evaluation question 333333333333333

Post on 21-Aug-2015






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Evaluation Question


TEENAGERSWe used the internet via convergence to find out who J.Cole’s music was aimed to

Using social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, we were able to easily find out who our target audience would be.

Using hash tags such as #CrookedSmile and #ColeWorld on Twitter, and looking at a range of his subscribers on YouTube as well as fan pages on Facebook, we were able to identify TEENAGERS, ranging from 14- 19 year olds, as our main target audience.

The images show how we were able to create our target audience.

Our researchWe conducted a short amount of questions asking a boy and a girl on their favourite genre of music, favourite artist, expectations in a hip-hop video, expectations of a J.Cole video, expectations for a ‘Crooked Smile’ video and whether they prefer narrative or performance based music videos.

Here are their answers:



From our research we found that many of our target audience would expect to see women and flash clothing within a hip-hop video. Man would suppose that there would be a lot of hype in a hip-hop video as well as a club as a key location, where the artist would be showing off their lavish lifestyle.

With regard to a J.Cole music video, many members of our target audience would expect to see a relationship based theme throughout the video, due to the nature of many previous J.Cole videos. A female figure of some sort was furthermore associated with a J.Cole music video, by our audience.

Our target audience feedback was essential when creating our media products as they were able to guide us through their expectations. When we created our animatic storyboard, we received feedback from a male and female perspective.


The skate park scene caused much confusion to our audience as they did not feel it worked with the story of our protagonist.

We intended to show members of the skate park failing at their tricks and then succeeding, which would fit in with the ‘embrace your imperfections’ message.

When screening our rough cut to a focus group, many of them identified a key problem/confusion that was caused with our music video.

Throughout the video, our protagonist does not seem to fit in with particular groups. With the skate park scene, we wanted to show how when certain groups are put together they can embrace their imperfections and express their talents.

This message was difficult to convey with our audience and was therefore removed from our music video.

We changed this scene to more scenes of our protagonist having a tough time at school: fails exam; lonely in school; rejected by boy and has a fight with a friend.

These scenes were more fitting with the whole music video. The scenes in our music video were more clearer to our target audience. They were able to understand why these scenes were put in in comparison to the skate park scene.

In order to keep the authenticity levels of our feedback consistent, we asked the same people that viewed the skate park in our music video to analyse the improvements made. The changes made were because of their feedback and receiving their feedback for our improvements would be more coherent.

In order to reach a mainstream audience for our music video we could perhaps post our video on Twitter, hash tagging #ColeWorld and #CrookedSmile to get out to the J.Cole fans. Many fan sites on Facebook on Twitter could furthermore post the video on there pages in order to also get out to mass audience.

Our music video targeted a specific target audience, 14-19 year old girls. In modern day society, many girls seem to face difficulties. Our music video, after the changes, sent a clear message to our audience and many of our female target audience were able to relate to our protagonist’s problems.

Audience feedback was also essential when creating our magazine advert. Many felt that the advert we created worked well when engaging its target audience.

Feedback told us that they liked the way the text was positioned and the idea of having the devils head as an image.

Not many people disagreed with the advert as many of them felt that it was a clear and understandable magazine advert and had many elements that relates to the artist,

Magazine Advert

A lot of our target audience liked our devils head image on the advert. Some thought it was a bit too similar to the born sinner image however they felt it worked well as the addition of the crooked smile made it a little more unique.

This was an initial idea for our magazine advert. It featured a silhouette image of a female with a broken glass behind. From audience feedback, many of them suggested that there was a spiders web behind which made it unclear to an audience. Therefore, we settled for our other design.


Here is the front cover for our digipak. This image would be the main image when people would look at a cd cover. Therefore it was important that the image on the front was appealing to an audience.

The idea behind the image is a broken face which implies a sort of crookedness and imperfections to people that they should embrace.

The image was critically acclaimed by our target audience. Many felt the colour white on a black background is effective.

Others felt that the shattered mirror pieces was a clever image as our music video is focused upon insecurities, and therefore a shattered mirror would be a common image when considering insecurities upon women.

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