when they truned 16

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  • 8/2/2019 When They Truned 16




  • 8/2/2019 When They Truned 16


    The development, production and creation of this book was supported by

    Institute of Experiential Learning, Bangalore, India.

    Printed at Bangalore

    April 2012



  • 8/2/2019 When They Truned 16



    Once a very long time ago there was a family named The Munroes. They were brave,

    bold, valiant warriors and were always just in everything they did. Each family memberof the Munroes had a special power. It varied from each member-to-member. The

    Munroes had an enemy clan named The Surge. Many people had come forth to

    defeat them but had failed. They could kill only some of the Surge clan and not

    everyone. Somehow they managed to kill almost everyone but never the leader. Will

    there ever be someone who can defeat him forever, this was a question that haunted the

    Munroe family.

    It was just a typical school day. James and Amanda Munroe got up as usual, ate

    breakfast and were really excited for the day. James and Amanda lived in Michigan

    USA with their dad. James had short, brown, silky hair. He had blue eyes, a sharp nose

    and was little tall. Amanda had long, brown, silky hair. She had blue eyes and was little

    short. James and Amanda were twins. They were excited because it was their 16th

    birthday and could finally get their driving licenses.

    That evening for their birthday party they invited many friends of theirs and had a lot of

    fun. They danced to music, played video games and ate a lot of food and enjoyed. After

    the party got over they decided to open all the gifts given to them. First they opened the

    gift given by their dad. It had two swords and two battle armors. The twins were

    flabbergasted and did not understand why their dad had given them these and what were

    they suppose to use them for.

    Their mother had passed away due to cancer many

    years ago and since she knew that she wasnt going to

    survive, she wrote a letter to her kids for their 16th

    birthday and had left it with their dad. When theyfound this letter with the other exciting gifts, they were

    disappointed. So they did not read the letter and just

    kept it aside and opened the gifts given by their


    The next day they went to school as always. That day a boy called Luther had joined the

    school. He was very peculiar. Luther kept staring and murmuring things at James and

    Amanda. James and Amanda felt it was strange but chose to ignore him.

    The next day their father was cleaning the house. While he was cleaning he saw a pink

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    envelope. He took it and saw that it was the letter from their mother and it was not

    yet opened. He then called James and Amanda to come down stairs and open up the

    letter. Finally they did so.

    The letter said,

    Dear Amanda and James,

    I wish you a happy birthday. I need to tell you something that we have hid

    for a long time. Your ancestors had this enemy called the Surge, whom we could only

    defeat partly and there is still the powerful leader remaining of the Surge Clan. Your

    ancestors, the Munroes were really powerful and brave. From this day onwards

    please be careful. If anyone stares at you mysteriously that means your life is in

    danger and that he is going to kill you. Please go to your grandparents house

    immediately, there is a secret passage under the carpet in the living room. Go thereand hide. You have got to be strong and brave and should not be scared.

    Love Mom

    Just then Amanda and James realized that the new boy Luther had been staring at

    them at school! Grabbing their new driving licenses and keys they quickly drove to

    their Grandparents house. But before they could get to the underground passageLuther caught up with them. Luther got to know thatthey were in their grandparents

    house as he has the power to read peoples mind and could track people. He then

    turned into a magical creature. He had a baldhead, gigantic black wings and an arrow

    pointed tail. He threatened them to get him the powerful crystal ball which can

    control people mind and the key to unlock it from the Amazon. If they refuse to get

    him the ball and the key, Luther would kill them and their father.

    James and Amanda were thinking only about their lives and how not to get killed.

    They were not thinking about the other people who are going to get affected if they

    got the crystal ball to Luther.

    So they set off to the Amazon. They took a flight and landed into the green Amazon.

    In the Amazon it was dark and creepy and many leaves were falling on their heads.

    Many worms were there.

    The worms were crawling over their shoes and some of them even came up to theirnecks. They were very crawly, slithery and slimy things. In their journey suddenly

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    they saw a huge rock python standing right in front them. It was also blocking their

    way so they couldnt even run away. Then James had an idea. He told Amanda to go

    slowly behind the snake and hell distract it and told her to hit the python in the neck.

    Amanda went slowly behind the snake and hit it with the sword their father had

    gifted them. James also helped her after she did the first hit. They killed the Python

    and carried on with their journey with a sigh of relief.

    But there was a voice which was stuck in

    their mind saying Dont think only of

    yourselves, think about the other people out

    there. In the middle of their journey when

    they were very close in getting the crystal

    ball they saw that they had to cross over a

    river. They thought it was a piece of cakebut then the twins saw more carefully they

    got to know that they were ugly piranhas in

    the river. They looked around to see if there

    was something to help them and they saw a

    motor boat. James went near it and put it

    near the river and they both got into it. They started the boat and the blades of the

    motor just sliced the piranhas. After they finished crossing over the river and were

    about to get the crystal ball a tribe was guarding it. The tribal people were dark incolor and pointed a sharp spear that had a green tip at James and Amanda. The green

    tip was nothing but poison. If the tribal people had stabbed them then in one second

    they would have died. They pointed it more toward the twins faces and they covered

    their faces with their palms faced backwards.

    Unexpectedly James saw a small spark coming out of his hands. James saw it first

    and knew that they had powers. They took his hand back and saw the spark growing

    and growing and became a plasma ball. He separated his hands a little bit from eachother and the plasma ball grew more and more. James with all his force threw it at

    the tribal people and they died. Amanda instead of creating a plasma ball made a

    fireball. Soon James was shooting plasma ball out of his hand and Amanda was

    shooting fireballs out of her hand. Then they realized they could create any magical

    power out of their hands.

    They finally reached out for the crystal ball and the key and got it safely. James took

    the crystal ball and gave the key to Amanda. But Amanda wanted to carry the crystal

    ball because she thought she was more responsible. But James did not give it to her.

    So they had a big fight and were throwing water balls at each other. Then they just

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    started to ignore each other. They got out the Amazon safely and took a flight back to

    Michigan. Their dad was eager to know what happened but they related their entire

    adventure to him.

    The next morning they saw Luther outside their window and he told them to come to

    their school with the key and the crystal ball. Finally James and Amanda got to their

    senses and thought that if they ignore each other no one is going to get benefited. So

    while eating breakfast they came up with a plan. James with Amanda drove to the

    school and found Luther waiting in the front gate. Just when they were about to give

    the key and the crystal ball they both just ran away with the things. They ran and ran

    and they reached a forest. Luther had wings so he just easily caught up with them and

    again asked pulling out his sword, but still they refused. Slowly Luther went next to

    James pointing the sword. James and Amanda pulled out their swords given by their

    dad. So it was two against one. First Luther attacked James but James ducked then

    Amanda went behind and tried to stab him but he turned back at the right time and

    blocked her from doing so. James from behind

    tried to hit him in the leg but he jumped up

    high. When he landed Amanda stabbed him

    right at the middle but he seemed unharmed.

    Both Amanda and James were very surprised.

    They did not know how else to destroy and kill


    Far in the distance Amanda saw a golden

    flower and leaf shining to the sunlight. She

    thought that the flower and the leaf would help to kill Luther. So she ran towards it.

    James seeing what she did just believed in his sister that she is doing the right thing

    just kept fighting with Luther by throwing plasma balls at him and James enjoyed the

    most of it. Amanda took the flower and leaf and squeezed it to the tip of her sword

    and a liquid came out. With the liquid on the tip of her sword she went back where

    James was shooting plasma balls at Luther and with all her might just stabbed Luther

    and alas the leader if The Surge was killed.

    They went back home and narrated the entire story to their dad and also that they had

    a great experience. He was very proud at James and Amanda for defeating Luther the

    leader and told them that their mother would be too. From that day on they had

    victory on their side and had many adventures.


  • 8/2/2019 When They Truned 16











  • 8/2/2019 When They Truned 16


    Price: 40/- INR

    For ages 9+










