3.20.12 classwork tuesday

Max Roxana Joey Mitzy Joshua Johnny David Alan G Ryan Brianna Ramon Cameron Cincere Andres Adolfo Nyashia Emma Jose Brian Matthew Christopher Carlos Alan R Natalie Ricardo Massire Christian Elizabeth Angel Gia Linder Sualee Tuesday March 20, 2012 Think of a favorite television show that you watched when you were younger. What was it called? Why did you like to watch it?

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  • 1. Think of a favorite television show that you watchedwhen you were younger. What was it called? Why didyou like to watch it?TuesdayMarch 20, 2012 RyanCameron Andres LinderDavidCincere AngelJose Gia Adolfo Alan GRamon NatalieEmma Brianna CarlosAlan RElizabeth BrianRicardo ChristopherSualee Joshua JohnnyMatthewMitzyMax Roxana NyashiaMassire Christian Joey

2. Morning Writing The 2.13.12MorningReadingJuneBugs first day of spring is also National Agriculture Day. Describe something unique that you and your classmates could plant in your schoolyard for students to enjoy now and in the future. Use your imagination. Write neatly, skipping a line, and use loose leaf (lined) paper. Hand in once you are finished. The work will be graded. 3. Reading Getting Out the Vote (p. 452)GenreA Nonfiction Article in anewspaper or magazinepresents facts andinformation.EvaluateMake GeneralizationsA generalization is a broadstatement that is made bycombining the facts presented in atext with the readers own priorknowledge. 4. Reading Getting Out the Vote (p. 452)Generalizations Chart (p. 128)More people in Informationthe 4559 age from Textgroup voted in 2004 5. Reading Getting Out the Vote (p. 452) Generalizations Chart (p. 128)Signal Wordsdisrespectful,worst, unenthusiastic ally 6. Reading Getting Out the Vote (p. 452) Generalizations Chart (p. 128) in 1996 voter turnout sank to 48.9%. Even in 1960,Prior the election with Knowledgethe highest voterturnout, only 63%of eligible voterswent to the polls. 7. Reading Getting Out the Vote (p. 452) Generalizations Chart (p. 128)Many Americansdo not feelcompelled to vote. Young Generalizationpeople are less interested in votingthan older Americans. 8. Reading Getting Out the Vote (p. 452)SummarizeSummarize the selection by paraphrasingthe most important points that the authormakes.Think and CompareAnswer questions 14 on page 455. Write thequestions and answer using completesentences. 9. Reading Getting Out the Vote (p. 452)Reading HomeworkWrite a paragraph about why it isimportant for people to vote. Use your notebook. 10. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Rename a mixednumber to an improperfraction:Step 1Multiply the whole number bythe denominator.Step 2Add the numerator. 11. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Rename an improperfraction to a mixednumber:Step 1Divide the numerator by thedenominator.Step 2Place the REMAINDER in thenumerator. 12. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Rename a mixednumber to a decimal:Step 1Divide the numerator by thedenominator.Step 2Add the whole number to thedecimal. 13. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Rename a decimal as amixed number: Step 1 Rename the decimal part as a fraction in simplest form. Step 2 Add the whole number. 14. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Extra PracticeMixed Numbers:Exercise 1 12 on page 241 15. Math Mixed Numbers (p. 226)Math HomeworkMixed Numbers handout 16. Spelling Getting Out the Vote1. contest11. minute2. content12. compact3. protest13. conduct4. combat 14. contract5. permits15. refuse6. rebel16. conflict7. present17. research8. insert 18. excuse9. desert 19. entrance10. subject 20. extract 17. Spelling Getting Out the Vote 18. Spelling Review and Proofread Spiral Reviewdoubtingallowcaution 19. Spelling Review and Proofread Proofread and WriteHe was contant to wait for her atthe entrence to the polls. 20. Spelling Review and Proofread Proofread and WriteShe was eager to prezent herresurch on young voters. 21. Spelling Review and Proofread Proofread and WriteThere is a minut flaw in thecontrack. 22. Spelling Review and ProofreadAsmallcrowdgatheredoutsidetheWhiteHousetohearthePresidentspeak.Thesubjecktofhisspeechwasvoting.Ateamofexpertshaddoneresurchabouthowmanypeopleactuallyvoted."Thereisnoeksusefornotvoting,"hebegan."TheConstitutionpurmitseachofyoutotakepartintheelectionprocess.Iintendtoconducktasurveyaskingpeoplewhytheychosenottovote.WhenIhavethatinformation,Iwillpreesentittoyousothatwemayworkonsolvingthisproblem? 23. Spelling Review and ProofreadWriting ActivityWrite a paragraph about what you coulddo to encourage more people to vote inpresidential elections. Use four words fromyour spelling list. 24. Spelling Review and Proofread Spelling Homework Vocabulary Word Map handout Study for test tomorrow 25. Language Arts Combining Sentences: Subject and Object Pronouns (p. 352) Rules You can combine sentences that have subject pronouns. He thought of forming a committee. She thought of forming a committee. They thought of forming a committee. 26. Language Arts Combining Sentences: Subject and Object Pronouns (p. 352)The verb must agree with the new pluralsubject pronoun.I want the job. We want the job.She wants the job 27. Language Arts Combining Sentences: Subject and Object Pronouns (p. 352) You can also combine sentences by joining the object pronouns that share the same action. Use and, but, or or to form a compound object.Many ideas came from him. Many ideas came from me.Many ideas came from him and me. 28. Language Arts Combining Sentences: Subject and Object Pronouns (p. 352) Combine two sentences with pronouns when the action is the same. The verb will take a plural form.He shares the job. He and she share the job.She shares the job. 29. Language Arts Combining Sentences: Subject and Object Pronouns (p. 352) 1. The meeting was led by her and him. her him he 2. He and I took notes on the discussion.I 3. She and he listened to our ideas. shehe 4. You and they can join the committee, too.youthey 5. She and I had an idea. sheIhe they shehim you I her 30. Language Arts Combining Sentences: Subject and Object Pronouns (p. 352)More Practiceexercise 6 20.Writing Activity A LetterWrite a letter to your teacher suggesting one way toimprove your school. Explain how your idea will make adifference. Stick to your topic.APPLY GRAMMAR: Combine sentences with pronouns. 31. Language Arts Combining Sentences: Subject and Object Pronouns (p. 352) Language HomeworkPractice Book, page 72 32. Homework Summary Tuesday, March 20, 2012Reading1. Write a paragraph about why it is important for peopleto vote. Use your notebook.Math1. Mixed Numbers handoutSpelling1. Vocabulary Word Map handout2. Study for quizLanguage Arts1. Practice book, page 72 33. 9 34. Attachments imgres 948869