working memory load predicts visual search efficiency...

1 23 Memory & Cognition ISSN 0090-502X Mem Cogn DOI 10.3758/s13421-016-0617-8 Working memory load predicts visual search efficiency: Evidence from a novel pupillary response paradigm Nada Attar, Matthew H. Schneps & Marc Pomplun

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Memory & Cognition ISSN 0090-502X Mem CognDOI 10.3758/s13421-016-0617-8

Working memory load predicts visualsearch efficiency: Evidence from a novelpupillary response paradigm

Nada Attar, Matthew H. Schneps & MarcPomplun

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Working memory load predicts visual search efficiency: Evidencefrom a novel pupillary response paradigm

Nada Attar1 & Matthew H. Schneps1 & Marc Pomplun1

# Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2016

Abstract An observer’s pupil dilates and constricts in re-sponse to variables such as ambient and focal luminance, cog-nitive effort, the emotional stimulus content, and workingmemory load. The pupil’s memory load response is of partic-ular interest, as it might be used for estimating observers’memory load while they are performing a complex task, with-out adding an interruptive and confoundingmemory test to theprotocol. One important task in which working memory’s in-volvement is still being debated is visual search, and indeed aprevious experiment by Porter, Troscianko, and Gilchrist(Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 211–229, 2007) analyzed observers’ pupil sizes during search tostudy this issue. These authors found that pupil size increasedover the course of the search, and they attributed this findingto accumulating working memory load. However, since thepupil response is slow and does not depend on memory loadalone, this conclusion is rather speculative. In the presentstudy, we estimated working memory load in visual searchduring the presentation of intermittent fixation screens,thought to induce a low, stable level of arousal and cognitiveeffort. Using standard visual search and control tasks, weshowed that this paradigm reduces the influence of non-memory-related factors on pupil size. Furthermore, we foundan early increase in working memory load to be associatedwith more efficient search, indicating a significant role ofworking memory in the search process.

Keywords Workingmemory . Visual search . Eyemovements . Reaction time analyses

Our conscious visual experience and the performance of ev-eryday visual tasks are strongly determined by the interactionof visual attention and working memory. Both of these cogni-tive mechanisms have been extensively studied (for recentreviews, see Carrasco, 2011, and Baddeley, 2012). One ofthe most common tasks that we arguably perform thousandsof times every day is visual search, which is also one of themajor paradigms for studying visual attention (Eckstein,2011). Researchers have used various visual search paradigmsto gain insight into attentional selection in the visual system.In a typical visual search task, participants are asked to reportwhether a visually distinctive target object is present among aset of distractors in a given scene. If the target and distractorshave similar visual characteristics, observers have to se-quentially attend to the search items to find the target ordetermine its absence. Many models of visual search havebeen proposed, aimed at explaining the role of visual at-tention (e.g., Cave & Wolfe, 1990; Treisman & Gelade,1980; Wolfe, 1994).

Despite this research effort, the role of visual workingmemory in visual search is still being debated. Obviously,for successful task completion, the information about thesearch target needs to be kept in memory during search. Thisworking memory content guides visual attention during thesearch process, both in artificial search displays (e.g., Cave& Wolfe, 1990) and in natural images (e.g., Pomplun, 2006).Interestingly, memory content guides search even if it is irrel-evant to the search task (Downing, 2000). It is unclear, how-ever, whether and to what extent working memory is involvedin the search process beyond target memorization. Most im-portantly, working memory could be used to remember those

* Nada [email protected]

1 Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts atBoston, Boston, MA 02125, USA

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items that have already been inspected, in order to avoid an-other, redundant inspection of the same item. If working mem-ory can be utilized in this way without introducing significantdelay, it could substantially facilitate search.

The results of many studies have suggested a significantrole of memory in visual search (e.g., Baddeley, 1986; Logie,1995; Luck&Vogel, 1997; Peterson, Kramer, Wang, Irwin, &McCarley, 2001; Phillips, 1974), and other studies haveshown that memory can assist attention during the search task(e.g., Klein & MacInnes, 1999). However, Horowitz andWolfe (1998) claimed that there is no memory involvementin visual search. In their experiment, they asked subjects tosearch for the presence of a letter BT^ among letters BL^ ineither a random or a static condition. In both conditions, a newframe occurred every 111 ms, during the final 28 ms of whichthe letters were individually masked. In the random conditionall letters were randomly relocated in each frame, but theletters remained constant in the static condition. The staticcondition should have allowed subjects to keep track of theinspected items, in contrast to the dynamic condition, in whichthe target could have appeared at any previously scanned lo-cation. Surprisingly, search efficiency did not differ betweenthe two conditions, as indicated by equally steep slopes forresponse time (RT) as a function of set size. From these re-sults, Horowitz and Wolfe inferred that visual search has nomemory.

However, Peterson, Kramer, Wang, Irwin, and McCarley(2001) questioned the conclusion that the mechanism respon-sible for guiding attention during search has no memory forthe locations that have already been visited. In their study, theyfound that the pattern of object revisitations did not fit theprediction of a memoryless search model. This finding sug-gests that observers can keep track of what they have previ-ously inspected during visual search. A series of further stud-ies supported this claim by providing evidence for memoryinvolvement in visual search and showing that working mem-ory can influence search performance on a number of levels(see Gilchrist & Harvey, 2000; Shore & Klein, 2000).

Another approach to investigating the role of workingmemory in visual search is the study of the relationship be-tween an observer’s working memory capacity and his or hervisual search performance. If search performance were direct-ly correlated with working memory capacity, this would sup-port the hypothesis that the use of working memory facilitatesvisual search. Unfortunately, whereas some researchers havefound such a relationship (e.g., Anderson et al., 2013; Emrichet al., 2009), others have concluded that it does not exist (e.g.,Kane, Poole, Tuholski, & Engle, 2006).

It is important to note that the direct assessment of workingmemory load through memory retrieval tasks would interferewith the search task. Consequently, the results of such exper-iments would be difficult to interpret. An unobtrusive way ofestimating working memory capacity and use during an

ongoing task has been discovered through electroencephalog-raphy (EEG) research (e.g., Emrich et al., 2009; Vogel &Machizawa, 2004). For example, Emrich et al. (2009) inves-tigated an electrophysiological marker of visual workingmemory encoding and maintenance, termed the contralateraldelay activity (CDA), in the context of visual search. Theyfound the variations in CDA amplitude to be correlated withboth visual working memory capacity and visual searchefficiency, indicating a direct relationship between the lattertwo variables.

Although the electrophysiological approach allows for vi-sual working memory load estimation without requiring a sec-ondary task, it does require the availability and setup of EEGequipment, which adds considerable cost and effort to anygiven study. To overcome this problem, a different methodof estimating working memory load, which also does notrequire the introduction of an additional task, can be applied.This technique is based on pupillometry, whose relationshipwith cognitive load was first explored in the 1960s. Forexample, Hess and Polt (1964) measured the pupillaryresponses of people engaged in performing mental arithmeticproblems of increasing complexity. They found that the levelof difficulty of the problem correlated positively with pupildiameter (see also Ahern & Beatty, 1979; Kahneman, 1973).Extending their research, Kahneman and Beatty (1966)related the variation in pupil dilation to memory load. Theirparticipants were asked to remember series of digits orallypresented by the examiner at the rate of one digit per second.After a short pause, participants were asked to retell the verbaldigits. The results showed that during the encoding of eachdigit being presented, there was an increase in pupil size,providing evidence of a gradual increase in memory load.Furthermore, when reproducing the digits aloud, pupil sizedecreased for each individual digit, reflecting a paralleldecrease in memory load. In trials with a critical number ofdigits involved, the pupil size would remain large during theentire procedure, indicating a somewhat sustained effect ofincreasedmemory load.Many subsequent studies have furtherillustrated this correspondence between pupillary dilation andworking memory load (e.g., Ahern & Beatty, 1979; Karatekin,Couperus, &Marcus, 2004; Nuthmann& van derMeer, 2005;Stanners, Coulter, Sweet, & Murphy, 1979).

Porter, Troscianko, and Gilchrist (2007) used pupillometryto study visual working memory load during visual search.Their visual search and counting task experiments manipulat-ed search difficulty by varying the number of distractors aswell as the heterogeneity of the distractors, and the dilatorypatterns were compared between the two tasks. The resultsindicated an almost constant, large pupil size during thecounting task. In contrast, during search, pupil size increasedfrom the start of the trial onward, which the authors interpretedas showing increasing working memory load as the searchprogressed. However, although this conclusion is plausible,

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it was not entirely assured by their data, due to the manyfactors that influence pupil size. For example, the amount ofeffort that an observer spent finding the target could have beena contributing factor. Furthermore, the pupil response tochanges in working memory load is slow (e.g., Beatty &Lucero-Wagoner, 2000). It is thus possible that the workingmemory load did not increase during the search trial but wasconstant, and that the observed gradual increase in pupil sizewas due only to the delayed pupil response.

To overcome this problem, in the present study we modi-fied the search paradigm used by Porter et al. (2007). At reg-ular time intervals, the search display was replaced with anintermittent blank screen showing only a central fixationmarker. Subjects were asked to fixate the marker until thesearch display returned, and then to resume their search. Wehypothesized that measuring pupil size during these fixationintervals should lead to more reliable estimates of workingmemory load than measuring pupil size during search inter-vals. Our reasoning was that during the fixation intervals, theonly mental effort required of the subjects was the memoriza-tion of the target object features and any information about thecurrent search progress that they were keeping track of. Whilefixating the marker, subjects did not spend any effortinspecting the search items and did not encounter any target-relevant information, and therefore these two factors could notinfluence pupil size. It is also sensible to assume that, duringthese intervals, the absence of any cognitive task except themaintenance of working memory would induce no systematicvariation in arousal levels that could interfere with memoryload assessment. In addition, the fixation intervals were rela-tively long (3 s), so that the pupil size could approximate itsequilibrium value. We also ensured that the average displayluminance remained constant throughout all screens used inthe experiment. This requirement minimized light-inducedchanges in pupil size that would otherwise have added noiseto our measurements.

In our experiments reported here, we used this paradigm totest whether the use of working memory beyond memorizingthe search target features is important for efficient search.Such working memory use would be indicated by increasingmemory load during the course of a search trial. Therefore, ifthis memory use facilitates search, we would expect to find anegative correlation of the increase in working memory loadand the time taken to find the target. In other words, in thosetrials in which an observer used his or her working memorymore strongly, leading to a greater increase in working mem-ory load, we would expect that this memory use would facil-itate search. This facilitation should, on average, lead to fastertarget detection, indicated by shorter RTs. Since visual searchtrials could vary greatly in their duration, it was a sensibleapproach to measure the increase in working memory loadearly during the trial, in order to collect a maximum amountof data during an experiment. Consequently, we computed the

amount of early memory load increase as the change in loadbetween the first and second fixation screens in a trial. As wenoted above, increasing working memory load tends to beaccompanied by dilation of the observer’s pupils. Therefore,we used as an indicator of working memory load increase theaverage pupil size during the second fixation display minusthe one measured during the first fixation display. As a con-trol, we also computed this value for the first and secondsearch screens in each trial.

The correlation of the resulting load difference with thesubject’s RT in the same trial was then computed to test thehypothesis that a greater memory load increase would lead tomore efficient search. Such an effect would be indicated by anegative correlation coefficient. Furthermore, if our new par-adigm were effective at reducing the interference of othercognitive processes with the measurement of working memo-ry load, this inverse correlation should be stronger when mea-suring pupil size during the fixation phases than during thesearch phases.

To gather baseline data for our paradigm, in Experiment 1we used a modified visual search task that strictly requiredworking memory encoding for its successful completion. Inthis task, the search items in each stimulus display were ar-ranged randomly on four (invisible) circles, each of whichincluded a random number of visually distinguishable targetitems. After subjects had indicated task completion, they wereasked to report the number of targets on each circle. Clearly, toperform the task in an efficient manner, subjects needed toscan the display circle by circle and keep in memory the num-ber of targets in each previously inspected circle.Consequently, their memory load was expected to increasesteadily over time. According to our memory hypothesis, afaster increase in working memory load early in a trial shouldbe associated with more efficient search, as long as the sub-jects searched in a systematic fashion. Therefore, besides an-alyzing the correlation between early changes in pupil size andRT, we also examined the subjects’ search strategies in orderto obtain baseline data for the effectiveness of our paradigm atestimating the moment-to-moment working memory load.

Subsequently, in Experiment 2, we employed a Bstandard^visual search task and collected the same type of behavioraland pupil data. We compared a memory and a no-memorycondition to investigate the use of working memory duringvisual search. In the memory trials, the same search stimuluswas displayed after each intermittent screen, whereas in theno-memory trials, a different search display was shown aftereach intermittent screen. The no-memory condition thus didnot allow subjects to accumulate task-relevant informationabout the search items across search intervals. Comparingthe correspondence between pupil size and RT between thetasks thus allowed us to study the impact of working memoryuse on search task performance. The results indicated thatworking memory plays an important role in this task and that

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the new paradigm can provide insight into working memoryuse during various tasks.

Experiment 1


Subjects Thirteen students at the University of Massachusettsat Boston were recruited for the experiment. All subjects werebetween the ages of 21 and 35 years old and right-handed,with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Each subject wascompensated $10 for participating in the 1-h experiment.

Apparatus On a separate computer, eye movements wererecorded using an SR Research EyeLink 1000 desktop systemwith a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz. After calibration, theaverage calibration error was 0.5°. Stimuli were presented ona 22-in. ViewSonic LCD monitor with a refresh rate of 75 Hzand a screen resolution of 1,024 × 768 pixels. All viewers satat a distance of approximately 70 cm from the screen in aroom with a dim light setup and used a chin rest to stabilizetheir head. Only the left eye was tracked.

Materials Sixty stimulus displays were generated using aMATLAB script. Each display consisted of 32 search items,which were Gabor patches with a diameter of 1°. These itemswere arranged randomly on four circles with radii of 5°, ar-ranged in a 2 × 2 array. To avoid the overlapping and visualcrowding of items, we set a distance of at least 3° between thecenters of each item pair. Each stimulus was placed at thecenter of the screen and subtended a visual angle of 26° ×26°. Three to five of the Gabor patches were the designatedsearch targets, indicated by their vertical or horizontal orien-tation. In each search display, it was randomly determinedwhether all targets had the same vertical or horizontal orien-tation. The distractors were oriented randomly with a mini-mum angular difference of 12° from both the vertical andhorizontal orientations. The three, four, or five targets in eachdisplay were distributed randomly across the four circles, sothat these circles did not necessarily contain the same numbersof targets. The intermittent fixation screen had a gray back-ground of the same luminance as the search screens. Examplesof these stimuli are shown in Fig. 1a.

Procedure After participants had signed consent forms ap-proved by the University of Massachusetts Boston institution-al review board (IRB) and read the instructions, a standard 9-point grid calibration and validation of the gaze recordingwere completed. Participants were instructed to look at thecentral fixation marker on the pretrial and intermittent screensand search for the targets on each stimulus screen, countingthe number of targets in each circle. For each trial, the search

display was shown for 1 s and the intermittent screen for 3 s,followed by the same search display for 1 s and another fixa-tion screen for 3 s, and so on. All trials started and ended witha fixation screen shown for 3 s.

Participants were to press the space bar when they hadfinished counting the targets in each circle. Once the spacebar had been pressed or the maximum number of ten searchdisplays had been reached, a new screen was displayed withfour options for the potential numbers of targets in the differ-ent circles (see Fig. 1b). Participants were asked to choose theonly option that showed the correct number of targets in eachcircle by pressing the corresponding button on a gamepad. Forexample, if the four circles contained two, one, zero, and onetargets, respectively, then the option they should choose is 2,1, 0, 1, where the order of the circles is described left-to-rightand top-to-bottom. Subsequently, the next trial would start.Each subject performed four practice trials, followed by 60experimental trials that were grouped into six blocks of tentrials. The same set of displays was used for all participants inan individually randomized order.


In this experiment, we analyzed pupil size to investigatechanges in working memory load during visual search.Furthermore, we analyzed eye movements to examine theparticipants’ shifts of attention while they performed thesearch task. We specifically investigated the interaction be-tween the pupil size and visual scanning strategies to explaindifferences in search efficiency across participants.

All correct trials in which the participants found the targetswithin fewer than three search displays were removed fromthe analysis. Even thoughwe only used the pupil data from thefirst two fixation and search displays, potential target detec-tions within these screens could have influenced the subjects’pupil sizes. Although it was almost impossible to complete thetask in Experiment 1 within fewer than three search screens,this often occurred in Experiment 2. To ensure comparabilityof the results between the two experiments, we set the three-display limit for both of them. Furthermore, all trials that hadan incorrect response were removed from the analysis, as well.These criteria limited the analysis to approximately 82 % ofthe trials in the entire experiment. The RTwas measured fromthe time when the first search display appeared—that is, afterthe initial fixation screen until the time that the subject pressedthe space bar, indicating that all targets had been counted. Thetime after the space bar being pressed and the next screen withthe four options being shown was not included in the RT. Themean RT of those trials that were accepted according to thecriteria was 25.57 s, with a standard deviation of 7.25 s.

For each subject, the correlation between (a) the differencein mean pupil size between the entire interval of the secondintermittent fixation screen and the entire interval of the first

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intermittent fixation screen and (b) the RT was computedacross all trials. Similarly, the correlation was also calculatedbetween the pupil size difference between the second and firstsearch screens and the RT. Pupil size was measured only dur-ing fixations, to minimize artifacts due to eye movements, andwas taken as the number of pixels that the pupil covered in theEyeLink camera image. No further normalization of this var-iable was performed because we only investigated pupil sizewithin individual subjects.

It should be noted that in video-based eyetracking the mea-sured pupil size slightly varies with the gaze position, becauseof the varying angle between the pupil and the eyetrackercamera. Although we had used a pupil calibration and normal-izationmethod (Pomplun& Sunkara, 2003) for our previouslyused EyeLink II system, we found that the system used in thisstudy, the EyeLink 1000, provided significantly more robustpupil size measurements. In the present experiments, wefound that the standard deviation in the average measuredpupil size for fixation positions across the four screen quad-rants during search was approximately 20 pixels, or 1.25 % ofthe mean pupil size. Given the overall variation in pupil size

(cf. Fig. 4 below), even a systematic bias of the pupil size databy eye movements could have only a small effect on the re-sults. However, we should be aware that when comparing theresults obtained through pupil size measurement during cen-tral fixation (fixation screens) and during free viewing (searchscreens), the latter may contain some additional noise.

The pupil size increase during intermittent screens showeda slightly negative correlation with RT (r = –.085), t(12) =1.410, p = .006, whereas measurement during the search dis-plays revealed a weak positive correlation (r = .124), t(12) =2.286, p = .005. This difference in the correlations between thetwo methods of measurement was significant, t(12) =2.609, p = .023.

Although we found the hypothesized negative correlationbetween pupil size increase and RT for the pupil measure-ments during the fixation screens, it was very weak. One pos-sible explanation for this finding is that some subjects did notperform the task systematically, and therefore did not loadtheir working memory during the initial screens as expected.To examine this possibility, we divided the participants intotwo groups based on their r value for the fixation screens, with

Fig. 1 Sample trial of Experiment 1, using intermittent fixation screensin a visual search task that included the counting of target objects. (a)Observers had to determine and remember the number of targets in eachcircle during search and disregard the distractors. Note that the actualdisplays contained eight objects per circle. After completing this task,subjects were to press the space bar on the keyboard, which wouldreplace the search display with the multiple-choice response screen (b).This screen had four different response options appear at the top, bottom,

left, and right positions on the screen, each of which presented fournumbers corresponding to the numbers of targets in the different circles.For example, if one of the options consisted of the numbers 2, 0, 0, and 1,as is shown in the option at the bottom of panel B, this meant that theupper-left circle had two targets, the lower-right circle had one target, andthe remaining two circles had no targets. One of the four options indicatedthe correct four numbers of targets in the four circles, and subjects were topick this option by pressing one of four buttons on a gamepad

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the cutting point set at the mean r value, which was –.085.Therefore, the first group, termed the Bstrong-correlation^group, consisting of six subjects, had correlations with r <–.085, with an average of r = –.287. The second group, namedthe Bweak-correlation^ group, had correlations with r > –.085,with an average of r = .10. We compared the gaze patterns inthe search displays between the two groups in an attempt tounderstand the reason for the difference in correlations.

In the present task, for efficient performance, subjects hadto process each circle in a serial pattern because they wereasked to report the numbers of targets in the different individ-ual circles. Examining their eye movements allowed us todetermine how systematic a subject’s search strategy was.We analyzed the fixations during the first five search displaysof each trial. Each fixation was assigned to the circle of Gaborpatches whose center had the shortest Euclidean distance fromit. Then, for each 1-s presentation of a search display, wedetermined the circle that received the most fixations and di-vided that number of fixations by the total number of fixationsrecorded during that display presentation. If subjects focusedtheir search on one circle during each display presentation,which we assumed would reflect systematic search behavior,this variable would approach a value of 100 %. If, on the otherhand, subjects showed erratic search patterns, the value couldin the most extreme case fall to 25 %.

Figure 2 shows the separate results for the strong- andweak-correlation groups for each of the first five search dis-plays in each trial. Participants in the weak-correlation grouprevealed lower values (mean = .67) than those in the high-correlation group (mean = .8), t(11) = 3.16, p = .022, indicat-ing that they tended to fixate on several circles instead of onecircle during each search display. This finding suggests thatthe weak-correlation group performed less systematic search,with fixations being distributed among more than one circle.

To further study the efficiency of observers’ search strate-gies, we considered that inefficient search performance can beindicated by a substantial proportion of eye movementsrevisiting one of the stimulus circles. A fixation was consid-ered a revisit if it landed on a circle that had been visitedbefore, with at least one fixation on a different circle occurringbetween these visits. These fixations were assumed to bemade to recheck an already searched circle, which would beindicative of unsystematic search behavior.

As is shown in Fig. 3, the weak-correlation group had toreturn to search a circle whose items had already been exam-ined almost once at every second and third search display,averaging at 0.69 revisits per display. The fixations for thestrong-correlation group showed only 0.28 refixations, whichwas significantly lower than the value for the weak-correlationgroup, t(11) = 2.83, p = .053. Interestingly, the differencebetween the groups was extremely large for the second searchdisplay, but progressively diminished until it disappeared forthe fifth display. This finding is most likely due to the

necessity of systematic search to revisit circles if some of thetarget numbers determined earlier could not be memorized.Figure 4 shows the correlations for one of the subjects in thestrong-correlation group and illustrates the difference that itmakes to measure pupil size during the search or during thefixation screens.


We hypothesized a negative correlation between pupil sizeincreases during the early intermittent screens and RTs, indi-cating that a greater working memory load increase led tofaster searches. This hypothesis was supported by our pupilsize analysis. Pupil dilation during the intermittent screens hada small but significant negative correlation with RT, whereasthere was a small positive correlation between pupil dilationand RT during the search displays.

To determine whether our pupillary results were affectedby the subjects’ search strategies, we divided the participantsinto two different groups based on the mean value of thecorrelation between pupil size in the first two intermittentscreens and RT. We compared their gaze patterns during thesearch displays. Our results indicated that, in general, thegroup with a strong negative correlation between pupil dila-tion and RT tended to search the stimulus circles in a system-atic sequence, with fewer revisits of previously inspected cir-cles. These results gave further support to our hypothesis that,using the fixation screens, working memory load during thesearch task can be estimated with useful accuracy. Although acorrelation of r = –.29 is still weak, it is important to note thatno strong correlation could be expected for these variables.RTs in visual search tasks generally show great variance, be-cause by chance the target object may be the first oneinspected, or in the worst case, it could be the lastone. Even when using efficient search strategies, theRT difference between the best and worst cases is im-mense. Even though the need for finding multiple tar-gets in Experiment 1 reduced this variance, we stillcould not expect to precisely predict RT in individualtrials on the basis of pupil size changes.

When measuring pupil size while subjects were activelysearching the display, no such negative correlation was found,suggesting that these data do not seem to allow reliable esti-mates of working memory load. As we noted above, the ad-ditional noise in pupil size measurement during free viewingmay have contributed, at least to a small extent, to this differ-ence between the fixation and search screens as the basis ofmeasurement. Having obtained these supporting baseline datafor our method, we conducted Experiment 2, in which weapplied the method to a more Bregular^ visual search task thatdid not explicitly demandmemory use, except for memorizingthe target features.

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Experiment 2

The search task in Experiment 2 can be considered a standardvisual search task in which the subject had to report the identityof one target among a set of distractors. We introduced twoexperimental conditions—a memory task and a no-memorytask. Each task was presented in separate blocks of trials. Inthe memory task, after each intermittent screen, the same searchstimulus reappeared. Therefore, subjects could make use of anyinformation that they had memorized from previous screens,such as the set of already-inspected items. In the no-memorytask, a new search stimulus appeared after every intermittentfixation screen. Consequently, subjects did not need to memo-rize any information across search displays within the sametrial, because this would be useless in the next search display.

In the memory task, we hypothesized that the loading ofworkingmemorywas an integral part of performing the search

task efficiently, as only a single search display was presentedin each trial. As in Experiment 1, we expected this role ofworking memory to be revealed by a negative correlationbetween the pupil size increase between the first and secondfixation screens and RT. The no-memory task served as acontrol condition in which no increasing memory load or itscorrelation with RT were expected. Once again, pupil mea-surement during the fixation screens was contrasted with pupilmeasurement during the search screens, to obtain further evi-dence for the suitability of our working memory load estima-tion paradigm.


Subjects Thirteen students at the University of MassachusettsBoston were recruited for the experiment. All of the subjectswere between the ages of 19 and 36 years old and right-handed,

Fig. 2 Average percentages offixations on the same circle in eachof the first five search displays forall participants in each group. Thestrong-correlation group revealedmore systematic serial search, with72 %–83 % of the fixationslanding on the same circle duringeach search display. In contrast, thevalues for the weak-correlationgroup ranged from 54 % to 74 %.Error bars show the standard errorsof the means

Fig. 3 Results from Experiment1, showing the average numbersof refixations per search displayfor each of the two subject groups.Inefficient search behavior by theweak-correlation group isindicated by many fixationsrevisiting previously inspectedcircles. Error bars show thestandard errors of the means

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with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Each participantwas compensated $10 for participating in the 1-h experiment.

Apparatus This was the same as in Experiment 1.

Materials A total of 440 stimulus displays was generatedusing a MATLAB script. Each display subtended a visualangle of 26° × 26° at the center of the screen and containeda total of 31 distractors, which were Gabor patches with aradius of 1°. They were oriented randomly with angles differ-ing from both the vertical and horizontal orientations by atleast 12°. Furthermore, each display contained a single targetoriented vertically or horizontally. To ensure that the objectsdid not overlap, we set a minimum distance of 3° of visualangle between their centers.

After we had randomized the orientation of the target ineach display, we divided the displays into two groups, formingfour blocks of memory trials using a total of 40 displays, andfour blocks of no-memory trials with a total of 400 displays.Since all of the displays were randomly chosen, the displays inthe no-memory condition differed within each trial, and thus amix of horizontal and vertical targets could appear for thedifferent search displays in a given no-memory trial. When asubject responded by pressing a key (Bv^ or B h^) to indicatewhether the target was vertical or horizontal for the currentsearch display, the response would be considered on the basisof the last image display that the participant had seen. In otherwords, the subject could press the response keys at any timeduring the trial, and only the orientation of the target in thelast-presented search display before the user’s response wascounted. The two task conditions, memory and no-memory,were administered to the subjects in an alternating order, with

ten trials per block. The intermittent screens showed a centralfixation marker on a gray background matching the averageluminance of the search displays. Examples of these stimuliare shown in Fig. 5.

Procedure After participants had signed consent forms ap-proved by the University of Massachusetts at Boston IRBand read the instructions, a standard 9-point grid calibrationand validation of the gaze recording were completed.Participants were instructed to look at the central fixationmarker on the intermittent screens and search for the targetson each stimulus screen. They were asked to respond usingtwo keyboard keys when they had detected a target at any timeduring the trial, with Bv^ indicating a vertical target object andB h^ indicating a horizontal one. The search displays wereshown for 1 s, and the intermittent screens for 3 s. Each trialcontinued until the target type was reported or until the searchdisplay had been shown ten times. All trials started and endedwith a fixation screen for 3 s.


The subjects in the memory and no-memory conditions, re-spectively, had 84 % and 86 % correct responses. In the sameway as in Experiment 1, we considered only trials that had acorrect response and in which the participant had found thetarget after the third search display. These criteria limited theanalysis to approximately 50 % of the trials in each condition.For each subject, their mean pupil size was measured for thefirst two intermittent screens and the first two search displays.This was done separately for the memory and no-memoryblocks. Those trials that we kept for analysis showed mean

Fig. 4 Sample correlations between pupil size changes and responsetimes for the same subject in Experiment 1 (Subject 6 from the strong-correlation group). Each marker represents one trial with a correctresponse, and straight lines indicate the results of linear regressions. (a)

A slightly positive correlation (r = .07) when pupil size was measuredduring search displays; (b) a weak negative correlation (r = –.24) whenpupil size was measured during fixation displays

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RTs of 18.75 and 20.85 s in the memory and no-memoryconditions, respectively, with standard deviations of 9.79and 10.00 s. There was no statistical difference between thesetwo RT values, t(12) = 2.15, p = .054. The numbers of fixa-tions per search display, averaging at 4.25 and 4.28, respec-tively, during each of the first two displays, did not differbetween the memory and no-memory conditions, t(12) =0.57, p = .58.

Two factors were used in the data analysis. The first was thefactor Phase, indicating whether pupil size was measured dur-ing the intermittent screens or search displays. The secondfactor was Task (memory or no-memory). The effects of thesefactors on the correlations between pupil size increase duringthe first two measurements and RT are shown in Fig. 6. Arepeated measures two-way analysis of variance using thesetwo factors indicated a marginal effect of task, F(1, 12) = 3.87,p = .067, and a significant effect of phase, F(1, 12) = 4.93, p =.044. The interaction between the two factors was also signif-icant, F(1, 12) = 8.77, p = .013.

This result of the within-subjects analysis indicated that thedifference in mean pupil size between the first two successivefixation screens in the memory condition mainly reflectedchanges in working memory load that occurred during thesearch interval between the screens. This difference was asignificant predictor of the RT in the same trial, with an in-verse correlation of approximately r = –.22, t(12) = 4.37, p =.045. We found no significant correlations for the intermittent

screens in the no-memory blocks, t(12) = 1.46, p = .170, or forthe pupil size measurement during search phases in either thememory, t(12) = 1.15, p = .122, or the no-memory, t(12) =1.02, p = .182, conditions.

The results indicate that during the memory blocks, greaterpupil size increases in the intermittent fixation screens tendedto be followed by shorter search times. Furthermore, the dif-ference in mean pupil size between the first two search displaypresentations did not predict RTs in either the memory or no-

Fig. 5 Trial schematics for the two experimental conditions inExperiment 2. Both conditions used typical visual search displays, butthe search process was interrupted by presenting intermittent screens forunbiased pupil size measurement. (Left) A trial in the memory condition,

with the same search display presented during the entire trial, (Right) Ano-memory trial, with a different search display after each intermittentscreen. Note that, as in Experiment 1, each display actually contained 32Gabors, here one target and 31 distractors

Fig. 6 Correlation between pupil size changes between the first twodisplays (either intermittent fixation screens or search displays) and theresponse time in the same trial for thememory and no-memory conditionsin Experiment 2. Error bars indicate standard errors of the means

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memory blocks. Figure 7 shows sample correlation plots forone of the subjects in Experiment 2.


Surprisingly, the results of Experiment 2, which did not in-volve an explicit working memory requirement, revealed aclearer characterization of memory load effects than didExperiment 1, designed to require memory encoding and re-trieval. In the Brepeated displays^ (memory task) condition ofExperiment 2, in which working memory use could have fa-cilitated search, a faster increase in memory load was corre-lated with better search performance. As in Experiment 1, thecorrelation was weak, which was expected due to the randomvariance in RT data. Since Experiment 2 required the detection

of only one target among 31 distractors, the influence of therandomly chosen target position on RTs was actually muchstronger than in Experiment 1. Therefore, finding a significantcorrelation between pupil size increase and RT in this condi-tion of Experiment 2 indicates an important role of memory inthis task.

This correlation was only found when we measured duringfixation screens, and disappeared when we measured duringsearch screens. In the Bchanging displays^ (no-memory task)condition, in which performance could not have benefitedfrom working memory use, no significant correlations werefound. This pattern of results supports the initial hypotheses:Subjects do tend to make extensive use of working memory ina standard visual search task, and this significantly improvestheir search performance.

Fig. 7 Sample correlations between pupil size changes and responsetimes for the same subject in Experiment 2 (Subject 1). Each markerrepresents one trial with a correct response and at least three searchdisplays, and the straight lines indicate the results of linear regressions.

The upper row (a and b) shows the memory condition, and the lower row(c and d) the no-memory condition. The left column (a and c) refers topupil size measurements during the search displays, and the right column(b and d) to pupil size measurements during the fixation displays

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The Porter et al. (2007) study provided valuable new insightsinto cognitive load during visual search tasks. Their moment-to-moment analysis was the first to successfully usepupillometry in such a context. However, the influence offactors other than memory on pupil size did not allow forspecific conclusions about the role of working memory invisual search. To enable such an investigation, we modifiedtheir approach by introducing a new paradigm that we hypoth-esized would better suit measuring memory load independent-ly from the other factors that influence pupil size.

The present study had two main objectives. First, we aimedat testing the hypothesis that measuring pupil size during in-termittent fixation screens, assumed to induce a low, stablelevel of arousal and cognitive effort, would allow a more reli-able estimation of working memory load than measuring itduring the actual task performance. Second, in our study weinvestigated the relationship between memory load increaseand search performance. The pupil dilation data inExperiment 1, serving as a baseline, showed that the increasein pupil size during the first two intermittent screens had agreater negative correlation with RT than did that measuredduring search displays. Experiment 2 confirmed these resultsfor a more common type of visual search task. By contrastingmemory and no-memory conditions, this experiment providedfurther evidence for the feasibility ofmeasuringworkingmem-ory using the new experimental paradigm. Furthermore, thepresent results indicate that subjects make significant use ofworking memory during visual search, which improves theirperformance. This conclusion is consistent with previous stud-ies that have proposed a close link between working memoryuse and search efficiency (e.g., Downing, 2000; Kristjánsson,2000; Peterson et al., 2001; Shore & Klein, 2000).

We need to note that the reduction of eye movement noisein video-based pupil size measurement by having subjectsfixate on a marker may have slightly contributed to the ob-served advantage of our proposed method. Furthermore, weshould be aware of the fact that the introduction of the inter-mediate fixation screens altered the task to a certain extent.The method presented here can only be applied to tasks withtypical RTs of at least a few seconds, which are the only tasksfor which a time course of memory load would be ofinterest. The task manipulation could lead to changes inthe cognitive task requirements and task performance.However, such changes should not substantially affectsubjects’ task-relevant memory use, and therefore thememory load measurement would still be relevant forthe original task.

Our technique could be applied to a variety of other tasks tomeasure the working memory load that they induce, withoutrequiring an explicit working memory test that could interferewith the performance of the main task. For example, the

paradigm could be used to investigate working memory usein the context of language comprehension or arithmetic prob-lem solving. Such studies may lead to a more comprehensiveunderstanding of the interaction of visual attention and work-ing memory that is crucial for the performance of most every-day tasks and our conscious experience.

Author note Part of the study was supported by Grant No. R01EY021802 from the National Institutes of Health to M.P. We thank theSaudi Arabian Cultural Mission, Ministry of Higher Education, forsupporting the first author with a Ph. D. scholarship. The authors alsothank the undergraduate students at the Visual Attention Laboratory at theUniversity of Massachusetts for their help recruiting subjects.


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