youth final

Where young India and its energy are going? India is world’s largest democracy and houses highest no of young in any part of the world. When this article will be read, million of messages, audio and video files would have been shared through various free applications (youngsters call it apps), most preferably WhatsApp. Perhaps most of these will be sent and received by those addict of mobile phones who are in young age. Addict, because most of those messages would be unnecessary, asking and sharing trivial issues. Young age means who have open minds to learn and grasp ideas which may be converted into tangible inventions, but sorry perhaps young India is marching somewhere else. It is marching towards ostentatious stuff, perhaps overnight success, perhaps six-eight pack, perhaps movie connoisseur etc. Lately, India is passing through one of the most severe economic crisis, which has almost paralyzed the nation. If we think for a moment and look at luxurious item in our household, we will come to a conclusion that most of these are being sold by companies, having their head quarters in foreign land. And other stuff fairly finds their manufacturing bases in our neighboring country China. It is this very issue which is being discussed here. Why we are not able to produce these articles which we have to import from our western counterparts or neighbor? Here one more question arises do we really need these articles or peer pressure and status symbol are goading us to acquire these things. This syndrome of aping peers, compels one to hug these articles despite not being in position to purchase them owing to financial constraints? If we really need these luxurious & expensive articles (from western countries) or economically durable goods (from dragon nation China) then is importing the goods only option? If yes, then how long will we rely on import? Why we are not able to device economically approachable goods. Why we are not nurturing and developing brain [which can produce newer and cheaper articles and options] in our schools, colleges, universities and premier institutes?

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Youth final

Where young India and its energy are going?

India is world’s largest democracy and houses highest no of young in any part of the world. When this article will be read, million of messages, audio and video files would have been shared through various free applications (youngsters call it apps), most preferably WhatsApp. Perhaps most of these will be sent and received by those addict of mobile phones who are in young age. Addict, because most of those messages would be unnecessary, asking and sharing trivial issues. Young age means who have open minds to learn and grasp ideas which may be converted into tangible inventions, but sorry perhaps young India is marching somewhere else. It is marching towards ostentatious stuff, perhaps overnight success, perhaps six-eight pack, perhaps movie connoisseur etc.

Lately, India is passing through one of the most severe economic crisis, which has almost paralyzed the nation. If we think for a moment and look at luxurious item in our household, we will come to a conclusion that most of these are being sold by companies, having their head quarters in foreign land. And other stuff fairly finds their manufacturing bases in our neighboring country China. It is this very issue which is being discussed here. Why we are not able to produce these articles which we have to import from our western counterparts or neighbor? Here one more question arises do we really need these articles or peer pressure and status symbol are goading us to acquire these things. This syndrome of aping peers, compels one to hug these articles despite not being in position to purchase them owing to financial constraints?

If we really need these luxurious & expensive articles (from western countries) or economically durable goods (from dragon nation China) then is importing the goods only option? If yes, then how long will we rely on import? Why we are not able to device economically approachable goods. Why we are not nurturing and developing brain [which can produce newer and cheaper articles and options] in our schools, colleges, universities and premier institutes?

Because since time immemorial this is the research and development (R and D) efforts of a country which gets it the titles like developed country, most advanced country or innovative country etc or the country having highest no. of patents. India’s rating is very poor when it comes to innovation, patents, universities ranks, breakthrough research etc. It is high time for government and policymakers to brainstorm and jot down the point where we are lacking. We are spending 200 crores on watching movies, crores in purchasing smart phones (rather they are befooling us; even for easy math sum we look for our smart gazettes to find the result). Are these signs and indications of a economically powerful and sound, self dependent nation or sheer aping of developed nations? Students, young employees are running after smart phones like anything and like never before in India. Companies are launching phones almost on daily basis. And this is funny to know that new model is different from preceding model in some so called crucial features like screen size, camera pixels, sensors (if we blow, the device will be locked, if we yell at device it will unlock etc ), memory etc. Is this the way nation should use its hard-earned money, time, energy and brain? One more example can be quoted here a famous multinational company has been selling acidity treating powder in single flavour. Before few years it launched the

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product in various flavors. I am a simple man who does not know why to sell in various flavors. Is it just a way to expand brand range or there was consumers’ pressure to come up with various variants of existing product. Young India; its time to ponder.

Until Indian students, graduates take interest in developing Bharat and government does not look in this serious issue in a strict manner then it is unlikely that situation will change sooner or later in a drastic way. In a very simple way we can summarize. If we are got success in producing cheaper alternate for petrol (or vehicle not requiring petrol) then we are bound to give tough task to countries rich in petrol. But this R&D is fruitful & lucrative only when we develop R&D product on faster, cheaper & regular basis. How many students are directed in such school of thought. Glamour, overnight success (name, fame & money), running away from hard work are taking a toll on young ones. How many reality shows are nurturing & rewarding participants for devising some new process or product to address national issues. Be ready to waste time as various shows are ready with new season on television.

Dr. Amit Ratn Gangwal