1 mehran sepehri, ph.d. 1 sharif university of technology, graduate school of business and economics...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

1Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 1

مديريت فرآيندها

طــراحي مجــدد فرآينـــدها





Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

2Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 2

چابكقابل انعطافسرعت به بازار

تفكر نابتفكر سيستميمشتري گرافرآيند محور

كالس جهاني

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

3Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 3

Measurements USA Japan Iran

Product Types 11 38 ?

Units/Worker 61 105 25?

Direct Staff 107 50 ?

Support Staff 135 7 ?

Cost per Unit $100 $49 ?

Mfg Lead-time 8.2 3.1 ?

Reject/Million 352 22 ?

Automotive Production - 1994

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

4Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 4


OperationsMarketing Finance

Order FulfillmentProcess

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

5Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 5

تعريف فرآيند :تعريف فرآيند :

مجموع�ه اي از فع�اليت ه�ا ك�ه ي�ك ي�ا بيش از مجموع�ه اي از فع�اليت ه�ا ك�ه ي�ك ي�ا بيش از ي�ك ن�وع درون�داد را گرفت�ه تب�ديل برون�داد ي�ا ي�ك ن�وع درون�داد را گرفت�ه تب�ديل برون�داد ي�ا

“ “ برون���داد ه���ايي مي نماين���د ك���ه ب���راي برون���داد ه���ايي مي نماين���د ك���ه ب���راي ري ريمشتـــــ “ “ ايج�اد ايج�اد ) داخلي ي�ا ب�يروني () داخلي ي�ا ب�يروني ( ””/ ذينفـ�ع/ ذينفـ�عمشتـــــ مي نمايد .مي نمايد . ارزش ”ارزش ”

Inputs , output , value, value addedstakeholders (طرف هاي ذينفع )

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

6Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 6

نگرش فرآيند محورو نگرش وظيفه نگرش فرآيند محورو نگرش وظيفه * * محور:محور:

1 يك نفر وظيفه واحدي از كار است ، فعاليتي كه معموًالانجام مي دهد ، در حاليكه فرآيند گروهي از وظيفه هاي

هم پيوند است كه با همديگر نتيجه اي با ارزش از ديد مشتري را به بار مي آورند. تركيب موجود وظيفه ها در

سازمان هايي كه مبتني بر محور وظيفه مي باشند 1 فرآيند هاي غير مولد را ايجاد مي نمايد. مشكل عموما

كندي سازمان هاي امروز ريشه فرآيندي دارد. مشكل در انجام وظايف و فعاليت هاي مستقل نيست بلكه مشكل

در چگونگي پيوند دادن آن ها و ايجاد يك كل ارزش آفرين ، نهفته است .

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

7Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 7



فرآيند هافرآيند ها نتايجنتايج


نتايج براينتايج برايافرادافراد

خط مشي خط مشي و استراتژيو استراتژي

مشاركت و مشاركت و منابع انسانيمنابع انساني

نتايج براينتايج برايمشتريمشتري

نتايج براي نتايج براي جامعهجامعه

نگ�رش فرآين�دي تفك�ري ب�ه ش�دت نتيج�ه گ�را اس�ت * مش�تري مش�تري و مهم�ترين واژه در ادبي�ات فرآين�د مح�ور

است .قابليت هاقابليت ها نتايجنتايج

EFQMEFQMمدل مدل نوآوري و يادگيرينوآوري و يادگيري

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

8Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 8

گام هاي حركت به سمت فر آيند گام هاي حركت به سمت فر آيند محوري :محوري :

شناسايي فرآيند ها ) . . . (شناسايي فرآيند ها ) . . . (•

شناساندن فرآيند ها و اهميت آن ها به شناساندن فرآيند ها و اهميت آن ها به •افراد و كاركنان افراد و كاركنان

برگزيدن معيارهاي ارزيابي فرآيندبرگزيدن معيارهاي ارزيابي فرآيند•

داشتن مديريت فرآيندگراداشتن مديريت فرآيندگرا•

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

9Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 9

::انواع فرآيند ها انواع فرآيند ها مرتبط و غير مرتبط • مولد و غير مولد ،• با اهميت و كم اهميت•

عناصر مديريت فرآيند:

مستند سازي فرآيند ها •در اختيار داشتن ارزيابي اوليه براي تدوين •

مسير بهبودتوانمند سازي گروه ها و افراد در فرآيند •استفاده از فنون بهبود و طرح ريزي دوباره •تعامالت بين فرآيندي در سازمان ) سينرژي(•

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

10Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 10

* مدل مديريت * مدل مديريت فرآيند:فرآيند:

) سؤال اساسي : چرا مديريت فرآيند ؟ …( ) سؤال اساسي : چرا مديريت فرآيند ؟ …(

شناخت و تشخيص فرآيند هايشناخت و تشخيص فرآيند هاي مهم و مولد و درجه آنها مهم و مولد و درجه آنها

حذف ، اصالح ، بهبود و طرح ريزي دوباره فرآيند هاحذف ، اصالح ، بهبود و طرح ريزي دوباره فرآيند ها

شناخت فرآيند ها () عينك فرآيندي





Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

11Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 11

برخي از ويژگي هاي اثربخش نبودن برخي از ويژگي هاي اثربخش نبودن ناكارآمدي فرآيند:ناكارآمدي فرآيند: وو

- تقطيع خودسرانه فرآيندضعف سيستم در مقابل عدم ثبات - نس�بت ب�اًالي رس�يدگي و كن�ترل ب�ه ارزش -

افزوده- افزايش بار فرآيند ساده ) پيچيدگي

استثنائات و موارد خاص

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

12Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 12


فرآيند محور


وظيفه گرا



واحد كار

سطح كار









بازنگري ريشه اي سازمان

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

13Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 13

فرآيند سنتيمحور

مالكيت فرآيند

تعريف روش


منابع مشتريان




ثابت و عمودي

غيرمشخص و ثانوي




متغير و مشخص و تيمي



بازنگري ريشه اي سازمان

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

14Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 14

فرآيند سنتيمحور

روش كار

تقسيم كار

نوع كار


طبقات ساختار




رفع مسئوليت





قبول مسئوليت


بازنگري ريشه اي سازمان

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

15Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 15

تعريف مهندسي مجدد

ريشه اي و طراحي نو و بنيادينباز انديشي

براي دست يابي به بهبـــود ـد هاـفـــــــرآين


در معيارهاي شگفت انگيزپيشرفتي


چون قيمت كيفيت خدمات و سرعت

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

16Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 16

The Industrial Era Taylor, Smith, Sloan

The Post-War Era Scientific Management

The Mainframe Era Collaborative Computing

The Internet Era

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

17Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 17

Customers Take Charge Consumer expectations Mass customization

Competition Intensifies Global market Entrepreneurship

Change is Constant Volatile markets Short product lifecycle

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

18Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 18

Process Development

Process Reengineering

Process Management

Process/Flow Mapping

Process Simulation

Process Analysis

Process Innovation

Missing Processes Bottleneck Processes Non-value-add Processes Broken Processes

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

19Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 19

Deceptively Simple )Simple, not Easy(

Systematic Approach )Science, Repeatable(

%60 US/75% Europecompanies tried BPR

85% achieved results35% dramatic results

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

20Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 20





PI: Process InnovationCI: Continuous Impr.








Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

21Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 21

1- Log inRequest

2- CheckCredit

3- SpecialTerms

4- RatePrice

5- QuoteLetter

A 5 department, 14 persons, 6 day process Highly clerical, all serial, repetitive activities Equipment sale depended on credit approval Highly competitive and non-loyal market

BPR 1 Step Loan Specialist 90 Min Process

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

22Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 22

Provides comfort zone Creates checks & balances Streamlines authority

Prevents flexibility & creativity Lack of balance & bottlenecks

High overhead Long lead-time

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

23Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 23

ProcessTeam A

ProcessTeam B

ProcessTeam C

















Technology Employees




ST 3

Team Matrix Flat

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

24Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 24

ايجاد جريان

موانع و پيشامدها حذفجريان و باالنس فرآيندها توليد در ارضاء نياز مشتريكششي و بهنگام سيستم

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

25Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 25

مشتري گرا

تغيير تعريف از نيازمند به شرطبقا

ارضاءكامل مشتري و فوريمشتري

رابطه درازمدت و شريك همهجانبه

شامل مشتري هاي داخلي

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

26Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 26

ديد كالن سيستم

رسالت و دورنماي واحد سيستمهماهنگي فعاليت ها و جريان هاحذف دوباره كاري و تاالقيايجاد ارزش براي مشتري نهايي

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

27Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 27

سيستم فراگير

توجه به تمامي سازمان و فرآيند ها درگيري مصرف كننده و تامين كننده احساس مسئوليت در هر فرد و هر

بخش در همه جا و در همه 100تعقيب %


Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

28Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 28

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

29Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 29

Most difficult/critical Cause of most failures

Reinforced by relating to Performance measurement Incentives/Recognition Employee morale/values

Matches strategy/vision Needs education/mentors

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

30Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 30

Clean Sheet, Rapid, Formal

Unrestricted opportunityfor creativity & change

Lack of corporate baggage

New independent vision

If system beyond repair

Resistance to change

Risk, Disruption

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

31Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 31

Powerful Message Operation Oriented Measurable

Mission Vision

Case for Action

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

32Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 32

Extensive information exchange,data redundancy and re-keying

Excessive Inventory, buffers and other assets

High ratio of checking and control to value adding work

Rework and iteration

Complexity, exceptions, and Special cases

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

33Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 33

Process Orientation Ambition Rule Breaking Creative Use of IS&T

Automation Software Reengineering Down-sizing Quality Improvements

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

34Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 34

Workers make decisions Process steps are performed

in the natural order Several jobs are combined

into one function Work is performed where

it makes the most sense Reconciliation minimized

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

35Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 35

Processes have multipleversions

Checks and controls arereduced

Case manager providessingle point of contact

Hybrid centralized-decentralized operations

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

36Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 36

Simplify before Automate

Parallel with Visual

Think Inductively

Only when value-add

Use to disrupt old rules

Use as Competitive Edge

Automating a Mess = Automated Mess

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

37Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 37

Old Rule: Information can only only appear in one place at one time.

Technology: Shared databases

Old Rule: Only experts canperform complex work.

Technology: Expert Systems

Old Rule: Managers makeall complex decisions.

Technology: Decision Support Systems

Old Rule: You have to find out where things are.

Technology: Automatic tracking and identification technology

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

38Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 38

Managers as Leaders/Role Models

Management by Walking Around Managers are most

difficult to change Managers are causes

of most BPR failures Middle managers add

little Value after BPR

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

39Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 39

Plan Global, Act Local Pilot Case: Proof of

concept, early success

Factory within factory

Start with Strategic

Minimum Disruption

Not spread too thin

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

40Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 40


تعريف : ترازيابي جستجو براي يافتن بهترينتجربيات صنعت و استفاده از آنها براي رسيدن به

سطوح عالي عملكرد است . . ترازيابي را نبايد با جاسوسي صنعتي اشتباه نمود

در واقع ترازيابي را مي توان هنر دستيابي به روشهاي

بهتر انجام كارها دانست . روشي كامال قانوني براي

ايده گرفتن از كار ديگران و بهبود روش كار خود .

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

41Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 41

ترازيابي بايد در پاسخ به كوششهاي بهبودعمليات با توجه به استراتژي خاص در محيط

رقابتي انجام شود . سايرمواردي كه ضرورت ترازيابي را ايجاب

مي نمايد: برنامه هاي بهبود كيفيت كاهش هزينه ها بهبود كلي عمليات عمليات جديدوقوع بحران


Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

42Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 42

انواع ترازيابي

ترازيابي معيارهاترازيابي فرآيندها

ترازيابي داخلي ترازيابي از روي رقبا ترازيابي از روي بهترين هاترازيابي از سيستم هاي اطالعاتي

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

43Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 43

نكات مديريتي ترازيابي

براي ترازيابي موفق اين نكات را مد نظر داشته باشيد :

- متدولوژي صحيح انتخاب كنيد .1

- داخل و خارج سازمان را به دقت بررسي كنيد .2

- صبر داشته باشيد چون نتيجه سالها بعد مشخص 3مي شود .

- در جلسات ترازيابي كارمندان جزء را نيز شركت 4دهيد .

- براي اجرا از واحدهاي كوچك شروع كنيد .5

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

44Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 44

Leader Process Owner Reengineering Team Steering Committee Reengineering Czar

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

45Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 45

Work Unites change – from functional department to process teams

Job change – from simple tasks to multi-dimensional work

People’s roles change – fromcontrolled to empowered

Job preparation changes –from training to education

Focus of performance measure& compensation changes –from activity to results

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

46Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 46

Advancement criteria change –from performance to ability

Values change – fromprotective to productive

Organizational structurefrom hierarchical to flat

Executives change – fromscorekeepers to leaders

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

47Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 47

Rapid ReengineeringSystematic Methodology

1. Preparation

2. Identification

3. Vision

4. Design Cultural Technical

5. Transformation

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

48Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 48

Task Technique

1.1 Recognize Need Needs Assessment

1.2 Feasibility Study Feasibility AnalysisReadiness Assessment

1.3 Develop Executive Consensus

Facilitation Goal Seeking

1.4 Train Team Team Building Motivation

1.5 Plan Change Change Management Project Management

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

49Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 49

Task Techniques2.1 Study Customers Market Research

Customer Modeling

2.2 Define & Measure Performance

Performance Measures Cycle Time Analysis

2.3 Define Entities Process Modeling

2.4 Model Processes Process Modeling Process Value Analysis

2.5 Identify Relationships Entity-Relationship M.

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

50Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 50

Task Techniques2.6 Extend Process Model Process Modeling

Supplier Integration & Partnership Programs

2.7 Map Organization Process Modeling Workflow Analysis Organization Mapping

2.8 Map Resources Activity-based Cost Accounting

2.9 Prioritize Resources Process Value Analysis

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

51Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 51

Task Techniques

3.1 Understand Process Structure

Work Flow Analysis

3.2 Understand Process Flow Work Flow Analysis

3.3 Identify Value-adding Activities

Process Value Analysis Cycle Time Analysis

3.4 Benchmark Performance Benchmarking

3.5 Determine Performance Drivers

Work Flow Analysis

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

52Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 52

Task Techniques

3.6 Estimate Opportunity Cycle Time Analysis

3.7 Envision the Ideal )internal(


3.8 Envision the Ideal )external(

Visioning Supplier Integration

3.9 Integrate Visions Visioning

3.10 Define Sub-Visions Visioning

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

53Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 53

Task Techniques4a.1 Empower Customer Contact Personnel

Employee Empower Skill Matrices

4a.2 Identify Job Characteristic Clusters

Skill Matrices

4a.3 Define Jobs/Teams Team Building

4a.4 Define Skills and Staffing Needs Skill Matrices

4a.5 Specify Management Structure Self Managed Work Teams

4a.6 Redraw Organization Boundaries Organization Mapping

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

54Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 54

Task Techniques4a.7 Specify Job Changes Skill Matrices

4a.8 Design Career Paths Skill Matrices Career Matrices

4a.9 Define Transitional Organization

Organizational Restructuring

4a.10 Design Change Management Organization

Change Management Team Building

4a.11 Design Incentives Employee Rewards and Incentives

4a.12 Plan Implementation Project Management

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

55Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 55

Technical Design

1. Model Entity Relationships2. Re-examine Process Linkages3. Instrument and Informate4. Consolidate Interfaces5. Redefine Alternatives6. Relocate & Re-time Controls7. Modularize8. Specify Deployment9. Apply Technology10. Plan Implementation


1. Perform Technical Design2. Develop Functional Design3. Simulation and Evaluation4. Develop Test Plans5. Develop Roll-out Plans6. Evaluate Personnel7. Construct Systems8. Train Staff9. Pilot New Process10. Refine and Transition

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

56Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 56

Leader of industry. Little reason to change/BPR. Active leadership, willing to take calculated risk. Anticipated deregulation, took early action. 2 million customers, 20000 sq. feet, 13 regions. Cust. service was inconsistent & unpredictable. Mapped and analyzed processes )fragmented( Developing market strategies; Acquiring & maintaining the customers;

Delivering products & services; Calculating & collecting statements;

Managing the delivery system; Supporting the business )IS, HR, etc.(.

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

57Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 57

Separated Strategic from Tactical processes. Process measurement is from customer point. Responsibility to worker for setting job details. Organized truck loads for a week’s part supply. Assignment system using centralized database. Developed standard processes, even for worker

vacation, absenteeism, independent of work unit. Extensive worker training, and using board game.

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

58Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 58

No negatives - “it won’t work here” - allowed. Initial productivity dip, some contracts suffered. Created sense of urgency, burned back bridges. Eliminated middle managers – jobs elsewhere. Constructive tension to discussion & consensus. Human issues most difficult – changing culture. Continuous improvements & new reengineering.

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

59Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 59

Deere is leader in mfg. of agricultural machinery. Survived 80’s recession, but difficulty in 1990. Improved mfg. Processes, logistics, inventories. Formed hierarchy - cells, modules, focus factory. Instead of moving parts & a worker doing single

operation, he/she performs series of processes. First efforts failed - too big, with little education.

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

60Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 60

Separate BPR group, worked by invitation. First model successful, cut time by 40%+40%. Defined ‘product delivery’ from customer point. Re-defined Management & Leadership process. Played games for new estimate-to-cash process. Used attrition to down-size, resistance to change. Formal method ‘business process excellence’.

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

61Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 61

Lessons Learned/Examples: Japan US Singapure

Limitations/Challenges: Cultural Management Organization

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

62Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 62

The Customer isNot in the Picture

Little Long-termCommitment

Highly FunctionalOrganizations

Culture difficultto change/transfer

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

63Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 63

No Risk Taking/Experimentation

No Standard orFormal Process

Low ManagementInvolvement

Lack of loyalty/ownership

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

64Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 64







Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Business and Economics

65Mehran Sepehri, Ph.D. 65

Managing Processes is as important asManaging People, Products and Profit

Reengineering is applicable to Serviceand Management as to Manufacturing

Cultural Design and Technical Designare equally important to reengineering

Reengineering is applicable to Iranianindustries despite limitations/challenges

Education is key to success in BRR

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