welcome to ethority extensions introduction and guide commitment management financial centers 1

Welcome to eThority eXtensions Introduction and Guide Commitment Management Financial Centers 1

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Page 1: Welcome to eThority eXtensions Introduction and Guide Commitment Management Financial Centers 1

Welcome to eThority

eXtensions Introduction and Guide

Commitment ManagementFinancial Centers


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eThority places the power of data analysis into the hands of management. Through the use of our new and progressive user interface, eThority enables first time users to engage in productive analysis and information mining.

eThority allows users to quickly and easily manipulate their core data sets into meaningful structures for reporting, graphing and distribution.

eThority was designed from the ground up to deliver value immediately upon implementation. eThority stands as a benchmark for ease of use and power in enterprise reporting needs.

What is eThority?


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eThority Desktop


There are two distinct areas within eThority:

Report Libraries and eXtensions


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eThority Desktop

Allows you to make full use of the information resources of your organization.

You can go from raw data to polished output within minutes.

Rapid page navigation tools allow you to browse thousands of data pages, containing millions of rows, with the simple glide of a mouse

You can create reporting jobs and schedule their distribution via your enterprise e-mail service or within eThority’s notification system.

Integrated security and compliance let you restrict access and set expiration periods for reporting jobs.


For more on Report Libraries see the eThority Orientation and Training Guide


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eThority eXtensions

Financial Centers eXtension The Grid offers a bird’s eye view on the financial

health of an account. Financial Centers allow users to extend the detail of an account by reviewing life-to-date financial history, assigning personnel to the account, tracking alternate financial periods (especially helpful with grants), integrating off record commitments and encumbrances.

Commitment Management eXtension Track off-ledger commitments and encumbrances

with the Commitment Management eXtension. CM allows the user to incorporate those off-GL commitments during their intra- year reporting for a more accurate view of day-to-day financial positions. CM integrates seamlessly with the Financial Centers eXtension to provide the ‘big picture’.


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Commitment Management

Navigating CommitmentsAdding a CommitmentPlanned Sources / Planned TargetsApplying Transactions


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Navigating Commitments

Click the Commitment Management eXtension to open the View screen.

Click on an Entity in the left hand grid to see the corresponding Commitment information on the right.


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Navigating Commitments

Use the toolbar on the upper right to:





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Adding a Commitment

Click the Add button on the toolbar at the top of the form to add a new commitment.


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Adding a Commitment

Answer the following questions about the commitment by selecting from the dropdown options:

Is this long or short term commitment?

Is this a commitment to spend money or receive income?

Is the recipient a vendor, employee or other?

Click the ellipsis next to Recipient field to select name from a list based on Recipient Type.

When the Recipient Type is Other, the Recipient field is manually entered.


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Adding a Commitment

The Short Description is a required field. Enter a Long Description when more information regarding the commitment is desired.

In the Org Stamp, click on the appropriate organizational node for the commitment. The Org Stamp determines who has access to this data. Only org nodes within the current user’s rights are displayed.

Click the ellipsis next to Person Resp to select the person responsible for this commitment.

From the Apply Type dropdown, select the types of transactions that will be tracked on the commitment – expense, revenue or both.


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Adding a Commitment

Check Enforce Start/End Dates to require any transaction that is applied to the commitment to have a date that falls within the Begin Date and End Date of the commitment installment.

Check Enforce Correct Center/Acct to require any transaction that is applied to the commitment to be funded by the Center and/or Acct specified on the Planned Sources/Planned Targets tab.

Check Inactive to inactivate this commitment. An inactive commitment will not show up in Financial Centers.


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Adding a Commitment

Type the amount in the Committed field.

To add the commitment amount, click the Add Commit button in

the lower left hand corner.

To add another installment, click the Add Commit button again to add a new line.

The dates will automatically populate based on the prior date and date range.


NOTE: A single commitment may not have multiple commitment periods with overlapping dates.

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Adding a CommitmentThe Commitments grid will vary slightly depending on the Apply Type selected.

Revenue Only

Expense Only

Expense and Revenue


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Planned Sources / Planned Targets

When viewing the Financial Center eXtension, all commitments with a planned source or target are displayed in the Commitments bucket of the grid and effect the available balance.

Selecting a planned source or planned target allows the user to specify which financial center will be effected by the commitment.

The Source center reflects the commitment as a positive value – money is promised to be spent from this center – reducing the available balance.

The Target center reflects the commitment as a negative value – money is promised to be received into this center – increasing the available balance.


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Adding a Planned Source or Target

Click Add Source/Target for listing of Financial Source Centers.

Click on any column header to sort the selection box values in that column. Begin typing to find a specific value, highlight the

value and click OK.

Click the Planned Sources or the Planned Targets button.


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Adding a Planned Source or Target

A commitment may also be assigned a planned account object. Click the Account Object dropdown to select the appropriate account object.

Note: It is not required to select an account object.

The amount entered in the Percent field for each center will determine how much of this commitment will affect the available balance in the Financial Centers eXtension. 

(Commitment Balance Due * Pct)

To remove a planned source or target, highlight the line and click the Remove Source or Remove Target button.


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Adding Notes

Click the Notes button to add additional information regarding this commitment.

Click the Date Stamp button to insert the user name and current date/time to the note.


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Applying Transactions

To apply a transaction to the commitment, highlight the installment line in the

Commitments grid and click the View Applied Transactions button or simply

double click the line.

Click the Add Transaction(s) button to pick from a list of transactions.

Click the Remove Transaction(s) button to un-apply a transaction.


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Applying Transactions

Click the box next to the transaction to be applied.

Click the Select All button to select all transactions or the Select None to deselect all transactions.

Click the OK button to apply the selected transactions.


Limiting the number of transactions to be applied:

If a planned source and/or target has been selected and the Enforce Correct Center/Acct is checked then the transactions are limited to those of the center(s) and/or accounts selected.

If Enforce Start/End Dates is checked then transactions are limited to those within the date range of the Commitment period selected.

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Applying Transactions

If the Apply Type is Expense and Revenue, then the Applied Transactions box is split. This allows the user to track both sides in a dual entry accounting system.

The Financial Centers eXtension will reflect the Balance Due of the Commitment as follows:

Expense Only:  Committed - Applied Expenses = Balance Due

Revenue Only:  Committed - Applied Revenue = Balance Due

Expense and Revenue:  Committed - Applied Expenses = Balance Due


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Financial Centers

Navigating Financial CentersThe Grid


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Navigating Financial Centers

Click the Financial Centers eXtension

Click on a Center in the left hand grid to see the corresponding Financial information on the right.


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The GridWithin the date range specified of the From and To fields above the grid:

Income – reflects the actual activity to all income object codes.

Transfers In - actual activity to revenue accounts classified as Transfers In.

A.R. – all activity to accounts receivable accounts.

Payroll – actual activity to expense accounts classified as Payroll.

Non-Payroll – actual activity to expense accounts classified as general expense.

Transfers Out – actual activity to expense accounts classified as transfer out accounts.

Encumbrances – encumbered activity to all accounts classified as expense both payroll and non-payroll.

Balance Fwd - the balance of all actual activity prior to the From & To range.

Commitments – total from the Commitment Management eXtension less the applied amount.

Avail Balance – Balance Fwd plus Income less Expenses plus or minus Commitments.