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Interventions to Change Habits 1 Habit-Based Behavior Change Interventions Wendy Wood and David T. Neal University of Southern California Catalyst Behavioral Sciences Correspondence should be addressed to: Wendy Wood, Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 email: [email protected]

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Interventions to Change Habits 1

Habit-Based Behavior Change Interventions

Wendy Wood and David T. Neal

University of Southern California Catalyst Behavioral Sciences

Correspondence should be addressed to: Wendy Wood, Department of Psychology,

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 email: [email protected]

Preparation of this article was supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The

opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the

views of the Foundation. The authors thank Hei Yeung Lam for his help compiling the


Interventions to Change Habits 2


Interventions to change health behaviors have had limited success to date at establishing

enduring healthy lifestyle habits. We outline a set of habit-based interventions to promote

healthy habit formation and break unhealthy ones. These interventions address the unique

mechanisms underlying habitual action—the patterning of behavior that creates healthy and

unhealthy habits given stable contexts. In the first part of this article, we explain how such

interventions create healthy habits as people repeat rewarding actions in stable contexts. In the

second part, we show how these interventions break unhealthy habits by neutralizing the cues

that automatically trigger these responses.

Interventions to Change Habits 3

Behavioral Interventions to Change Lifestyle Habits

In 1991, the National Cancer Institute and industry partners introduced the public health

campaign, “5-A-Day Program for Better Health,” which included education, advertising, and

school and workplace interventions. The campaign was successful in changing people’s

knowledge about what they should eat: Initially, only 7% of the U.S. population understood that

they should eat five servings of fruit and vegetables per day, whereas by 1997, fully 20% were

aware of this recommendation (Stables et al., 2002). However, actual fruit and vegetable

consumption was another matter. The campaign had little effect on what people ate. During the

years 1988 to 1994, 11% of U.S. adults met this target amount of fruit and vegetable

consumption, and the percentage did not shift during 1995-2002 (Casagrande, Wang, Anderson

& Gary, 2007). Since then, a new national campaign initiated in 2007, called, “Fruit and Veggies

—More Matters,” has also failed to increase consumption rates (U.S. Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention, 2015).

These failures are not surprising. Health interventions based on psychological research

have successfully increased people’s knowledge about health as well as their intentions to act

healthfully. In addition, many health interventions get people to act healthfully in the short run.

Yet few interventions have successfully changed habitual behaviors like consumption of fruits

and vegetables (Webb & Sheeran, 2006).

The challenge of maintaining healthy behaviors is depicted graphically in Figure 1, which

displays the short-term and longer-term outcomes of four recent health interventions. These

health interventions in many ways exemplify the best of intervention science and practice, as

shown by participants’ marked increase in healthy behaviors. However, the healthy behaviors

were largely not maintained after the interventions ended. The triangular relapse patterns

Interventions to Change Habits 4

depicted in Figure 1 reflect this initial impact but failed maintenance. Systematic reviews of the

long-term effects of a broader sample of interventions reveal a similar story of limited

maintenance (e.g., Vandelanotte, Spathonis, Eakin, & Owen, 2007), especially in studies that

account for the (largely unsuccessful) participants who drop out of most interventions over time

(e.g., Fjeldsoe, Neuhaus, Winkler, & Eakin, 2011).

----------------------------------Insert Figure 1 about here----------------------------

Many readers might believe that these failures in adopting and maintaining healthy

behaviors are due to people’s faltering willpower and succumbing to short-term gratifications

(e.g., tasty food) over healthier longer-term goals (e.g., balanced diet). However, recent research

in psychology suggests that habits also play a significant role in these failures (van’t Riet,

Sijtsema, Dagevos, & De Bruijn, 2011; Wood & Rünger, 2016). Habits represent context-

response associations in memory that develop as people repeat behaviors in daily life. For

example, after repeatedly eating hamburgers and pizza for dinner, a person is likely to find that

meal-time cues (e.g., driving home from work, watching evening news) automatically activate

thoughts of these foods and not vegetables.

From a habit perspective, behavior change interventions fail when they do not consider

how people form healthy habits and break unhealthy ones. Although behavior change research

offers sophisticated understanding of many intervention features (e.g., appropriate incentives,

tailoring of messages, nonintrusive measurement), little attention has been paid to habits. In this

article, we outline a set of habit-based interventions to promote the repetition of healthy

behaviors so that they become habitual and to break the automated cuing that can leave people

mired in unhealthy habits. At essence, these interventions address the specific patterning of

Interventions to Change Habits 5

behavioral repetition and thereby the psychological mechanism by which health habits are

created and disrupted.

In the first part of this article, we explain how interventions create healthy habits through

repeated performance of rewarding actions in stable contexts. The second part addresses how

interventions can break unhealthy habits by neutralizing the cues that automatically trigger these

responses. Our set of habit-based interventions thus augments existing tools to promote

automated performance of desired over undesired responses, including choice architecture

(Johnson et al., 2012), social norms (Salmon, Fennis, de Ridder, Adriaanse, & de Vet, 2014), and

implementation intentions (e.g., Adriaanse, Gollwitzer, de Ridder, de Witt, & Kroese, 2011).

Finally, we explain how habit-based interventions can be incorporated into health policies.

Promoting the Formation of New Habits

Behavior change interventions encourage the formation of habits when people repeat an

action sufficiently often in a stable context to form cognitive associations between context cues

and the response. In a sense, the context becomes a shorthand cue for what response is likely to

be rewarding. Once a habit is formed, perception of the context automatically brings the habitual

response to mind, and it will usually be enacted unless people make a decision to do otherwise.

The associative connections that undergird habits develop gradually through experience,

as people repeat behaviors over time. Habit knowledge is encoded in procedural memory, which

is cognitively and neurally distinct from other types of memories, such as short-term motives and

desires (Wood & Neal, 2007). Thus, habits do not form directly from people’s plans, intentions,

or self-efficacy beliefs. Instead, rewarding outcomes are a key to whether people initially

perform an action. However, with repetition, responses become locked into the context triggers

that consistently accompanied the response. In a sense, action control is outsourced to context

Interventions to Change Habits 6

cues, and the outcomes of the response become less impactful. When habits form, people are in a

cycle of repeating a response automatically in response to cues associated with past performance

of the behavior.

One implication of outsourcing control to the environment as habits gain strength is the

waning importance of intentions and preferences. Early in habit formation, people might

intentionally decide how to respond to achieve a certain outcome. However, once a habit gains

strength, people tend to act on the habitual response in mind even when they intended to do

otherwise (Ji & Wood, 2007). Thus, eating habits proved to be stronger determinants of the

healthfulness of the foods people eat than their visceral responses to food cues or their eating

intentions (Verhoeven, Adriaanse, Evers, & de Ridder, 2012). When habits are healthy,

outsourcing behavioral control to the environment in this way is beneficial. People keep on track

by responding habitually when distractions, stress, and dips in willpower impede decision-

making (Neal, Wood, & Drolet, 2013). However, when habits are unhealthy, the environmental

control of behavior in this way impedes health and can create a self-control dilemma. We address

unhealthy habits in the second section of the article.

The central components of habit formation are (a) behavioral repetition, (b) associated

context cues, and (c) rewards (see Table 1). We explain how interventions can incorporate each

of these in turn.

------------------------------------Insert Table 1 here-----------------------------------------

Behavior Repetition

Habit formation interventions create opportunities for, and encourage frequent repetition

of, specific responses. Illustrating the role of repetition, participants in Lally, van Jaarsveld,

Potts, and Wardle’s (2010) research choose a new health behavior to perform once a day in the

Interventions to Change Habits 7

same context (e.g., eating fruit after dinner). For some behaviors and some people, only 18 daily

repetitions were required for the behavior to become sufficiently automatic to be performed

without thinking. For other behaviors and participants, over 200 daily repetitions were necessary.

Also, for people developing new exercise habits, going to the gym became automatic after 5 to 6

weeks of regular workouts (Armitage, 2005; Kaushal & Rhodes, 2015).

Interventions could encourage repetition by visually depicting the physical act of

repeating the desired behavior. Even more directly, interventions could involve the target

population in physically practicing the new habit (e.g., handwashing interventions in schools

involving physical practice) instead of merely learning about its benefits and setting performance

goals (Neal, Vujcic, Hernandez & Wood, 2015). The length of intervention programs is also

important for habit formation. Longer interventions provide more opportunities for people to

repeat specific actions so as to form healthy habits. In suggestive evidence, weight loss

interventions that lasted for longer periods of time proved to be more effective (Fjeldsoe,

Neuhaus, Winkler, & Eakin, 2011). Furthermore, the success of an especially long-duration

behavioral intervention, OPower’s multi-year energy conservation programs, appears due in part

to consumers forming energy-saving habits (Allcott & Rogers, 2014).

Context Cues that Trigger Habit Performance

Habit formation involves learning covariations between contexts and rewarded responses,

and then encoding this covariation as context-response associations in memory (see Table 1). For

this reason, successful habit learning depends not only on repetition but also on the presence of

stable context cues. Context cues can include times of day, locations, prior actions in a sequence,

or even the presence of other people. Illustrating the importance of stable cues, almost 90% of

successful regular exercisers in one study had a location or time cue to exercise, and exercising

Interventions to Change Habits 8

was more automatic for those who were cued by a particular location (Tappe, Tarves,

Oltarzewski, & Frum, 2013). Also, older adults were more likely to comply with medical

prescriptions when they took pills in a particular context in their home (e.g., bathroom) or

integrated this activity into a daily routine (Brooks et al., 2014).

Intervention programs to form healthy habits can promote stable habit cues in several

ways. People can be encouraged to create plans, or implementation intentions (Adriaanse et al.,

2011) to perform a behavior in a given context (e.g., “I will floss in the bathroom after brushing

my teeth”). Although forming implementation intentions increases the planned response when

the cues arise, these plans work through a slightly different mechanism than habit formation.

That is, forming such plans appears to increase the cognitive accessibility, and thus influence, of

people’s existing behavioral intentions (Rogers, Milkman, John, & Norton, 2015). Accordingly,

these plans promote performance only for people who already intend to perform the healthy

behavior (e.g., people who wanted to floss; Orbell & Verplanken, 2010), and the efficacy of the

intervention fades if their intentions change. Even so, implementation intentions may be a useful

steppingstone on the path to creating habits. To the extent that people act repeatedly on such

intentions in a stable context, over time, behavior may become less dependent on intentions and

form into habits.

Intervention programs also create cues by piggybacking, or tying a new healthy behavior

to an existing habit. The habitual response can then serve as a cue to trigger performance of the

new behavior. For example, dental flossing habits were established most successfully when

people practiced flossing immediately after they brushed their teeth (rather than before; Judah,

Gardner, & Aunger, 2013). The large number of habits in people’s daily lives provides many

opportunities to connect a new health behavior to an existing habit. For example, public

Interventions to Change Habits 9

information campaigns could link replacing smoke alarm batteries to another periodic activity,

such as changing the clock for daylight savings. Similarly, medical compliance with a prescribed

health practice (e.g., taking pills) could be paired with a daily habit (e.g., eating a meal, going to


Rewards Promote Habit Formation

People tend to repeat behaviors that produce positive consequences or reduce negative

ones (see Table 1). Positive consequences include intrinsic features of a behavior, such as the

taste of food being eaten or the positive emotions of satisfaction and efficacy that arise when

people effectively meet health goals (Lally & Gardner, 2013). Positive consequences also

include extrinsic rewards, such as monetary incentives or others’ approval. Avoiding negative

consequences is illustrated by contingency contracts in which people agree to pay money or

experience other negative consequences for failing to meet a goal (Fishbach & Trope, 2005). By

meeting the goal, they avoid that (self-inflicted) punishment.

Habits form most readily when specific behaviors are rewarded. Especially during the

initial stages of habit formation, incentives can lower the costs of engaging in an undesirable but

healthy activity. Rewards such as symbolic trophies and prizes that recognize a certain level of

performance might be broadly motivating as people contemplate the reward and the actions that

earned it. Similarly, temporal landmarks such as birthdays and a new calendar year can create

new mental accounting periods that aid motivation to adopt a healthy behavior. However, such

broad motivation may not promote habit formation. Only rewards that promote the repetition of

specific actions contribute to habit formation. The rewards most effective at forming habits are

experienced in specific ways that we unpack below.

Interventions to Change Habits 10

In classic analyses of reward learning, habits develop when rewards are sufficiently

strong to promote repetition but are experienced as somewhat uncertain because they are not

received every time a behavior is performed (DeRusso et al., 2010). The power of uncertain

rewards to promote habits is exemplified by slot machines—people easily develop habit-like

responses of repeated play for an occasional win. In learning theory terminology, such rewards

have variable interval or ratio schedules (see Dickinson’s, 1985, perceived instrumental

contingency). The low salience of the reward allows learning of context-response associations

that exclude the reward. To date, few health interventions have used the kinds of rewards that

promote habit formation (Burns et al., 2012). Instead, most health interventions present rewards

in ways that ensure it remains highly salient (e.g., paying participants for attending the gym).

Such rewards effectively drive short-term behavior changes, but may ultimately impede habit

formation and lead to maintenance failures. These rewards often signal that a behavior is

difficult, undesirable, and not worth performing without the reward (Gneezy, Meier, & Rey-Biel,


Interventions could build on these habit reward principles by providing rewards that are

sufficiently strong to motivate a behavior but intermittent so that they do not interfere with habit

formation. In other words, rewards should be provided in the way of a slot machine—uncertain

but sufficiently motivating that people perform the healthy behavior. For example, coupons and

discounts on fresh fruits and vegetables at grocery stores can be provided intermittently so as to

encourage habitual produce purchases. The structure and routines of school and work

environments are particularly well suited to providing such rewards. For example, school

policies, especially in elementary schools, could be structured to provide intermittent monitoring

Interventions to Change Habits 11

and reinforcements for healthy behaviors such as hand washing after using the restroom or fruit

and vegetable consumption during school lunches.

In conclusion, only a few health interventions with the general population have

incorporated these three bases of habit formation—response repetition, stable cues, and

intermittent rewards. Yet, the few existing habit-based interventions have yielded promising

results for weight loss (e.g., Lally, Chipperfield, & Wardle, 2008) and consumption of healthy

food in families (e.g., Gardner, Sheals, Wardle, & McGowan, 2014). For example, Carels et al.’s

(2014) overweight participants were instructed how to modify the environments in which they

ate and exercised, along with habit formation and disruption advice. As can be seen in Figure 2,

participants undergoing this multi-faceted habit treatment continued to lose weight during

several months following the end of the intervention, despite the fact that participants using a

more standard weight-loss program relapsed over time. Also, an electronic monitoring device to

reduce amount and speed of eating dinner among overweight adolescents for 12 months

continued to show benefit six months after the intervention ended (Ford et al., 2010).

-------------------------------Insert Figure 2 about here--------------------------------------

Breaking Unhealthy Habits

Because habits are represented in memory in a relatively separate manner from goals and

conscious intentions, existing habits do not change flexibly when people adopt new goals. Thus,

recognizing the health value of five servings of fruits and vegetables per day does not, by itself,

remove the cues that trigger consumption of other foods. Similarly, incentive programs to break

habits will not necessarily alter the memory trace underlying the behavior. Familiar contexts and

routines still will bring unhealthy habits to mind, leaving people at risk of lapsing back into old

patterns (Walker, Thomas, & Verplanken, 2015). Even after new habits have been formed, the

Interventions to Change Habits 12

existing memory traces are not necessarily replaced, but instead remain dormant and can be

reactivated relatively easily (Bouton, Todd, Vurbic, & Winterbauer, 2011).

Changing unhealthy habits, much like forming healthy ones, requires understanding of

how people perform a behavior. That is, it requires understanding of the psychological processes

that maintain unhealthy responses. Specifically, when unhealthy behaviors are habitual, then

change involves neutralizing the cues in performance environments that automatically trigger

habit performance. As we explain below, interventions can incorporate three strategies to reduce

the impact of cues: (a) cue disruption, (b) environmental reengineering, and (c) vigilant

monitoring or inhibition (see Table 1). The promise of such strategies is underscored by

experiments with humans and animals showing that habit performance is readily disrupted when

contexts have shifted, whereas more goal-driven behaviors tend to persist despite such changes

(Neal, Wood, Wu, & Kurlander, 2011; Thrailkill & Bouton, 2015).

Cue Disruption

Interventions can take advantage of naturally-occurring life events—such as moving

house, beginning a new job, or having a child—that reduce or eliminate exposure to the familiar

cues that automatically trigger habit performance (see Table 1). Behavior change in daily life can

capitalize on such life events. In a study in which people reported on their own attempts to

change some unwanted behavior, moving to a new location was mentioned in 36% of successful

behavior change attempts but only in 13% of unsuccessful ones (Heatherton & Nichols, 1994). In

addition, 13% of successful changers indicated that they altered their immediate performance

environment to support the change, whereas none of the unsuccessful ones mentioned this.

Habit discontinuity interventions have shown the utility of capitalizing on this window of

opportunity in which people are no longer exposed to cues that trigger old habits (Verplanken,

Interventions to Change Habits 13

Walker, Davis, & Jurasek, 2008). For example, an intervention that provided a free transit pass to

car commuters increased the use of transit only among those who changed their residence or

workplace in the prior 3 months (Thøgersen, 2012). Apparently, the move from a familiar

environment disrupted cues to driving a car, enabling participants to act on the incentive to use

transit instead of their habit.

A given health habit will not be disrupted by all life events. Instead, habits are susceptible

to alterations in the specific triggering cues that automatically activate and maintain that

behavior. In illustration, students’ TV-watching habits were disrupted when they transferred to a

new university, but only when cues specific to this behavior changed (e.g., no longer watched at

friends’ houses; Wood, Tam, & Witt, 2005). With this change, students were freed-up to act on

their intentions and only watched TV if they wished to do so, not out of habit. Thus, natural life

events can provide a window of opportunity to act on intentions, but only if the relevant habit

triggers are altered in the process.

Interventions can thus capitalize on the specific discontinuity or habit triggers altered

through a life change. For example, new residents can be targeted for messages and incentives to

perform healthy behaviors related to their recent move, including using public transit in the new

neighborhood, signing up for community fitness classes, and invitations to local farmers’

markets. Similarly, for new employees, interventions would best target workplace-related health

options such as employer-sponsored health classes and reduced insurance costs for quitting

smoking and other healthy behaviors. First-time parents could be engaged by interventions to

improve healthy meals when cooking at home or child-and-parent exercise classes.

Environmental Reengineering

Interventions to Change Habits 14

The impact of unhealthy habit cues also can be reduced by altering performance

environments (see Table 1). Such reengineering can nudge people toward healthy actions by

increasing the cognitive accessibility and ease of performing those actions over unhealthy ones

(Marteau, Hollands, & Fletcher, 2012). Although environmental reengineering often involves

cue disruption, as described above, it additionally introduces new or altered environmental

features to support the healthy behavior. The basic psychological process involves adding

behavioral friction to unhealthy options and reducing friction for healthy ones.

Macro-level interventions can deploy environmental reengineering though policies that

introduce friction to existing contexts so as to make it harder for people to act on unhealthy

habits. For example, with the introduction of smoking bans in UK pubs, people with strong

habits to smoke while drinking were no longer able to effortlessly light a cigarette when they felt

the urge (Orbell & Verplanken, 2010). Given the behavioral friction induced by having to leave

the pub to smoke, smoking bans have generally increased quit rates (e.g., Lemmens, Oenema,

Knut, & Brug, 2008). Similarly, with bans on the visible display of cigarettes in retail

environments, potential purchasers have to remember to deliberately request cigarettes in order

to buy them (Wakefield, Germain, & Henriksen, 2008). Finally, several cities in Switzerland

have trialed providing citizens free electric bikes or free ride-share schemes, but only after they

first hand over their car keys during the initial period of the program (thus blocking existing car-

use habits; see Lourenco, Ciriolo, Almeida & Troussard, 2016). In all of these cases, the policy

mechanisms involved strategically adding friction to an unhealthy automated response so as to

increase the effort required to remember and implement it.

Other interventions using this approach have altered physical environments to promote

frictionless accessibility to healthy behaviors over unhealthy ones. Such policies increase the

Interventions to Change Habits 15

availability of recreational facilities, opportunities to walk and cycle, and accessibility of fresh

food stores. The success of such interventions is shown by evidence that, for example, U.S.

residents with access to parks closer to home tend to engage in more leisure-time physical

activity and to have lower rates of obesity (Roubal, Jovaag, Park, & Gennuso, 2015). Also, the

bike share program instituted in London has increased exercise rates (Woodcock, Tainio,

Cheshire, O’Brien, & Goodman, 2014). In addition, in U.S. metropolitan areas, fruit and

vegetable consumption was greater and obesity lower among people living closer to a

supermarket and its access to fresh foods (Michimi & Wimberly, 2010).

The broad success of environmental reengineering policies and changes to the physical

environment make these the strategy of choice for large-scale habit change. Nonetheless, these

initiatives require politician and citizen support for healthy policies, tax codes, and zoning. We

suspect that such support will increase in the future, given increasing recognition of lifestyle

effects on health (see Kohl et al., 2012). Illustrating this potential, building codes could make

healthy options the default choice by applying friction to elevator use so that stairways are

readily accessible and elevators less apparent. In addition, to add friction to unhealthy food

choices and to automate healthy ones, restaurants could provide food bundles (e.g., value meals)

with healthy default options (e.g., apple slices instead of French fries), and manufacturers could

switch to packaging formats that do not create biased perceptions of food volume (e.g., elongated

packages with greater height to width ratios, Krishna, 2006). To simplify consumer

understanding of healthy choices, restaurants and food companies could be rated for health

performance, much as they currently are for sanitation (Cohen et al., 2013).

Finally, on a micro level, behavior change interventions can provide individuals with the

knowledge and ability to reengineer their own personal environments. The potential benefits of

Interventions to Change Habits 16

change in microenvironments have been demonstrated clearly with respect to healthy eating. For

example, residents with lower BMI were likely to have fruit available on their kitchen counters,

whereas those weighing more were likely to have candy, cereal, and nondiet soft drinks

(Wansink, Hanks, & Kaipainen, 2015). Studies that have directly manipulated the visibility and

convenience of foods reveal that people tend to consume easily accessible over inaccessible

foods (e.g., Rozin et al., 2011). As another means of reengineering microenvironments, people

can preorder food to enable healthier choices and avoid being influenced by evocative smells and

visual temptations, as in school cafeterias (Hanks, Just, & Wansink, 2013). In these ways,

individuals can exert control over their immediate environments so as to avoid cuing unhealthy

behaviors. Public information campaigns could inform people how to engineer their own

environments to best meet their personal health goals by, for example, altering the salience and

accessibility of unhealthy foods in homes and workplaces.

Inhibition of Unhealthy Habits

Inhibition of habits through vigilant monitoring is a final habit-breaking strategy that

increases awareness of the cues that trigger unhealthy habits and opportunities to inhibit them

(see Table 1). Unlike cue disruption and environmental reengineering that focus primarily on

harnessing automatic processes, vigilant monitoring involves a combination of conscious,

controlled as well as automatic processes.

Vigilant monitoring is the strategy that people are most likely to use to control unwanted

habits in daily life (Quinn, Pascoe, Wood, & Neal, 2010). By thinking, “don’t do it,” and

monitoring carefully for slipups, participants were more effective at curbing bad habits than

when they used other strategies. A subsequent lab experiment showed that vigilant monitoring

aids habit control by heightening inhibitory, cognitive control processes at critical times when

Interventions to Change Habits 17

bad habits are likely—that is, by helping people combat their automatic responses before they


Vigilance may be most effective when paired with strategies that also increase the

cognitive accessibility of the new, healthy response. Demonstrating this approach, Adriaanse et

al. (2011) found that training people to form implementation intentions, or if-then plans, about

their future snacking (e.g., “when I’m at home and want a snack, I will choose an apple”) helped

to make the new, desirable behavior (e.g., choosing an apple over a candy bar) automatically

accessible in thought. Similarly, consumers wishing to use newly purchased products such as a

sunscreen or vitamins were most successful if they tied product-use to their existing habits (e.g.,

thinking “don’t act as usual, instead, use the new product;” Labrecque, Wood, Neal, &

Harrington, in press). In general, conscious, controlled processes can help people override habits

through a combination of vigilant monitoring of the unhealthy behavior and automatic activation

of the new healthy response.

Interventions can help individuals adapt vigilant monitoring strategies to control their

own unhealthy habits. Although active inhibition is effortful to sustain over time, it would be

facilitated by GPS technology in smartphones and wearable devices that enable reminders or

nudges to be delivered based on physical proximity to locations linked with unwanted habits

(e.g., fast food locations). Also, given that these sensor devices can detect daily activities such as

eating and watching TV (Chen, Ding, Huang, Ye, & Zhang, 2015), they could deliver response-

timed electronic prompts to inhibit unhealthy habits. Through such implementation, monitoring

could represent a broadly relevant habit control strategy.

In policy applications, vigilant monitoring of unwanted behaviors can be adapted into

interventions through reminders to control unwanted habits. These could be conveyed indirectly

Interventions to Change Habits 18

through simple changes to product packaging (e.g., visual cues to a single serving size printed

onto multi-serve containers) or by embedding serving cues within the food itself (e.g., a different

colored cookie or chip at a certain point in the package to trigger attention, (Geier, Wansink, &

Rozin, 2012). In addition, vigilant monitoring could be conveyed directly through point-of-

choice prompts involving signs or other reminders of desired actions in a situation where people

usually respond in other ways. For example, signs to promote stair climbing over elevator and

escalator use in public settings have shown modest but consistent success (e.g., Soler et al.,

2010). However, such reminders may become less effective over time, except among people who

perform the behavior sufficiently often so that it becomes habitual (Tobias, 2009). As we

explained in the first half of this article, the increased accessibility of a habit can ensure that

behaviors persist changes in people’s motivations and desires—and despite flagging attention to



In this article, we provided a framework for habit-based interventions to enable the long-

term maintenance of healthy behaviors. Habit-based interventions are tailored to the mechanisms

of action, specifically to ensuring that the patterning of behavior is optimal to create healthy

habits and impede unhealthy ones. As we explained, such interventions create automaticity in

responses by encouraging repetition of rewarding actions in a stable context so that the action

becomes tied to—and cued by—that context. The principles we outlined also can break

unhealthy habits by neutralizing the cues that automatically trigger those responses. With these

approaches to creating and disrupting habit cuing, healthy responses become defaults that

maintain over time.

Interventions to Change Habits 19

We note that the principles and tactics outlined here can be applied at varying levels of

scale, with some best suited to individual self-change, others to community health interventions,

and still others to state and national policies. For example, informed individuals might choose to

re-engineer their personal eating environments at home to disrupt snacking habits (Wansink et

al., 2015), but these same tactics may be difficult to deploy in community health interventions or

through broader policy mechanisms.

So, which of the ideas we have discussed scale best for public policy? With respect to

habit formation, public policy regulations can effectively make healthy responses salient (e.g.,

funding bike paths and bike-share programs) and tie desired behaviors to stable contexts (e.g.,

public health communications linking change of smoke detector batteries to the start/end of

daylight savings time, medical compliance communications to piggyback medications onto an

existing habit). At core, habit formation is promoted through the various public policies that

incentivize repeated healthy responses in stable contexts (e.g., free public transit days scheduled

in a random timeline; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits limited to purchase of

high nutrition, low-energy-dense foods).

With respect to habit disruption, policy makers can build on legislation to reduce the

presence of unhealthy habit cues (e.g., regulating the physical display of cigarettes at point of

purchase, funding the re-engineering of school cafeterias) and can also harness context

disruption (e.g., free public transit programs for recent movers). Finally, traditional policy tools

such as tax breaks can be used to drive habit change by adding friction to unhealthy consumer

choices (e.g., taxes on sugared soft drinks or fast food) and by creating incentives for companies

and other large institutions to apply habit change principles in more localized ways (e.g., tax

breaks for health insurers linked to policyholders’ health habits).

Interventions to Change Habits 20

It is interesting to note that our analysis tracks current scientific understanding of how

healthful people naturally act in everyday life. That is, people who are successful at living

healthful lifestyles do not appear to be regularly engaged in effortful self-control struggles to act

consistently with their goals. Instead, people who are skilled at self-control are especially adept

at forming new habits so that they can automatically eat healthfully, exercise, learn to meditate,

and perform other healthy behaviors with little deliberation (Galla & Duckworth, 2015; Neal et

al., 2013). The interventions we described enable people to act healthfully out of habit in this


For many everyday health challenges, people are likely to benefit from both forming

healthy habits as well as disrupting unhealthy ones. Thus, multicomponent interventions will be

needed that include distinct elements designed to break existing habits and support the initiation

and maintenance of new ones. For example, an intervention to increase fruit and vegetable

consumption among students in a school cafeteria could simultaneously reengineer the choice

environment to disrupt their existing habits to eat processed snacks (e.g., move such snacks to

the back of displays and fruit to the front) and to form new habits by providing discounts to

incentivize their selection and consumption. However, we suspect that the components of habit

disruption will be less relevant in shifting, changing environments or when people do not have a

history of acting in a given domain. It may be, then, that habit formation principles are broadly

applicable, whereas habit interruptions depend on people’s existing habitual patterns.

Strategies that accelerate habit formation and promote maintenance are especially

important for health interventions, given that many benefits of healthy behaviors are not evident

immediately but instead accrue gradually with repetition. Thus, interventions that are successful

at promoting short spurts of exercise or a sporadically healthful diet will provide little protection

Interventions to Change Habits 21

against the risks of lifestyle diseases associated with inactivity and overeating. The habit-based

strategies we outlined provide policymakers and behavior change specialists with important

leverage into the mechanisms by which people can create sustained healthy lifestyles.

Interventions to Change Habits 22


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Interventions to Change Habits 32

Table 1. Summary of Principles of Habit Formation and Change and Policy Illustrations

Target of Policy

Examples in practice

Habit formation principles

Frequent repetition

School handwashing interventions that involve practicing actual washing behavior in restroom

Recurring contexts

Public health communications linking change of smoke detector batteries to the start/end of daylight savings timeMedical compliance communications to piggyback medications onto an existing habit

Intermittent rewards

Free public transit days scheduled in a random timelineCoupons and discounts for fresh fruit and vegetables provided on an intermittent/random basis

Strategies to break habits

Cue disruption Target recent movers with public transport couponsTarget new employees with health and wellness programs

Environmental reengineering

Add friction to unhealthy behaviors

Smoking bans in public placesBanning visual reminders of cigarettes at point of purchaseChanging building design regulations so that people visually encounter stairs before elevatorsPublic health communications to alter personal environments to reduce salience of unhealthy foods

Remove friction from healthy behaviors

Bike share programsBundling healthy food items in fast food menu selections

Vigilant monitoring

Food labeling regulations that create visual cues on-pack to show serving sizesGeo-location triggers via signs and smartphone apps to avoid unhealthy options (e.g., elevators)

Interventions to Change Habits 33

Figure 1a. From Volpp,

John, Troxel, Norton,

Fassbender, & Lowenstein

(2008). Mean pounds lost

following 4-month

intervention of financial

incentives for weight loss

and after 3 months no-treatment. N = 57. Data given in text on p. 2635.

Figure 1b. From

Charness & Gneezy

(2009, Study 2). Mean

gym visits per week

prior to study (weeks -

16 to -2), during 5

intervention weeks of payment for attending, and during 15 no-treatment weeks (selected

from weeks 6 to 21, N = 99). Data from Figure 2b, p. 921.

start end of 4 months' treatment

7 months02468

10121416 deposit contract plus lottery

no treatment control


n nu


r pou

nds l


Prior to intervention 5 week intervention Post intervention0





2.5 payment


n nu


r gym



per w


Interventions to Change Habits 34

Figure 1c. From Volpp et al.

(2009). Percent quit smoking at

3 or 6 months and at 15 or 18

months following intervention

of information about smoking

cessation programs paired with

financial incentives. N = 878. Data from Table 2, p. 703.

Figure 1d. From King et al.,

(2014). Mean number of

minutes per week of moderate-

to-vigorous physical exercise

during computer-delivered

intervention or health program

control at 6 mos, 12 mos, and 6 mos after end of treatment (Ns = 70 control and 75 computerized

treatment at baseline; N = 61 computerized treatment at 18 mos). Data from Figure 1, p. 195.

Intervention Quit at 3 or 6 mos Quit at 15 or 18 mos






25information plus financial incentiveinformation only


ent s


e qu

it (b



al v






Computerized physical activity promptsControl



of M



Interventions to Change Habits 35

Figure 2a. From

Carels et al.

(2014). Mean

pounds lost after

3 mos

intervention to

change food and

exercise habits and eating environment or, in the control, a standard weight loss program

(N = 59 at baseline; N = 35 at 6 months) Data from Figure 2, p. 304.

Figure 2b. From

Ford et al.

(2010). Mean

age- and sex-

adjusted BMI

after year-long

intervention to

reduce amount and speed of eating, plus a 6-month follow-up (N = 106 at baseline and 12

mos, N = 87 at 18-mos assessment). Data from Table 2.






3.5 Eatng training








baseline 3 months 6 months0




20 Habit change Control program


ds lo
