planning for growth and sustainability annette leeland executive director california 4-h foundation

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Annette Leeland

Executive Director

California 4-H Foundation

4-H Youth are uniquely prepared to step up to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

How do we insure that this is true for every child participating in a 4-H program?

How do we make this true for more young people?

“If you don’t know where you are going- any road will get you there.”

”Most great plans aren't. They are just nice, high-level ideas.“

Why plan?

• To know where we are going (vision)

• How we will get there (strategy)

• What will be the impact (outcome measures)

Benefits of Planning:• A pathway to programmatic growth and

sustainable funding• System-wide buy-in to the “Big Picture” • Consistent messaging• Essential Tools for Fundraising• “Culture of Philanthropy” system-wide

Culture of Philanthropy

Everyone understands, embraces, believes in, and acts on their roles and responsibilities for philanthropy in a collaborative and donor-centric manner

Are You Ready for Planning?

• Readiness Assessment• Leadership• Collaborative• Committed• Fundraising Body

You Need a Vision and a Plan

• Tangible• Understandable• Beginning, Middle, End


Three Essential Tools

1. One Page Business Plan

2. Comprehensive Budget

3. Funding Plan

The One Page Business Plan

A Simple and Elegant Tool to

• Describe and Inspire

• Guide

• Measure Impact

• Share

Key Components

• Purpose statement• Big Hairy Audacious Goal (5 year)• Summary Vision• Strategy• Action Plan (1 year)• Objectives/Outcomes

Steps to Creating a Business Plan

• Readiness Assessment• Key Leader Planning Meeting with the

Foundation• Assemble Ad Hoc Committee• 3 planning meetings• Formal Adoption by leadership and


Comprehensive Budget


• Revenue from all sources

• Expenses from all programs

• Includes staff salaries and administrative costs

• Makes sense to funders

Sustainable Funding Plan

Multi-Year- Diversified Sources

Sets Specific Goals by Activity

Rooted in the Engagement Model

Creates a Culture of Philanthropy

Culture of Philanthropy

Everyone understands, embraces, believes in, and acts on their roles and responsibilities for philanthropy in a collaborative and donor-centric manner

Counties Currently Engaged in this Planning Process

• Santa Barbara

• Merced

• Sacramento

• Sonoma

4-H Youth are uniquely prepared to step up to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

…..for the next 100 years!


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