research into magazines

Research into magazines NME-Micro Analysis

Upload: robyngarcia

Post on 20-Feb-2017




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New Musical Express; NME is owned by IPC Media. IPC Media is the leading consumer magazine and owns 60 successful brands, NME being one of the range of magazines it offers. NME is a large mass mainstream music magazine, it aims at a range of different genres of music; attracting a large variety of people. Sixty-nine percent of NME readers are male and are aged between 18-24. NME’s first publication was in March 1952; it firstly started off as a weekly music newspaper yet converged into a magazine in 1998 and is currently still in print yet due to the current advancements in media technology numbers of sales of the print are lowering; this is the case for most other magazines as most things are now accessible on a better, faster “smarter” and interesting level on the internet.

Background information.

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The style of the magazine is very mainstream. It aims at a range of different people and includes a variety of different genres generating attraction from a large amount of people. It positions its self as a “top” magazine and to maintain this high level reputation up to date “wanted” information must be included. Its a fun, exciting and colourful magazine and due to the fact that 18-24 year olds are the target audience the magazine is written in a modern way, with language that is easily relatable for the particular audience. Slang words are used and also competitions are of interest to the audience and also advertisement links with a younger generation. The magazine relates a friendly love for music personality, but not on a specific level. It isn't detailed within a certain genre which can be seen as a disadvantage as customers may not be loyal yet on the other side it can be seen as a positive as many people have a variety of different music tastes, therefore NME meet all of these music interests in one place.


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NME’s iconic masthead is always in large bold letters at the top right of the magazine. Bright eye catching colours are regularly used and a red and (occasionally) yellow theme is usually linked with this magazine. The use of cover lines are repetitively used on the front cover to take advantage of the reader and to try and catch their attention in a variety of different ways to lure them into wanting to read more and purchase the magazine.


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The content of this magazine includes special interviews with popular artists, buzz words that catch a readers eye and advertise completions, free things and posters the magazine may include, information about concerts and gigs are included in a variety of areas. Reviews of their opinions of new realises, images of artists and bands, other magazines are advertised within the magazine yet this is done in a smart way as the magazines that are advertised are owned also by IPC Media and are also aimed at a similar age group and gender-”Nuts”. This is a great way to raise awareness for other magazine and increase sales for the other magazine. New unknown artists are published, the weeks top chart hits, forms of synergy driving readers to their website and radio station. It includes “radar news” informing readers on the latest news in relation to music and popular artists of the time. NME awards information, tour dates and “pick of the week”-gigs that are available to attend during the week and fan mail. The specific issue i am reading is a “special lost albums issue”-12 February 2012 and it includes 100 great albums you’ve never heard. The sky line states that is a “Special lost albums issue “ creating the effect to an audience that this issue is “special” which would make someone more likely to purchase it.


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Usually a mid shot of an artist is used on the front of the magazine, using this shot shows enough of the person to see them in detail and also make it seem more realistic, as if they are in front of you, making the reader more involved in the magazine. The issue i am currently looking at (11th February 2012) does not have a image of a person yet a iconic old fashioned record is the main image instead. This links to the masthead “100 great albums you’ve never heard”. A simple black, white and yellow theme has been used; it is not as colourful as other issues previously made yet it still stands out.

Main image

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The mode of address is not instantly obvious yet a young vibe is produced due to the colours, capital block letters and the use of language in the cover lines and for the masthead. The typography reflects the target audience as slang terms such as “wanna” and “beef”(an issue/fight) are used making it easier for the audience to relate to. The font, size and colour varies a lot, I think (coming from someone within their target audience) that doing this makes you more engaged in the magazine and it is not plain it is different and interesting, younger people tend to become bored more easier so changing the size, font and also colour will interest the reader more so.
