harry potter narrative media

Post on 19-Mar-2017






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Harry potter

The hero Harry potter is the obvious hero in this film as he is the “chosen one”. He is the main character who the story is based around. There are other hero’s in the story but harry is the main one. Throughout the films he is constantly put in a difficult situation and he always makes it out of the situation more positive than before. He always puts his friends and people he cares about before himself, even people who have been horrible to him in the past he will help.

The helper In harry potter I think there are lots of helpers but the main ones are obviously his two friends Ron and Hermione, his professor, Hagrid who is more of a friend and a mentor throughout the films, the final main helper is his headmaster, Dumbledore. There are more helpers such as Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, both the Weasly brothers, and jenny Weasly and finally serious black, and most of the professors at Hogwarts. The helper often arrives in a time of need for the hero, offering advise and knowledge for them to over come the obstacles in their way. For example when Neville Longbottom defeats the last horcrux which is Voldemort's snake in the last film, in order to save Harrys life.

The villain There are a few bad guys in harry potter but the main and obvious villain in harry potter is lord Voldemort. Throughout the whole film lord Voldemort has been the biggest issue in Harrys life. Throughout all the films Voldemort has made constant barrios that harry has gotten over. Voldemort's wanted harry dead ever since the night he murdered his parents as the reason harry is so famous is because something about harry scare d Voldemort away even though he was just a tiny baby. This is why harry is so famous because he must be the chosen one.

The false hero In harry potter the false hero is professor Gilderoy Lockhart. He is a famous wizard because he wrote a book but is actually a very bad wizard. He's only famous for his charm and good looks. he becomes a professor at Hogwarts and for everything that harry does he takes credit for. He also try's to save the day for harry but fails to do so. For example when harry falls out of the sky in a quidich match and breaks his arm, professor Lockhart runs over and tries to fix it with a spell but ends up making his arm turn to jelly!

The donorIn harry potter I think there are a lot of characters that help him and give him knowledge but the main character that does this is Dumbledore as he is constantly mentoring harry and passing down great amounts of knowledge to him. Dumbledore’s pet phoenix bird is a donor in harry potter and the chamber of secrets. Because when harry is in need Dumbledore sends his bird with the sorting hat to harry. The hat then presents to him the sword of Gryffindor which only presents itself to a true Gryffindor in a moment of need and at this stage of the film harry was defeating a huge snake.

The dispatcherIn harry potter and the chamber of secrets I think that moaning Myrtle is the dispatcher and when harry, Ron and Hermione are looking for the chamber she is the one who presents it to them. Moaning Myrtle also presents information throughout the films so that harry can get on with the mission he is about to go on; for example in harry potter and the goblet of fire, he receives a golden egg and for the next mission in the goblet of fire games he has to figure out what the egg says and moaning myrtle is the one who tells him how to do it so he can get on with his next mission.

The princess The princess in harry potter in Ginny Weasly. Although in the beginning of deathly hallows harry does not realise this, by the end of the film he is fighting for her life and safety. The princess tends to be a damsel in distress, someone who needs to be saved. Although Ginny in most of the other films shows to be quite strong and able to look after herself, she sometimes needs saving.

The princess’ fartherThe princess’ real farther is actually Arthur Weasly, but during her time at Hogwarts, Dumbledore tends to show a fatherly image towards her by helping her through tougher times and guiding her with useful information. She also looks up to him in the same way a you would look up to your father, and looks at him as a hero.

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