2011 projek kalsom 17 report

Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan. 30-34, Queensborough Terrace London W2 3ST www.projek-kalsom.com 11 th -15 th July 2011 Melaka PROJEK KALSOM 17 REPORT For more information, please contact: HANNAH MASTURAH NAZRI DIRECTOR OF PROJEK KALSOM 17 Phone (mobile): +447765667933 Email: [email protected] Website: www.projek-kalsom.com

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Projek Kalsom 17 was held in from 11th to 15th July 2011. This project is officially endorsed by Malaysian Ministry of Youth & Sports. also received sponsorship from Malaysian Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development and 1Malaysia Youth Fund (the Chairman is Malaysian Prime Minister). 200 Form Four students (from all over Melaka, Malaysia) and 60 facilitators (Malaysian university students from all over the world) attended the 2011 Projek Kalsom 17 held at Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm, Sungai Udang, Melaka.


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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

0 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


11th-15th July 2011



For more information, please contact:



Phone (mobile): +447765667933

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.projek-kalsom.com

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

1 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST





Projek Kalsom 17 Motivational Camp Overview


Programme Objectives


Activities and Modules


Projek Kalsom 17 Itinerary




Sponsors and Partners


Projek Kalsom 17 Committee


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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

2 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST



rojek Kalsom is a motivational programme for Form 4 students

who have excelled in their studies but come from less

fortunate backgrounds. It is organised by Malaysian students

enrolled in universities mainly in the United Kingdom. The

programme runs for approximately one week.

Projek Kalsom

The name ‘Kalsom’ was adopted from an earlier initiative in the 90s.

Puan Kelthom Abdullah was a single mother struggling to make ends meet in Kelantan. Her

children were forced to drop out of school, and her plight was given some media attention

in 1993. Upon reading about her in the papers, a group of young Malaysian students in the

UK decided to run a collection to help bear the education cost of her children.

For the initial group of students, it was not enough to merely collect money. They decided

to take it a step further, spurred on by the conviction that they had a greater role to play.

They decided that given their youth, and being students themselves, they were in an

excellent position to help encourage and assist students from lesser-developed parts of

Malaysia to excel in their studies. And so, during their summer holidays in the following year,

they ran a motivational camp for the students of Jerantut, Pahang. It proved successful, and

they decided to run it again the following year in Grik, Perak.

Projek Kalsom has since been held annually, growing from strength to strength, and is now

run with the full support of the Malaysian High Commission in London, the Ministry of

Education, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.


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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

3 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


Projek Kalsom 17 Motivational Camp Overview The Projek Kalsom 17 motivational camp was held at the Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm, Sungai

Udang, Melaka from Monday 11th July 2011 to Friday 15th July 2011.

The 198 Form 4 student participants of Projek Kalsom 17 were selected by the Melaka State

Education Department from the following 14 schools:

SMK Kem Terendak SMK Sungai Udang SMK Munshi Abdullah SMK Seri Bemban SMK Tun Perak SMK Dato Dol Said SMK Dato Haji Talib Karim SMK Sultan Alauddin SMK Ghafar Baba SMK Hang Kasturi SMK Naning SMK Ade Putra SMKA Sharifah Rodziah SMK Datuk Bendahara

The 50 facilitators of Projek Kalsom 17 were selected from a wide variety of universities and

courses. Variety was the main factor in facilitator selection, in order to provide the Form 4

students with as large a collection of perspectives, information and solutions as possible. For

Projek Kalsom 17, facilitators were chosen from institutions in the United Kingdom, Ireland,

the USA, Canada, Japan and Malaysia. Out of 50, 43 studied in overseas institutions and 7

studied in Malaysian institutions. One facilitator fell ill during the camp and had to be taken

home, but his group was able to continue unhindered.

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London W2 3ST


Programme Objectives

The activities in the modules of Projek Kalsom 17 motivational camp are conducted in order to achieve the following objectives:

No. Objectives Analysis


To inspire and encourage participants to want to achieve more in studies and life

1.1 Helping them develop a positive

self image and sense of confidence

1.2 Providing positive role models in the facilitators


To equip participants with the means to achieve Objective 1

2.1 Helping them develop and use

practical study skills

2.2 Developing an interest in and debunking the fear of the English language


To stress that moral values and religion are as important as academic and career success AND To instill leadership qualities and self-independence

3.1 Emphasise the essential qualities

of a successful person based on the teachings of the participants religion

3.2 To equip with the tools necessary to succeed

3.3 To share real-life examples of the application of the concepts shown


To expose participants to wealth of career and education opportunities available to them after secondary school

4.1 Exposing them to the wealth of

career and education opportunities available to them after secondary school

4.2 To provide information on higher education funding opportunities (scholarships and loans) available to participants


To develop a greater awareness and empathy towards the struggles of the less fortunate amongst Malaysia students

2.1 Distribute tasks among the

facilitators to empower them towards greater awareness and empathy

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

5 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


Activities and Modules

The participants were divided into smaller groups and were supervised by two facilitators per group. The activities, such as group exercises, games and seminars, were done in ways that involve interaction between the members of the groups, between different groups and between the participants and the facilitators.

The activities were roughly grouped under five different themes:

1. Food For Thought 2. The Carpenter’s Tools 3. English is Fun, English is Easy 4. What is Next? 5. Tailored to Your Needs

These themes are based on the 5 Principles of Excellence of Projek Kalsom, which are:

1. Academic Excellence 2. English Language Proficiency 3. Careers & Scholarship 4. Religious & Moral Values

5. Physical Fitness

The modules presented during Projek Kalsom 17 are as follows:

Food For Thought

No. Title Objective Implementation

1 “Empire State of Mind”

To encourage the students to think about their ambition, short term goals, long term goals and how to get there.

To guide them on the right

way to plan their aims and the importance of back-up plans.

To build up the confidence

for them to work towards their goals.

The whole point of this session is to convey the message to students that we have to begin doing something with an end in mind. The “Empire State of Mind” refers to how each individual defines success in their life, which can differ from person to person. At the end of this session, students must realise that their mindset will decide how the journey of their life will be.

The session will start with

facilitators asking the ambition of each member of the group. Next, facilitators can question why they want to pursue such careers.

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London W2 3ST


Besides ambition, ask students to list down other long term goals, followed by short term goals and things they have done or will do to achieve both goals. Help them plan an educational route to achieving their desired career choices.

Sharing and reflecting

session among members to achieve a rigid conclusion.

2 “Where do I fit?”

To encourage patriotism. To encourage awareness of

one’s importance towards nation building.

To make them realise that

they are the future of Malaysia and have an important role.

A facilitator will give an hour-long presentation regarding the topic. The issue revolves around the roles and importance of youth to the country, and where they currently stand. Students must also learn to formulate their opinions and ideas about issues related to Malaysia.

The speaker is responsible for preparing the materials for his or her presentation. This includes a PowerPoint presentation and supplementary notes for the participants.

The next hour will be a discussion session within the group where we want them to voice out their thoughts.

3 “Boulevard of Dreams"

To inspire the students to work hard and follow their dreams by setting the best examples for them.

To share with them ways to

cope with stress with the ups and down in their studies.

The session will start with a slideshow of photos depicting facilitators’ academic achievements and universities abroad. The moderator will randomly ask questions regarding the slideshows.

The session follows with a

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

7 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


sharing session among group members and facilitators about coping with stress and keeping yourself motivated during tough times.

The Carpenter’s Tool

No. Title Objective Implementation

1 Projek Kalsom Speaker Session I: “Importance of English Language + How to use a Dictionary”

To create awareness of how crucial the knowledge of English will be in future.

To learn the correct way of

enriching English vocabulary and making the most out of dictionaries.

Dictionaries will be supplied

by Projek Kalsom 17.

Two facilitators will be chosen to give the talk for an hour for each chosen topic. You are free to choose a topic based on the themes suggested.

The speakers are responsible

for preparing the materials for their presentations. This includes a PowerPoint presentation and supplementary notes for the participants.

The session must comprise

both theoretical and practical activities. We suggest that 10 minutes is allocated for your PowerPoint presentation and the remaining 50 minutes for group activities, which will be monitored by the respective group facilitators.

If more than two facilitators

are interested, you will be asked to present your ideas during the Volunteers’ Training Session on 2nd July 2011, and the best ideas will be decided then. Please refer to “PK17 Training” document.

2 Projek Kalsom 17 Speaker II: “How to Network & Grooming and Etiquette”

To raise the awareness of importance of networking in future undertakings.

To learn the basics of networking and presenting

Two facilitators will be chosen to give the talk for an hour for each chosen topic. You are free to choose a topic based on the themes suggested. Possible topics

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

8 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


yourself well in public.

To learn ways to charm people and to appear charismatic and to exude confidence.

To learn how to dress

properly for occasions.

could be on interview skills, CV workshop etc.

The speakers are responsible

for preparing the materials for their presentations. This includes a PowerPoint presentation and supplementary notes for the participants.

The session must comprise

both theoretical and practical activities. We suggest that 10 minutes is allocated for your PowerPoint presentation and the remaining 50 minutes for group activities, which will be monitored by the respective group facilitators.

If more than two facilitators

are interested, you will be asked to present your ideas during the Volunteers’ Training Session on 2nd July 2011, and the best ideas will be decided then. Please refer to “PK17 Training” document.

3 “Never Say Never”

To learn how to address difficulties in specific subjects.

To share learning methods with participants and ways to improve their marks.

The session will be conducted in small groups. Facilitators are expected to share their ways of learning and to help students identify which ways best suit them.

Facilitators are also expected

to address difficulties in specific subjects and to come out with suggestions for tackling them.

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

9 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


English is Fun, English is Easy

No Title Objectives Implementation

1 “I Never”

To discuss issues, ideas and perceptions from the point of view of the students and to challenge their ideas.

To act as a first step to induce openness and sharing among group members.

“I never” is a game whereby the facilitators and students discuss in their small groups some of the achievements/activities that they might not do and why. For example:

Facilitator: I spoke in front of 50 people last week. Student: I never speak in front of a public audience. Facilitator: Why have you never spoken in public?

2 “The Legends”

To encourage people to speak up and make friends!

To foster group identity.

To encourage creativity and the use of English.

Each group is required to select a name for their group based on superheroes such as Batman, Spiderman etc.

They will also be asked to produce a logo as well as group cheer within the given time.

Random groups will be

asked to provide the reasoning behind the chosen name and logo will be questioned and scrutinised.

3 “Business Games” (3 sessions)

To encourage teamwork.

To encourage creativity and confidence in using English.

To trigger entrepreneurial


Overview: Session I Each group is needed to come up with a unique product to be presented to a group of potential investors. The presentation of the product will be done in the “Business Games-Session II” session. Facilitators are not allowed to contribute ideas. Ideas must be generated by students themselves.

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

10 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


Facilitators are allowed to monitor the usage of proper English.

Overview: Session II

Each group presents their product in English. Each student in each group must speak up.

Overview: Session III

Following from Session II, the five best groups are selected.

4 “Mr. & Miss Kalsom Pageant”

To encourage confidence in using English.

To act as a platform for them to start speaking in public.

To trigger healthy

competition among students.

This session will require the students who have been nominated by the facilitators as best in their individual groups to answer pre-prepared questions. Answers will be judged and the best male and female participants will be awarded as Mr. & Miss Kalsom.

Please refer to “PK17

Awards” and “PK17

Evaluation Sheet”


What is Next?

No Title Objectives Implementation

1 “Scholarships Session”

To give exposure about scholarship opportunities available and experiences of applying for such scholarships from facilitators.

To teach basic interview skills.

A number of facilitators will be given 10-12 minutes each to speak about their experience in obtaining their scholarships.

All facilitators who will be

speaking must prepare a summary of at least half-a-page of their presentations and send it to the committee before 2nd July 2011.

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

11 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


2 “Careers Oscillation”

To create interest and awareness to students about the various career choices available.

To encourage them to explore careers that may interest them.

To dispel any stereotypes

attached to particular career options.

To give them a boost of

confidence to go ahead and dive into the career choice that interests them.

An opportunity for the students to explore the different career choices that they can learn about from the facilitators.

Booths are manned by facilitators of different degree courses and professions and the students have the freedom to go around and explore the booths.

Facilitators are expected to

prepare for the booths beforehand, according to your own creativity. We will connect you with other facilitators who are doing the same degree course before 2nd July 2011.

Tailored to Your Needs

No Title Objectives Implementation

1 “Hot Seat”

To reflect on the personal development of each member throughout the entire programme.

To collect feedback from the students about the entire programme.

Final personal session with

the respective facilitators.

The term ‘Hot Seat’ refers to a situation where a person is put into a seat where every member can say anything about him/ her. Facilitators must monitor in such a way that no destructive criticisms or personal attacks are allowed.

Also allows students to

interact casually with their facilitators and to reflect on their gains over the entire programme.

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

12 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


External Modules

No. Activity Details

1 “Trading Futures” Workshop by London School of Economics Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)

Activities led by Mohd Azeem Abu Bakar and team. Objectives: To inculcate financial literacy. To create awareness of financial resources

available in Malaysia for education (scholarships and bursaries).

2 “Explorace”

Overview: Games challenging the students' capability to solve tasks in extreme situations. Objectives: To encourage the use of English. To challenge their minds to overcome

something which they do not like doing which could be the best option for them to take.

To get out and get sweaty! (physical fitness).

Projek Kalsom 17 Itinerary *For details on Opening and Closing ceremonies, please refer to the separate timetables after the main itinerary.

Monday, 11th July 2011


7.00-8.00am Registration of facilitators Facilitators to gather at Hentian Putra for transport to Melaka

8.00-10.00am Depart for Melaka

11.00am Arrival to Projek Kalsom 17 venue

11.00-12.00pm Facilitators Briefing Session

12.00-1.00pm Registration of student participants


3.00-4.30pm *Projek Kalsom 17 Opening Ceremony


5.00pm-6.30pm Ice breaking session I 5.00-6.00pm Overview of the whole programme, division of groups

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

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London W2 3ST


6.00-6.30pm “I NEVER”


8.30-10.30pm Ice Breaking Session II “THE LEGENDS”

10.30-11.30pm ISYA’ PRAYERS & SUPPER

11.30pm LIGHTS OFF

Tuesday, 12th July 2011


6.00-7.00am SUBUH PRAYERS & Islamic Appreciation Modules

7.00-8.00am BREAKFAST

8.00-10.00am “Empire State of Mind”

10.00-11.00am MORNING BREAK

11.00-12.30pm “Scholarships Session”

12.30-2.00pm LUNCH & ZOHOR PRAYERS

2.00-5.00pm “Trading Futures” Workshop by LSE Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)


5.30-6.30pm “Business Games” –Session I

6.30-7.30pm DINNER & REST

7.30-9.00pm MAGHRIB PRAYERS & Islamic Appreciation Module

*Non-Muslims are supplemented with Moral Values Module

9.00-10.30pm Slot for Projek Kalsom speaker I Themes : Importance of English Languange + How to use a Dictionary

10.30-11.30pm SUPPER & ISYA’ PRAYERS

11.30pm LIGHTS OFF

Wednesday, 13th July 2011


6.00-7.00am SUBUH PRAYERS & Islamic Appreciation Modules

7.00-8.00am BREAKFAST

8.00am-1.00pm “Explorace”


3.30-4.30pm Discussion and preparation for Business Games


5.00-6.00pm Business Games – Session II

6.00-7.15pm DINNER & REST

7.15pm-8.30pm MAGHRIB PRAYERS & *Non-Muslims are supplemented

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

14 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


Islamic Appreciation Module

with Moral Values Module

8.30-10.30pm Slot for Projek Kalsom speaker II “Where do I fit?”

10.30-11.30pm SUPPER & ISYA’ PRAYERS

11.30pm LIGHTS OFF

Thursday, 14th July 2011


6.00-7.00am SUBUH PRAYERS & Islamic Appreciation Modules

7.00-8.00am BREAKFAST

8.00-10.30am How to Network : Grooming and Etiquette

10.30-11.00am MORNING BREAK

11.30-1.30pm " Boulevard of Dreams" + Mr. & Miss Kalsom Pageant


2.30-4.30pm “Careers Oscillation”


5.00-6.00pm Introduction to writing CV

6.00-7.30pm DINNER AND REST

7.30pm-8.30pm MAGHRIB PRAYERS & Islamic Appreciation Module

*Non-Muslims are supplemented with Moral Values Module

8.30-10.30pm “Hot Seat”

10.30-11.30pm SUPPER & ISYA’ PRAYERS

11.30pm LIGHTS OFF

Friday, 15th July 2011


6.00-7.00am SUBUH PRAYERS & Islamic Appreciation Modules

7.00-8.00am BREAKFAST

8.00-10.00am De-briefing session and final survey

10.00-11.30am MORNING BREAK

11.30-12.30pm Business Games – Session III (Final)

12.30-2.30pm LUNCH & ZOHOR PRAYERS

2.30-4.30pm *Projek Kalsom 17 Closing Ceremony


5.00-6.00pm Students leave for home

6.00pm-7.00pm Clearing up and facilitators leave for Kuala Lumpur

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

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Opening Ceremony (Monday, 11th July 2011)

TIME ACTIVITIES 2.00-2.20pm Student participants and facilitators of Projek Kalsom 17 to enter

Hall opening ceremony.


Arrival of VIP

2.45-2.50pm Welcoming words from emcee of event, Nur Nadhirah Mohd Razikin from Publicity Division of Projek Kalsom 17

2.50-3.00pm Prayer recitation by Mohd. Syahir Mohd. Sabri from Module Division of Projek Kalsom 17

3.00-3.10pm “Negaraku”

3.10-3.20pm Speech by Hannah Nazri, Director of Projek Kalsom 17

3.20-3.30pm Officiating speech by VIP

3.30pm VIP souvenir presentation

Closing Ceremony (Friday, 15th July 2011)


2.30-2.50pm Student participants and facilitators of Projek Kalsom 17 to enter Hall for closing ceremony.

2.50-3.00pm Arrival of VIP

3.00-3.10pm Welcoming speech from emcee

3.10-3.20pm Prayer recitation by Mohd. Syahir Mohd. Sabri from Module Division of Projek Kalsom 17

3.20-3.30pm “Negaraku”

3.30-3.40pm Speech by Hannah Nazri, Ketua Pengarah Projek Kalsom 17

3.40-4.00pm Prize giving ceremony to: Best Group Mr. & Miss Kalsom (speech from both winners) Markus Ng Award (Best Facilitator award) and speech Kalsom Shining Star Award

4.00-4.20pm Closing speech by VIP

4.20-4.30pm Souvenir to VIP

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

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Awards A. Mr and Miss Kalsom

These are awarded to the best participants (male and female). They are chosen by the Committee based on the following criteria:

Demonstrated a high level of commitment to fellow participants Demonstrated leadership values Showed determination and stood out from the crowd in terms of effort Displays remarkable improvements over the course of the motivational camp.

This year’s awards go to:

Mr Kalsom: Nizam of SMK Tun Perak Miss Kalsom: Siti Nur Nazmin Abdul Rahim of SMK Dato’ Haji Talib Karim

B. Markus Ng Award

The Markus Ng Award is awarded to the best facilitator. Markus Ng was an active facilitator of Projek Kalsom 12 and 13 and also served as a committee member for Projek Kalsom 13. He was born in Malaysia on 6th May 1985. Markus passed away suddenly in his sleep in his family home in Kuala Lumpur on 4th February 2009 at the age of 23.

The award is in honour of his contributions to the development of Projek Kalsom. The recipient is chosen by the committee to receive an annual trophy, based on the following criteria:

Inspired fellow facilitators and participants alike Demonstrated good values which include teamwork, leadership and dedication Was instrumental during Projek Kalsom and played his/her part responsibly

Markus’s blog: http://liltots.wordpress.com

This year’s award goes to: Muhammad Aiman Azlan, a biology and psychology undergraduate from the University of Toronto, Canada. Muhammad Aiman Azlan also conducted the ‘Where Do I Fit’ module and is known for his ‘vlogs’ on youtube.

C. Shining Star Award

This is an award given out to students who have consistently demonstrated excellence or who have helped Projek Kalsom, the facilitators or the committee in an exceptional way.

This year’s award goes to: Nirali Girish Patel of SMK Dato Dol Said

D. Certificates

Each participant received a Certificate of Participation. Facilitators who volunteered during Projek Kalsom each received a Certificate of Appreciation.

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Projek Kalsom| hope. harapan.

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London W2 3ST


Sponsors & Partners Partners:


Platinum Sponsors (>RM20000):

Gold Sponsors (>RM10000):

Bronze Sponsors (<RM5000):

Individual Contributions YABhg. Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia Ms. Azlina Fadzlon Mohd. Amin of Ministry of Youth & Sports, Malaysia Mr. Azri-Malek, Director of Projek Kalsom 15

Please note that the financial report of Projek Kalsom 17 will be presented in a separate document.

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London W2 3ST


Projek Kalsom 17 Committee


Director Hannah Masturah Nazri [email protected] (+44)7765667933

BSc Med Sc (Hons) University College London University of Bristol (MBChB Medicine)

Deputy Director Mohd Faiez Mohd Ali [email protected] (+44)7868346508

University of Warwick (B Ed TESL)

Administration Manager I Nur Aimi Ishak [email protected] (+44)7979513312

University of Birmingham (MEng Chem Eng)

Administration Manager II Adam Omar [email protected]

MEng Aeronautical Eng (Hons) Imperial College London


Muhammad Hazim Abd Rahman [email protected] (+44)7595824680

University of Warwick (BSc Economics)


Sponsorship & Fundraising Managers 1. Sabrina Musfirah Nazri [email protected] (+44)7798742780

University of Sheffield (LLB Law)

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19 30-34, Queensborough Terrace

London W2 3ST


2. Poovan Kumar Balaeswaran [email protected] (+44)7799140431

City University, London (BSc Actuarial Science)


Modules Manager Farquar Haqqani Fadhlullah Suhaimi [email protected] (+44)7500663195

University of Warwick (BSc Economics)

Officer Sarah Syamimi Mohd Suhaimi [email protected] (+44)7851919545

University of Nottingham (BSc Economics)


Logistic Managers 1. Hanif Asyraf Hashim (Accommodation) [email protected] (+44)7970692125 2. Sheila Ramaniganthan (Transportation) [email protected] (+44)7788646368

University of Warwick (B Ed TESL) University of Nottingham (MPharm Pharmacy)


Publicity Managers 1. Nurfarahain Ahmad Fuad [email protected] (+44)7540255913

University of Newcastle (MEng Offshore Engineering)

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London W2 3ST


2. Khairul Ariffin Md. Ajib [email protected] (+44)7590567099

Met Film School, London (BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking)

Officer Nur Nadhirah Mohd Razikin [email protected]

University of Bath (BEng Chem Eng)


Malaysia Muhsin Hassan [email protected] +60176663787

University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (PhD Artificial Intelligence)