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  • 8/16/2019 3 House Styles


    House Styles Gothic Revival

    Medieval traditions mingled with modern methods to create these whimsical Victorian

    homes, built between 1840 and 1880

    Sir Horace Walpole started it. In the mid-1700s, the English author got it into his head to redo hiscountry home with arched windows, battlements and other pseudo-othic details. Walpole!s house,

    located at Strawberry Hill near "wic#enham, became a model $or %edie&alism.

    "he romantic new style was a welcome change $rom the stately, symmetrical architecture o$ the day. 'ythe 1(00s, $ashionable houses throughout England began to resemble churches, con&ents andstoryboo# castles. )ueen *ictoria too# delight in these $anci$ul othic +e&i&al buildings.

    yndhurst in "arrytown, ew or# --/ othic +e&i&al mansion designed by /leander ac#son 2a&is

    Photo copyright © Jackie Craven

    3n the other side o$ the /tlantic, ew or# architect /leander ac#son 2a&is was e&angelical about theecclesiastical style. He published $loor plans and three-dimensional &iews in his 1(47 boo#, RuralResidences. His design $or yndhurst, an imposing country estate in "arrytown, ew or#, became ashowplace $or the othic +e&i&al style.

    Gothic Revival !eatures !ound at "yndhurst#

    • Steeply pitched roo$  • 5ointed windows with decorati&e tracery • rouped chimneys • 5innacles • 'attlements and shaped parapets • eaded glass • )uatre$oil and clo&er shaped windows • 3riel windows • /symmetrical $loor plan • *erandah

    %ost pri&ate homes in the 6nited States did not $ollow othic models this $aith$ully. Howe&er a series o$ pattern boo#s by another popular designer -- /ndrew ac#son 2owning -- captured the imagination o$ acountry already swept up in the romantic mo&ement. Houses across orth /merica -- especially in ruralareas -- began to sport gothic garb. le&er builders de&eloped a $ri&olous, most un-churchli#eadaptation #nown as arpenter othic.



  • 8/16/2019 3 House Styles


    With details reminiscent o$ the 5arthenon, stately, pillared ree# +e&i&al homes re$lect a passion $oranti8uity. Here are $acts and photos $or the classic style that still shapes the way we build.

    ree# +e&i&al18$% & 18'0

    (elle Meade )lantation & co*yright + rt-oday

    Gree. Revival houses usually have these /eatures#

    •   5edimented gable •   Symmetrical shape •   Hea&y cornice •   Wide, plain $rie9e •   'old, simple moldings

    Many Gree. Revival houses also have these /eatures# •   Entry porch with columns •   2ecorati&e pilasters •   arrow windows around $ront door

    In the mid-1:th century, many prosperous /mericans belie&ed that ancient reece represented thespirit o$ democracy. Interest in 'ritish styles had waned during the bitter War o$ 1(1;. /lso, many/mericans sympathi9ed with reece!s own struggles $or independence in the 1(;0!s.

    ree# +e&i&al architecture began with public buildings in 5hiladelphia. %any European-trainedarchitects designed in the popular recian style, and the $ashion spread &ia carpenter!s guides andpattern boo#s. olonnaded ree# +e&i&al mansions -- sometimes called Southern Colonial  houses --sprang up throughout the /merican south. With its classic clapboard eterior and bold, simple lines,ree# +e&i&al architecture became the most predominant housing style in the 6nited States. "he$ashion became #nown as the National Style.

    2uring the second hal$ o$ the 1:th century, othic +e&i&al and Italianate styles captured the /mericanimagination. recian ideas $aded $rom popularity. Howe&er, $ront-gable design -- a trademar# o$ theree# +e&i&al style -- continued to in$luence the shape o$ /merican houses well into the ;0th century. 



  • 8/16/2019 3 House Styles


    (eau rts Stylec 188% & c 1'$%

    *anderbilt %arble Housecopyright < /rt"oday

    ombining classical ree# and +oman architecture with +enaissance ideas, 'eau /rts was once the$a&ored style $or grandiose public buildings. 2uring the ilded /ge, howe&er, wealthy industrialistsadopted the opulent $ashion $or their own pri&ate homes. 

    (eau rts buildings have many o/ these /eatures#

    • %assi&e, grandiose building with stone $inish • %onumental classical ornamentation=

    - balustrades- balconies- columns- cornices- pilasters- triangular pediments 

    • Highly decorated= swags, medallions, cartouches, $lowers, shields  • rand stairway • arge arches • Symmetrical $a>ade 

    Some /amous (eau rts buildings#

    • 'oston 5ublic ibrary • arnegie Hall • rand entral Station • ew or# 5ublic ibrary •

    5alace o$ ?ine /rts, San ?rancisco  • "he Waldor$, ew or# ity 

    bout the (eau rts Style

    "he 'eau /rts @?rench $or A$ine artAB style originated in the Ccole des 'eau /rts in 5aris. %any/merican architects studied at this legendary architectural school, where they learned about theaesthetic principles o$ classical design and brought them to the 6nited States.

    /lso #nown as 'eau /rts lassicism, /cademic lassicism, or lassical +e&i&al, 'eau /rts is a lateand eclectic $orm o$ eoclassicism. It combines classical architecture $rom ancient reece and +ome



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    with +enaissance ideas. 'eau /rts is characteri9ed by order, symmetry, $ormal design, grandiosity, andelaborate ornamentation. In the 6nited States, the 'eau /rts style led to planned neighborhoods withlarge, showy houses, wide boule&ards, and &ast par#s. 2ue to the si9e and grandiosity o$ the buildings,the 'eau /rts style is most commonly used $or public buildings li#e museums, railway stations,libraries, ban#s, courthouses, and go&ernment buildings.

    "he popularity o$ the 'eau /rts style waned in the 1:;0!s, and within ;D years the buildings wereconsidered ostentatious. ater in the ;0th century, postmodernists redisco&ered an appreciation o$ the'eau /rts ideals.

    -udor Medieval Revival18'0 & 1'40

    House at Bodnant Gardens in WalesCopyright © Jackie Craven 

    With hea&y chimneys and decorati&e hal$-timbering, "udor re&i&al houses ha&e a decidedly medie&al$la&or. earn more about this handsome style and its many imaginati&e &ariations.

    -udor style homes usually have these /eatures#

    • 2ecorati&e hal$-timbering • Steeply pitched roo$  • 5rominent cross gables • "all, narrow windows • Small window panes • %assi&e chimneys, o$ten topped with decorati&e chimney pots 

    "he name Tudor  suggests that these houses imitate English architecture $rom the early 1th century.Howe&er, most "udor style homes were inspired by building techni8ues $rom an earlier time. Some"udor houses mimic humble %edie&al cottages -- "hey may e&en include a $alse thatched roo$. 3ther"udor homes borrow ideas $rom late %edie&al palaces. "hey may ha&e o&erlapping gables, parapets,and beauti$ully patterned bric# or stonewor#. "hese historic details combine with *ictorian or ra$tsman$lourishes.

    /s in many )ueen /nne and Stic# style homes, "udor style houses o$ten $eature stri#ing decorati&etimbers. "hese timbers hint at -- but do not duplicate -- %edie&al building techni8ues. In %edie&alhouses, the timber $raming was integral with the structure. %odern "udor houses, howe&er, merelysuggest the structural $ramewor# with alse hal$-timbering. "his decorati&e woodwor# comes in many

    di$$erent designs, with stucco or patterned bric# between the timbers.

    Handsome eamples o$ "udor style architecture may be $ound throughout reat 'ritain, northernEurope and the 6nited States. "he main s8uare in hester, England is surrounded by la&ish *ictorian"udors which stand unapologetically alongside authentic medie&al buildings. In the 6nited States, "udorstyling ta#es on a &ariety o$ $orms ranging $rom elaborate mansions to modest suburban homes withmoc# masonry &eneers. "he style became enormously popular in the 1:;0s and 1:40s, and modi$ied&ersions became $ashionable in the 1:70s and 1:(0s.



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    3ne popular housing type inspired by inspired by "udor ideas is the Cots!old Cottage. "hese 8uainthomes ha&e an imitation thatched roo$, massi&e chimneys, an une&en sloping roo$, small windowpanes, and low doors.

    Renaissance Revival Style

    c 1840 & c 1'1%

    'rea#ers %ansion, built by +ichard %orris Hunt

    copyright < /rt"oday

    / $ascination $or the architecture o$ +enaissance Europe and the &illas o$ /ndrea 5alladio inspired theseelegant turn-o$-the-century homes. ?ind $acts and photos $or the opulent +enaissance +e&i&al style.

    Renaissance Revival houses have many o/ these /eatures#

    • ube-shaped • 'alanced, symmetrical $a>ade • Smooth stone walls, made $rom $inely-cut ashlar • ow-pitched hip or %ansard roo$  • ?ull roo$line entablature topped with balustrade 

    • Hori9ontal stone banding between $loors • Segmental pediments • entrally located doors • 3rnately-car&ed stone window trim &arying in design at each story • Smaller s8uare windows on top $loor • )uoins 

    Second Renaissance Revival houses are usually larger and also have#

    • /rched, recessed openings • ?ull entablatures between $loors • olumns supporting entablatures, arched openings, and balconies • round $loor made o$ rusticated stone= be&eled edges and deeply-recessed Foints  

    bout the Renaissance Revival Style

    +enaissance @?rench $or ArebirthAB re$ers to the artistic, architectural, and literary mo&ement in Europebetween the 1Gth and 1th centuries. "he +enaissance +e&i&al style is based on the architecture o$1th-century +enaissance Italy and ?rance, with additional elements borrowed $rom /ncient ree# and+oman architecture. +enaissance +e&i&al is a general term which encompasses the &arious Italian+enaissance +e&i&al and ?rench +enaissance +e&i&al styles, including Second Empire.



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    "he +enaissance +e&i&al style was popular during two separate phases. "he $irst phase, or the ?irst+enaissance +e&i&al, was $rom about 1(G0 to 1((D, and the Second +enaissance +e&i&al, which wascharacteri9ed by larger and more elaborately decorated buildings, was $rom 1(:0 to 1:1D. 2ue to theepensi&e materials re8uired and the elaborate style, +enaissance +e&i&al was best suited $or publicand commercial buildings, and &ery grand homes $or the wealthy.

    "he 5rairie Style1'00 &1'$0

    ?ran# loyd Wright re&olutioni9ed the /merican home when he began to design A5rairieA style houses

    with low hori9ontal lines and open interior spaces. 

    )rairie style houses usually have these /eatures# • ow-pitched roo$  • 3&erhanging ea&es • Hori9ontal lines • entral chimney • 3pen $loor plan • +ows o$ small windows • 3ne-story proFections

    ?ran# loyd Wright belie&ed that rooms in *ictorian era homes were boed-in and con$ining. Heattempted to re$ine /merican housing by designing houses with low hori9ontal lines and open interiorspaces. +ooms were o$ten di&ided by leaded glass panels. ?urniture was either built-in or specially

    designed. Wright!s new style o$ housing was coined the prairie style a$ter his 1:01 "adies Ho#e Journal plan titled, A/ Home in a 5rairie "own.A 5rairie houses were designed to blend in with the $lat, prairielandscape.

    "he $irst 5rairie houses were usually plaster with wood trim or sided with hori9ontal board and batten.ater 5rairie homes used concrete bloc#. "he spacious, open $loor plans o$ 5rairie homes too# on many$orms= S8uare, -shaped, "-shaped, -shaped, and e&en pinwheel-shaped.

    %any other architects produced 5rairie homes throughout the /merican midwest. "he style waspopulari9ed by pattern boo#s, and a subtype o$ the style, the /merican ?ours8uare, became one o$ themost common housing $orms in the 6nited States.

    In 1:4, when the 6nited States was in an economic depression, ?ran# loyd Wright de&eloped asimpli$ied &ersion o$ his 5rairie School architecture. 2esigned to control costs, these homes had noattics, no basements, and little ornamentation. ?ran# loyd Wright called his stripped-down 5rairiehouses 6sonian because he thought they represented the democratic ideals o$ the 6nited States o$orth /merica. 6sonian houses were constructed through the 1:D0s and became models $orcontemporary suburban housing.



  • 8/16/2019 3 House Styles


    French Inspired House Styles

    Does your home speak français? After World War I, soldiers returning to the United States and Canada brought a keen interest inFrenh housing styles! "uilding plan books and home maga#ines began to feature modest homes inspired by Frenh buildingtraditions! $rand homes like the one sho%n here %ere onstruted %ith a faniful mi& of Frenh details!

    Details 'ary, but Frenh(inspired homes are distinguished by their distinti'e hipped roofs and flared ea'es! )o deide %hether your

    home has Frenh aents, look for these features*

    • "rik, stone, or stuo siding

    • +ipped roof  

    • Flared ea'es 

    • Dormers 

    • ulti(paned %indo%s

    Some French style homes also have:

    • Deorati'e half(timbering 

    • -ound to%er at entry%ay

    •  Arhed door%ay

    French Normandy 

    Frenh .ormandy +ouse Style/hoto from Clipart!om



  • 8/16/2019 3 House Styles


    Some Frenh style homes borro% ideas from .ormandy, %here barns %ere attahed to the li'ing 0uarters! $rain or ensilage %asstored in a entral turret! )he Norman Cottage is a o#y and romanti style %hih features a small round to%er topped by a one(shaped roof! 1ther .ormandy homes resemble miniature astles %ith arhed door%ays set in imposing to%ers!

    2ike )udor style houses, 34th(entury Frenh .ormandy homes may ha'e deorati'e half(timbering! Unlike )udor style homes,ho%e'er, houses influened by Frenh styles do not ha'e a dominant front gable!

    rt Modernec 1'20 & c 1'4%

    With the slee#, streamlined appearance o$ a modern machine, /rt %oderne architecture epressed thespirit o$ a new, technological age. Here are $acts about the trendy style o$ the 1:40s and !G0s.

    rt Moderne houses have many o/ these /eatures#

    • /symmetrical • Hori9ontal orientation • ?lat roo$  • o cornices or ea&es • ube-li#e shape • Smooth, white walls • Slee#, streamlined appearance • +ounded corners highlighted by wraparound windows • lass bloc# windows • /luminum and stainless steel window and door trim  • %irrored panels • Steel balustrades • Suggestions o$ speed and mo&ement= Hori9ontal rows o$ windows or decorati&e bands  •

    ittle or no ornamentation • 3pen $loor plans 

    bout the rt Moderne Style

    It5s easy to onfuse Art oderne %ith Art Deo, but they are t%o distintly different styles! While both ha'e stripped(do%n forms andgeometri(based ornamentation, the moderne style %ill appear sleek and unornimented, %hile the slightly earlier deo style an be0uite sho%y!

    rt Moderne rt 3eco



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    rientation Hori9ontal, with $lat roo$ *ertical, with setbac#

    Si5e Short "all

    6olor White 5olychrome

    rnamentation ittle or none Etensi&e= 'ands o$ design,car&ings

    (uilding ty*e %ainly residential ommercial

    "he slee#, rounded /rt %oderne style originated in the Bauhaus mo&ement, which began in ermany.'auhaus architects wanted to use the principles o$ classical architecture in their purest $orm, designingsimple, use$ul structures without ornamentation or ecess. 'uilding shapes were based on cur&es,triangles, and cones. 'auhaus ideas spread worldwide and led to the %oderne or International Style inthe 6nited States. /rt %oderne art, architecture, and $ashion became popular Fust as /rt 2eco waslosing appeal. %any products produced during the 1:40s, $rom architecture to Fewelry to #itchenappliances, epressed the new /rt %oderne ideals.

    /rt %oderne truly re$lected the spirit o$ the early twentieth century. Epressing ecitement o&ertechnological ad&ancements, high speed transportation, and inno&ati&e new construction techni8ues,/rt %odern design was highlighted at the 1:44 World ?air hicago. ?or homeowners, /rt %oderne also

    pro&ed to be a pragmatic style because these simple dwellings were so easy and economical to build.

    &/rame Style1'%7 to *resent

    With a dramatic, sloping roo$ and co9y li&ing 8uarters, an /-$rame style house is ideal $or winteryregions with lots o$ snow.

    &/rame houses have many o/ these /eatures#

    • "riangular shape • Steeply sloping roo$ that etends to the ground on two sides  • ?ront and rear gables • 2eep-set ea&es • 1 or ; stories • %any large windows on $ront and rear $a>ades • Small li&ing space • ?ew &ertical wall sur$aces

    bout the &/rame Style



  • 8/16/2019 3 House Styles


    "riangular and tee-pee shaped homes date bac# to the dawn o$ time, but architect /ndrew ellerturned an old idea into a re&olutionary concept in 1:D7 when he built an A/-$rameA house in ongIsland, ew or#. amed $or the distincti&e shape o$ its roo$line, eller!s design garnered internationalattention when it was $eatured in the Ne! $ork Ti#es. Soon, thousands o$ /-$rame homes were builtaround the world.

    "he steep slope o$ the /-$rame roo$ is designed to help hea&y snow to slide to the ground, instead o$remaining on top o$ the house and weighing it down. /t the same time, the sloped roo$ pro&ides twoother bene$its. It creates a hal$ $loor at the top o$ the house which can be used $or lo$ts or storagespace, and, since the roo$ etends down to the ground and doesn!t need to painted, it minimi9es theamount o$ eterior maintenance re8uired on the house. 3n the other hand, the sloped roo$ creates atriangular Adead spaceA at the base o$ the walls on each $loor. /-$rame houses ha&e limited li&ing spaceand are usually built as &acation cottages $or the mountains or beach.

    )ostmodern Stylec 1'% 9 *resent

    Is your house uni8ue, whimsical, and surprising Is it contradictory and yet ambiguous 5ostmodernhouses tend to gi&e the impression that anything goes - the impossible is not only possible, buteaggerated. earn more about the postmodern house style.

    Vanna Venturi House5rit9#er 5ri9e aureate

    Post#odern house %ualities&

    • Sense o$ Aanything goesA= ?orms $illed with humor, irony, ambiguity, contradiction  • utaposition o$ styles= 'lend o$ traditional, contemporary, and newly-in&ented $orms • Eaggerated or abstract traditional detailing • ocal materials and traditions are not necessarily used or considered 

     '(out the Post#odern Style 

    5ostmodern @or post-modernB architecture e&ol&ed $rom %odernism, yet is a condemnation o$ thatstyle, which is considered ecessi&ely minimalist, anonymous, monotonous, and ultimately boring.5ostmodernism is characteri9ed by what architect harles enc#s re$ers to as Adouble codingA= two ormore styles which co-eist in contradiction andJor sel$-moc#ery. "his can be a mi o$ traditional andin&ented $orms, o$ $unctionality and decoration, or o$ $amiliar shapes used in surprising ways orcontets. In other words, postmodern houses o$ten don!t ha&e anything in common with one another,other than their lac# o$ commonality. 5ostmodern houses may be bi9arre, humorous, or shoc#ing, butthey are always uni8ue.



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    3$ten the term postmodern is loosely used to describe neo)eclectic  homes that combine a &ariety o$historic styles. Howe&er, unless there is a sense o$ surprise, irony, or originality, a neo-eclectic home isnot truly postmodern.

