1.15.13 classwork tuesday

Christy Samira Leon Kareena Philicia Ayanna Lilah Remy Donovan Michael Yamilee Jessica Leslie Jose Carlos Bryan Ricardo Alexis David Jordan Alejandra Kathy Diana Ixza Emily Jaileen Jeffrey Tuesday January 15, 2013 Imagine that when the mail comes today, there is a package for you. Describe what you would like to find in the package. Edward Adrianette

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  • 1. Imagine that when the mail comes today, there is apackage for you. Describe what you would like to find inthe package.Tuesday LeonJeffrey January 15, 2013 AyannaEmily AdrianetteBryanLeslie Michael IxzaChristyAlejandra Donovan Alexis JessicaRicardo Jaileen YamileeRemy Lilah KareenaPhiliciaKathy CarlosEdwardJose Diana SamiraJordan David

2. Morning WorkDO NOW:Write the x9Times Table tentimes. 3. Reading Into the Future (p. 357)Talk About ItWhat kinds of newtechnology do youknow about? Whatinventions would youlike to see in the future? Look at the picture and respond in writing. 4. Rotated means "turned around on an axis ora central point."A robot is programmed to do the jobs thata person usually does.Reversed means "moved in the oppositedirection.Something that is defective has a flaw orweakness. 5. A meteor is a piece of rock from space.Something that is dangling is hanging orswinging loosely.Someone who staggered would be said tohave swayed or walked unsteadily.Tokens are pieces that mark your place ona game board. 6. Reading Who Says Robots Cant Think? (p. 358)AnalogiesAnalogies comparetwo pairs of words.Sometimes analogiesuse synonyms, wordsthat have similarmeanings. Forexample broken is todefective as tidy is toneat. 7. Evidence ConclusionMeteorsMeteorinterfere withpassing byradio waves,Earth ovencausing Sylviadoesnt work, to make arobot staggersstrangeand almostrequest forfalls medals at endof story 8. Reading Zathura (p. 360)GenreScience Fiction tells astory of imaginedevents usually set inthe future and basedon science ortechnology. 9. polarity: a pull toward an object or ina particular direction.gyroscope: a piece of equipmentwith a spinning wheel or ball set in aframe that helps keep its directionsfrom changingmalfunctioning: not working properly. 10. Evidence ConclusionMr. Budwingsays they will Mr. and Mrs.be late. Mrs.Budwing areBudwing says going out forshe will set out dinner.dinner. 11. Character Trait mischievousDannysnitchslowactiveannoyingsensitive victimized 12. EvidenceConclusionA ZorgonZorgon mustpirate is be the nameaboard aof a planetZorgon pirate where theship. Zorgon pirateis from. 13. Reading Homework1. Why does Danny take the game home?2. What is Danny like? What words would you use to describe him? 14. Math Power Practice / Homework ReviewDO NOW: CompletetheMultiplicationRecordSheet. Go overhomework. 15. Divide by a twodigit divisor 16. Math Homework 17. Midterm ScheduleReading Tuesday, January 22Math Wednesday, January 23Language Thursday, January 24Religion Friday, January 25Social Studies Midterm ProjectScience Midterm Project* Due Friday, January 25 18. Review for Reading Miss Alaineus Exploring Space Rescue Dogs 19. Review for Math Place Value Multiply Whole Numbers Divide by a OneDigit Divisor 20. Review for Language Arts Nouns Adjectives Pronouns 21. Review for Religion Chapter 1 (p. 19) Chapter 2 (p. 31) Chapter 3 (p. 43) 22. Project for Social StudiesWrite an advertisement to persuade settlersto come to a new colony in NorthAmerica.Tell where the colony is located, why it wasfounded, and what life is like there.Organize your ideas, and support yourposition with evidence.Typed, double space (font size 12 or less),two page.Unit 2 (page 97) 23. Project for ScienceFind out about the density of the DeadSea. Write a one page story explaining whyswimmers dont sink in it.Use evidence to support your analysis.Typed, double space (font size 12 or less),one page. 24. Homework Summary for Tuesday January 15, 2013Reading1. Why does Danny take the game home?2. What is Danny like? What words would you use to describe him?Math 25. Attachments 1314158