worldwide responsible apparel production (wrap)

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile) ASSIGNMENT ONWORLDWIDE RESPONSIBLE APPAREL PRODUCTION (WRAP)” Submitted by MD.AZMERI LATIF BEG ID No: 142-32-257 Course Title: Advance Apparel Manufacturing. Course Code: TEA-504 Program: M.Sc. in Textile Engineering. Section: L1T1

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Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)



Submitted by


ID No: 142-32-257

Course Title: Advance Apparel Manufacturing.

Course Code: TEA-504

Program: M.Sc. in Textile Engineering.

Section: L1T1

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)


Sl. No Topics Page No Remarks

1. What Is Worldwide Responsible

Apparel Production?


5. The WRAP Principles



8. Monitor Information

9. Geographic scope

10. Focus on Sustainability Issues

11. Perspectives

12. Certified facilities in Bangladesh

13. Reference

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

What Is Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production?

WRAP is an independent, objective, non-profit team of global social

compliance experts dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical

manufacturing around the world through certification and education. The WRAP

Certification Program is based on 12 Principles focusing on compliance with local

laws, workplace regulations, universal workers’ rights, the environment, customs

compliance and security. WRAP is also an IRCA (International Register of Certified

Auditors) accredited training organization and runs social systems and internal auditor

training courses and related seminars around the world.


• WRAP enjoys support of 26 international trade associations

• 1,850 factories from 60 countries participatedin WRAP certification program, which

is expanding to include all labor-intensive sectors.


WRAP is the world’ s largest facility-based certification program for the apparel

industry. In addition to covering the core ILO conventions and having a Principle on

the environment, WRAP also covers customs compliance as well as security (in

keeping with the requirements of C-TPAT). WRAP certifies facilities, not brands or

businesses. It is not a membership organization.

The list of WRAP certified facilities by country can be reviewed on the WRAP

website. WRAP has its headquarters in the United States and has offices in Hong

Kong and Dhaka, Bangladesh, with a representative in India.

History of WRAP

WRAP was formed out of the desire to create an independent and objective body to

help apparel and footwear factories around the world verify that they are operating in

compliance with local laws and internationally-accepted standards of ethical

workplace practices. We trace our origins back to the mid-1990s when reports

surfaced of sweatshop-like conditions in numerous apparel factories around the world,

including excessive working hours, unsafe conditions, and the denial of several

legally-mandated benefits to workers. Recognizing that such a scenario could

jeopardize the apparel industry as a whole, the American Apparel Manufacturers

Association (now the American Apparel and Footwear Association) moved to

coordinate an industry response to the issue. A task force was formed which received

input from a variety of stakeholders including brands, suppliers, NGOs, academia, and

government officials. Based on their findings, the task force recommended the

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

creation of an independent third-party organization free of government or corporate

influence that could identify and reduce the prevalence of sweatshop conditions in

factories around the world. The first Board of Directors was named in 1999 and

WRAP was officially incorporated in 2000.

Recognizing that the program’s credibility depends on ensuring objectivity, WRAP is

specifically organized to be independent – both financially and in terms of governance

– of the apparel industry. This starts with the make-up of its independent Board of

Directors. Although the apparel industry is represented on the Board to provide insight

and perspective, by charter the majority of the Board is comprised of individuals not

affiliated with the industry. Further, structurally, WRAP is not set up as a membership

organization (yet, despite receiving no income from dues, memberships or government

grants, WRAP is financially sound, with its revenue being generated entirely through

facility registration fees and training revenues.

Today, WRAP has grown to become a global leader in social compliance and a trusted

independent supply chain partner for dozens of companies around the world. Its

comprehensive facility-based model has made it the world’s largest independent social

compliance certification program for the apparel/textile industry (according to a 2010

UNIDO Study, Making Private Standards Work For You, WRAP is the “standard

most often cited” for social compliance certification in the textile sector). In 2013

alone, over 2300 facilities from 50 countries participated, and there are currently

around 1900 WRAP-certified facilities, found throughout the world, employing over

1.65 million workers.

The WRAP Principles:

The WRAP Principles are based on generally accepted international workplace

standards, local laws and workplace regulations which encompass human resources

management, health and safety, environmental practices, and legal compliance

including import/export and customs compliance and security standards.

1. Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations

Facilities will comply with laws and regulations in all locations where they conduct


2. Prohibition of Forced Labor

Facilities will not use involuntary, forced or trafficked labor.

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

3. Prohibition of Child Labor

Facilities will not hire any employee under the age of 14 or under the minimum age

established by law for employment, whichever is greater, or any employee whose

employment would interfere with compulsory schooling.

4. Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse

Facilities will provide a work environment free of supervisory or co-worker

harassment or abuse, and free of corporal punishment in any form.

5. Compensation and Benefits

Facilities will pay at least the minimum total compensation required by local law,

including all mandated wages, allowances & benefits.

6. Hours of Work

Hours worked each day, and days worked each week, shall not exceed the limitations

of the country’s law. Facilities will provide at least one day off in every seven-day

period, except as required to meet urgent business needs.

7. Prohibition of Discrimination

Facilities will employ, pay, promote, and terminate workers on the basis of their

ability to do the job, rather than on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs.

8. Health and Safety

Facilities will provide a safe and healthy work environment. Where residential

housing is provided for workers, facilities will provide safe and healthy housing.

9. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Facilities will recognize and respect the right of employees to exercise their lawful

rights of free association and collective bargaining.

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

10. Environment

Facilities will comply with environmental rules, regulations and standards applicable

to their operations, and will observe environmentally conscious practices in all

locations where they operate.

11. Customs Compliance

Facilities will comply with applicable customs laws, and in particular, will establish

and maintain programs to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment

of finished products.

12. Security

Facilities will maintain facility security procedures to guard against the introduction of

non-manifested cargo into outbound shipments (i.e. drugs, explosives biohazards and

or other contraband).


1. Application: To apply, click on the website’s “New Application” or “Renew

Certification” (whichever is relevant to the facility in question). A facility needs to

submit a completed application form online and pay a registration fee (US$1195) to

WRAP. This fee is valid for 6 months. Within this time period, the facility will need to

pass the WRAP audit and be recommended for certification.

2. Self-Assessment: Facilities with the help of the handbooks (in English, Spanish,

and Chinese) fill out the self assessment. This process is to assist them with the

upcoming WRAP audit. Facilities will need written procedures and

Documentation to prove that the facilities have implemented certain procedures. When

satisfied that it has complied with the requirements in the Handbook and self-

assessment for a minimum of 90 days, the facility notifies a monitoring firm of its

choice that they are ready for an audit.

3. Monitoring: An initial WRAP audit is conducted on an unannounced basis.

Monitoring firms provide 4-week window during which an audit can take place any


4. Evaluation: Following the completion of the audit, a factory may need to have

another audit conducted if there are still outstanding non-compliances. The factory has

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

to correct the non-compliances and be in compliance for at least 45 days before the

next audit can take place. If the factory does not satisfactorily implement corrective

actions within the original six-month grace period, it must repay the registration fee in

order to be considered for certification. After a factory passes an audit, monitor will

send a recommendation report to WRAP.

WRAP staff reviews the report and send it to the Review Board for further review and


5. Certification: The Board reviews the monitor’s report to award or withhold

certification. During the certification period, all facilities, especially those considered

high risk, are subject to an additional unannounced inspection.


PLATINUM (Valid for 2 years)

A facility must maintain a Gold certification for at least 3 consecutive years before it

can be considered for Platinum certificaiton. All Platinum-certified facilities must

successfully pass each audit with no corrective actions and maintain continuous

certification in order to remain Platinum (a facility whose certification lapses for any

reason must hold a Gold certification for at least 3 consecutive years before it can

regain Platinum status).

GOLD (Valid for 1 year)

Gold certifications are awarded to facilities that demonstrate full compliance with

WRAP's 12 Principles during an audit.

*NOTICE: Any facility that cannot show complete and accurate records regarding

wages and/or working hours during ANY audit (initial, re-certification, or post-

certification) will automatically lose eligibility for Platinum and Gold certification for

their current period. This includes any violations of Principles 5 or 6 where WRAP

monitors indicate issues with record keeping or cannot verify them due to


SILVER (Valid for 6 months)

A facility may request a Silver level certification if an audit finds that it is in

substantial compliance with the WRAP principles, but has minor non-compliances in

policies, procedures or training that need to be addressed. Facilities seeking

certification through this route must request a Silver certificate in writing from a

WRAP office at the conclusion of their first formal audit as a certificate will not be

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

automatically issued. Important points to note in this regard are:

• Facilities may not have any "red flag" non-compliances such as child labor,

egregious health & safety or environmental issues, prison labor, forced or

involuntary labor, or harassment or abuse of employees.

• Facilities must demonstrate that their employees are paid at least the minimum wage

and any required overtime compensation.

Alternatively, the WRAP Review Board may issue a Silver certificate if any of these

criteria are met:

The facility is a first-time applicant and has demonstrated difficulty in achieving

full compliance or has shown non-material non-compliances in one of these areas:

• working hours

• training and communications with employees

• payment of regular wages and overtime premiums

• any other factors that would bar the facility from being granted a

Gold certificate

The facility is applying for a re-certification, but non-material non-compliances

are found during the audit

Special Notices for Silver Certifications:

All Silver-certified facilities wishing to renew their certification must reapply prior to

the expiration of their certificate, pay a reduced registraion fee of US$895, and

demonstrate improvement toward achieving Gold certification at the subsequent audit.

A facility may be awarded no more than 3 consecutive Silver certificates. If a facility

fails to achieve full compliance within this time period, its certification will be

revoked, however the facility may reapply for certification using its original

registration number following a waiting period of 6 months.

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

Facilities that have two successive "clean" audits will be eligible for a Gold certificate.

Monitor Information:

Accordia Global Compliance Group

H. No. 15/A Road 8 Gulshan-1

Dhaka-1212 Bangladesh

Dhaka 1212


Phone: 0088 02 8819589

Mobile: 001 716 635 0566

Contact Name: Rashid Akhter

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name 2: Richard Ingrao (USA)

Contact E-mail 2: [email protected]


ALGI Bangladesh

H-19 Road-1 Sector-13 Dhaka

Phone: +88-02-8991106

Mobile: 845 613-0095 (USA)

Contact Name: Amirul Islam

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name 2: Milagros Bello

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

Contact E-mail 2: [email protected]

International Compliance Group Inc.

Door # 1 Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara

14/43 Srinivasa Temple Road Maruti Nagar


Phone: +91-9886213137

Mobile: +8801676617132

Contact Name: P.R. Suresh

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name 2: Mr. Raj

Contact E-mail 2: [email protected]

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

SGS Bangladesh Limited

House No. 37, Road No. 24, Gulshan-1



Phone: +88 (0) 2 986 2740

Mobile: +88 (0) 2 986 2740

Contact Name: Salim Ahammed

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name 2: Shafiul Hassan

Contact E-mail 2: [email protected]

TUV SUD South Asia - Bangladesh

Update Tower Level 7 & 8

01 Shajalal Avenue Sector -06 Uttara Model Town


Phone: +88-02-8958104/07/09

Contact Name: Asim Kumar Mondal

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name 2: Vibhavari Bhagwat

Contact E-mail 2: [email protected]

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

Intertek Testing Services

Zashin Plaza (7th floor) Plot#1, Road#1, Sector#1



Phone: +8802 8961184 Ext: 202

Mobile: +8802 8961184 x 202

Contact Name: Shoriful Islam

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name 2: Shoriful Islam

Contact E-mail 2: [email protected]

The vast majority of WRAP certification audits are conducted by WRAP’s auditing

partners, all of whom are accredited third-party monitoring firms where the individual

auditors who conduct WRAP audits have to meet rigorous accreditation requirements

and undergo a 5 day training course conducted by WRAP and also attend refresher

training courses once every two years. WRAP has detailed policies for recognition of

monitoring partners, the threshold requirements for which are as follows:


Monitors and their designated personnel (principals/employees who will be

directly involved in WRAP monitoring activities) cannot own any financial

interest (including but not limited to equity, debt, or assets) nor hold legal,

titular, membership, employment or representational interests or relationships

in either the companies or the facilities that participate in WRAP’s

Certification Programs.

Monitors and their designated personnel cannot be directly or indirectly

related in a legal or familial capacity to the facilities and companies that

participate in a WRAP Certification Program.

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

Monitors and their designated personnel are prohibited from receiving, at any

time, any compensation or promise thereof beyond the reasonable inspection

fee negotiated with a factory. This does not preclude the monitor from

receiving additional fees for additional legitimate inspections.

Skills (with respect to each country for which accreditation is sought)

• Working knowledge of the WRAP Production Principles and the information

contained in Production Facility Handbook, the Facility Self-Assessment

Package and the WRAP Monitors Manual.

• Working knowledge of the laws and regulations that apply to the relevant

category of manufacturing facilities of the specific jurisdiction, including but

not limited to the areas of:

• Labor(all laws and regulations applicable to the employment of personnel

and to labor relations)

• Occupational safety, health, and hygiene

• Environmental impact

• Exports and imports

• Working knowledge of the native language where the facility is located and

the predominant language(s) used by its employees. The monitor must

include at least one individual with this language capability on every on-site

monitoring visit.

• Experience and working knowledge of shop floor and clerical operations of

a manufacturing facility. The monitor must include at least one individual

with this experience on every on-site monitoring visit.


• 3 years audit experience (verifiable)

• Companies with solid reputation

• Other accreditations(in management systems programs)

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

Geographic scope:

Africa: Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, South


Asia: Bangladesh,Cambodia, China, Hong Kong China, India, Indonesia, Japan,

Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Pakistan,

Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkmenistan, United

Arab Emirates, Viet Nam.

Europe: Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom.

Central America: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti,

Honduras, Nicaragua.

North America:Canada, Mexico, United States of America.

South America:Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru.

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

Focus on Sustainability Issues:

Environmental requirements:

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

Social requirements:


WRAP for Production Facilities

WRAP for Brands & Buyers

WRAP for The Public

WRAP for Production Facilities

Social compliance is no longer a secondary concern for apparel buyers and

brands. They are serious about wanting to know that the facilities supplying

them care about social responsibility. Through our Certification and Training

programs, WRAP can help your facility convey to potential customers your

commitment to responsible business practices.

WRAP for Brands & Buyers

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

The world may be getting smaller, but apparel supply chains continue to grow

across borders and span a wide range of local customs, legal systems, economic

systems, and national traditions. Monitoring a global supply chain for integrity

requires significant commitments of resources including time, money, and even

people. WRAP can help maintain your supply chain's integrity in an efficient

and cost-effective way.

WRAP for The Public:

WRAP's goal is to make sure that manufacturing facilities operate in a safe,

responsible, and ethical way. Through our 12 Principles, we promote lawful,

humane manufacturing in facilities throughout the world via our Certification

and Training programs. What sets us apart from other similar social compliance

programs is that we focus on the ground level of a supply chain. WRAP only

certifies individual facilities, not brands or ownership groups, which means that

each WRAP certified facility has undergone a thorough inspection by a WRAP

auditor and is subject to un-announced follow-up inspections.

Because the qualities of our audits are crucial to WRAP's mission, all of our

auditors receive thorough training via our Lead Auditor Training Program. In

addition, we also offer an Internal Auditor Course that educates facility

personnel at all levels, from workers to senior management, about WRAP's

social compliance requirements and how develop and maintain them within

their facilities. Our course offerings have also expanded throughout the years to

meet the changing needs of the garment sourcing community. The most notable

of these is our Fire Safety Awareness Course which was launched in 2011 in

Bangladesh and has since expanded to several other countries around the world.

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)

Certified facilities in Bangladesh:






Date Facility Name Facility City

4129 GOLD 2014-07-31 Knit Asia

Limited Ashulia

6859 GOLD 2014-11-12 Babylon

Garments Ltd. Dhaka

7302 GOLD 2015-03-25




Textiles Ltd.


7865 GOLD 2015-04-02 Aboni Knitwear

Ltd. Dhaka

7884 GOLD 2014-12-23 G.H Haewae Co.

Ltd Chittagong

7885 GOLD 2015-03-07 JMS Garments

Ltd. Chittagong

7995 GOLD 2014-12-10 B.H.I.S. Apparels

Ltd. Tongi

8067 PLATINUM 2014-10-05 Interstoff

Apparels Limited Gazipur

8144 PLATINUM 2015-06-24 Apex Lingerie

Limited Gazipur

8525 GOLD 2014-08-30 Fakir Apparels

Ltd. Narayanganj

8871 GOLD 2014-11-15 Newage Apparels

Limited Dhaka

8887 GOLD 2014-11-21 Jeans Express

Ltd. Chittagong

8904 SILVER 2014-09-07 Unicorn Sweaters

Ltd. Dhaka

8948 PLATINUM 2015-05-29 Cardinal

Apparels Ltd. CHITTAGONG

8958 GOLD 2015-01-03 Rio Fashion

Wear Ltd. Dhaka

9136 PLATINUM 2015-05-30


Industries (Pvt.)



9185 GOLD 2015-04-22 GoldTex Dhaka

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)






Date Facility Name Facility City



9223 GOLD 2014-12-16 Reedisha Knitex

Ltd. Gazipur

9546 PLATINUM 2016-05-08 Sharmin Fashions

Limited Dhaka

9596 GOLD 2014-08-27 HMN Fashion

Ltd. Shafipur Gazipur

9620 GOLD 2015-05-14 Shine Fashion Co

(PVT) Ltd Dhaka

9628 GOLD 2015-02-07 Jinnat Fashions

Ltd. Gazipur

9765 GOLD 2015-06-11 Presentation

Apparels Ltd. Chittagong

9786 GOLD 2014-09-23 Radical Design

Ltd Narayanganj

9978 GOLD 2014-08-30

Antim Knitting

Dyeing &

Finishing Ltd


10208 PLATINUM 2014-09-04 Caesar Apparels

Ltd. Chittagong

10291 GOLD 2014-11-27

Hemple Rhee

Mfg. Co (BD)



10339 PLATINUM 2014-12-10 Clifton Textile &

Apparels Ltd. Chittagong

10340 GOLD 2014-10-16 Deluxe Fashions

Ltd. Chittagong

10417 GOLD 2015-06-13 Safaa Sweaters

Ltd. Dhaka

10605 GOLD 2014-07-17 Actor Sporting

Ltd. Dhaka

10714 GOLD 2014-10-10 Niagara Textiles

Ltd. Kaliakair Gazipur

10768 GOLD 2014-10-17 S-21 Apparels

Ltd Savar

10817 GOLD 2014-11-13 Lemond Fashion

Limited Chittagong

10856 GOLD 2014-07-26 Best Shirts Ltd. Joydebpur

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)






Date Facility Name Facility City

11016 GOLD 2014-07-25 Metro Knitting &

Dyeing Mills Ltd. Narayanganj

11044 GOLD 2015-04-14 Reliance Denim

Industries Ltd. Chittagong

11050 GOLD 2015-05-02 Cotton Club (BD)

Ltd. Gazipur

11071 PLATINUM 2015-07-11

Apex Textile

Printing Mills



11075 GOLD 2014-12-16 Dipta Garments

Ltd. Savar

11094 GOLD 2014-10-24 Anowara Knit

Composite Ltd Dhaka

11114 PLATINUM 2015-09-23 Universal Jeans

Ltd Chittagong

11179 GOLD 2015-05-13

Softex Sweater

Industries (Pvt.)



11276 GOLD 2015-02-03 Aman Knittings

Ltd Dhaka

11317 GOLD 2015-03-07 Regency

Garments Ltd Chittagong

11342 GOLD 2014-10-17 Liz Fashion

Industry Ltd. Shafipur

11345 GOLD 2014-08-23 Intimate Apparels

Ltd Chittagong

11375 GOLD 2014-10-21 Apparel Today

Limited Dhaka

11526 GOLD 2015-01-09 Regency Three

Limited Chittagong

11536 GOLD 2015-03-21 Northern Fashion

Ltd Gazipur

11549 PLATINUM 2015-08-19 AKH Fashions

Ltd Dhaka

11586 GOLD 2014-06-28 Marina Apparels

Ltd. Dhaka

11715 GOLD 2015-06-03 AJ Fashions Ltd. Dhaka

11744 GOLD 2014-08-15 Jeans 2000 Ltd. Chittagong

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)






Date Facility Name Facility City

11802 GOLD 2014-07-19

Sun Cherry Body

Fashions Mfty



11814 GOLD 2014-11-19 Ritzy Apparels

Ltd. Chittagong

11897 GOLD 2014-07-26 Pacific Jeans Ltd Chittagong

11957 GOLD 2014-11-18 Precious

Apparels Ltd. Bandar

12020 GOLD 2014-12-05 Fergasam BD

Ltd. Chittagong

12066 GOLD 2014-12-03

Baxter Brenton

(BD) Clothing

Mfg Co. Ltd

Ganakbari Dhaka


12132 GOLD 2014-10-27 Lax Lingerie Ltd Chittagong

12270 GOLD 2014-12-11 Designer Jeans

Ltd. Dhaka

12308 GOLD 2014-12-16 Babylon Dresses

Ltd. Dhaka

12367 GOLD 2015-03-25 Denim Expert

Limited Chittagong

12380 GOLD 2014-06-28



Garments (BD)



12394 GOLD 2014-07-05 H.B. Fashions

Ltd. Chittagong

12453 GOLD 2014-09-03 Section Seven

Limited Chittagong

12550 GOLD 2014-12-09 Well Fashion

(Unit-2) Chittagong

12562 PLATINUM 2015-01-04 Smart Jeans Ltd Chittagong

12646 GOLD 2014-09-26 Concorde

Garments Ltd Dhaka

12654 GOLD 2014-08-13 Cortz Apparels

Ltd. - 12654 Gazipur

12660 GOLD 2014-10-28 Manta Apparels

Ltd. Dhaka

12688 GOLD 2014-08-01 Stylo Fashion

Garments Ltd. Gazipur

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)






Date Facility Name Facility City

12747 GOLD 2014-07-02 Mars Sportswear

Ltd. Chittagong

12758 GOLD 2014-12-05



Apparel (Pvt.)

Limited (K-3)


12885 GOLD 2015-03-20 Panwin Designs

Limited Dhaka

12898 GOLD 2014-07-15 Multi Safh Ltd. Chittagong

12973 GOLD 2015-03-20 Total Fashion

Ltd. Narayangonj

13012 GOLD 2014-07-26 A&B Outerwear

Limited Chittgong

13026 GOLD 2014-11-22

Intex Link

Garments (BD)



13043 GOLD 2014-10-17 KDS Fashion

Ltd. Chittagong

13045 SILVER 2014-11-22 M & M Shirts

Ltd. Dhaka

13074 GOLD 2014-07-30

The Shanin




13139 GOLD 2014-07-24 Bellissima

Apparels Ltd. Gazipur

13161 GOLD 2015-02-07 Youngone

(CEPZ) Ltd Chittagong

13249 GOLD 2015-02-04 Banex Apparel

Ltd Dhaka

13258 GOLD 2015-03-11 Fakhruddin

Textile Mills Ltd. Gazipur

13292 GOLD 2015-02-09 Onus Garments

Ltd. Gazipur

13522 GOLD 2014-07-03 Badgetex

Apparels Limited Chittagong

13574 GOLD 2014-07-03

Nipa Fashion

Wear Industry



13633 GOLD 2014-07-10 Mars Stitch Ltd Gazipur

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)






Date Facility Name Facility City

13661 GOLD 2014-07-02 Selina Apparels

Ltd. Dhaka

13699 GOLD 2014-07-29 Navid

Woolwears Ltd. Sreepur

13717 GOLD 2014-06-28 Magpie Knit

Wear Ltd Dhaka

13739 GOLD 2014-10-02 Rowa Fashions

Limited Gazipur

13813 GOLD 2014-07-15 Vintage Denim

Studio Ltd. Paksey

13895 GOLD 2015-03-18 Legend Textiles

Ltd Chittagong

13901 GOLD 2014-08-01 Antim Knit

Composite Ltd. Narayangonj

13917 GOLD 2014-10-15

Norp Knit


Limited. (Unit 1)


13919 GOLD 2014-08-02 Loyal Apparels

Ltd. Chittagong

13961 GOLD 2014-11-13


Spinners &

Knitters (PVT)



14318 GOLD 2014-09-27 Mondol Knit Tex

Limited Gazipur

14418 GOLD 2014-07-23 Sinha Knitting

Ltd Narayangonj

14495 GOLD 2014-08-01





14517 GOLD 2015-05-14 Yasin Knittex

Industries Ltd Savar

14539 GOLD 2014-06-26 Ratool Apparels

Ltd. Gazipur.

14601 GOLD 2014-10-11

Joowon Global

Fashion (BD)



14613 GOLD 2014-07-15 Shore to Shore

Textiles Ltd. Narayanganj

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)






Date Facility Name Facility City

14618 GOLD 2014-09-04 Copper Co. Ltd. Chittagong

14634 GOLD 2014-12-05 Bando Design

Ltd. Ashulia

14672 GOLD 2014-08-26 Fashion Store

Limited Dhaka

14674 SILVER 2014-09-25 Global Garments

Ltd. Chittagong

14735 GOLD 2014-10-10


Apparels Limited

- 14735


14760 GOLD 2014-08-14 BOVS Apparels

Limited Dhaka

14778 GOLD 2014-08-16 Unitex Knitwear

Limited Gazipur

14868 GOLD 2014-10-15

Whitex Garments

(BD) Pvt. Ltd. -



14872 GOLD 2014-08-05 Versatile Apparel

(Pvt) Ltd Dhaka

14874 GOLD 2014-08-16 Section Seven

Apparels Ltd. Chittagong

14925 GOLD 2014-10-15 Chantik

Garments Ltd Dhaka

14934 GOLD 2014-08-06 Four H Lingerie

Ltd. Chittagong

14983 GOLD 2014-08-27 Ever Fashion

Tongi Ltd Gazipur

15011 GOLD 2014-12-05 Dhakarea

Limited Ashulia Saver

15037 GOLD 2014-09-17 Mondol Intimates

Limited Gazipur

15116 GOLD 2014-09-27 IL Bangla

Limited Narsingdi

15117 GOLD 2014-12-05

Pearl Garments




15119 GOLD 2014-11-06

Epic Garments




Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)






Date Facility Name Facility City


15186 GOLD 2014-11-18 H & W Apparels

Ltd. Chittagong

15205 GOLD 2014-12-05

ZXY Apparel




15213 GOLD 2014-12-23 Beautiful Jackets

Ltd Manikgonj

15220 GOLD 2014-12-04

World Ye

Apparels (BD)



15233 GOLD 2014-12-04 Cortz Apparels

Ltd. - 15233 Dhaka

15257 GOLD 2014-12-09


Composite Mills



15258 GOLD 2015-03-21 Nafa Apparels

Ltd. Dhaka

15268 GOLD 2015-03-14 Eastport Limited Comilla

15283 GOLD 2014-12-04 Sawftex Ltd. Gazipur

15307 GOLD 2014-11-22 Evitex Fashions

Ltd Gazipur

15308 GOLD 2014-11-25 Evitex Apparels

Ltd. Gazipur

15366 GOLD 2014-12-24


Corporation Ltd.



15370 GOLD 2014-12-04 Alltex Industries

Limited Narayangonj.

15380 GOLD 2014-12-04 Best Wool

Sweaters Ltd. Gazipur

15427 GOLD 2014-12-23 A-One (BD) Ltd Dhaka

15537 GOLD 2015-03-21 Unique Designers

Ltd. Gazipur

15541 GOLD 2015-05-30 Coast to Coast

(Pvt) Ltd Gazipur

13604 GOLD 2015-04-07 Modele De

Capital Ind. Ltd. Narayanganj

Advanced Apparel Manufacturing AZMIR LATIF, MSc.Engr (Textile)






Date Facility Name Facility City

10406 GOLD 2015-06-20




Limited - Unit 4


15548 GOLD 2015-03-07 Unimas

Sportswear Ltd. Gazipur

14491 SILVER 2014-12-05 M & M Dresses

Ltd. Dhaka

11496 GOLD 2015-04-28 S.B.Style

Composite Ltd. Narayangonj

12933 GOLD 2015-04-09 Debonair Limited Dhaka

15724 GOLD 2015-06-03

Gous Fashion




10100 GOLD 2015-06-09 Meghna Knit

Composite Gazipur

12819 GOLD 2015-06-23 Norp Knit

Industries Ltd. Gazipur

13633 GOLD 2015-07-10 Mars Stitch Ltd Gazipur



