wjss apr 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    th o tg ~~ ~~~ , IDre~e ~ ~c o o 4 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t6 ~ .QG.

    ~ (85.) ~ 2~ i.e ~ ~~ ,2 ,KoeJ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~aw ~~d

    ~~~~~. e~~ ~Gg eol#Le5d.J ' ; S O & . o ne2~~~~~ (~. ~ a.~~)~lrl~ ~oO'"'O'}o ~o;3~o8. ~dU~~ ~6~ ~~ ~~~?i1. s : l C i J ~ i i 1 ~~qU)~N 'd .~. . 0:0;5 ~ ~ ~ ~ :1. 'd~~~ iOO~6JaQ~ d 6 . J s ~s..)l~~ SD .C '1 I~ t)d 5 o o~ ~ l~ e dSJ~ rrv

    I B.~t, : : t tj,~e)~ 2 7 f:S o ~zy~ tJ J aoadbl5~~~d : .> :JO ~ ~ ~ ~:J~- 1l962e ~ a1~~~rP :a8;6 ~~ ; :S OS~6 , ruo~ I 06:!r,9j~~~~o~dI ~ifigo~. f J ~ t S f 3 ' a e & g o r ? ~bo~~,~~[)~ 6~~o '~a ~ ~ c5 ~ '~ ~ iJd}@ ~a~~"~~~~~ ~~;s. ~o i}:oo :P~ ~:J.;; ~tJ~[)~@~IW iJ:)~~. 1973,-7461 ~o~l~.g ~e2p~~~e)~~ ~a~ ~~. ~&Ol~: J a ; t ) e & ' . : Je : i~W ;'J :J ~:b ~ ~ ~~ c : S X S s a o ~ ~ ~e~~~A ~~~. $c!fu~ O 1 l! 5 O .g ~ .~ ~soc;! :o~t)~~ .e ~ iS~K ~.e;;~ ~~ ;5~~n-r> ~lit0drJ~ ~~tt ~rj), e.7"t)~ ~~~~~o 3w~Mf,)~ ~.~.e~ ii,;)~ Ot~:H~lot:JJD 'acji)~ ~~0Sl~~~ ~~~g) ~o : a ~ o . o .

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    ~ . 2 011 Q)o&I: a~1H te f ....

    1. B~~~ 22. ell arter [or Demecratic., 33. MDt\)~8~.4.~~~~.s, r:d.J~~.~~.G. Pressing fo r VV ag e Bo~d ..

    ~~~~~~.7. Violence Again !i.l.,

    Gende r Equity an d E th ic s. ..~~~ ..

    8. ~~~.r

    ~~~~~.~~iS.~~~: LlO.~.~

    dKJ.~~.~~IB.A~~ 8Q -~~m.~iL~D . ;)JOOObr~~~&~.~iJ.~h.lliaix). ~.&.~

    6.4h &.0@D0tiA~~9U4B405rm

    Pablilhed, Prillted lad [1fUcd byG.AnJ ID iI !f J lh l 01 bd:ilf o f Aadbvl Pnde!' l lbWor1dq JlIl}rqlltUJi'rdfntlu (rum

    H . .N o . 1 7- -9 t A .. P lo . N ! I I I . , ,~fOl.S~r.Ib'i SappMrt;Gakwlld. "X~IRUn

    MUJluertbJId, U~derab&d 500 Dzo"AP ud Pmti 11 PFII J lUbl . . "1hL M.B.Bf l IVl I l ,N't .r RTC Cron Rod$ , I f- J 'l k nb . ad - SOOo . wF.:dlt l) l ' ; C.A .j .M ) 'I 1 1" , F ... .. . O -1 7 6 'I H7 ~1!:1l11J IlIDp".nf~""e:ea~RWy1~.

    RN ( N D : A rM UL O OJ ll l 01 1 t 1 21 18 - T C

    ~~.1~~~ .~~.v i:Pfrofj. :ltDitirn Q1e.fjS~~. ~~~ ~ g J E i J G Xf iQ1?tO'-& : Jo iS~:sS @8f'toC' l . & t5oood~ ~~p.6~~e ~o~ fJ .~~~. ."~ r o 6o o . IP~ ;')~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~QS~ ; f u ~~8~iJl!l!) ~Da.~~ ~~~ ~('S~~ ~ P k S .tloo~ ~~~ ~o~ t)~ ~J~~~ID.~aol~o 01~ 1~t58~~ !b~e :5~~~ ~1J~: ! ' u . ~a6 ~~oO ~o6~v~. ;!~ q~~~~~t5~~ ~~~ 6~~1j0D~ ~o~ ;5J~tJ~@~~ ~b D~B;)a ~~ ~I se ~~~~~ ~; ,5 ~tg ~;5~ fba~~t:ri5~~J..~e dtm~ b~~ 3~~~E!J~oe. wGdD ~cooe ~~~ iSoWw~~iP. ~~ iOOcfuoW, 8c4Rd ~~,y ~~~~ow. ~iKfU ~oro~~~~ ao~~d) ;)o.~~. s~ ~ t t ' t ~ ~ o lQ W O !i.o(i ~~ ~~~-g ~~1~=,[lO ~~O. t)ros:eo.Ko~ ~:~;:ra.~~o~~t t i ~6~ rno ~~ ~~. ""1) _zr d.. 'C I:l ........~~ :J~M~ ~*~ t )g ~oa.oij ~u)~~!DE: ~~o~. ~o.f,~o~el46~~t1 ~ i.)~;$o~~ so ~ It.)~o ~J6 ~~ a)~ti~~~~08. ~~ fI~ ~~ ~o~ ~~ rSo~tU J{'!i1 l ~~ ~ ~~ ~..&1 ~e~G~ K~~Q~[6 :J~O ~ ~Q~ e.d:~~~~ t6~ ~o ~~oo ~~~Q!). oo~ NJ>O~ ~ aaef~o~ ~l{e :;~~,~ ~0J.~~~m ~ ~ ~ ~ o n _ ; ; J f l : t J d l~(.1~~ ~~ c n t . t i o~E 1 ~ol9 l !Sa' ; ; s e 6 Q H2;3~~e,)i~ (;).~. t:'~~ . ~ ). s e f f ~lOlI) ~J.V~o~:Jc"6J3 (S. diD. d~ ~).~il~:xm! ~ ~~~ ~a.d:rrtin !Jf !Ji l ~rP e~6 l;i~':~ ! ! t F O i S t ! ',~~, GnQ~~ ~~i1c!, ~~~ ~~~ 6a""~ ~C~~ .. ~~~.toC,~~~. ~~to b > a d ' S P ~~~b;l t. \r ~~~e1~ ~A~o~ ~.fboOoO. E i a t _ t 5~~~o~ i5~ iK b ~ ~ ~&;.]2 ,~~s~ ~6 ~OO )Q3~Q) ~~db,~e~ fi;S ~ d :io d o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ QD o& '. t5\~~~ : : : D v Q ) i5 ~o-Q t7 4f,~~ .a' ~ ~ ~O~;S se6~~~ ~~o~~ ~~!)J0o. 13!J~Sb ~Jo~ ,;3&~6~~ ei5~ifo e o . e . . :J~~l~08U~ tbe~ ;)rJ&~~ g)i~~~iSo~ ,~ ~O~ :Jo~fIV~ Q~~K:5Q~ar~cfuud ~c fb ~o:m5'i ~ 0 :@ [ : 5 ~ ~ ~~o~o~~ ~rF ~~~ ~e~~~ am ;S~~1Jo~~ ~;)~e~ ~~~ ~M:!o~o~'I' ~do~. ibe~~ ~~~~~Q~ ~ iS :)~ r5 ~~~ ~~~ ~cltpgy;\5 ~Q~~~~Q Q~o .cS~ ~~6)O &!od:J' ~o ! J o ~ ~ ~~!r " rJ~oe.~ e~~ ~o J ~~D1l ~~~~J~d" !J~~odc a~~od ~~~ l t i oU 'g ) ~a ~~~~ ~i6 ~otbsF~6 :J~-o~~ ~ehtbo4D~a.

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    eC~~~~d$)Kl ~ 8e ~,te ~~~6~~~, a8@Je'~ ,~6~o ~,!!S~th . {S a ~~e ~~(!}~~ ~:J ~G~eSJ ' ~~ 6~~~o~~~s>oiQi : l ' l&. eO~1!Jd: lF~ O S '" 'a f : o . ~ a ~ t ln ~ ~&(j5:frF~~ iiF L~eP ~~~~056~t~O& tbe@~ ~~r!'1Xhru8'o~:l~oCSJ~ l ; 5~~ iP~ ;)~a,~ ' ! ! 9 i i : P O Q 6 ~ ~ ~. , j o ~W,~CO ~~!1~~ ~;.)t'5o ,~O~~ 'a ID~tb. fJ .~5~~~~ ~o!i~~ta ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ -!1~rt!!od:a ;;] lP~ a~ er~!boW '"' ~~~ ~" we~ ~ ~~ ~,~~ bO~"O""~ ~.r~~~~ t)O~~o) ~.b~~~~~. GQ5D~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ I JS @~ ~~ Q~~Cb - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i6 If:p~~ ~6i6Ju~ l~~~~6-Q~~ ~~~~e~~ ~~ ~~ LG~oesa. 84 ~~~ b.ea:".s.lS,6~~iiOG~en ~~~,~~d~od':'1 eo.;j ~~Q~ ~~. , ~ & J f l ~ ~ ~:lQO.o3fi~~'6rn.C,fl'll' ~ 6 5 J ; ~ s , f J ! {)S'~~~,)ot.S'oci~d'~. ~J i t .~~o ~~ ~~~~~~@~, ~~~i50~~(~,i~~, ~~! lID.g~ ;t6.!J! a~~ 6:)" '~ (6oQUvc&~ 21~-~~"""""_""""""""''''''''''_''''''''''''''''''~~''''''''''-'''''''''''''''---'''''''_

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  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    'C H A R T . 'R F O R D _ M 'O C R A T C , P L U R A L I S T ,, E C U L A R A N D S C IE N T 'I F I C _ _ I 'A C . L T U R EAUTO' ' OM 'OUS , MEDI.4COM"IISSION

    6) '''Ie ~18o emphasise the desire far aM ed ia C om m issio n patterned afterth e F irst and second PressC om m issio ns, to 8J ]~ o in c uid e th ewide spectrum media that hascC ll fI eTg ,e dn de pend en t p er so n s rro mciv il so cie ty should also b eincluded besi des persons fromjudici ,ary. This sh o uld b e auto ne-m o ns 'fro m gove rnment eontro l .


    Th e N atj Qaa 1 A ll il nee 0f pensio n und er th e EP 'P sch em e is ao urnalists represent ing jo urnalists pittance and also no t l inked 't oio ns o f A nd h rm Prad esh W o iki ng inflah o n. M o reo ver th e sch em esFed!~ l r a t i on , (A.P.W.J.F), announced 'b y v ar io u s g o v e rnm e nt sUnion o f Jounl ;aJis t~ (D"U.J ) , in s ome states shou l d be a l lowed toero la Unio n o f Journal is ts (K.U.W.J ) continue wi th yearly increasend from vari OllJ5 pans of'the country andme welfare associations, i: n an open laking into aceount the i l lflati ,onarysituation.ter to all p o l it ic al p ar ti es , central t radeand pari iaT'nenmli i an 'S b as ce llcd 3) C cverag e und er a he~ [Lhca r r c an d38 point cha rme r f o r mLXi~a.eform, insurance system are. .al~Q of~ m s in lis opini 01il was a ch arter fo r . : i I J IP~U 'W] lOUfI J t innpQr tanc~" Ta.king intoecular, pluralist, dcsrocratic and account, some of tire schemes ineientitic m ed ia cultare , U w as furth er a Andlr r '~ and elsew h ere end th eh arter 'fo r m ed ia refo rm fo r a m o re co rpus, fllllld b e i m ig created in D elh iMe, d i a I l lJfo.r l l tr la l i .on Orde r 7 ) Th e paid news.' [ J h e nome o o n mus tj o ur nel is ts had mQ're rreed om and b e ch ecked b efo re U'H; entirewages fOT th e entire print, electronic MARCH 15T'H TO 17TH cr-ed~bmty of the media i$ er-odedbroadcast m ed ia - il l a better [lOS; t ion beyond IPI.:Pair, 'Paid news' is acOll!1lb~(he paid IUCWSS}'11dr-Ollle. WAGE , B OARD phcnnrnenon thar ex ists no t o nlyThe al ~iancc has c a IIed for du r ing , e lec t ions but in th e mgu IarThulI 'Sday, Marek] 7th as a MOT IIF IC AT ION DAY wo rking o f media g ro ups and m ustlack day to press '(o r im m ed iate n(!lt~ .fica~ b e d eaU w ith as su ch , J n t his c o nt ex tc n o f th e wag e b o ard repo rt wi th effect b y lh 4; 1[If o r m 3 t io n S,1l d we d o feel that th e re sh o uld b e200~ in e co rd.lIl~I.IOD witn tho B d . . . t Tl special media o b servers andu v.v EI. "" . roa casung m.U1I1S'['Y_ , '1cs,e I d ..

    o i " J . n f j : . . . . . . 1 . ' '' ' . . r .( I . . . . . .n of N . r ~.I"I. ' j"'" and N , .W I2 I" Jd I e N pelts se ecte t o O g 'L v,~ repor tsvn r.;lU!';;J.QI ""' ""'P'... I:" " """ "".... ... ~ S n c m cove r nQI . WiI y g o v e rJ iU ll en t . . . 1 " d b lgency Employees Organizations, the d' d d b I ourtng the national 311 assem ~yb I"" C;! oocrc lt~ 'CO f il '~ s !J !o nea ts . ~.t a SOilh l P re ss Uni'ry Centre and] bodies like reporters, editorial staff, .ffiL'CWS :p o 3.e An lndja Newspaper Emplo.yees di t .J 1. t diI

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    I ha t they are less pro ne 10 \ lsriousp re ssu re s fr o m vested interests an d~H.n 1l1a'~ntain thei r profcssiona~independenee. The system o fcont rac t appointroi l;nts m u st b ed one E1 iw aywith by amcndtnem toThe Wfor:kin~ Journalists ActFurther strmgers should bea d equ a l. cl y p a id and no t e x p e . : c t e d toc o ll ec t a dv e rt i sem ents as this l eadsto cormprion and dis tor t ion o fnews_Journalists Blust not be assigned tocover 'OT' writ,e ~bout S O c 1 i i l i l events o rnew s o r b usiness: cverns for whichmedia g ro up s are paid.

    4 ) T h e d ub io us ro le o f pub l ic relations.fi~~ ~nd i l i I d i v i d J U . ~ ~ s~ n . . . .mrum~gi~gPIlJ. lbhc.~tyor various comrnerc in land o ~ hcr in terests need s. to b ee xarm n ed aad re gu la te d,) it mus t b e mandaro ry t m - med i aorganisat i ,OI lS to ful ly d isclo se o nthe~r websi tes , annual repcns etc

    their larg er m arket in terests ands tock holdings in Oil ler business.enterprises, 00 1nal 1 1 1 u . : ' publ icb ecom es aware o f th e CQmmf'Icialinterests operating b eh in d o ste nsl-~~,y neutral Dews! includingh nane ia l DCW~,[~p~i1!ltcd ia news mus t -be c1~arlydlstmgmshed frnm advert is ' iDE;m aterial th at is paid fer by usingd i~ e lle nt . o r d is tin ct iv e type fontsand rules between sudl materia ~and C -arI) 'ing a decleration in a ' l;K:!]d!easily visible type face that 8,particu lar jtem is an ad venisem e ntor sp on so re d fc aw J[le .On lih:.visi(ln.the intemet and olhe! elec t ronicmed i a a d i!c lar al io n. m u st b e 'r rm dc~e :gamiq th e commer-cial nalure o ft h e c o ve ra g e.

    7 ) SEBrs ] 'ecocnnmcmdations to thePres! ' ; C o . : u n c i [ lTCgMd in g d is c lo -sure 'S o f m ed ia groups s tockb . o ld ~ 'Dg s et c in a pa r ti cu l a r 1 o l i S i D e s s .when ' t hey write about U o r f aa tu re itas w e M as SE!B] 's r e liiIJ te d r c co r n-rn en dat io n s sl 1m . JJ ld .b~ endorsed andcnfo t tcd . W e reg re t th at it t o o kmonths fo r th e P ress ( : o W L n c , i [ t oreact o n t h e is su e.

    8} The: Election Cnrarnission ofIndia's s : t : (mdi11ginsI ! .mCl iOf lS fOF1bosc who are :re.~ponsib[e to( f"primting and p u J b L k a r t i . Q J f i of electionposters and pam;pbb:t:s ' jo advertise-m ents ere ~ dl.o ulC libe observed lindvi a lators shQ'I lh il be ;pros!!:cl lned.9} The Supreme Cou r t of Indiad iiredivc t ha t lc:'ievisio.n chennelsm ust sto p bro~dcasd l l , g carnp.aign-rc]ateCl!.~nfor.mati()ll 4 ~ h o ~ : n ;. b cF o r e

    polling shoald be ex tended ! to t 1 1 l cprint m ed ia .20.) Election fraud ib y m ed ia g ro ups can,M d sh ou ld b e ' punished unde r 1 ! J h laws of 'Ih~ land incl uding lheRep~s :en :~a . . .t lO~ of th e Peo ple ' ~ I.md l h . c I I : l c h a n P~nl:ilCode.:2 O ~ dealI::r .. th e 1 ?l~ d ia mus~, regu la teIts-elf by re a lisi El~ t ha t sh ort tern}

    financial ga1ns dllr~llg elect ionseQUid jeopa r d i se its credibi l i ty an dlong term jnteres1s.2 2 ) M ed ia's iotemal c o d e s Q f conductsho~ddbe welcomed and obse rved ,such as the Mint dai1}f~scode. TIllso u tl in es . lD d e taH t ha l 110 Interviewso r co erag c sh ou ld be paid fo r and'~Jha~jOU!ill~liJ~ts lllUst no r acceptV~n,()lllSnd~oeroen ts from tompa-nres th ey w rne ab ou t o r h o ld slacksint h o se c omp an ie s.23) !her'e Sl10Uid be a SPC(! ia ] risk

    msaranee cover announced furjo u nu d lst s d u rin g n at io n al fl 'l lc llo c 3~elections, 0[' as stiipu'~8tedby yOllrQU,!JU'Sl bod~! pr~s \wlc~dog 'bodiesarid O '~ h eT ~r om n m e to ' nme ,

    24) It is a lso 0 1 1 . 1 1 " cons ide red vi~w 1 [ } ~ tthe W o rking Jo urnalist Act b eamended by an act of'parliement t t o 'cever th e en 'h [ lS med i a a . n d ensure amodjclJ rm ofj ust ana, fair wages inth e ent ire fle\W ind ust ry. . 011-im plem entatio n o f Wa.gc 8 c am,~w.a.rdsfor journal ists and pres-sworke rs should b e made a c o g n ls e-ble offence.25) his our eensidercd view a_]D_dmost]IHlJ~~l.e 'request t h a t medicalfacilities g1JV~H.lJ to aeereditedccrrespoadents should b e g i : v e J i l " totheir spouses and unmarr iedc h H d l " ~ 1 l to l I D S . end y o u r m ~ mislryh as. tim e and again g ive 11 !juchf ac iU t ie -s ! w h i ch so ,met]mes aresu d de n I) ' wj~~dmwn..In exeep-t io nal cases o f m I l n e s s Itcam. p~rhapsb e ex tead ed to h !1sp it a l i sa t ionwhere b !\[g c~05ts a re IO l vo lV '~ d .T~ish~pC11S m 'fuh ccase o f t rnw-efSl tyand cQ l l ~ g e t eac 'b_ t s a lso .26) ~ti~also our considered , v iew t ha tyo u]" esteem e d m inistry cal] rev ise~ousi~ mo.rrrrnsgiven to acereditedjoarnal ists to extend 'lh em tAJ'jo urnal ists w ho d o n o t o w n housesin D elh i and its nC lg h lx m rh o od and; ds(l I t o vett;r:aml f re .e Janc e jouma 1l is(so n t h e p ro fe ssio n fOT o ve r 2 0 years.

    21) ~t is our finn v iew th at the cennalpress accreditation committeed eserv es to b e. d em ecrar ised tobr ing it in rune w ]th th e rea 'l it ies 'illD el hi. 'T h eil e i s a . brenc.ml c o m p i : 3 J i n 1 ,

    tbat D el hi N ..~ lJ dbodies 'o f s,'IBndingare o ften ~ o t ev en co nsul ted .2 8} R ules fo r ac:cn;ditarboD fOT veteranjo u rn al is ts a nd fr re ~ a nc ej o u.m a l ism so f st ran d; m .g reql)~rnrl 'to b e furtherl iberal ised. H h as b een b ro ug h t too ur net lce that jo um aL ise s w o rid .l lgfo r sm al l and I D e d ' i i u m . newspaperssome o f wb]ch have a largec ir eu la tio n a rc d e nie d a ec rc dit at io nbecause o f - r o l e - s o29.') 'The sch em e fo r fina'unc~ al &ss i s ta ]1ceto needy cameraper sens forpu rc base of ' 1 1 1 1 t . ' : W teeb no lo> ,gj'equipment a~ d upda_tcd compu te r sfrom needyJoul"l~hs'~sbo~~d berestored,

    'EWSPAP'ERDEVE OP'MENTCORPORAT.lOI .30) W h at is m :t:d cd is th e ~B I t ~ ng up o f a .Newspaper Devc[a,ment ICrupon~,don for small, mcti il lJ 'i it t al ll guage

    newspapers ~nd newsagencies indistress. This w i l l also bG : ' i p H 1 J : e 1 a r yJ o ur na ls a nd m a g az in es.3 'I) N el\ 'spaper emF loyoes , joumaLis lsand noa -j o u ru a ll st s dismissed, afterthe wage board was set in motlonsh ou ld b e im ,m ed iate '~ y reinstatedalo ng w ith v ic rlm s o f M own unfairlabour practices and ma ss d ism i ss-als w itfio ut prio r perm issio n o f th estate government There is a dearcasein the cap it al o f ~II'Hj[awh ere 11em plo yees nave b een d ism issedarbitrari Iy while the wage boardhad been 31mounced. Silnil .adysome more cases of COCI"( ~veeont rsc ts an d m alafid c t ransfera o fjm , rma 1 ists to make t hem res ignbefo re the final award are beiJngreperted , In D elh i alo ne we h avercpo ns 'o t ' ver 4 00 vict ims ofunfairlabour practices rncJudi n ;g coerc iveeontracts end dismissals beforeeven the eontracts expire ' ' 1 1 1 , , ' ~tho"U:~even tbc d ue eo m p cn sario n, Tileco unrry w id e po sl t icn co uld b ea]mul lDg l fo r in D e1b i. a lo ne m oret lHkfl 300 w~ge boa rd empB,oy ce s a rel iv ing in s~ m i starv atiem , withO:lJteven i l il 1C rim r e~ ~c f A b~ ;J o utpackag e such as w as g iv en. to selectm ed iia h ouses wo uld very m u c . l I b , bein o rd er b esid es o Tile(h ue b ig re lieffo r to h e~ p th e U nit t 'id nC1MS o .f Ind iaa p remie r : m 1 W S ag,ent.'Y 10 - b e putback onrails.32) We are alsoO 'ppose.d to en.try of~ n c : r c :3 J s m , g f in a n e e capitals ~ n thelndi:illll11JIint med i a by th e mode ofFfD I .and i'J l)c~ i'D lg cro ss 'med ia: ho~d i i l g s "

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    HILL A'REA AND BOR,DERAREA ALLO'\VA' CES F'ORSCRIBES33) There is a need for doubl h r n ga l iowa l l 'J ce o f jo um alists fo r newsgathering in th e h ig h ::dtmtude.34 ) At l ea st m i nim um w ag es sh o uld befixed fer th e ~ rrit1 gers and a t imebound prepo~!:IJ1.should come up fo rt h e rcg u Iansatio n o r b ecom i 1 m

    staffers, Th~ syingcES h~re are paidle ss m han R s, J ~O O an d Just aroundR,s,2500atdistrictllcauquarters.35) The newspaper owners and the stategovernment ! i : I ! I ' " ' L ' ev en rcflll.. ing to

    gave ident i ty card s o r any type o f( ic cog r l li t] on to th e iowlypaidoo ntract t IJEll~uum alts ts .Group health insurance s c h emesh ould b e implemerned fo r all typeso f jo ur na hs U i il l s lamcs where nosl lLcb s c h emes exist,

    37 ) A ccred itat io n ru les [or ~hework ingjo urnalists sh o u Id 'b e' specH l~ andno t to be bas ed . at the discretion ofstate' governments . 0 ' 1 " ch ief min] s-te l 'S .3g) State implem ennahonmacnine ' rysupplcmelltQd b y a special cen tralm:!l lchil1cry for wage board jmpl,e:.


    o O ) r u V~ ~otS~ ik 'GlW":JtlOJl'? a..~ ~ifs0~;;) ~~t~~~~3~~, ~e ~~ @dbor?~. ~~lfiti ~t)J~!D s&~~O' aowut>1) ~IU)~"':![lO O ' = 'f u &~ &.'~~rn :a~r[,~- i . s ~Wi rQ~i )O . qo~QO\)~ f l~o' 8 G : , 6 ; p O ~J 28 ~ a~ el) . ~ ~~~ ~a;-ilU)r1b ~~ &J~Xo~o~o~ oo~ e ;8~~~" i l ~~RoEL~ @&~w i tPe t .' S o v lt i ~~e~ ~ioo ~ ,~6',a . J w - @ ; g ;);5. e~~j~ ~ ~ ~ eJ6 C'I~~ ~~~;)O~ i.~ !;b Q 100tG ~~ @~~e> ~;aell~~ 'aS~ ~~ ~~~T ! i C ; e : n tji iJ~~_ ~~o~b ~~~~~~~WB C'il8" a,~6iSo@i~ ~Q'Id~~o ~~&, '~Q~ :5~@~orzo ~ ~m 6~.tdB ~ t S o(g:J~~ot} L~~ ;5~~tn ~r!Je:a~ct.:l ~ &,ej!l ~ l O S g~~O~:3~g&~ tl~6j" ~ if~~~~ e)~ 0-~~ U~~ ~tfu~~ ~~ctD~i5~, ~rtv), ~f>~

    ij~ ~~ .ID~ ;Jo;f'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6J_ ~,t$tl~e;~oo

    QJIJ"VEOO iQ) ~~~ ~Bo~~~l!}~ ~Oj~~o ' ~ Q C 5 ~

    Q)oL f j~d ioe ~ ~ o ~~e~WO~&, ( l 3 Q l l f S ~ :

    mCll t , ,1J l i on should be censtitutcdiunediate Iy .We ~ CQl1!fidcll~ that Y0llrr powerfulcollect ive vo i c e w a I ~enable us.'~ g el wha t tis ; o ur J e g , u t l ma te d u e,We sh al I ever rem ai n g rateful fo r ~ egCature wbic:h CQUI d b r id g e th e in cr eai s in gd iv id es and save t h e profess , ton f rombeing tirijaeked by increasing vestedinterestsThis :i s a ]lst of some pend ~11glssues wear e p l a o c i n _ g b e fo r e Y O u , " S o m e ~f tbern ar cnot new but have been ]J:ndmg beforevar ious r n a n i s tr ie s fo r qu i r e o s om e ti ! 1 f l e Orrar c under considera t ion lor years.

    :;)o~es!fue ~o,:l e5.~ ~~i:b~~~ ~~~~ l~:5 a& n ~~:fu~~ba;3~bo ~~o ~:J~ ~~~e.~A~e ~fl~~ e~~rP~ amf"'O~ea ~~~ ~o~t:PtDd 6;:D~~~Ci ~~ ~&. ~ o 5 3 o P ! J f J , amif.)

    \S~t i D O j . N D C O. a s ;)lfJ-~tlO, @b~~~ ~~_~~ ~~~~ ~B-!~o o c : s ~ ~ ~ ~ c : : 1 B ~ ! : i J 6t. ' IQx,dr s ~~'t S"DV~ d'J'>~o~oCfS~ e1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,: s 5-'4 S"J~or? ~~rt ! t6 a.,(

    ~ tS6~g : 5 ~oatj Q J~ ~ ~~().

    g tJ~ :ltJdt.~oe lBl~S tt~"~t)e.~ :iLadau. l~ ~6~~~~~ @~ ~oeowl). ~o.:;!()~ oSQ" 'e ; t46, )~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P S o 0 : 5 ~~(),Z~!\ ~e",~ r'.X)~ ~~~ (twriJ ~ ~Q~~ 6JgCro oOoC"rl.

    ~ ; : 6 J .C : t1:lJ rtf. ~ "d'S~ fI~16.t).cs-,~::J 6;5.)!botlJ~iS~~~a~C!JO~ 9~~ -5~~~,

    ~.~ro,~~ ~~ C ' . J e } ' q ) ; ; : S ft6ol)o S Y - - " ' - ~ 6 J - ; : S ~ 1 J 6VO~~ ~~~~..",.,._. . . . . . . .~~o ~t6 ~tb~ ~~s~ 'aQ~~~~v~@ o~ d o o l '? ' ~ m~Qt: tonP@f2e: i~ t ) ) g e o ~I\oa~&. S';~~l~O~(~H? ~al2i6 il!oS'6i:PLP'dOO~~~SDO~~t:t~;.j ~ ~e))~ :liD~o'id~oF\o~~. ~o~l~& ~o~6Q.e.:o8,.~~~5; ~~~B &~o ~A @!~- -~~ - -~'3,,~~ ~4O a r u e .u ~ ~ ~ ~ . o o ~~at" ,~1'S ~d~~o ~~~od@ ~ l S f I S l6o~~ ~~d5J~, ~~~~ rbo~~~egl ~ 1 .~~~oij~~I,;lK).J~' N:Jo.~cp~et~W:Qo.~ ~eiJ.V(20 gge-iF~~~Jg.e1 ~,@.,5DO~"eso .6 '~~ :;J~~8 .Jo.~~. t:)~~ ~()~~o L Q '~~& ~'~J ij$ G:J~ ~,o1 s.ao~'JiI~~t!"OJ ~~~d.dv., @~6~: tJ.~~rJ ;J.~~~~~' ,~~Bo~. eo~~o~ i l X > d b O ~ ~ ~~~5 &~O ~o~rl~6~~ @~6;;S~~ 8:18l\o~. a&~ ~~-""~. ~~~ eo.;:'o~ ~~! ~ r I ~O ~ffoM,. . . . . e : 5~ ~ (;$~ a~ru .::l:Jm,n.1)o oo~oi!l)_~,. ~~o ~!~~V~~~taw~g i fg)o t :1~ ~Og, ;j6~If{;o'"Ci;5~tD~ ;J~iSo~~$, ~g ~~~@-~~~ d5Ju~ i'b~ ~~Ol~~~ l~O~o~~.

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    The' fo,Uowing letter 'was $!ent, to IJni'ted NaUQ,ns Secrilr.lary-Gen e.rall Ban I!U~gon by a coal it:lo~ of fi've pressfreadorll o,rgaln Isati ens in cludi~l\gl '!ie IFJ on Mon day. Ma'roh 7. l it eaUs for UHI ~ntervent i :o l1 l in tJlheease ( > f miss illil9La n ita e New,s e a rto on lll:t a ln d co,llIl.IIm11st Pr.i lgeeth EknElb'goda~ w iho , d i s a,p 'p ea lie d 0 n Jlan~afY24, 2i1111~M a rch 7 . 201 '1Sec re ta ry" "Genera l Ban Kl-mconUn it ed N ia ti on s , Heaaqll Ja rt sFsNew Y O J i k , NY 10017Via fao sim i Ie : .ji.-~212 9 6 ; 3 , . . 2 1 , 5 5Dear Sec f8 ta ry -Ge lll er a,11 Ban :

    W ' e a rE wr il !l nS I to yo u l o u t o f' c on ce rn fo r P rag ee th Ekne lygoda, a ,S ri i Lank ,a 11coi lu nnni:st and c arto on is t fur l l ie ILaI i1QeNew$webs ite , w ho d is ,a ,p pe a r ,e d em Janua ry 2 '4 , 2010. S inoe l'1en, h is wife, Samenya l~k l nel lf 9oda , has been as kl n g theSri lanka iii g O I ! ; . E m n rnent fo r ~l1y i lnf(i rmat ion abo'U'~his fate. She' has been Qil\Is n t InO i nf o. rmaUon f rom ,any pe_l"SOfl i 'n thegov,emment E lkne lygoda"s disappeai l rance, and hls wife's. ef foRs on h ls b eh alf hay,8 been w ide ly r ,e .por to o in Sr1ilanka IIIand internatlonal media.As , a ooal i1l1un O 'f press w ,a ed orm a nd t a U i Iililan rig hts o rg :a nfutionsJ s ev e rs I of whom enjoy Econom i c and SOChilC ou nc n (E COSOC ) oonsul1at ive s tatus . WiUil th e U .N ." w e are we'm ,aware' that Ekne' lygoda's , d i s sppearance liSs ymptom a tic of a b ro ad er' mala i's e' in S ri L an k a in whi:ch med la wOrikers alia a fiEln v io t ims of re p r ss s lo n an d vtoji(gnce. Ourc on eems fo r his s afe ty are. w~1I founded . -

    . O n JanlJ9, iY 2 4, t~ e ,a n n~ v ,e rs a ry ofEk.ne{ lygo~'a; :s drsappea~.an~e . i his wife persoryal ly handed ?v,er,a ;Ie~~e~ddres .se~to YOIJ re q u : e . s 1 I n g assistance ' r om the IJlIlIted IN'atlo!ns 1,0 U ..~ . ResU1e lilt ,a n~ Hum? rum nan coordll1l.~aro. r IfhS~ I La.nk ,a~el l8uhne. T he I'ette.r c alle d o n IButililie arid 'you to encourage ~e go.vernmen t of Sn L anka to ex_pecUte.Investigations ~ntoE kllelygoda's ol isappe:81ran ee, W e ' a 1 $0 'Iilote 1hat IBuh n e ~s 'no ~nge r pos ted to ' th e Colombo of f ioo. and to the bes t o f ourk no wle dg e. h is sueeessor has In o t be en n am ed .

    SarndhyalEkr i le lygooa fee ls " as we d o, th at. g iv 1e : 1 1 the S r i L an ka n gover rumentl s f ; a i l ' l . J 1 I " e 'OI prnvide a ny re dre s s to he rfamity; he r on Iy recourse is to u rr 'ge~he U I. lN . to persuade ' t h e g~ovemrnen t to I I l j l i l O l V i d e detai ls ,of her husband's whereabOiu1sa nd c on du ct a Cfe,dible Inquiry into hu s d~8appearance. She feels j as we' d O ,1 ha tthe U .N . ha s an o bHgatr on to aiel g i ven it sr nence t e orpr lomot ing and defendingl human ngt l1s. She h as a s~ ed I J J S to O SClIY 1ha1:the s he hopes t i1e United Nat ions doesno t~o r&ake ,her and n e rs o n s in tn r,s m ome nto fn e e (t0111F@or ua ry 18 , o n ly after public pl ieULUr re~ d i d y01J1" o ffic e s ay' it had r e ce~ \i led he r lettel". u . . N., spokesman Mart inN ls i rk y t o ld a p re s s o o nfe re nm in New " io ( lk t 'h a t" raHe r i s , now be ing r -e . v i ewed_We l V . , , ! , asked fo r an tupdate. onthls, andwillIe't yo u k!now when W 'e Ihaw, itThe d isappearance of any jourmilist anlf'Nhe;re is , o f eeursa, am(r~er of concern , and no tj L I s t to 1 J 1 e 'secmtary..gen,~ra I.IIlFo r t r u ~ la s t 13 , months E:kinelv.g;oda and he r two,sons,. Sanjaya, 16 . a n d Harii'U'l l;,13." i haVl8 SOtJQ lh t J i n varn forililformatioll1abcru~ their husband a nd fa1 he r. They h~"Ve been met W i ' 1 t h IKafkaesque! silence f rom tile' Sr~ Lank a n

    govern. mefl~j th ~ pres.~dent',s, office, the. at tomey grene,~al 's ,office, me~bers o f President Mah_ind81Raja!Paksa'~ cabi rnet .n o e n n b e rn of ~ a ~ l~ a m e n 1 , t i l e country's Human Rights C O . 1 'i !f l !miss l on , 'flB InsPrector g,eneral of p o ~ tCe .and d own to tile ~owes tr teighborho.Cld- le.veJ po~ iGes ta t i on . Not o ne ' g ov e rn lr f 1 el i1t off ic ial at any I level lnas given Ekne~y,goda 's fa.lI1li~yon:e word o finrrmma1iol1 aboul twlnarl lnas happenet l to him. The f S J 1 1l; i l y lis c(r l11fAnced ~her,eis no ~ongef 'an act iiv e inVle s tig et jo n beitn gc ar rie d o ut,Eknelygud~'s ~isal?peafal l1~ atn~ the f E : 'i l u r e ,of ~he g;ovemment 't o ;con~ucl ,8 c . redib!e ~nvest i9!3~iol i1ilder~oo~ ~he,degre,g o f irnpJIJn11y Ull enmss aga llr ls .1 :~aurna liSts 1hat, ~6 a n too cemrrmn lin Sril L an k _ a . We, f'ft~he U.N. sheu Id l IJ1~rv,enecnns idiJnng its human r ights . mandate and the'giO' i l1EunmentofSr i l anka 's glar ing ~ailUll '\eto tak le action onthis i s sue .W. e n o te that i l i l h . i s t r,emar i~ s t o 'U!e.pre.~ onIFeb~.airy 1 a , N9s i~ky : sa id l tha t ~k .n8 tY9 :oda 's ~e :l it e~had a tcSobeenf o rwarded to tile O ffice o f 1ha High Commisstol'ller fur Humar t R~'gh t s .We ' have oo l:u ed ~h9h COmn11 '1 IS~; lonero r HumanRJights NaVii pm ay o n ttl is [email protected] reM er E knerygooa del l vEued t o Butun e oont a~ ned l ,a ll h e r o on~ac t f rrfonnaHorn. We hO ,pe t ha t: a re p r , es e rr t e i l h ! '1 9 I O f th eUn it ed Na tt on s V A r i I i eon tae t t U 9 1 r as soon as possible,.'W's! fh e mad ersi.gned ,orQlanhrntions. are p r 1 e p i i u , e d to ' ass is t '~he Uln i ted N atl o ns in pursuing 1il is case'.

    SililcererrV,Dr. IRoberl lR.u:ss,e., l ll E~9CU~i\ i 'e,D~reat:or~Gartoonilst-s, Rligh!ls INlalworn Inte,matiol l9111Joe I S~.on!, Execu t i ve Direct.oT! Corn m~t tee~oProtemJournal is ts,J'Qspell' H O J b e f Q l m Exeou~ive Director, ~l k t m a l io n a l l Med ia SupportJaa n . .( fra rneo~8 '. .J uni,illid! Se,cre1:ary Ge:r19ra ll, ~eflo~ers Wlif1iolJJtBorders

    Ja,Gq1ueline IPa li 'k , As ia -Pac f fi c IDirectoll"l ' Intemat"onaH Federa~i~1Il of JOl ima~is lsCC: High Oomm is s , ]o n e rfo n "Human IR~gil ts ,N a ' l li i pmayJ u lftg I Hwan L e e , S IiL a nk.8,desk . of f icer . U .N . Depal1me n rt of P'd l~t jcaI IAffa irs Unrred Nat ionsU.N . Wor t< i l1g Group1on IEnf

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    l!~~tf-. ~~ 1M 06 ~~i6 : o .& d S J f i ~ ~~on'"~.~ ~a f:!8PJo C. ~ , ~oJ sa~~~ ~ ~t{ti>lm~()~ @~~m W " I & ~..& m~~:J~~~~~~~ ~~~~;;$) 8tj~ O~~W ~tl ~!~i"i'ltil. e . . o e ~ ~itl) Do~ d~~'btb. &~b e . . . f l ~ ~d~~S~. ~m~ HJ ~~~~~ s~t)~ , ~~ l . :O~~ ~~ 3e~~~ ~~~x~e ~Ftb. tm9'~ [j~~~ ~~o~ ~~o~tb_ b~~ ~FJ~ r,pt!dNjQ ~.~ ~ o a r S :l~~ s~~ Ci3.0~~~coo . ( ! S ~ ~ s~ w:s~~~ ~ t(~.b,~i.Jt)) :na~~~ etef.;S, ~erol Poaoo~ . ~~! ~~i6 ~ e~ i S t i ~~~&!t! fl~~ [email protected]~ ~ ; ; ' } ~ e ~~Eta tt'~~~:J. ~~~ ~ ~P \~ o S a ~ ~ o~~~::J. ~J_ f )~~ ~n'I ~ :l~O1:~~~' b~~M!~ ~~OaQ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ Beo t ) - . .e ie i&~~~o ~.~!l~6~4 :');;SD:fJ~ o o.cS~ ~-~ . ~ ;tl~G~kle:rr : : J ' l e ~ ~ c o o ~ :J~ 1J()~IiFt. ~t)~ ~~:e..~~ sP~ .. ~. ~~9 -4, ~)-a Q&b-'~, a:>.5-2,; J :O~ . !S~Ol4e?~O""4 \~ e5- 5.~~ -2 . ~l-l. m~~ -.35~~--4. eS~-2 :Je~ ~~ ~!P~~~eJolgeSO-l" ~O~@lcS--l! ~~.~6-1" ~~~~=2. elt)D~~ ~ ~~~ ,~!~~~ ~~9iiS~ ~~oe. ~ s:~.'R lbo~~oa:?~ ;~~~ Ctllo~ooo ~~ aofrot@. ~~L:s ~o~~~ed ~~~. ~S .S l~ 'ij~rb ~~~ ;lLr;~~ ~~~~: . e ~ ~1! ~r'I~ C " e . 1 I ::J~l? ~""~R8 1 1 3 ' . .~~.g ~o~o ~~ .oeo~. ~ S J e 1 i ~~~ua~ :J~Il~~edD ~ ~ ~ ~~o~ l?t)cu~!d ~ @fjrJ~v~ ~eM~e~ ~~~ :iHlxi~~e ~i~6500w 0 9 ~ ~ r 3 ~c5~,~ :;,:a0iJ l '& . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ BlC j~ ~ ~ , 6~oJ~~#!i :t'be~ ~ffo~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ i~, ~8~5fi~ClDO f'Sloa. @ l~ ~~~6 i~~ .oob6~,~~~~. f!9~ ,~~f? ~e !f , '~1J~ f } D ~ e f : 5 f ' ~~ . ~ G : 5 o d ~ b to ~ e:o ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i"'t9' , o , m e a~~ S1~O~~!\ \\kh!:D~ ~;B ~~~ h~

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    ~e~C!h-JE; )~O~~ 0041 ~ ~ id5 J ~ ~ . edUi, ~a3"~~~Q inJ~o. ~,,~~tS:Ioe ~~~& tI$~~

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    " _ i006~~QO :-;~ , ~ . ~&eo.e:!l~~~. s.-s~ ~. t . s6C" '~ .d~eJl'eJJI, ~~~. C;:)ti~f:a! 6~. ~6f, i l a J r oa : e : oNt'Ci! lb~ @o llSD ~ e . . , ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ . ~ ;iO~t.l~~" ~~ ~ ~~~ one;!~e:;) (TQ~~~~~ ~ 6or'j!'C"~,~~,:)O ~~tl) n~~~ ~~VS~, ~ ~:j~,~ ~ ()~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ld :) ~~O. ~~~~ SU~~~ ~~~~~ ~~8 ~~Q" ~~oO i6ts.~ ;;:J ;~ ~, ~ ~rn!5

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    ~ P R E S S I N ' G F I O I R W A G E S IO A R D N 1 0 'T IF 'I 'C A T I IO N A N D M I E D I I A C O ' U N C ~ I l ,J 1 0 I U R N A L ~ S I T , S C A l .L F O R P iH ,A S IE D ' A C T i~ O N P L A I N F R O I M I 1 5 T H T ID 1 7 T I Hhe Nartian al A ll ianoe of J e uma Us'tsh i o n me-t in D eU 'n i last wee li t hasI I , e d IIJPQn its membe rs , affi~iarte8nd wei! wisllers to o rg ara ize pro t ssty in 'th e o ou n try N om M a rc h 1,5th torch 17th to press, for ,eariy nojifica-n of the We ge IBoe rd , to d em sn dm e n d m e n t to _ - t l le WO ' l"k in ~1JOli ~n~II"Act to brmg the ,ent l ra mediands r its P uN'iew an d to start theovement fur a IM~d i a Council tola ce th e PiI'"eiSS Cou neil,ha s furthe r p!le dge d s u p po rt to thego i ng program rnes 0 1 1 1 COm r n o nb , y ' the Gonfedera t [on of!:l'W spa pe ~ a III d News Ag E W 1 ' C Ypk~yees Organ~sati'ons an d touId greater un i l ly wirth the pressomkers m ave me nt le d by U'Ie AJllndi jawspil per Empl~o8es FederatiQnE ,F}. T he lmee t~ngwas 'fo ~:lo we dy jo i n t mee:ting of the 0 e ~ h i Preiss

    U n ity C en tre which has e ' l~ec teda , se tof office beialfelfSfo r ~he y'!ear 2011 to, spo~l l ight cornm on d em'and s an d tobr ing elUhical r ssues i ndue i n g pro 1e s=s lo nal is sue s 'to Ul e fore firon~,-Side by s l d e , th e De ll ~ i Union o fJou 1 i1 i1 i8J li s ts and t t l e' Press Un it y'Centre, h a s en dorsad tri8 AI NIEf pJanfor joint mass, demonstretlon befo re1 tie Ilabour minist ry on t li il e 22nd and apubl~cme~ting t r t ! , A p J i i ~ to c oinCHde wHh1!he AU Indla Newspa per Em ploYieesF ede~raIl iGn Ca 1 1 _A statement 'On behaif of thle NaUona l1A ll i ianoe of JOY rna~iists, th e Delh IIl In ion , o f Jou I r n a Ilsts and the PressUnity Centn9 has called IJ j con i t s .memb ers to observe wag:e beardnO'[uf icat ion day on Ma rcn 16ttllfo l lowed by b lack day ii m subseque n lda:ys em t l1ree, main demands" Wage

    [board Ci lo t if ica tjon~ a rre ars '[rom , 2 [ ) 0 8 " 1COrieS tituti'o n ,o i 1 M ' 9 d ~ a Co un cil byam,endmen l ' 1 \ 0 Press Counci l Act an dextend ing the Work l ing ,.lieun"H~l ismAct to th e e n t i r , E ; med r,a indu sUy ~oens ure fa i r er w ,ages , to jo urn alis ts a n dpress work.ers"The l N a t t c n u ~ 1 1A~Uan e e ' o f J ou rn elis tshas ats o tina Ii:s ed a detailoo ch arterfor a democratic. plura l ls t andscierrtfic media Gullure and a pmf,es-sianal l Iil~W i nmrma11 ion order. T tl lshas been endo rs ed b t y 1he De lh~U n lon of JOIJm a~lis ts . .T hE ! d eman d 'fo r a Med~a Deve lo p-ment Corporation to help sma I I ,andmed iuml neW$p8 pe rs and news,. age nc ls s to h alp them fh)we~ andbloom has also been made , An openIe f . it e 'r t o membe rs o f pan 1iame nt hasaln~adiy been issued.

    ~ ~ ~ & ~ ~ !rJ~ ~ ~~~o ~W$'l'OO~~~itl~~~ljriD;D~ ~~:!F~. ~~~8' ~ 5 " 'J .~ ~ ~~E:~., iJP~& . t J I I ~ H ~ 1 1 l :J~~~ ~o~~o~ 9~~ ~~eIJ~ : 5& ~on~ oo~o~ e1~ ~~~ ~~~~.e!?p ~R~5f'~~O ~BJ 28tiS~ef\~. ~~80~ ;ee.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~6~ ;S~~" ~'!d ~;fu~. ~ i5 J ~~ ~~~~;fu~~~"'"' ~E)~,~~~., [)~ ~dSID~ ~dD~tl~~ ~~~~ @Q~eJ~ ~rt ;:p.~rtW ~ ,~~~~ ~eo~~~.

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    S D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;}o,~~::iE ~~ ~~ ~~ '~~~ 4io~e ' ~ & _ g s~ l:tJ~& e:;~ru&o~bF

    ~o ~~ ~~~tF'~rl ~6JeoC'!tb. i : f o ? t ~ ~ru~ ~. a,~ ~ SO1 \ ) ~ ~~ ~ ! i . l ; 6 ~~~~,jfu~ i3~~, ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ 1605 e6~ :5 ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~e. .~ ~~~;6 ti~~Oarr~. .:J~ ~D aS~~~ ~ c1@ ~ .~~ ~~. ~ ~~ ~E~oe, ~~~! ~~~~Q5~~? ~~~ ~~ ~ob~~~o~~~_ fJ ~ i JOIi51i ' ~~6;fu~~~'.." ~~~. ..::_ (: "'-"4,~_ J

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    J I t . . - . 'M U i . . l ! 'L~~ 2 0 % ~ ~ 1 1 .7 ,3 'c V o (~!UJ)v;l~rdir;!l;k)f tJj/ ~I J~~{!Ji21)~, j~~~r,"",V~;~' ~.J~ ~b~~~jJbj,;~U~()!J~..~L .J/{ ~Lf- v ! . a ? ~ L~;;~,fJ~tJ'.J/v!"-.l~Lujij~ JLfj~'~k~~ul~~ UJ1?~hic;_ .J~r~;;u1/"!JI ,. 'P . r"1

    ~I . Ii,l L r~ , . . :>.~ . ~1V..lUj ...(.1-,.) lJI' J.v~V 1MU~,?~~~~-,~! f ~ ~ D ' Jt;;~d )tI, I l , . ) i . 1 . 1 J = - ' 1 ~ 1d t f'f-r...- " ' " ~ 1 J J!J....'J / ~~.J~p. ~ '.

    ~tJ f?~ ' ; ! 1 J . - . 1 -,(I:trJJ)I!u . . . . / ~ @.. t) l . r . ' /,~~uJ.ILt'~';Ju;1/',L~iJiLJ'kj ' . .Je-:;~v' t t ,J1J)J,j{~~Luii.u;'lVjHd,~~,)J~PJ . : t; , i J ; , ~ ; ~ .J;J? ~/;j _d'ir ~''v ~2Jjj'lJ~ J~-....J J J ~~v

    tf~'uizr ,rJrLf J,~{WiAJ ~JJ,j28L(~,~;! L)rdi .. n f l r ~ ~v J,I_?,!( t ,~,~ j~J ,~{~' l;(~~~!L J ! J)'~viJ 3

    to OL~t rlj~ '''' , L J ( r ~~ Juj I'L,;, l5 ;J/'Lf") JjJ / . I r ( , ~ Y I r Y - ;~ ~J ~~.JjJ ;: "lj~V 2 _ _ , t ..~ , ~ Jrf'~u," ~C ; ~ 1 . J 1t~ v_,)~.);f III l!l"

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    e '~f t J 'L~ Jj~/tJIJ~~j",~;,(;(vjt.f{rJ;f!J~u~I)/rJ(O{'Jtu }u!J . .1-~fI~"trL2 . . . L1)7U ~ , uyu j~jdt, S V ; - t . zU.Jj~t):r~\.~r~~u~J!{utJ.j'?~~;:/j(~~~Jl,U~-~LfJ1J f G ~,~L (~'Lf',L( . : r zJ~~_ z .Ijl~U' J 'J? ell ~ j.l ~ ,,; U J , ? ~ f j~J wr !U i : z . "d j . + f ' v t ! #~ ' lSJY:JvVLv .~. . . ~V~ : : v l l l r ' L , r , J i : ! u , ) p ~; ~ 1 L ,rV~i f~~r~r;u; 'J f{ . .P'"/Vt..~;C.:/JLv;!:tJv~A' w n J!L~() j ' , f ~Z U/U),1

    -J'J;:fV~Vlt'>PIi- I I I ! ! ! ! t ' ! '

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


    la'The International Federation ofotJfrl;i3Jlists ~IFJ) IS d ee ply c on ce rn edy conti n u i11 9 reports o f the ha ras smen tvliJh~mi~m!d9l,I iofil of jourll1alijs~ illDerntev lada dlstnot m ' ll ie ' Basler fE!gto.nChhat t i s .gam state in cen t ra l India .S in ce the a c U V ' e der.~HIof aC09SS t o thesite (If a der ve lo pin g s to ry le llT fy lastwhiah the' IIFJ noted wrltJ eon-c ern , s ourc es in Ch!1att i&gam havee\feale d that tt l er~ has be an ae cu en ce o f in C'id en ts , lil'llw hic h jollmall-see1kir lg to ltivel10 tn,e seene olaarmed encounter beM'eerwforces al1id M aOks. t ins tl lrg ;e .n tshave been b lodk~d and assaUl I ~ed,repo.rta-d Iy wilh the sane t lon 1 0 0 f thepollee,Following initl!8J1medi;a reports that aumbe r 01 homes ~nU re tribal vi l lage' 01armedla and it~ ,environs. ha d t 1 e e , 1 1azed by se.ourityforoes as repr isal foraMaQi st aH ac k on an Booed pa1toll, th e,a drn in is trn ti(ln in lJant.ewad~tuted a specia~ team to,det,ennil"LefaGts and distritltJit.e l I 'eliet suppl ies. .Bastar Irnpact ed iter Sure.sl l l Mahapatras accompanyi ng the team tol'armedla om M a rc h 2 5. when the teams intercepted en ~Ol!Jteby a gf10Uphat rep()lted~ included pcdfoe person-h e driver of on e . of 1tJe v e n l i clssrelief s lUpp l l :es IJC?he.d~sp l :acedmfl ie s was bea~ell !J p, ,gove rnmentin the team were comp81~~dtoback and one of th e teem"s earsdamaged ina 'ooUisi;on, see minglywilli ,a buck . The journalistS

    of t I h @ loca} worki I i L g jour:nali~ts' union,the Chhattisgam S hramJ ee vl P a tra ka rrS an g h , be cam e separated t rorn themedia group arid s-uffered a saverebeating. Azad SaXie.na or the ETV newsmannel ha d to, s . e e . k she l l ! r in a vi l lage' f O i l " severa IIhours ber9re returning hornernuch later. The windo~ o f th e c s r tt "t eil.his co~lea9.ye, cameraman .~rill~vas.was 1lravemng in, were shat te red . A .jO\.Jrnalist w n o h ad ccme across fromthe ne ig h b ou rin g sta l te of AndhraPrade'slh, Venu l Gopal, was alsoreported miss ing l for several hours,thcruglh he hlBS now fOlJlld his w.ay baokhome.~ Th e IIF .l e xte nd s it.eu ppor t to jQI !. lr f !la l~IStS, in Dant .ewad la d llS tn ct 8 1'1d 'the widerre-glion o .f Baste r in Chhat i t is gam S la te .81'Shey saek to co pe. with a $.iluationl o fescalating Y ioh~~ ll ce ." II FJ A s~a ,~Paci f icID il reotor JTaoqu e o ln e P ark sa id ,' "We a ~e encourag;ed b , y the d,isp'lay of'sOl id8 .r ity .bYJoUJmal~Sl :S w l " r l o on Ma~h21 organls@ a pro te st demens'ratlonin Ja9rda[~nJr . p~nc ipal town of theBasla~ reg ron,file. IF J calli; upon ~he localadmil inis. tJraa,U on in l[leJn 1ew ,8Jda d is 1r ic t and th eCh h;attisgalinl State GoverlllJme rtt to ,enS i!J i"e aeeou n fabi lit, fo r th~ mos trecent sequenoe 'o f v~oJef'Jt actionsagai n.st j ;oumel ists"IL W e c all upo n th.e lo cal a:d m ili"l'is tratio nto make an i examp1e of those ' bahllndthese attacks and estab~l ish a firm normt ha t v b o lL e n c e a g a J l1 S t joumalicsts will betin nily d ea lt 1With , Park said.

    were, al lowed to proceed, but wer,ereported Iy trailed by lpo llo e v eltric le s o ntih e +r r et ur n jo u rne y . Ian reaching the.district neadquar1i ts t own~ the j oumal-lste Ileamt of an arlF'8st warll'ant agaijnstthem fo 'r a lleged ly f,ammii' i lQI theirveh io le into. a truck.The - jo uma,1 isls we're spar e.d 'f l,lln he rharassment b y ~he ime'Nerntion of to pomci'als (l,f the civil admill~strati'On, lbuil l itiiG belteved that '~nedi$v~ct p'0ltce tnav,eregiste l 'e

  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


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    ~(~ d~i. f{o~ ~~~. ~~~oi.b::pa ~~~rb~W~ :J~~d5~t)~o:;~ ~trJ : ' l :SI) . e : !d . 1 > tg l t 'l ~ ~ ~ ~ lPOe~ ~lSJ ~i:P~ j~. G i5~~ t b a . d ! a e l05 0~ ~ ~ ~ ;;S d ~ !fu t J e ) :: O O : :l~"~:J!t.)~ Oso~ :aa"6:l f1t,.~ ~@ ~ o~d~o ;;S)l~ ~O$Xi~~ ~i;lfJ ~~~ d~~~o e s iD(3 ~ ;r j ~ . ~~oStltp~ ~~.~ 5 'lo@ lS ~ ~ s _ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~!n~~ ~Ot;~1! ~.j\:;S ~~ ! V G eO ~ O D _ ~ ~= .o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~O ~~O~ ~~ f:):~,ir:J"~~ ~ 5 6 , : ) . : : 5 . lo S l~ : JJ . aOL~LiSa 8 o S 5 & Q O s:J tUD~ el ~ ~ ~(i l_ ~. ~ ~ a . ~ ~ ) l;;'8~~o ~~\i ~ot5 ~ ;;)ll8i'o~_~tSi~.

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  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011


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  • 8/3/2019 wjss Apr 2011
