1차 지속가능한관광포럼 1.지속가능한관광의 국제적흐름 및 전망(김남조)

2010. 9.10 김남조 (한양대학교 관광학부 교수)

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2010.9.10 제1차 지속가능한관광 정책포럼 -국내외 지속가능한 관광의 현재와 미래 발표자료1. 지속가능한관광 분야의 국제적 흐름 및 전망(김남조/한양대학교 교수))


  • 1. 2010. 9.10 ( )
  • 2.
  • 3. 1970: 1970 , . : - ( ) , , , , , , (; , , )
  • 4. 1970 (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources: IUCN) 1972 ; the limits to growth; (The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment): 1972 (Our Only One Earth) (Declaration on the Human Environment Program) 1972 12: (United Nations Environment Program: UNEP)
  • 5. 1980: / v() 1982.5.10-18 10 105 10 , , ,
  • 6. q 1982 . [ ] 1987 q 1987 1985 : (1997)
  • 7. 1987 (World Commission on Environment and Development) : (Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs)
  • 8. 1990: / v (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development: UNCED) 1992 6 , (Earth Charter) 21(Agenda 21) (Rio Declaration on Environment and Development) : (environmentally sound and sustainable development: ESSD) 47 (Commission on Sustainable Development: CSD)
  • 9. q 1990 : () , . , () , Agenda 21 q 1990 ,: () .
  • 10. () WTO(1996) , " (Sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunity for the future) : , (quality experience)
  • 11. 3 (dimensions) (environmentally sustainable tourism) (socially and culturally sustainable tourism), (economically sustainable tourism) Partnership
  • 12. 2000: : +10, World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD): 2002. 8. 26 - 9. 4. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa : - 1992 6 , , , , , , (ODA)
  • 13. 2007. 8. 3 8612 92 21 02 , , , ,
  • 14. , (2006-2010) 2008 815 2009. 2. 16 2009. 2. 25 2009.11.17 2020 , 30% ()
  • 15. (The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; UNFCCC) 1992 6 : Non-Annex (93.12) 97.12: 3 ( 154 ) , (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) 01.3: , GNP 05.2: 05.2.14 , 05.2.16 (141 )
  • 16.
  • 17. 1. (ecotourism) : (Merschen, 1992) 3 : Green washing
  • 18. u (eco-label) , (eco-quality label),(low-carbon label) : : ()
  • 19. u , , (): , , : (holistic approach)
  • 20. 2. : ? : , , , (OECD, 1999; , 2010)
  • 21. 3. Pro Poor Tourism Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT) : PPT PPT . PPT . ) www.ppt.org
  • 22. 4. (responsible tourism) 2001 (www.responsibletravel.com) : (www.slowtravel.com), (www.greenglobe.org), (www.ethicalescape.co.uk) (code) , v (20070809). , . 21
  • 23. 5. (fair tourism) , , () , () , , ,
  • 24. , , , v www.fairtourism.org
  • 25. 6. (volunteer tourism) : , , , (NGOs) ( ) : US-based Earthwatch Institute, Habitat for Humanity, the Gibbon Rehabilitation Projects in Thailand, Conservation Volunteers Australia, US-based British Trust for Conservation Volunteer, Canadian-based Youth Challenge International, Volunteer for Nature programs
  • 26. 6. ()(Accessible Tourism) Accessible tourism() , , / (Darcy & Dickson, 2009:34): , , , , , Accessible tourism , ,
  • 27. ( ; European Network for Accessible Tourism: ENAT) (Barrier-free destinations): : , : , , : , , :
  • 28. , , , (: , ) v ) http://www.accessibletourism.org/
  • 29. III. 7. , , () l , ( ) LED , , , , ,
  • 30. l / : 11 (/, , , , , , , , , ) , , 254mW (/) (/) 1966 ( 400 )
  • 31. l l / l () l l /l