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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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I am committed to sustainability for the health of my patients and the planet. My mission in developing these products is to provide an all-natural, scientifically proven, result-oriented skin care line. Utilizing the most current research in dermatology and plant medicine, I created a line of skin care products for all skin types to find their way back to balanced, radiant health.

—Dr. Jacqueline Fields

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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A letter from Dr. Fields

Dear conscious consumers:

I have been asked many times to explain why I think Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin products are better than the other cosmetic products on the market and why I have developed these particular products when stores, salons, and physician’s offices carry thousands of products to enhance the beauty of the skin.

A recent article in The Townsend Letter and recent medical research, confirms that some of the culprits contributing to the rise in breast cancer in the United States are due to toxic ingredients commonly found in almost all cosmetic products.

Most skin care products contain harmful ingredients such as preservatives, dyes, and chemicals that have no value in the beautification of the skin and in fact contribute to hormonal or endocrine changes that are responsible for hormone based cancers such as prostate and breast cancer, as well as infertility problems.

It is no secret that anything applied to the skin can and almost always is absorbed into the bloodstream and must be handled as a toxic compound. These ingredients do not evaporate after application to the skin.

The chemical preservatives called parabens, for example, are endocrine disrupters that mimic the hormone estrogen and have been found to accumulate in the tissue of women with breast cancer. I use safer alternatives, such as essential oils that are antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Most importantly, these oils do not disrupt the endocrine systems or accumulate in the breast tissue.

These essential oils are not as stable as parabens, thus my products do not have long shelf lives; like food, the products should always be fresh and must be used within 2 years. Parabens on the other hand increase shelf life up to 6 to 8 years. This is why the major cosmetic companies use these parabens.

Other dangerous chemicals are added to most cosmetic products to enhance the texture, elegance, or appearance of the product. Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin products produce the same elegance without the toxic ingredients. It is more costly to do this but the effort is worthwhile as these toxins are eliminated.

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin products also use the exact isomer or the “chirally” correct form of a nutrient that is more efficiently utilized by the skin. No unnecessary ingredients are added to the products. If the ingredient does not perform some very important function in the product, it is not added.

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin products are the finest, least toxic skin nutrients found on the market at a price that is reasonable.

I am committed to educating about safe cosmetics, and ensuring sustainability for ourselves and for the planet we share.

Jacqueline C. Fields, M.D.

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Nourish your mind, body spirit Ultimately beauty is more than skin deep. Our nourishment through food and supplements, our toxic overload, our thoughts, and our emotions all radiate to the world through our skin. Outer beauty reflects inner beauty, and that depends on a balanced mind and body. So remember, holistic wellness is an essential part of your skin care!

The essentials of Ayurvedic skin care

There are three guiding Ayurvedic principles or doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas rule your mind, emotions, and body, including your skin. The doshas have different qualities based on varying amounts of the five underlying elements: space, air, water, fire and earth. In Ayurvedic medicine, healthy skin is achievable by using ingredients opposite or balancing to your dosha.

Depending on your genetics and lifestyle, one or two doshas will predominate, and their qualities will be reflected in your skin. For example, if your airy Vata dosha dominates, your skin might be dry, delicate and cool to touch. Someone with more fiery Pitta dosha will have reddish, warm and slightly oily skins. The earthier Kapha dosha creates skin that is firm, oily and cool to the touch.

The right products for your skin type Throughout this catalogue, look for the Vata (V), Pitta (P) and Kapha (K) symbols to identify which products are right for your skin type. If you see all three, the product is suitable for all skin types.

Learn your dosha

Knowing your Ayurvedic skin type can help you determine your skin’s inherent constitution in order to slow aging and help you heal problems from the inside out. Take the dosha skin quiz below to help determine your skin and health needs.

Sacred Skin enhances the tone, texture, hydration, color and overall youthful appearance of your skin. Products are concentrated formulas, bottled to last 3 to 6 months.

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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The dosha quiz

Normally, my skin tends to be…

Vata Pitta Kapha

Dry Sensitive Oily

Thin, cold Slightly oily, hot Moist, cold

Fine pores Larger pores in the T-zone Large pores

Bluish undertones Pink undertone Yellowish undertones

When problematic, my skin tends to have...

A problem in the forehead region

A problem around the nose or cheeks

A problem around the mouth, chin and neck

Dry, flaky or scaly patches Inflammation or a rash Excessive oiliness, blackheads

Cracked heels or hands A burning sensation or sunburn Itching or hives

Discolored spots appearing as dark pigmentation in the


Discolored appearance, as reddish pigmentation all over

Discolored spots appearing as white or brown pigmentation

Premature wrinkles, fine lines Excessive sweating or odor Puffiness

Dark circles Moles and freckles Fluid retention

Dandruff Ruddiness or broken capillaries Deep scarring or creases

Dry eczema Rosacea Cystic acne


______ ______ ______

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Vata (V)

Skin character

Vata skin is soft, delicate, and fine pored. This skin is dry and easily cracks. It needs special care and attention to prevent premature wrinkles.

Skin care

To balance its inherent dry tendency, moisturize frequently and avoid any harsh or drying products. Cleanse your skin only once daily, at bedtime. In the morning, a splash of lukewarm water followed by your moisturizer is the best. Using a hydrating mask weekly will do miracles to your skin. You may also use a few drops of almond oil or olive oil on your face and body prior to showers during the winter months. Excess Vata can weaken assimilation of nutrients, resulting in a drained, aged look of the skin.


Vata skin types need warm foods and drinks like soups, sautéed vegetables, fruit compotes, steamed milk, caffeine-free teas, plus plenty of sweet, juicy fruits during the day. To relieve dryness, add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, almond oil, or ghee to your daily diet for enhanced lubrication from within.

Pitta (P)

Skin character

High in fire, this skin has a natural rosy glow. In hot, sunny weather, Pitta skin is easily irritated and it can react to stress, hormones, poor diet and chemicals in skin care products. By midlife (age 25-50), a time dominated by Pitta, this skin is prone to adult acne and rosacea.

Skin care

To keep your fiery skin glowing, you must keep your liver cool and detoxified. Avoid alcohol, soda, junk food and unhealthy fats. Your skin will flourish with pure skin care products, organic fruits and vegetables, and detoxifying spices like coriander and turmeric. Avoid fermented or acidic foods such as tomatoes and vinegar.


Topically, use cooling coconut oil and Sacred Skin Body Lotion for whole-body lubrication and nourishment. When applying moisturizer, apply lightly on the T-zone (your forehead, nose, mouth, and chin). When doing facials at home, use rose petals placed directly on your face. Sandalwood, neem and

calendula are all soothing ingredients used in my products to help this skin type.

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Kapha (K)

Skin character

When it comes to wrinkles, this skin type is the best. This skin is thick, smooth and lubricated. This complexion resists dryness and fine wrinkling. Kapha skin has large pores, general oiliness on all areas of the skin, and is prone to cystic acne.

Skin care

With maturity the Kapha tendency is to gain weight, which can leave your skin puffy and loose. This skin type requires more intensive cleansing and exfoliation. Consider using my Sacred Scrub Cleanser and the Tea Tree Detoxification Mask at least twice a week.


Avoid fried foods, and other heavy, sweet or fatty foods. Include Kapha balancing spices in your daily diet: turmeric for detox and fenugreek to improve both fat and sugar metabolism.


Working up a good sweat 4-5 times a week helps control weight and keeps your skin deeply toned and cleansed from the inside out.

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Skin regimen – 6 steps

1. Cleanse 2. Tone/condition 3. Nourish with serums formulated for morning or night 4. Apply specialized treatments 5. Moisturize and apply sun protection 6. Use intensive treatments (weekly or seasonally)

Treatment protocols

Anti-aging protocol

In the morning

After cleansing and toning, apply 10 to 20 drops of Optimal Serum C to the face and neck, allowing it to soak in for a few minutes before massaging the remainder of the product into your skin.

Next, apply Anti-Aging Peptide Lotion as a moisturizer.

You may then apply sunscreen and/or makeup.

Throughout the day

As needed, apply more Anti-Aging Peptide Lotion; it may be applied on top of makeup.

Before bedtime

Apply Anna’s ReVita A Complex serum to the face and throat; let it dry, massaging any remaining serum into your skin.

Then apply Anti-Aging Peptide Lotion.

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

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Protocol for Acne Acne Vulgaris is a disease of both the skin and the gut. The first line of treatment must involve the use of diet and nutritional supplements. Then we can address the skin directly.

Sometimes antibiotics are used to treat this type of acne, however, the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat Acne Vulgaris is unnecessarily in almost all cases and can even exacerbate the condition.


The first step is eliminating these foods:

Sugar of all kinds

All bad saturated fats, such as fried or fast foods using poor oils

All forms of soy, which causes hormonal imbalances and thyroid problems.

Then, implement one of these suitable diets:

The Rosedale Diet

The Paleo Diet


These supplements help restore balance in the gut:

Enzyme supplements,

B vitamins

Vitamin C


Skin treatment

After addressing diet and supplementation, we can begin direct skin treatment with Dr Fields’ Sacred Skin acne products.

Sacred Scrub - Use this raspberry, jojoba-bead polishing scrub once or twice a week to aggressively exfoliate and cleanse the skin. (Microdermabrasion or other mechanical treatments will work as well.)

Clear Cleanse - Use this daily to clean the pores of the skin. The AHA polymers of glycolic acid and the polymer of beta-hydroxy acid (salicylic acid) in this product help exfoliate and are mildly antibacterial and antifungal. This eliminates the need for systemic antibiotics.

Clarifying Toner - After cleansing, apply toner to the skin with a cotton pad. The toner remains on the skin to acidify the skin and acts as an anti-microbial.

Clarifying Acne Lotion - After toning the skin, apply this special anti-acne lotion. This product contains peptides that will even improve the worst cystic acne without the use of Accutane.

Optimal Serum C - Used in conjunction with Clarifying Acne Lotion, Optimal Serum C will also help reduce the scarring sometimes caused by cystic or severe acne.

Following this diet, supplement and skin-care protocol faithfully will produce an improvement in all acne in a very short period of time.

The Dietary Cure for Acne, by Loren Cordain, Ph.D, about how acne is a disease of the industrialized world.

Recommended reading

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Daily Cleanser (V) (P) (K)

Remove impurities and debris without stripping the skin of its natural oils, using this this moisture-rich cleanser.

Great foaming action without toxic sulfates or chemicals. Stimulates the immune function of the skin, promotes collagen formation, maintains the skin’s

elasticity, and improves the skin’s moisture retention with beta fructan Acts as anti-inflammatory thanks to apple extracts

Clear Cleanse (P) (K)

A gentle yet effective alpha hydroxyl-based exfoliating cleanser, this product cleanses oily skin without over-drying or irritating it.

Minimizes skin irritation with AHA polymers Protects cell membranes from damage and micro-scarring caused by free radicals. Helps clear the skin of blemishes using beta-hydroxy acid polymer and salicylic acid Provides anti-oxidant and anti- bacterial benefits from cranberry extract and beta-carotene.

Sacred Scrub (V) (P) (K)

This gentle exfoliating scrub removes dead skin cells, revealing beautiful healthy glowing skin. This product can be used alone as a cleanser or as a supplement to your daily skin care routine.

Uses the gentle exfoliating action of jojoba beads, alpha- hydroxyl acids, and beta-hydroxyl acids.

Provides anti-bacterial and antioxidant benefits to the skin using natural raspberry extracts


Clarifying Toner (P) (K)

When skin acts oily, the AHA’s decongest, removes dead skin cells and helps to prevent blemishes while botanicals nourish and control oil.

Minimizes oily skin and breakouts. Stimulates the immune function of the skin. Provides antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-

bacterial benefits from cranberry extract.

Oxygen Toner (V) (P) (K)

The amino acid guanidine smoothes and softens skin while hamamelis and hazelnut extracts flush dirt and impurities from the pores. Appropriate for all skin types.

Repairs free radical damage while providing antioxidant benefits from guanidine. Stimulates the immune function of the skin using beta fructan Reduces the appearance of pores and prepares the skin for skin treatments such as the Optimal

Serum C and Anna’s ReVita-A Serum.

Rich in tannins, hamamelis extract exerts remarkable astringent and antibacterial properties. In addition, it tones and strengthens the skin’s proteins.

Hamamelis extract

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Optimal Serum C (V) (P) (K)

20% Vitamin C with Caffeine

Rejuvenate your skin, reduce wrinkles and blemishes, and balance color differences associated with aging. Aging skin shows marked improvement with daily use of Optimal Serum C.

Stimulates the immune function of the skin and increases cellular turnover

Protects against free radical damage, the leading cause of skin cancer, using antioxidants

Improves skin resilience, with an anti-inflammatory agent and a vital building block for collagen and elastin.

Anna’s ReVita-A Serum (V) (P) (K)

A complex of Vitamin A and glycolic acid, this anti-inflammatory night product includes some of the same collagen builders in Optimal Serum C.

Serves as an exfoliant, increasing cellular turnover so dull surface cells are shed more quickly.

Provides an energized and synergized antioxidant formulation with the powerful antioxidant phenyl butyl nitrone.

Acts as a natural Retin-A®. Plumps the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, and begins

to reverse other less visible signs of sun damage. Thickens the epidermis and improves texture,

elasticity, and blood circulation.

Powerful skin renewal My Optimal Serum C uses L-ascorbic acid, the most stable form of topical vitamin C, and at 20% my product is the strongest C serum on the market. Essential for the production of collagen and elastin, Vitamin C is a key player in the repair and renewal of the skin. Only 8% of ingested C makes it to your skin, so it is smart to feed the skin its very own dose.

—Dr. Fields

Vitamin C

Optimal Serum C isn’t just for aging women. I recommend it for anybody with acne, men, and even children. It will provide a natural SPF of 15-20 without all the toxic chemicals. For people living in high-sun, high-altitude areas, using Optimal Serum C is important because of our higher risk of skin cancer due to these environmental factors.

—Dr. Fields

Who should use Optimal Serum C

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Italian Secret (V) (P)

Moisturizing for skin in need of deep penetrating hydration, this cream refreshes and soothes, allows your skin’s natural healthy glow to radiate! Natural olive oil and omega oils richly hydrate as they condition the glycoproteins.

Protects and detoxifies skin with a high dose of glutathione and other potent antioxidants

Uses essential oils for aromatherapy and antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties

Refines and re-texturizes the skin through the benefits of L- lactic acid, L-retinol, and L-pentapeptides.

Nonna’s Truth (V) (P) Ultra-rich moisturizer with alpha-hydroxy acid

Heaven for dry skin, this moisturizer restores smoothness while nourishing and protecting skin to soften the visible signs of aging.

Conditions the glycoproteins of the skin, which maintains the moisture balance.

Enhances immune function of the skin. Promotes better circulation and healthier capillaries

in skin. Softens the skin and exfoliates gently. Protects and renews skin, with anti-inflammatory agents and an essential building block for

collagen and elastin.

Optimal R & R (V) (P) (K) Revitalize & Rejuvenate

This exquisite smoothing lotion encourages the growth of healthy young skin cells. It’s enriched with soothing and healing shea butter, emollient squalane and the moisturizing ingredient d-beta-glucosamine.

Hydrates, refines and retexturizes the skin with, with anti-aging L-lactic acid, L-retinol and pentapeptides

Enhances skin’s ability to synthesize new collagen and elastin with peptides. Increases the lining of hyaluronic acid, and conditions the glycoproteins that connect epidermal

cells, actions which preserve the moisture balance of the skin. Promotes wound healing and diminishes the effects of aging and blemishes on the skin. Improves the immune function and cell turnover of the skin.

A great carrier oil with excellent lubricating qualities and powerful antioxidants, olive oil is a natural secret loved by Italian women!

Olive oil

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Desert Dry (V) (P)

Great for sensitive skin and areas often exposed to environmental stresses like the hands, feet and elbows, this antioxidant daytime moisturizer soothes and heals dry, damaged skin. It’s safe for use on rosacea, eczema or after laser or chemical treatments.

Moisturizes and improves the barrier of the skin. Restores skin with anti-inflammatory ingredients and a crucial building block for collagen and


Anti-aging Peptide Lotion (V) (P) (K)

My special anti-aging formula includes 3% each of DMAE and alpha lipoic acid. DMAE gives greater firming (tone) to the skin, and alpha lipoic acid is a more powerful antioxidant milligram per milligram than Vitamin C.

Suppresses free-radical stressors to the skin, using idebenone and green tea extract

Clarifying Acne Lotion (P) (K)

This powerful anti-inflammatory lotion will help even hard-to-cure cystic acne improve. Reduces inflammation, so the immune system can heal the acne. Diminishes and heals acne scarring with bioactive peptides

Eye Care

Eye Renewal Cream (V) (P) (K)

A hydrating eye cream for use at night, Eye Renewal Cream prevents signs of premature aging safely and naturally.

Boosts the skin’s immunity by using natural probiotics and phospholipids

Plumps and smoothes the delicate skin around the eyes

Eye Therapy (V) (P)

Use this powerful, soothing eye therapy one hour before bed. Reduces puffiness, and dark circles, especially those related to fluid displacement, using 24-

karat gold and anti-inflammatory nutrients

Hydrates and tightens the gentle eye area.

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Sun protection & body care

Sofie’s Sol Protect – Sunscreen (V) (P) (K)

This SPF 20 sunscreen offers antioxidant-based sun protection with skin nutrition.

Transparent zinc blocks the sun

Moisturizes fully, with additional with antioxidant properties.

Provides full UVB/UVA protection.

Lavender Silk Moisturizing Body Lotion (V) (P) (K)

A luxurious body lotion for everyday use. Moisturizes the skin with milk proteins, beta fructan

and beta glucosamine.

Utilizes non-abrasive exfoliators to reveal healthy glowing skin

The name “lavender” comes from the Latin “la vare,” which means “to wash.” Lavender has been used in skin care products throughout history, particularly by the ancient Romans who used it for its healing and antiseptic properties. With strong cleansing and germicidal effects, lavender is prized for its value in the treatment of skin disorders.


Using Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin products on patients, myself, and my children gives me peace of mind. I know the products are pure, natural, sustainable, and amazingly effective. --Dr. Colleen Scholz

I have been an esthetician for 16 years. This product of Dr. Fields’ truly is the fountain of youth. I have seen results from the very first day of use and I continue to see results daily. Thank you Dr. Jackie Fields for keeping youth pure!

—Rhonda McMasters, Esthetician

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Purifying Tea Tree Mask (P) (K)

Draw out pollutants that cause blemishes and age the skin. Recommended use: 1-2 times per week. Stimulating clay mask absorbs sebum, eliminates blemishes, and tightens pores. Green tea extract and allantoin relieves irritation, heals, and moisturizes the skin. Tea tree oil and salicylic acid reduces sebum and eliminates blemish causing bacteria. Essential oils soften and boost the immunity of the skin. Effective as a spot treatment for blemishes.

Hydrating Mask (V) (P)

A great overnight moisturizing treatment, this deeply moisturizing face mask repairs skin damage and smoothes away fine lines and wrinkles.

Aloe vera, honey and lipid-soluble vitamins nourish and repair. Hyaluronic acid preserves the moisture barrier of the skin, preventing dehydration, while

lubricating the glycoproteins of the epidermal skin cells. Arnica, gingko, and essential oils provide anti-inflammatory action to dry, damaged skin.

Cherry Enzyme Mask (V) (P) (K)

A strong exfoliating mask with a pleasing scent, Cherry Enzyme Mask increases cell turnover while softening the skin. It’s loaded with powerful antioxidants including pineapple and red cherry bark extract.

Exfoliates dead cells and dissolve sebum using cherry enzymes Helps even skin tone, softens and smoothes rough, dry skin. Stimulates collagen production and helps treat the signs of aging. Provides soothing antioxidant activity from seven different fruit sources.

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Specialized treatments

Hydrating Rain (V) (P)

This skin moisturizer is a nourishing treatment product. It is so moisturizing, it will only be needed once or twice a week after the initial treatment period.

Rejuvenating Lip Cream (V) (P) (K)

This is the most powerful anti-aging lip therapy, with ingredients including VT Peptide Complex and shea butter to help fight the effects of time.

Additional intense anti-aging ingredients inhibit cross-linking and strengthen cell matrix and elasticity and increase circulation in the lips without irritating.

Promotes skin moisture retention and provides antioxidant protection.

Cold Sore Cure (V) (P) (K)

Sacred Skin Cold Sore Cure effectively treats cold sores by reducing the severity and duration of the virus that causes this condition, while it soothes and heals the skin.

Healing Cream (V) (P) (K)

A superior antioxidant treatment to moisturize dry, flaky or damaged skin, Healing Cream can also be used, as ordered by a medical professional, for many skin conditions.

Blemish Fade (K)

Reduce the appearance of acne with this deep penetrating, on-the-spot acne treatment that includes glycolic acid and salicylic acid.

Liquid solution helps speed healing of blemishes and prevents further breakouts

Salicylic acid exfoliates while helping to eliminate acne-causing bacteria and decreasing inflammation.

Glycolic acid exfoliates the pores of the skin and encourages new cell growth and turnover.

Scar & Stretch-Mark Cream (V) (P) (K)

A powerful scar and stretch mark treatment, this cream stimulates regeneration and immune function of the skin’s cells.

Epidermal growth factor helps transform dense scar tissue into new healthy skin. Multiple sources of Vitamin A increase cell turnover.

Sacred Sin (V) (P) (K)

Natural ingredients make this gentle, pH-balanced vaginal lubricant remarkably silky.

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Pigmentation repair

HQ-Free Skin-lightening Lotion (V) (K)

This is the most powerful skin-lightening agent known. It contains NO hydroquinone and thus is 100% non-toxic.

Skin Lightening Lotion (V) (P) (K)

Diminishes the appearance of hyper-pigmented skin. Best as a night-time treatment, this product is not for sensitive skin. Recommended use: once a day, apply only in the area that needs lightening, prior to using moisturizer.

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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Avoiding toxic chemicals in skin care products Your skin is your largest organ. Substances can affect the skin in a number of ways. Acids and alkalis can irritate, burn and corrode the skin; other substances can cause allergic reactions like dermatitis and eczema. Substances can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream and affect vital organs in the body. Chemicals such as solvents, bleaches, acids and alkalis remove natural fats from the skin thus destroying its protective ability.

Products are not required to undergo approval before they are sold to the public. Companies are not required to prove performance claims or conduct safety testing. But the one thing that is required by the companies is to list the ingredients in descending order of quantity on the label. Leaving some consumers to believe that it must be safe if it is on the market. But that is not necessarily true.

The following is a list of ingredients to avoid when you are shopping for deodorants, shampoos, soaps and cosmetics. The key is to cut down on exposure where we can.

Chemicals to avoid

Urea (Imidazolidinyl) and Diazolidinyl Urea

Urea is a preservative and antimicrobial agent used in cosmetics. These are one of the most common preservatives used in nearly all store brands of skin, body and hair care, antiperspirants and nail polish. They release formaldehyde. According to the Mayo Clinic, formaldehyde can irritate the respiratory system, cause skin reactions and trigger heart palpitations. Exposure may cause joint pain, allergies, depression, headaches, chest pains, chronic fatigue, dizziness, and loss of sleep. Other possible side effects include weakening the immune system and cancer.

Parabens (Methyl, Propyl, Butyl and Ethyl)

Parabens are very common group of cosmetic preservatives to extend the shelf life of products. They are used even though they are known to be toxic. Studies have shown that parabens are estrogenic, which means they mimic estrogen in the body. They also combine benzoic acid with the methyl group of chemicals, which is very toxic.


Used in lip products, petrolatum jelly, and also comes in the form of mineral oil Used in lotions, baby oil, cosmetics and motor oil. It comes from crude oil, used in the production of gasoline. The skin is the body’s largest organ of elimination, it is vital that the skin be free to release toxins, including carbon dioxide. But mineral oil and petrolatum products suffocate the skin by forming an oil film. This ingredient actually coats the skin just like plastic wrap. It can actually cause abnormal cell development, resulting in premature aging, unhealthy sensitive skin that dries out quickly. Internally it absorbs fat soluble vitamins in the intestinal tract. It interferes or entirely depletes beta- carotene, calcium, potassium, vitamins A,D, E and K.

Propylene Glycol

The active component in antifreeze. There is no difference between what is used in industry and what is used in personal care products or even in food processing. Propylene glycol has a quick ability to penetrate the skin. According to the Material Safety Data Sheet. the EPA requires workers to wear

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Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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protective gloves, clothing, and goggles when working with this toxic substance. Their safety sheet warns against skin contact because it has systemic consequences, such as brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities. But, there isn’t even a warning label on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than that of most industrial applications.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

SLS/SLES is a detergent, wetting agent and emulsifier. It is used in almost 98% of all “personal care” products such as hand and body creams, bubble baths, hair color kits, shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes, shaving cream, shower gel, facial cleansers, baby wipes and others.

The American College of Toxicology did a study and concluded that it is safe in formulations designed for “discontinuous, brief use; concentrations should not exceed 1%.” But how long do we sit in bubble baths? And why is SLS in some products is the first ingredient listed, which means it comprises more than 1% of the product. Not to mention it could possibly be in every product we use during the day. Accumulating to be far more than the supposed “safe” amount.

SLS penetrates the eyes and tissues (such as the brain, heart, liver, etc), and shows long-term retention in those tissues. SLS denatures the proteins in the eye tissues, and can damage the eye.

SLS can form nitrates and nitrosamines (potent carcinogens that cause the body to absorb nitrates at higher levels than even nitrate- contaminated food such as some hot dogs or bacon) In combination with DEA, TEA, and MEA, SLS/SLES has been found capable of producing carcinogens.

SLS/SLES can strip moisture and oils from the skin. It is a degreaser as well as a sudsing agent. The American Toxicology report also states that SLS produces skin and hair damage, including cracking and severe inflammation. The denaturing properties can also separate skin layers.

Diethanolamine (DEA), Monoethanolamine (MEA), Triethanolmine (TEA)

These chemicals are hormone- disrupting chemicals known to form nitrates and nitrosamines. The National Toxicology Program completed a study in 1998 that found a link in the topical application of DEA and DEA-related products and cancer in laboratory animals.

DEA itself is used in very few cosmetics, but DEA-related products are widely used as emulsifiers or foaming agents usually used at levels of 1 to 5%. Some DEA- related products are Cocamide DEA, Cocamide MEA, TEA-Lauryl SulfateTEA, Oleamide DEA.

TEA is often used to adjust the pH in cosmetics, and used with many fatty acids to convert acid to salt (stearate), which then becomes the base for cleanser.

Alcohol (Isopropyl)

A solvent and denaturant (a poisonous substance that changes another substance’s natural qualities), alcohol is found in hair color rinses, body rubs, hand lotions, after-shave lotions, fragrances, and many other personal care products. It is a petroleum derived substance and is also used in antifreeze. Inhalation of the vapor may cause headaches, flushing dizziness, mental depression, nausea, vomiting, narcosis, anesthesia, and coma. The fatal ingested dose is one ounce.

Page 21: 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 ... · Protocol for Acne Acne Vulgaris is a disease of both the skin and the gut. The first line of treatment must involve

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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The Occupation Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) states that it causes central nervous system depression and it increases the triglyceride levels in the liver. Can cause eczema and sensitivity.


Included in the antibacterial soaps and deodorants, cosmetics, lotions, toothpastes and mouthwashes. The EPA registers it as a pesticide, giving it high risk to both human health and the environment. Included in the chlorophenol class of chemicals which have been suspected of causing cancer in humans

Synthetic Colors

Should be avoided. They will be labeled as FD&C or D&C, followed by a color and a number. For example: FD&C Red No. 6/ D&C Green No. 6. Synthetic colors are believed to be cancer causing agents.

Synthetic Fragrances

Can have as many as 200 ingredients and only labeled as “fragrance”. There is no way to know what these chemicals are. They can cause skin irritation, hyper-pigmentation and other reactions.

Safe cosmetics

Dr. Field’s Sacred Skin joined the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics in 2005.

“The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is a coalition working to protect your health by calling for the elimination of chemicals used in the cosmetics industry linked to cancer, birth defects and other health problems.”

Our pledge for Safe Cosmetics

“All of the cosmetics and personal care products made by our company anywhere in the world meet the formulation standards and deadlines set by the European Union Directive 76/768/EEC to be free of chemicals that are known or strongly suspected of causing cancer, mutation or birth defects.”

Our skin is our largest organ. Everything we put on our skin is absorbed into the body to some degree. More research is coming out everyday on the harmful effects of synthetic skin care ingredients, not only for our skin but also for our overall health.

—Dr. Fields

Page 22: 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 ... · Protocol for Acne Acne Vulgaris is a disease of both the skin and the gut. The first line of treatment must involve

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin Catalogue

Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin | [email protected] The Healing Gardens, 315 Canyon Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521 | 970.472.6789 | www.thehealinggardens.org

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About Dr. Jacqueline Fields

Dr. Jacqueline Fields is the founder of The Healing Gardens, an ecosystem of integrative health care resources in Fort Collins, Colorado, that includes the Health Center, Medicinal Store, Living Arts Center, The Foundation and, Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin line of natural skin care products.

Board certified in Family Practice Medicine and Holistic Medicine, Dr. Fields uses both allopathic medicine and integrative modalities in her medical practice. She trained during medical school with Dr. Andrew Weil and has worked extensively with tribal medicine of various cultures around the world. Dr. Fields is drawn to teach people about the natural aspects of healing.

The Healing Gardens Foundation Committed to educating our community and making healthy living accessible to all, Dr. Fields directs all profits from the sale of Dr. Fields’ Sacred Skin to The Foundation, which supports these initiatives:

The Gardens - an educational medicinal garden and meditation labyrinth in Fort Collins, Colorado. Planted in the form of a traditional Native American medicine wheel and open to the community, it honors our land and holds an intention for peace.

The Living Arts Center - a community space hosting classes and events about healthy lifestyle practices

Research and education about integrative medicine

Financial support for integrative health care for patients in need

For more information or to contribute to The Foundation, please contact us at 970.472.6802.

Contact information

The Healing Gardens 315 Canyon Avenue

Fort Collins, CO 80521

E: [email protected] T: 970-472-6802
