cbc spanish/english verb drill

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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CBC language coaching Spanish–English Grammar




Subjects Trabaj -AR

Com-ER Viv-IR

I -o – work -o- eat -o- live

You -as- work -es- eat -es- live

He, she, it


-a- works -e- eats -e- lives

We -amos-work

-emos- eat

-imos- live

They (ustede


-an- work -en - eat -en - live


1. Tenemos 2. Envío-3. Coloco-4. Abrimos-5. Cierran-6. Implementa

-7. Contratan- 8. Minimizan9. Reduzco10. Despides11. Ud. Lleva

12. Traigo13. Entra14. Leo15. Ud.

Multiplica16. Buscamos17. Identificas18. Entrenan 19. Evitamos20. Omite21. Reflejan22. Destruyen

23. Complican24. Facilitas25. Ud. Accede26. Distingue 27. Uds.

Conversan28. Venden

Present Tense Practice

Tenemos – we have Envío- I sendColoco- I putAbrimos- we openCierran- they closeImplementa- he sets upContratan- they hireMinimizan- they minimize

Present Tense Practice

Reduzco- I reduceDespides- you fireUd. Lleva – you carryTraigo- I bringEntra- he entersLeo- I readUd. Multiplica- you multiply

Present Tense Practice

Buscamos- we look forIdentificas- you identify

Entrenan- they trainEvitamos- we avoidOmite- he omitsReflejan- they reflect

Present Tense Practice

Destruyen- they destroyComplican- they complicate

Facilitas- you make easyUd. Accede- You agreeDistingue - he distinguishes

Uds. Conversan- you talkVenden- they sell

Present Tense Practice

Subjects Trabaj-AR Com-ER Viv-IR

I -é – worked -í- ate -í- lived

You -aste- worked

-iste- ate -iste- lived

He, she, it


-ó- worked -ió- ate -ió- lived

We -amos-worked

-imos- ate -imos- lived

They (ustede


-aron- worked

-ieron - ate -ieron - lived


1. Tuvo 2. Enviaron-3. Colocaste-4. Abrimos-5. Cerré-6. Implementé-7. Contrataste- 8. Minimicé9. Redujimos10. Despidieron11. Llevé 12. Trajo

13. Entraron14. Leyó15. Ud.

Multiplicó16. Buscamos17. Identificaste18. Entrenaste 19. Evitamos20. Omitieron

uds.21. Reflejó22. Destruyeron

23. Complicaste24. Facilité25. Ud. Accedió26. Distinguiste 27. Uds.

Conversaron28. Vendimos

Past Tense Practice

1. Tuvo – He had2. Enviaron- They sent3. Colocaste-You placed/ put4. Abrimos- We opened5. Cerré- I closed6. Implementé- I set up/ I

implemented7. Contrataste- You hired8. Minimicé- I minimized

Past Tense Practice

1. Redujimos- We reduced2. Despidieron- They fired3. Llevé- I carried 4. Trajo- He brought5. Entraron- they entered6. Leyó- He read7. Ud. Multiplicó- You multiplied8. Buscamos- We looked for

Past Tense Practice

1. Identificaste-You identified2. Entrenaste- You trained 3. Evitamos- We avoided4. Omitieron uds.- You omitted5. Reflejó- He reflected6. Destruyeron- They


Past Tense Practice

1. Complicaste- You complicated2. Facilité- I facilitated3. Ud. Accedió- You agreed4. Distinguiste – You distinguished5. Uds. Conversaron- You talked6. Vendimos- We sold

Past Tense Practice

Subjects Habl -AR Com-ER Viv-IR

I - Re - Re - Re

You -ras -ras -ras

He, she, it


-ra -ra -ra

We -remos -remos -remos

They (ustede


-ran -ran -ran


1. Tendré 2. Enviarás3. Colocarán4. Abriremos5. Cerrarás6. Implementar

á7. Contratarán 8. Minimizará

ud.9. Reduciré10. Despedirem

os11. Llevaré 12. Traerás13. Entrarán

uds.14. Leeré15. Ud.

Multiplicará16. Buscarás17. Identificarem

os18. Entrenarás

19. Evitaré20. Omitirá21. Reflejarán22. Ud Destruirá23. Complicarán24. Facilitaré25. Uds.

Accederán26. Distinguirán 27. Conversarás28. Venderemos

FutureTense Practice

1. Tendré – I will have 2. Enviarás- you will send3. Colocarán- They will place/put4. Abriremos- we will open5. Cerrarás- you will close6. Implementará- he will

implement7. Contratarán – they will hire8. Minimizará ud.- you will


FutureTense Practice

1. Reduciré- I will reduce2. Despediremos- We will fire/ we will say


3. Llevaré- I will carry4. Traerás- You will bring5. Entrarán uds.- you will enter6. Leeré- I will read 7. Ud. Multiplicará- you will

multiply8. Buscarás- you will look for

FutureTense Practice

1. Identificaremos- we will identify2. Entrenarás- you will coach/train3. Evitaré- I will avoid4. Omitirá- I will omit5. Reflejarán- They will reflect6. Ud Destruirá- You will destroy7. Complicarán- they will


FutureTense Practice

1. Facilitaré- I will facilitate/ I will make it easy…

2. Uds. Accederán- you will agree

3. Distinguirán–they will distinguish

4. Conversarás- you will chat5. Venderemos- we will sell

FutureTense Practice

Subjects Habl -AR Com-ER Viv-IR

I - Ria - Ria - Ria

You -rías -rías -rías

He, she, it


-ría -ría -ría

We -riamos -riamos -riamos

They (ustede


-rían -rían -rían


1. Tendrías 2. Enviarían3. Colocarías4. Abriría5. Cerraría6. Implementaría


7. Ud. Contrataría

8. Minimizarías9. Reduciría10. Despediríam


11. Llevarían12. Traería13. Entrarían14. Leerías15. Multiplicaría

n16. Buscaría17. Identificaría

mos18. Entrenarías19. Evitaría20. Uds

Omitirían21. Reflejarías22. Ud Destruiría23. Complicaría24. Facilitarías25. Ud Accedería26. Distinguirías27.

Conversarías28. Venderían

Conditional Tense Practice

1. Tendrías- you would have 2. Enviarían- they would send3. Colocarías- you would

put/place4. Abriría- I would open/ he

would open5. Cerraría- I would close/ he’d

close6. Implementarían- they’d

implement7. Ud. Contrataría- you’d hire

Conditional Tense Practice

1. Minimizarías- you’d minimize2. Reduciría- I’d reduce/ he’d

reduce3. Despediríamos- We would fire…,

we would say goodbye…4. Llevarían- they would carry5. Traería- I would bring/ he would

bring6. Entrarían -They would enter7. Leerías- you would read

Conditional Tense Practice

1. Multiplicarían- they would multiply

2. Buscaría- I’d look for/ he’d look for

3. Identificaríamos- We’d identify4. Entrenarías- You’d coach/ train5. Evitaría- I’d avoid, he’d avoid6. Uds Omitirían- You would omit7. Reflejarías- You would reflect

Conditional Tense Practice

1. Ud Destruiría- you would destroy

2. Complicaría- I’d complicate/ he’d …

3. Facilitarías- you would facilitate4. Ud Accedería- you would agree 5. Distinguirías- you would

distinguish …6. Conversarías- you’d chat7. Venderían- you would sell

Conditional Tense Practice

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