wtc 2014.v.10.oral

QUO VADIS TUNNEL ENGINEERING? PREDICTING THE UNPREDICTABLE CLOSING LECTURE by Professor Z T Richard Bieniawski v. Preinl SLIDE-1 It is my distinct pleasure to visit Brazil for the second time and I thank President Rocha and Chairman Celestino for their kind invitation to deliver this Closing Lecture – an honor, which I highly appreciate. SLIDE-2 My first visit to Brazil took place a long time ago, in 1974 during the 2nd International Congress on Engineering Geology in Sao Paulo but I remember it vividly because my friend, the late Victor de Mello, a brilliant professor and engineer showed me around the site of your world-famous ITAIPU dam and powerhouse and I learned much from that visit. What also helped to keep it in my memory was that next I attended a football match in Rio de Janeiro at the equally famous Maracaná Stadium. As a former football player, I was simply overwhelmed by its size! Today I am privileged to view Brazil from another angle: that of the Theme to which this Congress is dedicated: "Tunnels for a Better Life", and my function is to assess whether the mission of all of us here, organizers, authors, participants and exhibitors, was achieved in terms of this Theme,

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CLOSING LECTURE by Professor Z T Richard Bieniawski v. Preinl


It is my distinct pleasure to visit Brazil for the second time and I

thank President Rocha and Chairman Celestino for their kind invitation to

deliver this Closing Lecture – an honor, which I highly appreciate.


My first visit to Brazil took place a long time ago, in 1974 during the

2nd International Congress on Engineering Geology in Sao Paulo but I

remember it vividly because my friend, the late Victor de Mello, a brilliant

professor and engineer showed me around the site of your world-famous

ITAIPU dam and powerhouse and I learned much from that visit. What

also helped to keep it in my memory was that next I attended a football

match in Rio de Janeiro at the equally famous Maracaná Stadium. As a

former football player, I was simply overwhelmed by its size!

Today I am privileged to view Brazil from another angle: that of the

Theme to which this Congress is dedicated: "Tunnels for a Better Life", and

my function is to assess whether the mission of all of us here, organizers,

authors, participants and exhibitors, was achieved in terms of this Theme,

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and also to identify what significant developments might we expect in the


In this task, I am assisted by the thoughtful Alan Muir Wood Lecture

and the Keynote Addresses delivered during the Opening Session.

I had the honor to know personally Sir Alan Muir Wood [SLIDE-3]

and we have met on many occasions. We became friends, although he was

my senior by some 15 years, and during a number of social hours Sir Alan

shared with me his views on what one should expect from attending a

World Tunnel Congress! Being of a Scottish

heritage with a great sense of humor – he said to

me: "With so many congresses and colloquia and

symposia taking place every year, I demand of the

people that I send to attend: 'bring me back just one

and only one good idea which I can use and I will pay all of your travelling

expenses plus throw in a bottle of wine'!"

I liked it so much that – today – I have selected three areas of tunnel

engineering for you to choose, and will scrutinize what ideas have

emerged from each, under my bold title: "Quo Vadis Tunnel Engineering?

Predicting the Unpredictable".

SLIDE-4 By the way, the words "Quo Vadis" - as you know - is a

famous Latin expression meaning "Where Are You Going?" used to

indicate a future destiny.

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For us here, to answer our QUO VADIS, I quote this prediction:


"The Illiterate of the 21st century will NOT be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." Alvin Toffler, Futurist

This message will be an umbrella for my Closing Lecture.

SLIDE-6 The three topics I selected for your consideration are:

(1) Tunnel Design Methodologies,

(2) Education for new cadres of tunnel engineers and planners, and

(3) Site investigation expenditures needed for effective tunnel design

and construction.

Immediately you might ask: "Why predicting the unpredictable? Is

this reasonable and possible to do at all – within our life span?

The answer is: Certainly! And it has been done before on an even

grander scale!

Please consider this SLIDE-7 showing the title of a book published

not so long ago: "The next 500 Years (!) – Life in the Coming Millennium"

by Adrian Barry.

Also shown is an article much closer to our

profession: "The next 50 years of the ISRM and

anticipated future progress in Rock Mechanics"

by John Hudson, president (2007-2011) of the

International Society for Rock Mechanics. He

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pointed out that Hippocrates, the Greek physician (460-377 BC), used a

method for predicting the future which is summarized as:

"Consider the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future".

Accordingly, based on what has been achieved in the past, and

knowing what the state of the art is today, let us identify the major

problems in the three areas I mentioned above, the problems, which need

to be solved in the future.


Emerging Methodologies and Principles of Tunnel Design

"It is not the things we don't know that cause us problems, but the things we think we know for sure."

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General Dwight Eisenhower

Yes, this quotation is to remind us that we are

all quite sure how we design tunnels, but we should

always keep an open mind for new ideas.

In this respect, our ITA Founder Alan Muir

Wood insisted on the importance of applying

scientific principles to engineering design. This was emphasized in his

book (SLIDE-9) "Tunnel Management by Design".

Tunnel design has been treated extensively in other

textbooks as well: "Rock Mechanics Design in Mining

and Tunneling" (1984) and SLIDE-10

"Design Methodology in Rock Engineering" (1992).

Recently, in 2011, Xia-Ting Feng and John A Hudson

published their book “Rock Engineering Design".

SLIDE-11 This latest book points out that "The

subject of design methodology is now experiencing and

will continue to experience major developments in the

future because of new capabilities provided by the use of

computer programs that can model the rock behavior in

new and more insightful ways."

At the same time, at this Congress

and at the last 2013 Rapid Excavation and

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Tunneling Conference, a considerable number of papers describing

important tunneling projects did not describe specifically any tunnel

design methodology used, or only provided a superficial mention. One of

the reasons for it is that there is no requirement by the Owners/Planners

nor by government agencies to disclose a standard design procedure

because it does not exist, except - as in SLIDE-12 - the European Union

Eurocode 7 for Geotechnical Design, which allows national variations (such as

rock mass strength and predominant stress field) by National Annex Documents

(NADs). The United Kingdom has produced one. I believe that Finland and

Sweden also prepared their national documents.

In the meantime a workable compromise has emerged with the

approach reported from Spain by Dr Celada and his team introducing the

DEA (Diseño Estructural Activo) concept, translated as "Interactive Tunnel

Design Methodology". This is depicted in this and the next SLIDE-13,

dealing with the three phases of DEA: Site Characterization, Design

Procedure, and Tunnel Construction. The details and advantages were

discussed by Dr Celada at this Congress, and are available on my website.

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I would like to suggest that, in the spirit of Alan Muir Wood's

recommendation of taking home "one thought provoking idea", we should

make a resolution such as this: "Be specific when describing the chosen

tunnel design methodology and use it as a check-list (similar to what a pilot

does prior to take off) to ensure that all aspects of the undertaking are


Training Tunnel Engineers and Educating Planners/Owners

SLIDE-15 "Each modern profession worthy of its name requires three elements: Theory, Education and Practice. The reason: they are needed to guarantee its capacity for renewal and development."

Philosopher Herbert Simon (1969)

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With reference to the above quotation, the profession of tunnel

engineering, supported by the science of rock mechanics, certainly may

pride itself on having theory as one of its elements and the presence of

magnificent tunnels and other underground works provides plenty of

proof for well-established practice in our field, going back to the times of

King Hezekiah (700 BC) whose tunnel is mentioned in the Bible (2 Kings


But what about the element of education? Here we have two

challenges :

(i) education of new tunnel engineers and engineering geologists

through dedicated degree programs and continuing education which are

currently lacking at most technical universities, not only in South America

but also in Europe and in North America. I can speak from first-hand

experience having taught in the USA and in Spain, Great Britain and in



To be more specific, a recent study (2010) on "Education in

Underground Science and Engineering" by the Rock Mechanics Foundation,

stated its findings as follows:

"The current status is that graduate education in rock engineering does not

have a broad base of support among institutions of higher learning. For example,

among the approximately 200 civil engineering departments studied, less than

10% have substantial graduate programs in rock mechanics; those with

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geotechnical programs are mainly focused on soil mechanics. Most universities

with mining departments do have rock mechanics, those are few in number and

departments tend to be small."

At this Congress, an excellent initiative took place during the pre-

Congress ITA Training Session about tunnels for energy. Its classes,

conducted by professionals and experts, certainly enhanced the education

and training of graduate students and young professionals.

This was a worthy initiative but only an exception to the current

stagnation status in rock tunneling training and education at universities.


(ii) The second challenge is to educate non-technical persons

involved in planning tunneling projects or being owners or government

officials administering underground projects. These people long to be

better informed about the finer aspects of tunneling, applications and use,

as well as cost control – but where should they seek such education? I

believe that the tunneling community should provide such opportunities.

So, once again, in the spirit of Alan Muir Wood's vision, please make

a note of this "thought-provoking idea #2":


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Explore further possibilities for improving training of young tunnel

engineers – men and, yes, women – as well; if you are a professor or a

teacher, take the initiative at your institution of higher learning, if you are

in the tunneling business, help secure funds for a new industrial course; if

you are neither: write articles to the press and the media suggesting action

for the benefit of the society.

Finally, for all of us at this Congress: let us support the concept of

"continuing education" for tunnel engineers and engineering geologists,

and "short courses" for non-technical tunnel planners, administrators and

government officials to become better acquainted with our field and its


Looking at this SLIDE-19 of students in college, we must ask:

"What can we do to attract these students to our fascinating profession?"

When is "Enough" sufficiently Enough for Tunnel Site Investigations

SLIDE-20 "Not all experience is necessarily good. We must learn only the best practices - those used most widely in the most successfully competitive firms" John Dixon (1991)

We often plan the scope of site investigations based on our

experience with similar projects. The quotation above warns us to be

careful, as not all experience is necessary good.

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When I look back on my 50 years of involvement in rock engineering

(since 1963) I notice a peculiar trend, which concerns me – site

investigations for tunnels. In the first two decades of my tunneling

activities, I saw tremendous developments of new site investigation

techniques and the increasing scope of site investigation programs based

on the understanding that spending sufficient time and money in the early

phases of a tunneling project will ultimately save on design and

construction, will provide increased safety and will avoid costly disputes

or corrections of wrong guesses. Oddly enough, in the past two decades I

noticed precisely the opposite trends: as the owners/planners tried to trim

their budgets and tunnel designers competed for projects, the first thing cut

to reduce costs and completion times, was the scope of site investigations.

Increasing emphasis was placed on computer modeling both to impress the

owners with colorful graphics and to demonstrate having "cutting edge"



In fact, a stage was reached where the sophistication of analytical

modeling far exceeded the level of reliability of the input data on rock

mass properties from limited site investigations. All of this leads to a

question, which has been asked before but which is more pressing today

because of the emergence of mega-tunneling projects: "When is enough

Enough" for tunnel site investigations?

One answer came from the US National Committee on Tunneling

Technology (USNC/TT) who published a major study in 1984 entitled

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"Geotechnical Site Investigations for Underground Projects": Review of Practice

and Recommendations" and concluded with these guidelines: SLIDE-22

"Expenditures for geotechnical site exploration should average 3% of

the estimated project cost."

Experience shows that today typical levels are less than 1%, which is

totally incompatible with the over 10% average of project cost doled out in

payment of legal disputes, usually for unexpected subsurface conditions.

However, the USNC/TT recommendation requires considerable

planning and justification; the report states: "The geotechnical site

investigations cannot predict every problem that may be encountered, and

attempts to do so generally result in programs that are disproportionately

expensive for the value received. For every underground project, cost-benefit is

a key element.


Determination of rock mass deformability, that is, the in situ

modulus, is an example of current


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Can you remember a recent large-scale test such as the large flat jack

test (SLIDE-24) or these tests (SLIDE-25) conducted in your country?

In fact, they are not commonly in use. Instead, we are using

correlations based on rock mass quality which, however, are only as good

as can be confirmed by actual in situ measurements performed on the

given project.

So, once again, in the spirit of Alan Muir Wood's vision, please make

a note of this "thought-provoking Idea #3 (SLIDE-26):

"Let us ensure that sophistication of analytical modeling matches

the reliability of the input data on rock mass properties – best determined

from dependable field tests!"



To answer this question, first the good news in SLIDE-28: "The World

in 2014" is - the cover of the leading international news magazine THE

ECONOMIST, presenting the most significant and expected developments

for this year.

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On page 123, is the article: "Great Bores of Tomorrow: Record length

of tunnels will be dug in 2014." It predicts a length of over 1000km of

tunnel to be constructed this year, and emphasizes – guess what? – yes, the

benefits of tunneling and underground space development! It concentrates

on the use of boring machines, which we know as TBMs, and singles out

their potential in Latin America, as an answer, among others, to "traffic-

choked cities."

It encourages governments to be

"more adventurous" with tunnel

projects and concludes with the

prediction: "An exciting future

beckons for tunnel boring."

In terms of coverage by

the papers presented at this

Congress, dealing with the three areas I discussed, the topic of DESGIN

received most attention with 38 papers actually emphasizing this term in

their titles.

At the same time, NO PAPERS dealt with education and training of

tunnel engineers and non-technical personnel. Perhaps, at the next

Congress, WTC 2015 in Dubrovnik, a special session might be devoted to

this topic? I challenge our organizing friends from Croatia to consider this,


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Finally, site investigations for tunneling were addressed in many

papers, presenting varied scopes of tests and studies, but I could not find

guidance to answering the question: "When is enough, enough?" to

compare with an earlier statement by Feng and Hudson (2011):

"Currently there is no international procedure for checking

suitability of rock engineering design, but it is likely to be implemented in

the future. Site information auditing as a component of the overall

technical auditing will be a key element for validation of rock engineering

design methodology."


Something Expected and Something New


Let us now consider what might lie ahead in terms of our future

challenges, particularly in South America. And let us remember the

quotation I presented at the beginning, from the futurist Alvin Toffler:

"The Illiterate of the 21st century will NOT be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."


Something Expected: Consistent with the current trend, we can

expect and predict that the use of TBMs and further mechanization of

tunneling operations will grow considerably in the future. I recommend, as

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one priority, the development of techniques able to assess rock mass

conditions ahead of TBMs as construction proceeds in real-time.

As underground excavations will become larger, longer, deeper and

more complex, they will also become more difficult to execute and will be

more expensive. [I remember the times when a TBM cost a few million dollars; last

year the Seattle machine cost $80 million] Hence tunnel design will be more

challenging and will dictate more extensive site investigations, including

large-scale field tests, and exploratory pilot tunnels. In essence, reliable

input data from field tests to determine rock mass properties will be fully

justified to match the sophistication of computer modeling techniques.


Something New: In South America, where the lore of the Andes was

enshrined in poems and songs, such as the Peruvian "El Cóndor Pasa"

by composer Daniel Alomía Robler and sang by Simon & Garfunkel,

tunnels can be expected to be built for accessing the great reserves of

copper, silver, gold and the strategic minerals needed for new technologies.

These tunnels will be placed at greater depths than currently, in conditions

where rock-bursts and high water pressures will hinder them. I read that

rock-bursts were observed during the construction of the Olmos Trans-

Andean Tunnel in Perú.

In addition, certain geotechnical practices will have to be revised; not

only by more extensive site investigations as mentioned earlier to provide

reliable input data for design purposes, but also by developing improved

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modeling to include the effects of plastification under great stresses, and

to incorporate post-failure mechanisms, as well as - in special cases - deal

with coupled problems of a mechanical-hydro-thermal-chemical nature.

For tunnel boring machines (TBMs), the use of which will be more

extensive, the challenges will be to bore tunnels under high rock pressures

and high water pressures, both in hard rock and in soft ground conditions;

these challenges are simply extraordinary. Thus we need to acquire

improved understanding of, and the ability to predict the effects, of ground

stresses and their changes, and of the phenomenon of rock-bursts and the

measures for their amelioration.

In all this, the potential of geophysical techniques should not be

overlooked. They will become more extensive due to their rapid

development as technologies improve. Finally, monitoring and

convergence measurements during construction will become indispensible

under more difficult conditions.


In concluding this presentation, I wish to congratulate the Congress

Organizers for making this occasion such a significant event for the

tunneling community and for increasing the awareness of society at large

to the benefits and achievements of our profession.

We have shown that in the future we need to pay better attention to

tunnel design methodologies, to better education of new tunnel engineers

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as well as non-technical planners and administrators, and to better cost-

benefit driven site investigations.


Today, the time has come for me "to ride into the sunset" which

means that after a long career, I need to "hang up my hard hat" and this is

my last venue to leave you with a farewell message. As I happily

conclude my professional activities in the theory and practice of tunnel

design and construction, I say "happily" because I have discovered a

personal secret to achieving full satisfaction in my chosen profession and I

want to share it with you. The secret is simply to involve your spouses or

life partners in your work; my wife of 50 years of marriage has always been

at my side editing my books, papers and often finding ways to improve

them, as well as listening to my presentations at many conferences.


In fact, she is here with me at this time not just as an accompanying

person but also as a partner in technical matters. Believe me, a happy

spouse is a fine investment for a successful and enjoyable tunneling career!

This photograph was taken last year on our 50th Wedding Anniversary, so

she tolerated my tunneling “addiction” for all these years!


And on this note, as we are about to adjourn for the Gala Banquet,

may I suggest that you contemplate, in the spirit of Alan Muir Wood, just

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what is that ONE best idea that you have acquired at this Congress, and

please share it with your companions at the Gala. It will inspire others to

share and discuss their best ideas with you! And who knows? When you

get back to your office, and share your best idea with your boss, you might

even win a bottle of fine wine!

The future of tunneling seems secure to me and I wish to leave you in

high spirits with this quotation:


"Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world; it beats money, and power and influence." (Henri Chester)


Muitíssimo obrigado pela boa atenção

que vocês deram ao nosso trabalho!