guide on how to make your video effective

Post on 28-Jun-2015






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How to make your video effective

Plan your ideas• In order to make a successful production it is important for to you have a lot of

organisation and planning completed before you start on the making of your production. By doing this it will allow you to prevent any mistakes from happening and you will save you time whilst making your production.

• By making a plan of your ideas you can easily get feedback from peers and teachers of what is successful and what is unsuccessful to enable you to make an overall successful product.

• By planning your ideas you are able to meet deadlines and give your work in to obtain feedback & also show you to be more professional.

Research into ConventionsBy completing research into the conventions of form and of genre it will enable you to appeal to your target audience easily and make a successful product would match previously made productions of your chosen genre and form. By incorporating conventions it will give you a better chance to make a more professional and successful product which could be shown to a mass audience.

By looking into the conventions of form we would gather information about the type of editing that is needed to match the action of the genre and how to keep the audience interested in your production. Also, we could find out what types of shots would be needed for a trailer as you could watch previously made productions and see what are the most appealing to the genre and to the audience. Finally the amount of tittle screens that you could use to help tell the story and grip the audience to the trailer.

When looking into the conventions of genre I would be able to discover the type of mise-en-scene to use to make my genre obvious to the audience & also the type of shot types to use to convey my storyline effectively. I could also look into the types of fonts that my genre use to portray it within all of their ancillary products which is where I could make a link between my production – therefore allowing me to make an overall successful production.

Camerawork • The type of camerawork that you use within your production is essential to

whether it is successful or not. By finding out the conventions of genre will increase the chances of appealing to your target audience as you can discover what shots tell the storyline effectively and those that impact the audience.

• When doing your shot types you must consider the use of the rule of thirds. This means that you place the character or object onto the 4 lines and not central. This will mean that the character or object will be at the audiences eye level which in turn creates a direct piece for the audience as they will be able to connect with the characters on screen. Also it will make the piece more engaging as they wont just pay attention to the person or the object they will consider the surroundings, making the scene create more of an impact on the audience.

• The main shots that are essential to a successful production are close ups and over the shoulder shots as it allows the audience to take place of the character & experience their emotions and feelings from the very beginning. This would therefore make the production more engaging and interesting for the audience.

Sound• The type of sound that you use is important to your production as it is

what evokes more feelings and reactions from the audience. The use of sound is important as it can grip and engage the audience into your production

• The use of sound effects are important as it will make the story more believable for the audience and the sound effects are needed to match the action happening and heighten/exaggerate the emotions of the characters to evoke more feelings of sympathy from the audience. They will also want to watch the film as they would want to find out why they feel that way.

• The use of dialogue is important as it will help tell the story easily to the audience and they will appreciate this as they have more background into the film and will have a want to watch it to find more about the story.


• The way you edit your product is key to it being successful. It will allow the genre to be shown clearly through either fast or slow paced editing.

• The type of editing will help to engage and grip the audience to the trailer and the film. So therefore they will be encouraged to watch the film.

• The type of editing will help to exaggerate the actions and feelings of the characters and help evoke feelings from the audience.

• The editing and transitions will help to show the beginning, the middle and end of the trailer and make it coherent piece.

• The use transitions will help to show the genre clearly and create a smooth link between the scenes.

What makes an unsuccessful production

• Limited amount of camera shots – meaning that the audience would lose interest• Long length shots – could be boring for the audience & unengaging• Shaky footage where it isn't necessary – make it look unprofessional• Not following conventions of form and of genre• Not a lot of editing • Lack of dialogue – audience would be left in the dark to what is happening• The use of a zoom – looks unprofessional to the ones that are watching• Small use of sound – sound is important in affecting the audiences feelings &

tension building• No use of the rule of thirds – characters and object wouldn’t be at eye level and

therefore wouldn’t be engaging for the audience.• No transitions – wouldn’t make the footage interesting or cohesive

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