2007 board

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  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    ri ,l'' ,. ,.,,- , l,

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    r' ' t l"'"vEcI:g @e:.rs] q\dsOo,,'"

    hotel and Regency, o our 2008 s going o lookidenticaloour2007 chedule.Again, e do appreciateour nterestn heStompede,and we do hopeyou have a successful 5u yearcelebration.fyouwouldike ocontact e o alk boutanyconcernsleaseeel ree o dosoat415-7384929Respectfully,DaveHayesSundancetompede

    I amMarkNida nd attendedhe2006Stomofound e t funand ively ndwillbe attendinalsoama member f heWestern tarsSquarclub in San Francisco. he WesternStarswcelebratingheir 5sanniversaryhisyear.And his a very ctive nd ively unch f dancers.And, here comes he proposal: he Westewouldike o create square ancingventwitStomoedevent.Our boardhas Ok'dme to cSundancerganizationo see f wecould eveproposalr at leasthavea conversation.e bthat this typeof idea couldand wouldbeneSundancend hesquareance ommunity.I would ike o havea conversationithyouabidea.Or couldyou et me knowwho o contphoneumber-is41 )453-7560ryou [email protected],Mark .Nida

    * Treasurer's Report* Oneof our CD'smatures n February . ShallheTreasurerenew he CD or withdraw llor pClassCoordinator's ReportDance Coordinator's ReportAn n versary/EventsCoordinator's ReportOther business


    Jarcuary"t,?'il{i;''* Review minutes of November meeting.* Administrator report:* MarkNida's roposalame o naught.I ried. eres he esponseromheSundancerganization.Maybeheres anotherrganizationhat heWestern dditionally,ehave igned 2 year ontractith heStarsould lign ith.thanksMark-- Originalessage-From: earouvTo:[email protected]

    SentTuesday,anuary6,2007:06 MSubject ance roposalorSundanceoardMark,Thank ouso much or contactinghe SundanceStompedebout possibleo-evenlithWesterntarDancers. From:Mark Nidamailto:[email protected]]Sent Sunday,anuary7,2007 :42PMAftermeeting ith he Co-Chair f the Stomepdend To: [email protected] 'wingschedulingnd spaceplans,we know hat SubjectDance roposalorSundanceoard

    ,earwewould eunableo ncludeSquare ance Dear undance,ev-ent longwith he Stompede,We havea limitednumber f dance ooms, nd a prettyextensive ay I wouldike o havea conversationith someone tscheduleo fill them up, Also with our annualSundancebout n idea hat havedeveloped.he'Hoedown"Saturdayight ance eing t heRegencydea s about reatingcombinationance vent t hethisyear,herewould e no additionalpace hereor 2007Stompedevent.squareancing.* Star shapeddangles avebeen ordered for the anniversaD/.* Dancesupplies heck is t (Joe's utgestion)* Next meeting s February19

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    m'$m&ttre$*utmsp$rp*Januar? POO?

    IncomeWater - Class

    Total Income

    ExpensesFood6BoardMeetingNewsletter printingHoliday Party callerGift Cards for EVRC

    Total ExpensesCheckingAccount Balanceasof January 17, 2OO7Investment CD I Balanceasof January t7,2OO7Investment CD II Balanceas of January 17, 20o7

    Total Assets

    W E S T E F N



    $17.38291.OO50.o150.O$508.38$1s16.93!7 7 O2552.1


  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the Board

    December 1,2006

    Board memberspresent:Brundage, Casserly,Daniels, Dewsnap,King, andYoung.Administrator Daniels called the meeting to order at 6:35p.m.It was decided to make a donation to EVRC twice a year. The first donationwill be a Safewaygift card for 9150.The board decidednot to swap spaceswith AA on Wednesdayevenings.There was a discussion concerning options other than Yahoo Groups for clubcommunications. It was decidedto keep using Yahoo Groups until we findsomethingbetter.The Treasurer's report was accepted.We are in good inancial shape.The Anniversary/Events coordinatorrequesteda 'modest'budget forincidentals for the Anniversary celebration. He was given a 9100budget.The Dance coordinator reported that callers for Club Nite have been set forthe first six months of 2007. He is working on callers for our 2008 Clubdances.The meeting was adjourned at 7:15p.m.Respectfully submitted byJim Dewsnap,Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board



    Bu.errd{ Dirc

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    hrcsW+ls?lrA fin/c6/qs(trrwouw perce{f{6 evfvtf JsoT

    *tuco,l.&ItvffW n cux|S W,wLtkvrt-l Cuub Ntlv ?txFnor./S Zb,sohe?^stt..s*(s ( zq) I q4,n?olr*r(ods t/77,wJgL /fl ,v v,gAl'Jq ?avs l(tu6o

    fit:k'- gvtcv;.l J? z3,so- VXfot S(SCttvO ttter+.f Clrut kTL L{,Wht'*r tve Fws Eq3,1{u/h

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the Board

    January 22,2007

    Board memberspresent: Casserly,Daniels, Dewsnap,Krg, Young.The meeting was called to order at 6:45p.m.by Administrator Daryl Daniels.The minutes of the Decembermeeting were approved.The Administrator reported that Mark Nida's proposal o SundanceStampedeabout a possibleco'event with Western Star (seeNovember'06minutes) came to naught. He also reported that star shaped dangles havebeen ordered for the 25th Anniversary Dance.

    \- The Treasurer's report was accepted. One of our CD's will mature in earlyFebruary and there was some discussion regarding how to re'invest themoney.The Anniversary Dance coordinator reported that he was been in contaetwith more than 70 former Western Star members. The dance s shaping upto be a real family reunion.Casserly and Young unveiled a model of their plan for decorations for theAnniversary Dance.The date for the Spring Yard SaIewas set for Sunday, May 5th, to capitalizeon all the Cinco de Mayo foot traffic.The meeting was adjourned at 7:20p.m.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap,Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    Ebenezer utheranChurch678PortolaDriveSanFrancisco, A 94127

    Starting anuary ,2007 the ee or theuseof our facilitieswill be$300.Kath-Rand anitorialServicewill be$75. Theuseof our facilitieswill includeheFiresideRoom, heSanctuaryif permissible),nd heFellowship all.Theparking ots will remainFREE. Therewill be no extrachargefor theuseof tables ndchairs.

    For Weddingsand Receptionshe feeremains he same.

    If you haveanyquestionsor concerns, leasecontact he phonenumber istedbelow.




    Reverend Stacy BoornPastor

    41541-5400Cdl 415-637-3180

    Thgnkyou, 1/'*f,t/)traEberiezer utheranChurchManager f Property415-637-3180


  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board




    BillEylerandWestemStarDancerc gree s ollours:Billwillcallat WestemStarDancers' nnualPrideDane on Satuday,June23,2007,rom7:30pmo 10:30pm,t a rateof$50perhour,ora totalof $150. naddition,WestemStarwillpayhisairfare o Oakland rSanFrancisco, hichever s essexpensive,ndarange or hosting ya WestemStarmemberwfiocanoffera cat-free/smoke-freenvironment.Thedancewillbeheldat Ebenezer utheran hurchnSanFrancisco.Billwillbringhisorn equipmenthatwill nterface ithourHiltonunitandspeakers; ewill ncludepeaker tandsf possible. hedanceevelwillbeMainstream,lus(Full ndClass-level),ndoneAdvancedtarTip oughlymid-wayhroughheevening.PARADE PTION:lf FoggyCityDancers ecide to sponsor square ance ontingentn he SanFranciscorideParadenSunday,une24,2007, illwilldonateisservicesandFoggyCityDancers illsharchisairfare xpenses.

    Bill Eyler


  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    FSb$t{n"n |3fnIR"bfGf$R"afMbfsGfING AGfeNne{f&fReeH It9,'_?,OOT

    * Beuieu,inubesF ebruargeebing.* fldminisbraboreporb:* llfell oneuibhhe irbhdagash.hedecorabionsrereestiue.heanelseremosbmpresbheahelas ell elecbed.llloF ourFForbsre ppreciabed.* Freemanbamperoinbedub habonabionso he lub rel0tbar educbible.bhoughbbhand duisedhe emebargomenbionE nbhe hanhouebbers.appreciabereeman'snpubapologiaeor ivingadnFormabion.ebbersaueeenenbo lldonorsduisinghemF hecorrecbnFormabion.Janebacobs:eFunder lass eesr acceptbasadonabion?llenb eebings lprilo

    * Unsasurer'seporb* Classoondinator'sfeporb

    -* 0anceoordinabor'seponb* flnniversaru/EuenbsCoordinabor'sBeporb

    * HoumangomplemenbargopiesF heUesbernbarhallemaheuailableb he inner/d* 0therbusiness


  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the Board

    February 21,2007Board memberspresentl Brundage, Casserly,Daniels, Dewsnap, King.The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m.by Administrator Daryl Daniels.The minutes for the January meeting were approved.The Administrator reported that printing fees are increasing to $0.50a pageand recommended hat annual club dues be raised to $40. This raise will bevoted on by the club members at the Annual Meeting in September.In other business, he Board approved a $50 donation to the organ fund atSt. Agnes Church in memory of Freddie Papapietro.Also, a sympathy cardhas been sent to former club secretary Tom Ophardt whose mother was killedrecently in a car accident.So far, 29 folks have renewed their club membership. Letters will be sent tothose who have not renewedby February 28.March 5th (a class night) will be the actual 25th Anniversary of the club andto celebrate he event a club photo will be taken and a cake will be ordered.Plans for the 25th Anniversary Dance & Celebration are on track.Volunteers who are not attending the dinner are neededfor the decorationcommittee. A $1000budget for the Dance& Celebrationwas approved.The Treasurer's report was accepted.The next Board meeting will be March 1"2.The meetingwas adjournedat 7:15p.m.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap, Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    Iy sw{ sr\t DrN spS(N N ctkt- Paloea

    WkL(,t+oolt Nca{t\*L,lrr+ - CuA55

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    EtMtJ 6Sf?zh ( 6o rltv (wcTr NG)cLvb utk( ckbLrl^Ari (Yxt- (PMcLs)foftA boktLD Slv St 5+ AMNIU, ecorLfrtorrs' J o*w$vtL k ckve kxect:rL&ftoNs-_ at''Nwt grDG,- -tktLYLckb t 5n B

    CW(VrNQ F,oc{. f iyv*tuct R5of, {v,koo*{,?s-u1l$tvu5{f"vr't{ c} pSvnrtw frS uY hkttrlw,,3iio'l

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  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board



    ao0R0 F OReclo('OCC}INGQGCNOOPRTCi6,L@7Review minutes of March meeting.Administrator report:* FANT,A'STIC anniversary celehrarrion!Bravo itoall involved. It exceededexpectations.* EVRC updare* Angel Island picnic and Mt. Tarn picnic-rnore socialoutings are good. Can we get Fen orGary to call for AI or shouid we settle for a hoorn box? Charreringga hus to Mount Tarnalpaneedsa cornmitrnent of about 30 people to breanreven.* $cholarship fund for rnernherswho are poor in cash,hut rich in talenrti* Banners, stars,Pride Dance flyers for the convention iDD -* Storagefor cltlb rnen'lorahilia. n have 3-4 hoxesof stuffi,and there is rnore witLr Russ, andelsewhere. We need ffiodn perrnanent storagespacewtrich we can accessasneeded. Anothlocker? SFGFISi / )* Next rneering is M{y Vr 2l\_/Treasurerts ReportClassCoordinatorts ReportDance Coordinator's Report* FXousing or Bill Eyler & parrnerEvents Coordinatorts Report* Cinco de Mayo Yard Sale-solicit class o see f we can find sorrrestoragenearhy, OtLrerconsiderations?Other business* castro street Fair-\A/hen do we have rtoget in our apprication?* Peterson Fund Application '






  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    v{avs(eBrl srft& DNceS

    r rrl.fTJCttu &ff ofZyk(et; JooTfrf't onehl (rT&-cukssl^tA"16!L^ Ct'uL N &1tr borftrnq SlnenbvrLgrnS ( r{+ J l*er t*u\)onl kf. oNs? 5wr4SYvr tuqlt )rN url+1,yilc*

    Af DAilJ 6 - hlkffl^5olsvft,ftdct (691u1"ut (N StSgXrtce - cE\utc* & Ctflrnl nrGckvuelt-\ar LA+t lestT"An.'qrfuolI iee ,-Detv Sav*Ltqr>6ulrtrb>gr\ff * 56t

    flhk - gokt> llwrttGCtv0 l t t&t f CkuW&5T, hGtve ( nnta*f 6F Pt-w)(o,rtTrN6, ora6Gt hsrw^s*l*Lfuf kG 5)c- hen6:urt5)\PNWSbrrayl,h|eorwy, %sThGe"fuAy6

    Ttlnr.uCtfucrrN* hcq. gn-x'ce /rs 6r XfgcL )or *s7$$ Vt*f nrrrf cD gh-fnrq. AS oF ftf t> lr1bb ?

    7o?2.j1 56,3tqf,t

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    31, o29w5b. ctD2bt,tf?3,oo633,o

    IWrw hsstrs, '7tso,

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    Western Star DancersMinutes of the Board

    March L2,2007

    Board memberspresent: Brundage, Casserly,Daniels, Dewsnap, King.The meeting was called to order at 6:40p.m. but Administrator DarylDaniels.The minutes of the February meeting were approved.Regarding our 25th Anniversary Clasg Night Birthday Bash (March 5th), theAdministrator stated: "Well done with the Birthday Bash. The decorationswere festive, the panels were most impressive, the cake was well gelected.All of your efforts are appreciated."Russ King submitted a complete Anniversary Week schedule, and reportedthat all preparations for the 25th Anniversary week celebrations are ontrack.The Treasurers report was accepted.The next Board meeting will be April I.6.The meeting was adjourned at 6:55p.m.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap,Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    Baardaf Direclate^si


    we couldstill have* Nextmeeting (d* Treasurer'seport

    ClassCoordinator's eportDanceCoordinator's eport* Housingor Bill Eyler& partner Stayingwith EdTiegler* ClubnightEventsCoordinator's eportOtherbusiness

    ' { CastroStreetFair-Whendowe have o get n our application?,+6d"r ton Fund Appl cat on



    W /b+,t"t )'1t/-r.txlAt,

    \w!5w l{eeting '{genda80"'t ttlay lt[, 2OO7

    Reviewminutesof Aprilmeeting.Administrator eport:* Thank ou or the hardworkat theyardsale. Next ime we need o be betterorganized nmustget moremembersnvolved, speciallyhe newerones.* RedMSClassCompletion arty'-Dangles,adges, ertificates,ake,ban{gna,sor blindfoother? t4

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    luvsrvfrr,l Smp^?nr.lcqLSfl,nr*fV th l-, /e /o zfM*Y rooJ

    I ucorttalWrft- Ct,fr(Sptru6u"rt-stt PDo rvA-r'r rJSnpe ffrywN{sTnop sAte

    Ailrlr;r'tSSI:ZZ*-BoAftb t4v6TtNgf,o,9o* AwrnuT- 5 tr(z(Cl,u 5 il tatt6 :ALLEAfEtNf lNG BpvcAUeSEkDGts 4v) ?Aileugs7*raS, losrn I bkrr c/. t5

    f {,sfr3 6.ao/o,w{L,onl1 sz' ftf it- 7it,go33, m

    " l5b.oof7,oo2,oo3("1o3r3,t7Ir%7JotuL q l.lf

    CWIVTNQ f lcc f ,gPvtsrkru{ c'> 6xu.fweg?lkt-XttC6" hS 6F N,tk/ lL,Lov7kS DF rukf 1v,1,*7 3'let3r3Lo l ,3 l1utrt hsser' 7ttz.b1

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board



    cipd^S",r:B@ARD @F DIRECTT@AAEE]TINCGENEAJUNE 11, 9OOT#oS$f&on't


    Reviewminutes f Maymeeting.Administratoreport:* Pride Dancepreparations ,\ !* Angetstand;i#il:Hi'ntffi,ion isout, nd eservationsre omingn.* Circulate an Franciscon August18 Clubprovides ater/ice?* Election ommitteeormation* Orange lasswelcomepotluck* WSDPolicyStatements. ntendedo provide uidanceor futureboards, ut not updatedsince1991. Please eviewhem,makewrittencomments/corrections,uglgfestdditionStatements , 3, 5, 6 (sorryor the confusion n the page), , L7.,11A, nd 14 seemokayas s. I have inedout he parts hat needediting, nd yped n indigo he suggechanges.Statements 7 and 18 present uestions.* Class ricing sout of compliance ith he PolicyStatements.Clubmembers Senerallyretakers) houldpayhalfolfte regular rice.Currently,heypaysomewhatmore. I suggwe raise he priceof the ss o $120 and retakers anstayat $60. Plusclasswould$40 \ r",Mtbor 16 dayClassCoordlnator's eportDanceCoordinator's eport* November lubNight-should e cancel t,since t fallson the nightbeforeThanksgiving* Crossfire VDs-l'dike o havepurchasers akepayment o WesternStar, n return or asuggested onation f $10. Bobwould eimburseme for the actualcostof producing ndmailin$ he DVDs;he restwouldgoto the club. Bobdoesn't eeanyproblemdoing t thaway,and 'msolicit ingnput romFreeman,he echnicalityuru.Howdoes he Board s whole eel?EventsCoordlnator's eport

    otherbusiness \ ?ta A;DU.L{ castro treetFair (-' C{ V q L+ Peterson undApplication* Storageor clubmemorabilia. have3-4 boxes f stuff,and here s morewithRuss, ndelsewhere.We needa good,permanent torage pacewhichwe canaccess s needed.Another ockefr SFGHS-Dan mithsaidhe wouldspeakwith hem,but he said he hougwe couldstill haveaccess.

    increaseo $8Owith* Nextmeeting s JulyTreasurer'sReport



  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the Board

    May L4,2007

    All Board members were present.Administrator Daryl Daniels called the meet ing to order at 6:33 p.m. Theminutes of the April Board meeting were approved.The Administrator gavea 'thank you'for those who worked the yard sale andreported that we had taken in $191. He added that next year we need to tryto get more club members, especiallynew club members, nvolved in the sale.Plans were finalized for the RedMainstream Class Completion Party on May2L.Plans were announced or the Angel Island picnic (July 4), Circulate SanFrancisco(August. 18), and the annual pool party at Kip Mackey's(September1) .We are still looking for storage space or club memorabilia. (Dan Smith is tocheck with the SF Gay Historical Society.)The Treasurer's report was accepted. Brundage will get another CD withsome of the money we have in our checking account.The Dance Coordinator announced that he has lined up callers for the 2008Pride Dance(Darren Galtina) and Leather & Lace (Eric Henerlaw).The future of Club Night was discussed. No decision was reached. King willcontinue to use'siglr up'sheets to determine whbther to hold Club Night on amonth by month basis.

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    .{'! -F '-.#


    :' Wayr to got mor'amsmhra involvad in etub activitiee wsrredfucusosd.We\l aleowant club members o @nsider nrnning for next ysar's Bosrd.The next Board moetingwill bs June 11 at 6:80p.m.The meotingwas adjournedat 7:20p.m.Respecdullysubmitted,Jim Dewsnap,$ecretary



  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    hrysrzozrrlfnA XnlwpS(trrnlCtf tL- Fefolf

    Suut' 2oo7lTJcont ,,htW * Cuns|MembgtS]tt S?vu CuksswS


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    oFDFUFfuu* 4ro7durt?4bo7$w rb"7

    t73t,vzo?I o ob

    {orau Assms 813?

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    wEs-jjg E-rd


    tsafir ar rnEcTdttN\EETIITd&E]IP{'VLY IA. Z.AA7qo"'t$ds

    Reviewminutesof Junemeeting.Administrator eport:* PrideDance eport-reat food, Fantastic ecorations* Angel slandpicnic Couldn'thavehad betterweather!We mademoney.* Circulate an FrancisconAugust18+ Election ommittee* GreyToddhasspoken o Magnet, ndwe have entative ermissiono use heirspaceonOctober (Columbus ay) or our ree ntronight.* OctoberClubNight& the problem f dancing n carpet.PaulGonyea asan dea orat leastoneclubnight.Heemailed:At themoment, 'm hinking boutusing Club

    to put togethera short, un performance iece (approx. minutes ong) hat would be pedormedat the folMonday ightclass, ndpossiblyt a followingWSDdance.Nocaller nvolved,ustcombined quare ance allschoreography.was hopingo have omehelpwitha sound ystem, nd deally, nother ersonwho'dworkwion coming p withcombinationsf calls. approachedohnKenny, ut heseems o considermy deaas blasphand against he by-laws f WesternStar promotingCallerlabstandards).Can ouhearme chuckling?]Yes,my deasare mdical, ecause want o supplement owwe dancewitha callerwith howsquare anceoriwas - w/o a caller,andwith earned ances& dance equences.alsohavea piece hat is totally mprovisationwant o try out.Ithinkwe shouldry a pilotprogram, ndseewhathappens... A _. n '. /Paur l(yjl

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutesof the Board

    June LL,2007Administrator Daniels called the meeting to order at 6:33p.m. with all Boardmemberspresent.Minutes of the May meeting were approved.Pride Dance preparations were firmed up and Angel Island reservations arecoming n.Drivers are needed or Circulate San Franciscoon August 18.RussKing suggested hat we set up an electioncommittee to seekoutv memberswho would be willing to serveon the Board. Russwas named headof the committee.November Club Night, since it is so close o Thanksgrving, will morph into anOrangeClassWelcomePotluck on a date yet to be determined.Classpricing was discussed.The issuewas tabled until the Julv Boardmeeting.Daniels askedthe Board to review the WSD Policy Statements which haven'tbeenrevised since 1991.The treasurer's report was accepted.In other business, he Castro Street Fair and our application to the PetersonFund were discussed.The meeting was adjournedat 7:2ap.m. after scheduling he next Boardmeeting for July 16.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap,Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    z , -tl't C'OftQ ;

    filesa6nf s-TkLufficmsfir,txNctft _ R6/6&TJuu/ ?oo7Uk-rw.- cLksSftt,s cLhts fsTslr/k$k e cuub Pteilrrbxpee Pkynav(fti p6: Dprtt&

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    ?2rye ?kFl e- ckL,ueACbttlLcw cuun'lttc'PftltL ?uNrre57 l,rtV-S

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    l il r l - :_.ll . . t-. ,

    Reviewminutesof Julymeetlng.Admlnistrator eport:* Circulate anFrancisco n August 8* Election ommittee,Membership eeting: would ike o postan agenda n advance opeoplemayhave ime to considerhe ssues.At present,hereare wo issuesor themembershipo voteupon. !. Shallannualmembershipeesbe raised rom $36 to $40?Shall WSDparticipaten theplanningforsubmitting bid or the2O!S TAGSDConventioSanFrancisco? et me knowof anything ouwish ncluded n the agenda.Bob,pleaseprepare omesortof simple inancial eport. hope o keep he meetingas shortas poss

    * Leather& Lace: Pirates& Sailors* OrangeClass ecruiting* Nextmeeting sSeptember T or another ayTreasurer'sReportClassCoordinator's eportDanceCoordinator's eport{( Accommodationsor MichaelKellogg nd his aw.EventsCoordinator's eportOtherbusiness* Storageor club memorabilia. us tso wedon't orgetabout t.

    ,,AV ertj-

    1 ifl Ll''_:Tii-!-&l5i1i:




  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the BoardJuly L6,2007

    The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Administrator Daryl Danielswith all Board memberspresent.Daniels praised the club for the success f both the Pride Danceand theAngel Island picnic and discussedplans for the upcomingCirculate SanFrancisco(August 18).We have tentative permission to useMagnet for our Mainstream Class freeintro night'on OctoberOS ColumbusDay) since EVRC will be closed.October Club Night (becauseof a conJlict with the auditorium at EVRC) isstill up in the air.

    \\- Classpricing was discussed.Mainstream class will remain 9100 ($50for re-takers) and Plus classwill be $70 ($b for re-takers).Daniels reported that representativesof FoggyCity Dancersand MidnightSquareshave spoken o him about the possibility of San Franciscosubmittinga bid for the 2013 IAGSDC Convention. It will be on the agenda or theGeneralMeeting in September.The theme for the Leather and Lace dancewill be Pirates and Sailors.A potluck for new membershas been entatively scheduled or Nov. 11 (inlieu of Club Night).We have applied to the Petersen Fund again this year to help defrayexpensesor our booth at the Castro Street Fair.The Treasurers report was accepted.The meeting was adjourned at 7:25p.m.Respectfully submitted by

    \_, Jim Dewsnap,Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    9Neorqg ',hr@--ouksStsx> e ( Nr;w)?Lus aA*ss (evCt ogS F'(*frrt tu 1s LA,J P(oFf -roTftL

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  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    ffi:w/^$"[ - mootsO0 UErseso)Mes0lil8 BgsNootgg$gimrlbgr0nnB o) rRevlewmlnutesof Augustmeeilng.Admlnlstratoreport:* Welcome resumptiveoardmembers* Election ommlttee, embership eeting* Leather Lace:Pirates Sailors* Costumerizes+ Orange lassecruiting

    * Letters f invitation ndbrochuresavebeenmailedo thegaygroups t SFSU, CSFccsF* MarkNidahasvolunteeredo poston Craig'sListand maybeotherbay areaboards* Other reeadvertising pportunities* CastroStreetFairadvertisingseeon the reverse)Pagesize s Sxg* Richhasa conflict or thestreet air,whichhe strylng o clear.We should onsider toptlons o attractattention* FreeNighton ColumbusDayat Magnet 42L1,- 18thStreet)7:3G9:30 pm Snacks!* Archangel?* Theclub'scollections f videosaregrowing apidly.Howcan we bestutilize hem inpromotion?Shouldwe handout reeCDs?* Nextmeeting s october15 (before econdFree ntroclass)


    Treasurer's epoftClassCoordnator'sReportDanceCoordnator'sReportEventsCoordnator'sReportOther uslness* storageor clubmemorabilia.ust owedon't orgetabout t.* Edited olicy tatementsillbepresentedotheboard t theOctober eeting.Wewiltamendhemandvote o ratify hemat theNovember eeting.

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the Board

    August tg, 2007The meeting was called to order by Administrator Daryl Daniels at 6:42p.m.with all memberspresent.The minutes of the July meeting were approved.Final plans for circulate san Francisco@tzg)were discussed.Daniels reported that he will post an agenda or the SeptemberMembershipMeeting prior to the event so that -"*b""* have a chance o considerthe twoissues hat will be brought before hem: (1) shail annual membershif feesberaised from $36 to 940,and (2) shall WSD participate in the planning forsubmitting a bid fo r the 20LB AGSDC conventio'i'su'Francisco. -Plans for the Leather & Lace dancewith a Pirates & Sailors theme werediscussed.Also discussedwas the Castro Street Fair booth and Orange Classrecruiting.The Treasurers report was accepted.The Events

    ColumbusDay.The next meeting is scheduled or September17.The meetingwas adjournedat 7:16p.m.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap,Secretary

    inator{eported that the New Members pot Luck will beueller's \me on lrlovember12 sincethe EVRC will heVRCwill be

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    ht sr *il stkp- )firvcAs,(tyfrrlpr*a Rstoprsgl#t:mnffi- eoolt,fi7,t%on&hlfttnk- CvhSS , . _._fAmbuLs+ttSafoesf tAACt ug f{t4ry- kJk-$k l< \ottg610u9QtrLg-uuW,$ 5, f.

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  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    tuqo(!j$"'- =r=\ - - . *E$TE = = * - s i n - * - - = -ffi$tra. RffiAffit{;p \;tpReviewminutesof Septembermeeting.Administrator eport:* Leather& Lace: Pirates& Sailors-Arr!Blowme down!Whata dance!* OrangeClass ecruiting Goodworkby so)D?ny eople!* WelcomePotluckon Veteran's ay. Y lqN* Theclub osta significant mountof money a"st ear. I proposehat whenmembers enetheir membership ex tyear, heymaychoose o get he newsletter nlineor continue o ghardcopy n the mail. Every ersonwhochoose he onlineoptionsaves he clubabout$2peryear.* Callers on't ikea wagecap of $45O plus ransportation ndhousing) hencontracteddance. NewDanceCoordinator?lnsurance-ThroughSDA, 4.85 perdancerperyearPolicyStatementsNextmeeting s November 9Treasurer's eportClassCoordinator'seportDanceCoordinator'seportEventsCoordnator'sReportOther usiness* Storageor clubmemorabilia.us t owedon't orget bout t. I need omethingo storeandDVDs.May buysomethingor hatpurpose?gavehe ibrary CDs ull of photos,wellas heCirculateFDVD.


    - *****

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board



    Act as iasonwith Ebenezer utheranandany otherhall weuse). Thismeans:A) Book dates or our weekenddances;his isnormallydonenear heendofthecalendar ear. Because allersneed o be booked urther n advancethan Ebenezer utheranmakesup its schedule,we have o confirrr our2008dateswith RandyRandall,heirMinisterof Properly, roundNovember-December.is phonenumbers (a15)637-3180:heir websiteis www.herchurch.org.B) ContactRandyone-twoweeksbeforeeachdance o let him know whattime we plan o arriveto set up decorations, tc. (Randyprefersphone oemailcommunication.)Bookcallers or futuredances ndkeep hem n the oopabout ogisticaldetailsastheir scheduled atesapproach.A) Whenbookingcallers, irst checkwww.bayareadancecalender.orgo seewhichcallersarealreadyscheduledor dancesn ourara, o avoidbooking hem oo closely o theirdatewith another lub. For contact nfoon callers, hebestsources re he CallersCornersection nwww.dosado.gor!ndVic Ceder's allerdatabase,www.ceder. et/callerdb/welcome.hp4.B) Email,phoneor write the callersyouwish to book, stating he dateyou'reinterestedn, the locationof the dance,and he levels/formatwe want.(Customarily,his means lternatingMainstream ndPlus ips,with anAdvancedStarTip approximatelymidway kough the evening,but theformatwill varyslightly,depending n whetherwealsowantClass-leveltips.) If they're available,besure o ask f theywill be bringrng heir ownequipmentor wouldprefer o useours,and f theywantus o providelodging. After thedetailshavebeenworkedou! sendhem wo signedcopiesof thecontract,one or them o keepandone o berpturnedo us;Inormallyenclosea stamped elf-addressednvelopeas a courtesy.C) As the dateapproaches, akesurewehavearrangedor satisfactorylodgrng f necessary.f they wantto useour equipment,Rich hascurrently olunteeredo bring hisown,which smuchsimplerhantransportingourheavierequipmentbetweenEVRCand Ebenezer. putthem n direct contactwith Rich to work out equipmentdetails,and hesameapplies o Class-level ips if we've requestedhem.Provideupdatednformation boutourdanceso www.bayareadancecalendar.organd o theWSDwebmasters t becomesvailable.

    l )


    3)4) Dealwith emergenciescancellations, tc.) n a timely manner,without panicking.

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    CLUBNIGHTS:1) Contact hegallerswho arecurrently n ourpool to seewhat months heyarepotentiallyavailable,and setupa schedulehattakes heir preferencess muchinto accountaspossible.I did six-monthblocks his pastyear;Joe serprefenedto book thefull year n advance.As longasyou stayat least hreemonthsaheadof schedule,his is an areawith some lexibility. (Feel reeto expand hepool ifyouhearof additional allerswhoenjoycallingat MSiPlus evel.)2) Let thecallersknow what evelswe wantcalledand whattheir remunerationwillbe. Currently,wealternateClass-levelwith full Plus,andpay$25. Current clubpolicy is not to do Star-tipsaboveour club level on ClubNights.3) Contact hecallersa weekor two before heir scheduled atc o givethem theapproximateevelof theClass,andput them n direct contactwith Rich aboutwhatcalls heywill have earned y Club Night.4) Readyouremail dally, sinceshort-notice ancellations re notuncommon,andneed o bedealtwith promptly.5) ProvideupdatednformationaboutClub Nightsto our webmaster s t becomesavailable.6) EncourageClub Night attendanceny wayyoucan.

    CLUB {IGHTCALLER OOL:1) Neil Heather:[email protected]) JohnKenny: [email protected]) Ron dasker: [email protected]) FenTamanaha:[email protected]) Gary Young: [email protected]) RichReel December nly): [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board



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  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the Board

    September 7, 2007

    The meeting was called to order at 6:42 by Administrator Daryl Daniels withall Board memberspresent. Present also was Kath! Tuccio,presumptive2008 Board member. IPlans for the Annual Meeting and Board election scheduled or 9/19 werediscussed, as were plans for the upcoming Leather & LacelPirates & Sailorsdance@tzl).Daniels laid out plans for Orange Class recruiting, with emphasis on ourbooth at the Castro Street Fair (10/7). ttre first Orange Class'Free Night'will be held at Magnet on 18th Street becauseEVRC will be closed orColumbus Day (ro/S).Daniels announced that Michael Sui will be the Orange Class Archangel.The Dance Coordinator reported that he had all2008 caller contracts nhand.The meeting was adjourned at 7:15.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap, Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the Board

    MembershipMeeting,September19, 2007The Annual Membership Meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. byAdministrator Daryl Daniels.In his "State of the Club" report Daniels thanked the current Board forleading the club through a successful ear which included the following:

    The 25th Anniversary celebration(with special hanks to Russ Kind.The 2nd Annual Yard Sale.The Pride DanceThe Angel Island Picnic.The first Circulate San Franciscowith tips at the Palace of Fine Arts,Fort Point, the Palaceof the Legion of Honor, Baker Beach,SutroPark, and the Golden Gate Park North Windmill.

    Daniels also mentioned the passingof Freddie Papapietro. A 'Memorial Tip'to Freddie was danced ollowing the meeting.Two proposalswere presented o the membership: (1) shall Western StarDancers ncrease he annual dues rom $36 to $40,and (2) shall Western StarDancers oin with Foggie City and Midnight Squares n planning to submit abid to host the 20IS IAGSDC convention n San Francisco. Both proposalspassed.The following memberswere elected o the 2007-2008Board: Bob Brundage,Daryl Daniels, Jim Dewsnap, Paul Gonyea,and Kathy Tuccio.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap,Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    Iqt0/j^$(\ -4

    BonRDs iREcroR5W rittTiitg sgtrrBnCo,,'l ilovtiiBER Q, Zool

    Reviewminutes of Octobermeetlng.Administrator report:* OrangeClass:Wow!Whata turnout! We needangels o activelymonitorsquares rom theoutside,givingRichsome extraeyes.* WelcomePotluckwas a tremendous uccess. hereare Monday olidaysn January nd



    Februaryf we want o starta tradition.Donationso Magnet ndEVRCHoliday artyCoordinating ith Rich o usehis aminatoror makingstudentbadgess iffy. I founda smoneonlinewith enough aminating nvelopeso lastuntil he SothAnniversary,llfor $41.


    will be stored n the ocker.PolicyStatements:Yeaor NayMembership enewals il l be mailed n DecemberNextmeeting s December 7Treasurer'sReportDanceCoordinator's eportEventsCoordinator'sReportOtherbusiness* Storageor clubmemorabilia.ust owe don't orgetabout t.


    'V*"ln U-!L*


  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


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  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar DancersMinutes of the Board

    October15, 2007The meeting was called to order by Administrator Daryl Daniels at 6:08 p.m.with all Board memberspresent. Also, present was former Board memberRuss King.

    The minutes of the SeptemberBoard meeting were approved.Daniels praised the club for the successfulLeather & Lace dance and for theOrange class recruiting efforts.Due to the significant costs or publishing the WSD Newsletter, Danielsproposed hat when membersrenew their memberships or 2008 they can opt\*-- to receive the newsletter online rather than get a hard copy in the mail.Every member who chooses he online option will save he club about $27.00a year. The Board approved he proposal or a one-year rial.The Board decided o do away with the $450wage cap for callers.The Treasurer's report was approved.Russ King outlined the duties for the DanceCoordinator.In other business,plans for the Orange ClassWelcomePotluck at MimiMueller's on November 12 were discussed. Kathv Tuccio wiII coordinate heevent.The Board will issue an invitation to Arch Angel Michael Sui to attend Boardmeetings.The meeting was adjourned at 6:45p.m.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap, Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    ffiffituffimfiffififlffisffiBffi88Bilffi@@8ffi@&g@gMBgffiPu @@PRevlewminutesof Novembermeeting.Administrator eport:* OrangeClass:Get hem involved!* January 1-MLK Dayr--aocialactivity?+ Holiday arty* Anniversary anc*Pajama Party* Encouragingewcallers.Richwon'tbe able o haveanotherNewerCallerWorkshop nti


    Treasurer's eportanceGoordinator'seport

    EventsGoordnator'sReportOther usiness

    * Storageor clubmemorabilia.ust owedon't orget boutt.

    t,, \ )r \ "-r'\ t,l

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    Western Star DancersMinutes of the Board

    November19, 2007The meeting was called to order by Administrator Daryl Daniels at 6:10 p.m.with all Board memberspresent.The minutes of the October meeting were approved.Daniels was ecstatic about the turnout for the Orange class and about thesuccessfulWelcomeOrangeClassPotluck at Mimi Mueller's. Since there areMonday holidays in January and February (when EVRC will be closed), hesuggestionwas made that we plan something social (if not another PotlucDfor thoseevenings.

    \-- The Board agreed o make donationsto both EVRC and Magnet.Our annual Holiday Party is scheduled or December19th. SteveScott willagain be the Holiday Elf.The Western Star Dancers Policy Statements were approved.The Treasurer's report was approved.Club Nights were discussed. The Events/DanceCoordinator is beginning toschedulecallers for 2008. It was suggested hat we strongly encourageOrange Class members to attend Club Nights to get more floor time.The meeting was adjourned at 7:05p.m.Respectfully submitted,Jim Dewsnap, Secretary

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    WesternStar SquareDancersClub NishtDate Theme Caller GallerFee Equipment Misc

    16-JanClubNight1 0 1 KurtGollhardt $25

    A table or heequipment mynotes, ndpowerwithineasy each romthe able orprovidegrounded-prongextensionord; justneed neoutlet).

    I would ppreciatet fyoucouldhavesomeonehereby 7:00to helpme unloadequipmentrom hecarandkeepaneyeon t while try o park(if don'thappenoseea really lose poton heway n) ,andsomeoneo stayat heend o reverseheprocess

    20-FebLeftoverHearts RonMasker $2519-Mar Harlan err $2516-Apr FenTamanaha $2521-May JohnKenny $2518-JunSeniorProm GaryYoung $2516-Jul $2520-Aus $2515-Oct $25

  • 8/14/2019 2007 Board


    : a,ffifrl--i

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