research into college magazines

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Masthead- bold and bright red to catch the readers eye. It also matches the colour of the model which makes it look like she fits in the college.

Dateline- states the date the magazine is for, from the picture you get the idea it may be during summertime.

Main image – They’ve picked and young and stylish girl to get the reader to relate to them. She’s smiling which would make the reader thing she was happy at the college so they would be as happy as her.

Cover lines- this front cover uses a lot of cover lines, this is to pull the reader in. They are short and snappy phrases which will catch the readers eyes straight away. They also have a longer explanation below to give a little idea of what it’s about.

Left third – college magazines don’t tend to have a left third because they wouldn’t be on a shop shelve so they don’t need to fit everything on the little bit that the buyer would see.

Features of a College Magazine

Research into college/university

magazinesFor my college magazine I decided to make a magazine for a photography college because I had a general interest in photography. Before I started to plan my own college magazine i looked into ones from real colleges to work out what typical conventions they had so that I could make mine authentic.I found out that every college magazine had a masthead, a dateline, a main image and cover lines. They all used colours and a layout that would appeal to the people attending the college because they wanted to attract them to the college. The magazine would be the first thing they see of the college and they want to make a good impression. They all had a main story with a main image that is something to do with the college so that the reader is interested and want to read it. They are all laid out in a simple way so that they aren’t too fussy but have enough on them to interest the reader. They all contain articles about things that students would be interested in, articles about the things they will study at the college and about nightlife and normal things young adults do.

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