ah 64 supplement

^ FREE AH.64 SUPPLEMENT! MidnighL The manager calls engineer Tom Wlitc for But you aid I was , sato I was l, on days aff. 13) A-lrt Tod FEparEs thc job d|c Schlumb.rgcr rray.

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Post on 21-Oct-2015




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AH-64 satirical Schlumberger cartoon, "Logging an Oil Well"


Page 1: AH 64 Supplement

^ FREE AH.64 SUPPLEMENT!MidnighL The manager

calls engineer Tom Wlitc for

But youaid I was, sato I was

l, on days aff.

13) A-lrt Tod FEparEs thc jobd|c Schlumb.rgcr rray.

Page 2: AH 64 Supplement

hold the tool while

you pull the

33) A.M- On the wry ro ric rigTom is in coasLTt coruTuniedon

The sheavej

fell out. Luckywe have two.

And don'tkink the

I hope this

is the ight rig - notlike last tine.

Page 3: AH 64 Supplement

I'll be

witnessing the

log boy so

I wanna spitoon

rcady in

'And I wantto take the

after CALas well.

Inside the truck Toin gels acalibradon off an old data tlpedespite version 30 software crashes.

gaes in here

dick head!

Even allv a lvo.king lool stringis found and dre job cm ,t,n

The CSU has

cnshed again!

Page 4: AH 64 Supplement

This dieniwon't knowthe difference

The tool is behcving erraticauy ud will not rcpelr. .Nor again'$irks Tom. He stays cool and plays ba.k par.r ot fie maid log tosDlicc on xs r reterr section,

0.K. Ton - any

mare stickefi?

glitches are

quitP normal -

don't wotry.

Tom erplains rhe log to $e clienL

I nanaged toget a set ofgolfclubs of the last

Nlighty fine

squiggies there

Tom. but where isthe CCL?

Page 5: AH 64 Supplement

dnined the bloody

water cushion

there goes the

botton nose.

Page 6: AH 64 Supplement

No. no losttine was rcported.

Why do you think Iam still bent aver?

Susan Hunt, Log Aorlysi. plays rie tape back and finds no dara.She sjrifdy subsritutcs a log from a nearby well.

And lea're yourradiation badge invour locker before

handling a source.

Is three lowfor a spern


Page 7: AH 64 Supplement
Page 8: AH 64 Supplement

AH-ol - Best known as an Junk - v.t- to remove fromalternatlve magazine, less the books - a word peculLarwell known as an adaptor to technical and peisonnethead thing/. staff as in "Junk h1m on


Kink the cable - per-lorm a perverse act. usu-ally due to having beenoffshore too long.

B"fo.. Cal - Usuallvdone at the same time'as

the after cal-

Tool, allows Schlumbergerto charge enorrnous fees aswell as usiing up rig time-

Sai.k."" - Smalt blackand white bits of gummedpaper. In Libya Filiptno rigcrew have been known towork a.tl night as opera-tors for a couple of ttrese.

Tn"aruta-Amlthicalptace where managersclaim they used to work.

I-lnderstandine - Whatthe client claims- he hadwhen he demands a freeservice.

enough to get you awayfrom your manager.

Iy'Vpe test - An ancientSchlumberger ritual morecommonly known as 'huntthe trainee'.

X-Rav (airoort) - usuallvblamed for iadlationbadge exposure.

Yello* *..k point - Notnearly strong enough-

Z"ro th"tool - fake a

Ccr - coutaLog, but therenot.

be Called aagain maybe

Days Off - A Iictionalterm used in contractsand no where else-

Eaa - o toot in search ofan interpretation.

FO\{ - Larse obsoleteIeather boun? books usefulas door-stops, fly swatsor for patching jeans.

Gtia.t ." - normallvcaused by bad holes dtcbut neyer by tool prob-lems..

Help FiIe Loosesheets of paper whichaccompany new softwarereleases that explain howto run the previous ver-sion.

N.,rtro., Bomb - Chans- I Iine Lhe NPHI alsocithm " ,Y acation Travel AI-wiihout informi"ns the Iowance _ A sum ofclienrs. " money not nearly [arge

IJogAnalyst-AtemDo-rary job held by failed 6utun-Iireable managers.

M""rrrm - winner ofthe laxative beauty con-test,

Oir - e dark smellv lio-uid thar some old fi6ld 'engineers actually claimto have seen.

P."ro.r.r"l Oflice - Theone with the disconnectedtelephone, barred win-dows and the armedguards.

Q-crr..t-Makeamarkon a chart (or better. sey-eral charts) every fewmonths.lntercom-ararelvread

sycophanric travelogde.trRFr - Repetitive Fishing

plausible calibratlon.