york rick suzanne 1980 puertorico

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  • 8/12/2019 York Rick Suzanne 1980 PuertoRico



    PU RTO RICORick and Suzanne York have been serving asmissionar ies in Puerto Rico fo r the pas t eight

    year s . Rick i s from Danvi l le , I l l ino i s , and i s agraduate of Johnson Bib le Col lege . Suzanne is fromIronton, Ohio, and is a graduate of MilliganCollege . They served from 1972-1976 with theIg les ia de Cris to and the Puerto Rico Chr is t ianSchool in Levit town, a suburb o f San Juan.Rick has served the las t four years as the Director of the Christ ian Day School

    in Caparra Terrace. The school is an evangel is t ic outreach of the Ig les ia de Cristoin Caparra Terrace. The school now has an enrol lment of 275 s tudents . Rick and Suzannehave been fa i th fu l ly supported by thei r home churches and other Churches of Chris tthroughout the i r ministry in Puerto Rico. They are also the proud parents of EmilySuzanne, who was born on Ju ly 3,1979.

    In 1970 t he re was one Church o f Chr i s t Ch r i s t ian on the i s l and . In 1980 th ere a reseven act ive and growing churches and the churches have se t a goal of s tar t ing 10 newchurches in the next 10 years. Rick and Suzanne are eager to help reach th is goal andare planning to begin a new church in San German, on the southwes tern s ide of the i s l andTheir ministry there wil l include home Bible studies, t raining teachers and leadersfor the church. Their goal is to have the church establ i shed and able to lead i t s e l fby 1987, Rick and Suzanne feel very strongly that the key to growth in the church inPuerto Rico is to t ra in the people to do the jo b themselves. Already s ever al c on ta ctshave been made in San German through Christians who have family members l iving thereor friends l iving there who have expressed in te res t in learning more about ew TestamenChr i s t i an i t y .Rick and Suzanne have several specif ic needs. As of now thei r monthly supportaverages 850.00 . They will need for the next three to fou r years an average of $1300.monthly for t he i r l iving l ink. They also need to establ ish a s er vic e lin k of $400-500monthly to help pay for th e re ntin g or buying o f a bui lding, chairs , Bibles , t r ac t s ,and o th e r ma te ri al s. They are also praying for the use of a van for the church in SanGerman. Purchasing one in the U.S. and shipping i t to Puerto Rico will probably be themost economical way. Also needed are a good electr ic typewriter and a filnstrip projector

    Most of a l l Rick and Suzanne need your prayers . Without the support of yourprayers t he i r work wou ld not be pos si ble .* P ray that they wil l be used by the Lord toreach the four mill ion people l iv ing in Puerto RicoSupport should be sent to Rick and Suzanne's forwarding agents:Mr. and Mrs . Don Mer r imanR.R . 2Will iamsport , Ind iana 47993Rick and Suzanne's f ur lo ug h add re ss i s :239 liff treetIronton,Ohio 45638

    Please be praying fo r them and the work of our Lord in Puerto Rico

  • 8/12/2019 York Rick Suzanne 1980 PuertoRico


    DEC 1 2 1930


    THE YOR SDear Christ ian friends

    Greetings in Chri st our Lord. We hope that theholiday season ^nds you and your family well.Suzanne Emily and I were able to come back to the

    States on furloughonSeptemberthe fifth. Since then wehave donea great dealoftraveling and speakingand we vehad a very enjoyable time.WhenweleftPuertoRicoSuzanne and Emily flewback tostaywithSuzanne s mother, ThelmaSwango, in Ironton,Ohio. I flew out toCalifornia and after a few days visitwith my sister, Lois, and her family, I was involved for five weeks with the Northwest MissionaryConference in Oregon,Washington, Idaho, and Montana. Afterdriving through eighteen inches ofsnowin Montana I finally made it back to Ohio

    We then left the last week of October for Springfield, Illinois and the National MissionaryConvention. I was able tospeakin one ofthe workshops andwewere able to see someofour old friends andmakemany new ones. Wethen traveled to Oklahoma andKansas for the SouthwestSchool ofMissionsfortwoweeks. Boththeconferences in theNorthwestandSouthwestwere excellent.We were abletospeaktoadifferent church every night and we really enjoyed that

    We renowback in Ohiofor the holidays and wewillbe speaking in this area. I was recently involvedin a missions rallyat Kentucky ChristianCollege and it wasgreat toseesomanyyoung people interestedin mission work.We ll behere until Christmas and then on to Illinois to speak with churches in that areaand tospend some timewithmyfamilythere.We ve really enjoyed the timewe ve beenabletospendwithour loved ones here in the U.S. The cold weather and snow somehow make it seem more like Christmasthan the palmtrees and 80degree temperature doin PuertoRico. Emilysaw her first snownot longagoand really enjoyed trying to eat some.

    We re back on furlough to report to our supporting churches and to seekadditional support.We retrying to raise. Lordwilling, 400moreper month for our living link and 300-400 for a service link. Somechurches haveagreed toeitherraiseoursupportorstarttosupportusbutwe re stillwell shortofourgoals.Pleasebeprajdng that the Lord will provide forourneeds. Healwayshas andwe areveryconfident thatHe will answer our prayers

    Wewishyou all theveryhappiestofChristmasseasonsandwe hope that we allwill taketimeduringall thehustleand bustletostopand thank theLord forsendingChristtobebomin a lowly stable.May Hebless you and your family richly.