2020 womenspire awards - chwarae teg · awards programme, you will have an exhibit stand at the...

2020 WOMENSPIRE AWARDS SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Commit to making Wales a gender equal nation A vibrant celebration of women in Wales

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Page 1: 2020 WOMENSPIRE AWARDS - Chwarae Teg · awards programme, you will have an exhibit stand at the awards reception and your company logo will appear on stage during the awarding of


Commit to making Wales

a gender equal nation

A vibrant celebration of women in


Page 2: 2020 WOMENSPIRE AWARDS - Chwarae Teg · awards programme, you will have an exhibit stand at the awards reception and your company logo will appear on stage during the awarding of


Wales’ leading gender equality charity is once again celebrating the achievements of women across Wales.

Chwarae Teg’s Womenspire recognises women’s achievements in every aspect of life, from personal achievements to outstanding contribution, and we want you to be a part of these celebrations.

Our Womenspire Awards showcase the remarkable accomplishments of women across Wales and will inspire future generations.

Nominations are sought by, and on behalf of, women who are proud of what they are achieving – whether it’s

Be proud, stand up and shout about your commitment to making Wales a gender equal nation!

in their private or professional lives or in the wider community.

Entries are also open to organisations and employers in the public, private and third sectors who are committed to gender equality and providing the support and development required for women to achieve and prosper.

Nominations will go live in January 2020!

If your organisation is passionate about supporting women to achieve and prosper, and you want to get your products and services right to the heart of a key demographic, becoming a Womenspire sponsor is a great way to make an impact. This opportunity enables you to reach the most engaged and proactive women and their employers in Wales.

As a sponsor your brand will be positioned alongside Chwarae Teg and Wales’ most outstanding contributors.

“What’s really humbling is that a lot of these women have no idea how fantastic they are and it’s just an amazing opportunity for ITV to be able to tell these women’s stories and be part of this event.”Nia Britton, ITV Wales

“The stories have been amazing, really inspirational and I’m just really taken aback. Obviously really delighted and honoured to have won – it’s amazing!”Julie Thomas, 2019 Women in Sport & 2019 Womenspire Champion

Page 3: 2020 WOMENSPIRE AWARDS - Chwarae Teg · awards programme, you will have an exhibit stand at the awards reception and your company logo will appear on stage during the awarding of

HEADLINE SPONSOR As the headline sponsor for Womenspire 2020 you will reap the benefits of high profile brand promotion in the lead up, during and following on from this prestigious event.Wherever you see Womenspire promotion - your brand will be!

This will include your company name or logo included in all press releases and marketing communications. Your logo will be featured on all promotional materials and video productions.

Your company name will be associated with the award for the night’s overall winner - the Womenspire Champion - and you will be invited onto the stage to present the award, your representative will be interviewed on

the night for our Awards Ceremony video. You can also deliver a welcome speech to our 600 strong audience.

In addition to all of this you will also benefit from acknowledgements on social media, an exhibit stand at the awards ceremony reception plus your logo and a profile in the Womenspire 2020 awards programme. Your logo will be on stage throughout the awards ceremony and on all promotional materials – online, in print.

Plus, you’ll have your logo engraved on the bespoke trophies we present to our winners.

You will have a big presence at the awards with 25 complimentary tickets for your guests and staff.

AWARD CATEGORY SPONSOR As the sponsor of one of our award categories you will have your name assosciated with an industry, profession or role of your choice.

You will benefit from your logo and a profile in the Womenspire 2020 awards programme, you will have an exhibit stand at the awards reception and your company logo will appear on stage during the awarding of the category.

Your logo will feature in all event promotional material, online and in print, as well as on the award category finalist video, and on chwaraeteg.com with a link to your website.

Your involvement with and contribution to Womenspire will also be widely

promoted across all of our social media channels.

A representative from your company will have the opportunity to present the award on stage, and be interviewed on the night for our Awards Ceremony video.

10 complimentary tickets for your guests and staff.

“It’s about treating people equally, seeing the value of a diverse workforce and also showing that women are really good leaders” Jane Hutt AM, Deputy Minister and Chief Whip

Page 4: 2020 WOMENSPIRE AWARDS - Chwarae Teg · awards programme, you will have an exhibit stand at the awards reception and your company logo will appear on stage during the awarding of

BOARD MEMBER Women continue to be under-represented at board level across Wales. This award recognises the achievements of a woman who has made a huge impact on their business as a Non-Executive Director.

COMMUNITY CHAMPIONThere are many examples of women who have contributed significantly to our communities – particularly at times of crisis or challenge. The winner will be an unsung hero – someone who tends to hide from the limelight but whose community holds them up as a role model for other women and girls across Wales.

ENTREPRENEUR Fewer women start businesses than men and the average income of a self-em-ployed woman is currently around £10,000. This award celebrates those women who have bucked the trend and

set up successful businesses with real growth potential.

LEADERThis award celebrates women who are successfully leading by example. The winner will be someone who has not only been successful in her own right, but has used the opportunities provided by the position she has reached to support and mentor other women.

LEARNERLifelong learning benefits everyone. It has the power to change lives. This award celebrates those women who have re-entered learning and/or education to realise their full potential.

PEOPLE’S CHOICEThe People’s Choice winner will be cho-sen from our Wonderful Welsh Women campaign as voted for by the general public through social media. This award recognises female role models in Wales, from actors to activists.

RISING STARWe want to celebrate the young women coming through in different roles and sectors who show great promise for the future. The winner of this award will be a woman who has entered the workplace in the last 5 years, has already achieved success and has demonstrated real potential.

WOMAN IN SPORT This award recognises the contribution women make to sport in Wales. This could be as an athlete, coach or in another role in which they have raised the visibility or increased the impact of women’s sport in Wales.

WOMAN IN STEMThis award celebrates the women who are building Wales through advancing in their own career journey and making a real difference to the STEM sectors in Wales. Our winner will be encouraging other women into these disciplines and supporting women to progress.

WOMENSPIRE CHAMPION RESERVED FOR HEADLINE SPONSOR 2020The headline award will be decided by our panel, chosen from the winners of each of the individual award categories – the person our panel believe deserves to be the overall Champion from this amazing group of winners.

DIVERSITY CHAMPIONBusinesses that are more diverse are more profitable, more successful and are employers of choice. This award recognises organisations that have taken a proactive approach to close the gender divide in the workplace. They will have run a successful initiative or campaign to directly address gender imbalance for their organisation. They will be able to evidence why gender diversity is of benefit to all employees, not just women. They will be able to evidence the impact their improvements have had on both individual employees and the organisation as a whole.

FAIRPLAY EMPLOYERWorkplaces are changing. Forward thinking organisations are changing the way they work by using new innovative working practices, which allow women to grow and thrive. By working differently, they are benefiting from improved productivity, happy staff and being an employer of choice. This award will celebrate our FairPlay Employers who are on their journey to gender equality within their organisations. We will assess the distance travelled and the impact achieved.



Page 5: 2020 WOMENSPIRE AWARDS - Chwarae Teg · awards programme, you will have an exhibit stand at the awards reception and your company logo will appear on stage during the awarding of

The Community Tickets Sponsor offers women from a range of community groups and minorities an invitation to the Womenspire awards, enabling women to attend who might not otherwise be able to. It’s a great opportunity to demonstrate support for the local community.

As the Womenspire 2020 Community Tickets Sponsor you will benefit from your company logo appearing in the awards ceremony programme, a listing on our website, an exhibit stand at the awards ceremony reception and recognition of your contribution on social media.

20 community tickets plus 2 complimentary tickets

The Performance Sponsor will have their logo shown in reference to all performances on the night. Whilst the audience is entertained by a mesmerising variety show, they’ll have a constant reminder of who helped create a magical evening!

By sponsoring the evening’s performances, you will benefit from your company logo featuring in the awards ceremony programme, a listing on the Chwarae Teg website, an exhibit stand at the awards ceremony reception and acknowledgement of your support on social media.

2 complimentary tickets.


You will have a strong presence at either the reception or after party with frequent display of your logo.

Your company logo will feature in the awards ceremony programme and on the Chwarae Teg website.

You’ll also be able to exhibit alongside our other sponsors at the event reception with live social media acknowledgement on the night of the awards!

2 complimentary tickets.

RECEPTION OR AFTER PARTY SPONSOR As a Womenspire 2020 Partner your

company logo will feature in the awards ceremony programme and you will be listed on the Chwarae Teg website.

You will have an exhibit stand alongside our other sponsors at the reception and we will acknowledge your support on social media.

2 complimentary tickets.


“To sponsor events like Womenspire is fantastic for raising our profile and attracting women into our industry.”Sean Sullivan, Western Power Distribution

“It was so inspiring to see them all, under one roof, sharing their experiences, inspiring one another and saying to the world that we can do it – and that was the biggest message that I took from the entire event.”Sahar Al-Faifi, winner of the Community Activist award


Page 6: 2020 WOMENSPIRE AWARDS - Chwarae Teg · awards programme, you will have an exhibit stand at the awards reception and your company logo will appear on stage during the awarding of


Chwarae Teg’s partnership with ITV Cymru Wales ensured prime time coverage of the fantatsic finalists as well as the event evening itself.

As well as live broadcast on the night, ITV Cymru Wales aired four interviews in their 6pm programming in the build up to Womenspire. S4C’s magazine programme, Heno, also broadcast live from the event.

In 2020 we will see the 5th Womenspire awards celebrate the women of Wales. Previous years have seen significant increases in popularity and promotion and we expect 2020 to build on this success even more! As a sponsor your name will be associated with Chwarae Teg and Womenspire whether this is in the lead up, during or follow on from the event, depending on the package you choose.

Throughout June and July 2019, Womenspire featured in 10 publications including the Western Mail, Wales Online, South Wales Argus, Business News Wales and The Leader, with readers across Wales. Womenspire coverage spanned both English and Welsh language media channels.

Womenspire Posts Impressions Engagements Facebook 157,137 3,884Twitter 435,461 18,317LinkedIn 69,583 1,098Womenspire Sponsor Promotion posts Impressions EngagementsFacebook 50,351 900Twitter 150,124 7,340LinkedIn 26,003 424


The table below shows the examples of the social media engagement Womenspire generated.


Category Communtiy


Reception or Afterparty


Welcome speech at Womenspire awards

Logo engraved on Award trophies

Post-event press and PR opportunities

Logo on invitations

Present Award

Verbal acknowledgement of support on stage

Logo on all event promo material (online & print)

Logo on finalist videos

Logo on promotional emails to Welsh businesses

Company website link on Chwarae Teg’s website

Logo and profile in event programme

Logo at Reception/Afterparty

Logo on stage

Listing on website

Exhibit Stand at Reception

Social media acknowledgement

Logo and blurb in event programme

Tickets for community groups 20

Number of complimentary tickets 25 10 2 2 2 2

£15k £5k £2k £2k £1.5k £1kall prices subject to VAT

Please get in touch if you’d like more information or to discuss other opportunities.

[email protected]