

    jeanswear fashion in India, Levi's has been responsible for some of the most cutting-edge,

    definitive, jeanswear communication India has seen. Levi's holds the unique distinction of

    having won the prestigious Images Fashion Award for the "Most Admired Jeanswear Brand of

    the Year" for six years in a row.

    With a product range that spans everyday-wear to extremely evolved, fashion-forward products,

    Levi's has been one of the primary catalysts in accelerating the coming of age of the Indian

    fashion scene. The Levi's range in India includes the iconic Levis 501 Jeans, Levis Red

    Tab, and Levis Diva, amongst others.The Levi's brand has big plans for its future in India,

    and is committed to firmly placing India on the world map in terms of jeanswear consumption

    and creation.

    Introduction of levis jeans

    Founded in 1853 by Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss, Levi Strauss & co. (ls&co.) Is one of the

    world's largest brand-name apparel marketers with sales in more than 100 countries. There is no

    other company with a comparable global presence in the jeans and casual pants markets. Our

    market-leading apparel products are sold under the levis, Dockers and levi Strauss

    signature brands. In 1873, levi Strauss and Nevada tailor Jacob davis patented the process of

    putting rivets in pants for strength, and the world's first jeans levi's jeans were born.

    Today, the levi's trademark is one of the most recognized in the world and is registered in more

    than 160 countries.

    Over the years, Levi's jeans have become more popular in particular thanks to its product

    differentiation. After the release of the 501 product line, Levi's enjoyed the worldwide market

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    dominance in the denim jean market. Levi's Strauss sends products in more than 110 countries.

    An important thing we can notice is that customers think differently according to their

    geographic situation. Indeed, for an American people, Levi's is considered as an ordinary jean.

    But in Europe, the brand doesn't represent the same for customers: it represents fashion.

    Actually, for European consumers, Levi's enables them to reach the American way of life.

    People who wear a Levi's jean are considered as cool and fashion. Levi's Strauss & Co also

    maintains its image as an originator of American jeans.


    May 20, 1873 marked an historic day: the birth of the blue jean. It was on that day that Levi

    Strauss and Jacob Davis obtained a U.S. patent on the process of putting rivets in mens work

    pants for the very first time.

    Levi Strauss, a Bavarian-born dry goods merchant, came to San Francisco in 1853 at the age of

    24 to open a West Coast branch of his brothers New York wholesale dry goods business. Over

    the next 20 years, he built his business into a very successful operation, making a name for

    himself not only as a well-respected businessman, but also as a local philanthropist. One of

    Levis customers was a tailor named Jacob Davis.

    Levis Performance


    Since levis is a subsidiary of the parent company Inditex, this report includes some financials

    about Inditex. According to the Data monitor report from the Market line industry profile of the

    american apparel retail industry profile (2008); this included charted information on Inditex

    about revenues and profitability. Their revenues started in 2004 with about $8 million and

    steadily rose to about $15 million in 2008. Inditexs profit margin started off somewhat low in

    2004 at 11.6%, and peaked in 2007 at 13.3%. In 2008, their profit margin is back down at 12.1%.

    Threats and Opportunities


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    Some threats that affect LEVIS include international expansion, geographic scope, and intense

    competition. LEVIS recognizes that the company needs to have a competitive advantage in

    order to survive, so they are constructing a second distribution center in America. Also the

    company is still looking to expand internationally. Expanding in Spain is difficult for the

    company because of past experience in America. Levis is considering expansion in North

    America, but is concerned that it is already suffering from retail saturation, less fashion-forward

    sense, the demand for plus sizes, lots of competition, and not enough demand for the clothing.

    Some opportunities faced by levis are expansion into other countries such as Europe focused

    primarily on Italy and scale up its distribution system. If Levis continues to expand it will then

    help to create a more recognizable brand name to consumers and in turn also help make a higher

    profit. In the construction of the second distribution center will help the growth of the company.



    High quality manpower resources

    Brand name

    Vast range of products and accessories

    Global Image


    Perceived by consumers as High Street Fashion Wear.

    Price of average products higher than available competition products from local



    Brand growth through increased consumption depth.

    Growth in business for branded fashion wear and apparel.


    Aggressive price competition from local and other multinational players.

    Availability of cheap copied designs / similar design apparels in local market.

    Abrupt change in government policies and taxes.

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    Current Marketing Strategy- LEVIS Levis is considering setting up loyalty programs to create a link with its customers and increase

    the number of people that visit the stores. Also the company is heavily concentrated on

    improving its logistics system which is very important to the company in having success in the

    clothing industry (Euro monitor International, 2009). Levis markets towards the Euro-chic

    crowd who wants more fashionable clothes with a shorter lead time. Levis produces lower

    quantities of clothing, therefore the supply of their items are very scarce. levis relies more on

    location of a retail establishment rather than advertising to attract customers. Only .3 percent of

    sales are spent on advertising for the company compared to that of its competitors who spend

    around 3.5 percent. levis is more concerned with finding the exact retail site that best suits the

    company rather than spending the extra money on luring customers into the store.

    Levi Strauss advertising sign

    Modern jeans began to appear in the 1920s, but sales were largely confined to the working

    people of the western United States, such as cowboys, lumberjacks, and railroad workers. Levis

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    jeans apparently were first introduced to the East during the dude ranch craze of the 1930s, when

    vacationing Easterners returned home with tales (and usually examples) of the hard-wearing

    pants with rivets. Another boost came in World War II, when blue jeans were declared an

    essential commodity and were sold only to people engaged in defense work.

    Between the 1950s and 1980s, Levi's jeans became popular among a wide range of youth

    subcultures, including greasers, mods, rockers, hippies and skinheads. Levi's popular shrink-to-

    fit 501s were sold in a unique sizing arrangement; the indicated size referred to the size of the

    jeans prior to shrinking, and the shrinkage was substantial. The company still produces these

    unshrunk, uniquely sized jeans, and they are still Levi's number one selling product. Although

    popular lore (abetted by company marketing) holds that the original design remains unaltered,

    this is not the case: the crotch rivet and waist cinch were removed during World War II to

    conform to War Production Board requirements to conserve metal, and was not replaced after the

    war. Additionally, the back pocket rivets, which had been covered in denim in 1937 due to

    complaints they scratched furniture, were removed completely in the 1950s.[8] From a company

    with fifteen salespeople, two plants, and almost no business east of the Mississippi in 1946, the

    organization grew in thirty years to include a sales force of more than 22,000, with 50 plants and

    offices in 35 countries

    Levi Strauss & Co. also known as LS&CO or simply Levi's, is a privately held American

    clothing company known worldwide for its Levi's brand of denim jeans. It was founded in 1853

    when Levi Strauss came from Buttenheim, Bavaria, to San Francisco, California to open a west

    coast branch of his brothers' New York dry goods business. In 1871, a Reno Nevada tailor

    named Jacob Davis invented the work pants, combining the tough denim from Levi Strauss with

    the idea to add copper rivets to key stress points. On May 20, 2006, a historic marker sponsored

    by the Reno Historic Resources Commission was dedicated at 211 N. Virginia Street at the

    historic location of Jacob Davis' tailor shop.

    In 1873, Levi Strauss and tailor Jacob Davis received a U.S. patent to make the first riveted

    men's work pants out of denim: the first blue jeans. The company briefly experimented (in the

    1970s) with a public stock listing, but remains owned and controlled by descendants and

    relatives of Levi Strauss' four nephews. The company's corporate headquarters is located at

    Levi's Plaza in San Francisco.

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    Like other successful companies, Levis also has realized that the marketing environment

    presents a never-ending series of opportunities and threats. The major responsibility for

    identifying significant changes in the macro environment falls to a companys marketers. More

    than any other group in the company, the marketing managers of Levis are the trend trackers and

    Opportunity seekers. Many opportunities are found by identifying trends (directions or sequences

    of events that have some momentum and durability) and mega trends (major social, economic,

    political and technological changes that have long-lasting influence).Within the rapidly changing

    global picture, the marketers of Levis are monitoring the following six major Environmental



    Market segmentation is the selection of groups of people who will be most receptive to a

    product. The most frequent methods of segmenting include demographic variables such as age,

    sex, race, income, occupation, education, house old status, and geographic location;

    psychographic variables such as life-style, activities, interests, and opinions; product use

    patterns; and product benefits. Much segmentation involves combinations of these methods. No

    matter how segments are defined, however, they are characterized by considerable change over

    time. The readings in this section exemplify areas of rapid change.


    Target market strategy adopted by Levis is basically on having long-term relations with their

    customers and to provide them with better product.


    Levis has got customer oriented approach by segmentation. Company is promoting its products

    effectively within segments by print media as well as electronic media, e.g. Newspapers,

    Signboards, Television commercials, Internet, etc. Company is providing their customers with

    stylish better quality and different product keeping in view its cost.

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    A study about the age of respondent shows that 76% of 16-25 and 26- 35 age groups tend to own

    more than one or two pairs of jeans which is not the case for people above 35 years old. 31%.

    According to a study, what consumers like more about Levi's jean is its durability.

    Thanks to what Levi's represent, consumers are willing to pay a jean more expensive that if it

    was another brand. This is part because Levi's is considered as a love brand for many consumers

    and as a brand that they trust: since the 60's, Levi's has appeared as a love brand because it

    reaches the emotional field in the consumer mind. Thanks to that, Levi's consumers are very


    The consumer perception has evolved. At the beginning, during the 30's, Levi's jeans were wore

    by cowboys. Then, after the WWII it was also wore by veterans which made the Levi's jean more

    popular. At this time, jeans had a casual wear. The jean consumption has changed with the Baby

    Boom: Levi's tried to have younger consumers. During the 60's and the 70's, jeans represented

    rebellion for consumers and a new spirit, that's why Levi's needed to change its strategy: at that

    time, Levi's was more perceived as a Mommy jeans contrarily to other jeans brand. Another

    solution was to create the Levi's signature which was cheaper and more accessible.

    Moreover, Levi's has a good reputation among consumers thanks to its values and its social

    actions. Indeed, Levi's values are integrity, empathy, originality and courage. Levi's wants to be

    ethics and social responsible in its business. For its social actions, Levi's is very engaged in the

    fight of HIV: the company wants to improve the access to HIV/AIDS prevention.


    The in-store feedback from consumers is sent back to designers every day. The fashion requests

    collected by stores leads to the initiation of the productive process, which puts together a supply

    in agreement with the customers wishes as quickly as possible. This business strategy involves

    constant relations with the commercial supply and bringing personnel closer to the customer.

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    Brand values, images and brand-added value cannot be evidenced directly through levis

    management, but they can be reflected by customers feedback. For instance, whether levis

    image is positive or negative for consumers; whether consumers see extra value add to levis; and

    which values of levis they will choose. With regard to brand image, a good design or a unique

    product strategy can influence it to be positive as mentioned above. While in 2007, levis

    launches its first collection of maternity wear. The levis for Mum line went on sale in March in

    over a hundred stores in the main cities of america and since September it has been available at

    all establishments of the chain in the world with a wide range of articles.

    This Mum line promotes a powerful image of levis into the minds of consumers, as it takes

    consumers demands seriously and seeks to meet mothers needs and feedback. As a result, levis

    improves its reputation in the fashion industry still further.

    A levis Brand Identity

    The Levis brand epitomizes classic American style and effortless cool. Since the invention

    and patent of riveted clothing by Jacob Davis and company founder Levi Strauss in 1873,

    Levis jeans have become the most recognizable and imitated clothing in the world

    capturing the imagination and loyalty of people for generations. And while the patent has long

    since expired, the Levis brand portfolio continues to evolve through a relentless pioneering

    and innovative spirit that is unparalleled in the apparel industry.

    Core Identity

    Product thrust: casual and stylish.

    User profile: casual and professional youth who are aggressively interested in style and trends of

    fashion and lifestyle.

    Extended Identity

    Brand personality: Exciting, provocative, spirited, cool, innovative, and aggressive; and the

    pursuit of excellence

    Basis for relationship: Hanging out with a rugged, macho person who goes for the best in

    clothing, everything else

    Subbrands: denizen, dockers

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    Logo: levis

    Slogan: "Quality never goes out of style

    Organizational associations:

    Connected to and supportive of casuals, innovative


    Top Hollywood actors-Deniel Radcliffe, Denise Richards,keira knightly,


    Developed jeans in America.

    Value Proposition

    Functional benefits:

    High influence in fashion lifestyle and provide comfort trends.

    Emotional benefits:

    The exhilaration of athletic performance excellence; feeling en gaged, active, and style


    Makes performance jeans and clothing that are stylish.


    Positioning and brand values that are chosen can be conveyed to consumers and form an image.

    Consumers attitudes determine whether the brand image is positive, and whether the brand-

    added value is high. So managers should take consumers attitudes into account when they

    express their brands images and added value. levis is good at collecting consumers feedback,

    because the in-store feedback is sent back to designers every day.

    A brand image comprises content and reputation. The content ... refers to the associations a

    brand name may invoke Some brands call up many associations. Due to the consumers

    attitudes, they receives a positive image from levis (the content is high quality and modern; the

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    reputation is high). Although positive or negative brand images are decided by consumers,

    design and product strategy have an effect on the creation of brand images. The chic design of

    levis evokes several associations such as fashionable, beautiful and colorful, and these

    associations give consumers a good image, while this design with medium price enhances levis

    image to be stronger and more positive. In addition, the unique product strategy of levis

    promotes the brand images. Consumers deem the speed of launching a new collection of

    products of levis is fast. Due to the exact data from the corporation, it produces about 11,000

    different products annually, and spends four to five weeks on the process of designing a new

    product and getting finished products into its stores. If the product life cycle is shortening,

    consumers preferences will be fulfilled with a greater success. In 2007, This strategy improved

    levis image in the mind of consumers, strengthening the brand still further.. It takes account of

    consumers demand, which extends to accomplish mothers needs and feedback, and obtains a

    high reputation in the fashion industry. However, A brand image gives no insight into the

    relative value that consumers ascribe to attributes or associations. The concept of brand-added

    value does take into account the differences in importance between associations.

    Brand-added value is constituted of perceived performance (perceived quality and perceived

    material differentiation), psychosocial meaning and brand name awareness, and a high level in

    any one of these components leads to a high brand-added value. Owing to consumers attitudes,

    the branding of levis provides them with a guarantee of quality and offers them product

    satisfaction. What is more, they think levis keeps a high level of quality all the time. These views

    show that levis is perceived as having high performance levels. As mentioned in the positioning

    part, levis struggles to convey which social class it belongs to. So psychosocial meaning has not

    a remarkable effect on levis added value. Awareness of levis name is extremely high; when

    consumers hear or see this brand name, they are instantly aware that it is a fashion brand, and can

    differentiate it from other high street brands. In a word, the added value of levis is high.

    Therefore, a brand with positive images and highly added value can easily become a powerful


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    There is a significant change in market distribution channel of apparel. Distribution places are:

    Hyper markets

    Super markets

    In India there are new markets opening up and maturing fast. There are facilities like Hyper

    Markets coming up in smaller towns with adequate consumer base. So brands like levis can

    always find customers in cities like Kolkata, Bangalore, Chenai, Pune for their future expansion.


    Levis in India has come up with their entire product line:

    Levis Woman, Kids, Men, TRF


    It is easily identifiable that levis has better quality stock, superior design and importantly more

    affordable when compared to similar retailers who appeal to the same target audience such as:

    Roger David, Witchery, Susans, Portmans, Sports girl, Forever New, Bardot, and Politix.

    These Retailers must innovate to regain consumer confidence. Price discounting has lost its

    glamour it can no longer be reliant upon to generate sale.


    Levis pricing strategy is usually global and standard across globe. The difference in pricing is

    due to the import and other country specific duties. But yet knowing that LEVIS productions

    are all in house and in India most of their merchandize are being imported, yet they are able to

    price their product below their nearest competitions that is Promode, Mango, S Oliver, Forever

    New, Forever 21 etc.

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    Levis is perceived as either an European or Middle East Brand in India and is in the lifestyle and high street segment.

    The pricing for their product is yet considered to be higher than the similar local label products.

    REFERENCE /headlines05/0416--01.htm>.

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