history of art (pre historic to modern)

Post on 14-May-2015






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This is a Powerpoint which has a brief History of Art.


Life depicted through Art

From Pre- Historic to

Modern Art

Paleolithic Cave Art

These Paintings date back

to Prehistoric times (32,000)

Years ago.

Cave Paintings

The most common themes in Cave paintings are large wild animals such as bisons, horse and deer and tracing of human hands. The paintings are mostly abstract in form because the society was a hunter- gatherer society.

King Hammurabi Of Babylon (1792- 1750 B C)

• He became the first

• King of the

• Babylonian Empire.

He is known for the Set of Laws called

“Hammurabi’s Code.

This was the first written code and recorded in History.

As an ancient Law – Giver, Hammurabi’s Portrait is in many government buildings through the world.

Iraq Warka Vase - Uruk

• This is one of the

• earliest

• surviving works.

The Vase has three levels of depiction of carving. The bottom level depicts the vegetation in the Tigris and Eupharates delta. The second level depicts the males carrying bowls of fruits and grains. The third level depicts the procession ends at a

temple area.

Statue of King Khephren

• This statue of

• King Khephren

• incorporates the

• symbolism of

• power and

• protection.

Indus valley Seals (1500 B C)

Seals and Stamps have

• been used during the

• Indus Valley

• Civilization where

• seals were carved

in a rock that were

pressed into wet clay.

King of Akkad - Mesopotamia

• The King of Akkad is

• regarded as the first

• king to have a

• centralized rule in his

• empire.

Priest King of Mohenjo Daro

• The Priest – king is

• wearing a decorated

• cloak over the left

• shoulder.

King Akhenaten of Egypt (1350 B C)

• King Akhenaten was a

• great Pharaoh of Egypt.

• This Sculpture is the

• most recognized work

• of Art in the Ancient

• World.

Queen Nefertiti

• Nefertiti means “The • Beautiful woman has • come” is the most • famous of all • Egyptians.• Her sculptor shows the• accurate facial • expressions.

Mask of Tutankhamum

• King Tutankhamum’s

• tomb is the best

• preserved and most

• ancient. His tomb is the

• epitome of Egyptian

• Civilization.

Winged Bulls from the Palace of Sargon II

Discobolos (discuss thrower)(450 B C)

• The Sculptor is an • athlete called• Timanthes, sculpted by• Myron. He is the first• Sculptor to master this• style. This statue is an • example of harmony • and balance. Very little • emotions are shown on the • face.

Seated Buddha – Gandhara School of Art (200 A D)

• Dating from 6th or 7th

• Century B C

• Popularly known as

• “The Greco-

• Buddhist Art”

This kind of sculpture comprises of Buddha and Bodhisattvas. This style is magnified as well as intricate style of Art.

Gandhara was conquered by Alexander, the great which was ruled by Emperor Ashoka and was a major part of the Buddhist Religion.

Lord Vishnu asleep on a serpantGupta Era (500 A D)

The Art and Architecture during the Gupta Era was termed as “ Golden Age “ in the history. Buddhist Art flourished during this period and created a new epoch in “Temple Architecture”. Rules were laid down in order to build Structured Temples.

Empress Theodora with her attendants- Mosiac (550 AD)

Landscape painting

During Renaissance …..(13 th and 14th Century A D)

Landscape Paintings in Art has its roots in Greek and Roman times. Landscape paintings were started by painting on the walls of expensive houses. It was during the “Renaissance” that Landscape paintings gained Popularity.

Landscape paintings during Renaissance…

During the 17th C, Rome was the art capital of the western world. It was during this phase that Landscape paintings began to develop.

Themes : Themes of Nature in its Natural form, Mythology and biblical figures are depicted in landscape painting.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Mona Lisa

The Last Supper

Leonardo – da – Vinci was an extremely talented painter. He was known as the “Renaissance Man”.

Leonardo studied the light, anatomy, landscapes and human expression and applied it to art.

Mona Lisa is a 16th Century portrait painted in oil paint. Today this portrait is with the Government of France in Le Louvre. This painting was among the first portraits to depict an imaginary landscape. Leonardo has linked Humanity with Nature. Mona Lisa’s face is lit up while her hair and gown are dark.


Modernism was a movement in Music, Arts and Literature which stressed on the newness and stylistic innovations to reflect the Modern life- style. This movement approximately started from 1890-1945. This movement was associated with experimentation (Avant- Garde)which used new ideas, methods and styles.

Modernism consisted of 5 sub movements: Cubism

Cubism began in France between 1907-1914. Pablo Picasso started this movement as a result of experimentation. The paintings were on the basis of geometric shapes and signs. For Eg : Still Life is a form of Cubic Art which uses common objects such as Glassware, Bottles, Buckets- inspired by everyday matter in substances.


Impressionism is based on the immediate impression of an object. Impressionist Painters try to show what the eyes sees at a glance, rather than what one feels about the object. These painters work on the effect – as for eg : reproduce the same amount of light as it appears to the eye. It was known as a spontaneous form of painting. Claude Monet and August Renoir are the best exponents of this art form. Pissarro and Sisley are best known for their countryside paintings in this genre.

Impressionist Paintings


Expressionism was a movement in the 1900’s which was an outburst of inner feelings and against Impressionism. This genre used distorted imagery (at times). This genre represents emotions at its heart. Emotions like deep despair or intense joy can be represented. It views Beauty and Truth as one sees through its mind, not through ones eyes. Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” is a perfect example of joyful Expressionist Art.

Abstract Art

Abstract Art is a style which disregards identifiable subject matter. This form originated in early 1900’s. This form of Art overshadows or distorts the subject matter. Abstract paintings always has an underlying subject matter.

Abstract Art

Modern Abstract Art

Chinese Modern Art

Digital Modern Sketch


Surrealism is a movement in art and Literature, founded in Paris in 1924 by a French Poet Andre Breton. The images created by surrealists are not based on reason but blind feelings like irrational, violent and cruel. This form shocks the viewer because it considers the darker yet the deeper side of Life. For Eg : Max Ernst painting of rocky landscape.

Rocky Landscape by Max Ernst

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