workshop 3 “ indipendent living, housing, domotics” – age-friendly environment strategies...

Workshop 3 Indipendent Living, Housing, Domotics” – Age-friendly environment strategies Indipendent Living and telemonitoring experience in Pordenone province Massimiliano Bertetti 31 March 2015 | Casa della Contadinanza, Udine

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Page 1: Workshop 3 “ Indipendent Living, Housing, Domotics” – Age-friendly environment strategies Indipendent Living and telemonitoring experience in Pordenone

Workshop 3“Indipendent Living, Housing, Domotics” – Age-friendly environment


Indipendent Living and telemonitoring experience in Pordenone province

Massimiliano Bertetti

31 March 2015 | Casa della Contadinanza, Udine

Page 2: Workshop 3 “ Indipendent Living, Housing, Domotics” – Age-friendly environment strategies Indipendent Living and telemonitoring experience in Pordenone


1.Introduction2.Background 3.Starting from experiences in FVG Region4.Moving towards an integrated regional eHealth ecosystem: “FVG as a L@b” cluster5.We arrived at….6.Future

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Polo Tecnologico

Polo Tecnologico di Pordenone is a Technology Park located in the province of Pordenone, one of 15 most industrialized provinces of Italy. Since its very beginning in 2002, Polo Tecnologico di Pordenone has been dealing with technology transfer, promoting the dialogue between enterprises, institutions and the regional research system to support company competitiveness and to stimulate the growth of enterprises with high potential development.

Polo Tecnologico is an incubator of potential entrepreneurs and therefore of business ideas and provides tools, skills and resources to assess the technological feasibility, commercial and economic, but above all is an incubator of innovative enterprises that offer services and support for project management, for development of technology studies for the improvement of products (reducing time and costs) for the identification of financing instruments and more.

Being a point of conjunction at the companies service, the Polo wants to provide not only for the knowledge, but also to help in obtaining financial resources, funded by public institutions, and by Venture Capital, thus increasing skills and experience at worldwide level.





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Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region…… Numbers

Superficie 7845 km² 2,6% (I)Abitanti 1 221 860 2,0 % (I)Densità 155,75 ab./km²Province 4Comuni 218

4 Parchi Scientifici e Tecnologici (PST)

Area Science ParkTS

Polo Tecnologico di PN PNFriuli Innovazione




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Fonte: Frost & Sullivan – Mega Trend Report

© Massimiliano Bertetti


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© Massimiliano Bertetti


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Ambient Assisted Living

is a funding activity that aims to create better condition of life for the older adults and to strengthen the industrial opportunities in Europe through the use of information and communication technology (ICT)

See more at:

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AAL Objectives are:

1.Foster the emergence of innovative ICT-based products, services and systems for ageing well at home, in the community, and at work, thus increasing the quality of life, autonomy, participation in social life, skills and employability of elderly people, and reducing the costs of health and social care.

2. Create a critical mass of research, development and innovation at EU level in technologies and services for ageing well in the information society, including the establishment of a favourable environment for participation by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

3. Improve conditions for industrial exploitation by providing a coherent European framework for developing common approaches and facilitating the localisation and adaptation of common solutions which are compatible with varying social preferences and regulatory aspects at national or regional level across Europe –

See more at:

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Starting from experiences in FVG Region

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ICT & SMART HOMES (1)PRESTO A CASA / BACK HOME Innovative model of temporary domiciles for users with sub-acute physical and sensory disabilities

Two public-owned flats, equipped with automation technologies, technical furniture, special design and building solutions so as to facilitate access and make all spaces usable to persons whose autonomy is suddenly limited to any extent.

The use of “training” houses is mainly aimed at young and adult people with physical and/or sensory disabilities (usually after serious traumas), who will experiment tools, devices and facilities that can help them, managing and monitoring their activities, house functionalities and interactions with the outside world while fully complying with their requirements in terms of personal safety, environment and house comfort.

This experimentation allows to understand what proves to be useful and to select economically viable and technically feasible solutions to be set in place once back home.

Partners: the Municipality of Trieste, AREA Science Park and ATER Trieste (Public housing institution) with the support of the Province of Trieste.

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Innovative communication models for citizens about social protection services

opportunities. Experimentation of a model that allows for

dialogue among stakeholders, including an evaluation of the linkage

with the programme Cartella sociale in synergy

with ICT platforms.

•Partners: Municipality of Pordenone, Polo tecnologico di Pordenone, Local Health Agency n.6 Friuli Occidentale; different welfare actors

The project is supported by an

integrated system providing

vital/environmental parameters monitoring and videoconferencing services and foresees trials in 6 European

countries. This system is based on

an existing technological platform, designed

taking into consideration the requirements of

elderly users who have never been exposed to

ICT.•Partners: FVG Regional Local Health Agency n. 1 Triestina

Networking of two

apartments, structured to host new technologies

research and validation in Udine and testing of an organizational model for

the provision of innovative services using advanced

technologies. The project’s aim is to develop

guidelines and tools for planning the

refurbishment of housing units and also at the level

of district city (2009).

•Partners: Municipality of Udine, Rino Snaidero Scientific Foundation, Friuli Innovazione


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System ArchitectureSystem Architecture

Interfacce hw di comando e supervisione costituite da PC e telecomando radio,

oltre che da pulsanti a muro e via SMS.

Interfaccia sw

Emulatori di mouse, comandi vocali, tablet pc touch screen,…

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System architectureSystem architecture

Comandi e sensori

PC di supervisione





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Le funzionalità del sistema implementate (1Le funzionalità del sistema implementate (1)

Apertura/chiusura automatica della porta d’ingresso e dello scrocco della serratura

Apertura/chiusura motorizzata di porte interne, finestre, tapparelle e tende

Rilevamento condizioni meteo (vento e pioggia)per chiusura automatica di finestre e tapparelle

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Le funzionalità del sistema implementate (2)Le funzionalità del sistema implementate (2)

Rilevamento di movimento per l’accensione automatica delle luci e per l’apertura automatica di porte

Controllo di prese e degli apparecchi ad esse collegate

Rilevamento di perdite di gas metano dalla caldaia per la chiusura del gas e la segnalazione e invio di allarmi

Rilevamento della presenza di monossido di carbonio per apertura automatica finestre e per segnalazione e invio allarmi

Rilevamento di fuoriuscita d’acqua dal lavandino o dal piatto doccia per evitare possibili allagamenti e segnalare l’emergenza

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Le funzionalità del sistema implementate (3)Le funzionalità del sistema implementate (3)

Acquisizione immagini tramite videocameraper controllo di chi ha suonato alla porta di casa o per controllo della situazione nella zona giorno

Segnalazione e richiesta di soccorso

Controllo di carichi elettrici (forno, lavasciuga, climatizzatore) per evitare sovraccarichi e la necessità di uscire di casa per il ripristino della corrente

Accensione/chiusura anche da remoto del riscaldamento o del condizionamento

Utilizzo di scenari per la realizzazione di una combinazione di comandi (es spegnere tutte le luci della casa,…)

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Moving towards an integrated regional eHealth ecosystem: “FVG as a L@b” cluster

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FVG as a L@b is now officially established as regional cluster on the issue of Ambient Assisted Living and included in the Italian national cluster initiatives.The Laboratory provides an organizational framework to support the development of a network among local, regional, national and international actors.The objective is the promotion of dialogue and cooperation between public andprivate partners on demographic change issues and on the role of technology in the development of taylor made products and services.

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48 Attori Pubblici e privati che operano nel mondo della ricerca e della produzione industriale

3 PA 4 PST2 Università

39 Aziende2 DirezioniCentraliRegione FVG

FVG as a l@b

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What about mHealth?

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mHealth_A new Frontier

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mHealth_A new Frontier

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We arrived at this stage where we created some projects and trials for:

Indipendent living for fragile people:•At home•At residential

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Developed in partnership with:

•Health Local Authority•Private firms (sw and hw)•Municipality of Pordenone and surroundings

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1 pn_experience_HelpKEY_TV project

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Courtesy of Vegan Solution

The solution has been developed on mobile hardware according to health local Authority agreement

2 pn_experience_Hospital Trials

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Nurses measures parameters by means of some hw updating the medical record.

3 pn_experience_Nursing Home

Courtesy of Televita SPA

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The doctor, beyond seeing patients, can monitor them

online via web directly to their medical records.

3 pn_experience_Nursing Home

Courtesy of Televita SPA

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Video chat tests confirm the benefit of some daily activities like speaking and

seeing remotly with undoubtful advantages both for families and


3 pn_experience_Nursing Home

Courtesy of Televita SPA

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“Come sta il nonno?” Project

2014 Activities•Guests supervised: n°30 •GP: n° 4•Nurses: n° 3 •Parameters: blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation.•Measures recorded: n°405 of which •Measures over threshold: n°133 measured by the TeleSalute monitoring System, shared as agreed.

3 pn_experience_Nursing Home

Courtesy of Televita SPA

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Per gentile concessione di Televita SPA

La soluzione è implementata c/o Casa di Riposo ad Azzano Decimo

3 pn_experience_Nursing Home

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Per gentile concessione di Televita SPA

La soluzione è implementata c/o Casa di Riposo ad Azzano Decimo

3 pn_experience_Nursing Home

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the ambition is to ‘fluidify’ the traditional RDI process that moves on from the laboratory to the prototyping phase, and from the testing phase to product or service engineering.

•co-creation in Living lab supporting User-centered RDI projects;

LL as open access platform for large scale pilot projects•Public private partnership: integration between LL innovation and sustainability policies

LL as an instrument for large scale pilot projects


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•User-friendly Interfaces;•Intelligent Data Management;•Reliability of communication; •Cloud computing:•Wireless technologies fof identification; •Interop, standards and Knowledge management in different fields (Health, administration, etc.)•ICT for safety and security


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Thank You for Your Attention

Massimiliano Bertetti, PhD

[email protected] | Polo Tecnologico di Pordenone